St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 28, 1905, Image 2

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    jr W
I'ubllihtd Eftrr FrMT
Subscription nln, 11.00 per rctr In d?nr,
Ad.artlilnr ralai. tl.00 tier Inch Dr month.
All idftttlilnc bills p7H flrtt of each
Job Prlntlnr ictitd In flriteUni i
Flllli for Job Prlntlnf eih on dellterj,
All communication ahnold b aildroied to
Tn XtTMV, 8t. Johns, Orefon.
THR RKVIKW Is entered nt tiost office
in Saint Johns, Oregon, ns nmll matter
of Uie second elms under the Act of Con-
grcM of March 3, 1879,
Officii! Xwrppr of tn City of 8U Joan.
Phona Scott 6900.
FRIDAY JULY 28, 1905
i'im,kf his vocation.
TIIIJRli recently died in St.
Johns a little lad. He was n sturdy
little member of the church ami
he did his best to show what was
in him. He was not renowned for
his ability to talk nor was he a
singer of note.
He rang the church bell and lie
did it well, He ilid it with the best
ability he jmssessed. He performed
the duty witli a zeal which not only
yielded pleasure to himself but to
those who came in contact with
What more can be said of the IiijIi
cstninongour cople? Why shotili
more le said of him who as an
artist depicts the lights and shadows
of most !eautiftil .scenes? Or of the
author, tioet, sculptor, orator,
Wl DO! WIv DO!
ONJi of our dear readers back in
Colorudo writes "Do you dinve
automobiles in Oregon?" Now,j
honest, wouldn't that gripe you?,
Do we have autos in Oregon? Yesr
.1 I ... ........ ,.,,"
mime near, we nave uuuj.i
casionally: and .sometimes one may
see a rubljer-tircd rig or a red
headed girl. We also have loco
motives, wheelbarrows, freight-cars,
toothaches, babies, porous plasters,
fruit, boating, vegetables, and
human beings. We have cows,
too; and occasionally the cows have
calves and tliey botn nave a goon
time. In fact, Annie, we seem to
have about everything here that is
to be had in countries
including democrats and insurance
men. Come out Annie and we'll
show you.
THIS paper is not a crank about
allowing clippings to be taken from
its columns but it does solidly be
lieve that where items arc abstructed
full credit should be given to Tint
RHVIiiW. livery week matter is
clIp'K'd fiom these columns but
. . . i l
even llie I'oiuami tumics retrain
from giving Tint Rkvihw one line
of credit. The Orcgonian of 'I ties-
day contained an item cut bodily
ftom this nik.t an article about
the formation of a Yoemaii lodge
here a complete copy even to the
Qavc Him Deed.
A couple of vears ago Martin
n rcri -w ik I g I Maher bought of Hartman, Thomp-
BETTER J Ol IN Hi"!! ?
which lit uum iiiiii.-kii " '"
home. He has made his stipulated
monthly payments with promptness
until came the time of his crush
ing accident whereby he lost his
arm and lay ill for some time.
The accumulated debt worried Mr.
Maher and he wondered if, like
some corporations, the original
owners would seize his property on
account of non-payments and render
him without a home.
This week a surprise was given
Mr. Maher for. bv an act not
heretofore airrecd upon, he secured
a clear title to his property. Hart
man, Thompson & Powers, with
liberality too seldom seen, presenter
him with a Daid-in-full receipt for
all monies due. with the accitmu
latcd interest. Tins entitled him to
a clear deed to his property, am
made his partiallv-paid-for home
real thins!: and it made thing
appear more roseate for Maher than
he had contemplated. The act was
a very nice one upon the part of the
.1 ...Ml' ...ill ...
seners anu me puonc win 1
pleased to learn of it.
Remember the
Leaving CONE'S
DOCK at 10 a. m.
