St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 23, 1905, Image 3

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    Builder s Hardware !
Aaiiii wc would call the attention of all who con- 8
g template building in St. Johns and fil
VlWUillj. iv buw mb iimL
Sash Weights,
A W. m
Sash Kuiicys,
Sash Locks,
Sash Lifts,
Sash Cord,
Belong with a Hardware Stock, and wc carry a fine line
of these goods. Also a full line of Locks, Door Bells,
Hinges, etc.
The Hardware Men.
We are Winning Trade!
with our Clean, Fresh Stock I
Be Our Customer !
We'll Appreciate It.
Seats for the Public!
While waiting for the tars.
Night Clerk Room 4, Central Hotel.
CO TO Tllll
St. Johns Lumber Company
For nil kinds Common Lumber, KILN DRIED
Flooring, Celling and Rustic. Sash, Doors,
Mouldings and Columns.
Yirds and Mill Foot Burlington St. Phone East 594
The Peninsula Bank
of St. Johns, Oregon,
Solicits the business of the peo
ple of Portsmouth and University
Park. Two to three hours time
can be saved in the transaction
of business. Call and let us tell
you about our Savings Department
8 ;
Hu just stocked up with a fresh supply of "Ladles' Furnishings.
J Good goods a low prices. Call and examine them.
T . f A . .1 -
4 Corner of Jersey and Baltimore streets.
St. Johns Millinery Store
E' V I ML 1 1
Would like to savo
, 25 per cent
on your Fuel and you
can do It
He's in Town
Phone East 3035
W do crown and bridge work wUboat 1U
Oar is yew' experience la pUU work
abUa iu to fit vomr ooth coaUartaMT,
Dr. W. A. Wbe tut found aaic way to as
,..rfl.tctth' atMOlutclr without fla. Dr. T.
r, U Ucja m tipett at meU iHl.a aad crow
u4 brkWe wotk. 'KstraeUac (rcc want
ptatea or ferUr arc ordered.
WISE BftOS. Deaucte,
Ulag Build Ur, cor. Third and Wash. SU.
Pa crcaiaas All 9 p. . Susdajri Iroas
to la. pr Mala ato.
Once More The City Council Meets
and Docs Business.
All members of the city council
were present at roll-call on Monday
evening wlmti Mo
the meeting to order and were
readv for anv nmnnni nf imcinoc
which might be brought up before
uic uwiy.
The committee appointed to look
Up the matter nf tlir.
- - Mwwiassv VSI
C. R. Organ in reference to the
uui wuicn lie claims against the
city for work done as marshal was
not ready to rcoort. mid tln mntir
was laid over till the next meeting
or, more properly speaking, to
the adjourned meeting which fol
lows next Monday evening.
A petition was read regarding
Mucwaucs. jonn Nolan, J. A.
Carr, and others nsltrrl that nlialii
sidewalks be laid on Oswego street
ironi t'ortiand Boulevard to Colum
bia Boulevard and the matter was
referred to the street commit too.
The street committee reported
mat a contract had been made with
N. A. Gee to move the litilldlnrr
now used as a city hall and jail to
tnc uinusc property which the city
DrOPOSCS to llUV ns sonn nn Itio
bonds arc sold. The building was
to be moved on Tuesday. The
matter of allowing the telephone
Doles to rvtnnSti in ln nn
. ---------- . w ..wv nuo
Ordinance do. which rpfprrwl tn
dogs, was talccn up and handled.
This ordinance modifies the rate of
the license AS tile fiulirr fnrttinrlv
demanded were considered high.
ine ordinance was unanimously
Ordinance co. ndattner tn tin.
establishment of a board of health;
ordinance 51, relating to the dis
turbance of the public during the
hours When Nature gets in her best
work by the bells upon the cows
and forbidding the wearing of those
necklaces; and ordinance 52 regu
lating the sale of firearms, fire
works, explosives, etc.. within thu
city limits, were all read the third
time and adopted,
Moved by Mr. Leggett that the
electric line be permitted to lay its
lines from Jersey street to the new
freight house, nnd Mr Lindquist
seconded the motion. The reso
lution was limited to a period of
three years and was then unani
mously adopted.
A rcmiest for n frnnoliItr tn nm
a ferry for teams across the river
from this city was laid on the table
to allow further information.
Adjourned to Monday evenine.
June 36.
He Worked Him.
It was an old game but it
worked here iu Saint Johns a little
while ago. A stranger came here,
oafed about a few days, and made
several acquaintances. Suddenly
ic received word calling him away.
The stranger told one of the boys
and tried to borrow some money.
