Elastic Roof Paint The Paint tlmt Lasts' The Paint thnt Preserves! The Pnint thnt Saves Money ! We mtarnntei' this Paint to remain on Wood or Tin am! to please the most par ticular. Let it talk with you about this Paint and the nrict. You save money .by our doing your work. W UJitO&K. How About Your Roof ? I'Our Local Grist It tviv srtro to kiuw wanner Anyway, the ntitht are alway cn&l. Ami tlll our tubw;r iAlon list Increase, Mr. T.J Monalun was on Ibr kk titl the firsrof this week Mr. 1U Win, of Hut Spring, visited Ml, Hffie Mossman latt ThurvUy. I'our Inches below the surface In well tilled Knten "H nicely damp. Mr. Marv Schtlllm:. of MitmeauttU, la visiting lirr father, John HagKrrly. S. W Slmtii'ina future that lit hat 'i.c fin cut team of ilraft horse In the ''.i.trk't. Mr. Valla Smith. .lau-icr of II I'. kclllcy, ha liccn on !.e sick IK (or a lew day. A Tew Ihorn. Willie had a chjtr.t And a little natch Sat besid a powdt r-kt, Never thoht 'twould catch. Willie ti a pretty !'. Aged about tleten. Funeral tomorrow noon. If V et down ly sesen' Goodbye, Royal Antic, sjodliye! According to the Atlvancc, Adams h.:5 a P;. "ire cbratton oil the Fourth. Mjnv b uian figures that he fishes n rt-al wife when what lie rcallv needs is a mi rue nntl some gum. The "number of wedding permits Issued in Portland Inst month broke J TUB j I Portland and Suburban i ? Express Comaiiy . . i is. (Ojwrating cat oier Portland Con- sor.fune.i lines i OUR FAITH Rates Reasonable Service Prompt C T. Mos MOE & CLARjK Vile Mumf tut-r ' HI Joltn, Ori-;oti. If --" KEEP COOL t On Tur-lay, June 7, n daughter wa lorn ir .Mr, ami Mr, H. Rasterem. Ami e Ktnw. Noah lluflonl, o( Thayer. Kansas, It stxMitllnn the (iimiiicr with hi brother, I'.. J, Ilulfonl. Mr. II. Cummine. of 1'orrrtt ('.rove. la visltlni: her daughter, Mr. I'.. C. Cole, of I'oinl View. otic day last week. UV linvi' mndi: arramicmcnts ot transfer all fright In the city nnd uy the record. Many of these iwrmlts, very likely, broke the groom WI...M mi nitnrt.cv thinks It is nlS at St. Johns when necessary up with his client he usually tries team at reasonable rales. to make out a faulty miictincni. Do not movc hiruiture (of bee Senator Mitchell s attorney. cmtrso yo, an t0 St jt)lins lo When Portland's city council hVc, Portland is moving mat way; umbra n iriwn In till! tliavor there Until vnll tret OUT liriCCS. t - u I ...if.. ..I i .f.... A. i". . '. ... o I.I...... ....I l.... I.. lil... iaCVHI.1 IU IJC U OU11IH Ull iW. ,, ficiv vitiwiiu iimi .iKlliM;ciilK 111 .ti.iiivi... . . .. . John lt piev-lay. wonder It iratiuiB siampj wwu J. A, Kind, of Anacortc. Waililnu- D4lnt1 JC CllhflfKntl toil, was vinitlni? with It.Uiinl Maifoon Ti.no liri,l,.u ,.r.. nnt III t nm- Ul IIUIIU A UMUMI auia morL but the venrn for a new I more mil inc yenru ioi u nt Mr. Snrah Hide, of Klruy. Wltcotuln, flavor of ice cream and a new issue DXDrCSS LOllipflfiy tlitcr of Mr, IMwanl XxmA, i vUUinK of a man still agitutes the young w. K. si tAKiNs. manaRcr ELECTRIC FANS Make Torrid .Summer Days Kndurable here for the tumtnrr. C. W. Ibilcn lui returned from a viiit with hi lirotlicr-in-Uw. W. Dlckcrson. ol Kockwooil, Oregon. OkOiir IwiMCMin commenced work on hi new house in North Snint John the inner txiu oi ihji weeic, maids breasu. A Toledo. Ohio, man has In vented n "succcssfur airship. As tie inventor's name Ls Kiiabctishuc it is lxMievcd tlmt he lias glued wings to the thing. IN IN IN I'or