I'. A. SMITH J. '. vow SMITH &, POFF, Ilol.rt la FEED, HAY, LIME, CEMENT, SHINGLES LATH, COAL, ETO. Oott P.llm.J it loMhr4 I'rlfM I'll. On. ILIf fr.likt Ckt Prompt Dill. try nd Orr.tt 1'rlt.i Thono Union 3101 8T. JOHNS, OREOON F. J. Kocrncr CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 1'liinn nml upcciflcntions promptly Fn rtiinf if;l on iipplicntion. Alt work ilmio with ni'iitiiMH nml dinpatcli. W. M, KILLINGSWORTH THE PIONEER REAL ESTATE DEALER Or THE I'ENINBULA, . . . Tlio finest list of residence property hi Ilia iliHlrirl. Wiilnnl I 'ink iifTers tiio inont tlcsir nlilo Iioiiii) Kites lruulH graded, lots fiUxKH). Kohl nl iinco rlio moHt fav ornlili) ill tlio market. W. M. KILLINOHWOrtTH U03 Ohambor of Commerce Portland Bon Ton Barber Shop f I'lrnt clitvt work nml elenii liot towel fur )mltoiiH, llnlr culling a HTliilty. Jcrney uttccl St. Jolun WANDA, Scientific Footologist. Two of I'nrlliiiiil'it mint populnr nml ullitble lulinUtH pirillcU'il Mayor Will iiini' election by III liiintl. I)., I.iinelri tin-MHM'wir of Ihi' most fortmmti foot, lit Ilium n lime In iniIIDch, I'oolology U the ImU of num. Without It he In to nil Intent ninl put tunc lino fnctoutill nml void. Don't full to connilt Uiiuiln on tiiidlni: in notioloL'y, clitltvoyiinio nml I'ntiU. I'einmiieiitly nil iilliiimof life I'lnlivoymi loClllCllllt ill l i I'omtli Sticet, ticitr Court Hiiiim. WALTER W. WOOD Carpenter, Contractor, Builder Never Mind Details ! Just send the child to our store If yoti feci too tired to come yourself, nud your hill will Ik.' filled as cnrcfullv nud cheaply us if you cniue in jierson. We Supply the Best And otir general stock is very complete. Goods deliverer ut your door at the very low est prices nud selected front fresh stock. We always please. One order makes you a constant customer. W. A. Edgerton Cochran IJIock St. Johns. The Cozy Restaurant North Jersey Street. A ncwly-furnishcd nud finely conducted house, where !oarders have free use of n convenient hat and toilet, and where very rcasotta hie rates nrc given. Jul) wink piomiilly itllciiiled lo. mm nm-ciiicntion ittiuiniiui on iippiicntioii. I'liiim I'lriuc full nml leuve your unlcrnl I) I), WimmI'h Mcyclc ntuio on Tiiroiiiu t. hour Union .im), Nice Lunches Served At All Hours Regular meals or meals witli rooms furnished at pleasing xpnlur prices. Mrs. Lillie Shields. Prop' Saint Johns, Oregon. W. J. Peddicord REAL ESTATE Kcntly I f 350 j l.i nriv nt jju h.t acre I lor pun, I., 'li... ir...i i' i.,r'i i...ci .,f uo-i.ot soxiifi. Unc in; near cn III IIIW Wllbllll V1MIII 111 I IIV .11 I Mill CltltiVillcd Oregon for Mtilliioiiinh County, ll.oso-i'ourroom house, lot umxioo. i.. ii i ii... ......il i ww-iw. imxiiM. A line comer on lliiltte .S.iIuiiiiiii to liuve iegltleicd (he title to Iota J mm (i in liliM'k 15 01 Jaitif lolm'a jiI Aiiillllou to the Town of .St. Julius, In Miillnoimih county, .State of Dii'Kou, vii. Itnlieil Cutliii, n uiliiiliilnliiitor of the etnte of JiiintH Jolui, defeated I'. A. Muiiinuni, lli.u. I', l,tiii, l. 0. Ilio 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 , A. P. I'leel,tu liuxtce of the luiiiei totiit'M Tumi utiiler the will of fame John, ilrt'iMneil, John A. Cuir, Miiiy Aiimin, I .ill 11 Tiiiuey, licit John. Wulter John, Samuel John, Allelic Joint, I'.IixiIk'IIi It. Sliowluliljje, jMinni Jnlin, Viiinin I.iiismmi, Milium Ward, Hvn IViltli mul Mury J. UliiVcr; Miuy J. Sinllli, llemy W. .Smith, I'liillp A. Smith, Miiitliu I'luiifch I'otf ami John Toll, het IiioImiuI, .Muty A. Cwey 11 ml Cuiev, her hinUim, liilio lliHteruml J..M. Ilixwcr, herluinUiiiil, , l.llc 1', (Snillh) ll.11 Ihsiii mul lUtheuu, her InuUiml, liicue Dnvul mul Itlmlne liu wife, nml ull olhern whom It may ciiiu'ein: )eeiiiliiiil. To the uUne named defendant mul ' to ull ulioni II in-iy oxit eiii: ' III the n.imeof the State of Olefin; TnVe not iff. that on the 1 tth day of June, A. II. i5, mi application wun lilcd hy Mhl ll ittle Salomon in the Cir cuit Couil of the Stale of Otcc,nu for, Multiioiuuh county, for Initial icnltia tiou of the title to the land uUive tie-1 M'lihtll. I Now, uiileM ou iippe.tr on or In-due the 17th day of July. A. I., ami ' nhow cUM? why kiicli upplicatioii ulutl not In' Krmitcd, the Mine will he taVeu h ciii(eM.etl mul 11 decree will Ik1 eutcriHl uccouliii to the piuycr of the npplicu tiou mul )im will W fotcver Uutctl (tout diputiiiK the Mine. , I'. S. I'liil.ti.s, Ctrik, hy M. S. I'llll.l.iw. Deputy. I 11. 