St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 04, 1905, Image 2

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POSSIBLY there is not oue bit of
property among one hundred thous
and that cannot be bought yet that
is no indication that 99.999 of them
should bear a "for sale" placard.
Publlhd Krrr FrliUr
By McKf.on & TltORNDVKK.
flabmlptloa nltt, 11.00 ptr r la drne.
Adfirtlalaf rti, 11.00 ptr Inch ptr month.
All tdfttlltlac LIU ptyttU flrit of ch
Job Prlollnf intd la flrit-cltu Itjrlt.
Bill far Job Prlntlnf tub on dtllttr.
tki'iMuS" bl jJbn!,'o?on' 44rM,d 10 mutiity yet there arc a heap more
"Tlf nultttW 1. ..Htnrr.l nt l,l officiJ SKS to be found.
in Saint Jolitm, Orcein, n malt mnttcr
of the second clam under the Act of Con
gress of March i, 1879.
oaeUl Vmtftft of tk Ottr f M. t fan.
Phona Seott 6990.
There is no more property for sale
in St. Johns than in any other com
St. Johns Miss Who was Bound
to Wed.
Joseph VanBavel, who has an
acquaintance here in St. Johns, has
for some time been paying attentions
to Agues Rickard greatly to the
dislike of her sister, Mrs. Thomas
TsTnlcin Acriiro iu n nrpiK' irirl
Tim RRVIKW would suggest mat nirctt ,6whiie Toscnh is a sailor
those dealers who seek the good of aged about 28. Both seemed to be
St. Johns make a better showing in thoroughly infatuated in the game
the columns of the local paper and of love and each evinced a deter-
FRIDAY AUGUST 4, 1905 making ills initial visit to uie cuy W,cn Mrs. Nelson found a note
it appears tliat all save himself were Monday noon statinir that her sister
A NATIONAL SThAI,. anxious to sell with no buyers in had hiked herself to her lover true
I a Dltii limn nirlinrt n si1 n 9 rtnr frtttl.
THAT is the only proter name s g it. This is a mistake wlitcii " r ":, Ti , ,T
, , "' municated with tlie Portland police,
for a life insurance company of any docs harm to the city of bt. Johns MnnaKcr 1aMj o Uie saiiors.
note: and the American public is and to all those having property Union, said that if Joe was married
commencing to understand it. The listed with them to sell or lease. he didn't know it: declared that he
word "mutual" merclv adds n new The first thing done by the pro- had showed up that morning all
risk taken by every jmlicy-holder. .pcctlve pt.rcha.ser Is to look In a that he had seemed very
There Is no such thing in this local paper for bargains. Then he ijuth seems that VanBavel didn't
country as an economical llfe-In- Interviews the dealers whose ads arc sil0W up ti,e afternoon at all.
surancc company outside of the found and finally does business. Mrs. Nelson is worried, the jwlicc
fraternal orders: nnd they are good To remove from every piece of arc flurried, for unless VanBavel
only so long as new young timber property the 'for sale" signs would JxUhponli
is lciiig constantly added, ndd largely to the apjwarancc of the s mM Umt Vnillivc ruiwi to Mc
livery "old-line company" Is 11 property and nuke the city appear a claim for board wliicli Mrs. Nelson
skin unless the oor fellow who is far more attractive. had accumulated: hence if Mrs.
insured flies the .spigot Iwforc his The judiciously. worded ad will Nelson gets Into his wake he'll
n, -oil.f.iitiittil tirciti urn i draw more trade tome advertiser ...
