St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 11, 1905, Image 2

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I'ubii.hfd rrldr
Subscription rsli, 11.00 ptr rur In dnte,
A'iif rtlnlnt rates, f 1.00 per Inch per month.
Alt dMlilnt bills pirsll. Ant of etch
mill for Jab
All communication should lie ddreud to
Tho EstUw, Bt. Johns, Oregon.
TIIK Kitviitw lit entered nt iioU office
In Saint Johiu, Oregon, ns ttinil twitter
of the second clnvi tinder the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
t'rlntlnr eieeuted In flrit-eUu tjrl.
I'rlntlnc cash on dellfsrx.
Oflcttl Kewipiptr of tb Oily of Bt Joint.
Phono Soott 0090.
.AUGUST 11, 1905
MUCH enre is used by Tint Kil
Vlitw to verify everything it prints
mid few who rend .some trifling
paragraph realize how much labor
is consumed in securing it. Kven
in spite of nil cure that may he used
tlierc will occur errors, or even pre
mature announcements calculated
to create worry and hother.
lfor instance, last week there was
n little five-line local anent the con
(eniplatcd sale of the plant belong
ing to the J. V. Cone Lumber
VOR several years a man has
been making a fine living by forg
inir postofficc money orders. His
plan was to buy a small order at
some obscure office an order
amounting to 25c or a trifle more.
I)y this means he obtained a genuine
order with all blanks projK-rly filled.
With chwMiiicals he would then re
move the writing of the amount
and substitute a sum close to $100,
and, making a small purchase at
some large store after the money
order department was closed, he
would sectire about $90 in change
in each Instance. It is believed he
has secured many thousand dollars
in this manner. Last week he was
caught in Chicago and n long term
of imprisonment doubtless awaits
HUT for assistance from com
jKiting railways in large railway
centers the ticket scaler would
have long ago gone out of business.
Scalpers work with some one mil
way that is anxious to get corn
field Open Meeting.
The United Artisans held -an
open meeting in Hickner's hall last
'luesday nitzht, at which oyer a
hundred members and friends were
The program was as follows:
opening address of welcome, Mrs.
hlla Watt; piano solo, Mrs. Thomp
son; vocal duet, the Misses Perkins;
address, Supreme Master Artisan
II. S. Hudson; euphonium solo,
Mr. Martin, accompanied by Miss
Winnie Olmsted; address, Dr.
Kshleman; piano solo, Miss Merle
Olmsted; readipg, Mrs. Klla Watt,
assisted by Mr. Martin; piano duct,
Mrs. Stewart and Miss Thorn;
piano duct, the Misses Olmstcad.
Dr. Olmstcad, the Supreme
Master Ivxumiiier, then gave a short
history of the United Artisans. He
said that few coplc know that the
order is strictly of Oregon origin.
It was started in Portland ten years
ago with a hundred members and
now there are over ten thousand
members, who nre scattered nil
over the United States. He says
that it is the wealthiest order in the
country, and is founded on such a
solid basis that if not another mem
ber was enrolled, it could pay all
the insurance policies that are now,
out. He expects that within it year
bt. Johns will have a membership
of two hundred, and if every mem-
Our Local Grist
Company. It was rumored that a direct from the railway office
netitivc business "leiritimatelv."
1 . . ; .
They frequently supply new tickets l,cr u:crc 10 swept out i exist
Kale had taken place and that the
new proprietor was about to take
the management. Anxious to verify
or dispute the alleged assertion Tint
RitVIKW scut one of its reporters to
nee Mr. Cone, who gave all desired
(private department; to tlie con
sumer who .seeks to secure n ticket
nl less than regular rates.
Portland, however, has turned
over n new leaf and lias actually
driven the scaljcr out of business.
information in his pleasing manner Just what railway officials will do
but suggested that it would bc
just us well to say but very little
about the matter.
In transmitting this information
to Tint Kuvijtw there was n mis
understanding mid a brief item tip-jK-arcd.
All details were suppressed
ami merely n uun-tio.cii lines up-
to get the best of the other fellow is
not yet prophesied.
ODD, isn't it, that the govern-
euce in one night, the Order would
be able to pay every cent of insur
ance it would owe.
The plan is when n member is
enrolled he deposits six dollars
reserve fund; that is put out nt
comH)Uiid iuteiest and at the cud
of thirty-three years it paws back
to the Order the thousand dollars
belonging to the beneficiary.
Dr. Olmsted belongs to fifteen
orders, but declares that the Ar
tisan is the best mid surest as nu
insurance order but there are
others ns good fraternally.
