St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 07, 1905, Image 3

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    Keep Your Eyes Wide Open
Some More Stuff
htn tHrakfiut crtrtl m)
Out Oic name on the jmcIhrc fi OLV.M.
,C WllliAT-MliAK'K It s . jmtr,
wlio'oottic lrvakfM muh, similar tu
one or two other well known article
with thi diffetrncc, W made ottrof Wt
tcr wheat ami only the richest it of tltc
grain ; then Met He lion it ha strength
and flavor. . ,
Mtv Itunik!attnf r u mi t un
het mother, Mr. Arnold.
.Mr, l oiter, who ha kxm
aofct, an cant
At ill Grlr.
lousl) tU, U slowly rvcowniii!.
tmii: Wiicht u v-ui.l LI if
iother. Mrs. Prko. of UnlwnJty J'?.,
1'irk, on his way to California. c,r,il,
.Mrs. ."Ncrratc, of University l'ark,
has had her house (tainted and it
now ha an attractive appearance.
Mt.v. Vera Lyons is at Potest
Ctrovc visiting ,cr young friend,
Morvnce Allen, late of University
TV Ptrtlird TUtUi Millt fa
.miss i. jj. iicmstock has re
turned to her home in t
c&o&c visit with
i ,,. .,.... ... iiiii :ii
nuiu III .'ll'.MIUVIIIC.
Mrs. W. K. Partlicmer. who.
..ii . .. .. '
miiui iwmiy, uvea rour years
ncre, is ai inc llencli Willi iur
iKiys Kusscll and Kolert.
Mrs. hems, of I)wiilit mnvi
...!n . . .
wm soon, lonelier with hrr Km
An Eastern View !
Some Boji. Start Ih IMI aIi.
Three lovs, of an average brc of
ten years, who reidc with their
parents in Portsmouth, ntc tvuiti
for a roblxrry that would do
to profcMonal cracksmen
who had spent a lifetime nt their
nefarious ocetiiutiou. For
time past OlnsH Brothers have missed
money from the cash register which
they could not account for: the
pilfering amounted to n dollar nud
two dollars n day, nud when the
money t.ij, containing over fifty
dollars, wns taken from their homo,
they were dumbfounded hut decided
to keep (tiict nud watch.
One day three youngsters of the
uciKhliorhood were seen enjoying
new bicycles and feeding on choice
Suspicion wnsnrotised ttud one of
them taken into the store, nud after
t.rotKr kranirv, 1 IMrtUtxI. wt
emu ol lilt l-nMlirrin-Uw v O
ClarVr. vtt tlir Powtli
I.UIIe Jrliltlr. iliiHlitrf l Atttne
nl .Mr M II tJ-vrn. U unite- III.
tinoilfctl tlul her llliieM U
Yesterday an Eastern hardware man was
in St. Johns. Incidentally he inquired
prices at our store prices of the same
'goods, same make and same quality that
lie carried. Then he said : " Your peo
ple here are in luck io have such a store.
Mv prices, 1,000 miles east of here, are
fully as high, and in sonic cases a little
daughters. Jennie nud Stelin. Uvn to his share of the crime,
for the mountains for il.n lw..,..fii r I implicated two others. Consterna
higher than your dealers'
the way we sell goods.
here." That's
the former's health.
Mrs. 1 D. Wolfram, of Sun
Francisco, is visiting Mrs. M.
Brenner, 740 Lawson street, nud
will take in the fair. Mr. Wolfram
has an exhibit there.
Miss Nash has none to Ncwnort
on a visit to Mrs. W. U. Parthcmer.
Hoy Kane has also koiiu to Newoort
by the advice of his physicians as
his health is very wrccarious.
Miss Nydla Spencer, of McMin-
ville, is visitiui! her aunt and uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. Iicmstock, the
popular iost master of University
Park, and will take in the fair.
Mrs. Aulmau. of the confectionery
and notion store, is havintr a nice
house built on Lawson street, os he
Ol'R NEW STORE INVITES YOU I 8 J-f.I ';ify fro.n llaker City.
w 5 1 hey will make their home here.
