St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 04, 1905, Image 1

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THE REVIEW Job Print- rW
inij Department is one
or the very Best not A. I I
the largest InOregon. - w m
Thoroughly Modern.
VOL. i
Devoted to tho Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
NO. 39
The Circulation of THE
REVIEW In the Penin
sula exceeds that of all
other papers combined
Advertisers, note this.
Keep Your Eye on St. Johns
How Do You Like the Weather?
If you are not suited with it at home, come to our
office while we figure our bill of Lumber for you.
We have an office that suits all kinds of people at
alj times of the year.
In cool days it's warm; in hot days it's cool.
Do you suppose the lumber has anything to do
with it?
Hav you tried our lumber?
If not, why not?
Acme Lumber Co.
Good Treatment.
Good Lumber.
Quick Delivery
Board of Trade Docs Quite a Bit of
Work for City.
Although but n vcYy new ami
somewhat crudely formed associa
tion us yet the Hoard of Trade has
commenced -doing business. Al
ready are the effects bcliuj seen in
the many iwoplc daily visiting this
thriving city and the advantages
of St. Johns arc now being talked
about and investigated by a large
number of people who, up to
short time ago, were wholly in
darkness regarding this locality.
Half n hundred thousand litttc
cards have been printed for gratui
tons distribution and that the dis
tributiou has been a good one so far
as the cards have gone out there is
no doubt. The cards mid as below:
St Johns
Lots for Sale
Between the car line and the boulevard
overlooking the river and harbor, close to
the Drydock and within a few minutes'
walk of all the mills and factories now
located in the humming, thriving aud rap-idly-growing
city of St. Johns, Portland's
great manufacturing district.
LOTS 50x1 00 FEET
All clear. Hydrant water now ou tract
and will be piped to every lot as required.
Title Guarantee & Trust Co.
6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
KoK:rs ami Van Houten, Selling Agents, at St.
Johns. Office at the end uf the car line.
H. KINQ, President.
M. L. HOLBROOK, Vice-President
Abstracts of Title carefully and accurately prepared.
Charges Reasonable.
Kins' aitUlaai Ammmmu S5 St. JohllS
1 intull Lighting anil Power PUuti and repair Motor and Djnimo
iiouk ana ucu wiring a tpcciauy
r?iL9 Hut wjo
Ktldoct, Scott J7
ju WUlUm Avenue
Few St. Johns People arc Posted on
the Laundry.
The rank aud file of the citizens
! of St. Johns have but little conccp
, tion of whut an industry the "West
I Coast Laundry" is carrying on
J although the plant is directly within
I the city and within a stone's throw
' of the postoffice.
I J. K. Johnson, the proprietor,
has been badly handicapped since
I lie came here in securing water and
; caring for it after using it. Several
large cesspools some of them be
tween 50 and 100 feet deep have
jbeeu dug but each one fills and
1 overflows very rapidly.
The laundry employs between 15
aud so people all residents of St.
Johns. The weekly payroll is close
upon $200 awl it keeps Mr. John
son hustling to get all his orders
out on time, It must not le sup
posed that the work from this city
keeps up this large business for
each duy there come and go loads
of laundry for the Portland people.
All possible means should be
taken to keep this industry in
running order and to aid Mr.
Johnson in his laudable ambition.
The laundry does firstclass work
aud should be patronized very
He Caught Several.
A few weeks ago a couple of
smooth fellows went about this city
loaded with a camera calling at all
the better-appearing houses and
takhig a photo of each. One of the
agents would ask the occupants of
each house to step outside so as to
appear in the view. When asked
whv thev did this they asserted it
was for insurance purposes: stated
that the insurance companies desired
to procure photos of every home iu
view of present or future business.
A few days later every resident
who had his home "takett" was
approached by one of the artists
and shown a photo of the place
with an offer of "two for seventy
five cents." Of course a sale was
strongly urged aud most always
consummated but the game was
very old and very raw.
Why paint the sides and not the
roof? The roof gets the rain aud
the sun let us paint it. Moe &
Clark, the "Klastic" painters,
Saint Tonus.
Keep Your Eye On St. Johns.
Keep your eye on St. Johns.
The great manufacturing center
of Oregon.
