NOTHING SPECIAL JUST OUR REGULAR PRICES Choice Hrenkfnst Bacon, icr lb Kiclc Condensed Ctctiin, wr can .... fwi. jKickaRW Nuts Two cms rioiiwi .'i ".- Two packages Shieddcd Wheat Biscuit. . . 5C 5C Two cans rioiiwi ihh.i v.ii" 25c luckimcs Shieddcd Wheat Biscuit jc One hox 1 500 Matches . 5c Choice Moohu and Java Coffee, icr lb 25c EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION COUCH &, CO. CELEBRATED A CATTARAUGUS I 1 CUTLERY! 1 Every Knife of (his brand is warranted to bp perfect in ma terial and workman ship. Sec them. ti. ttmt received from the fnctorv In Cnttnniittma. U II'1 w J " J -" New York, a very fine Hue of these celebrated goods and those who have used them realize that there ore none bet ter. The higher-priced knives arc beauties, and the lower priced jxissess the same excellent cutting qualities. The steel in these knives is simply perfection. Come see them. Heath & Milligan Paints the best ever. Not Cheap In Price but Cheap to Use. POTTER &, GOOLD, Tim Hahdwak Mit.v. Holbrook Block,' St. Johns ------------ WRITING TABLETS Our Stationery is the Best We can huv and our stock is complete in all lines. We have tab- t let alt and many qualities of paiier. We can .suit you in stationery. Pens, ink, etc. ELLIOTT'S PHARMACY 1 The Edward Holman Undertaking Company : Funeral Directors and Embalmers Molcm Ambulance TaUphon 607 220-222 Third St Corner Salmon, Itily Aiualfttnnl PORTLAND, Oregon - "-THE I St. Johns Pharmacy i i i i i i Is doing more business than was ever anticipated WHY IS IT? EvcrvtllillO' iioiv anil froeti ami an (nnrmniit VJirlelv. Bon-Bons and Cigars, while you wait for the A car in our store. - a OSCAR DeVAU L, M. D I Second thoughts have built a last- a ft a 1 . 1 log ana proniaoie savings account OScc hour, v to 11 . tu j to j p. w, Pkose, Scwt ,,04. 'nUnctrhoaM'nIoiiifai. OUt la lolmUy l-mrk Drug Slort. House For Sale Six rooms and bath. Half cash, "lance at 7 per cent. Point View. EDWARD COLE FAULK O. P. MERRILL for many a man. A hole in the ground, or a green and gold stcck certificate for worthless shares in some over-promoted company, is poor consolation to those whose cap it I has been saved dollar by dollar WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST Faulk & Merrill i Hay, Grain, Flour Ground Feed, N. Oils ui Mf Maitritk Phone East 713 ultrmlt B..k -, - urtiin CLUB HALL APARTMENTS Sait It? rooms divWed into own o( two to four rooms, also rmo?0'wWa University, near iM,.1 SU nd Boufevanl. -wuhed or UnfurnUhed for HOUSEKEEPING A Ui Rnnklcr " Ranklne bv Mail " now ready. A postal will bring it to you. Write for It. OREGON SAVINGS BANK Sixth and Morrison Streets. PORTLAND h. O. Ralston, President. W. Cooper Morris, Cashier. S. L. Hayes, Asst. Cashier. Tklepiionk Main 16. A. SCOTT, Pres. Phone BLACK 32 li. W. CROSHV, Sec'y. Portland Jobbing Co. PhiaMag, OufMUH StMisfHtlaf, Roof OuttK Etc At Reasonable Rate. Stoves, Furnace and Tinware Repaired. Quick Service. All Work Guaran teed. N 7 N Fifth St CorAakwiy PORTLAND, OREOON Mrs. J. 1). Nmli i recovering (iut n .iiraincii atiKlc It. lril is Imllilltti n line resilience in Unlcrity Patk for iiU own (xviiuncy. Mr. Grove W jimt rrct)rritii! fntin n severe illncs. Dr. I). O. W'vlntrr auciuieii Iter. Mr. KrMlcy lia Imllt n fine rcsltlcncc put Whiw Mi l'.attin.iti's cotv Ixttne on I'Uk Mrcct. I 1 . it inrtuisou tv tutic Hate nilikil anotlier pminur to their sliop in University Park j. 11. iciiipie. Hurry Riiml, wKenml Uiliy, tom ther mm juiiiiK N.iciiaiiti, nave leu lor wj'mni at .Newport. .Mrs. ileiidcr bin Ikcii vlsitlnij her kiii wile, who lias been ill nt St. julum, i