OLYMPIC WHEAT HEARTS Not a freak food with a freak name but simply the little hearts of the finest wheat. Easily cooked, of delicate flavor, and contains all the nutritive elements of the wheat berry. ' ' ' All grocers. 5 11). pneknge 35 cents, The Portland Flouring Mills Co. the SILVERFIELD'S, THE WOMAN'S STORE $1.00 Undermuslins 59c fhjjjj an opportunity not to be overlooked if you have any needs to sup. nlvin the way 01 muaim umiuHtMi i imisim uuucrganncuuot liner cambric, beautifully made nml tinislied with clusters of tucks, rows of insertion nml mating; snori sums, lotij; skirts, gowns, corset covers, drawers and chemise, cut in nil the latest styles. We offer this great special in order to reduce our stock of iwpular-priced Uti(iermiislius for earinents of wincit we nave n very supply tor uns sea- -v L), c offer you nil our regular 75c and $1.00 LMg voTV. Corner Fourth and Morrison, Portland Our Local Grist A day"7 BcebcecauSht3Ctyix Wednes Ht ... . . mc lienor Dm nii.. i. i MV , ,uc sm, j- uiglll. woric on the trrnillni nf itnrilt,..tn.. Hi "ul i 10 pusn aionn as nijnuiy as contemplated. Rev. A. L. ltoltpr will PMlp t ot the Evangelical church next Sunday evening nt eight o'clock. Ilcforc Judge Hanks vcstcnlnv the ensr I nttnliu, 1 1 ,-...- . - .iiir)- ujuuru, as mentioned i-iBcwiiere in tins issue, was dismissed The St. Johns 1'harmncy has a change of ml this week, and is strongly urging me uisiiiicctioii project which was com- iiicul-cu msi ween by this paper. Good. .orrcsponilcnts are urecd to write ujioii one side of the paper only; also urged to write, or even print, all proper names which may occur in the tiianu- scnpi. The St. IoIim. Si.li s building a warehouse at the rear of the 101s recently purchased hy A. D. Mac Donald. The wnn-liotin will l ,n.in with tcn.foot ix)sts. The new flour mill timnnsltlm, I. m. assured fact. Minneapolis parties will hack Joseph 15111, of that city, in a Hour Ing mill of 2,000 barrel capacity, and the site hat already been secured. DISINFECTION! . . . Now is the time to . . . Disinfect Your Premises! Dbn't put it off any longer 1 nisi' regret it 1 . You Chloride of I.iine I Fumigating; Sulphur 1 Crude Carbolic Acid ! Piatt's Chlorides I Ilroiiio-Cliloniltim I Crrolin-Konnnlin-I.ysol I . . In stock ut the . . ST. JOHNS PHARMACY I " WllltKK Tint Cau Stoi-.s!" STOP! And learn something about our special ROOF PAINTS AND STAINS! The old reliable Heath & Milligim llest Prewired Taints Oils, Paihvay White Lead and Chi-Nuiucl Varnish always on tap. POTTER & GOOLD, Tint IIaiuhvakk Mhn. That chamber set nt ilm Si. t.im llaiar is a dandy and only jc 11 chance. Oeorec O. O00M. of lti..r i-.ni,i who underwent an otxrntlnti nt St. Vincent's Ilosoital two w1m appendicitis, Is home again. He is very tnucu improved and expects to soon be back In the store. Hcgulur services will Ik hold nt tlm Congregational tabernacle Sunday tuorti lug and CVeniltL'. Ill the ttinrnliiir nl eleven o'clock Kcv. Upshaw will siwuk on "The Test of a Mfe"; In the evening at eight o'clock the subject will be "Refuges of Lies." The sutilrct for w eiiuesday evening prayer meeting will be "The i)isiciiMtlou of Grace." All arc cordially invited to these services lake your lllhlcs. LINTON UC0NICS. Plrst-class coffees ami teas at Alcorn's Mrs. V. C. (nv has returned from trip to the cast, Mrs. Hamilton's truest from l'oitlund went Home today. A ureal ileal of caiutiliiir Is uolni? 011 In I 1 f 1 o o i.wimuii 111 present. Mrs. Glllmore illetl verv stulilcnh- .i.-.i . 1 . wemieiMiiiy morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ulchanl Devull have company from Portland, The two cool n)ls In I.lntitoii Alcorn's store uud the ravine. Ice cream served Saturday nMit nt wie nance. 