St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 28, 1905, Image 1

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me review Mftm-.
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. VOL. t
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Droto4 to tlM lateral of tht PmImmU, Mm Maaafactariag Ccatar of ( NorthwMt
The Circulation of THE
REVIEW in the Penin
sula exceeds that of all
other papers combined
Advertisers, note this.
NO. 38
Keep Your Eye on St. Johns
Speaking of Lumber
If you are interested in the quality
of stock we are furnishing and haven't
time to visit our. yard, just look at the
material being delivered by us for the
new addition to the St. Johns School Build
ing, Contractors like our grades, prices
and quick delivery.
Yours to Command,
Acme Lumber Co.
P. S. Come to. the office if you can, for it's there
you see the stock complete.
Dr. Otis F. Akin,
Dr. Alabcl Akin.
Osteopathic Physicians
4l-4 Maclcav nullilliiL'. Fourth
I tn4 WuhliiKton streets, 1'ortUml.
Hours 9 to 11.2105. l'houe Office
I Chy7;. KcililcnccMttln 3131.
I Lawrence M. Hcnsel
Offieeoiilervey street in Liver-
1 more house, oitMslte St. Toll 11 Rash
I sndpoor Co. Phone Scott 1148.
Pb)tlcUn and Surgeon.
Office hour, a to 13 a. ni. 1 to .1
I P- . Resilience l'houe Scott 6w6.
I Office 1'hone Union 699-1. Office:
w union's ilntK store.
i Dr. William Wolf Hicks
Office In (Ii ii:-..
ufcee hours 9 to 11 a m, 3 to 4 p in
Hwne UuionjBj.
I RMlitnct Saint JoIim Halahli
Office Rooms for rent
Offir U ... ... n ti 1 n..u.l
' 1 ."vim tirrcticii ouiiii-
J lug. corner Third and Washington
tfU. Portland.
RtiJence- Saint lohna
Office: Cochran niock.nextdoor
to pottoffice.
Snt Johns . . Oregon
Chicago Rooming Houm.
Good rooms from t a week up.
CoriicrClilcagoaiul IvauliocstrecU
Saint Johna - Oregon
N. A. Q E E
Houm Mover and Repair?
Houses movetl, raised and re
paired. Odd jobs of all kinds.
Prompt service, rcsonalilc charges.
Ivauhoe and Catliu Streets.
Saint Johns Oregon
. The lcst Dread. Calcea and Pies
in the world. Give us a trial.
l'houe Scot 3101
Saint Johua . Oregon
Office in Cochran Mock. Office
hour, 9 a. u. to 6 p. ni.
St. Johns, -
Clothing clpnctl, pressed and
mended with careaud promptness.
Ladle' clothes a specialty.
Old I'ostoAce Building
c..l.i - . Orciron
WW.- Vlliw - II
Good tables; courteous treat
ment. Choice line of cigars and
tobacco. V .'
Jersey Street, Saint Johns
I CbluDW Boulevard and Central
1'llOne Uninn" Hr
int Johns . . Orecon.
Goodrich & Goodrich,
nt Johns and Pprtlaad. Oregon
Crpenter & Dolfcow
iMwm and Ce-
Colon 6797,
ResUurant and Light Groceries,
Meals by the day or week. Board,
per week, 4.00.
Cockran Block Jersey Street
Saint Johns - Oregon
Dr. W. E. H ARTEL,
Local or general anaathetks ad-
aialstcnd if desired.
Freedsnau Block,
St. Johns
Practical repairer of boots and
shoes. First cUas work guar
aatecd at raaaoaable pneaa.
Shop oa Tacoma street, rear of
-W. J. ffebucord's office.
Saint TohfiS
I Things Coming Our Way
Northern Pacific is Hunting for a
River Crowing.
Railroad work is bclnir nushed as
rapidly as ossible uud prospects
are iiiai witiiiu tinny uuya .tame
thing will le doing to awaken all
business lines.
Rumors have been current that
the Northern Pacific has positively
abandoned the St. Johns crossing of
the Willamette but all conditions
now point to the fact that the
oflicials will stick to the original
intention of cro&siug here at St.
Johns aud putting in a huge draw
Four or five routes have been
surveyed front Vancouver to the
bauks of the Willamette, and sound
ings have been taken in several
places in the river bed. Men have
been stationed for a three-day period
several times to count every boat
passing in either direction during
the 72 hours in order to ascertain
how many times the draw would
have to ooen durintr the busy
season. The total number of vessels
requiring the opening of the draw
cannot be ascertained: but these
mimLs were averaired in order to
secure all probable details of ex-
pense and bonier. 1 ne tiraw 011 111c
new bridge will work by electricity
and a ficure has been Quoted the
Northern Pacific by the Portland
General Electric Company as to the
cost of sucn service.
One of the lines surveyed passes
directly through "the home of A. M.
Roberts and continues across ine
tract of laud now being tilled by a
Chinaman as a vegetable Harden.
