St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 16, 1905, Image 3

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Builder's Hardware!
w-c would call the attention of all who
template building in St. Johns and
vicinity to the fact that
Columbia University.
Willie SltnllnU U ...t.t.
Johns. " ",m
Gus Rikcwine rw I 1. 1 w
ICIll lor Ilie Stlltminr l. n l... ..if.. I
little ttrove near tln n.t...,i
" .... IHIUI
lluildmgs are being ovcrltatiletl,
new plans made and even new
buildings nrc being started for
exhibitors who, n short time ago,
hod not been heard of. Uecatisc
coplc have not come by tens of
thousands for the commencement
don't "knock." Theic will be
more people in Portland during
jury ana August man
Sash Weights,
Sash Pulleys,
Sash Locks,
Sash Lifts,
Sash Cord,
Belong with n Hardware stock, and we carry a fine line
of these goods. Also a full line of Locks, Door Bells,
Hinges, etc.
The Hardware Men.
W-SW.ESJK "",1".. Si. U.y
" T1"- ul uuu i UliUIIC mc
Subscriptions to the Rkvikw
tuny be left at the Portsmouth
t narinacy. Uxtra cnidi nm nic.
on sale there.
Ifsk street is
change, indeed; new buildings,
ticw sidewalks, a new : n t nmi
crowds of new tjconl. mnf
whom arc permanent.
Dick Keoirau WHS WPII nrmntfl
tllC Sllillllle mill the nllirr .In..
This is the first time lit wnii nrniuiil
since he met with the serious acci
dent of two months ago.
Mrs. Galvin and lirr iimilmr
Mrs. Coleman, left tho Purl? iw
l M ... . ' " '
iroutdale last week. Rrnnclmn
fair. Quit "knocking."
Are good enough for us.
All regular staples sold
at City Price-Schedule
Lots of things cheaper I
A call will convince you.
Courteous treatment given
to all.
St. Johns Pharmacy.
The New Up-to-Datc Drag Store.
Would like to save
25 per cent
on your Fuel and you
can do It
Ha'a lnATown
Prion East 3035
Baa of thr War. In Which ladlaaa
Unci to the Death.
Among tho Indian tribe tlio method
01 ngniing. uucu timers, men) nro
owe tribes where n chsJIenfro to a duel
mentis Inevitably that both men must
die. When nn Indian feels wrsrloved
he demands n combnt. The dny for tho
tamo Is fixed far In ndvnnce and Is
ninilo tho occasion of a little cctcbrn
lion. Tho cntlro trlbo assembles. Tho
braves nit In a circle, behind them their
squaws and tho young bucks.
Tho offended man is firmed with n
ride or n shotgun. The challenged
principal Is unarmed. At a word both
Coleman left many sad hearts who mcn nr,8 nco cncu otl,cr U10 un
arc eagerly wishing for her return, nrmwl nmn onrliiK his breast to tho
A uuimi vi iiio uutuivuij. Willi cjft-B
Hackctt and fflttlilv nn. I rivnlisl nn llm IIHIn mimit linln of Ilia
down from Aberdeen and arc stop- end of tho barrel pointed at him, tho
ping at Club Hall. Mr. Hnekrtt doomed man must face tho protracted
and his two sons arc working at the or,cn, of expecting death at any in
shingle mill. Miss Hackett is nn "tnnt without U10 least sign of weak-
accomplished pianist. cnlnff- "ntfoncr may no d his
I I I inlti na tnntr nn fin nlnitara 1 tl nrflnt tn
A Stranire auictness rclrned I try to break down his enemy. Ho may
around these diggiu's Wednesday I ralM ,l nnJ lower It or hold It steadily
it was "children's dav" nt the fnlr on tho n"10 unJcr tu0 MRhtful strain,
St. Johns Lumber Company
For all kinds Common Lumber, KILN DRIED
Flooring, Ceiling and Rustic. Sash, Doors,
Mouldings and Columns.
Ytrds and Mill Foot BurlliklM St Ptaie Eut 5
oo ftOOOOOOOfrMtfw lone after dark this summer.
uuu uic youngsters were seen in I
groups, with some of their ciders,
maknitr for the car line nt nn pnrlv
ii our.
Riprappintr Is coitnr nlonir vcrv
slowly, on account of a scarcity of
men. wiwc tnc work is laborious
the wages arc good $2.50 per day.
Portland is the onlv town on enrth
where a laborer would turn his nose
up at such wages.
James Ivdmunds. Sundnv school
missionary for Oregon and Wash
ington, will speak at the University
Park Baptist church at the Sundnv
morning service. At the evenitm
service Rev. John HcnUcin will
speak on "What is a Christian ?"