Sunday, July 30
We Will Furnish Your House
Dress You inlhe Latest Style it WILL PAV YOU
AT to take time enough to
One Dollar per WeeK
uukliwi, wi..w. , ..... i
preacher -each of whom fills some wrong initial placed ll.u.e purposely
great and ItntHirtniit niche in " .". .
would not bo stolen. Let's play
Air. AlcOnrry Speaks.
Word has just tenched lis that
. . I t t I I
Attorney .Miiiiirry, m roruiuiu,
places a new phiifcc tiiwm the ques
tion of the bonds lately issued by
the city of St. Johns. He declares
that in his opinion the bonds were
icrlectly legal: that wliile lie never
nurd to any extent of the Portland
(Inn that bid in thciMie he believes
the same was bought for the pur
pose ol sMTiiiiiiH)ii, ouiy, tutu mat,
hit thur. had pinpsr slops hcuti taken
What more can be said of
anyone than this: "He did his work
Th; little fellow filled his crevice
in the world's work, not with omp
and pride but meekly, steadfastly
honestly, he rang the lell which
culled the chtircli-iioeis to the
sacred hall I
His mind dwelt iioii his duty
and he never failed: he was not
recreant to Ids trust. He had found
the niche where his wotk counted
and where his efforts would Ik.hi
fruit and he made the most of it.
There was no waveting: he did the
I test that was in him: he did it well.
Uikiii the nimble slab that shall
mark his resting-place should be
"He rang the bell."
AHTliR a strike continuing al
most four months the leiiuisteis of
Chicago are hustling for their old
Msitious and agreeing not to dis
play a union button. This is the
lirst time lit History wlieu Midi
strong demands of employers have
Ix-en consented to by the working-
men and indicates that the mem
bers of the union were not pleased
with the action oi those IcatlctK
who brought on the strike,
Strikes are never a siicccm. They
letkct no credit niton the stiikeis
nor itiMiu the p.ttt of those nuaiiiM guatnntced. Olfer good for fifteen
whom the sttikc is made. An Myr" Um'r- V- T.' Shilton,
,,W..r Ou,M ,l In ,.,..r IH",,h IMstolhce. .St. JolltlS.
calculated tocieate hatmouy autoiig
the majority of those who wotk for
him: if he does not do this he'd
letter tpiit business.
No one employer can satisfy eveiy
employee in a large plant but he
can gouge himself by houot to In
fair to the majority,
kickers everywhere
Hours of Pleasure
Hours of Rest
Columbia Grove
in time the buvets could have been
foiccd to level ve and pay for the!
Mr. MeGairy, also, denies that
lie had any desire to "knock" the
bond issue in any way farther
than to make sine of the money for
which his client, C. R. Organ, was
striving. I his places the matter in
n different light us tegards his
.statements about mat lei. s heietofore
tcfciicd to.
Music & Refreshments
on the boat
Money In Strawberries.
That one may derive a nice litt
income from strawberries in tins
community is an assured fact. It
is also an equally assured fact that
ministers are not very fond of work
Yet here is what Rev. C. II. Cantt
bell, pastor of the Methodist clittrc
at bt. Johns, says about wliut
'Talk about strawberries! Why
I set out some plants last August in
little space 15x34 feet in size. They
were of the Mnvroon and Clark
Seedling varieties and were given
me by C. R. Organ. 1 rout tli
patch, l)csidcs what wc d no out
and pick just to iret n taste, you
know, I nicked tao boxes this last
season! Of course, the vines hadn't
gotten their urowth yet many of
these lcrries were more than fiv
inches in circumference! And this
is all true: Mrs. Campbell (she
wouldn't lie about it) can testify to
All of which merely shows that
if teopIe will go into the business o
berries and fruit mid nuts as Tint
Ritvntw constantly urges they can
make money.
A roof painted with Moo &
Clark's "Klastlc" roof paint sheds
1 .
sparks as n duck slieds water. V
danger when Moc and Clark paint
your roof, bee their ad.
