St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 21, 1905, Image 1

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jK KVIEW Job Print
y gtpjrtmcnt is eat
If the very fcst-iiot
Ike lirjot-l".Orege.
Tkeroly Mofcm.
The Circulation of THE
REVIEW in the Penin
sula exceeds that of all
other papers combined
Advertisers, note this.
Devoted to the Interest of the PsolnsuU, the Manufacturing Center o( the Northweit
VOX,, i
NO. 37
Speaking of Lumber
If you are interested in the quality
of stock we are furnishing and haven't
time to visit our yard, just lock at the
material being delivered by us for the
new addition to the St. Johns School Build
ing. Contractors like our grades, prices
and quick delivery.
Yours to Command,
Acme Lumber Co.
P. S. Come to the office if you can, for it's there
you see the stock
I Dr. Otis F. Akin,
)r. Mabel Akin.
Osteopathic Physicians
4i l Msvlcay lltilldlng, Fourth
I sml UuiiIiikIoii streets, l'ortluml,
j Hours 9 to 1 1. j tu j. I'hoiie Office
CJjj;;U, KctlilcnceMuiu 3151.
! Lawrence M. Hensel
flffir AM Ir.j.i air.. ttt Y.lvjr
BOf c houic, opjiosite St. Joint Sash
! itJDoor Co. I'hoiie Scott II4H.
Physician end Surgeon,
Office hours, 9 to 11 a. m. 1 to 5
! P. m. Residence lMidne Scott 66.
j Office I'hone Union 6994, Office:
over Elliott's tlrutf store.
' -
Dr. William Wolf Hicks
F ttv .IV llMllttlllr
Office hours 9 to 1 1 a in, 3 to 4 p in
f rhoiw Uuion 381.
I RMUtact Saint Johns rUlckU
Office Rooms for rent
fWKrx ii ...1. .. 11. .11.1.
1"K. comer Third anil Washington
"reeu, Portland.
Rtiideucc: Saint Johns
Office1 Cochran Block, next door
to pcatofficc.
Saint Johns . . Oregon
i CtumWa Boulevard and Central
f Avenue.
j Saint Johns . . Orciion.
! Goodrich & Goodrich,
j Swot Johns and Irttand. Oregon
! Carpenter and Dolbow
Jfen, Brick Masons and C.
al L?rkr- Estimate giveav
or f this paper. 753 Way-
1 Union frj ro"ouui. fhoae
Keep Your
Chicago Rooming House.
Good riHiniS from f a week up.
Corner Chicago and I vauhoc streets
Saint Johns . . . Oregon
House Mover and Repairer
Houses moved, raised and re
paired. Odd jolw of all kinds.
Prompt service, reliable charges.
Ivaiihue anil Catlhl Streets,
Saint Johiu - Oregon
The hest Ilreod, Cakes and Pies
111 thr world. Give us a trial.
I'hone Scot 3101
Saint John - Oregon
Office in Cochran block. Office
hours, 9 a. I". t 6 P uu
s. lohns. - Oregon
Clothing cleaned, pressed and
mended with j:areaiul promptness.
Mil ICS' ClOUieS a SjJCl.iaiiT.
. . Old rostofficc Huildiug
lalnt lohns Oregon
Good tables; courteous treat-
ment. Choice line ot cigan u
Jersey Street, Saint Johns
ResUurant and Light Groceries,
Meals by the day or week. BoarU.
K.,..-.,rM,.iV(natiil I vanlioe streets
SiBtJohf OregoiijJ
'Local or general anaathetlc ad
ministered if desired.
Freed ma u Block,
St. John
C.'A. ROiS
Practical repairer of boots and
shoes, rim ciasa K"
aateed at reasonable price.
Shop on Tacouia street, rear of
w. I VmAJicatA't office.
Young Lad Dead.
The funeral of Willie, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Swuu, of the Point
View precinct, was held in the
Kvungelical church b'riday ufter-
........ ut tmn rk'1iwl-Mll If. I?.