Of course he couldn't do it. I hen
he offered to sell his watch. It
was a bright new one, "of solid
gold," worth fully one hundred
dollars but the owner just had to
have a few dollars. Finally the
lad who desired to go said to his
chum, "Let me have your watch
and five dollurs and I'll put up
mine for security for a few days till
I can write you and send you the
The Saint Johns boy did so.
Three days after the watch stopped.-
He took it to a 3-ball uncle at Port
land to have the thing diagnosed.
He said that watches like that
were a drug on the market now at
531 per dozen.
And so we Iearul
Tomorrow is to be a big day at
the Portland fair.
Snectacle nedlers at the fair are
frauds and rascals of the deepest
dye. The same crowd follows hp
these fairs and fishworms' teeth
are more numerous than honest, de
cent men in the gang.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Norton have
cone to Lone Beach, Wash., to re
main three months. Mr. Norton is
resident of Point View, and has
been associated witk N. F. Noren
in the real esWe business.
Frederick Weyerhauser sr., head
of the great lumbering concern bear
ing his name, was iu in town look
ing after business interests on Tues-
day last. He was accompanied by
G. V, hong, treasurer oi me wey
erliauser Co.
Mrs. S. M. Hull and her brother.
Henry Comstock, and Miss Cecil
Comstock, were guests of Mrs. G.
Rice oa Wednesday. 1 ne party
is orlspinallv from Mtchiean. but
has been "doing" California and
Oregon for the past six montns.
Mrs. null win remain wun mre.
Rice a few davs and then toia her
relatives in a trip through Washing-
ton before returning to Mtcnigan.
A friend of ours ia northern Iowa
writes askiag- how we "like it out
in the Land of roses and flowers,
bull frogs aad cherries, aad liars and
fleas," aad where the cliraate is
like this all the while." Well.
you old frost bittea icicle, we like it
all ngnt. we are just Baving a
bully time. Your crab apples are
not In it with our cherries either in
size, looks or taste. Aad one of
our fleas will make a dozea of your
lusquitoes looke like 30 cents, ask
us something real nara.
Subscribe for The Review.
Our Local Grist
Don't be humbugged by adver
tising fakirs.
The big billiard hall is now in
running shape.
Guard against fires on the com
ing July Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Norton leave
today for Seavicw, Washington,
for the summer.
A ball is to be givtii in Bickner's
hall on Saturday evening, July t,
to raise funds to pay for improving
the park.
Wm. ITnll jr., vice president of
the .Hanover National Bank, New
York, was among the visitors here
last Tuesday.
Saint Johns business houses have
some of the finest glass signs to be
found anywhere. (Also a few of
the most tigly. )
The two battleships and the tor
pedo boat destroyer now iu the har
bor at Portland arc scheduled to sail
for Seattle Sunday morning.
LaVerne, the you tig son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Hall, is just recov
ering from a very severe illness.
He has lecn dangerously sick.
Capt. Boutchcr of the Portsmouth
Pharmacy is suffering from n frac
tured wrist, caused by n fall while
getting off n moving electric car.
The way to get business is to ad
vertise. That is the way the met
ropolitan business houses do. The
duller the season the larger the ad.
The Portland city council is up
against it I There is, n lack of rev
enue and the members nrccntleav
oring to devise means' to increase it.
Dr. W. W. Hicks has his re-
modelled house on the Heights
nbout ready for occupancy. He
now has a nice home and will 'jov
Tonsorial Artist Mansfield went
fishing yesterday and proved to
Tint Rkvikw that he caught 37.
Those eaten by the "fish editor"
were fine.
When that twelve-foot sidewalk
gets down iu front of the Holbrook
block and the street gets graded iu
nice shape the square will present
a very attaactlvc appearance.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mills, who
have been guests of their daughter
Mrs. R. A., Shcpard for n couple
of weeks, expect to leave next Mon
day for their Michigan home.
Have you seen the Eastern made.
While Pine Screen Doors that we
arc selliutr. Also have adjustable
Window Screens iu different sizes.
Pottkk & Gooi.D, the hardware
Rev. Upshaw will preaali in the
Congregational taleruacle Sunday
morning at ii o'clock, bubject
"The Great Alternative." A cor
dial invitation is extended to all to
hear this sermon. The Congrega
tional choir will render some special
Charles W. Seidel, of San Fran
cisco, is in the city completing
surveys for the insurance compan
ies. Mr. Seldcl Is forced to visit
every portion of the city and .secure
measurements iu order that the
underwriters may le able to make
uniform rates.
Miss Clara Heller, who has acted
as typographical expert 011 Tint
Rkvikw for several mouths, litis
severed her connection with this
journal and goes to Ilwaco for the
summer. Miss Beller is nu cxH.rt
in typesetting but feels the need
of the ocean's refreshing roar: and
this paper parts with her with
With n stump-puller of 300 horse
power capacity Schauff & David
sou have been yanking stumps from
their nests at the lower end of Jer
sey street. Yesterday they wen
clearing stumps from in front of the
new Holbrook building to the
satisfaction of a crowd of onlookers.
The machine does its work per
fectly and so far hasn't gone -iter
anything it failed to get.
on't "hoot Him or Yon'lt Oct mm
Craay aa a Coot.
Never hear tell of a king gander, I
I'poso? No; most folk hain't. Tho
ihnrpa that write the bird books snys
Uicro nln't no such thing, but I know
Detter. I've scon one.
Thcro nlu't never but ono king gan
Jer nt n time, snmo's a country never
tins but ono king nt a time, but n king
fnmWs n real king, that's wlmt ho is.
It ain't Jest becnuao bo's tho biggest
gamier of any or tho knowln'est. It's
lomethlu' moro. He's kind of n
:red gnudor, ho la, nnd thrro nln't n
tvlld goose that lllos but knows it.
tie's captain of 'cm nil, nn' It's only tho
f pick of tho geese that flics with hint.
Ner tlint nln't nil neither. Wlmt do
fou s'noso boenmo of that big king gan
icr Hill shot? Ever hear of n dead
jiuuler ImjIii' carried olt by his llock,
rcstln on their backs nn' them n-honk-In'
out n rcg'lnr buryln' dlrgo? Well,
I've said enough. Fact Is I've said all
t daro sny.
But I tell you this; If over you have
1 chanst to ohoot n king gander don't
rou do It. 'Tnln't good luck. If you
don't believe It took nt my brother Hill,
do killed one leastways ho shot him
ind then what happened? Only tho
ord nnd Hill Ilucklnn knows. An'
Dill Ml never tell. Why noil 'Causo
jo's been ns crazy ns n coot ever since
res, sir, crazy ns n coott Outing.
Why People Cnt More In Winter
Than Ther In Summer.
It has been shown that tho consump
tion of food Increases Iu direct propor
tion to tho decrease In temperature.
Wc cat more In winter than In summer,
ind tho Inhabitants of the temperate
regions require moro food than thoao
it tho tropic tone.
This is duo to several causes. In tho
3rst place air Is denser In colder ell
ointcs nnd moro oxygen Is taken In
with each breath, so that n greater sup
ply of carbon derived from food- is
necessary in order that tho two gasot
may combine Iu their proper propor
tions for tho imiltitenatiet! of bodily
Sent. Again, tho Inhabitant of a cold
:llmato usually has to work harder
than tho moro fortunate southerner,
whoso wants decrease ns nature be
:onun more generous. The harder tho
laity labor the greater tho amount of
food required.
Climate not only affects the ipiautl
ty but alio the quality of tho food con
lumcd. Tho Ksklmo could not live up
jit tho dainties of nature which load
tho tables of tho poorest In tho tropics,
for the "conditions of his existence re
quire tho consumption of an enormous
imouut of fatty matter, so that blub
bar Is to him n chief necessary of life.
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, Hay, drain, Flour
Ground Feed,
Phone East 713
University Park, - Oregon
35 large airy rooms divided into
Suites of two to four rooms, alho
6ingle rooms. Situated one block
from Columbia University, near
cor. of I'Uk St. and Uoulcvard.
I'urnuhed or Unfurnished for
A. W. DICKSON Phona Scott 1296
A. SCOTT, Pres.
I'hone BLACK aa
K. W. CROSBY, Sec'y.
Portland Jobbing Co.
PhimMn. OuAMksg
StMaaMMiaf . ftMft
Guitars Etc.
At Reasoiiable Rates. Stoves, I'uruaces
and Tinware Repaired. Quick
Service. All Work Guaran
teed. Nj7N Fifth St Cor Antony
Llnaa Whmr Mm ulna; Waa Nut Claar
to Tlirlr Author.
A wrltor In Indon Truth recalls that
llrownlng, when asked tho meaning of
n puasugo In "Bordello," replied, "Well,
I know tho poem had a meaning to 1110
when I wrote It, but what It was I
camiot now auy," Tho writer got1 011 to
quote parallel answers of Colorldgo nnd
of Que tho, which comforted him long
ago, When ho first transcribed tlieni,
Coleridge wrote tho greater part of
book S of Houthey'n "Joan of Arc" and
annotated tho long passage begin
ning, "Maid U'loved of heaven," thus:
"These are very flue lines, though I nay
It that should not, but bang 1110 if I
know, or ever did know, tho meaning
of them, though my own composition."
