THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW rulillibed Rrirr Frldsj IlV McKHO.V & TllORNDVKK, Rnltcrlptlon ritri, 11.00 prr rear In sdrsncc. Adrrrtmnc ril, vi.oo.pcr 11 All tdterllilnK Mill pajrtt moniii. Job Trlnllnr siecntfd In flnt etii style. Illlli for Job Printing ch on dellterr. All commnnletltona iboold b kddrtiifd to Tht Btrltw, St. Johni, Oregon. Inch pir month, le flnt of eh OOelit Hwippr of tht City of Bt, Joknj. Phono Scott 0990. I'RIDAY, JUNK 23, 1905. TIIK HONDS. " THIS week we publish the ordi- nance authorizing the sale of muni cipal bonds and the reader may note from it that the money derived from the .sale can in no manner be misused. If there shall be tiny illegality about these bonds the fact will be brought to liKlit when these bonds arc on sale. It has been staled that the town officials have several times endeavored to sell these bonds but have been turned down: this rumor is very far from being correct. up to this writing bonds have not come from the hands of the printer and only in this issue of Tim KitviKW is the ordinance furthering the legality printed. There is little doubt that these FAKIv ADVERTISING. AS a rule all pushing business people believe in advertising of a legitimate nature: but so much fake advertising springs up that the pub lie becomes suspicious and in the end the legitimate journals have to suffer along with the fakirs Grafters have been in this city the past week laboring hard to foist a fake upon the business men. The journal claims to be of great circu lation and by smooth talk upon the art of the audit business men are frequently seduced into lalling over one another to get into its columns. The sample copies of previous issues do, indeed, present a pretty appearance: but it is a publication like the far-famed Missouri mule: it has no pride of ancestry and no Hope of jKMtcrity. I lie man once caught by it separates from his money as easily as tlnu oil runs down a chute .slide and there is less to show for it. Tint Kkvikw is ready to encour age any advertising plan which has the merit of a genuine circulation. It believes in advertising where FOURTH OV JULY. TOO much care cannot be exer cised in preventing the starting of even a small fire on the coming Fourth and children both small and large should be carefully warned against the practice of igniting fireworks of any nature near dwellings, barns or business houses. A tiny spark might bring a dis aster upon this city which would require years to overcome. A fire fairly started in any one of n half dozen localities means the wiping out of business interests and prop erty values to a large extent: and no man or woman can be heedless to the importance of diligently be ing on the watch. livery year there occur Our Local Grist The gentle rain of yesterday nicely laid the dust. The youngsters are earning fair wages picking cherries. Kennedy Scott of Stacy ville, la., was looking over St. Johns pros pects on Wednesday. W. H. Boncbrakc, of Glen wood, Iowa, was guest of his old school mate R. A. Shepard on Wed nesday. Crown and bridge work a spec ialty. W. T. Slatten, Dentist. There will be a union service of Resolutions of Respect. Saint Johns, Oregon, June 19, 1905 Hall of Laurel Lodge, No. 186. I. O. 0. F. Whkrkas: God in His infinite widnm has removed from our midst Brother G. F. Hurlbert; and, Whkkkas: In the death of Bro- thpr Hnrllert this lodffj has lost an esteemed and honored member, his family a kind husband and indul gent father, and the community a