11. .-Mcnoiai, .iiiiitur .U111ney. I'uhlUhtol in the Saint John Kevlew June in, i5. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK Ctmhil otreet. Level. $J50 I.nl yxii.i, Central ; fit, rm.li ami flo icr iiioutii, $5tM) Tho-iihiiu limine, lot 5JxiHi Vmiiif; tiff, f jyirnih,lNilmice time, JISOU- 5-100111 uoute, lot iikjxiHj, liu piotrmciiU, $1500- 11 iimiiii lioue : new, overlook liver. $750 l.nt 7Jii, corner; hoiuc i y, centriil. $JJ0-l.nl ,vUi, St. John llelnliln.flui' iik'iiiioii, f 75 culi, iMluurc in ItiHtall iiiciiIk $1,000 A hltH'k clo.e to Imliutrieiaml (). It. N, K. It. ICa.y teruu. N. F. NOREN Real Estate l.oli. In AivIiImmi'ii uilditloii, North St. loluu, overlooking the liver, U 1 1 1 k 1 1 mul klKhlly I'lne lot, vixitai, tuo liliK-l from from the luuk Cholcckt ronier lot oil lloutcvnrd l.ot ,Vxl. xlimll hoioe, oveilook. iiiK tiver.hlKh mul kiKhtly; iimiap New 711HH11 hoiue, clone tocar line, 11 nice home. I'llie laijje K-ioooi hounr, lot IJJX li", uisir center of city, komI out. huililliiei., cot f J,, will ell for tcah) New s-iiHini houne, lot joxliu, well impiovcd New fi-iimm houc. lot Vix7l. one lihwk fnm Mathm. Sole uKeut for Title (iuarantee Ttut Co. l.ot. in Poim View Mihl $j tlnwn M JH-r IIUMIlll. Hi Ay 1100 1S.0 8 I Hi) Real Estate Bargains! Scaled piopM.iti. will he rccelel t the ollice of the Krconler of the City of Saint Jolnm, Olefin, until tune ;o. ly5. at -t o'cliH-k j 1. m. for the improve ment of lliiiliiiKton kticct from lliailfoul ktirrt to Ivmiluy ktiert. ami the Im provement of I'htlailrlphU ktiret fiom lvMiihoc klicet 10 Jeikcy ktieet In the manner pioviilcd hy onliiiauce No. 4S, Mthjevt to tlie provikioiu of the Chatter nml OnliiiaiK-e of the City of Saint Johiu, ami the plaiu, iHVit'tc.itioiik mul Cklimalc of the City t(ue,iuccr on tile. Hulk mutt If kttictly In acctinlauce with punted hUukk which will Ik- fur iiikhetl on uiplicutitui ut the ollice of the Krconler of the City of Saint Joint, mul kJitl Improvement imut le ctimplrttM 011 or Utoie (. davt fiom tiic ilate 01 laii puiiiicuiion ot notice for piv)ntl for alil woik. No pio.vwil or htiU will le cvtuiUI rretl uuKm arcoiup.iiiicl hy u certitietl check payuhlc to the order of the Mayor of the City of Saint loluu, cer tilled hy a rcnIMc lank, for an amount opial to ten per cent of the aKKteKitc propial. The ri;lit to lejcvt any ami all I1I1U i hrrchy icrrcd. Hy order of the City Council. J. W. Hanks, Recorder of the City of Saint Jolnu. (PuhlUhetl in Satut Joluu Review June 9, 16, ti, J.) 1 l.ot ivvtxii", on car line, ton feet fiom Mtolttce . 11,500 five airck In center of St. Joint ' for - . .ixxi oix uciekery clone in lor f jjo jer acre. I'lfty-fiHil lot on Willamette twule- vuri, mrriookk ever) tliinn, tor 350 Very choice half acic for 450 Rogers & VanHouten l'houe Scott jiut. MODERSY Is the strongest chur nctertstic of 11 watch. If you would know why, usk Wilson, the Jeweler, Tacouu St., St JoJmu, Ore. MAKING BRICK, The l-ocal Yard is Now Burning Hrst Kiln. Kumors have lccn floating nlwut for several weeks relative to the new hrick plant which have lecn absurdly misleading. According to some printed matter several kilns have been burned and orders have liccn received for millions ujwn mil lions of brick enough to stimulate the installment of another plant. Hut such arc not the facts. The first kiln was fired last Sun tiny and will be out about Tues day or Wednesday next. It is but a small kiln, and was made more for extx-'rimcnt's sake than for real business. It is absolutely necessary' that all existing conditions be care fully studied in order that 1cst results may Ik; secured and Man ager M. I? I.oy is finding out all about such thincs as rapidly as twssihlc. A Oo-horse power electric motor is now leiug installed