Will sell you lots in North St. Johns,
overlooking the river, near the Weyer
haeuser mill site, for
$300 per Lot, ,
Ten per cent down, balance $10 'per
month. Inspect this property.
Office in Peninsula Bank Building.
Phone Scott 4061.
Notary Public. I'irc Inuiruucc.
a. ,
St. Johns Lumber Company
For all kinds Common Lumber, KILN DRIED
Flooring, Celling and Rustic. Sash, Doors,
Mouldings and Columns.
YttftanJ Mill Foot larllten St - PKom East 594
We wish to call the attentton of all,
especially salaried people, to our Sav
ing Department. Deposits as low as
$1 taken. Bank open pay day eveu
iugs. Drop iu and let us explain our
Saving Department plan.
The Peninsula Bank
tt 4
Was just stocked up with a fresh supply of Ladies' Furnishings.
Good goods at low prices. Call and examine them. ,
111101 , ACE HOSE, WAISTS,
Dressmaking ueatly done at the
St. Johns Millinery Store
lhomas Reynolds, son of Mi.
Reynolds, the popular grocer of
Portsmouth, arrived Mondav on
the Columbia from California, and
is at his home, 1627 Portsmouth
u venue. He vi res de ncr-
Huns Sclmrownkv and Hurrv
r . . : : y
uociy, wuo nave paid a week'
visit to Mrs. M. Brenner. Luwson
street, leave on Tuesday evenim!'
train lor the r home in Snu l'mn
Cisco. They are much
with the Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Hovt enter
untied u party of friends at the
home on July hourth. Among the
guests were her aunt, Mrs. John
iinigg and daughters, of Downs
Kansas, and Mrs. Drew, of San
hmncisco, California.
Mrs. M. Brandt, formerly of
ortMiiouth avenue, has a nice new
home situated near Columbia
University of six rooms with cellar.
Mutry, closets nud modern con
vcuicuces, It is hard finished um
ready for occupancy. It is for rent
Mr. and Mrs. James McKcon are
visiting Mr. nud Mrs. Izart ut 1674
Gloucester street. They come from
Dcs Moines, Iowa, and are iiccom
panied by their sister, Miss Sarah
McKeon. A nephew of Mrs. Iart,
Vincent Allen, is also n visitor am
comes from California.
The following officers of Marietta
Lodge of Rebekahs were elected at
the last meeting:
Mrs. Belle Nash Noble Grand.
Mrs. O. Beaumont Vice Grand.
Mrs. E. Iicmstock Secretary.
Mrs. Singer Past Noble Grund.
Mrs. D. K. I loyt Treasurer.
Mr. Tucker is painting his resi
deuce and is going to put on an
addition iu the shape of u porch
. Alek Oluey has now entire charge
of the lower floor of the shingle
mill witlt all its intricate machinism.
Ike Mulden, who moved from
the Park a short time ago, is being
sued by his wife for absolute
Renewed life is being put into the
work of riprappiug along the bank
A new crew is at it at a salary of per day.
R. B. Bessen, of Breckinridge,
a prominent real estate ueaier, nas
beeu guest of A. ismitli. lie con
templates locating here.
Mrs. Jeuisoii has a house full of
boarders, while some of the, other
neighbors who enjoy this vocation
are not quite so fortunate.
James, Ted, Cornelius, luigene
and John, the young sons of Mrs.
J. F. Murphy, went to Seaside on
a camping trip last Monday, 'i ney
expect to be cone a mouth.
Harrv Bowlen and urlde are vis
iting Mr. Bowlen's mother, Mrs.
Jennie Bowlen of University Park.
Mr. Bowlen is manager of the Norm-
em Pacific coal office at Butte, Mont.
Mrs. Bowlen was formerly Miss Jes
sie Hickox.
Mrs. S. S. Roberts, who is con
ducting a fashionable dress making
establishment at 161 1 Ohu street,
came to University about a year ago
from San Jose. Cal. She declares
she is well pleased with University
Park. Mrs. Roberts is deserving 01
the patronage ot the residents of the
Corner of Jersey and Baltimore streets.
Would like to save
For Sale.