An Irish preacher created some
excitement among the saints of our
neighborhood a short time ago by
saying he was about to do what
the devil himself had not done.
Iking pressed for an explanation
by one of the anxious sisters he
said "he was going to leave Uni
versity Park."
An all-day service was held in
the tent on Wednesday of this week,
which aroused considerable interest
among the christian Workers. A
great good is no doubt being done
and the personal work of Brother
Walters is appreciated by the con
servative element on uecotuit of his
quiet manly way.
Will the Civic Improvement
League please see that the work of
the children is respected ? Where
a baud of youngsters had zealously
cleaned up a little patch of woods,
a "civic improver" was seen laht
Saturday emptying a bucket of
refuse. It's good to preach to
children but a good example is
ten-fold better 1
The advance guard of tramps
has arrived after more or less hard
ships on the trail. Several hard
looking specimens arc seen loiterinn
around the river front near the
shingle mill and under the trestle,
making it dangerous to leave one's
door unlocked as formerly. With
no police protection, it will be a
risk for ladies or children to be out
but not even with nn eyelid must tho
unfortunnto betray his nnxlcty. At
last tho gun cracks, and tho bullet
speeds Its way nnd tho victim lies dy
ing. The Blaycr hands the weapon to
rclatlvo or n friend of tho deceased and
Is put through tho same ordoal.
Ait Uarly Settler.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton O. Force
wctc in this city on Tucsdav in
consultation with N, V. JCoren
about securing some Saint Johns
property. Mr. Korcc is a veritable
cyclopia regarding the early days
01 vjregou as ne came ncross the
plains in 1842 when the entire
country was almost a wilderness.
James nnd Microtia Korce, par
ents of Mr. Force, were on the first
Immigrant train coming through
from Michigan. With them came
a brother, John - uud when they
left their wagons at Walla Walla
they came on horseback to Oregon
City guided by nn Indian. The
mother of Mr. Force was the first
white woman who came to Oreiron
overland landing there between
tlie stli and the 10th of October,
Mr. Force is an intercstimr talker.
and can tell a host of tales of early
days. He lived for about 35 years
in Knstern Oregon nnd lost n "large
amount in the big fire ntThe Dalles:
but is now located nt Cottage
Grove, where he has a pretty home.
Wc trust he will become 11 citizen
of Saint Johns.
Arahltacta Often Make Clay Modela
of Important Itrurturra.
Although tho architect Is still the
most Important person In tho planning
f any big public or private building, ho
often uetcuds on tho model maker and
not tho draftsman to show his patron
Just how tho structuro will look when
completed. Tho model maker, In othe
words, takes tho architect's drawings
nnd makes nn exact counterpart of tho
building on a small scale In clay.
When a theater Is to bo constructed
for example, such a model Is made with
tho greatest minuteness, nnd every de
tail Is looked nt from tho point of view
of the Ui go. thus avoiding tho posst
btllty that when it Is too lute soma of
the scats will bo found ijulto out of
range of the performance. In other
buildings architectural details thnt np
pear excellent on paper nro thus hoiiio
times discovered to be Inharmonious
with the character of tho structuro as
a wliolo.aud can be changed before the
actual process of their construction has
started. By tho uso of models, In fact,
uothlng la left to chanco and every
body can express his objections before
the work Is too far advanced to make
Uie necessary changes seriously oxpeu
Fell In Church.
Crook & Walton, who, by the
way, are high-grade carpenters.
mvc tne jou ot rcconstructinir the
Methodist church at University
rarg. wnile nt work last Wed
nesdny an electrician named W. C.
wigui ieu some 25 teei aim was
)adly injured.
'I he unfortunate man was there
to take measurements and figure
ittwn wiring the cluircli. In t c.
1 ft a .
.MX'iiunig irom n scaffold wncrc Mr.
Crook was nt work Wight missed
his hold and fell. His injuries tire
not fatal.
St Johns
Lots for Sale
Between the car line and the boulevard
overlooking the river and harbor, close to
the Drytlock and within a few minutes'
walk of all the mills and factories now
located in the humming, thriving nnd rapidly-growing
city of St. Johns, Portland's
great manufacturing district.
LOTS 50x1 00 FEET
All clear. Hydrant water now on tract
and will bo piod to every lot as required.
Title Guarantee & Trust Co.
6 ami 7 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
Roger and Van 1 linden, Selling Agents, nt St.
Johns. Olllcc nt the cud of the ear Hue.
The Peninsula Bank.
Capital. 2,0O0.0O.
Jotph W. 1'orney, Fred C. Knapp,
Harry I,. Powers, Thos. Cochran,
Oeo. V. Cone, W. A. Hrewer,
C, A. Wood, Cahler.