Ilclorc leaving tlie city Ik sure
and visit St. Johns, Oregon.
Cars leave Second aud Alder
streets, Portland, every twenty
minutes. Nine miles of beautiful
scenery for five cents.
Upon the back of each card is
some catchy phrase to attract atteu
tion so that in no case is the
reverse of the card blank. If the
card is dropiKnl anywhere there
must le a "printed side up."
Among the little sentences arc to
Ik; found "Keep Your Kye 011 St.
Johns," "Will You Come?" "Want
to Invest? Hie Best iu Oregon,"
"Ten Larue Industries," "All for
a Five-Cent Vitro," and "It's a
Lively Place."
The Board of Trade is doing
much to draw industries here
industries thatwilljnve' employ
ment to those who will make their
homes here iu St. Johns. The
waterfront offers exceptional ad
vantages to those who tlesire good
shipping facilities both by rail and
boat -and close to railroad center.
What has leeu needed is to show
these advantages to the jteopli.
and this is the oitit emphasized by
the new Board of Trade.
Kvery citizen of St. Johns no
matter what may be his business or
following should join this associa
tion. IT cuts 110 figure whether or
not he may have a bit of proierty
to sell: if he Ik; simply working 011
a salary and boarding he may lo as
useful us any other one may. 1 11
uumlerslies the strength of this
association and by concerted effort
and steady plugging along may
much lx accomplished.
lust "keep your eye on bt.
Johns" aud have a kindly word for
every stranger. A gentle word aud
a happy glance can do much.
A Pretty Wedding.
The wedding at noon, Wednes
day, July 36, of Mauley B. Iwerett
aud Miss Maud Hamilton, which
took place at the home of the
bride's parents, Key, and Mrs.
C. L. Hamilton, ut HiIlsloro, was
one of the prettiest of the season.
The home was tastefully and
beautifully decorated with Oregon
grape, and sweet jteas, especially a
corner of the large living room,
where a floral arch aud wedding
bell were placed, under which the
Methodist Kplscopal ceremony was
performed by the bride's father,
Kev. C. J. Mammon, witn ex
cusable emotion. The bride was
iKfcomingly attired in tan aud pink.
Miss I.nura Clark and Verne Ham
ilton officiated as maid aud groom's-
man, respectively,
I lie bcautitul weaning case was
made by Mrs. C. A. Cook, of St.
The bride and groom lelt ou tlie
afternoon train, amid showers of
rice and well wishes, for St. Johns
where they will reside in. their
cozy aud comfortable home, at the
corner of Ivanhoe and Tacoma
Went to Wedding.
Rev. and Mrs. K. K. McVicker
went to Ridgefield Tuesday, where
Mr. McVicker officiated at the
wedding of Miss Ina Simpson,
daughter of R, Simpson, of that
city, aud Charles Maxwell, a rail
road man of Fairbury, Nebraska.
The ceremony took place at noon,
Wednesday, and the happy couple
went directly to Mr. Maxwell's
honfe in Fairbury. The bride is a
sister of Louie Simpson, who is
now living in St. Johns.
Keep Your Kye On St. Johns.
Activity in Building All Over
Johns is Apparent.
There seems to be no cessation iu
tlie way of new buildings and im-
. .. t L.. T 1
iiruvcmi'iHM 111 nim uuuiu 01. joints
and vicinity. There has been some 1 !
sellitiK but those who sell nre not
ntent upon leaving St. Johns: they
merely figure that they can buy a
less extensive property nnd build a
better home aud stilt have some
cash left.
A couple of years ago 1 W.
Valentine bought a half block ou
Jersey street for $500. He built a
nice little cottage on one half, and
later, sold the remainder at a nice
figure. Now he has disposed of the
portion containing his home for
3000. He will buy and build else
where iu the city.
Moses Tufts is building two cot
tages on Salem street at a cost of
$800 each.
A Mr. Goodman cxccts to build
a hotel iu North St. Johns in the
near future.
11. c. Ward is putting up a
$1 ,500 residence in Adams Addition
to this city..
i,. is. tjiiipuian is putting up a
building ou the half block owned
by B. I I.eggett.
A Mr. Atkins is building a $1500
residence iu Adams Addition. Ar
thur Herald is the contractor.