highly respected citizen; therefore be it RiiSOLVKD: That we do at this time show our sorrow and esteem for our deceased Brother by drap ing the charter of this lodge for a period of thirty days, by extending to the family of our late Brother be the young people's societies of Saint great Johns at the Conereirational taber- losses from the careless use of fire- nacle at seven o'clock next Sunday our sympathy, and assuring them works. The evil seems to grow cvcninir. that their interests will ever be stronger each year and the results The Peuinsuli Bank has a newlBunrc,1 alld t,lclr welfarc ,ookcd show what carelessness and 'Wdu't l.v nverv Brother who is our University Park and Ports mouth readers. Patronize a home bakery. The inoro money that is left in town the more we. have to spend among the merchants here. Geo. A. Steel of Winchester, Ore- Thank Your Lucky Stars That I what you will do if you read bur message carefully and try Olympic Whtat-Haarta for your morning meal. Made from the little hearts of the finest wheat. Sterlliad there's a wide difference be tween a cereal that it sterlizcd and one that is not. It's the purest, most tiutri tious, most appetizing cereal now on the market. Sold by all Groec-ra. FIva-pound pnekaga, 25 cant. The Pertlapi ?mii Milts C. . ' SHEPARD & TUFTS think" will do. Let everyone careful and be on guard. Tint CALL US UP. Ritvntw has just installed someone oiner tnai tue aiiyeruscr a telephone in its office to aid in all sees the matter. I he publication iiiiin,Mi mtntlmw n... t.i.t.tb. u,2 moiv Mng workwl js hut 11 graft liven during the short time it has mm our reauers unci mi n my Mccll in usc U Jlas proven, so highly gon, president of the Umpqua Im .ive .nuuey mr i.m. mg i.owii me beneficial that it is a wonder how provement League, was an interest- ............. ..... ...-, .w. ousincss nas been conducted wltii- I visitor in town last Wednesday good commission and is not to be 0, it l ti,u hlifh-ifrnde nlnnt. blamed: but those who arc backing I Til,. r(. line lv.(. 11 n ,ilpf liirrrnci. itt Mr. Goold, of the firm of Potter the graft can show no legitimate tlc munbcr of phone-users in this & Goold, has been seriously sick circulation: nothing worth a frac- wllvni.,l i :u .,(.. tn unv i,' the past week. He was able on bound by the ties of Friendship, Love and Truth; be it farther Rksolvkd: That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the min utes of this lodge, a copy sent our deceased Brother's family and a copy furnished tlie bautt joiins Review. T. J. MoNAllAN, 0. L. CitAt'Ki., P. Him,, Committee. I Willi tu lulll twi tirittittt t tiittti The Interest is good mid the secur- i me cnsn iicinamicu. lor me ns S001, ns tIe 8y8U.m hUM ily excellent. The sale and the exploiting jowii. 1 lie mat er rcccivcd the iniprovcments proer investinenl or the money will give Saint Johns a new int imitis: it will liven the town and the improved niiticarnucu will aid in bringing new tesidents here to gain 11 livelihood. There is room for a vast number of K.ople to locate and there is 1111 owning for those who will commence the fruit and berry culture. There is room for new industries along the water front; and there is no doubt but every available tract there will ultimately Ik.' occupied. To build a town icquiics ener getic hustling and conservative methods: and the woik requires, also, careful price making. It will not do to create prohibitive figures regarding any projierty: there is n Kint above the Msslbty of the prosK.ctlve settler