Traitwets a General Hanking Duttne&s. Savings Kcpartmeut
in Connection.
Cochran Block,
St. Johns, Oregon,
IIas just stocked up with a fresh supply of Midies' Furnishings,
ood goods at low prices. Call and examine them.
jme j Iv 1?xfACE HOSE, WAISTS.
Dressmaking neatly done at the
st. Johns Millinery Store
Corner of Jersey and Baltimore streets.
e da crown and bridge veck without pals'
P,0,rlt icars cxperkw la) slate work ca
able ui u at vur mouth ceaifertaUy.
i,f'.W- 71 aale way to
Jtmh.mhaolateljr without yate. Dr.T.
Z'r cspcrt at joU atUac aad crows
b, Xstraetiag free wha
pUtet or ErUcea arc ordered.
WISE BR06. DMetWt,
PiUlog BuUulujr. cor. Third aod Waah. St.
upcucnainctQlla p. . Saadava (roaa 9
toit. OrI4iau.
A favorite place for sicht-seeinc
is the bluff on the Boulevard a little
ubove the University grounds.
There, on any evening of the week
a group of people may be seen ad
miring the panorama stretched
before them. With the lights of
the fair grounds in the distance it
makes a fairy picture, and on
special evenings the fireworks draw
many people to this vantage point.
"Boy drowned!" was shouted
around the Park the other day and
fond mothers began inquiring for
their own. After the hopefuls had
all beeu gathered in and noses
counted it was found that a poor
little unknown had met his fate at
the south end of the trestle near
the flour mills. This is the first of
the summer, but who will be next?
Last summer's tragedy will live in
the minds of some mothers of the
Park as long as life endures.
A Masonic lodge is wanted in the
Park very much. We have a flou r
ishing Odd Fellows and Artisans,
but our neighborhood could turn
out more Masons than these two
lodges put together. It would be
a great convenience especially to
the older brethren, who don't like
the late home-coming after a visit
to their favorite lodge in Portland.
The Haywood club, having left its
beautiful quarters, has made it pos
sible for us to secure an ideal lodge
room. Some new comers to the
Park have promised to send for
their demit if a lodge is started here
and cast their lots among us.
"Knocking" the fair seems to be
a favorite pastime among some of
our people, but if they only took
time to think of the foolishness of
such, they might justly feel
ashamed. The history of all big
Dautajar For tba Hurler Who Inooa
Ialad Emprca Catharln.
Inoculation axalust smallpox proced
cd tho modern method of vaccluutica
and waa atteudod with a Rood deal of
danger. Thomas Dlnudalo wits tho
foremost advocate of luoculntlou. IIo
Inoculated ISiuprtus Catherine of Bus
sla. This wus In 17U8. Thero was con
slderable daugcr to life In undergoing
this artificially Induced disease. Tho
czarina, therefore, arranged that dur
ing the whole course of tho Illness of
her son and herself thero should ho re
lays of swift horses kept constantly
ready attached to carriages all along
the post road tho nearest way out of
Catherine told Dlmsdale that If bad
symptoms displayed themselves ho was
not to remain to look after thorn, hut to
fly for hU life without delay or com
punctlon. She well know that he would
not be aafe If she or tho heir of Russia
died In his bonds.
She gare him an order of the mottt
urgent kind from herself to the suc
cessive postmasters not to delay him
for a minute on any pretext. Dlmsdale
received a foe of about 120,000 from
the empress und other gifts besides.
Waarars of Cockaulea,
Cockades were formerly worn only
by soldiers, which gave riso to the
phrase, commou both In England and
France, "to mount tho cockade," mean
lug to become a soldier. Tho black
cockade worn on the hats of officers'
servants waa Introduced into llrltaln
by George I. from bis derm an domin
ions. The real right to uso It belongs
not only to naval and military officers,
but also to the holders of certain of
fice under the crown, such as privy
councilors, cabinet mlnlstera and
Judges, though many peoplo who can
not claim to be classed under any of
thee categories display It on their
servants' bata. London Times.
The Sick Mas and the Lavryar,
The sick msn had called his lawyer.
"I wish to explain again to you," said
he weakly, "about willing my proper-
The attorney held up his hand reas
wisely. "There, there I" said he.
"Leave that all to me."
The sick man sighed resignedly.
"I suppose I might as well," said he,
turning upon bla pillow; "you'll get It
BByway." Judge.
War Jahaay Ata Tfceaa.
Mrs. Blllus (after the company bad
gone) Johnny, you shouldn't have eat
en taoee preserved fruits. They were
not Intended to be eaten. They were
pat en the table to fill up. Johnny Bill
lis Well, that's what I used 'em for,
Ta stef, of CaaFae.