; . .. . . , an me spread twssimc, nut u on
paid: mid in that case, unless the man an uie signs mai can nc
dead one wus a er.sou of prom- erected. This is not a "knocking"
Iitcnce the chances are that the article as we arc as anxious to
I. 1 I
company will renig and refuse to nave new-comers locate nerc as Harry Osbiirn wus before Judge
pay the whole ninotirt due. anyone may im. nui uie piacaru nanicS on Saturday last charged
From the solicitor, who success- proposition, except wlicrc it is witn disorderly conduct, nnd was
r..n.. u.,a t.i ni n r..i....r.rr f shown ill a dealer's window, is not bound over to appear for trial on
fifty percent of the first year's dues attractive.
as ins snare in uiv wuutumi, m uiu ....... tiled amotion to (llSllliSS, on
executive boanl and the president A uuuu WAW,M grounds that the allegations of the
who grab ninety Jx.'r cent of the IN the case before
twin ncc under the Head 01 "ex- tins week wherein a yotintr
all the spread ossibIe, luff a
and then take to lite rigging.
All for One Roller.
Auent the great Northwest, and
properly belonging thereto, can be
placed the endearing and felicitous
exchange of good-will between
Kossuth and Greeley In 1852,
when was coined the famous ex
pression of Horace Greeley "Go
west, young man, and grow up
with the country!"
Greeley and Kossuth were stand
ing in front of old Trinity church,
noting the tombstones in its historic
cemetery, when they were attracted
by the sound of a fife and drum.
A training-day body of Continentals
was passing.
"What a fine body of men!" said
Kossuth. To which Greeley re
plied: "Yes! And tlios.' sturdy men, as
sires, will populate the Northwest
Umpire as Indicated by the pro
phetic I,aFayctte during his tour of
the Sunny South In 1824-5."
LaFayette was the recipient of
all the chivalry to be found in that
sunny land of song and blissful
rcjwse. The people strove each
above the other to make that trip
a march of triumph. For was he
not the great emancipator of kingly
thrulldom which at this time certain
crowned heads in the far-off Baltic
region arc trvitiir to flaunt ov
their credulous subjects?
"Free speech, free press and free
religion, untrammelled by divine
right credulity," was General I.a
Fayette's master-stroke; and endur
ing time will pass his name down
the long roll of ages as that light
out of the wilderness of feudalism
and the dark ages, that was like
the Star in the Hast, never to set.
Humanity will leant that Truth
will rise to the highest pinnacles of
! A House Without Furniture ;
-,s UkK
A Home Without A Mother
! WW
t b ' ' 'r ' 'M
r ' ' 'fr-ii
' 'r
i ife
Furnish Your House
or your Rooms and you can pay
for it a "Little At A Time."
You will not miss the money and,
at the same time, you can be
enjoying the use of the furnish
ings. Then, what is'bcst of all,
you arc happy in the knowledge
that you arc paying no more thau
If you had paid spot cash down
at some other store.
Thursday of this week.
T. T. I'arker, for the defendant,
filed a motion to dismiss, on the
I.. .1... ..II ..!...... ..t .1...
);iiMiim.-i linn iiiu uiii'iiiiuii.i ui lilt
before Judge Hanks complaint did not cover the offense.
,ereln a young mail JJc motion wob over-nileil. Judge
penscs" the whole existence ot n was arrested charged with stealing CHlj()t jjc .M)j,,t 0f controversy
fashionable life Insurance company one dollar it seems that an error was that the complaint charged
is one great, fat-hcaded graft, was committed by the prosecuting disorderly conduct, ami the prose-
witness in causing n mini's name to f.1,1.1!011. r'
Ikj liluekcMiiil liiMin ItiHiifllriiMit i-vl. ' Ills, it IS :
tried to prove btiritlary.
!.. ........ I . .1. I .. I .
us blackened UK)ii Instiflicient evl- 1 M"1 " ' I "1.1, '"'t,111"'i
I iti nil iiifl.l.iiviil.ft tuidiltfiii
(lellCC. I ft ti.(,.u llml rtulllrn lii 111..
riiosewho know Osbiirn assert tent of sonic girls who work In the
that he has always borne a good wolten mill, nnd asked for some
1 lie girls were absent at
Time was when eole considered
life Insurance as honestly conducted
as a home (maiding house but It
has proven as fraudulent as 11
summer seaside hotel.