Cheapest home in Saint Johns.
Apply at the office.
25 per cent
on your Fuol mnm you
can do jt
Ho's in Town
Phono Cast 3035
2$ large airy rooms divided ill to
Suite of two to four rooms, alto
single rooms. Situated one block
from Columbia University, near
cor. of Pisk St. and Boulevard.
I'uniitlied or Unfurnished for
; tion reigned for u time but as mhhi
ns the the boys got wind
of it, it was h'ushed up with the
promises that all the shortage
would be made goal. So far as
the community is concerned this
ends it; but it is not at all a satis
factory conclusion to the moral
sentiment of the neighborhood.
While we have n great dei of
sympathy for the parents we cannot
forget that these boys were old
enough to know what they were
doing, for did they not have a
prearranged plan of oerations?
Would it be ossible for boys whp
were "not resonsible" to carry on
such n scheme among themselves
with such secrecy ?
Patents iu the community who
have boys would like to see (for
the sake of their own) that these
little rascals be punished not the
spanking of u weak mother hand,
but something more fitting the
enormity of the crime.
The names nre not given here on
account of the parents, some of
whom are highly resectable; but
unless something is done to nip
such n career iu the bud as these
boys have started on, they will be
heard from again.
It is only a short time since that
a hoeful of the age of twelve years
was sent out to collect for his
father; he wound up iu Portland
"doing the town," nud was scared
home by a suspicious officer of the
law. Another ease is that of a boy
who stole a knife from a man
working on the new sidewalks of
Fiske street. He was followed to
his home and the knife demanded;
it was handed over without farther
comment and the pugnacious
youngster told "not to do that
leoiKt-rn U
,i . ....
I v. iTinimiuin, i iiuiHIlne a I
Ix nMiti lioiiKNt SaIm John llrlj;lil
ir .Mrs. nuirMiw. i i;iy UtiiM nrrcl.
i tnvrrny.
John llsinlttotinnd Mlfr.of Pint Jnnr,
nir viMIMC r. m. MIJHWOCK, ti Mint
joints Mounts. .Mr. MiH,,iK.k u IiiHt-
Moil in uiiitet in iHiiioriiU.
Cniitftln ltutrhcrhiiM1dhi tthann.irv
ill IVttunoutli to (5. II. ItriiiMivrk, lio
lutninwil the entire stock to hl stotr
ni i ntxcrsity. .Mr. IMutchcr eontriu-
pi Ate KtHlig cast.
I. Wcstrrnrtd nd (atnitv. of (Uhm
Valley, ntv ettvcied to visit the Ml
WMMtii-r at Nmtluru Hill and Mill tnV.
In lite fair. Mr. WcstrrficM is itlitor of
tue i.r.isi alley Journal.
I'l'tiitoiiln tH-onle should ntmiif lutr ili,
i . . . ii .... i . . .
which .Mrs. .nim .noUuh comltict nt ?if,
......... .-.- a .. . k . . a.
.miner! sirifi. Mn. .okcs is loud In
ncr iif.UK.-s of litis iirtion ol Orvgou.
.Mcsdniucs V. Hlclnmu nud Ctarn
WnrtiiL'.ol Tiu'onm, C. I', Stevens nud
wife, of l'ortlnnd, Mrs, H.J. Jones nnd
dnuuhter, Odn, nud C. II. Iliown, of The
Miies, uavi
St Johns
Lots for Sale
Between the car line and the boulevard
overlooking the river and harlwr, close to
the Drydock ami within n few minutes'
walk of all the mills and factories now
located iu the humming, thriving and rapidly-growing
city of St. John, Portland's
great manufacturing district,
LOTS 50x1 00 FEET
All clear. Hydrant water now
and will lie pied to every lot as
on tract
o U-eu visiting nt tjje home
of Mrs. S, 1,. Young,
livery resident ot this city Is urged to
lie nl ii meeting next Wednesday evening
nud aid in the formation of a Hoard of
1 Mile. An orvnuitittion to lie conducted
wnoii y for the he ol this community
can do much It nil will work har
hlhott's Pharmacy sent up last night
n large balloon, w hich made the finest
ascension of the kind ever seen by the
liming of si)cctatoni. It went up fully
one mile mid drifted slowly to the south
west until lost to sight. The ascension
inane many rulilicMieekcni.