After the program, refreshments
weie served.
A. M. McHachreti.of Astoria, is visit
ing J, It. Anson.
-1 "If you can't, he n hell-cow fall In
hchlnd" and push along St. Johns.
J. II. Shields has hcen handling some
real estate In the vicinity of Vancouver
this week.
W. M. Nicholson, of Slcciioti, Wash
Ingtoti, is visiting with I.ce fortune, of
the Star meat twirled.
fi. I). Swan, of Salt Lake, is visiting
his hrother, Rnos Swan. Mr. Swan
caks highly of St. Johns.
The first kiln of hrick from the new
machine was fired Saturday. The out
come Is anxiously awaited.
Mrs. Ida Thompson, of Hammond,
Oregon, was the guest of her brother, L.
G. Mngoon, the latter jxirt of the week.
Captain I,. C. Kclley, of Tucson,
Arizona, is guest for a -.hurt time of Dr.
h. M. Hetiscl. Mr. Kellcy is hrother of
Mrs. lleiiscl.
G. I'. Power, of Amity, Oregon, has
purchased one acre from Mr. Print, in
Point View, through V. II. King. Mr.
Powers will locate here.
A flagpole that weighs 1800 on the
ground weighs three tons when partially
lifted, nttd just before It gets "way tip"
is guilty of nbout five tons.
S. Schcltcr Is building n tcsideucc on
Richmond street for 1, Dillenbnck. It is
opposite the home of Charles Palmer and
is being ruplilly completed.
J..R. Wcitner either alrcadv has or Is
nbout to put on a little dray business in
St. Johns. He believes there will be
work enough to keep all busy.
George Simmons Is the proud possessor
of 11 leatn of buy hordes tital he bought
last Tuesday in Vancouver. They weigh
36H0 pounds without the harness.
l.oti Ilallnntvue. sou of
Freight Delay Prices
Here is a line of Goods that came along with , an gjJS"'1
that should have arrived the middle of June, lliej Jcu
forty days later. 'Now we are compel ed to make
a price that will move them in n few dnj s.
Boys' Hats ! Hammocks ! Rugs! Rugs!
Several dozen Hoys These are very fine ! Several Rugs were
Hats. Just the thing 1 ,,00(S( ana. voti must included in-this lot of
for the boys to run I , cint c goods, and if you have
around with. i scc 111 ' ..,. Ilse for t,vthhiE
1 .!.!;ti. i""' - "
2c me" iiiums,.
Regular price
Special price
Regular price
Our special
toe Regular price
5c , Our special
in this line, you should
St. 25 not fail to call. Only
.80 n few left.
St. Johns Grocery Co.,
General Merchants, St. John, Oregon.
S. H.
Offices Room 9, nrccdet,
lug, comer Third and VaM.
streets, Portland. " a,1,lngton
i '"Johtn-
-Goodrich & Goodrich,
Saint Johns and
Lawrence M. Hcncr-i tfi
Office on Tcikcv sirr-M u
more limine, opposite St. John 1
and Door Co. Phone iot?
Soniellilng About the Water.
meiit can conduct n lottery every
little while and advertise the same
in all the iicw.spaers In the country,
Jteated but just enough to cause yet, if n private individual advertise While waiting for the new pump
Mr. Cone some bother wh eh was through the mails nnv lottery of "'' nymimo, wliicli was ordered
n matter of regret to Tint Uitvntw. nnv sort he commits a neiiltentlnrv !,omi? 0,,r ,',ont!,s B should
r- - - - - 0
It was uiidcislood that only the, offense. Just why the government
details were to be suppressed mid should run an awful wicked lottery
not the whole nITair: and this was and a private individual may not
done. conduct even a gift enterprise is
Theie Is no intention ii'mjii the what causes some eople to wonder.
liai I of tills ti'iiwr In ninL"i mtu. I --
... -
minister hnvliii; charee of one of the St.
Johns churches, was In town l'riday,
guest 01 tltc family of George A. HIcc.
P. M. Shaddock, recently with George
Hall, is now running n barber shop nt
the carlNirns. He is doing n good busi
ness although but recently opened up,
That chamber Ht at the St. Johns
llawir Is 11 dandy und only je a chance.