financial rcu&onf the writer Mean comfort for the business man at his i Jncknonvifie, wa looking over thl city if not attending any of the more faflitonaliic gatnertug. it co$i$ II. I'. Kcillv i home from iwie real oi"rf to ouy real emu e aim Oorue, WiiOiliiKion. lie I n wiwycr in o we nre fimply Staying JcqueJ inc iml'o l.umlier Mill ol tlmt n nee. trrtvl. a I - Sometimes a man gets grouchy when he sees his wife minus her wartmiut and wearing a dirty apron. Mr. I'.fllinn lnttiev nnit Mn llonwr. Hllll. nlir Ima In kii him wlthntlt ui j iiu .iikc, vimitil .-ir. (.. W. IKileil Tllll OIM'ICK. desk. TIM! IIUMK Same fan can be ttsnl in kituheii, dining-room or slfi'ping-rooin at will. Affotd most effective method of drying the hair after washing. K IJSTA UKA NTS (Jniekly cool sweltering Immunity Mini' ulate jadwl upiietitvH drive away iiuiioyiug llics purify the atmosphere. TMH COST TO Ol'ltKATIt AN Hl.ltCTIIC I'AN IS SO S.MAI.I, IT WOI'MI IIAUKI.V lilt M I'UI'.t I AIII.I'. . i-.U'.CTItK MtillT AMI Tlllt ItM'.CTKIC I'AN MAKIv A STUONIi COM III NATION I'OU SI'M MI'.K ( OMI'OltT. Portland General Electric Co., J Talaphuna Caohange 13. - J. U . Dnvi Inlelv moved Into hi fine resilience on Tvlcr trccl. Mr. Dnvi Ml retired farmer of Vnucoiiver ilittrict. N. F. NOREN Real Estate Lot In Arvlitfton' addition, North St. John, overlooking the river, I liiuh and oluhtly l'inc lot, 50x100, two block from from the milk . CI10I1 tt comer lot on llotilcviird IM 50x100, Mimll liou.ic, ovcrliipk-c 1 11 if river, muii ami aiuiiuy: a ii.ii New 7-r(M)iti hoit.c, close to car line, a nice home. ... l'inc larucH-room houc, lot ix S5 375 -5 500 lloo on Tyler trcet Thurlay of Inst week. II. I'. Muck ntnl tt'lf,.. of Vmiiiim. t.i.i... .. .... : .17-. i.ituiii, vtn in iiiwn iai iiunlav. liMik. lug around. They like Saint John very neil. any collar on and ms ganuscs hanging down his back. Which is worse ? tw. iirtir ti;iiiri ui ci.v. uiaiii uiu lmll(liiiK; coU fl.Joo, will ncll for (cailil. 1800 S.) Sovonth nnd Aldtr Slraata. Plume AU1I11 .1262 Promul Delivery corn fees QXi A laily comlm: out from l'ortlaml recently on thecar lukcii herfrlcml. very I earnestly. "I low much l.m-rr I SjiIih 1 ' - joiiii iiiiiii rornamir" W ith one execution latt Milur.Uv wm 1.1... .... . .. .1 .. . . .1 inc mine! uny roriianu nacxrienceil in ifiinj- year, u wu uniairly wnnn ncre 111 hnint John ulm. I. Simmon, of SjuImuw. .Mldlilu.ni. who I vMlllii; relative in l'lirllmul . wilt I ... ...... . .. -------- 1 in inn cuy i.ui Nititnuv. lie fc.iv that riiiu juiiii 1111 a j;rcat luniri'. New 5-room house, lot 50x100, well improved . New 6-rK)in house, lot 50x71, one block from station. Sole ni'cut for Title Guarantee .t Trust Co. 1,011 in I'oinl view sold 15 How fi cr month. lus) W, J. Peddicord REAL ESTATE sncaexTKAcrs, .A r DAKINQ Tclt'iilione ami Wu ttlll Call for OrtlcM 12.) 1-2 (Morrison Street Portland. Oregon ixccxc)occooCH;'Ocooctoo':'0 :oos 'XoooocKXMcXM5cXKXoooca John D. Rockefeller has just given ten millions of dollan; for higher education." If lie II give us that much we'll study the oil business on the top uoor 01 a twenty-story building. That ought to be high enough. If you care to know how it feels to le a mavor and receive a cut glass-and-sllver "loving cup" as a HJO-ilj acre ut 50 r acre. Heady gift from the couucil-and then ,,ttfft J&room house, lot loo.x.u. nave to tug down ill your own $J25-I.ot moxioo. A fine corner on ixk'IccI