St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 11, 1905, Image 1

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    ST. Johns review
ing Department U one
ef the very Best-not
the hrjest-Mngoa.
Thoroughly Modern.
The Circulation of THE
REVIEW in the Penin
sula exceeds that of all
other papers combined
Advertisers, note this.
Devoted to the Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Centor of the Northwest
VOI,. i
NO. 40
Keep Your Eye on St. Johns
" ' f , : ; f - ', ,
I 1 11 1 iwwiiiiiih in; DEC ID UCCTILO nnmui unr cm
inr Mill nLuumn mtcimu. unuinflnuc. w, i r
How Do You Like the Weather?
If you are not suited with it at home, come to our
office while we figure our bill of Lumber for you.
We have an office that suits all kinds of people at
all times of the year.
In cool days it's warm; in hot days it's cool.
Do you suppose the lumber has anything to do
with it?
Hav you tried our lumber?
If not, why not ? v
Acme Lumber Co.
Good Treatment.
Good Lumber.
St. Johns
Lots for Sale
Jktween the car line ami the boulevard
overlooking the river and harbor, close to
the Drydock and within n few minutes'
walk of all the mills and factories now
located in the humming, thriving and rap-idly-growing
city of St. Johns, Portland's
great manufacturing district.
LOTS 50x1 00 FEET
All clear. Hydrant water now on tract
and will be piped to every lot as required.
Title Guarantee & Trust Co.
6 uud 7 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
Rogers ami Van Ilouten, SellhiK Agents, at
Julius. Office at the end of the car Hue.
W. II. KINO, PrtMrt.
M. L. HOLDROOK, Vlce-Pfcriikftt
Abstracts of Title carefully and accurately prepared.
Charg Reasonable.
Wce: Kini'a BuiNini, Jry St., St. John
U IntUU Llghtlss sd row PUbU and rowir f ctor and Dynamo
Haute atul Bctl wtrlM specialty ,
St. Johns' Public Dock First of lis
Kind on River.
People have been crying for a
public dockand the city of St.
Johns has built one of large size
which will be put to frequent use.
For some time the city of St.
Johns has been figuring upon this
dock proposition; and when the
bonds were votea steps were
promptly taken to erect a public
dock of a size to care for all
probable business.
The result is that a dock which
could not be duplicated for less
than $3000 is now open for the
public. In every way it i a public
dock: there will be no charge for
dockage: and any loat, large or
small, has the right to make the
A little later, before the rainy
season, & it is stated, a warehouse
will le erected to protect goods uot
immediately removed. In such an
event if business shall be so great
as to necessitate the services of a
man every day there will have td
be enough of a charge for goods
cated for to compensate the man in
charge: but, of course, that would
be but just.
There are two decks to the dock
so that if the water be high or low
or the boats be large or small no
difficulty will be experienced. It is
finely constructed, strong, durable
aud convenient: in fact, there is no
equal of it between Portland and
Astoria. And the cost to the city
was not great,
J, W. Cone, for the convenience
of having the old dock for his own
lumber business, made the city of
St. Johns a gift of the lumber used
in the construction of the new dock.
This brought the expense of the
affair down to a mimmum figure,
and allowed the city to put in a
dock for about one-third of what
the ordinary cost would have beeti,
But for the public spirit shown by
Mr. Cone the dock would have been
but a very' common affair fcven if
it bad ' been built at all: and he
should receive the proper credit for
his liberality,
Bought ReaHy.
E. F. Day, who recently bought
the one-fourth block from Fred
Valentine, has purchased block 25,
where W. V. Jobes is now living.
The consideration was somethiug
over four thousand dollars.
City Council Considers and
incuts Concisely.
Monday evening was held the
regular semi-monthly meetiiu' of
the city council with Mayor Kinir
in the chnir. Couticilmcn present
Messrs. liricc, Thompson, Lcggctt,
Peterson, Miulquist, Shields.
Iluilduig committee reported the
house for fire apparatus practically
Street comniiUec.rcported that in
the work of improving Gresham
stiect from Mohawk to Adams
streets condemnation proceedings
must lie resorted to: nud it was
decided that the city engineer
should make necessary surveys mid
report at next meeting.
