St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 30, 1905, Image 1

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The Circulation of THE
REVICW In the Penin
sula mttii that of all
other papers combined
Advertisers, note thbt.
( (k wry wwi
rjotl" 9tH,9K
Dole4 to lb IritnMt of (bo PriMW, Mm Munudclarinf Center of the Northwert
NO. 34
pipp PflnTcnnnii
ii ii
Is right at the end of the
shortest railroad in Oregon.
A railroad with a 23 per cent
grade. Tell your friends to II
come and see it. II
How about lumber ? Have I
you seen our nice new stock?
It's fine.
Acme Lumber Co.
1.- iff
City Council Burnt Kerosene nndpfn;
i lalks About Severn! Things.
Monday evening was livid tut
adjourned tturctin of the city'
council with nit members of the
board in position. Treasurer Val-
I cntine, fearing lest dampness harm
I hir complexion, remained nt home
hut the balance ' were in good
Rogers & Windlc asked that the
time allowed them f6r the improve
mcnt of Jersey street' lc extended
localise of the delay 'forced on them
at the commencement. This was
tacitly agreed upon' -but was de
layed till the ucxt meeting in order
to find out how much extension
was desired. '
Complaint was considered about
a boom of logs blocking two streets
nt the waterfront so that boat
landing was prohibited. Recorder
Hanks was ordered to notify
Hartmaii, Thompson & Powers,
who arc supposed to own the Ions.
to remove the same ut once.
J. I. I'off. who slimed the naners
for improvement of Jersey street us
school director, desired Hint his
name be removed from the petition,
as lie understood ' that school I
property, being ftcc from tnxutlon,
was free from improvement assess
ments. It was stated that while
school property was non-taxable
the projcrty was always liable for
its share of public improvements.
liicrclore, the stininturc of Mr.
I'off, as a tnemlwr 'of the school
Iward, was not illegul nor did it
harm the school district.
The ways and means committee
was instructed to procure a place
tor a )ouu(i.
Bids for the improvement of
Utirlington and Philadelphia streets
were caned tor. Hut one hid was
1 1111. 1 iiuikuiium
Chief Campbell of Portland, , ;
(lives Some Mens.
DM'id Camplell. who is the chief
of Portland's fire department, came
down to the dry dock Monday
morning to put the fireloat in for
cleaning and caulking. With him
came V. A. Italian, naval architect,
under whose direction the boat was
built, and, had the dock possessed
good telephone connection with'
Portland, the visitors
remained all
put in although three parties had
contemplated bidding. These men
; Dr. Otis F. Akin, .
Dr. Mabel Akin.
Osteopathic Physicians
401-4 Maclcav llulltlliiL'. fourth
1 an4 U'alili)gtoii trcct, Portland.
' Hour 9 to I, 1 to j. Phone Office
City;;!!, RnMcnceMalii 2151.
Lawrence A. Hcnscl
Otctoujercy ktrrct in I.tvcr
wofe home, omltc St, John &h '
sdlXwCo. '
PMUn and Surgeon.
Oficc hour, 9 to 1 j a. in. 1 to s
; P. m. RwWeiicc l'honc Scott 66.
OflSct Phone Union 6994. Office:
; Dr. William Wolf Hicks -.
Office In Hie 11. .ti. 11....
OSce hour 9 to 11 a in, a to 4 p in
; lounc uuion jSj,
RMMeact Saint Johai
Office Roonu for rent
Office Utu.ii. 11 -.1....
"fwt, Portland.
Chicago Rooming Houm.
Good rooms frutn a week up.
Corner Chicago anil Ivanhocitrvct
Saint Johns - Oregon
nTa. 0E F
Houm Mover ana" Repairer
House moved, raUed and re
alrrd. Odd Job of all kliuU.
l'rompt service, rcaoiiahle charm,
Ivauhoe and Catlin succti.
Saint John - Oregon
The best Dread. Cakea and Pica
in the world. Give us a trial,
Phone Scot jioi
Saint John . . Oregon
were here', looked carefully over the
ground, and then put their heads
together, agreed to pool (it is
believed) and only Hccliill Brothers
The OMhful Jutlf e. I"t bid. Thto.wns not com-
was last Satttnlay. W th 11 . .. "v "";"
bis office, calmly stroking I.I long V?""1. . ? 1 S? n
white beard ami smoking 611c 0hf '597;3. 'll'---WJw caiefully
ui.-x.iin.-x.-ti mr iiiuny iiiuiuie anil II
those Oregona Pcruiia cigars
come with every package of -Pirrf to lie almost the milWn
Office: Cochran Mock, neri ,lnnr
to postoffice.
Office in Cochran block. Office
hour, 9 a. iu. to 6 11, 111. Tele.
phone bcott II4.
, Joints,
SiJnt Johns
ColnmbU lloulevar.1
,s'8t Johns
Goodrich & Goodrich,
M Johns au.l Portlan.l. Oreiron
Clothing cleaned, pressed and
mended with care and promptness.
Ladies' clothes a specialty.