Lord Fronds Kgertou, when translat
ing "Faust," wrote to ask (loethe's or.
plnnntlon of n passu go which puttied
him and rvcclvud tho reply that thu
poet himself waji at a loss for its
meaning, "Burciy," runs Ids answer
to Iord Francis, "you at twenty-four
should know better than I at aeventy
four tho meaning or a passngo I wroto
at your ago."
Uudrralandlna" I'ahar.
Tho women bellovo that every man
knows nil about poker, but only n few
men do. It Is true, however, that near
ly every man protends to understand
tho game thoroughly, Wheu Iheru Is 11
poker joko nt a theater nil tho men
initio nnd look at their women folks
with n sort of pity, hut the fellows who
indie know very llttlo about tho gamo
and nra afraid to play It, for In almost
every little eoclul affulr connected with
chips nnd pairs there is a tin honi
rambler Industriously engaged In work
ing chumps. Tim fow meu who really
understand poker have a habit of win
ning the money of tho men who pre
tend to understand It, so the Urge ma
ortty of men know nothing about the
game further than that a good hand Is
turd to get. Atchison Qlobe.
Benefit Hall
The Ladies' Civic Improvement
League will give n ball in Hickner's
hall, Saturday evenim?, July 1, for
the purpose of raising funds for
punhc betterment, hce later de
tails, All should be present,
Roster of Teachers.
The following list of teachers has
been hired by the school board for
the coming school year:
Principal W. C. Alderson.
Teachers Ivlith VanVlect, Jo
sephine Preston, Julnu Jtailey,
Madge Dunn, J'.luabetli Kcvclle,
Dorelle Shives, Kininu Osthuml.
Dentistry Notice.
To accommodate Portsmouth
patrons I have made arrangements
to be at Portsmouth each Tuesday
and Friday from nine to five. Call
at Dr. Collier's old office. Saint
Johns office open at all times
Dk. V. Ii. 1IARTKM,, Dentist.
Office houit, 9 to ia a. tn., a to 5 p. in.
Offer Phou, Scott 1104,
Krsklciirc Photic, Union yi.
Office In Uulvcrlty Park Diug Store.
St. Johns
Lots for Sale
Between the car line and the boulevard
overlooking the river and harbor, close to
the Drydock nnd within a few minutes'
walk of all the mills and factories now
located in the humming, thriving and rapidly-growing
city of St. Johns, Portland's
great manufacturing district.
LOTS 50x1 00 FEET
All clear. Hydrant water now on tract
nnd will be piped to every lot as required.
Title Guarantee & Trust Co.
6 tuid 7 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
Rogers nnd Van Itoutcu, Selling Agents, at St.
Johns. OlUee nt the end of the car Hue,
6aVaVaVataaA aaataaaaaaiaiaiaAaiaiAaiaiaiAAaa
Bickner Brothers
Department Store
All Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
J. ICeep a largo stork of depend Murclinmllso, Including Dry Quods, 6
X Hoots and Shoes, (Irocnries, Hardware. House Furnishings, M
J. Fecit, Kte. In fact everything. Their Prices are o
right, won't waste your liniii going to
Pol (land, but como iu and sea our
stock nnd prices.
Remember The Big Department Store
Corner Jorxoy Stieot ami Broadway
St. Johu, Oregon
Bring us $i ami we will send the
Review to your friend for a year.
The Season is now on for
AH Kinds and Qualities at
Elliott's Pharmacy
I St. Johns Sash and Door Co.
Sash. Doors and Millwork
Interior Finish
C. M. R0BBINS, Manager.
O000O0O000O040 DKM34OOOOe0eOO04O0t
Best Bargains in St. Johns.
Splendid modern 7-rooui residence with fine river view.
I.ot is 200x200 and has shrubs and fruit with
lawn. A renl bargain at ..... $5,ooo oo
A 4-room house, plusteretl; large barn, cistern, and good
fruit trees one acre iu this bargain ami on
cur Hue. Price, with easy terms. 1,60000
We have several fine river-view properties of which we show
tiliAinO itl fiiil" Illli1fllf fill ll ilia firia4U irttf4 I Ifl r fT tt 1 1 1 S Alca Kittlr
4 of the lest business locations in town. See our list.
j W. H. King Land Co., St. Johns
t Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing
Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc.
Phone Scott 4065
ST. Hins. Or
: The Edward Holman Undertaking Company :
f Funsral Directors and Embilmon -r
Modern Amhnlancts
Telephone 607
I.atty Asslttaut
-f 220-222 Tkki St CtfMf SilMi, POflTLANB, Vhm