to pay. This point has not yet been reached and we ti 11st that it will not he but it .should be guarded against by everyone. Conditions and possibilities make valuations: eiivitoiimeuts add to them, Detract from any one of mid values must denreclute: it is the combination that makes 11 winner. .Saint Johns has the com bination: and now it leiiialus for us to show it. The real Mart will be made from the day the bonds are sold: if they shall not he sold some . other Kiiut must be taken from which to make the Mart. HOW IS IT? ONI? Industry we burn that has never liceu touched iiwu here which might be made a verv oiofit- able one if lightly can fed on. We icfer to the raising of mu.sli rooms. Theie is much money to be made in piodiiciug this luxury uml while the labor is rutlicr con fining the iiivcMiiiunt Is trivial. In llciitnii county muii are making a success of the business and in some counties of which we know women ure .supMiitiug families by the same means. To In? successful in the ciiltuic of mushrooms means u .steady application to the business at the start 1 ii.i im.-i.-ii .Miveieiy luueiieu upim uy isc(i lllcrc wlI1 jK. n6re .)atr0ns II... I.I.lI.... ....... .....I n.l ..!.... I . . ... iiiu iiiaiuu.-v.-i iiiwii mm uu vwj iinvi.i 1 (JjjS City. of Portland, who, a few days ago, 1 strongly condemned fake pub lications. Business men .should go slow upon these grafting proosltions. f have Wcth'rataY ; to sit tip- nrnm. 111 al ll"t "me. -but was very in THINGS Blv CHANGKD. IN bible times it might have been all right to turn the other when one was smitten on the one cheek. At the present time, how ever, if one is punched, he either knocks the pitddin' out of the puncher or has him arrested for assault. Thut's business. f FAIR IS KXCKLLF.NT. AS one of the corrcsoiidciits of this paper last week suggested there is 110 use in knocking the Portland fair. It is alt right and is 11 mag nificent advertisement that the average Orcgoiilau has at last awak cued to what the state has before it. To see the fair mounds in them selves is well worth the price of wiee with the custom mid the admission for anyone. The entire I tilar demand of the patrons." area that was but n short time ago In addition to the names of each a baircu bit of waste with a mud- teacher and the institution from hole of a shallow lake and unwieldy which the teacher graduated, the hills adjoining, is now like it fairy reiort shows that eight teachers laud; the lanitscatH. artist has were employed an increase touched with deft hands the spots the preceding year of three. ' which nature left iiuprctty mid the were five siisiHMisious during the result is one which provokes iidiui- year: one for cariyiug concealed iiition, wcuimiiis, two for insubordination. School Report, J. Tctischcr, junior, principal of .1... ..!.. l t . f me .-;i m i juiiiis schools tor me year ilist closes!, has nrescnted to the school board his rerwrt "in coinpli- Mnrtius Springs to enjoy an outing. K)p-1 "-' misiiana portion of the families Tint Rrvikw trusts that the new correspondent at the Heights wilt be a frequent visitor. We desire correspondents in every sec tion of the town. Why spend your time this hot weather baking when you can buy bakery goods so cheap at the Saint J on ns bakery f Shepard & Tufts sold W. L. Sec a (itiartcr of a block of real estate adjoining Jo!cs' mill. Mr. Sec is building two cottages on the prop erty. Mcsdamcs W. C. Walker mid S. Iv. Walker left on Tuesday for St. Iop. ixirtion will follow at the week cud. United Ivvangelical church Sun day school at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. Children's day exercise at eleven. There w be no serv- over ices tu the evening of any kind. IJ TI .... t ...... j-.. 