Now that some of the pastmahters character -lxitli white here nnd In matches,
of chicanery are to establish a new towns where he has previously W(Jrk l)Ul, ?.U I'w,,u1rs,0."
. . t . . 11 1 ...1 . 1 1 . . .1 futher of one of them, told the
mutual company a sort of an out- resided. The tale uixm which the young man to help himself. Os-
growth of the Umiltable complaint was issued wits sufficient burn went In to the tent, so 'avows
It lclirM)ves the common iieople to to justify the arrest but when the Pederson, and was found thcie a
" Gall and Examine -Our Goods and Get Our Prices!
$1.00 Per Week $1.00
One Price Cash or Credit
Your Credit Is Good Here
a. n. UKEENE
Office: Room 9. Breeilm .
lug, corner Thl?d and Vhlt ld'
streets, Portland. WMhingtoa
Residence: c. . .
uoodrich & Goodrich,
Saint Johns and Portland,
VVilliain Wolf
Office in the Hicks ltnliir i
Phone Union j3j. ,l04pm
Kcsiacnce - Saint Johns
Office Rooms for rent
Lawrence M. Hensel
Office oil Jcrwy street in tw'
more liouse, opjxisite St. John U.i."
and Door Co'.' Phone Sj
iocal or Kcncral anasthetlcs id.
ministered if desired. M
t-rccdiimu jmock, Sl JfAn
nJ Suffton.
uniec ours; 9 to 11 a. ni. t to,
Kv"1' &CT,,,e",?c, Ph0lle s" m
Office Phone Union 6001. ngr:,.
over lilllott's drug itore. '
Ulock, nexi Jogf '
Office: Cochran
to jKistoffice,
Saint Johns
look n little out.
The prosiKXtive ikjIIcv holder
should no slow. The auent Is the
mull to le avoided and the fellow
who is deuf and dumb to his plead
lugs will lc nhead of the game.
THIS "taliitetl money" pnM)sl-
lesilmnnv in di fiMisi. was lvv iiiuiueut.s later by I'cderson
there was much lacking and the f,".'""" "M ,m ulV11 '"'i5'
, , the contents of which were dis-
prosecution uttered no protest t,irjK.(i oj,.., Hlutc, , v,tMul
against the dismissal of the cuse. that he "wus playing a trick on the
One cannot lc too careful lest the girls," nut a dollar wus missed
diameter of another 1. JilnrVeiir.1 W'K-'U the owner of the trunk ex
- I I I 1.
...tu.ul,.l ...I j A IW1 II.
Mlf.ill.ll.llHIt.. f llltl ...I.... . ... v . -. . tl I
iiw viiinj.-i.-w.i ncivi wiiii 1 eiier
son, Nellie rcdersou, his daughter,
of whom
Ity mis-statemcuts. A cureless word
or uu undue insinuation may do an
injury which will remiirc years to and Melba Mattson. all
tioulsiill foldeiol: for the tainted efface: and to charge theft, without live at the tent.
money buys just as much eatables, xsltive evidence to substuiitiate the
drinkables and wearables us any claim, is u matter over which oue
other. Ninety per cent or more of may long hesitate,
every dollar that goes into the con- Ostium came out of this uffuir
trlbutlou Imx lias some of a taint with flying colors and there seems
altout it. If tuiiit is accumulated to lc none who Iwllove in his unlit.
Had a Narrow I scape.
Clmrles Sims, who has Ikimi doing
team work at the wolleu mills for
the past eight months, met with
whut might have Ikxmi a serious
I l( 'Pll-.w.!,... ,.f...K...V.... ...
1.1 ....rl .. ..r..Rl ..1..... V..I I... .1..., I. 1.. ' . "'"") .. M.n.ll III
1. HI! l Vlllllll yKt III II I'll'lll llin..V .V. IIIVIV lllllr ,rv llllfn; Ylllf III I dX)Ut tWO O CHKki
what the purchaser considers just , futtite years will fling the charge nt While dumping 11 load of sawdust
or n Nlirewd bit of iHtlicy, or a I him. To them he should nav im nt me cuttle, the team bucked the
lucky gumble, how can the taint lc
the letter removetl than by putting
the money into circulation?