at the brick yard which will suffice to furnish twwer even when the yard is run ning nt its utmost capacity. This capacity is 40,000 brick jcr day but at the start the calculation is to make only about 20,000 tcr day. It is figured that this amount of brick will at the start supply the needs of this immediate vicinity but as time passes and the excellent quality of the brick becomes known the plant will Ik: forced to run to its full capacity. These pressed brick will be of fine duality, if the expectations of the projectors are realized : nud will In: sold at from $7 to 48 tcr thous and. Prices will vary as the haul iug distance varies: white at the yard they will be sold nt a less price. A Pew Thorns. When he wax noakcil nt Semitic lie nwore he'd u,o no more: He wondered why the occnu Won Inillt mi clone to kliorct A man in Portland tried to suicide last week while in jail. Arc the jails that bad? The religious nwnkculng in Saint Johns this week is really n very fti-tcnts nITuir. Polk county has a famous goat "(Jul Jiailcy, supiMiscd to be 11 connection by marriage of "Old Dill Hailey." Wonder if It is especially neces sary that the new flour "treated by electricity" should be naked in an electric ovenf Always wondered why n uiaii-o' war was called "she" until last week. It costs an awful lot to rig her out, doesn't it? A Kosehurg girl wouldn't ixy her 50c at the fair gate until she sH:nt half 11 day ascertaining if she could get trading stamps with her ticket. Mayor-elect I.aue, of Saint Johns' suburb Portland, declares he will lie "broad." A broad I.ane is really a street and we wonder if he'll work both sides? When the Italian ship came to Saint Johns last week one of our realty men said he hail 110 objection to seeing the night come but he hated to see the Dago. At Seattle it woman wishes a divorce liecattse she has just found otit that her husband is a convicted rimiual. Maybe if he hadn't been he'd have gotten a letter wife. We have never made a sticciiil study of the matter but we presume a "widow woman" is some connec tion to the "widower man," am why not say "female widow wont an wliile we are aliout it? At loietlo, Washington, a tner chant offered a prize for the farme who unloaded the most "women at uis store 011 u certain date and to the "lady" who liought the larg est lull he gave another prize. The ,mos(uto', fleet in tlte rtv er attracts considerable attention or n real mosquito fleet one that will make a fellow duck his heai under the iKtlclothes connoisseurs should go down to Klamath county livery time we see a heading in a paper saying "pool" selling, at urst glance (we are a bit shy on sight) it appears to lie "fool" sell iug: yet, after all, there s so little difference between the two that it is inrdly worth while to take a second look. We wikh tome rae here in this hop; If they're too laree we'll tear 'em; W khouttl tik up the raj; we have lint We nave to wear cm I TllOKN, Should Carry a Card. 1 Here are so many new-comers here who use water from the mains and who do not know where to pay the amounts due that the water company should by all means carry cant in 111K kkvihw to give proper Information. We personally know cases where water consumers do not know where to pay the amounts due; ami no one about town cares to tender the information. The water com pany is urged to occupy space in our columns in order tliut he who runs may read. TENTS. We are agents for one of the largest tent and awning factories iu Portland, Will save you money on that tent you are going to buy. ortKK it Gould, next door to postofficv. Our Local Grist The Point View section of Saint Johns seems to be rapidly growing. A son was born on Monday. June n, to Mr. and Mrs. lilijah Adams. And so we grow. I)r. J. P. Prizzcll, of Kenneth, California, is visiting for a few days nt the home of li. H. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. V, Peterson were in Portland on Sunday to attend the funeral of a distant relative. M. P. Loy is now nicely located with his family in the house recent ly purchased from W. A. Moxon. The Suburban is giving all its stations along the Hue a spring coat of paint greatly to their improve ment. The opening of the Peninsula bank has proved very pleasitig and business is coming along at a phenomenal rate. Mrs. P. I. Holin has sold hei home on Fillmore street to Jay Stevens and lias gone to Portland to make her temporary home. Mrs. Nora McCann is building nice little cottage on Jersey street just north of Paschal Hill's home It will soon be ready for occupancy, Dr. C. P. Webster, of Franklin Falls, New Hampshire, Is guest of re at vesat University rark. lie is looking for a location in Oregon W. A. Moxon started on Tucs day witli his family and will put iu several months at Seaside wjicre the noise of the loud boardbil drowns the roar of the surf. From a locality overlooking the Willamette a gentle maid will tak up the matrimonial halter next week. A little bird whispers that the wedding will occur on Wcdncs day, June ai. M. h. Holbrook desiring the city hall removed from his ground th little building is to be lifted over to Oihusc block where the "rea thing" will probably lie built when bonds arc Issued. II. C. Ward, of Ashland, Oregon was iu town tlte first of the wee and purchased a home site on the water front. He will be here aga in n week nud commence the crcc tiou of a fine residence. C. D. Avery, junior, iu the inter ests of the Lewis ami Clark Journal a monthly publication, was in this city the urst of the week sccur iug photos to be inserted in the next issue of the Journal. Charles Uredeson is now police man nt Cedar Park where he- looks after things iu general. II is also supposed to looic alter am: arrest law-breakers whenever he finds such itidide the city limits, A grand ball is to lie given on Saturday evening of this week llickuer shall. Music will be by Hanna's orchestra audit late (or early) car will leave for Portlant! at 1 no Sunday morning. All are invited. Wanted: Agent to canvass Saint Johns for a clever little article uset iu every kitchen. Ilig money Hurry. M. W. Walter, 1600 Dcuiia street, University Park. The Saint Johns I.aud Company is now located in the enst room 0 the new Holbrook block. As soon as the ollice shall be arranged as contemplated nud all additions made the ollice work will be a mere pleasure instead of a hardship. llefore Justice J. W. Hanks was to have been heard the case of P. J. Peterson versus R. F. Horsmau on Wednesday. In this case plaintiff sued to recover for a bill claimed to have liecn contracted some mouth ago. Complaint was amended and the case ordered continued. Messrs. Rogers and Windle, who have the big contract on Jersey street, cxcct to commence the work this week. Nearly every necessary signature to the waiver of rights has lcen secured and it is expect ed that work will begin liefore this issue of Thk RKVIKW reaches its readers. 7 I Portland and Suburban j I) I Express Company . . i rrrae"'1 (Ojwrating cars over Portland Con solidated lines) Rates Reasonable Service Prompt J. W. Simmons, State Deputy Lonsui, m. W. A. 1 of Portland, and J. l. Fine, Clerk of Ilaker City Lamp, were iu saint Johns batur day evening to visit the Neighbors of the local Camp. They were entertained by Consul Commander H. li. Knight and spent a pleas ant evening. Chief-Justice J. W. Hanks has removed from his former residence on Richmond street to a house near the water front. Mr. Hanks at first stated that he moved because the owner of the house insisted on demanding rent: later on he cor rected himself by saying that his new locatiou was more convenient for his sons who work iu the mills Many of our readers have useful articles of furniture, stoves, musical instruments, live stock, etc., they would dispose of if they could find a buyer. And there are always a lot of people looking for bargains. but do not know where they are to be had. The way to sell anything ts to let the bargain seeker know you have something to sell. That cook stove, folding bed, bicycle, or lot of chickens you have to sell would find a ready purchaser and net you a tidy sum if the fact were known. A small ad at a small price in The Review will dispose of your surplus