Mrs. H. A. llmunan.of l'aloiiM-,
luglou, and CO. Howard and two
sisters, clia nud Khoda, of Oakcvlalc,
Wnshiuetou. returned to tlu-lr lioim-
after viKiling James I larding, of Northern
1 fill ,!... .. , . f I
inn. i lie yiiuiif; unites will return
W. II Hunter, of Saint Johns, Is keci-
iiii, imcueiors inmrters nl Ills Horn
Title Guarantee & Trust Co.
6 and 7 Chamtcr of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
Rogers nnd Vnn Hoiiten, Selling Agents, nl St.
Johns. Office nl the end of the enr line.
e ill I
Bickner Brothers
Department Store
Saint Johns since his wife w ent to Ita.
uero, Vadiirornla, to stay till September.
.Mr. Hunter bioke his finger nt Die
wiMiten mills last Saturdav nnd has been
stilTei lug some, but isuettlui! iiIoiil' ns
nicely ns could lie exN.v-ed.
All Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
Prosperous Ihislriess Sold.
The Saint Johns Sash nud IKx.r Com
jmiiy bus ehanged huuds,'C. M. Uobblns
and A. I). McDonald having luild the
busiucM to II. J. Holt, who caint- (nun
hnrlnglielil, .MHks.ichusM.-ts, (In fact, fnnn
all over New l.uglaudtnud who nniiiM.-s
to make hi home with the neon e of
Saint Johns.
.Mr. jioii is coiivcrsJiiil Willi mii mill
KitVHtvv nrlntcry was suiiuised
been wifely burled It was found that
Were Nol Hurled.
lien the cruder reached that nolut of
Jersey stieet where the feed-wire for Tint
to have
than two inches of earth covered the
wires. Theie was enough eleciicity iu
the win- to kitl 11 docn men under
ccrlniu conditions. The Portland Con-
solldated was nt once called up nud 11
worKiuaii inoiupuy came 10 care lor tile
wiie nud bury It so deeply that all
danger was averted.
I- ..I.. a I .. a a ... .. . .a
m-cp 11 nirgo hiock 01 ui'iierni iueieiiniulise, Including Ury
Hoots ami KIiooh, (Inn-eileH, Hard ware, lloiiso Furiiith!
IVpiI, Ktc. In rnet evoiylliiug. Their 1'ricen nro
liglit. Don't wiiste your Unto going to
P01II11111I, hut com.) In nud soo our
slock and prices.
Dry Goods,
Colorado Travellers.
Iut Monday morning there 1l10mK.1l
inio 1 111; itiivinw iiriuten- turec vn.11
Irotu Iivelanil, Colorado, who came to
Remember The Big Department Store
Corner Jersny Stieet and Hromlwny
St. Johns, Orogou
door business nud proix' to hustle for
nil the busiucM iu sight. 1'or n time the
genial "Mac" with hi sternly smile will
remain with the new proprietor, und aid
in his getting the run of the Hues. Mr.
Uohbius has not vet made nubile his
future intentions,
sec the fair, uud, incidentally, to see the
Junior member of the firm ol mihlUlicr.
J'licv were II. It. llotincll, merchant uud
iMUKer; A, A, PcrgUMiii, who is alwi 11
hnnlwnreiuiiii mid Imnker, nud Joseph
Dell, who Is 11 cross between it retired
fanner uud would-be lumber merchant.
The visitors were surprised rind
with the little city of Silut Joliiis nud
oeeiare nun 1111s iruon 01 uregou 1 tue
best country they have found on the I
entire coast.
"A hew Thorns" column is left
out this week 011 account of matter
more imx.rtunt. Next week.
Local Cigar Factory.
The oirice-room iu front of Tint
Kr.Vli'.w nriuterv is bcliik' fitted 1111 for 11
cigar factor)-and the work of uiauufac-
luring smokers will commence next
week. The plant will be conducted by
r. J. Peterson & Co,, the junior uud
working member ol the firm being A. II.