McVicker officiating. Interment ,
was ut the I.ove cemetery. 1
Qu the Sunday preceding his I with him direct and not through
I death Willie was troubled with a the intervention of outside parties,
severe bleeding at the nose but itj Upon motion of Mr. llrice,
was tiot considered that a physician . seconded by Mr, Pctcrsoif, Recorder
was necessary. Wednesday he felt Hanks was ordered to secure from
! quite a bit better and all thought U(r. Organ an itemized stutement of
that he would feel no evil effects I the amount cluimed and ut the
from his illness. Thursday he was ,,,,0 time ascertuln the least amount
taken again with a severe bleeding for which the claim could be settled,
uud died between six and seven in Marshal Hrederson reiKirted Unit
).!. ....... II tt'flU ttinlllllli lit I .1... .....1. .ill lifiil (Vtlliwotixl lt
had a hemorrhage of the kidneys as1 sevver, greatly mitigating the offeu
his body was covered with blood lSjve o,iori mlt that a portion of it
Willie Swan was born July 24,
1891, in Center County, Nebraska,
and died July 13, in St. Johns, age
11 vpnr. 11 tnoilins. 111 nuya. xic
...nvMl with his narents to the Black
iritu- from there to Idaho: thence 1
to Oregon, where they have 6pent
the last few years. He was a
steady, industrious, quiet boy, being
OIlC U4 lilt. i(,uiui m nt.
Sunday school and sChristian En-;
wt !...! llil.ta lltc
ueavor nc icevivcvi
snrintr from his teacher for regular
attendance at Sunday school. It
has been his privilege to ruig me
church bell at the close of Sabbath
school, a duty tn whicn ne iook
particular pride. His pastor had
often satu luai incrc wua iw4&
n.t i ernrxl cliristiail U11U U
...nriror nnd he believed that it
would have been true had his
career not been cut short so
suddenly by death.
a fntlipr. mother, two sisters and
one brother mourn his early demise.
, - I
. . . .. txsnntier settled.
Kiglit nere uuugs eo.... . -,
crow torrul. borne recrimiuuuuua .
5 Z al, the room and'
iSJ 2L f,rLT ha te '
tu rwiitcii later on. iir.
1 .
U. .rfw-llu nrvn nnd alOve
lird'ntul Mr. Shields desired the
city attorney's opinion as to whether
not, according 10 me cnarier,
Towards forfeited his office
t,iipn he disrjosed of his property.
Mr. Greene read from the charter
and plainly showeq that Mr. iva-
wards owce was vacant yvncu nc
ceased to be a free-holder.
After considerable sparring it was
decided to postpone any action in
the matter until the adjourned
seetiag on Thursday evening.
Adjourned .
Eye on St.
Council Open) Protracted Meeting
nnd Docs Things.
All members of the city council
were present Monday evening when
Mayor King rapieil his gavel to
call the meeting to order and the
records of the previous meeting
were approved as read.
The matter of vacating a iwrtion
of Kdihon street ijctwceti blocks 21
nnd 28 was discussed. Another
street has been laid out to take the
place of the one to be vacated the
laud being donated by llartmau,
Thomson & Powers and as soon
as it is shown that this street is
protxirly ricdicatcdito the city it is
probable that the vacation will be
ordered. Upon motion of Council
iiinn I,eggitt the matter was laid
over till the next meeting.
Ways and Means committee re
portal that according to instructions
of the council a' meeting was held
with Attorney MeGorry on the
evening of Saturday, July 8. He
then presented a bill for $396.30
in lieu of the; onciprcviously ren
dered for 240. The committee
remonstrated against this increase
but this had no effect: they made a
preliminary ofTer of $120 to settle
although they stated that their
action was subject to ratification by
the full council.