is euiivau'M.'ciu now. Mrs. llenstcin, of Vatulerbllt nvenue, and her two sisters are home ngaln niter eiijovniK ween s visit at Seaside. liss l'ay (Jihlw, from Colorado, Is vlsitimj her mother, Mrs. Oilihs, and iier auiu, .iirs. i,ee (.ommuns, 011 .McKenttii avenue. Mrs. M. Wright, Mrs. llclle Nash, and Mrs. Miller and family are visiting In Douglas county, but intend returning to univcrsiiy I'nrK, Mr. ilollister and wlfi li-fi .Mniiitnv for Miniieatwlls, their old home, but they Intend returning to University litre nicy nave properly. Mis. Morrell has vacated the house 011 Druid street and has moved her fuiiillv to Lents (having moved bought property there) and is located permanently. Dr. ilia Allen, who was formerly n resident in University Park, lias returned to her home In Potest Grove, after 11 pleasant visit to her friends and tit the talr. Garrett Lyons is visltliur his brother. Sherman Lyons, and his wife, of Univer sity Park. He likes the Park so far, but intends to see it thoroughly before going home. U. R. Oshcll and I. Oshell. who have been visiting their sister, Mrs. S. J. Gray, returned home Friday to Rosebud, Pennsylvania. They greatly admired the fair. Miss HIl'l-s ami her friend. Miss Polisoll. two voilliL' ladles fnnn Kutikjt City, tire visiting their cousin, j. D. Nash. They like the tilace vcrv much and will return later. Mrs. Dr. Vanscov. formerly a resident of University Park, now of Kugcnc, Is visiting her sister, Miss Fasttunii, on Fisk street. Miss Hastuiau has a nice and nourishing chicken much. Mr. William lhintinu and family, who have been visiting hlsslster. Mrs. Stevens. of iHj6 Fisk street, relumed home Inst Wednesday by way of Canada. He thinks University Park a remarkably nrettv pincc. Miss I.itzic Milnsky, n resident of Pendleton, uild her old friend, Mrs. M. 11 ....... i. ......... ........ .. 11. .1 i.i. tubulin, ui iunmui mini, 11 ll) IllK Ylitll last week. She is taking lit Seattle, the llcach nud the fair. She will return to liuixx't tile Park. Mrs. G. A. Harrison, from Kansas. Is visiting her daughter mid grandchild, Mrs. It. Coleman, on Portsmouth avenue. She is so much pleased with the whole environs that she cxi)ects to make her home among us. .Mrs. M. !. Stevens, of 1H16 Fisk street, is rejoicing over the birth of her third grandchild. Her daughter, Mrs PORTSMOUTH and UNIVERSITY Our Local Grist Gregory, who mid her 11 5-months' visit lust year Is tlie nappy mother ot a line son. hue looks lor them 011 a visit shortly. Mrs. F. wolfram, from Sun Francisco. who has sjicnt nearly all her time at the fair, where Mr. Wolfram has an exhibit 11 the agricultural building, returned ionic Thursday, She thinks Portland ti fine city and takes away kind memories of the jieoplc she has met. Young Herltert Witteu, who was nccl- Icntally shot near Trout Utkc Sundays was buried Tucduy at 9 o'clock 11. 111., in J.ovc cemetery, t-oiiimnm aiougu, from the home of his parents on Ports mouth avenue, Ilelng un only son makes his death lurticularly utid much syuiitliy is felt for his parents. His age was fifteen year. Hmnia. the little daughter of Mr. nud Mrs. J. D. Nash, celebrated her eighth lirtlulay annlvcrwiry luot week I ucMiay. Her uuests were Gruce uud Nellie Fill. llcryl Wilson, Fruucis Puiiieaud Fleuuor Ackermun. There was an abundance of ice creum and watermelons, uud Mrs. Nash hud picked a big basket of fine peaches off her orchard ut St. Johns for them to enjoy. was on Some More Stuff T A. J. Tccllug, of the Heights, the sick list this week. Mrs. Rider and Mrs. llelcher have moved into the Fluley hoiuc on John BUVCl. Rev. P.. A. Leonard