11. uoyic, via president 01 the Peninsula Savings Bank of Detroit, Mich., and former state treasurer of Michigan, was the guest of C. A. Wood of the Peninsula Bank last 1 iiestluy. Children's Day Program. The following program has been arranged for the services at the Ivvangelical church next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock: Opening Song. Responsive Reading. Prayer. Recitation Jennie Green. Address and Song Class of Boys. Recitation Bertha Knight. Solo Miss Douglass. F.xerclsc Class of Girls. Recitation Mabel Ucllcr. Chorus Class of Young Ladies. Ivxcrcise- Class of Boys. Recitation Mary Orcirel. Presenting Rewards of Merits Young Men. Recitation Ina Peterson. Primary Class F.xercise. Recitation Bessie I Itighes. Recitation Class of Girls. Solo Mr: Perkins. Recitation Opal Davidson. Collection. Recitation Marie Marcy. Drill-Girl's Class. Chorus Young Ladies Class. Doxology. (Jood Recommendation. Will sell you lots in North St. Johns, overlooking the river, near the Weyer haeuser mill site, for $300 per Lot, :.v . Ten per cent down, balance' $10 per mouth. Inspect this property. Office in Peninsula Bank Building. l'lionc Scott 4061. Notary 1'ublic. I'irc Insurance. AlULTNOMAn ELECTRICAL CO. Inc. DKAU'.Krt IN ELECTRICAL and OAS SUPPLIES Wr ItuUll Lighting nJ fewer I'Unti mil rrptlr Motor ud Dttumu. llouw uml Btll wiring tprcUlty ' l'hinr: omcr l'at It, C. WKKIIIT. MmiAiitr 5l KuiH MrM Kttldciicc, Scott IKij to Hei'e may lie found a vast empire hum two for other offenses. There" '"' .was. ,llc K of C. A. Portsmouth. Okhoov. ..t ....1. 11.1. 1 i. .'. I t I WCMMl Of I.illlictiln TI....L. I..... I . ' 11 L-.M111111.1 iimiiii in hijen lairs-1 lusv.s 01 corporal puuisii-1 ,., . - ii June 30, 05. with niiieli. of course, iievershowiii iHent four of them l)eiug for wll-1 Dr. Slatten made me a set of yei itis uot in these alone which uiuy injuring other pupils. Mrs. Jennie Nelson nml iiu "ul I can truly say they are iiiiike the grouuils so charming. Ilicschoo iwpulatioii of Saint Louisa Nelson, mother and sister e"tirc,' ""tlsfactory in every I'.iecmcai e lects shrewdly con- joiins winch menus children be- 0f Ivd L. Stockton, are ejtnectl M51, 1 ca cheerfully rccoiumend ceivcd ami cleverly cairicil out shed iwix-n lie ages of lour mm twenty today from their home in Greclcv " J?lattcn to a"'onc wishing work iiiium lemigeiice over me enure yvum 1, uy coiint, 550: nun 11 ine Co orndo. TIipv n.i in ...t..: " ""s kiiiu. . I .1 t . space aim iwiiiKiiug lights are to same mcmoti 01 oDiaiiuug the op be found among the shady tree-tops illation of the city should be taken as if myriads of fireflies weie play- as is used in other cities (multiply iug hidi'-aiid-Mrek in the hidden the number of pupils by four will ivcesscs. one-half) the imputation of Saint There is not one dislntercsting Johns would Ihj over 3600. Mr. sMt of gintiud to Ik fotiuiL within Teuscher, however, estimates the the gules yet it is difficult to deter- Iopulation at 3300. mine which is the most lieuutiful, The the most attractive an extended visit. W. J. WlllTINO. the most pleas ing hMit. ah says the oct " 'TI not the Hp or rye we beauty cull Hut the lull one uml joint elfniof all." 1IKLP IIO.MK. THAT the msIiooI Imard should keep its funds in the Peninsula I ll.tiik now that we have u local institution in plain to all. There Justin Pease Rjxrnt n few days ...IaI. I.J. .1 f wmi ins uroincr ami sister at the "Cabin" last week. Mr. Pease is a millwright and was on his way w iniicK, wasniugton, where a large mill is to be constructed. - ..... I rcixm hiiows mat t ie num. I k. i. K(wrnr u mi,, lu.r it i.n.htl .... t.. , u v... I ... .1... I ... .t. .. . . . . . .0.. wi .u.,,.i iv.hi.m.iv.Ti ui 1 in.