The church, the college, or the
school that icfuses a gift of cash
upon the giotiuds that 110 one
knows precisely how the donor
secured the goods Is simply tiyiug
to M-cuic a big ad for nothing uud
curry favor uiuoug a few fanatics.
A merchant who would refuse to
have business relations with 11
wealthy man unless the man first
produced his documents and showed
that his money was obtained in a
Htrlctly just and legal manner would
go broke iu thirty days,
Yet some colleges will struggle
long hypocritically and seek com.
mcndutlou by refusing what they
term "taluKtl money."
. . .
THIS office is not grouchy nor
iocs it get easily roiled but it is
somewhat disgusting to see those
receiving patronage from St. Johns
aud even asking petsoiml fuvors
from Tuu Rhvikw -give their
priutlug to Portland turtles!
tl tins olhcc could not turn out
II' each of our readers will make
u little sieeiul effort Tint KitviKW
will le hctcd to u lurgc extent. If
each one will mention when doing liously
I. . . . I..
iniMiiess wiiu, or uiaKiug imiuiries
of, any advertiser that the ad was
wagon up mid jurretl the end gate
loose, so it fell down and struck Mr.
Sims on the crown of the head,
knocking him 011 to the sawdust
elevator, it distance of ulout twelve
feet. He managed to pull himself
iree iroin the elevator otherwise he
would likely have been more ser-
njured. Mr. Miles, who
tends to the sawdust, was the first
to reach him, uud called other
u nut KitviMv this uancr it ct...o ...1.1.:.. 1...
,,, , , , , , ' JIHI.i a UUIV III Willi iu Ills
will be brought Into prominence home, u distance of two or three
and patronage will increase to uu blocks, but soon last consciousness,
extent justifying uu increase iu sUc. m which condition he remained till
Many of our readers do not think J" 'c,,ic.k thc ,u "W rs.
,lf ,i,ij ...1 .... Macl.uehlan uud Hicks were iu
T p,,u,,,'i,,K attendance uml, stutetl that he would
llll'll Wllft nniirtiitifiittt rnrAnrl I. . ..II. a . . t .... f
-"""""vvmw.w i'i-v I in: uuie iu ik: uiKuu 111 u icw clays
r..i.a . .
in columns nitiiougu the ail
uiuy lust nuvc l)ceu seen in Thk Special Aleetlng.
RWIW, A little thoughtfulness A of w
tilHui the Hirt of the buyer will council was called 011 Monday
show that diiect business is Iwing evening to consider the matter of n
galneil by those mtrouUimr us. tcmjxirary sewer to relieve the over-
Didn't Keep Agreements.
The excursion planned for last
Sunday proved a dlsapjioinlment for
the many who had planned to go,
as well as for l'romotor McClellan,
who was out considerable cash.
Kuougli had promised to take
tickets to make the trip a financial
success but when it came to 11
showdown there were many who
failed to come to the front.
The result was that a lanrc crowd
came back from the dock laden with
filled lunch baskets ami a bit sore
because the others did not do as
they agreed. The boat would not
pull out until it secured its guaran
teed number: and the guaranteed
number were shy .several score.
United Artisans Meet.
St. Johns Assembly, No. 300,
United Artisans, met Tuesday
evening iu Illckuer's hall, initiated
twenty-three Into tlie Order, alul
Installed the following officers:
l'ust Muster Mr. Wilson.
Muster Artisan HnllertI.ecdoin.
Sujwrintcndent Mrs. Adams.
Insector Mrs. Overstreet.
Secretary Mrs. llullls.
Trensurer Mrs. Kdiiiiiud.soii.
Muster of Ceremonies- .Mrs.