1.0111c one, come all. J. C. Novel, of Duluth. is now In Chicago seeing about the machinery for the new box factor'. V. 1. Carr and sister, of Detroit, nre tuc guests 01 ."Mr. mul Mi. diaries (1 WllMXi, ol tills place. I)t of rliKj fruit here now: aimles pliiius uud some icars. The lwvs found this out before the owners. Not so much left now. PORTSMOUTH and UNIVERSITY B. S. Johnson Ivanhoc street. is building a home on Mr. Falrchlld is building a fine resi dence on his lot on Vandcruuilt street. Miss Rose Hatfield is not considered out of danger yet, mul is still at St. Vincent's hospital. miss I'cierson, lroin Wisconsin, is a guest of Mrs Walstcd for a few days. one, niso, Dices tuc l'arK, Vincent Allen, nephew of Henry Izard. of Portsmouth, has returned from his hunting trip. He met with 110 success. Miss Kuth Latvcrettc, who has been guest of Miss l'antiy Ilctustock, returned to iter Home in .Mc.Minnvlllc on Friday Miss lira Giffortl has been indisposed i iicr uoiiic in I'oini view, hi. loiins. She is employed at the Meier Sc I'rauk store. Our Local Grist Sunday was torrid enotiirh to bp p .. 11 1 . .. n lvonu oaoy," Good morning I Have you seen the air snip 1111s morning t Mrs. A. V. Learned is spending a month at Sea View, Washington. Did you sec that chamber set nt Hip S. Johns ilazar? The llaptlstfl will hold their usual sen vices next Suiulav In tin AiUimiiUi church. A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Henderson Wednesday, June 2. And so we grow. Muck & Deerle arc advertising n lidr sale on coffees and sugar for Saturday of una nee. little son, sick list for daughter, Nuslt, ol I.ota, arc university mttuice, near : TI18 Edward Holman Undertaking Company t Funeral Directors and Embalmers iloJtrn Aiiibulaiice Talttphon 607 Iidy AuUUiiit 120-222 Third St., CoroK Salnon, 44444444444444 444444444444444 444444444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 PORTLAND, Oregoi The flazelwood It nn up-lo-tlnlo quick Lunch, Cijnr, ConfeiMioiieiy und Ncwh blsna. The Celebrntcd IlnwU oo4 Cream mid Hutter kept la stock. Cttiir Jersey St. and Broadway St. Mu, Oregon KM, KILLINGSWORTH THE PIONEER EEAL ESTATE DEALER OF THE PENINSULA . . . whestrit't' f res5llence l)rolurty J0iKWmS ',l's-treelK grailoil, lots tnlu't Td at J1" 'le most fuv Mw in Die market. JCluaber of Commerce. Portland 0CRoSvec.y.,,h0nem'AcI" Portland Jobbing Co. numwnj, Oaifltllnf &mflttin,j, Roofl Qultfr. r. ARonble Kates'. Stoves. Pur Tinware Repairetl. Quick All Work Guaran. teed. lFiflh St CorAnkeay , THE ANTRAL HOTEL I L. Tyner, Propriet tor JOJtVS, OREQON MODESTY Ih (lie .strongest char acteristic of a watch. If you would know why, ask Mr. and Mrs. John Stencil celebrated their thirtieth wcddlui: niiuiverwirv Sat unlay evening. May they have occasion to ccieunuc many inorc. Will Alcorn and wife sticiit Suiulav at ncumne. iiie piucc nu ih-coiiic very ixipular a there arc about live thousand jteople viitiug there now. Mrs. llell Is seriously ill with fever. Monday noon It was ucccMary to remove iter to it rottianu Hospital. Mie is be ginning to show signs of recovery. Htlgar C. Wilson, of Woumii. WIhcoii sin, who hat been visiting here, left for the enn Tuesday lat. 1'reilcrick Scott mul I'rauk KcNtcrcxprct to leave 1'rliUy, tue luunu. W. C. O.i v. who has been sufferini! with pleurisy, has returned from the hospital, Idle not in his usual i;ood form, I.lutilon hopes to sec his sttccdy recovery IXiu't forget the dance Saturday ut the new store, rrlec of udiniksioii joe (four hits) iter couple, A nice smooth floor uud good music, livvryoue is cortliully tiivitca to autnii. The Clark t Wilson I.umler Coiiitxiuy is erecting u lurge iiiauiug" mill tlie old lone King too small to meet tlie great demanil for il rested lumler and other planing mill products, Saturday evening all the young folks of I.iniitnu enjoyed the games, so dear to childhood, around a bontirc wltli uu in n.ti.iul.I.iiaMl rf oiah imJ au-u HVWUIIIIIIUIWIIl HI MIHIIIIIIIVIIunPi ! I ..t lk...l.l llIl..n..A ,.1 si. mm w J w i iiunur ui tiavui usuu m viuvcihii uiriu Wilson,- tne jeweier, -""iverry. i litre win uc a nance at tne nan nuovc Tacoma St., St. John, Ore. CLUB HALL APARTMENTS 35 large airy rooms divided into Suites of two to four rooms, also single rooms. Situated one block from Columbia University, near cor. of I'isk St. and Itoulevaril. Furnished or UnfuruUhed for HOUSEKEEPING A. W. DICKSON Phen Scott 1296 The G. HEITKEMPER GO, Watchmakers, Jewelers, Silversmiths. Importers and Wholesale Dealers 286 UerriSM SkMt.M's PORTUND R. WILCOX, Drav and Baoaaaa Line Piano Moving Specialty. I-eave orders at Blackburn's Furniture store ami they will receive prompt attention, O. M.FAULK O.F. MERRILL the new store Saturday, Auciut s. A gooucrottii is exXrcieu as it win oe me last dance in that place. Mr. Sheik, the proprietor, intends to start fitting up rooms immediately for his wife and two children. 1'or a long time I.iuutoii people have been endeavoriiig to ecurc regular church services. Sunday tcnooi has been established and is well attended, At present they have church service ever other Sunday, There will be churcl Sunday, August 13. Down town rates at Sheik's new store. Remember that! Surveyors sent out by Northern Pacific railroad have been setting up queer little stakes with numbers on them in our fields and back ards. It is reported that that company intends to build a bridge starting from the Washington banks of the Columbia ami cud!ni near i.tnuton, This will make one of the largest bridges in the world. Sinclair and Kdward Wilson, assisted bv their friends from Michigan, gave a "Marshmellow Roast" in honor of Harry Incky return to i.innton, ah tne young people between lourtecn and twenty were invited and gathered round the mammoth bonfire with their long poles. After the marshmellows had been visited thoroughly all were invited to partake of ice cream, the mice of each dish to be a fine stiecch to Harry, Prom the many coiutifitnents tendered him Harry must be very popular. Singing ended tne evening's euienaininem. Faulk & Merrill Coal, Hay, Grain, Ground Feed. Flour a.:.L. a:i. ..j as.u:.. MtKtU Phone East 713 A Passible Chance. Since the birth of her babe a couple of months since Mrs. I. N. Suitter has been seriously ill, as has has also been the babe. For more than a week both have been lying at the door of death, with almost no hope of recovery. As we ge to press both ure Vesting a bit more comfortably. University Park, Ort an Keep Your Eye On St. Johns. Mrs. Lamon and visiting Mrs. licllc Park. Thcv arc from urcgon uty. William Matthews, of University Park, tioitig itrouuii wltli 11 iMtidaci n result of a bud cut and blood poisoning lias developed. Mrs. I'rauk Knudall uud her two sisters, Misses llertilce and Panny Hem stock, took in the base b.dl game last Friday nlteriioou. Mrs. I.ecaiul Miss Hthel llovt. both uaugiiters 01 sirs, lioyt, 01 University Park, left last Tuesday for Seaside ami will occupy n cottage. Mr. Wrluht. who has mid his mother. .urs. 31. wniNit. 01 university, uu le nu extended visit, left for his home In Drain, Oregon, last l'riday. Mrs, David Morgan, of University Park, and her three children left lat l'riday for the lleach at Seaside, nml will remain until school opens in Septcmlcr. Mrs. ltduar Hoyt's little sou hns liccn slightly !iidisK)scd,'hut Is all right again. Mrs. Iloyt took him to the fair last Thursday, Kiilher a young slght-seclng o.iiiy. Mrs. Pcrris, of Dwlght street, by the advice of her physician, has iNistimiicd her trip to White Salmon iiuleliiiitcly, us .hiss jeniiic s ncnuii win nut ticruiii iter to Maud the fatigues of the Journey. auss i'ctersoti,oi .larsuiiciii, soittiiern Oregon, Is visiting her sister, Mrs Smith, of St. Johns on a two-weeks' vacation. Mrs. Smith