-1 viik on me iioiurooK brick block M.-niNnn lie nrsi mourn was 354 unjoining the frame block he has 111111 me milliner Miring the year just huislied. Foundation will at mo 4 1. 1. 01 once go in, and, if the local brick 160 or 16 new pupils each mouth, yard can turn out brick sufficiently I'otir new rooms will lie needed fast, only Saint Johns brick will iui ine luiiiiiik Wanted. i r....t i 1 u iiumi irouers : too wages and steady work. Apply at once to the West Coast Laundry, I O T.I U. JUIUJh. ARE YOU READY FOR ELECTRIC UGHT IN YOUR HOUSE It is SAFE LIGHT BRILLIANT LIGHT CHEERFUL LIGHT - . ECONOMICAL LIGHT 'f JUST THE RIGHT LIGHT and BILLS ARE LIGHTER. Applications for the installation of electric light or power should be made at the office of the company, or on request by mail or telephone, a representative of the company will call. T.l.phon. Exohang 13. Portland General Electric Co., Wanlcd A good, reliable boy to work in store. Apply at once nt Pr, mouth Pharmacy. S.v.nth and Ald.r StrtaU. si 44mmm4i4m 1'. A. SMITH school veur four new teachers are urged by rejKirt. -and the le used. after that time there I .1 .... ... 4 e a . . I ... I . . . II. t .11 III. .. m im Kin amouiii 01 labor. An ' a pioiiaiiiiuy 01 their invalid may do all necessary woik Mii'K otheiwiso. The Peninsula to produce large iiiiuntlties mid .strong and iteifcctly .safe bank me supply mis nevei i iiallwl the tleiiiaud, Itnplizcd Tlilrty-Four. Wanted. Two or three nirls to learn u-mv. Apply at Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns. CUOWINC CUAJSV. NIJVUU liefore has Poitlaiul had any suit of an outing place ami iiic jx'ople have gone mail over the icsoit established by the Oicgon Water Powei Coinpauy. livery day the Oaks has almost as many jwttrous as the Poitland fair while 011 Sunday enough cats cannot be hccitieil by thcrailway coinatiiy to intnsH)it those who dcsiie to lie carried to that ivsoit. The chief attnictlon is the music one of the Ivst bauds ever in Pottl.iud Iteiug picsent while there we lots of ways to .sep.11 ate a jhxii fellow from Ids money and have scads of fun. hveryhody goes yet no one knows I Why except for the mnvltv itf lilt thing. the ranks of the Seventh Day Ad and pioves a valuable adjunct to ventists last Sunday as Ivlder R. me city, and theie is no reason why " -'"wn impiucu inirty-iour in our school district should not take ,ne Wllatnete here at Saint Johns. advantage of its picsence. It may " ,s ilKissiliie to get the names of Miss J. M. Pease, of Saint Johns iieigms, isiorminga class iti the Peruln "system of shorthand and typewritimr this wi- vn.... There were many accessions to people wishintr to take n these branches without the iucon- We .lo lvX ? K "K ,nt t0W" W0,,,M!arK and awning factories do well to see her. i0rtlaud. Will save you money w. j. Miiuiy and Moses Tufts!"" um Km 'ou are Rohig to buy. . . I l'TTUII Km Wnnm . . . are TENTS. ogents for one of the 00 a good ihing lor the Iniard to have the new bonds financed by the home bank for, as a usual thing, such work is usually handled uy IMIIKS have are building u couple of neat little cottages corner of Crawford and .Salmon streets. The lots were sold by Mr. Tufts to W. II. See and 1111 uapiircu nut we .secured the following list: Henry Dirk.seu, Pred llradley A .I..II l III ' he Tho n ' H' 'reteing built fr Tim liHv.iivv Julia Polkenburir. Mildred CulLl.w , UBVt.. MO! ". working attire , " . !'""