The gold brick f.til has come to
All Ordinance lo Impose and Regu
late 11001150', and Provide for
the Manner of Issuing the
The City of St. Johns does ordain as
.Suction 1 That no H.rson, linn, com
pany or eorjortitlon shall be engaged in,
timui!titt or earrv on nnv trade, business
former or profession within the limits of the
City of St. Johns, for which n license
may He required uy tins uriiiiiaiK-e, uiun
he or they shall have obtained it license
as herein provided.
Suction i. That every eron, firm,
compiuy or corjionilloii reuircl by nny
ortlinance to obtain n license to engage
in nny tm le, business or profession for
which n license is roittired sliull pay to
the City TniisuaT the sum or sums re-
end. A returned miner in Portland had quired by ordinance to be ptld therefor,
city With the receipt ot tlie city i reusurer
statements or to mention partly
made deals in n prcmntutc matter:
liecausu much harm may come from
KACII issue of the Oregon
Ilooster Is nu excellent one for Ore-
so doing. 1 lie better plan Is, when gon ijnd that paper is doing much
n deal Is on foot, to let Tint to bring u y portions of the state
RilviKW know of it in advance of pioininencc. Sometimes it Is
rumors and then all publication argued that it only touches iimu
can be held awaiting completion cities und towns where It is paid
nuil 110 plan be harmed. for the woik but what of it? A
If any preiitalute publications do miicr must have support and the
have Imjcii here soon after , the St.
Johns Water Company has teni-
pornrily installed n large pump, of
the lotary style nuil a dynamo.
1 lie pump, when power enoiiL'h can
be furnished, throws thirty thous
and gallons erhour, but at present
1 lie rortiatitl consolidated Couipanv
. r
cauiiot itiiiusii power cunugii wiille
the cars
incuts nre
IIU S.IU1II flU f liWk I kl'k
' The tank into wliich the water Is ,1l:U!v"lli,!!'',,,:,'l,'L (S.'.Al1.6
pUllllK.ll holds fifty thousand gallons Springs, California, Is with his family
euotigii 10 last me city 01 M. "ere iur unci vni itum. i neir nomc Is
his Dockets nicked this week and ihcrchv
lost n line gold brick worth nlwut f roo.
C. Illiiinan has recently Imtiroved
his "Chicago Hoomlng Hoiik-" Uy the
addition of n nice pi.iM, He has other
win: lidded to the pntcrty in fact, he
is nil the time busy.
Not content with holdinir ui miIimims
nttd private cltircus, I'ortland thugs nrr
now miming sircct car conductor. The
robbers merely uy "fare, plene," mid
refuse to ring tip receipts,
The week of .September . Is lo be
Colonido week nt the Portland fair, mi
fciys Covernor M'Doii.ild, of that Mule.
11 1 expected mat the state
will make n great showing.
Mrs. K. II. Rrnv. who lint Iwen rrl,l.
I tig at Ihiurite, Oregon, has moved to
Suction 8. Astrologers, soothsayers
und fortune teller shall piy n licence fee
of one dollar per day or ten dollars per
Suction 9, Auctioneers shall jwy a
quarterly license of ten dollars or two
dollar jr nay or nigiti. I'.vcry person
shall be deemed nu auctioneer within
tlie meaning of this ordinance whose
bulnc!.4 it is to olTer property for sale nt
public outcry: PKoviinm, that this
Section shall not npnly to n nubile officer
in the itUchnrgc of his duty.
SUCTION 10. Hawkers snail pay 11
license of two dollars .t day. Kach nttd
every lHirson who shall offer for sale
from 11 stand or wtiuon. upon any street,
public or open ground within the limits
of the City of St, Julius, shall be deemed
a iiawkcr tinner 1111s opttuance, nun
whenever more than one person shall
sell or offer to. fell from the saute stand
or wagon each of such ersons slnll be
required to take out tlie license Herein
provided lor.
Suction 11. Howling alleys 11ml
Ical or general n
ministered if desired.
I'rccdmait lllock,
ORRCoj 1
st. -oh,,; i
. t
PhyilcUn and Surt.M
Office liottrt; 9 to U n. a. j
I). m. Residence lli,..,e...-Vl iJ
Ollice Phone Union 6091 ai
over Hlllotfs drug Tore. ffict! '
T. T.
Office: Cochran
to iHJstoflice.
Saint Johns
lllock, next door j I
Office In Cochran bock.
