it ? ST. Johns review TIC IfMWJrt Prim ly 0eMrtnot k m tl the wry lotM tke UrjotI Oftjt. The Clrcalatfon er THE REVIEW in the Pcnfn U exceeds that ef all ether papers ctnhlned Advertisers, Mte this. Devoted to tt IntereiU of (he Pealnstila, itm Manufacturing Center of tbe Northwest VOL. i ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FlIaTDAY, JUNK 23, 1905. NO. 33 Set ANEW rus. IMMODEST BATHING. 1 I i OUR YARD Is right at the end of the shortest railroad in Oregon. A railroad with a 23 oer cent grade. Tell your friends to come and see it. Hnwahniit lumhor? Hato you seen our nice new stock? If s fine. Acme Lumber Co. Hi iff The City Taking Forward Steps of Inter. That Saint Johnsjis now bouiul to move along toward a point where more teal business enterprise will be manifest is indicated by recent transfers of realty in which large sums are involved, Phis city is destined to become a factor in the manufacturing line of Portland because sagacious business men arc putting good money, into the dis trict and the availability of this locality is easily seen by those who investigate. t This week C. K- lliiighain, a banker nnd capitalist of Scuttle, Washington, has purchased from H. L. Powers a "(Joo-foot water front here and has also secured a large tract of upland- The first mentioned will be-put to business uses while the latter will at once be platted and disposed of as resi dence tracts. The consideration for this property is (Understood to be $36,000. , The Water Front j,and Company has also sold its water frontage of 640 feet to prominent Portland cap italists for $15000. The purchasers do not, at this time, desire their names to appear ah owners as there are other matters just flow that arc "in the uir'V which prom ise soon to laud. 1 Tint Rkvikw is in a position to know of several enterprises now on tap but refrains from publishing anything regarding them just now,. There are times when positive statements would uniicar too much like an attempt to "boom" the city. The bare mention of these sales, however, indicate hov, laud In this vicinity is being looked Uoii by-those who have carefully con sidered the opportunities. Authorities Are Trying To Stop The Unclnd Bathers. Residents nlong the water-front arc finding much fault with the boys who violate all sense of pro priety oy insisting in enjoying tue water in a perlcctly nude con dition. It seems queer that boys some ot tucni almost grown men should so far forget what is due to society as to make exhibitions of themselves yet the acts which have taken place this reason are not the result of thoughtlessness. Along the water-front dwell those who are just as fond of their homes - and who are just as careful and upright citizens us those who reside in other portions of the city. it is neither rlgut nor decent that those boys who seek the coolness of the water should do so without I !St. Johns Park! No. 2. i (MPflOVIHG STREETS, A IN U I- I- I C I A L DIRECTORY ; Dr. Oils P. Akin, Dr. Mabel Akin. Osteopathic Physicians 401-4 Miclcav Ilulltllnif .I'mirlli 1 nJ Wliiiijtoii itrccU, Portland. ' HottMO to 11. j to 5. Miotic Office , Cly 778. RoMciiccMidn 3151, ; Lawrence M. Hcnscl MIYSICIAN Office t Central lintel ' office. Office hour. I to t 11. ni. Fbone Scott 1148. J SAINT JOHNS, ORKGON ! Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Pb)UUn and Surgeon. Office hour, 9 to 11 a, m. i to 5 ; P-m. RwMeiicc Miotic Scott 6u6. Office Phone Union 6901. Office: ovcrKlliotf.druR .tore. I i Dr. William Wolf Hicks PHVSICIAN Office in the Hick lUilMiug, Met hour n in . . ... ... I RuMtacc Saint Jaliu Hl.hi Office Uooma torrent S.H. GREENE AttorMy-tt-Uw. Office: ;wti,l'ortn.J, i Rwidcncc: iM...- T. T. PARKER, Attorney-Law. Office: Cochran lllook. .1.. "t Johns . . At,Q11 o. P. W. HINMAN Chicago glooming House. Good rooms frotiili a week up. Corner Chicago ami IvmiliocntrccU Saint Johni N. Oregon THE BONDS CARRY. A. QEE IIoum Mover a4 Repairer Uouiet moved. raNetl and re paired. Odd' job of all kludi. Prompt dcrvlcc, rcsotulilc charge. Ivanhoe and Catlln Street, Balnt Johua - Oregon ANDERSON & ALLEN The BAKERS The beat DrcailCakci anil Met In the world. Give ui a trial. Miotic Scot 3101 Saint John Oregon W. T. SLATTEN DENTIST ' . Office on Jeraey ttrcct In Liver more houie, opposite St. John &uh and Door Co, MRS. N. McCANN CLOTHINQ CLEANER Clothing cleaned, pressed and mended with care ami proinptne. Indies' clothe a specialty. Old Postofficc UulMIng L Saint Johua Oregon E. ; & W. OVERSTREET, PLUMBER I Columbia IlouWvard ami Central , Avenue. L. MAOOON BILLIARD PARLOR Good tables; couiteoua treat incut; Choice line or clgara and tobacco. Jersey Street, Saint John C. M. McKINNIE, proprietor THE EASTERN HOME Reataurant and Mgl't Groceries, Meals by the day or week, Hoard, per. week i f3.5. Corner Chicago ami Ivauhoc ttreeta Saint John - - Oregon Dr. W. E HARTEL, But Five Votes Against Bond New PrliKipal Chosen. The proposition to issue bonds of $10,000 in this school district for the necessary addition to the school house was tip to the voters on 'IM.- ....... 