"At this," said Councilman
Peterson, "Sir. McGarry seemed
angry and asserted that unless the
hill was mild hi full he fMctlnrrv)
would sec to it tltat the bonds were
not sold: that St. Johns should not
receive 11 dollar: that he would
cause trouble in other ways and
that, if the bonds sjiould be sold,
lie would iruriiishee the monev."
Mr. Peterson's report was corrobor
ated by Mr Tltoffijlion who was
the member of the
present ut the time
with Mr.
This rcort did not tend to put
the council in a happy frame of
mind and it was decided that in
view of subsequent proceedings
uncut the londs that Messrs. Peter
sou and Thompson should place
the matter of "threat to extort
money" before the prosecuting
nttomev. Kverv tncntiier of the
council concedes that Mr. Organ
should receive some reimbursement
for services crfornicd but lelleve
that the settlement should Ik made
wus running in an open ditch. As
soon as this should be covered he
thought tliat all complaint would
be removal: and the council deemed
it lst to reouest that the work us
Imtnmeiiced be comnletetl.
a itltion with as sinners asked
that Gresham street be opened
between Mohawk and Tyler streets:
referred to street committee.
1 unvtiui lain ow
tension on his work on Jersey street.
. ..!.!...! .!... 1IIII l.o,l
jj was mtiueu muv
contract with the city as yet
because he hud signed no agreement
and put up no bond. Moveti uy
Mr. Kdwards and seconded by Mr.
Peterson that the street committee
secure a contract with Hill and, at
same iuhc, ;w,, mm
tin 11 nsVrwl. Carried
Mutter of rent for the fire appara
tus was considered. It was deemed
best to secure lumber and make
temporary quarters for the outfit
and Daniel Urecht agreed to furnish
lumber for the same on a year s
if the matter could not be
The offer was ac-
- f . .
, . ......
Mention was mane 01 ine resig-
nation of Councilman Ilwards-l,e
imviiin tr1 liUnroi)crtv beituriueli
tiiuin... ...w .--,
tii reicMmtinn and all that re
malnel to be done was to have it
tififvl tiv the council.
Mr. Edwards stated tnai ne nau
nid his holdings here in -order to
loeate near his factory at Albina
as stated two weeks ago in T11K
Vttvn,w. He had. however, found
it impossible to secure a house into
which to move although he had
hunted two full afternoons; hence
li di-sired to tenioorarilv withdraw
his resignation until he could find a
Rerortvtf Cwttmittce Accuses Attor-
r;iy of iDanuglng Intention.
If the report of a majority of the
Ways andMcans committee of the
St. Johns city council is to be
believed one of the knockers against
thlsicity has liecn discovered. At
this time no one doubts the asser
tion of these two men.
"Uulcs; this claim is paid in full
I will sec to it that the bonds of St.
Johns do not sell: I will fix it so St.
Johns will never get n dollar for
them: and I will do what I can to
hurt the city lu other ways!"
This is practically what Council
men Peterson uud Thompson declare
Attorney McGurry boldly asserted
to them on the night of Saturday,
July 8, when they met with him
in Portland. "Do you mean to
threaten us?" (lUcried Councilman
Peterson. "On, no. I wouldn't
threaten I" returned the attorney.
The facts leading to this threat
are us follows: In May, C. K.
Organ, then holding position as
marshal or chief of x)licc of St.
Johns, presented a bill to the city
for 2.o for mouths of December,
19041 January, February and March,
1905, at $60 per mouth. Mr. Organ
desired to. get a settlement so that he
could relinquish the position and
was willing to make any reasonable
reduction in the account.
The matter was placed in the
muds of the Ways and Means com
mittee to ascertain from Mr. Organ
the sum that he would accept us
full payment and to ascertain the
cugth of time he actually worked
at his ofhcial duties. 1 he matter
dragged along u few weeks when
Mr. Organ placed the ulluir lu the
hands of Mr. McGarry, an attorney
now in Portland, who asked an
immediate settlement: uud at the
meeting of July 6, he lcing present,
insisted that the matter should lie
quickly closed.