and pay for It -lust try to eroded trcct. Level. II a a ilfn t ..a . . . I. I U. 11. K....H.U..II 1 ,.. o,... DOrrOW IOt iroill yoiirseil. i.iy.i.. eninn, cusn unn OtCKiinwilh III team ami whl'ihi IM... l'.ll...r., 1. ,!.... l.n tuii '1 1 o. toung trees, sj50cu.11, luiiiucc time $1500 5-rooin house, lot nxjxiSj. im tirovcuiciits. $1500 li-room house: new, overlook river. $7S0 lot 75xl(s, corner; house 11x30, central. $250 Mit 50x10, St. John Heights, fine location; s75cu.l1, iMiauceln Install ineiits. $4,000 A block close to Industrie ami O. K. iS: N. It. It. I!ay term. IN ST. JOHNS .Siimbiy to work In the harvest field, mil lie co tie iilMiut two month 1 I itilir it tiititt. n rllitlrt ttfitr lnill I Mil IMWIIJ II dlftlllll f 'tljrvt - ureal etlitorial column. Some of t t I'. A. SMITH J. 1'. I'OI'I' SMITH &, POFF, I'r.l FEED, HAY, LIME, CEMENT, SHINGLES LATH, GOAL. BTO. (VmI IMhrir.1 st IS.mUhiI I'll... I'lu. Oi, IUK I'lflitlil Cbsrot l'i,Hiii lllirr hI (rr' I'll'rt Phone Union IltOt T. JOHNS, OHF.QON ...Hu' , ). ?,.', y''1'"? her our exchanges have editorials on mother at UCrosse, Washington, lie .ipromi pill, for p,...!.. PmiiI.. fore returning Mr. Videntlue ill make fro,,a. 1 ' 18 ,H,r, 1 r" C0P brii;f visit with relative clcwhere. "Unecla Shave, and aruicu hjiIvc, ....... , ., .. .... mixed witii editorials written with II l.ll nvCKI ISSllt? lial.l 111 .MlfcMl.a . &v . .. . ni....iw. ". . uc suears. wot so tue inue Itcv. ami Mr. !. 1. McVicke?. The I-tnleilt. MiiiiiH a.liiiilil (,,! u . I I 8,iiiKle. "Hove you,. Karl" I've often heard this Whether uttered by the mother, by the hi inc MiiiiKlc mill two mouth mk, doe twcetucari or uie wite; not Improve very fast. He i doing llijht I ' know It often prove a most extmvn- work nrouml the mill, mnsi it.-iff.... I ifttut cxnrrulou. acting a watchman. I Anil I've seen it keep a man tied down ....... lorllie. C A, Kos. who ha bren rrikilrlm. llivl I'.'i. irrtt It vnil In lawtiillt' I Imvi- imi i.n.innir ui mi: i.tiiiuoi rortsmoutii, it now in ;iim joiiii hi uie same butineM. nU shop ijonTacoiiu Mrcel.iit rear of W J. Pclillcord' office. Air. S. I, Mak uml Mm. (5 uv 1 v 1 1 .1.....1.. ... .I'.iiKiinr, in iiiwiMMi, iowh, are visiting ut the home of Mm, Mutsey. " tv mkiii 10 come out here. I the editor of the Inu.ui.l I thrift!, I 1 huh 1 lie ihMiu rres. It end in marriaife: I've seen It when the fellow Mid he wished he hniln't tixikc: I've tecu It cost h lover u flue eaUklu cloak or currle: I have seen it where the husband, too, went iMiiiy, sailly uroke, I'our other little word I know that cause n heap of sorrow, Real Estate Bargains! IM iisnioi, 011 car line, too feet from MtoiIicc . f 1,511 rue mi.ic 111 cemer oi Jollll r . j.oui - The Season is now on for PAINTS! All Kinds nnd Qualities at Elliott's Pharmacy CI .. 1. . That often make ut gnash our teeth ' - ," s,0c " ,or "5 inr U...I 1.1 MM ...I.II... I "V ' Wc note and Imiuently observe "We'll seine nut lomorrow," Although wheu that I said to us wc never, never smile. I'ifty.foot lot on Willamette Umlf. vard, overlook everything, for Very choice half acre for 35" 450 Hunt I'rrcuiau. who hail fmm Villi ut. .HMitu iMLota, In Saint Johns, He i Kuesi 111 III oltM mc iicnu.iliituiifrk ! 