Office hours, 9 n. to 6
St. Johns,
I1.B1.1 I '
iviy license i
lug to the number of alleys and billiard
which receipt rhall set forth the kind of lldll.ird tables shall pi
uuslliess lor which license is iiesireu; ne
or they shall npply to the City Recorder
who iliall Issue 11 IIcciim: to the ptrty or
ptrtics applying in accordance with the
receipt ol the Treasurer tioii compliance
liy tlie iipilicaut witit tuu provituits 01
all ordinance relating 10 oiHuiiuug
license for the lnilnis, tmde, or pro
feMlou for wliich such license Is desired
me ruiiuiug and arrange- St. Johns Heights, where she Is now
e to be made with lln rw,,,)t w her Inisbind. They con-
Harm to anyone nut Kitvmw cer
tainly icgrets it.
PORTLAND lawyers were given
a taste of "playing the prisoner in
the box" last week, nud a large
uuiuliei' weie placed under arrest
because they hud not paid their
occujiation tax. The municipal
judge was Hist iineMcd 011 the
cliaige: he paid his tax, final 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
lnlMrer is worthy of his hire The
Ilooster is all right ami dtas much
KHV. Charles M. Sheldon, who
wrote "In Ills Step." mid run n
ucwsp.iKr once as he thought the
Diety desiutl it run, tefused to
setik nt the fair grounds last Sun
day because the Tinll was oitcii.
He sjtoke, however, in two Portland
mlf mill...! ilit..,. 1 ..,t..-1i,,trl .1...- .1. ...... . ..
siiiv-iiiiii iviiiuciies: yet nu me saloons, dives
dollars uscosts then paid the whole nud hmtlud
mix in tinier to cunte n piecetleut.
After that fiery attorney aiiVKtcd
hail to put up the same amount.
liven Attorney Orceiie, city at
torney of St. Johns, who has an
oflicu iu Poitlaud. had to .submit to
the Indignity and all "kvauso he
rorgot." Iu rebuking him the
judge said:
"Mr. Oreenc, in order to give
color to this business It Is of no use
for you to look black. I consider
you u white nun although at this
time you feel blue. We are doing
this matter up brown. Your fine is
the same as the balance."
Mr. Citeeue turned red thou
cashed iu.
''Consistency, thou nrt a jewel."
THIS week we print ordinance
51 which tells all aluuit the liccusas
for vuiions lines of businavs. It
win pay every of the city to
clip out this ordinance nud paste it
where it may easily be found as
this is an itn-toitnut matter.
Sl'RP bathing nt Seaside and
Ixwtiug around Poitlaud ate two
things best enjoyed by letting some
Johns for ubout twulve or fifteen
hours. I he new leservoir, which
holds 350,0.10 gallons, is connected
with fiie plugs only, nud is for use
in case of fire below the hill.
A second well, .seventy feet deep.
has lately been completed and either
11 or me nrst wen can liirnislt
enough water to fill the capacity of
me new pump.
I he Company exKcts to continue
laying new water mains ns they are
needed ami is making every effort
to supply ht. Johns with nil the
.....1.1 1 i.i.r... . ... .
K"si, Mii., imiiiiiiiu wilier mill is
Analyses made by those high in
authority have shown that the
water is of the highuM order ol
purity nud excellence.
pi... t
11s; new iniuiii unit (milium IS
ex'Kfctcd to Ik here the first of next
montii ami wlieu it arrives the two
pumps will be used.
Wife and .Mother Dead.
After a painful illness following
UK nut n 01 Her IhiIk some two
months ngo, Mrs. I W. Suitter
died at nu early hour Monday
uioriiiug, August 7. leaviiur a bus-
baud, eight children, a father mid a
sister to mom 11 her untimely de
on (riMiam strret In this cltv. Mr.
Isenhath will mkiii return to his work,
l'mnk Windle. who was foriuerlv mil
of thcowiiiTs of the Slur Misit Market,
came home Tuesday from Vnenlt. Wash.
Ingtoti, white hit lias been visiting
relative. He exixcts to rilurii a mhiii
ui he attends to witue btulucs matter-i.
I). N. Wllllltlll? Illli Mild III lllltllK I,...-
nud will take his family to Tacotua nud
mx If the change Ill Uiiefit her. The
imrcnuM-r 1 i. 11. i.., Liiou u ui.m
engaged 011 the river, but who Is iinxious
10 nave 11 Home lira mid otiit iMylng
Potter & O.xild rouiii out Ihl sirV
With lilt ltd (lIxMIt ihelr 1I110
of piKket knives. Tlieso ure of the
Cattaraugus manufactute and claim is
made they are absolutely iwrfi-ct in
Morkmanthlp ,iud material. Their stock
I large.