Oreeer Do you want apples to cook
r to eatt Small Boy Both. Thafa
lairs is that the opening weeks are what we cook 'em for. Baltimore
A 1 t ? A f Tl At A f I
rainer aisaupoiniiDKe 11 taxes iimct -wn.
Ian ra tYttncr In nm rifticr firrf pr
Zu ..... . ki .i,-... ,..1 Do tie duty which iletb neares to
ir'71'."A""SuC I"- Thr -coad duty will hare
Wm W Ws MW -V W UVfM WW 44 IS Mr aaBaaaBrVj alaaa Hasa afW WMm
Building Big Barn.
S. W. Simmons is completing a
.8x.50 barn on the Boulevard which
will at first be used for his private
Dusiness. lie will, However, soon
be fixed for the care of transient
tennis that may come and will nlso
lioanl horses whose owners may
require extra good care for their
stock. If it can be shown Mr. Sim
mons that n livery stable can be
made to pay he will put in n few
rigs and give the business n trial.
Bickner Brothers I
8 1
I Department Store
All Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
(lives a Kind Notice.
Saint Johns, Oregon,
Tune ii. ions.
. i . . - "'. . i .
i imve nan crown and undue I
work done by Dr. W. T. Slatten,
and can say that I am well pleased
and would recommend Dr. Slatten
to any one wishing dental work.
J. P.
Manager of Saint Johns Grocery.
Card of Thanks.
11 P. .. . a
wc wish 10 mimic our many
menus tor tlie kindness nnd sym
pathy shown us in many ways dur
ing the recent illness and death of I
our beloved husband and father
G. V. Htirlbert.
Iisiecially do we desire to thank
th Odd Fellows of Saint Johns for
tlie ninny acts of kindness shown
us - both material and otherwise.
MlS. G. K. Ht'Kl.llltKT,
MKS. V. W. lvVANS,
Ol.lVft HlMtf.llKUT,
Kern a lariiu tdoek of tlcni'ial Miivlinii(lint, including Dry (looiln,
Boots uud Sliues, (liui'uiii'S, llardwaii', llmuu Furnishings,
Feed, Kti. In fnet iivoiything. Their I'liei-s nro
right. Don't waste your liino going to
I'oillaiul, hut couiu in ami sue our
Nlovk and prices.
Remember The Big Department Store
Corner .lursoy Stivet and Broadway
St, Johns, Orogon
0000000:0000000'.tOOOOO000 OOOOOOC0000mXiOOOOOOOOOOO
The Season is now on for
All Kinds nnd Qualities at
Elliott's Pharmacy
Two first-class hand irouers : ton
. . ; I
wages nun steaiiy work. Anply at
once to the West Coast Laundry,
A. SCOTT, Pres. I'hoiie III.ACK jj
J. W. CKOSI1Y, See'y.
Portland Jobbing Co.
Plumbing, Oatfllling
Slcanifllllng, Koofi
Culler Ctc.
At Reasonable KuteH. Sloven, Fiiriiuees;
and Tlnwiire Hcklml. Quick
Service, All Work Guanin.
N 7 N Fifth St CorAnkcny
Odirt hour., 9 ta ii a. in., j lo J p. tit .
Office I'lioiif, Sttitl 11Q4,
KciiiUnrr I'lionr, Union yii.
Office In Uulvmllr I'ark Itrut; Slotr.
St. Johns Sash and Door Co.
Sash, Doors and Millwork
Interior Finish
; C. A. ROBBINS, ManaKcr. i
4 4444444444444i-44
Best Bargains in St. Johns.
0, M. I'AUI.K
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, Hay, Grain,
Ground Feed,
Piinli, Oils and Building Materials
Phone East 713
Splendid modern 7-rooiu residence with fine river view.
Lot is 200x200 uud has .shrubs and fruit with
lawn. A real bargain at f 5,000 00
A 4-rooiu house, plastered; large ham, cistern, mid good
fruit trees one acre in this bargain and on
car line. 1'rice, with easy terms. 1,600 oo
We have several fine river-view jrojH:rties of which we show
photos in our window and the prices give bargains. Also some
of the best business locations in town. See our list.
W. H. King Land Co., St. Johns.
University Park,
Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing
Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc.
3$ large airy rooms divided Into
Suites of two to four rooms, alto
tingle rooms. Situated one block
from Columbia University, near
cor. of 1'isk St. and Houlevanl.
Furnished or UiifurnUhed for
W. DICKSON Prion. Soott 1206
Bring us $i and we will send the
Review to your frieud for a year.
I'hone Scott 406S
The Edward Holman Undertaking Company
220-222 Third St.. Corner SiIror.
Modern Ambulances
Directors and Embalmers
T.Uphono 607 IMy AwiiUut
PflRTI AND. Orezon