Ordinance 54 relating to jcdd!crs'
aud hawkers' licenses was read the
first, second (by title) aud third
times and passed by a unanimous
Ordinance relating to occupa
tion tax was read the first time.
This was an intensely lonir affair.
but full of interest to nil doing
business in St. Johns.
J. C. Scott npeared for the water
company imd asked that proicr
legislation be enacted to prevent
parties soiling the wuter in the new
reservoir. He stated that the com
pany had been to great excuse to
erect a suitable reservoir aud was
about to erect a neat iron fence
about the projerty with a desire to
prevent any defiling of the water:
aud the company now asked for an
ordinance to create n jcua!ty for
those caught trespassing upon the
premises or tampering in any man
ner with the purity of the water.
The matter was laid over.
The matter of the charges against
Merjjtt Hanks nisirsbul, Fred Val
entine, treasurer, and C. 1). lid
wards, councilman, holding office
illegally they not !etng proiHirty
owners was brought up. It de-
V(.ioK.-d that the two hrt-uatncd
were proicrty-holders and the
marshal was rcapjwiutcd aud con
firmed. It was not considered
necessary to re-confirm Mr. Valen
The 1M wards matter was dis
cussed nt some length. In the
opinion of Messrs. Mudquist,
Peterson and Thompson, Mr.
IM wards was uot a leinil mcinlK.r
of the Inxly: while Messrs. Shields,
liricc aud I.eggett maintained n
contrary opinion. The latter-named
declared that if Kdwards was uot a
egal member they would approve
of his beiuir deixsed nud no louder
sitting with the council: and, in
order to ascertain the standing they
urged that n regular legal hearing
hj had on the evening of Friday,
August 1 1. This was agreed to by
all present. -
Attorney Greene, when asked his
opinion, stated that he had jwr
soually notified Mr. Edwards uud
License for Milk Route Will
Pound Prohibitive.
There is nn article in ordinance
54 which needs fixing else a hard
ship will be felt by many people.
Wc refer to the hich license
amounting to a prohibition -affixed
to the selling of milk when the
seller docs not own his cows.
With a desire to nrotect those
living and doing business in St,
Johns the council has enacted an
ordinance affixing n goodly license
lee lor nil itinerant dealers in all
lines of trade: included in this nre
"milk men" or proprietors of milk J
St. Johns Park
No. 2.
routes. 1 lie tax on these is from
one dollar it day up unless the
dealers raise their own milk: then
there is no fee.
With its 2joo residents St. Johns
is not in the class of farmini: or
dairying districts. It is useless to
try to think so: it would be futile
to nssert that we can long produce
enough milk for our own consump
tion. Just how many cows nie
around here is not known but it is
a fact that many iienptu are now
greatly inconvenienced because of a
dearth of milk. It is difficult to
secure nud many families are forced
to walk ten or more blocks to
secure enough to supply modest
Several men at various times
have essayed to start a milk route
in ht. Johns not with a view to
harm those who now sell, but to
accommodate those who now fre
quently go without: but when the
tax of a dollar a day is figured in
the exiHMiso was found to be too
great. Supiwse a man started 11
route with a patronage of 40 quarts
to Degiu with. He would be forcei
to udd to. each quart, or.sell for
about ioc a quart to pay his one
dollar they license. Probably he
would agree to reduce the price as
his trade increased: but it is stir-
f -f If as
prising now long lie would lie
advertising n reduction. And there
would be no opiositiou because of
this high tax.
When the big lumber mill shall
be running there will w n big
increase in the demand for milk: in
fact, every week there is an increase
with 110 visible menus of supplying
the needs. A license of n dollar or
two n mouth would oikiii the field
uot only to one but to couietitive
dealers thus making it possible to
get milk conveniently at a decent
figure. Those who are now patron
izing home dealers would not desert
those of whom they now buy: no
home dealer would suffer but the
sale of condensed milk, witli its
accomjwiiyiiig impurities, would be
decreased and the users would be
the better for it.