Old Postoffice Uuildiug
Saint Johns - Oregon
Good tables; courteous treat
incut. Choice Hue of cigars and
Jersey Street, Saint John
proprietor -
Restaurant and Light Groceries,
Meals by the day or week. Board.
per week, fi.$o.
Corner Chicago and J vanhoe streets
Saint Johns Oregon
Dr. W. E. H ARTEL,
Freed mau block, Saint Johns
1 rti
W H" K,NQ. PreslJeat. M. L. HOLiROOK, Vica-fmidwst
st. johns abstract
& Trust company
Ahracts of Title omftOly ami ccurttly pnftred.
Chaifw RmnmUs.
0tfl: Kini's BuMiii, JrtMy St., St. Jh
"liatemnllve Breakfast Food." sat
judge J. w. Hanks. As he sat
there pondering how he would
Invest his surplus salary after pay
ing for his new auto, his dreams
were interrupted by the entrance of
a man ami, what was better yet, a
woman. I lie judge instantly killed
his cigar by tupping the ash end
against the gilt window-casing,
dotted lus ltat and safd:
"Goal morning!"
"Morning, judge. Say, can you
marry us right off quick?" replied
the visitor.
"Well, I'm from Missouri and
I can 'show you' that my marrying
holds good anywhere you can find
it I" answered the astute judge, as
he proceeded to arrange his tie and
get ready lor mislne&s.
"All right, go ahead! This is
us," continued the visitor, "This
is the girl and I'm to be her
husband. Now get to itl'
Just then Marshal Hanks and C.
belief that a iool had been formed
and 11 ixir cent added for all
profits. The matter was laid over
one night that the recorder miulit
have the bidders present to explain
Mayor King called attention of
the council to the fact that the
water comiKiiiy was ready to con
sldcr an otter for the eutite water
plant being unxioiis to sell its
holdings. Considerable discussion
followed us to the probable cost,
the feasibility of purchase, the
twssibility of issuing lrauds, etc.
Incidental to this talk was brought
up the point that the water service
at present was" far Iwlow that ex
pected by the people, the quality and
quantity of water Indug supplied
being not conducive to health or
Uy a desire of the council J, H.
Shields was deputized to serve a
written notice upon the water
company, praying tliat tne service
be at once made good and it
day and none
Willi tlie boat at night.
Mr. Campbell had imtxmaul
business which necessitated cither
telephonic communication or his
presence. In default of the former
he wns forced to adopt the latter
and He much regretted the fact.
Said he:
"If that dry dock ever catches
fire the fircboat would be needed,
a a - '
nut unless some means is taken to
secure letter telephone service the
dock would be gone before we
could hear of it. I am told that
loles have lecn set, ready to string
wire, direct to the dock but up to
this time the work hasn't leen
done. The question should be
agitated because much dctHMids
tiH)ii quick action and there is ti
possibility that the matter has
skipped the heads of the depart
Mr. Campbell then took up the
question of the water supply of St.
Johns. He knows the needs of this
city and realizes what It would
mean if a fire should attain much
headway in the business jwrtion of
tne town, wiien asked if the
fircboat would come to Saint Johns
in case an alarm was sent in, Mr.
Campbell nt once replied:
"Yes, sir; the boat would be
sent at once if it was needed and
call should be made. That is one
reason why you should have better
telephone service so you could get
us quickly. It required 34 minutes
to get to the dry dock this morning
so we are sure that we could get
busy in Saint Johns in half an
hour. Hut you know the boat is
not capable of doing work more
i iinn 1000 icet iron) tne snore or
dock. If one of the mills should
catch fire we could do lofs of good
and we would, too, if notified!"
i suggestion was then made that
11 six-inch main be laid from the
new dock up the hill to Jersey
street and nil arrangement made
at that juncture whereby n con
nection could be made with the
fire plugs. Fire Chief Ciimpbill
was highly enthusiastic over such 11
plan. Said he:
"That would be the procr
thing. As it is now your water
force is not adequate tor the city's
needs. a strong fire break out
at the cud of one of your blocks
nud, unless you had outside
assistance, or could handle the fire
with oiii of your chemical engines
the whole block would lc a goner.
"jvow, it your city, or your
business men, or the insurance
companies, or anyone else, would
put iu 11 pipe from the new dock
St. Johns Park !
No. 2.
Lots 50x1 06 ft
With a 1 6-foot Alley back
of each lot.
$200 and Upwards !
Terms '.
$5 Down and $5 per month f
D .uIik I...I on (1- W K"1" " "
enter t ie c tv hn and "sorter ind "vv" M. 4Ml" u. "w 1"'T-
i,i t r. i.. ...i should le made within a reasonable
commenced to rubber.
As soon as the ceremony uniting 7 ' '
T t).. ..I. ...! t?l r MIMHUH,),
Knlwrtnn liotli nf Fnrtlanrl. Unci '
beeu consummated, the judge and J '
the two witnesses prepared to
salute the bride. But the groom
interposed. Said he:
"Go slow, there, go slow. You
don't have to do that, judge, an' I
know it. Yon tall fellow, he can't
neither. As fer the young lad-
well, I don't care, provided the
missus wants it But I guess I
rather pay the money and let you
all go out and get a smoke."