Senior Conductor- Mr. Suittor.
Junior Conductor Mrs. ChufTey
wuruer .Mr. Adams.
Eastern Outfitting Company
390 Washington Street, Portland.
Bickner Brothers
Department Store
All Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
ieep a large Moek or (Jo lie ml .Mctcliamlise, including Dry GooiIh,
l 111 tllKIIII
Office iu Cochran block.
Office hours, 9 n. in., to 6 p. m.
ai.jonns, . . ijrrj,
The hct llrcad, Cnkc an,! -iM
In the world. Give uu m uiil.
Plione Scot 3101
hnint Jolnm ... OrrtM
Carpenter & Dolbow
l'laktcrcrs, llrick Maou and Ce
ment Worker. IMImatci glrtse
nnd Mtl(aetlon guarttiitccd. Ktltr
to editor of th Mjer. 755 Wit.
lumlmrcct, Unlvcnity l'atk. 1'hoot
Union 6797.
J. S. CAIN, Proprietor.
Meals by the dny or week. IlotrJ.
MoutK and SlioeH, (ImeerieH, llnrdwnie, lloiiho T
l eeil, Iu fuel ceryiing. Their I'liees
riclit. Don't wnxtu your time goiu; to
Piiitlnm!, but eoiim iu and tee our
(iti.ik niul pileoii.
y tlie 1
er week, fi.oo.
Coehruu llloek
Saint John
- Jcrtey Strtrt
Must Not Shoot.
1 1 1 roe or four .small boys from
Portlund were brotinht tin before
Judge Hunks yesterday, by City
f. I It. r 1 . ii
.win .111111 1, w . imies. 1 ue dovs
were sliiMttitiir towards the river.
and several of the shots came verv
near Guy Heebee. who was out in a
skiff. The marshal went ufter the
boysuml there ensued one of the
prettiest foot races that has liven
.seen here since the races ut the last
election. The majesty of the law
prevailed at last nnd the culprits
were tin be ore t ie udifc
who reprimanded them and sent
tlieiu home.
Remember The Big Department Store
Comer Jersey Street nnd Hroadway
St. Johns, Oregon
IIoiim Mover
Hoiich moveil.
and Rrptlrcr
ratted ami re-
Odd jobs of all kind.
I'rouiiit fiervlee. rooiublc clurtn.
Ivanhoe mid Catlln streeU.
I Saint Joints ... Ot
Free Demonstration.
At the store of Couch & Comnauv
till day today and tomoirow (Kriduv
and Saturday) the Sjwnish.Ainerf
can lfood Comnauv is to uive n
demonstration of its products.
M. J. Walsh Co.,
The well known nnd popular dealers iu Klcctric and
Gas Chandeliers, us well as Mantels, Grates and Til
ing, declare that of the many beautiful homes being
built iu St. Johns they are furnishing eleven out of
twelve of them.
An Elegant Stock of Electrical Goods
A specialty of house wiring and gas piping. Get es
nutates from them at their show rooms and be pleased.
343 Washington Street, corner of Seventh, Portland.
Clilcjfo Rooming llouw.
liooil rooms from tl a week op.
Ivanhoe tmu
Corner Chieogound
I Saint John
... 1? r . .
1 uiiii i-iiL-iurt lor ai, jonns
It is possible that St. Johns will
nave a paint factory this fall, with u
"First Advent of Summer."
'i... .. .1 .i.... .
ua noun nun on uie aueruoou
Clothing cleaned, preset inJ
ineiided with care and proiuptuM.
I.aillci' clothes a sjvccialty.
Old rostoffice lluilillnt;
Saint Johns Orrgoa
Columbia Boulevard aud Central
l'iione Union 385
Salut Johns Orf-
Bon Ton Barber Shop
flow of the laundry. Owing to the
sudden illness of Mayor King but
little business was transacted.