The general trend of all these lines
is from tue wtuameiie uauic at a
point about 150 yards above where
the Columbia Slouch empties into
the river, north aud east across the
Cattoa property aud the site of the
great Weyerhauser lumber plant,
throuch tke woods bordering the
county road leading to the Ogden
place and crowing the roau close
to Mr. Ogden's gate: from there
the route runs direct to Vancouver
in the vicinity of the Simmons
Thb continued activity without
doubt indicates that tke Northern
Pacific k actually in earnest regard
ing the building of this big bridge
and the fisal abandonment of the
forrv at Coble: and each step along
the work will be anxiously con
sidered by the residents of St.
Review Secures a BK of History Not
Generally lyiown.
Recently one of our townsmen,
William Wordsworth Goodrich,
dropped into Thk Ritviuw office.
aud, in the course of, conversation.
grew reminiscent. From hint the
editor collated the following facts,
for which history can vouch with
no uncertain finnues:
Unless Outhouse arc Cared
Sickness will Follow.
of the most careful ami
persons arc, perhaps 1111
consciously, allowing the odors and
gases from outhouses to Income
. i . i . .. . ..
extremely ounoxious wucu oy 1110
expenditure of n few cents for lime
all the unsanitary conditions could
be eradicated.
We object, as a class, to llvini!
"Many have wondered how this
. T il A 1.11 . 1 . - a .
great uoriuwcsi uecamc a pan ot next 10 a siaURUter-uouse, or
..-,. r ,.. i I..- 1 1... e I ... . .
uiicic oaui s uomaiii nuu out icw cniiic-peu. or even lo liuvimr n
know that to General LaFayettc, of public pound in close proximity to
revolutionary iamc is tine me our Homes, l ilts is because of the
credit ot the succesMUl consumma
tion of n happy idea. In 1784
General LaFayettc came to this
country upon a specific errand-
although ostensibly (to visit. His
sole object was to thwart the schem
ing designs of Great Uritain to
a.aa a
uuucaitiiiui odors which arc prone
to cause disease unless some anti
dote be secured. Yet, on the other
hand, there arc far too many who
will carelessly allow accumulation
of filth when a slight effort and a
small cxiKMise will chance ootid i-
St. Johns Park !
No. 2.
annex this great Northwest to tions so that san tat on w ill tircva 1.
Hritain's Colonial Kmpirc. The livery dweller within the citv of
viscount uc nam uc i.asstis nan st. joints should invest in n minnt tv
kept General LaFayettc informed of lime nud use it. It can Iw bought
11 detail of these schemes of Great I in smalt ouaut it cs. Tills is not tin I
Britain. Through btwnlsh court In- advertisement but we'll snv rluht
minies, L,aiayettc knew that both here that Smith Sc. l'oif se lime 11
Great Hrituiu nud the Spanish gov- tiny quantity at n very low fiinire.
eminent were of one mind: each Twenty-five pounds will cost about
planning, if possible, to out-schemu 11 iiuarter at their place of business
the other In the attempt to scire and audit is likely that a judicious
annex this great Northwest to its
"I'.ncu govcrnmcui lined out 11
fleet for conquest but the flag of
'Aragou was the first to float over
the territory. 'Aragon uud 'Ore
gon' arc one aud the same. The
brass keels of the Spanish Armada
now lie on the wuvc-bcatcu rocks of
k'lliughaiu Day a sad reminder of
that same expedition while the
Kuglish fleet fared no less severely
for it was wrecked near
mouth of the Fruser rver.
1 'The great wealth and nossibili
ties of the Northwest were brought
to the attention of General LaFay
ettc by Captain William Goodrich,
who commanded the 'Mississippi
from 1773 to 1789. In Captain
Goodrich's numerous extcditious
(he having navigated
use of it may save dollars where
cents tire 8eut.
Twenty-five ikmiikIs dumped into
a vault will dry up all Hmiids aud
kill all poisonous germs in solids:
thus it will remove a heavy cause
for many of the ills which are often
caused by unsanitary conditions,
lint RkviivW urges that this
method of preserving health be at
once udopted so that we may con
tiuue to Inwst of the excellent
the sanitary conditions which have
heretofore existed.
Lots 50x1 06 ft
With a 1 6-foot Alley back
of each lot.
Men's Mcetliif .
Sunday night the Y. M. C. A. of
I'ortluud hud charge of a men s
meeting at the Kvuugclicul church.
A great number of men, young aud
tii.' i?.iiir old, guthcred to 'hear three young
of Waters' as far up as n keel would Illness men tell why a young inuii
float) he learned from the Indians "V ""'". . .
aud the trappers and early nomadic A , reaiiBi Hie lesson iy
settlers of the wonders of this great Jl,B,,J:a(,cr-It; McNnughton, Mr.
empire now soon to be the 'Km- Godfrey, of the Rose City quartette,
re of t he Un tetl States" r-' Ida no.' "". ' "i
Oregon' and Washington.' y ! ,C rcKttt 0',5 af,cr w,,,cl1
irwn: r.n.UMi i.n.i imr.,i H, W. Houhaiu told why u young
of this coming great wealth thut a mn should lc a christian for sociul
Cortes would envy: of its grandeur reasons. It. h. Mangold gave the
Paillt' of 1 1 iciinuun, unit it. a, VJllin.ll
that a Ranhuel could not
its sublimity that no orator could
epict -even in generalities: he
earned of the toctry of the glaciers,
of the crests of the enduring peaks,
parkliug with myriads of crystals,
aneut the canons' shadows and the
smiling valleys' dimples: he learned
of this great country soon to be the
tomes of thousands ot happy pros
perous people.