Tint Hi'.VH'.w believes that the
city council of St. Johns, when it
carefully considers the prohibitive
features of the milkman's license
lis attorney, Mr. McGnrry, that fee. will issue an aine-idmeut modi
the matter was to be brought up at
this meeting aud urged them to be
present: that Mr. McCarry had
made no definite answer nud that
Mr. Kdwards had declared that it
was a matter of no great interest to
dm what was done. Mayor Kinir
stated that it was Mr. Kdwards'
desire to remove to a location near
his busiue&s in Albiua -and that
lis projK-rty here was sold for that
reason: he neiieveu Mr. Jul wards
did uot desire to remain upon the
Salaries of city attorney aud city
marshal were allowed.
Adjourned to Friday evening,
August 11.
Excursionists Come.
Trolley-car loads of visitors very
frequently are brought to St. Johns
on a tour of sight-seeing, aud the
cars run very slowly through the
city. Upon every hand are to be
noted indications of progress and
there is no doubt that the visitors
are favorably impressed with what
they see. Ihese trips frequently
ead to investments and the locat
ing here of the buyer.
Healthy Increase.
From the assessed valuation of
St. Johns as given in the assessor's
books last year it is learned that
the valuation was at that time
about $300,000, This year the
just completed list shows a trifle
more than $1,250,000 valuation
which gives one an idea that Tint
Rkvikw is conservative when it
declares that the growth aud im
provement of the city is wonderful,
Keep Your Kye On St. Johns.
fying the prices. The council
desires to act for the good of the
greatest number of its constituents
and a rate of a couple of dollars a
mouth will do much good.
Not Much bickness.
It has Ihxmi remarked by several
people of St. Johns that there
seemed to le a great number of
cases of sickness here, and Tint
KitviKW has made a special effort
to look into the matter, It finds
that it is the general opinion of the
doctors that the health conditions
are jerfcctly normal. There arc
now no cases of typhoid fever in
town as far as we can ascertain, but
there nre a few instances of summer
complaint. One doctor laid it to
the fact that there are a great
number of people out here from the
east and the change of altitude,
rather than any especially un
healthy conditions, was the cause
of it.
One doctor warns the people that
it is not just the !cst thing to bathe
in the Willamette river, as it is so
close to Portland that one is apt to
get the effect of the impurities from
that city.
He says that in other parts of the
state there is trouble resulting from
the use of so-called Pasteurized
milk, which, by the way, is treated
with certain chemicals to disiufeqt
In localities where ice is scarce,
much of the meat is treated with
saltpetre, the meat being embalmed,
as it were. The saltpetre acts on
the human system as it docs on the
piece of meat; hence the trouble.
Keep Your Kye On St. Johns.
Lots 50x1 06 ft.
With a 1 6-foot Alley back
of each lot.
Terms ".
I $5 Down and $5 per month
wT1ota7c lffiffi blocks
iroiii car line ami
Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site.
Don't pay $350 and $.00 for building lots only 100
feet deep, aud without alleys, when you can get extra
sized lots with 1 6-foot alleys, all high aud level, aud in
the best locality in St. Johns for $200 aud upwards.
Let us show you this property. We cau sell only
the first fifty lots at these prjees. This is done to ad
vertise the property. When these are sold prices will
advance 25 per cent.
Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill
is in operation, these lots will be worth double the pres
ent prices.
St. Johns Land Co
St. JoIlIlS I'o"e Union 3104 QregOll
Unwell Office and Agency on the Ground.
CO TO Till?
St. Johns Lumber Company
For all kinds Common Lumber, KILN DRIED
Flooring, Ceiling and Rustic. Sash, Doors,
Aouldiugs and Columns.
Yards and Mill Foot Burlington St. Phone East 594
Of all Kinds.
Sole Agent for
Universal Stoves and Ranges
Do not (nil to see the Universal
Steel Range before purchasing
141-143 First Street. Odd Fellows Building, Pofllwd, Oregon. Phone Main 1382