will preach at the Haptist services in the Advcutist church Sunday morning. II. S. Hoover and wife, of Cambridge, Idaho, are visiting Mrs, Rutherford, ut ... if..!..!... Mrs. Jennie Davidson, of Oswego, was m Inhm on Wed ne&riav to visit her aunt, Mrs. W. H. llelcher. Lost, A purse containing a deposit on First Nutioua! Dank, Portland, of fly), . ... ir iM...lnl.t C Review. Mrs. Addie Vuffs, of Kugcnc, and Mrs. Dean, of Grants Pass, were in St. Johns this week, iruestsof Mrs. C.J. Anderbon, of Point View, Arkie and Rex Anderson left last .A.t..i. frtv n1m. tvliprf. tllpv will mu... , ....... - - - - spend a few weeks viritiug their aunts, . . 1 . . ii irs, iieien v.un aim jii. v.. n, iw, W. M. Macy and wife, and his son, A. ln. ami funiHi all fmtn Havlnn. are camping back of the Fvangelical church. They will remain for a w hile and attend the fair. lioni. to Mr. and Mrs. D. S. South- uiayde, Wednesday, August 16, a daughter. And so we grow. He says tlmt the worst 01 11 is uiai nc win uuvc no more help hanging paper. It is rumored that there will be a large hotel and a large store erected in North St. Johns in the very near future. It begins to look as if some one had faith in tue big nuns siarung very soon. Elmer Poouett recently disposed of his half interest in the St. Johns Rcaltv rvt........, i I If Panrii'tit. of Portland. Although Mr. Canright lives in Portland now Ue expecw 10 tnaite ni. joiiih i home in the near future. r'nmr. ltalrrrnnil Mrs. Rowena liaker. mother of Frank Baker, started for their 1.1 In fliilc Dliin. last Wednes- utu hum. ... J ' I r - dav. where they will make their future home. iir. waser win kiuic a wiuu the county Ueasurer's omce. On Thurwlay evening, September I, ii..ti1 V!ililr tilan to viva a benefit lor Mrs. York, a woman in needy circumstances. Mrs. York lias several children dependent upon ner earnings . anil lifts Ifltpltr lrfen &a prostrated by illness as to prevent her WOrXIDg. 1 Ue JWjrai ciuvuia uuu.u be aided in this enterprise. in Mrs. Ilertlm OImmi, of Halms iiii ing her mint, Mrs. J. II. lwlwm George Carhnrt, of IVHnt Vuw. 1 building a latge ivsidenov n the li- uU vanl. J. W. Tallm.n left Iwt iilglit f-r IfllMOU, On'gOll, tO IK? N1H4MU .1 IIW w rek. N. II. Suitter. who has Iwrn ill for tin lvit few diivs, is again out. (tvlitig iiiuili iietter. Ilorn. Friday. August it, to Mr ami Mr. I,. l. Homier, a daughter. And vi we grow. A daughter was born to Mr. uud Mn. Clairv Hyde Tuesday, Augu.l 15. And so we grow. Mrs. James Pioleoris, of Albiuu. s)ent Thur-dav with Mrs. George Catlmrt, ol 1'oint View. Miss Hthel lUlhitityne. of Dallas Oregon, was guest last Friday of Mrs. U. A. Rice. Mrs. Rohtig and daughter, Peiirl, of I'iiioii, tiregou, were visitor at . Rnser's last Friday. H. Vandermere lately sold a lot for R Currier to W. T. Wawkins. The price was four hundred dollars. 1). II. Creuo and wife came from St. Paul to attend the funeral of Mr. Crego's mother, .Mrs. Mary Reduer. Mrs. Rlchter, daughter of J, II. Pond, has moved into N. Sherwood' house in ht. Johns Heights. Dr. I. P. Friell. who has been nine Using at Keuuett, California, is visiting nt the home ol li. II. rurkcr. Mis Ida Pease, who lives in St. Johns Heights, expects to leave for Iroutdnle very soon to attend the camp meeting. Mm. Prince, who occupies the Arthur Spencer home nt Point lew, is enter taining her brother, who has arrived from Kansas. Charles Kuykenilall and wife from North Yamhill. Oregon, are visiting with Mr. Simmons and family a few days this week. Will Stockton, uncle of I'd I.. Stock ton, was iu St. Johns last Tuesday. Mr. Stockton has