SlKVlul Offer,
b'or the next fifteen days I will
make-ii spt-dal offer on dental work.
I will extract all teeth fuc of charge
and make a (list-class set of teelli,
wotth fully ten dollars, for S7..SO.
This is not a humbug offer lcctiusc
the teeth which I will furnish are
gnat untced for ten years -and my
methods of extraction me erfectly
painlcMi. Think of it! A good set
if twin foi :.flo iud no charge
made for cxtinctiug ! Satisfaction
Out of every ticket sold
by St. Johns boosters
there will be placed
Work to' Soon Commence.
Private Secretary Alexander ha
given, ordent which seem to promb
an curlydote1 lor the work upon the
great Weycrliauser Plant. Tli
company owns uixm its site a tract
of good pastitre laud which it ha
been rentlnir. An order lias now
Imxmi issued to the party in charge
of all the property to make no lease
extending louecr than bcptemlcr 1
and, indirectly, Tint Ritvutw learns
that Ixifore that date a Inure uauir
ot men will be at work upon the
big plant.
This seems to Tun RuviHW
very uutheutic bit, of news and
given to the public with the belli
tliat it is correct.
tluve who strive to create diseti-
sions; there will be those who seek
to doiuiueer, These classes should
Working on Oil Well. ;
There Hrms to be good piostHVls1
foi oil in the Oudeu well, and work !
has once nunc bwu rvsunuil thete. i
Their is nmv salty watur tlowiuK '
fiom the cluing and the well is'
down close to Soo fwl. ' 1
Sllillllil Mr. Ouili.ii' viwv'hitliiiiw 1
There will Ik u. ,! gtunl how of oil i of the Fire
there will be Ik utitick it will pioyc a Iwuiaiua ;
Why paint the sides and not th
roof? The roof gets the ruin am
the sun let its paint it. Moe &
Clark, the "lilastic" painters
Saint Johns.
In the Building Fund
lor all who huu Income interested.
I hen would Ikj 110 expense for
.a . . 1
snipping KtMU-H' tne uver lioatsi
wnnlil 1 11 iw ilu- llmv tit tlui linil- if 1
t. ...1.1 .1... ii., ..r ..r . ' 1
n.pii mi iHviniui n,MimMi.i mo Ul.llllVlU' Ullll COIIStttllC tile
1......... 1.... .1... ,.. 1 1 I - . 1.. . ,
iiiiurni iiivn ih.-v.iiim; iiiv i.iihm niu i wniinr iiiikiiu -i. A! SIHIU as Oil IS
jKHiple are greatly dauiagol by such nuk in .n p.t nig quautitv there
win iK- a nig 011 excnemeni.
t" 1 ,,, ,
.wine mi) - wc 11 ihivc niiiipiusuiy L',! M.inrU
...l.tlr.. !.... ...1 1 1 ..t ...I.! I "
-- " The St. Johns hotel has changed
iruiors can iki .wtiuti tliat will not haiuUMts I. It. Rich svllitm the
Pe a inimical roite or a biased hmly. Itiriiituu and IniMiittvs of the lion'
Then capital and labor w ill no hand lo 1 C.iuuun, foinieily of
in lmiul tmtlu. iintliiv.iv of .wriim. f'Mu', v-OIISIdetatiOll WHS 0OQ.
11 ' I Mis. li ii-li 11. ,i mini.. inl.lf..
unit siiihs'vs. I . ... ' . 1
...... .. . . . ...... , ....... .... Mr.. 1..
Minn ,i iiiv- i,iiiiv-. .Min. V.IIIIIUIIIII
ins asf.nml charue of the house
and it if. to Ik hoil will make it
suciX'ns of the maiiai'cnicut
Buy a Ticket
and Go
Real Estate Transfer.