C, II, Camito. better known ns "ll. n
the ferryman," was taken quite kick last
aiuniuy. und was confined to lilt l,wl
most of the dav. Dr. lionet
and nl llrt thought It was 11 case of
typhoid fewr. but the pallent nosm
Satunlav ewiiniL'. nt the I'liii,-,! Minn.
gellosil pjron.iKc. Key. IJ. IJ. MeVicker
U'lloruusl the weddini eereinoiis
twwn Juts-ph Vanlluvcl and Mlu Agno
Rickanl. Sir V.inlUvel has been Uurd
ing nt the home of the bride's i.iter.
.sirs. 1 nomas NcImii,
pi... .....n.. 1.. . ..
1 iiv iiiiiiny eiuiie iu ni. joiins me
latter patt of last year ftoin North
I'.ikotti, nuil nave made iiianv
f....,.l. SI.... t... .
iiiwnun ueii.-. .sun. Dinner, W IIOSC"
maiden name was Mary I. liinmer-
N. Sherwood, who. mull r.r,tllt.
Iied at St. l.din Ilctirlits. win irmiil,'
i....t .... . "
"'"""i 'ii ih i.inu near warren uy an
angry boar. Hi was knocked down by
the fenH'ious brute, and rvri-lv.-.l C!...
cuts, four of wlmh were quite deep. He
fuiutesl (miu low ,-f blood and Is now
confined to his bed.
IIY asserting that he was under
twelve a thirti-vn ycar-old of
Coirax, Washington, went into the
fair the other day for a ijuarter.
i.aieron tne boy's mind coinineuceil
to work and he realized that he hail
committed a wrong: that by being
slick he had saved a tpiaiter ami
last his own self-tespeet. At once
he sent the money due the fair to
A A. Pauold. with his wife mid son,
son, was n direct descendant of the r.. " .. ' ' '.. ' '" .V,rK' Vc v,"-
other fellow do 'cm. Unless one Mayflower Pilgrims, and was born b&hcV. C. v l",uer. They wiiT"iiit
cat lies life-pte.servers and knows Mneity. Maine, March 27, 1S07. the exjsstttoii und rariou joints of
how to swim either one is n iniL-hlv lu '88 s,,e """ N. Suitter iu 1 in,xw vcinity of St. John, and
daugiui i s'sSeu.10 whom -she ,,as w?; z&s
tlcncral Couipson III,
Coiuitig to St. Johns vesterdav
General H. 1J. Couipson, whose
othee is (uS Maripiaui builditig,
Portland, relaxed iu nu unconscious
condition from non-action of the
heart. He was ut once taken to
the St. Johns hospital where he
was attended liy
Dr. lknstl. A
few hours later he was sufficiently
.Secretary Reed. accoiniMMcsl by an r XCUM 10 ,c,ur" "ouuv
explanatory letter. And Mr. Rml
scut him in icturn a pretty gift.
hucli instances as this seldom
happen in ical life, if they did thcie
would le a greater demand upon
me man service. Ami there would
le more honest men to do an honest
business iu this "honest old world of
IIf that apple had bevu u fine
Oregon plum it's silk shitt-waists
to figleaves that live would never
have passed the fruit up to Adam.
As it was merely a sour pippin
Adam got it in the neck,
Itcttvr Uo.
The Moslem Woodmen are to
lutveu fine entertainment this even
ing in their hull. Members of the
Pollard Ojicra Couiiuny will be
the fcatuie cf the performance
giving typical .songs, dances, und
the latest hits of the day. Prices
will Ik ioc, isc. and a sc.
Sully and gently 011 Tuesday
afternoon were the funeral rites said
over the tannins of a beautiful
character, Mrs. Mary Suitter. The
iniiiiiiii nun an vuiiiiiig in ui me
door und an autumn breere vied
with each other iu whisocrinir com.
fort to the fumily of the dejKartesl.
Nature, seemed to haunonie with
the iHMceful ceremonies connected
with the departure of n jvaceful
life. Rev. K. li. McYicker con.
.1.. .. 1 ..... . . . . . .
siin.iesiiiie- Miupte services, some
lKautiful liyuins were suni!. and n
large nuinlKT of jKHiple returned to
meir uoiues Sitddcuesl by the .spec
tacle of eight motherless children.
..... ..1. . ..1 1... ... ... .
,ss.i viieviwi uy mc niciuory ot tier
consccratesl life mid a hoje of re
union "in a land where death
comes jio more forever,"
The Trull at the J.ewt and I'lirl-
cxpo.ition u ihis lieiug coverssl with u
cain-u. roof for u entire length ulong
that put of U which extends over the
uikr. 1111s is me main section of ,i,i.ii iu uo I umttcretl lhiiivp.,;....i..