- I. ... . ..,. ". - - .T. .7 MIS WOrill a tr O to the wareriVm. but iiieielvl rwuiiw tinier, nugtisi Wallace. - . ------. 1. . 1 1 V. . 1 1 . ... . . - I '11... . . m ... ixiiiigii niKer, r.isie r.mersou, mcs Mercantile Rodger Newcomb, William Cox, lronght suit in the name .Mr. .Meeker, Grace Meeker, Vera orK ,ail I'riday agalust August Newcomb. 1). Angclo, Mrs. Celia Unck for the sum of $31.05. The smith, U. v, Hamilton, Maria was heard before Justice J. W. Sluidmever. 1 r-l Wiilwin I Hunks. A cnrntcliM. nlin......i fllUlIC I J. Ills. Lllelhl Aneelo. Pnrrie WIom. and Mr. I'riek's ninlovHr cmI-i irillk I I.llliril jl U'illinn. I.,. H.... I the SIHIW fnr -A ir ...I.UI. ...!.. I : w. . j 1 nun iiiviiui- costs. ... .1 i..... ...... I. 1. . iii tneiiiie in me oi cutis oilers this us a suggestion 'lest mey lorget " 1 WHY NOT? IT would have lx-cn a fine for the town council to have the iKMinit for the laying of l OTTJtR At UOOI.1). next dnor m . r ' jHJsjomce. idea on J Z , T "S U . ,-nura lfolke , ttrg thor- to Dr. W. T. Slatten q,i Johns for first-class dental work. MKKKI.Y A ONCli upon a Tiuie ti teal man went into an eastern Houh and i milium I lrf . v. .1. i i. . i .. . . ' " 'ivm'i ihmik on me nine oi a I deplume a black handle. ne placed the thing to his Mar aud waited "Why do you wait?" queued His Kriend. "The t ling is loaded: Go ahead." And the iuiatieut man replied "Why, I am waiting to Hear the other Hud say - wop a nickel, please.' " Moial. The man was ftoui WHKRli'S A MORAI,? AHOUT a year ago a soIkt V..... ..II iiucr leu iiuo me Miakc river at Weiser, Idaho, ami, in spile of all that could be done to save him, us (irowueu. j.ubi week another Ore- ear- Ciir. ixintcr this time a fellow who was a wreck and was very drunk fell AN AG K LIMIT. ., ii i ",e ,4 Nrtt",e n husband is 1 V ,C l,lpcVt,1,?, K,Ul8 imx"! ave an age limit made out alone. Wonder how a tweu- for elojK'rs. His wife, aeW 6o tleth century moralist would lackle ellllktl : w..l- Oa,. ... thu iiiustrutio.,?. .. .,Vr.;rj;Vi::i.r.7,,w MU,,,C" US HOW Ob.strUCtlllL' the niniii . J. ... " ...w,-, . .. ... 'IIKIIIIII V. U lllllllkrslllllll 1 1111 1 I rJLMIHI IIUHI A-IIILL-. I lttrr Ii.l..;. T 11V ... . this truck will all be removed in I It is currently reorted that as Tuesday wus heard the case of a week or so when the track will soon as the new dock at the foot of Adum Gable versa lfM.rt be put to grade; but .sometimes Richmond street shall-be complehxl Plaintiff suing for I46 for lubor oer ga-ut corjwrutions forget that small a Portland jwssenger and freight formed. Defendant brought! v......... ui.n.ji nuvc u mrge amotinu fci vice win oe inaugurated. There counter charge for a board-bill ... ...v... j.nv.w .... in mx- imugs " now ii ooai piying exclusively JO. evidence seemed to conflict ' ...vv 4u iiiive usseu wmwi iiiiiiioii an t'ortlutid ami me judge coacluded that tin. ii r.xi.lnii.iu ... .I.... ........ .: j. i. n ...... .... I. iii mc " eweet woiiiu, im ii i oeucveii mat mere will be xi ining to do was to allow about at least, have done no harm. enough traffic both freicht and hSia of that lxxirdhlll. rvn,..ii. passenger -between Saint Johns he allowed a verdict for plaintiff of .. n i i i rrw i n . i i... .. . i . i . l.UUK Olni I , "maim iu krcji uuc ix uitsy. ...... iunp uuncvvi, lllU U nrsi exists I ii.e I ...... ..ii i .,ii..i i I iur mis iiuuiiiur tu nnU t.