K. Vaiidermcer has sold a lot
50x100. iu block 13, James Johns
addition, to K. Poquett. The price
was f 000.
On the brow of the hill overlook
lug the Willamette A. A. Messenger
is to erect a five-room house which
he will rent.
I). O. Busby is alwut to build i
couple of nice cottages iu the
Severance -Addition. They are to
cost about Si, 200 each.
At St. Johns Heights I). Tallman
is building 11 nice residence upon
the half block that he purchased
more than n year ago.
C. h. Messenger, of Vancouver.
is erecting it $1,300 house 011 the
corner of Burlington and Crawford
streets. The lot was bought from
Sheppard & Tufts.
J. Currier is finishing a cozy
cottage for R. W. McKeou, of Tm
KitviitW. The residence is uimhi
one of the finest river-view locations
ou the Willamette.
'.. Vauderiueer, the real estate
man, has sold the place where his
office stands, close to Dr. Heusel's
lospital, for si, 600. The name of
the purchaser is A. I). McDonald,
I.. Vaudcmtcr has sold two lots
11 North St. Johns to J. O. Kliewer.
Mr. Kliewer, believing iu the ex
cellence of his purchase was iu great
uiste to complete the deal. He be
ieves in St. Johns.
1 he elegant three-story residence
of L. B. Chipmuu ou the river-front
s now Hearing completion. IS. II,
Suittcristhe builder. The house
will be a beauty and, possibly,
the finest iu the city.
Rev. J. W. btockton, who already
owns several houses iu St. Johns, is
erecting another near the home of
C. W. Potter. This, also, has a " 9
line view ot tlie Willamette. IN. II, !
Suittcr has the contract for the'
Jt. P. Day, who bought the
iiiarter-block from V, W. Valen
tine, expects to build a two-story
trick building upon the site iu the
near future. He has enough faith
11 St. Johns to invest 6ooo or
$7000 here.
N. II. Mutter is building a nice
lome u)ou property secured trom
B. Chtpmau near the latter s
residence. The home will cost
alout $2000 and will have a river-
view. It is to Ik: occupied by C.
A. Wood, cashier of the Peninsula
bank. It is quite likely that Mr.
Wood may purchase the building
when completed.
of, jonns raw
No. 2.
Lots 50x1 06 ft.
With a 1 6-foot Alley back
of each lot.
$200 and Upwards
Terms -
I $5 Down and $5 per month I lots are located ou Jersey street, three blocks
from ear line and
Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site.
Don't pay $350 and $.oo for building lots only 100 ;j
feet deep, and without alleys, wneu you can get extra
sized lots with 1 6-foot alleys, all high and level, and iu
the best locality in St. Johns for $200 and upwards.
Let us show you this property. We can sell only
the first fifty lots at these prices. This is done to ad
vertise tho property. When, these are sold prices will
advance 25 per cent.
Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill
is iu operation, these lots will be worth double the pres
ent prices.
St. Johns Land Co
St. Johns Phono union 3io4 Oregon
Bratich Office mid Asciicy 011 the (.round.
I A Good Way to Save
Initial Alccting.
St. Johns Homestead No. 1321
held its first regular meeting iu
Bickucr's hall Thursday of last
week. A goodly number was in
attendance. All officers had their
charges committe daud filled their
regular places. Pour new memlers
were accepted, The Corrcsjxjiulent
and the Treasurer, Mr. and Mrs.
T. P. Peterson, were present aud
they declared that the lodge va;f
me oesi orgamzcu, tora new Jioinc
stead, that they had seen.
Is to purchase the necessaries of life where you can
quality considered.
We offer the the purest aud most palatable goods in
our Hue at prices as low as possible aud still allow us a
Just Profit. INVUSTKIATK nnd Act Accordingly.
Phone Union 4066 GENERAL A.ERCIIANTS' ,
A roof painted with Moe &
Clark'jJ "Klastic" roof paint sheds
sparks as a duck sheds water, No
danger when Moe ami Clark paint
your roof. See their ad. 1
Of all Kinds.
Sole Agent for
Universal Stoves and Ranges
Do not fail to see the Universal
Steel Range before purchasing
': 141-143 First Street, Odd Fellows Biildiog, Portland. Oregon. Phone Main 1382