1 Ii.lUIIUUy, X ilC IlltlllCI HUH ircVIl very thoroughly discussed about town while Tint Kkvip.w had columns of matter pertinent to the question. It has advocated the issue of these bonds and the result was shown at the rails. ' Against the bonding proposition there were but five votes cost hence the question may be said to have been settled almost unani mously in favor of the additional school building by this issue of bonds. The vote was not as large as the importance of the , question justified but that can be accounted for on the grounds that there was known to be no opposition to the point at issue. In the election of u member of the school board to succeed J P. Poff who, by the way, refused positively to again be on the board H. W. Brice was chosen. Mr. Dricc seems to be one of those who are business-like in action and those who know him assert that the purposes and aims of the school will not go backward under his regime. J. E. Tanch was easily chosen to succeed himself as secre tary of the board a position he has ably filled the past year. The new board will have a busy year ere comes auomer election. !ck& Goodrich, Architects ; fc'M Johns and Portland. Orego dentist 1'reeduiau Block, Saint John H. KINO, PratMt, M. L. HOLBKOOK, VIm-PikUm ST. JOHNS ABSTRACT & TRUST COMPANY i Afcrcts off THIe carafeMy ud mccmtMy prtyorttt i Offie,; ChargM RmbomM. Kim's Bulldin'i, Jr Wt, 9i. MA On the and Work Has Now Commenced Jersey Street Imfrovcmcnt. Work began on Monday at northerly cud of Jersey street, Messrs. Rogers & Wjydle arc hard at it. The delay in commencement of the work has proven bad for the contractors iecause the ground has somcwhut dried out while the figures given were based Uxu put ting the work through while the ground was yet mellow. l)y a bit of technical oversight in defining the improvement district it Iccame necessary to either com mence the whole business from the start which would make 11 three months' delay or secure from all owners of abutting protwty entire waivers of all rights. The latter course was adopted and till signed with the exception of Mr. Carr, owner of the projierty occupied by the Hazclwood creamery. What his objections were have not been shown: but his refusal to sign de layed the commencement of the work several duys and at the end the improvement work commenced without his signature. A big gang of men is now at work ulong Jersey street and the way in which plows, scrnjers and wheelers are pushing around is good to see. Practically the grade is to be lowered nil along the street from where J. II. Crook resides to a point near the large school house The railroad track will also have to be re arranged and, we under stand, lowered in some spots and elevated in others. The street is to be gravelled as soon us graded and a fine plank walk built along hntli siden of it the entire leniFtli. Kvery bit of property along Jersey suits of any sort: one might as well make a practice of trotting about Jersey street, or going into places of business, in the same lack of costume. Yet none of these bathers would think of doing such a thing under any circumstances! This sort of work noes on not only in Saint Johns but along the full length of the Willamette. In n recent Suuduy trip up the river a few miles several groups of lioys ami men seemed to delight in los ing while truiuload after traiulond 1 of passengers passed. Police in every locality are after these crit ters but as u usual thing they arrive Unii tlie spot just a moment after. J. P. Pones, of St. Johns, who is moii the Portland iKiliee force, succeeded last Saturday in arresting a handful of these unman ly brutes: and there are others who will be haled into court very soon if the local olice force can succeed in getting a grip upon them. A two-bit costume will fill the bill for any bather and no one is too hard up to spend that amount when necessary for eleauliiUrss. It's either a Imthiiigsuit fig leaves or something or up to the mag istrate's office. And two bits will not pay the exeuse of that trip. . Was IJadly Hurt. Milo I,ee was seriously injured Tuesday morning at the woolen mill and at first it was believed his injuries would prove fatal. Dr. llensel was at once called to the sot and made examination. lie found I.ce's left side hadlycoutuscd, his left arm broken and mangled, mid the left ear torn off so it was haiiL'Ini? merelv bv the cnrt!lnt'i I : . s w... . ( Ail ambulance was at once phoned for and the injured man was taken soon after dinner to Saint Vincent's hospital. Mr. wus working upon 11 big belt in the basement of the mill, when his shirt was caught by a long set screw xm a revolving shaft. The result is mentioned above although the machinery was stoped as quickly as possible. Mr. has Ik-cii at work for the company six years coming here when the plant wus removed to Saint Johns, He is 41 years of age and a wife and six children 1 are deK'iideut upon his earnings. His former home was in Dunn county, Wisconsin, It is safe to say that the injured man will be confined for several weeks ere he can be about. Lots 50x1 