One of the most important rea
estate transfers of the week is the one
closed by Rogers. & Van Hotitcu.
who sold tlie knight property
wiiere M. l Kowland, ttte lilack
stntui, is iivunr. 1 lie tiroiwrtv was
purchased by Alexander ForlK'S, of
lutreka. California, and he expects
10 commence tlie erection of a brick
business building as soon as ar
rangements can be made. The
consideration was 35,000.
jiavjn 111 Kansas tliete was a I
juckavs. Of course thete was more
than one but this sivctal animal
had four legs, He annoyed a poM-
mtstrevs by his continued bmying.
Of course this was not the lust
past mist annoyed in thi fashion
Doing (lood lluslncss,
Several mouths aeoW. W. Ruser.
then ot Cripple Cieek, Colorado,
eanie to M Johns uikiii an iuvetl
gating tour. Me liked, the apivar
aiuv ol the city so much that he
but this postmistress scented an concluded to louitc, and at once
injunction auuinst the animal to purchased a location. Meie he has
1,.. 1.. .1... 1 w-oikco. up a iioou muie in uie wuv
o.wii ,tn IIIUjlllK. H III II IIIV IIVlll-l ,f .1 .1 t -
a I .l .xii.flrw Inn, r... .....
ing was given the judge dissolved crv. u.j,h i,vo,v,im u.ul,ll..ln .lri,a-
me IIIJUIU.-UOII, siiyuig: on tlie side and his sales are eon-
"No power on cat th can pi event stautly on the increase. He ts a
. . ll... tl..., l t . . ... 1
a lackujis Druv nir. This court s "mivi. .mi. www iki him iveu
I imiminttHl In Miivar r l
. II
liMlftrw.1 lv ,wt.lm A I?
I vihim.".M vwi V I J . 1'
Wonder It mere is any moral to 1'iaucis. as a delegate to the Trans
this? .Mississippi Congress which will
I convene in l'oitl.ind on Atimut
OOOD! lo-io. inclusive- and Mr. U.istr
Illl. Uiiuese are now eettine conteni plates brimine a l.iree uum
wjtiare for ull thase missionaries we Iwr of the delegates who will be
huvc, In tunes past, sent over thete. piesem out to St. Johns, for the
Tliey are us n nation stolidly and
solidly boycotting everything
is American, l'oasibly, by great promises to lK.iuaiiv in Portland at
exertions, America can put up witli tliat time who will hail from Colo
it: ut any rate, there seems to be no rado, uttd Mr. Rascr lusu. Liree
real suffering here on account of it. Iuciuiiutauce utiiong people
The Ladies' Aid society of th
I'irst Congrguetional church will
give un ice cream social at their
talwrnacle briday evening, July 38.
A cordial invitation is extended to
The Barge Klikatat
leaves Cone's Wharf
at 10 a. m.! foot
of BurnsideSt.,
Portland, at 9
Sunday, July 30
Hotel Changes Hands.
James S. Cuin, who has Ikxmi
conducting the Unique Restaurant,
at Santa Cruz, California, has pur
chased the Kastcrn Home Res
taurant and grocery stock from C.
M. McKinuie. He will continue
with the restaurant department, but
will close out the grocery stock.
Mr. Cum comes to St. Johns well
recommended, und is deserving of
the patronage of the people of the
t$ A il
Your Credit is Good at This Store
390 Washington St., Portland,
and learn of our
low prices on them
. " Kimball,
Story & cik,
Hobart M. Cable,
Crown Orchestral,
Marshall & Wendell,
Hallet & Divi,
And Many Othert
A small cash payment and
moderate monthly install
incuts ,will purchase any of
them. Write us for cata
logues and illustrated circulars.
351 Washington Street,
Corner of Park Street,
Bickner Brothers
Department Store
All Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
Keep a lurgu t.lmk nf tIi-iuiol JU'rclmmJiM', hii'hulini; Dry aoudn,
i,. ...i i oi. , t .. . . . . r. '
iimm nun ouiwu. iiniiOiKW, 1 1 II I ilWll I c. Iliilliiu r III lltHlll tljri,
I'eoil, Kte. In fact evorylliim;, Tlieir Prices arc
riclil. Don't wante yiiiir time going to
1 Nullum!, lint come in ami see oar
stock nml prici.