Is the wife of Motorman Smith on the St. Johns ear line. place last m Rivers. n Hiptilar lady of University Park, was united In marriage with W. D.infortli, also of the Park, May greul happiness iiiiemi iiiciii, A very pretty wedding took week on 1'itk street, when Mis Miss Marguerite l'ltrgcnild and Miss Martha llroughtoii sciil Monday with Mrs. Ilieuueii and took 11 stroll about the Park, with which thcv arc t!citcd. They arc young tcuclicis of the lluttc school in Montana. Mr. Iluntiiii! and his family arc visit lug his sister, Mrs, Stearns, and Is taking In the fair. He is also gteatly luiprcsud with the beauties of the Park. Helms rooms with Mrs. Perns, at 1670 Dw tht street, university raru. Mrs, Ilrous, who lives on Haven street. University Park, Is iccoveriui! from 11 severe ami painiui accident caused by a spent sky rocket striking her 011 her during tne rourtii ol July celeiira In University Park. Ilcrclothlut! cauuht fire mid shu had 11 mlniculous escape from more serious injur', Mrs. lillrabcth Perrv. who U visltlui her daughter, Mrs. llroioe, of University Park, is a pioneer of Columbia county, having lived there since 1H4H, She came to Yamhill comity In 1815 nud Mrs, Perry can safely say she was the first white woman living where Dayton now siamis, niic is iiciiiHitcu witu tne rurk ami despite ner in years sue lias ih-cii a constant visitor nt the fair and joined in the festivities held there last Saturday in honor of Columbia county, She met old Mrs. Oeorue Hall and LaVcrne, have been on the the past week. I. A. Parker, of Poresl Orovp. U vUli. Ing his father mid brother uud ulll remain about a week. The local brick vard has received n good-sited order for brick to m to Clatskniiic, WashliiL'tou. William Donelan.of Olenwood. town. was in St. Johns last week, guest of R. A. Shcunl, of Shepard & Tufts. If there is nuvthlliL' on earth stowir than "finishing up" n good residence it must lie "finishing up" another one. Sllverficld. comer Pourthand Morrison streets, appears in our coluiuns this week with some line bargains in underwear. The condition of the atmosphere around lottc's dock last Sunday was what might lie called of an indigo hue, Miss Nettle P.ThoiniHon and MissKtta Allen, both of Sllvcrton. Oreiron. wens guests last week of Mrs. Nora McCaiiu Mr. nud Mis, C. A. Cook were lnicsl inn marriauc in iimsiioro. urcihrn. at week Wednesday and came home happy. muck it Deerle arc udvvrtis in .loo coffee next Saturday for only i$c: hut they will sell but four ouuds to any one customer. Mrs. Oeorge ltverell and dauiihter, iicieii, 01 .cw unveil. Lou leeiicut were the guests )f Mrs. 1 A, McKeou iat Wednesday. Henry Knleluh was vlslttiiL' his cousin Vieorgc nan, last .Monday. .Mr. Rulefgli is a delegate from the Tueoina AitiMiis to the local Circle, C. IC. Secbcr. of I.oveliilid. Cohinnhi arrived in ht. Jouiis last Saturday uiulit Mr. St-eber Is one of the finest job printers 111 tuc state. Work of dMnfectliii! outlioues Is going merrily 011 nud coplc are doing tuiicligood 111 this direction, l'.vervoue should iiuy some lime. a gentle siiowcr irom live to seven Wednesday tuorulm! Iiiviuomted veuela tlou and heliied settle the little dust. It was a strictly local ulfalr. A.I. 1 lards nud daughter, lenule. of lacoma, nre visiting tlie tuir uud came out to St. Johns to visit friends. Mr. Hards Is n barber of Tacoma. Miss Clara Heller, ut one time ol Tint RKVIKW force, came up from llwucoou Sunday and Is vlsitiui! In this city. Her sister, Mabel, left yesterduy for her eastern home. friends of her yoiitlrund I proud to My she was the oldest woman of Columbia county. She was Introduced to (ouruor Chumlicrlulii uud other oiliciuls of the fair. She returns to her home in Houltou shortly. Mrs.llrouss.of Haveusstreet. University Park, treated her Sunday school class of tiiirtecu pupil 01 tne v-oiiL-rciMtioiml church to a picnic In Columbia Purk lust Thursday, She was agisted In cuter talnlug the young people by Mm, Wilson uud Miss Kerr, They had n merry, happy time uud there was an abundance of good tilings to cat. Till is the lultiul picnic held in Columbia Park, und wus suggested by .Mrs. llrouse, tlieir teucher. Thoc present were: Anualubot. I'.velvn Jal)ot, Marguerite Kerr, Florence Kerr, U'laltrouse, lluzel McCord, Rean, Ilniel aim .Margaret .Mucmumeri, Ktiiei iirlcc, iiorgau ciiristeuseii ami neryl .M. uisou. r 1. . f. ....... 