It was finally decided that the
sewer must le put iu only after the
owners of abutting proivrty had
UM.A GOliS DAFT. l,ccl Kw rlit of protest.
.,, , iienee, ine regular mode ot pto-
1HU royal poetess, Ulla Wheeler ceilure will have to be tone
Sunday's wrong 11.
and, as we say, cause a continuance
of advertising.
Will our leaders lear this
mind and uct accordingly?
1 inii'i n iviiiit iiiniisrii iiii. ftii 1 1 .. r . 1
i m sen ni a low pnee, und the list the latest mac 1 nery, will eait and ne rV th ' ..i !lk patrons. Ha r cutting a
includes n score of different soups, 000 1 L ,ock l)lace These , speeialty.
tainales, deviled oysters, and a hast The deoosit in Or..,m.. U n... in, , !'wu0ws "first to foretell the ad- Ageuts for West Coast Laundry. ,
of iiioHim,,,,.. , ,,...!. 'm........ ..V,t ltlWs Oregon is the larg. vent of summer" nnd "firi t. si.iato
, a)w f ata.i, 4 llVfn. IIIL'IMT 111 tll mnrl.l I .. .
1 tract
it iii M I
indicate the shortening of summer
days ' were perched upon everv
Will Count People.
Citlicns of St. Johns should now
Wilcox, had u fit in last
Rood work in all lines of mercantile lMlrs w,wl Kes off like this:
printing it would I a diffeient ThVM.ny ,;Sfeulr."S:w
matter. Hut to st an uirnt iviiii.. I With lattice for thrir iiiiitto. thrv rriWi
here who has n.i li,i..u T,,e, ,,k,!' '"rvc ( c.o.l's Omniiwteuec, prejure to lie counted, Muses Tufts
liere wlio lias no inttmts iu St. Aud m.thiK U,uU tlorc them!" has Inxn apiwiutetl by Uie officials
Johns except, us he says, "to skin Klla is all right ujxm many jwiuts of Multnomah county to act as
folks out In the woods," come into l,t what we desire to know is census taker for this city aud his
the city and secure printing that what the deuce she means by that? jjtics will couimeiice at once. Mr.
should, legitimately, come to Tiih Is that an intimation that fleas are AftlyTMtn,:C
RV.UW gives a weary feeling , on the ratn.uge? Or that bedbugs 11
the IkxIv and a LMi-iit tik vi-nm tn ,lr. .id.... u....t..i ..i... n .... 1 ni...u . . . . . ., .
" iiiv iHiuii, tumvM uiui uicii, una i-ii".v iu it;iMer u kick ni tills
yearning one long, deep, mournful omcc T,,K HKVIKW will bcpleaseil
ycani for more hides to comiuer? w nV, -V, . s,iau lwi
if ifii. ...i.i 1.. .. M ,wre w,n be a settlement of a
" ' iiinv hiu.v mMCh mooteti ,jest,on.
twonld make things easier for u Notice to Merchants.
loug'SUlleriug ptiblic.
A. I . ... -
T cKieiui no cretin 111 utiv wnv in mv
. i .. . . "v
iiiKt 1I1.. H.i.... 1 :.. .1... 1 -v wiii. vuimirisniK i
for the .M..-.n,.! n. V '?,"V,,m,,.,um.l0-.0 m uays" were perched
demonstrator" is anxious ,0 show U ffi TTZ roo'
W IO ca a sanin e of the irnmU A : ' ' ' " .
general invitation is extendeil
the store of Couch & Company.
n.. .1. . . .
A other BraftWM, "V. 7" " ,,,u" '"K J1")' 56 not a
. . " -r "u oiru was to e seenfnr ,1.
House For Sale
lu I COIOrS LMtl Ik. nlitniiiM.1 rwi...- .1..
jxxsits nave no more thau two shadea
e night, everyone had taken flight
the warm, sundit zones of the
I 1 He coiumnv. wlnMi u ......, .i i
x . .,..,., uvuiilllUXll .lir.Vllfli 1t thn . ...i
of Oregon capitalists, had about dc nzon , . "Q e
? fire ctded to erect their plant atKiureno. VlVvS , r' , "r ol ",e
iinith but the expense f shinnimr oilU n iv ,,L crater
More Convenient Now,
The little building for tin
appjmitus next to the black.'