Trail. The roof will offord motection which belong to vr are under tin- nxutrJt
fiom the ktiti and make the frail more .u,'y pcrton, company or con)ration
ixipiiinr linn ewr. Thi i Mid to tw the
biggest cauai toofing job ever under,
Suction 3. That in every IIcciim; to
be taken out tinder or by virtue of this
ordinance, tihnlt be contained and id
forth the tHirt-ov (or which ouch llccute
Is granted, und the name and pUcn of
uixxic 01 tlie (lerMin or icroni taking
out the -June, und Mid IIcciim; Iinll
ntilhoriie thecoutiiitiaucuof the busliiesn
named therein, ut the nlucc named
therein for the term of inch IIcciim.; but
uliiill not nuthoritc the carrying 011 of
s.ild business in nny other place uiiloi
the place licensed be c!ocd; nud iu taich
ease the City Kcconlcridiull U notliicil
of the change nud he tdiall note the tame
lu the register of license. If by 11
Kddler kiicIi license ihall utate whether
uuthoricvd to travel on foot, or with one,
two or more; the time for
which Mid license it to run, nud the date
or tune of cram 111: Mich liceiiM.iiud uuv
K.ion exercising or carrying on such
trade, biislnew or profession, or doing
any net for which 11 license is rviulrcil,
hall, 011 demand of any City ollicer at
in piace 01 niisincss, produce men
ticciiK, nud unless he lull do w may Ih
taken und deemed to have uo license,
And lu case nny peildler liall refuse to
produce hi or her license when de
manded by nny City officer, wid officer
may m-lte the animal, wauon mid con
tents, or pick, bundle or basket of any
petwiu m refusing nud hold the name
until the license Is tiroducetl, und a(tr
thirty day If no license I prodtietsl,
may ptoceed to tell the Mine nt public
miction to the highul bidder for cash,
after posting notice for ten duy in
three tmblic ilaceuiid turn the nrocml.
of ucfi wlv over to the City Treasurer.
Suction' ., Tlwt ill every ense where
more uiun one ol the termitt. cmtilov
ment or iK-cuiMtioiu for which u license
i reipureii 11.111 1 punnieil or carried
011 In tlie Mine place by the Mine jeriou
or pernoit ut the Mute time, license must
be taken out for each, according to the
rate ievcrally prvciibcd.
' tl'.VUTI!KI.V I.lCliSSK,
SKcTlo.v 5. All license. ImuwI us
iiuurterly license shall expire the Ia,t
ii.iv 01 wen ipianer. vu; tlilrty-firit day
of Jluich; thirtieth day of June; thirtieth
day of September; thirty-first day of
December. And nil license li.dl be
dated utid run from the first dm of 11,..
month hi which the liability therefor
useiueii, aim itaii ik? issued Upon the
I I ' ...' 'l.'-fl null U mc
nuuic uuiouiu 01 me nuty or license iut
?hCTio,v 0, I He owner or keeper of
ssnj iwi usvii or to le used fur the
) 1 i i' t , lMW,,K". gooiu or
..s.KiH iiviu piace 10 piace witliln the
limit ol the Oily of St. John (or used a
. icnry in-row wie Willamette river with
miiuiiik in MUl i,uyj kJuU juy
iiuaneriy license ot nitv nnimn ..,,.1.
boat propelled by oars, and two dollar
and tifty cent for each launch or other
uwu l,ul"-"i uy steam, electricity,
gasoline or other generated power. All
tulileit belonging to or Used in the build
lug or place of bttsincM to be licensed.
When not exceeding one alley or one
tame tlie Keetier 01 Midi 11 iiotise snail
piy 11 i-tiartcrly license of five dollar
Aim wlieu exceeding one alley or one
table nil additional Mini of one iu
The lc.t Jlrcnd, Cake mid fir. .
lu the world. Olvc u n trl.l.
I'hoiie Scot 3101
Saint Joints . . . i)fMM
one dollar for CarpClUcr & DolboW
Siilnt Johns
ihc!i additional alley or
mace or alley vv'iere oowls
billiard itlavxsl, mid onencd to the
IKtblir with or without price, shall be
regarded 11 11 howling alley or billiard I
room respecuveiy under tin ordinance.
SIIOOriNIl OA 1.1.11111 its.
Suction' ij. Slimttiiig galleries shall
pay 11 quarterly license ot live dollars.