-. what amotiiit of business can secured. Charles Webster aad son, Dr. C. Chani.r Houte. .V . c.?lcr' ?,ul " f ranklin r t.. " ..., ,ra' ?ew "an'Pi. were visit- Sal,,, w 5 u r.r.u.u? 8 ircoUS1U( w. h Piumroeri routJ rn"7 Prtru...i "1" ' "I " ouf. c-. ,ast They have ..,.:?.." .V." V . ".a L" coast from Redlands. .... ,c luiiiiiiii Mauou they califoru a, north iscludiuir stori will loop from Third, to Sevl ,..! r.. n .M,rfIMX,u i1.0?8 . . . . t a IUC llllUClIiai nrtaftfi In im come to the brulge by way of Sec- like Portland wtVWh and like oiid ami Plunders, This is to re- everyone from theS ' Tot Jit SeSfTS!fS one v : , or- several daj-sxvhere health aad Notice of Dissolution. Notice ; s hereby given that the partnership heretofore exist!,,. Itii.. It It c . , ..,, n. n, onum and Ii. Don Agency j iielly, and doing business tinder the of Mrs. . firm name of The Saint Johns Mar. 1 . . . L ? . Kei, amiiu c Donnelly, at . Saint Johns, Multnomah county, Oregon is herewith dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm are payable to li. Donniu. .... authorized to receint for Z ,, . Lo3 6". aii liability . ;"::. .Tr,:.'. rr i i-oruuni UJ IIIC 1 e 1'.. IjoiikpIu ilm ...: I r. ... .. - , tutu in itiiii. i - - tltuie the business at the old stand. k, is, Smith, r. . i o . DONNRMiV, Uated: Saint Johns, Oregon, June J. I'. I"OJ'P SMITH & POFF, Pitl.rt In FEED, HAY, LIME, CEMENT, SHINGLES I LATH, COAL, SIO. Cuil P.IUrrrJ it r-orlltDj lrlf n On. H.lf TitU Ch.rjM Prompt D.llt.ry taj Oorwl PrU Phone Union 3101 gx jQBNg, oi W. M. KILLINGSWORTH THE PIONEER REAL ESTATE DEALER OT THE PENINSULA . . . orablo in the mart! w. m. KILUNOSWOKTH The Cozy Restaurant Httk Jersey Street A newly-furnished and fine!- conducted house, where boards have free use of a convenient Ua and toilet, and where verv reasoai- im d.p.nd on u, b,ieM, J ble rates arc-given. TRESH HEATS pronnt .1.11.... when jou ord.r from eonrUou, (r.tmwi IN the "fair city" there one genuine hold-up. That iiaiUT siiop. Parties who go iu font looora 15c shave are taxed from 60c to $3.40 and there .seems to lie no redress for the sucker who t i ;.....v.i 'ei... 1 .. ... 1. im. 1 ,ic iivai wuv mr ,i,t Portland visitor to do is to carry u nuor with him or come to Saint Johns where tliere are no skin lutes. see be m . 1 iry nut cakes at thr ,;. Johns bakery. Tlwy cost you less money man you will spend for material 10 make them. WICKER t BLACKBURN, Horn Furnishers. St. Johns. SUohns Meat Market lUmin'i "I- Johns w, ,,, E. DONNELLY, St. Johna Market ST. JOHNS. OBXaOM The Hazelwood n ... 1111 Nke Lwicta ; $erve4 At AN Urn Regular meals or meals with rooms furnished at pleasing popular prices. MODESTY Is the strongest char acteristic of a watch. If you would know why, ask in Mock anU Uu,ler 0tr JM7 8t Md iroaiwv St Joku. Oracon Mrs. Lillie SMeMs. m. Saint John, Oregon. kept Wilson, the Jeweler, Are You ? WANDA, Scientific FaateloeM Two of Portlaml'a taamt mnulir H reliable mlnlii. nnwiiui WW- jam', election by ki Uad. D.. the possessor nt tl. loWnmit feet.' He turns a lane In nr.litl.-a VaobAotf is the basis or m. . iviw.ut it he it t all intent aad purseac iaa facto suU aad vom. IXm't rail tn' mnswlt WamM an aaalrs of life rcadiun in ciainroyaac and cards. Pets ocaiea at at 1 i-a Fourth Street, mat Court iacM 5t, St. UJum, o.