lately moved from Greeley, Colorado, to Portland. Mrs. W. T. Raviuer, worthy matron of the Hastern Star of Little Roek, Ar kansas, mid Muter of W. II. P.vaus, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Kvmis. Young Herbert Whllten, who was killed near Tioutilale last Sunday, was insured iu one of the old-line comptuic for about 120, He was 1111 only sou. Mrs. M. F. Mark, of the Heights, is cxH.'Ctiug her brother ami family, from Ogdeu, to visit her very mmhi, Mrs. iiiik'K lias not seen her brother lorhiteeii years. Rev.J. W. Stockton arrived from Oak land, Oregon, Tuesday morclug.nud will stay with his family at their lesldetice Iu North St. Johns tor 11 couple of weeks. He will take iu the fair. II. Simmons ami family started 011 Tuesday for their old home Iu Manlou, Michigan, where thuv will make their future home. Mr. Simmons I 11 farmer uud will live 011 his much. Sylvester Seheller, who eaiiie here from Oregon City, is living iu 11 tent iu Point View, till he eau build his new house, lie is at present building 11 house for George Carhart In Point View. J. L. Wheeler, of Portland, is building a residence for Sam Downey, deputy sheriff of Multnomah county, on the the projicrty lately purchased from Thomas Higgins iu North St. Johns, W. C. Wright ami wife, of F.inery, South Dakota, me visiting Mr. Wright's biother, D. A. Wright'. ill' is looking over the country, collecting to locate, and is very well pleased with St. Johns. George Campliug'h wife and daughter, Stella, arrived from Green Hay, Wiscon sin, lately, nud will make their home iu St. Johns. Mr. Campling, who came here last October, is a lathing contractor. The Portland Marine Hand put out some fine dance music last Sunday at the Ceilnr Park pivlllli mil 1111 orderly croud enjoyed it, Ray Until uud another St. Johns lad aided with the baud work. In another column may be found an announcement of 11 markctl-ilown Mile of millinery, ladles' underwear and hosiery ut the St. Johns Millinery Parlors. Mrs. Rogers is conducting an lionest sale ami is u woman who impresses her (Mtioiik with her candor, Del more Wiley, of Grand Junction, Colorado, was guest of Mrs, W. G. Chirk oil Saturday last: uud oil Monday she entertained Mrs. W. II. Wharton and daughter, nud Robert Sinclair, all of the same city as well asJdiss (lowers, of Fugene, Oregon, A reference last week by nil occasional corresouileut wherein was mentioned "Hasy Street Castle" was merely an in sinuation that it was 11 residence iioii 11 street occupied by those in easy circum stances. There was no intentional affront made or intended. Uv.Miiviir ft (V llrlt't'it. nf I .lll'i'llltltl. Pftlnr.iilii. firriiitilLinltil liv Mr. llrli'L'n -i - 1 - j ...... r r t uud u half doen little mayors uud mayoresses, was 111 mis cuy u lew initiiiti' Inst Suiiuliiv. Tilt ik'irtv 1111 ill a hurry us it had 11 date with "the old man" to push him Into church iu Port-laud, I. U'. Tliomns uud wife, of Oswil'o. rw....,i- IiU dm K. Tiiniii.'is mill uik of Portland Mrs. li P. CUy, daughter of J, W. Thomas, from Arlington; David Hears, wife uud daughter, ami iK-iuu-r Wylee, of Grand Junction, Colorudo, were visitor ut the home of C, W. Aruett Suiuluy, INSURANCE! RENTS! REAL ESTATE! r. MUSIC N EVERY HOM L 8 The Piano and the Pianola-piano at the House of Eilers . p n " ,A 1 . I . ' sr r ' r 8 13 1 1 !! 