1 . . I lYtrrMiii ami I II llrl...u... """ I... .... . . r-., .una,. never, never imiic, r. . . ... . : i 1 1 ' .V ,ml; ""Vlng lcoiue Those little wordt wc hear to oft, those 1AOPrC A lnnOllton wealthy, he ha,, nil work. simple little creature, 111113 OL V Cllll lUUlCll . . . I nri.a. .....1. ... t iii I 1 imi iiidk inc iivihk ul uur llic seem lirvttv near un hill. Come ut u all so frequently wc reco:nle uieir icature When we sec the man HiiruchlnK, aayiiig " Mister Here' Your HUH TllOKN, W II. KINll. IVeslJcnt. M. I.. IIOI.IIKOOK, Mclresldcnt ST. JOHNS ABSTRACT & TRUST COMPANY Z Abstracts of Title carefully and accurately prepared. Charges Reasonable. Office! King's Building, Jersey St., St. Johns t, . iiiiimii i-uiiiiiiriu'tNi m v,i 1 o Clock Slouilay morning the work of vxi'rtvaiiiig ior the Hive addition to the kChiHilhoiiH. The surniii uill U I duiuHil In the low slots on the block norm 01 tue scnooi iroji'rty. Honorable L. M. Curl, ol Allu..v M.I.I I L.M. MIiimiu, of Saleiii. Onmd Chan. I ccllor ami (.rand Kccikt of Keitinl and .-wu ietrs'iiveiy, were euest ol the iciiow NiilKlltsol I'ythUij C, W. rotter in uirlicular t). K. IMwnSHII.l Itni v left M11ml.1v ror tsewisui, uncon. iiitenilliii? .,., I 1 .. : :. ..-,-.,.. u suuic i iiiiiiiiiis un me coiut, niey were uccouiisiuicd by Mr. lViwn dilUKhtcr, Mm. IXibxin. of Helen, I OreKoii, and his sister. Mr. IWrl. uf , V.1U1111, ,enruKM, 1 in eeneral ami I ivirucnitir lust Momluy, THIS IS OFFICIAL J'hone Scott 3104. lu u tlwtyt iltDtad oa Ik. Kalr..i rRESH MEATS prompt utiurrjr J courtsoai lr.tlra.nl ktn job orJ.r (ram lb old rtlUblt St. Johns Meat Market prsurffi t,.o,?,r,8rVe.fi.,'r :iu au -.4. a VMVV1IVU ly tDSir ftallirtllrill k ..-.-,..va w E. DONNELLY, St. Johns Market ST. JOHNS, 0EE00N Mrs. 0. C. Mellott. who hat iwm lined to her rvom for the last few ilm in.. ..i 1 . . j un ui me iimi, exinvi 10 return (Concluded from 1'age One.) strong as it ininht be. I think it lieuw enoilL'h to throw n slrenm I Ut over uny building in town. Unfor. m Z hSE ijXS; Bon Toa Barber Shop aim we cannot net pressure unless t St. John SSSSSSaviSjH W't ilui i.mn uml txi.lr vmik utlhul ulu lui tS.rdi. (kwiioHV 111 Utc wuiV tii ' .-. u. t 1.1 .ki iii.tattli iunK.iUMy li W WW lu. louiul a ulc wty l c. I 3 (.lh lw.4ulrlt Mlttidut iuiiii In Y I' V ir i .11 r it l MIiiik siul ei-owu I ui MkUr wwik lUliu.llut lirv Mhru 1 1st, . i tiUi; i uiUcint WISH HKOS. Dentists, V.tlliU IIuiMuik ivi llili4ii, W t.h Ms. iiu c.fuiu. mi i w hun.u horn l to her Alaskan home a soon a she I. in we build tWiit1 tnnlrt ami tl.lc lc I l'irst eU&t wort- n,i i... i.. . r . X ljV ill Alaska now-, U imVrtedu; WT ""JS.. . J 'ST Koio ,u,..e tncrv. " .-. AKet, for West Coas, Un.V. lUmlst are cudeaiorim.' in l.in.. .Li c.t... t... . t . .. ' JcnJ ret church In Saint John ami near v f ftv s?, JWV"a ,u 1 .,,uf TOM I.. .t .... a . . I . '. I IIV l-t II I'M HVIVlt(IMI HAATiO Itvuie Kawicmi ni uie Home ol lulwant , .V, , i 11 htiK'kton last 1'riduv night for a yruyer mt will sell it for that amount. At r01l!P6 KAI Dnn meeting. All ient au enjoyable time on present the plant does not pay. If IIUMi3v 1 UI ICUl l!i;iXrKiS.S wc kl. " nber of interesting talk. years ami get it on a paying bOAis .... . , . 1. wm hoi oe ior saie. uperatinga If tilt iiU.'tlrt ti ri atl . . I .. . ' vs'tiu 1 tilt, uuiuuum 1 iifi lar s t r t it t M iiti-t .v.. ... 1 aUuit the city wxmld consider health .r?.. ::.t 'V ' .. . . " . . . J,,0',0, they would iKvasioually drop into the V""'. 