"What do we owe to General
LaFayette? The salvation of the
Colonial government: the annexa
tion of this Northwest, The late
Charles A. Dana, editor of the New
York Sun, was once coining up the
ludson river in company with
Thurlow Weed, on the Chancellor
Livingston, when, in passing
spoke on the spiritual reasons. Mr.
McNaughtou gave a summing up
tulk, that was enjoyed by all.
A pleasing trio was rendered by
the three members of the quartette
who were present, Mr. Thiukinau
sang a solo and then the Iwucdiction
was pronounced by Rev, Upshaw,
of the Congregational church.
Prices "
$200 and Upwards
Terms !
$5 Down and $5 per month
These lots arc located on Jersey street, three blocks
from car line and
I Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site.
5 Don't n.'iv ftt en :uu .inn for liiiililimr lulu milv inn
4 I I ! r j
feet deep, and without alleys, when you can get extra
sized lots with 1 6-foot alleys, all high aud level, aud in
the best locality in St. Johns for ?aoo and upwards.
3 Let us show you this property. We can sell only
.i. tiii.. i..... i :.. .1 1
111c uihi liny nun 111 iiic.c piicc. 1 in in nunc 111 iu
vertise the property. When these are sold prices will
advance 35 per cent.
Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill
is in operation, these lots will he worth double the pres
ent prices.
St. Johns Land Co
St. Johns Wlone Unlon 3l- Oregon
Uaptliti Organize.
Sunday in the Advcutist church
the Haptists adopted the coustitu-
.! I U.. .!...., ........ I
nun uuu pr'inna uiui nc inovuim - . . . ....... . .
111. tl.A ft .tttlluM A.1.1 1... (If.l L f .f f-f---------''-'"-"'
Branch Office and Agency on the Ground.
Skiddy, Dana tumetl to Mr. Weed
and said:
" 'I hope to see the time when
.a m a f f.
on the loiumuia river uoin us
richest source to the sea will le
seen boats of the Skiddy's size or
greater plying its waters as the
boats now ply the Hudson 1'
"It was a prophecy soon fulfilled,
The bar is deepening. The shoals
are disappearing. Commerce is
spreading Us peaceful wings to the
four quarters of the globe, the
iron horse is bringing the vast
products of the interior to the Fort
of Portland as the entreport for the
teeming millions of the Orient.
General LaFayette came to
America again in 1824 decrepit
and bowed with grief by his terrible
sufferings in that Austrian prison
all because he stood boldly for the
equality of man aud against the
diviue right of the ruling classes.
And, by the way, Russia is now
receiving her object lesson of this
alter idea. Wherever Ueneral l.a-
Favette went he was greeted with
the glad acclaim of a free people.
When he entered Dixie's portals a
brave people in every locality
strewed his way with smiling
became au organized body with
charter members. 1
------- - - - - a.
August will Ik held the first 1 Z
the covenant and business meeting ut
37 I
which several committees will le
appointed. Meetings will be held j
in the Adveiitist church every.
rs ti .,
snwiay v.v. oiner arrangements
are made.
Baptist Open-Air Meetings.
About seventy-five Baptists gath
ered near the schoolhotise last Fri
day evening and held an open-air
meeting. Rev. Ilydcu conducted
the services and after an interesting
talk by him, a short program was
rendered by members of the choir
from the White Temple. Miss
Mabel Millis rendered several songs
and Philip VanNice aud Miss Millis
gave a pleasing duet. Harold
Rounds presided at the little organ
and Mr. Smith played the comet.
About fifty visitors were present
from Portland aud University Park.
Another meeting will be held
next Tuesday in the Point View
district. All are cordially invited.
Keep Your Kye On St. Johns.
fort, Kentucky, and at New Orleans,
Louisiana, (where now hang the
finest portraits of this esteemed
flowers of appreciation's matchless I nun) said to this grand individual:
worth for the noble work that lie " 'ueneral wrayette, you nave
iad done. And this dearly-loved I saved to the United Mates its future
manloved by Washlugtou and by greatest wealth-producing states, its
every true American was the re- sublime master-pieces of Nature's
ipient of personal praise by every art, and what win ere long be tue
individual whom he met. homes of its most charming
Mn what hf tt Ws at FranV. I nennle ' "
- 1 1 1
A Good Way to Save
Is to purchase the necessaries of life where you can
quality considered.
We offer the the purest and most palatable goods in
our Hue at prices as low as possible and still allow us a
Just Profit. INVnSTlUATn and Act Accordingly.
Of all Kinds.
Sole Agent for
Universal Stoves and Ranges
Do not fail to sec the Universal
Steel Range before purchasing
t 141-143 First Sbl, 04 Filliwt Building, Portland. Oregon.
Phone Main 1382
. J I