..Ik A Ml I . . .
nilllll Will IK mrilf rnilinrrnm I l2lLt.lL IIKIT II S.lf iriltTk m t- . .. . .1 ..7
nu.. i ........ i . ...v.. uiuih came in viiw
kept , the blacksmith shop Johns, they will build here! l,eT";
o ten do ars a mmitl. Mi t eta s w II lie ""'r.."'? "wiim n:e
Owing to lack of space where this as theloard of control has ,nad7alwater aSinS;i V . ,l
jviraphernalia has been stored they decision. " I QrtU "gai" sprinkle the lands,
wereSucketlclaselv at one em! nf - - l?' will be a
i. . i . " ' iiimuEeioonr ;v "
uie oniining ami in case of an su.i r
Six rooms and bath. Half cask,
balance at 7 per cent. Point Vk.
ot u cost
the soul.
THK KKVIKW Is urging home
patronage und home dealing; bu
fair play Is a jewel!
alarm it is quite possible that the . I
fire would have been extiuguishetl i . ,h V?w 011 exhibition at!
ere the ni ielii.... mnl.1 1....... UlCKlter S Stable, at the renrnfli..l
wvuiu iv in,vlrl 1 ....
put to use. MMiiiiimi mure, a genuine 1
iiy. ii is notuing less than
year-oid cow Having three shoul
ami six tegs. That it is a genuine
treat; ail who have .n ! ...:n .....
!... t -.1 . . . 'I. sr.. V "
itviciMm, uoui 01 01. 1 onus, were aim me owner. L. n vin
fruitate to our r.tvl
Two Live as One.
William Lambert aud Miss Man-
curi-, every Satn day' 'vening at
a Heinstock Hall I 1 Tfn.iii v8n .
T T i 11 KJ m, vr ji .
ESS Paper Hanger
IT andDccoraW;
Orders can be left at Couch' W '
11.' . .
.......... ..wuc ,. (j. U- 1, .0 ,
Special Attention Given to All
"THK Oaks" adveitise that it
looks as if a cyclone had struck the
place. That's the way a fellow's
purse looks after he breaks out
the place.
Keunrdy .t Kcnuetly, iwinictoit oil wife, Man'
ine new meat maiket on Columbia W4iy be responsible for anv
avenue (in the French Uockl h.v . w rcsw,!?'ule Ior ?n
of lufi l ulec Ujw. Their telephone
van ii 1'ition Jul, auu tuey will deliver
Ihe $ixmU,
Schultz, us I will in no
of her
St, Johns, Oregon, August 1,
joined iu wedlock at seven-thirty has documents signed by those who
o'elock.Wednesdayevening.August have known the animal since its
2. Judge J. W. Hanks performed birth to that effect,
the ceremony. The bride has a It costs but a dime to see this
large circle of acquaintances and monstrosity and it is well worth
the groom, un employee at the the price. There is no other ani-
veneer factory, is well-known and mal iu the world like it nrolmhk.
1 UK KKVIKW extends best there will never lie another, I
11 is a wonder. See the bills1
about itthen see the animal itself, 1
. K. O. T.
s Hall, first I
ma C. HemstocL- ;
Portsmouth'Tent No. 8
.u.. nircis in uua Fe low
nd Ihird Tnesdav.
University park Assembly. No 3
United Artisans, meets every Wednes-
s. a. cinri- rz"v. a"P'-; m
Keep Your Hye On St. Johns. 1 n is genuine
'G. aud J.M Bicycle Tires, wfc
they last,
$3.00 ch
Subscribe for Thr Rrvikw.
Pboae Union 4060.
Tacorua 'Street.