3UUM,l irvaieu as SUCH vault few pound of quicklime tolrtHu' 1 repeat we are tryiug to dttxloriie the j.lace. In c-eral place keep up to the reiuiremcnts of the i V,,v.n 1 " " .1 WWM' auu wk we are doiug so. mu ch AucK; to' eahh' "coiV "Have we any kicks to make? pleasure, Possibly- one or two. However, we p. . are not complaining. ' sou, Oscar, are here n .1... Is best expressed by our guaranty of 20 ier cent increascdn vnltic of procrty during the coming year This guaranty provides that in ca the projK-r-ty you purchase does not increase in value at least 20 per Cent 20 jier cent during one year from tlate of purchase we teill refund your money with 6 jer cent itftevest This same gutirunty ve have been offering since we first undertook to get Industries nt St. Johns, something over three years back and' up to date no one has ever asked for Ids money back. Lots and Acreage on Installment Payments Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. O. L. CHAPEL, Agent at Sf Johns.' 1 Henry C. Schroederj FURNITURE, CARPETS AND STOVES funeral Director and Undertaker "QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES Received GOLD MEDAL nt the St. Louis Exposition Eclipse all for Baking. Guaranteed for 20 years. Oocslt iltllrcrcJ lirr ol chtrgt. We will rtmlt street cr fre to purchsttrt IIln bejoad HcJmont. 2-248 RUSSELL ST., PORTLAND, OREGON -4- - 11V UK. W A Wlslt I. A. .M.'ll Ull.l from Kansa City viiltim.' with Tt.0ii.t . viKW gives me above lllggiu ami family. Mr. Leach it In interview ior tlie HUonnatton it the the DANIEL BRECHT If VOU WANT A HOUSE CALL ON VIE ST. JOHNS. OREGON tuKK'" i iuniy, .nr. i.earu it 111 .v.. .i ins; nuui uiuiiu the stiwk busines and is iHiyiug western contains, and to straighten out horse to send east. He ha already conflictitlir stories in mini to shlj.jl se enteen carload from Colorado J " .H A" t0 UK t i wish ,,. I.. ... imuiik.. lie use urrvon wn- much and is eccially pleased with l.iytjoniu. W. II Craves, who live down the hilt Any One Wishing to Invest in Real Estate tr'nU IT Hi roof hail not been touched for wore Will ilo well to see J. Vantlermccr Ulore buvmg from any one else. He handles iiothliiK but the best lupins iiud all utv in the U-.t localities, All sale are wade on easy icriucau or 011 tunc .Ml title c,uaruutrctl erlrvt. U. VANDERMEHR, opp. St. John Sash and Door Co. St. John, Oregon uiorp I thau a score of years and was hnvllv I covervtl with uiom. Thi wa cleaned by Moc & CUrk and a coat 01 thtlr fi mnk.l I roof naint apnlied. makiair lb mull apjwar about as uew. Other bcttcnucula to tue pnrty will soon follow. water system of Saint Johns. The Wicked Fka Whom AH Mch l-'leaa bite, Hold tlx tit. Wife fyht All night. Moruiiuf, Same ikmg; HlcasBingl By jiagl George W. Cone LumberCompany Flooring, Ceiling, Rustic, Aai AU Klads of Building MaUria Ipt DU.rj 0ru.A aUU. AT rOOT BDKLr-asviu T. J0HH1, OUMOM St. Johns Sash and Door Co. H0LBR00K BLOCK, ST. JOHNS Sash. Doors and Millwork Interior Finish PAINTS, OILS AND QLASS BRUSHES ' BUILDING PAPER AND CEMENT C. M. ROBBINS, Managw. Best Bargains in St. Johns. I-fS .1. .? . ) a -."viii icMueuce wun tine nver view. 5,ooo 00 : Splendid modern T . . nun imu iivii view. i.?l X3f. and 1,as shte and fruit. with icai oargain at roo"J'ose. Plastered; large bara-cistern! and Rood ,r lin;ne aC.re in this barKain-andoa car line. I'nce, with easy terms. . . , 1 ,600 00 nlmtos1!,,''6"! fi"C "W-vww properties of which we show 0 . Z Tlld0v he prices give bargains. Also some of the be business locations in town. See our list. J W. H. King Land Co., St. Johns, I s 0