HcitkemiH.T, who is 1111 experienced man
at the business. The firm prniiovcH to
turn out flue quality goods, as well as
the ordinary-priced clgur. After this
let' all call fortn 'Saint Johns Prince,"
field Brief Meeting.
City Council met lust evening with all
memoers except ii. i.uwarus present
Subscrilw for Tim Kitvii'.w.
doliar 11 year.
One V
The Season is now on for
All Kinds and Qualities at
Elliott's Pharmacy
O.M. l-Atll.K
0, ".MRKKII.I.
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, May, Grain,
(iron ltd Peed,
Palais, Oils and Building Materials
Phone East 713
University Park,
Attorney Portland, npeared
for C. K. Ork'au und desired to ut once
reach a settlement regard lug the claim
made on the city for services as marshal.
The committee is to meet Mr, Mctiarry
tomorrow evenim;.
An offer was inailc by S. w. Simmons
to care or an slock imitouniieii ut nit
rate of 50c ier day r head. To lie
later considered.
A communication frcm II, I,. Powers)
n.nanl ln llif. kiiIm i1 U'lllnru-atrt. t. u'rw I
nude in which he stuted that he really I ho llui'sl list of resuleiico propel ly
wished to sen the nlant mid would ir ve III the district.
rthe council an itemized account us to the Walnut Purk uiTnrx the most dusir-
money tuus iar invcsieii, I ulilu homo hitc htieels L'raded, lots
An ordinance rcuanltnK ut-wulk on- -50x100. Sold at price ilio most fav-
tiruciious iuaM.-i ursi rvuuiui;. A iniii.
from the Orctroniau for InscrtiiiL' vj lines
of reading matter three times, f 13.K0,
St. Johns Sash and Door Co.
Sash. Doors and Millwork
Interior Finish
C. At. ROBBINS, AtanaKer.
Best Bargains in St. Johns, i
was held for investigation,
Dray and Baggage Line
Piano Moving a Specialty.
Leave orders at Illackhuni's I'urniture
store and they will receive prompt
attention, .
Muulilu in the market.
j03 Chamber of Commerce, Portland
A. SCOTT, Pres.
Phone 11I.ACK 22
K. W. CROSHY, Sec'y. x
Portland Jobbing Co.
Plumblni, Oasflttlnt
StMntfltUoK, Roofs
Oulttrs Etc.
At Reasonable Rates, Stoves, furnaces
and Tinware Repaired. Quick
Service. All Work Guaran
teed, N 7 N Fifth St CorAnkcny
Office hours, 9 to i j : m., a lo j p. m.
Office Phone, Scoll 1104.
Kctiikocc 1'hont, Union JV)I.
Office la Vulrcrtlty rrk Drug btoic.
Cleaning and Repairing
Gentlemen's nnd Ladies' Clothim;.
work satisfactory or money refunded,
Phone Illuck 931,
149 1-2 First street, Portland, Ore,
The Hazelwood
Splendid iiKxk-ru 7-rM)in residence with fine river view.
I.ot is 200x200 und lius shrubs und fruit with
lawn, A real bargain at $5,000 00
A .t-rooni house, plastered; larue liaru, cistern, and nood
fruit trees one acre Iu this bargain anil 011
cur line, Price, with easy terms 1,60000
We have .several fine river-view projierties of which we show 4?
photos in our window uud the prices ive bargains. Also some V
of the best business locutions in town. See our list. o
j W. H. King Land Co., St. Johns, g
Ih an uji-to-date quick Lunch,
Cij,'nr, Confectionery and News.
bland. The Celebrated Hazel-
wood Cream and flutter kept
in stock.
Corner Jersey St. and.Broadwny
St. John, Oregon
Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing
Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc.
C lone Scott 4065
The Cozy
Restaurant Nerth Jersey Street.
1 1 r, a
runerai li rectors
Modern Ambulances
4 220-222 Bird St., Corner Silion,
The Edward Holman Undertaking Company
and Embalmers
TaUphon 507 I.ady Aulstaut