1 iiMviitin .nu. iirouse, .ura. Jvcrr uim Mr. Wilson. Airship Came. Just iMjfore seven o'clock last evening the airship Augehis, carry tug i.eonaru ifcacny, uoveretl over this city, with its engine disabled. rior to this the monster tnaiiou. veretl in fine shape in plain view of couple of thousand sicctutor.s. Willing hands towed the muchiue, still aloft, to the new dock where the launch I-ox towed her to ortland. Another ascension will be made tomorrow afternoon. Modern Woodmen of America are to give 11 dance this evening that will ccatc at uililuluht. Good time promised to nil who conic and the tickets hold 11 man up for only 35c. Mr. ami Mrs. D, Cline and two children, from Stella, Washington, were visiting .Mrs, 15. A. rainier. 01 rolut View precinct, 011 Sunday. Mrs. Cliue Is Mrs, Palmer duughter. The steamer Alliance. In from Cull lornia iKjints wltli n Heavy curuo. was discharging ut Portland the first of the week. She Is nowlu the St. Johns dry dock for necessary reuilrs. Mrs, II. II. Petreuud Mrs. OeorueMc. of Akron, lowu, und Arthur Ovctn. of llllllnns. Montana, are vIsltitiL! at thu residence of A. S. Douglass, The senior memlier of this firm is off for a fishing trip the latter uirl of this week uloiig with a few more descendant of Ananias. UulckS the fish are lmmuiies they'd better look a little out. several 01 tne new trailer weru run out here the first of the week to set) how they took in the curves of the road. It is understood that trailer will run through to Alder street ut oure. Oliver Nowell. brother of Mrs. Nancy Copies, left St. John on Sunday, after a lime week' visit at the Laplcs Home, He went to his Chicago home by the way of San Pruuclsco und U Angeles, P. II. Johnston, business maiuiuer of the Sugluuw IMIchlguu) Courier-Herald, wus in this city on Tueduy, He, with hi family, contemplate u cIiuiikc dl locution uud he I look Inn over the cot country to that end, If the lxjy und ulrls who bathe In the reservoir every warm day would consent to first wusli at home before trying tlie reservoir the flavor of the water would be improved. Several croii ure kick lug over this trifling mutter. A. P. Allen, editor of the Volgu (South ) Tribune, nccomiuuleil by his was in the city this week and hem were guests of the family of P. J. Peterson. This is their first trip to the coast, Only sc a chance for the chamber set cousistiiiu of one wash bowl uud pitcher. one chumU-r and one couibiiict, to be rallied off ut the St. Johns H.izjir. water company would arrange If the some signal itliout thirty minute prior to shutting off the water it would save u neap 01 prolanity. A it now I the only alarm given is when the hot-watrr tank cracks uud goes to the devil. A Pleasant Surprise. Mrs. C. II. Thayer was pleasant y surprised last Thnrday evening at the home of George Hall, when the members of the Evangelical choir came in for a short time to bid her goodbye, as she is going to Hamilton, Montana, for a two months' visit with relatives and friends. A very pleasant evening was sneut nlaviiiL' flinch and nit. CaV and lemonade were served, and the pla" 'en accepteil by the prosiect t'iipfit ,l,.rvirtl wUlil.i.r fr ve huyer- "' a" .'' remains to be guests departed wishing Mrs. d0Ilc is the settlement of a ew minor 1 uuyci u vciy incu.