stock. There are all kinds of people looking for any old kind of a bargain. Sunnose you trv a small ad iu The Review. i We have made arrangements ot transfer all frieght in the city and at St. Johns when necessary by team at reasonable rates. Do not move your lurniturc (of course you arc going to St Johns to live, Portland is moving that way until you get our prices. OUR FAITH IN ST. JOHNS Portland & Suburbai Express Company W. R. STEARNS, Manager Houses For Ren HY DANIEL BRECHT IP YOU WANT A 1I0U8K CAM. ON U ST. JOHNS, OREGON 7, W. A. MUKK 6CnCOCo artistic cmcncjo(( Paper Hanger and Decorator 0 Order can he left nt Cotich'a htorc Social Attention Given to All Order You can alwajri l.pnJ oa lit cholctit FRESH MEATS prompt dtllttrr tnj wbfii jou orJtr from tourUoui lrlmnt tb old rtllibl St. Johns Meat Marke Btrnfr comlnc Into mtir irm win i ipprtt uppllfd 10 ibtlr null fll. Johnt will On rcltd. mil Ibtlr lli(etlon, B. DONNELLY, St. Johns Market IHT StlMt ST. JOHNS. OSCOON THE i: CENTRAL HOTEL;; ; : Airs. L. Tyner, Proprietor ; ; Pint Clan Koonu Cuisine Ihcellcnt ST. JOHNS, OREOON Thc George W. Cone LumberCompany Ceiling, Rustic, Kinds of Building Flooring, And All Material Tramp! IMIrrj autnnUiO. UlU. AT J-OOT ltUBIX'OTOM STBEK1 ST, JOHNS, OREOON PROPOSALS FOR PUBLIC DOCK Sealed proposals will l? reeelvp.1 the office of tlte Recorder of the Citv St. Johns, Oregon, until July 3, 1905, at 4 o'clock p. 111., for the eoiutmctiun of a puoitc tiocic at the toot of Richmond sireei in tne uity 01 bdtut Johns as pro. viimi uy uminatice jso. 4b subject to inc provisions ol the Charter and ordi uauce 01 the City of baint Johns and the estimate of the City ljnjjincer on rue. Uiils must be itrictlv in aceonlattPH vrilli printed blanks which will I- fur nished on application at the office of the Kccomcr ot the City of Saint Johns: ami Id improvements must be cumuiM-i within 60 day from the date of last publication 01 notice for proposals for van, nvui No proposals or bid will be rnnci.l red unless accompanied bv a cenitll check payable to the order of the Mavor "iv .iit in oaiiii tuna, ccruneu uv a respoiuible bank, for an amount eoual to teu percent of the are-ate proposal. The right to reject apy and all bids is ucreuy recrvei. runs ami specifica. lion may be teen at the attic ..r .1,. .y Kccomeroi saint Johns. Itt nnlikv nt . I. r.'... I 1.. ... J w Hanks, Recorder of the City of Saint Johns. (Publuhcd in Saiut Johns Review June 9. ", 13, 19.15. Wanted. Any printing office having a pair of seven-column chases for sale can fiud a purchaser by mailing a postal to this office. Must not be over 36 1-2x35 inches, outside measurement. . Is best expressed by our guaranty of 20 per cent increase in value of property during the coming year This guaranty provides that in case the proper ty you purchase does not increase in value at least 20 per Cent 20 per cent during one year from date of purchase we will refund your money with 6 per cent interest This same gauranty we have been offering since we first undertook to get industries nt St. Johns, something over three years back nnd up to date 110 one lias ever asked for his money back. Lots and Acreage on Installment Payments Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. O. L. CHAPEL, Agent at St. Johnt. Henry C. Schrocdcr FURNITURE, CARPETS AND STOVES Funeral Director and Undertaker 3 "QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES Received GOLD MEDAL, at the St. Louis Exposition Eclipse all for Baking. Guaranteed for 20 years. Oixxl. il.th.re4 lit. ot chstjt. We will remit !rtt car lire to purchiKrs llln t HcJmont. 2-4-1-248 RUSSELL ST., PORTLAND, OREGON ARE YOU READY FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT IN YOUR HOUSE It is ' SAFE LIGHT BRILLIANT LIGHT CHEERFUL LIGHT ECONOMICAL LIGHT JUST THE RIGHT LIGHT aud BILLS ABE LIGHTER. . Applications for the installation of electric light or power should be made at the office of the company, or on request by mail or telephone, a representative of the company will call. Tltphn Exchange t3. : Portland General Electric Co., Savanth and Aliir Straata Are?