"Two dollars," murmured Judge
Hanks and the entire scene was
over. Tne nappy couple went
jiorth on the next car,
length of time the city authorities
should take steps to remedy the
to Tuesday evening,
At the Brick Yard.
The output of the first kiln of
brick burued in this city is now
before the public. So far as quality
is concerned, the brick have a clear
ring aud are nicely burned the
shape, however, is not clean and
square. Tins detriment, Manager
Loy informs us, is the fault of the
machine, which was not a good one,
although it was highly endorsed by
the manufacturers.
A sew machlae of large capacity
is bow on toe way from unio anu
when this shall have been installed
and properly started- the pressed
brick will be the real pressed brick.
The new machine will be of large
capacity and the amount of brick
turned out wiu oe targe. 11 win
receive power from the sew 75
horse-power electric motor recently
nstalkd. ,
He Tumbled,
riie other day when N. A. Gee
was working on u louiidatiou n
Stranger went to him and said:
"Are you the old boss who has
the coutract for this cement
"I am the gentleman, sir, who
has the contract," replied Mr. Gee,
as he drew himself proudly up
into the, air. "I'm uo 'old boss'
I'd have you to know!"
"Oh, you re not, elif returned
the stranger, "Well, if you're not
a 'boss' why don't you change
your initials?" and he walked
And then N. A. G. smiled and
went back to work,
Subscribe for Thk Rxvikw.
Looking After Mining.
N. J. Bailey, who has long been
an important factor iu the Portland
Manufacturing Company, has re
linquished his position and is
scouring about the country, having
a good time. Iast week he was up 1 don't
right up Richmond street to Jersey
there' d be .something doing when
the fircboat commenced work. If
the pie was so trupjK-d that a flow
Could be made into the city main
direct we could send water all over
the city iu splendid s!iuje -if we
didn't burst your pijcs. The
firelHxit can throw 30000 gallons of
water a minute and that's going
some. She can do better than that;
but if we should send that amount
of water up that long hill at that
rate your fire coinimny could put
out any fire that showed up.
" to !o sure, the boat could not
commence work till about thirty
minutes after your fire chief had
'phoned us for aid; aud again,
there would 1k one chance iu a
thousand that the boat would le iu
use iu I'ortlaiKl; but tlie chances
are against tlie latter. W hat a
.splendid thing it would be to have
a firelKmt within call and to know
thut when a fire started there would
soon be a vast quantity of water!
Tin! Kkvikw should suggest this'
pipe question and see how the
Ijx'oplc of Saint Johns would look,
upon It. 1 ixMieve it would be a
great factor in reducing the rate of
insurance aud a rate of from eight
to ten per cent ought to be reduced.
And here's my street," concluded
Mr. Campbell, "I'm off now.
We'll get the fircboat back to
I'ortlaiKl tonight. Come iu aud
see me when you have time, aud
forget that method of fire
These lots are located on Jersey street, three blocks
from car Hue and
Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site.
Don't pay 350 and $400 for building lots only too
feet deep, and without alleys, when you can get extra
sized lots with 1 6-foot alleys, all high and level, aud in
the best locality iu St. Johns for $200 and upwards.
Let us show you this property. We can sell only
the first fifty lots at these prices. This is done to ad
vertise the property. When these are sold prices will
advance 35 per cent.
Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill
is in operation, these lots will he worth double the pres
ent prices.
St. Johns Land Co
St. Johns phone union 3104 Oregon
I Unwell Office and Agency on the Ground.
j A Good Way to Save
Is to purchase the necessaries of life where you can
quality considered.
We offer the the purest and most palatable goods In t
our line'atjpriccs as low ns possible and still allow us a I
Just Profit. INVHSTIflATR and Act Accordingly.
? Phone Union 4066 QENERAL MERCHANTS
in WashinKton and Saturday and 'nrotection."
Sunday he was down to Seaside for I This paper would like to know
the first time and made his maiden j w,at people think of this method
dip in the Pacific. Mr. Bailey ,0f fighting fire. So far as we can
wuo is no relation to -'iiiu uauey,
who wouldn't come Home--is now
looking after his mining property
in the Qunrtzville district. He
believes he has fine prospects.
The K. I.. C. K. will meet this
evening at tlie home of Mrs. C. T,
Thayer, in the Poiut View district.
see the only disadvantage would le
in the tune consumed iu the
arrival of the fireboat, yet the plan
might le worth the trial.
Of all Kinds.
Sole Agent for
Universal Stoves and Ranges
Do not fail to see the Uuiversal
Steel Range before purchasing
t 141-143 First Strut, M Wins toiMiif, rwtliri, 9riM. Horn Miin 1382
A ball is to be given in Bickuer's
hall on Saturday evening, July i,
to raise funds to pay for improving
the park.
Zeller Byrnes & Blackburn Co.
Calls Pr mptly Attended to Lady Assistant
Day or Night ST. jomns, ORnaoN
HH Til Iltttt