-fciiii vacation. 1 details. . , Tuewlav uftenioou while 'Charles Suittet was driving the delivery wagon for the lioston fiaktry past the woolen mills, his horse became friuhteued arid ran the wagon over a bank at the side of the road and upset it. Tlie driver was not injured, but the harness ami the wagon were somewhat broken Mr. uud Mrs. Kvcrrtt ure lata m-oulsi. tious to St. lohus. The couple were married in Hillslioro last Wednesday the bride lielug Mis Maude, daughter o( Rev. ami Mrs. C. I,. Hamilton. The wedding was largely uttended, A deal is on foot whereby the Cone Lumber Comiunv will dispose of all its holdings here. The price set uixin the Mrs. Thayer has been the oruunist at tne cliurcli for a long time. Mail Schedule Mail arrive at St. John at 7U a. 111.. and 1:15 p. in, leaves at io;i5 a. m., and 4:50 p, ni. OSCAR DaVAUL, M. 0(tc bours, 9 (o if a. ni., s to j p. m. Office rbone, Scott 1104. Xtsldtncc fbooc, Uoloa J701. ' Offcc in Usimsltr lsr k Drug Store. There will be uu open-air meetloir this (Priday) evening close to the Cedar Park station at which Rev. John Ilentzeln will preside. He will sixrak 011 "Tlie Hvpo- crite: What He is and Where to l'iud Him." There will be a chorus from the White Tetupleand Fred Mosier,coruetist, will play "The Holy City" and other selections. All are invited, These Very Specials! Will save you money this very month. To keep our stock dowuso that we can get It all in the house, we arc compelled to make these very special prices : Canned Tomatoes ! You may order all you want at this price : Pour cans for. , One case, 1 docn 25 cents 1-75 cents Sweet Corn I This Is a finegrade of Canned Corn, mid would regularly sell for 10 cents straight. Our price, three cans 35 cents Per case, 2 doieil 1-yo cents Our Six Days Special ! He sure and sec this list. It is now being printed. We arc compelled to have our room. You will l aston ished at the prices wc have made. Iwodoicn country eggs... Scents llcst Creamery Hutter. ...... 55 cent Klgln Ilmnd llultcr 50 cents Three packages Ccro Pruito 23 cent Pound best Mocha and Java. 35 cents Three cans Sweet Corn . ... 25 cents Can Diamond W Il.iklug Pow 35 cents Might ixntiuls llroken Rice.. 25 ccnU Six pounds Good Rice 25 cents Three pounds llcst Macaroni 25 cents Pine Cream tlrcaJ I This is the fin est bread put out anywhere, nml wJ get It every morning. Plvu cents 11 loaf j six loaves for 25 cents. Farm Produce 1 We want your farm produce and are willing to pay you the very same price that we have to pay in Pcttland. READ OUR SIX DAYS SPECIAL I St. Johns Grocery Co., Genoral MorohnnU, St. John, Oregon. EDMONDSON CO., Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. Phone Scott 1065 JT. JOHN'S, Or Our Savings Department . We wish to call the attention of all, especially salaried people, to our Sav- ing Department. Deposits as low as $ taken. Hank open pay day even ings. Drop in and lei us explain our Saving Department plan. The Peninsula Bank r t X BIIW W BBS IWWI Bm Ills gnt , P. A. SMITH J. P. POPP SMITH & POFF, Umlm In t FEED, HAY, LIME, CEMENT, SHINGLES , LATH, 00AL. ETC. (l IMIrnc.l M P.irlUn.l Prlrrs I'lus tin. Ilslf I'n-lslit ('liners l'riMii'l Drlltrr sml Currrrl t'llrri Phono Union 3101 ST. J0HN8, . t t ' OREGON ICE CREAM SODA! The Very Best of Crushed Fruits used in sorvinn this popular Miniincr bcvcriiKe at ELLIOTT'S PHARMACY;! St. Johns Sash and Door Co. A. I). Ak'DONALI), AlnnnKer. I.iKik over our t(ck of i ! Screen Doors and Windows ; i And you will find exactly wlmt yoti want, as we carry all grades and Mcs. i Phone Main .1262 MESH ROASTED. carreer. or Prompt Delivery sPKXXExrtAcn. Tcleptiono anil We 423 1-2 Alorrison Street wont. I ! will Call for Orders Portland, Oregon, j g Would like to save 25 per cent on your Fuel and you can do it. D. A. SMITH He's In Town , Phone East 3035