Uvery place or building where gun or
pistol tire kept for shooting at target,
whether for lure or not. shnll be deemed
a shooting gallery under this ordinance.
SUCTION 1 a. When a eharcu (for 11
single iidmUsioii to any pirt of tlie house
including 11 teserveil sent) of fifty cent or
When 11 charge lfor 11 ninglc ndmlssloii
to nny uirt of the huuso liii-liicllni- n
ierveil MNitlof le than fifty tvuls Is
iii inr, Ninie 10 oc raietl u second ClilM.
v lien eriortnauce tire given every
iiiein ior 11 less rate tlmu ul-ove. .imt to
Ik rateil 11 third Pioprletor or Saint Johns
iimiuneni 01 uivsiivrs snail pay license ns
1'or theater of find cla, forty dollsni
l-i ii.ii(i-r.
I'or thiMters of secoiul cln, twenty
five dollar ivr iiuarter.
11... .1. . .. '1 .... . ...
. ui kiivicmui uiini ciai, one noiiur
per uuy,
.Shction ; i..-'eddler shall lc clu.
sirieo nun ralMl u follows: When
traveling vvuii more than two mil
uai, ine nrst class; when travel-
ini; Wil l two animal, i u. k...l
u. i)'.K'" '"vclliig with one iinlmal,
tlie tlilrs! clas; und when traveling 011
foot, the fourth class. Peddlers oi 1 the
first clas Kiwii pay CCK. 0f one
llllliureil 110 1,1 r tier llllllrli-r or I...
dollar per week the second claw shall
anil P.
incnt Workers. K.ilnnir. i.
and sntUfaction giiarnntced. Rtfa
locdllo-of this piper. 755 Wsys
hiiidstr ct, University Park. PhoBt.
L'lilou 6717. ' '
' will I 1
J. S. CAIN, Proprietor. '
Meals by the day or week. Hoard;
tier week, J.oo,
Cochnin lllock
Jersey Stint
House Mover
Mouse moved,
lulled. Odd job
rromiit service, resoiiablcclurw .
Ivauhoe nud Cutlln utrvct. ' 2
anJ Rrpslrw
raised and re
of nil klrnk..
Chlcaco Roomlni IIoum. ,
Rood rooms from li a week up.
Corner Chicagoniid Ivanhoc itrtttt
I Saint Johns
Clothing clcancl, pressed asl
mendeil with care ami promptness.
Ladies' clothes a specialty. (
Old Postofficc lluilding
Saint John . . OrtfM
lv a quarterly license of seveuty-five Ui W.
I 1 w r
week; nud s?ldlcrs of the fourth class
Columbia Houlcvurd ami
Ceutnl ;
Lecture 011 Palestine.
Key. Calvin 1 Ilawley. uccntlv
nrttiructl from a trip through the
ulil,.," 1.- !. ''1. ."'I . "."""
.1 ... "", uc 'uniisiieii by
the thief of police on payment of license
as herein provided.
I'KoviDKii: That no license shall be
issued to n minor, nor shall a miuor be
permitted to manage or control a boat
for which license has beeu iiued
lRoviK H'rtuuk: That no ferry
shall be licenjctl, esiablished or main,
tallied with a lauding place nearer than
live blocks, .trwii or ,,,.J ... .,
were served, und all .Invi.t.l I l,,,, .a .1. .. . l"e
nbliMime iiun aeiuai oiKratioti,
The regular busltici meeting of the
Hviingelical Young People's Society, the
iv. v.. i... wus neid at the Home of W. l
Johuson last l-mlay night. After the
regular buitnes wn tranMctevl, the
CVCllitli: was Sivnt .Klallv willi i.i,.,..
, J
.mn ouier amusements. Lemonade and
Messrs. Pierce and lliokaw, two fair
visitors from I.o Angeles, were guest of
J. II. Crook the latter part of the week.
The former is an art decorator while the
laitcr-uauicd is n canviiter. lloth were
pleased with St. Johns aud remarked
sTivim,eiy ujkmi tne lirogress being
made and the omvmumtici which
ajuurent almut the place.
mrrv of fkkkv kuhpkr.