'I'll FJfWSC:".M - j 1 . - Till: Pianola is so universally known that nothing we could say here would add to its popularity and prestige. If you have a Piano and not a Pianola, you are not jicttinj the full enjoyment that the posses sion of a j;ood piano implies If you have no musical instru ment in your home, net a Pianola-Piano that every mem ber of the family can play. PIANOLAS COST $250 & $300 PRICES OF PIANOLA-PIANOS RANGE FROM $500 TO $1,000 Both instruments purchasable on mod erate monthly installments. Send us your name and address and we will forward you handsomely illustrated circulars and booklets. A Pine Piano and Pianola for $415 WRITE US FOR PARTICULARS EILERS PIANO HOUSE I I SOLE NORTHWEST AGENTS 351 Washington, Cor. Park Street, Portland, Oregon L Large stores also San Francisco, Stockton and Oakland (California), Spokane, Walla Walla and Seattle (Wash.), Hoise and Lcwistou (Idaho), Salem and Astoria (Oregon i '"J A fEW Of OUR BARGAINS One-half hlock iu heart of city f JJ50, One of the hest huv in St. Jonus. Two lots over-IooUinx Iloulevard 50. Two ucres and fraction, 7-rooin Iioum., ham, fruit tree; in heart of St. Johns One lot, choicely located, 63 1-3x135 fay- House uud lot, St. Johns l'ark 850. Terms. AND MANY OTHERS II mI in, leaie word al SI. Johns Grocery St. JOHNS TRUST CO. OVER ST. JOHNS dtOCERY ST. JOHNS, OREGON Dissolution Notice. Notice l herehv Kivcii that the firm of . C. Allen anil T. H. Aiidcrxoii, iIoIiik hmduen under the name of the Itonlou lUkcrv, iu St. John, Oreeou, i dissolved hv mutual rollout. T. K, AuderMiii will continue the limine' under the title of AmlcrxuitS: Co., and all hills arc iyalile to the new firm. J. C. AI.I.HN, f. U. A.MII1HSO.V. Dated: St. Johns, Oregon, AiiKiist id, Hoinls Turned Down. , The Chicago firm of Iniycrs 1ms turned down the municipal bonds of St. Johns uimhi the uroiitnl, urineipally, that the money to be derived fiom liouds was not to lie devoted to public utilities. t It is yet possible to communicate with one other firm who made an offer for the purchase of these bonds; but it is a question if it, too, would not turn down the proiKi- hition without examination owiuk to the lciiiMh ot tune that has elapsed since the bids were ojencd. The hrm would doubtless lear some chicanery. 1 Funeral Tuesday. I The funeral of Mrs. Mary Kedner, who died at the home of lierdnunh- ter. Miss Hell Kedner, last Saturday afternoon, took place Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Kedner was born iu New York state, nud came to Oregon about two years ao. She has been living iu ht. Johns lor two months. Death resulted from a general break inn down of her system, she being seventy-four years old. She was taken to l'ortlaud to be Purled. She leaves four sons and two daughters. Still Improving. On Wednesday N. A. Gee com menced moving the house where M. S. Rowland is living. Alexander Forles, of Kureka, California, who purchased the projierty will imme diately start tlie erection of a two story business building on the lot. The lower part will le used for store rooms and the upstairs will likely le a large hall to be used for lodge meetings. Mr. Porlies states that he is not fully decided whether he will have office rooms or a hall on tlie upper floor but presumes it will lie a hall. George Packing ham, who owns the Home Ilakery, is the contractor. MILLINERY SAL AT PROFIT-KILLING PRICES Millinery, Underwear, Hosiery All Going at Very Low Prices Commencing Saturday, August 19 And continuing all of the following week until everything iu stock is sold. Low prices, everything goes Prices range from 5c to $4.00 COME AND EXAMINE GOODS AND SET PRICES St. Johns Millinery Store Jersey and Baltimore Streets mr T -W -W -W -W -W -W -W -W -W -W T -W -W -w EDMONDSON CO., i t Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing t Tin Roofs, Clutters, etc. Phone Scott -1065 ST. JOHNS, Or