06ft With a 1 6-foot Alley back of each lot. Prices $200 and Upwards Terms '. $5 Down and $5 per month St. Johns Land Co G WUUI HUUW1WI VtVVIIWUt I . , I III 1 I At the first meeting of the school street and nearby will be increased Itfuml W. C. Alderson was hired as " value y worK which win principal for the coming school vear. He is a son of a Methodist minister who has many acquaint ances here in Saint Johns where he formerly preached at frequent intervals and the teacher comes well recommended. Church Musicak. Next Saturday evening, June 24, there will be givea is Bickner's hall an entertainment for the bene fit of the Pioneer Methodist church of Saint Johns. The proceeds will be added to the church funds. The entertainment will be given almost entirely by the Linnehan Sisters four in number who came from Portland, and wbo are known as sweet singers and elocutionists. A fine violinist will be with them and it is hoped that a large audience will be present. A moderate ad mlseim ft wiH be charged., be hurried to completion. Caiwcsd to BuiU. W. L,, Thorndyke has com menced the erection of a cottage on Park 'avenue, Braasch's addition. It will be 24x43, two stories with cement cellar and work will be hurried to completion. Suitter & Davis are deg the work.. , Subscribe for The Review. Brought Home Bride. A. E. Wilson, Saint Johns' cheerful ieweler, returned Thurs day evening from a quick trip to Newberg, this state. With him came his bride and the couple will make Saiut Johns their home. A. R. Wi'so'1 a,,(l Mi I.esta Finley were married at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. Hiram Gould, on the evening of Thursday, June 1 5. Miss Finley was one of charming girls of her home town, while Mr Wilson has made muuy warm acquaintances here aud all who knew the two will wish for Mr. and Mrs. Wilson a long and happy life. Thk Rkvikw joins its echo with the others. Saturday Eveninf Surprise. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wilson were "surprised" by fifteen or twenty members of the Methodist choir and church, who called to give the newly wedded couple a serenade. The guests were invited into the home and made acquainted with Mrs. Wilson ;'and nice refreshments were served. The affair was very enjoyable, Subscribe for The Review, Was a Schemer. When "Dick" Shcpard tit; other day moved from his old home di rectly across the street he disliked to hire 11 dray for so short 11 haul, After his wits worked a short time lie decided to ask five of his male acmiututuuces to his house to' "look at his cherries." When they were there and had surveyed the nrcmises Dick re marked, "Ily George, boys, but say! I'm obliged to get this stuff over to that house and I forgot to 1 order u dray tin here! Aiut I in a . mess now? .Wonder it you folks! couldn't help me over with the1 J heaviest of it 'it' then I ton gett the light stuff over myself! Here's .1 Kinipfif tlina fine olenrs in t;irlrli while you work and the harder f At. ,11 A,-. A,.. we worK me less wu 11 nonce 111c flavor I" , .1 The result ol the whole affair nua uiui jvi.ik. a utti iut iiiwviu tiiw furniture for nine rooms was: Cigars 25c '11' there ye aire! These tlots ore located on Jersey street, three blocks from cur Hue and Near the Great Weyerhiuser Mill Site. Don't pay $350 and 400 for building lots only 100 feet deep, and without alleys, when you can get .extra sized lots with 1 6-foot alleys, all high and level, and in the best locality in St. Johns for $200 and upwards. Let us show you this property. Wc can sell only the first fifty lots at these prices. This is done to ad vertise the property. When these are sold prices will advance 2 per cent. Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill Sis in operation, these lots will be worth double the pres cut prices, 3 ! : I s I i; A Good Way to Save j Is to purchase the necessaries of life where you can GET THEM the CHEAPEST quality considered. We" offer, the the purest and most palatable goods In our line'nt'prlces as low as possible and still allow us a Just Profit. INVnSTIflATR and Act Accordingly. COUCH & COMPANY $ Phone Union 4066 GENERAL MERCHANTS : : ; : : : ; v l I s : St. Johns Hionc union 3io4 Oregon I Uratich Office and Agency on the Ground. Fixing County Road. Road Commissioner S. W. Sim mons commenced work Monday on the county road better known as Ivanhoe street with orders to grade and gravel the full width of the street from Uurlingtoii street north for a distance of over it half mile. Mr. Simmons has a gang of men and teams under him - and is cutting and filling at a rapid pace although the street seemed fairly level as a whole. When completed Ivanhoe street will present a much improved appearance. J. J. KADDERLY Hardware Of all Kinds. Sole Ageut for Universal Stoves and Ranges Do not fail to sec the Universal Steel Range before purchasing t 141-143 First Skaet. Ms FsHms faUtisf, NrMsss, Im. fim M 1312 Zcllcr Byrnes & Blackburn Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Calls Pr miptly Attended to Lady Assistant Day or Night ST. JOHNS, oreoon s f V !