Skctiov if...... ,
a license to keep a ferry shall provide
and keep m good and complete repair
... uwai, ur ooaw lor the safe
1'irst class work nud clean hot toweUte
jwtnins. Hair cutting a J
snecialtv. 1
Agents or W est Coast Laundry,
Jercy atrcet
House For
shall piy two dollars ami fifty cents tier I'hotic Union 38
ek, -seven dollars uud fifty ccnU lcr RhIi f0i,n.
lllOlllli. or ilti-en
and all t,uch ltcen shall date f rum the
p muV Barber Shof
without charge, whenever It shall apticar'
to the Mtisfaction of Hi.. i.-.!.i.i..-
u.1,1 eiiv in., . r"''m''
, -vj uwv, uy reason 01 UIC
liability of the ajiplicatit to ixrfonn
111c puime interest will be ub.
sene.1 thereby, which iK-nuit sliull -.tate
the reason for giviug the saute; and any
person who hall give u false reason for
... h.HuwuK 01 ucii jiennlt shall be Kui 01 a misdemeanor uud
s.1!?.", .""ynow thereof before the
....iii.iiMi .ourt ni tLO.i (-11.. o.
Johns hall be fined not les than ten und
..w .u(w llMi, uveiiiy.nve dollars.
..j j-vrsoiu. excejit jktsoiis Mdllui
L-wsnaoer. 1 il.- ii',j!,.i.i "?
ur!1- n,.',er! 0r M'l'i'ig the prod!
wares mere nd eoro ,
ajtraveling from plaectoplace in theCitv" t 1 nmAnn !
teAt,LL5"J"'' " I W. A. STORR
SKcnrio.v i.-That if any jwrbou or
.rsoiis exercise or earrv o .,., .,.i
uusinos or nrofio,. .1 . .'
the .-v,r..i.; ' .V. ur
winch tirade," Wi.,r,re3) a
liceuse miu red hv 'VT ".' a
Six rooms nud bath.
balance at 7 per cent.
1 :
St.JsW ,
Point vww.
convcvancc of all terous and property
and sliall keep a -.ufficicnt immber I
discreet and skillful men to attend in
mauage the same, and khall ..K'.iiiii. .
attent .111 ir. ... vs
. una serve all
amdicant 111 tli V .,. .
W. L. Thorndvke au 1 If a..v u"r a'
Card or Thanks.
n,,, .1 1... .1.. . .. el
w... m..M .v uc m"y oi noiy i.aud, will Ueiivcr U lecture ill j tnstalletl a tall tlagrsde In front of his to th s revulatlo-i iWli i mrary
he goo! veoplc ol St. Johns for the Conditional tabernacle Sim- jwMc.k. on &k avenue. U is W mnSnJ
their kiiulncss and attentivents day eveuiuj' at eight o'clock. Mr. hi nuUhc'r011 u the top of the such orfeuse to the utv 5trL? ?l
h,riK our uccnt U-reavemcut that Hawley is'a fine" sjvakt? m,d hU pLXZ! KtJ
we take this means of publicly lecture will be a treat that should X-IiZTPhc' & iwoffiL .JoUns: 1,.vidkd.
acknowledging: the sanw. Wc sin- not be tnUsed. Claire Ilyele. Paul J ,d CtereBcV R c. ! uSt-r ders JtSL " huiin
eviely thank all. n C Hurlburt, and sevnl u.oreTthe ,-olc xMiti T
1. V, Suittkk anu I'AMii.y. .SuKscrile for Tin Kkvikw. gwund "K 0,1 tlie over where nil canuot go at
llccuse mptired by this ordinance
Without takllll' nut .,M. 1:...... ' 7C
.1. .. . , 1 1 ' :" ;c": us 111
... .r , .. """nance, ne. sue.
such ofTen, bedbT xVllZ
pnsoitmeut fora tenn not P.Ci;. :2,'.m'
;las,ora fine not exceeding fifty doikrs or
lth. PKOVlUliD. tl.U svi.Toi .'.f
tlil,r.ii7 l'vnieu lorin
Section ifiTi,-, n
txirt of ,.r.ti.. "T" "" " "'"? or
n-T 1 . ucreoy repealed.
. uwu u c V.OUUCII August 7, icoe
Approved August 7. i,5. '' W
Attest: W" K,-vr"
J. W. llANK P M)OT,
v t tv.vitui.T,
iniblished iuTiiKKKviuvv August 11,
Paper Hangff
and Decorat
Onlers can be left at Couch's steW
Special Attention Given to AH O,
Bicycle Tires!
"G, and J." Bicycle Tires, JW
they last,
$3.00. MCh
at i
Wood's Bicycl Sht.,
Phoae Union &
Tacouia Street.
Subscribe for ThkIUVik.
Keep Your Kye Oa St. Johus.
dollar a year.