On the evening ot Saturday, juiy
8, a joint meeting was held in Port-
and lietween Mr. Mcuarry upon
the one side and Councilmeu Peter
son uud Thonmsou on the other
Mr. llrice lieiug absent. It was ut
this meeting that the above threat
was tittered if the word of the com
mittee lie lielievcd. And it looks us
f Mr. McGurry hud made good.
All puiiers pertaining to the Issue
of the St 0,000 bonds had lieeu
turned over to the Portland firm
that had been the liest bidders and
Mr. McGarry was cognunnt of that
fact. These papers had been pro
nounced goal by one of the buyers
but he declared that the attorney
must pass ujwn them.
After this threat which is claimed
the bonds were returned with the
decision that die apparatus and 11
city hall were "not public utilities:"
hence the lionds were not valid.
I'he mierv then arises "Is Mr.
McGarry the attorney for this liond
buvlne firm?" or "What influence
does he maintain over the firm?"
Conditions huve reached u critical
phase when one man cuu make his
boast that he will damage a city
unless his demands lie conceded. It
is true that had Mr. McGarry issued
papers and tied up the money it
would have caused bother and
tills, it wus asserted by the com
mittee, he promised to do if he
could secure his money in no other
way. .. , .
The question now naturally mi-
laws as to who Is in league with
this attorney in his endeavors to do
harm to the city? And why should
any reputable business man see: to
Inflict n damage tinon a community
wherein are a couple thousand Inno
cent dwellers?
Would the firm figuring on buy
Ing the bonds go upon the stand and
testiiV that 110 man hud approached
It with advice, legal or otherwise,
regarding the municipal ooims 01
St. Johns? Or would it swear that
such advice or hint had Iwrne no
weight whatever in the decision
wherein the bonds were pronounced
invalid ?
All indications now Point to a
farther investigation of this matter
because it seems that the declara
tions of Mr. McGarry are not to go
Swallowed a Nail.
Willie Suitter. who was lathing
at tlie Tlierndyke home on Park
avenue, succeeded last Friday iu
swallowing a lath uail. It first
caught croiiswise but finally went
down' and no serious effects were
felt. - Soon as he gets used to it lie
will try tenpenny nans uud then
St. Johns Park
No. 2.
Lots 50x1 06 ft. I
With a 1 6-foot Alley back
of each lot.
Terms '.
$5 Down and
These lots arc located on Jersey street, three blocks
from car line and
Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site.
Don't pay $350 and S.joo for building lots only 100
feet deejr, and without alleys, when yon can get extra
sized lots with 1 6-foot alleys, nil high and level, and in
the best locality in bt. lolins lor 200 ami upwards.
Uet ns show yon this
O till' fil'.St fiftV lotS (it tllliKU
f . . i uu
VCrtlSC II1C property. V
advance 25 per cent.
Within one year, wlientiiej,'ieat weyernatiser 111111 ;;
in operation, these lots will he worth double the pics- ;
ent prices
St. Johns Land Co
St. Johns lhone Ulllon 3104 Oregon
Brauch Office and Agency on the around.
A Good Way to Save
Is to purchase tht' necessaries of life where you can
quality considered.
We offer the the purest and most palatable goods iu
our line at prices as low as possible and slill allow us u $
just Profit. INVUSTMATli and Act Accordingly. J
Phone Union 4066
Universal Stoves and Ranges
Do not fail to
Steel Range
141-143 First SItmI, M FtUm
$5 per month
properly, we can sen 0
im.: :.. .1 1 L
1 inn in until; iw mi-
.1 ....i.i ...:ii ,i
null liiese mv nmu HHtn ;j,
Of all Kinds.
Sole Agent for
sec the Universal
before purchasing
kVilii, Ptrtlud, Orefon. Pbtn Main 1382
1 :i a