Remember The Big Department Store
Corner Jersey Stic t and Hromlwuy
St. Johim, Oregon
The . Hazelwc
Ik tut up-to-date quick Imi,
Cigai. Confectionery' b4 Km
Stnml. The Celebrated Hal
wood Cream nml flutter htft
in stock.
Oornor Jersey St. and Broaiwtf
St. Johns, Oregon
M. J. Walsh Co.,
The welt known and popular dealers in Klectric and
Ga Chandeliers, as well as Mantels, Grates and Til
ing, declare that of the many beautiful homes being
built in St. Johns they are furnishing eleven out of
twelve of them. "
An Elegant Stock of Electrical Goods
A specialty of house wiring and gas piping. Get es
timates from them nt their show rooms and be pleased,
343 Washington Street, corner of Seventh, Portland.
v T 1 --v w-h. arte. L
Twenty-one-foot launch, nearly
new, miscott Model ami Ionr II.
P. 'lVuscott engine. For sale by
Potter & Goold, Saint Johns.
SermoM on Life.
Rev. Vpshaw will deliver the
fourth In the series ut the Coniire-
and pur jHe of showing them the snlen t
that did chances to be found here. Thete .
" a I iuuiiii in me xim ui mc v.uuiric
71. .: i nv.i i r... .
vs tvUII V 4tt IIVUI 14(111 utl
"The Startling Question." Con-
siderable interest is being arousetl
by these sermons and in spite of
the hot weather the attendance is
steadily increasing. The subject
for the morning will be "May
Paper Hanger
and Decorator
Unlcr cxii be left at Couch' torc
SlKrctol Attention O.iveu to AU Orders! Keep Your Kye On St. Johns.
j. i'. roi'p
Ilfr to
C.l IMlmrJ .1 1'orlUud frlcw 1'lu. One llilf Frcet ctirt
lrompt Dtlivrrjr ai C.irrt PiUm
Tl . 1 ASM
raoa umon 3101 ST. JOHNS, OREGON
The finest list of residence propert;
in the district.
Walnut Park offers the mort 6mt-
Me homo sites utreets grsd4, kd
f0xl00. Sold nt nrico .be mot f-
orublo in Ida mnrket.
J03 Chaster of OoBBerce. Tumi
A. SCOTT, Pre. Thoue BUCK
It. V. CROSJIY, Sec'y.
Portland Jobbing Cc
PrumMag. OiitHUBf
SteamfMUiif, Rood
duller Etc.
At Reasonable JUtcn. Stove, Fun
mul Tinware Repalretl. Qal
Sen ice. AU Work Gu:n-
N 7 N Fifth St CorAnkwy
Is the strongest char
acteristic of a watchi
If you would know
why, ask
AT:t it.-
Yviison, ine jcwcti
Tacowa St., St Mm, Oi " i
Mrs; L. Tymtx Profrlf
Now is the time to
e are special growers. The Best
boft-shcll varieties, adapted to this
locality. Abundant bearers at early
age. They thrive in Oregon. Bit
money can be made. Good invest
incut: small capital. Greatest oppor
tunity m Northwest. We also carry
a general nursery stock. Write for
I! English I
I IVAaCJ'li 5 xv "P catalog-a treatise
1 rCCS M " Wa,nut culture. Von need this.
need this,
Carlton, Orttoa
Walnut Nurery,
Fint Ctaat Rmm
CuMm EmiMmI
Clanin and RM'flf
'ocntlemea'aand LadleV Clot-ii-
work satUiactory or money reti
M9 l-J Firt rrtt. ltUM
Subscriptions to the WJS
Hharmaro Ktra COOKS
. ,
on. sale therev - i