St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 16, 1905, Image 2

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fiv McKno.v : Tiiornuvkis.
Kuhxrlplloa riln, 11.00 pr rr In s4ttnr.
Adflllnr rti. 11,00 ptr liitk pr month.
All tdttttlilnc bill pir'lU But of eb
Job Prlntlnr I
lllllt for Job Pristine rh on d-lltfrr.
All fommofilfitlom thnald b niitt4 to
Tbt IWtIsw, Ht. Jobni, Orfon.
it-eltM iljU.
OffleUI Nwtppr of tb Oltr of 'obnt.
1'KIDAY, JUN'K 16, 1905.
All states contniti towns hearing
odd names ami Oregon is not an
exception. The following brief
article contains the names of nearly
one hundred nntl fifty to he easily
found on the map:
It was a Dusty day in Lost Val
ley when a Tnllman named Hucne
Oreenleaf (sometimes called Green
horn) wandered iiIoiik the Trail.
Hud his shoes been of Asbestos the
I.ava and the I)endwooI, over a
Pyramid of which he had travelled
for Kinhtinile, would have seemed
less like a Hakeovon; hut the
WnrmspriiiH Skye had removed
every Dewey Dot from the
He had intended to take the Steam
boat H'i''K down New J'lnecreck to
the Seaside, thence to the Seal
Rock which lay at Cannon Hatch
near the Harbor but figured he
was not Sucker enough to tackle 11
Muddy stream where even a Heaver
would turn Fossil. Crossing n
small bit of l'nilric he reached a
Cottage Grove, where he proceeded
to lunch. A Sinker and a bit of
While Salmon formed his repast;
mid, as lie ate, he saw Hear, l'anther,
AntelojK. nml Coyote near to him
but .;ave no Chase. Lazily a Crow
flapetl his wins above an Apiary
but 11 Mule a) 11 Haystack did not
Shirk his duty.
Ami then he dreamed. He saw
the Snow upon the Kloudyke hills
ns in a I.ookiiiK-Klnss: and then
beneath the Jimi'icr and Tamarack
ttees he saw I'loicnee, and Minnie
and Isabel and Mabel he saw their
Sistets, Ada, Irma, Dora ami Alma.
Then he noted the nit I of his Prom
ise, Heiilnh stately us Minerva;
he had met her in Switzerland but
her Rural and Remote home had
Ircii Denmark. Wwn her hand
was his Diamond tin;: iimii hci
head was the Hiiilal Veil' with her
was her sister, little Klsie and
lie halt awoke I10111 his Paradise
mid Kist her, but the Sublimity had
touched him.
Then in the Woods wheie the
Wteu Hew from the Ash and the
Oak to the Tiptop of the Hpiucc;
wheie the and the I'ox
slept !ciieatli the l.iiuicl; wheie the
Gopher hummed in a .Mound over
which the Pirn stood in the Mist of
June mid the ( would Glide
tliioiiKli Willows whose Roots
sought ilampueMi in the Stone; then
it was he saw John Day Push Unfits
down iiiiioiik the Granite in the
Glcti. Theie was nothing to Ivx
mess wheie the Cove had
his limine and through the Dell
there sounded only the Peel of the
THKRIi arc many methods of
procuring free advertising. One
way is to tramp ncross the contin
ent pushing a wheelbarrow, with
"a vast fortune awaiting the lucky
man" if he beats his way on time.
In Portland it is to run for office,
get connected with a sewer propo
sition or make a bet.
Two Californiaus have made a
little bet Con wind; as to popula
tion. One wagers that in 1925 San
Francisco will have n population of
one million and the enormous sum
of 200 is in the deal. If both
critters are alive at that date, and
they do not foriret all about it, and
The Time is Clow For the School
Next Monday, June 19. is the
date set for the school election in
Saint Johns and the vote for or
against the issue of bonds will be
taken on that day. That the con
ditioit of affairs may be understood
Tint Ritvmw has devoted several
columns of matter and now closes
the affair.
It is the desire of many to issue
bonds to the amount of ten thotis-
both have the money, and nothing , t, schoo, hxxMln As close as
serious Happens, wliy, tlic ; wager Utjmnlcl tlis SUII1 wjn pncc this
may prove a real thing. I he bet .,-.. j - ,,ilatv.,P ...mi
is iKitwcen a couple of dagos-and Kivc 0 ,1Jorc room tImn is nhso.
11 uic paper miu miiMir. 1 reai ,1Itc, lcwIwli Ts matter, we
""lK believe, is fully tindcrstool: but
Jtisconsitlerai'iyiiicea net rep-.KWic dcsre to know alout the
...n.i . it..,,, ........ .n.f iittnfi - -
IIIVII Il IlltltlV Illtlll J".Uin
ago back east. I wo men secured
each a suit of clothes agreeing that
the one who should lose a certain
wager must pay the tailor for the
two suits. The tailor agreed, de
livered the goods, and waited
Kach time he mentioned the pay
nient the reply was made that "the
bet hadn't been decided yet." A
year later he was worried and
asked what the bet was on.
"Why, I'll tell you," replied the
sport. "You see, William bet that
when Hunker Hill monument falls
it will full toward the south. I
don't believe it: and I'm witling to
bet another suit it will topple tow
ard the north!"
payment of these bonds.
The assessed valuations of this
school district for the three years
last past are as liclow.
1902 . .$ 182,468 00
1903 304,901 00
1904 4'958o 00
The probable valuation for 1905
will be not less than $550,000.
This is merely estimated, but we
believe it is about correct. A three-
...HI -I.. I I .1... - I I ... .
nun ccihi icvy on iiiuv iimumii Hentzcin will speak at 1 1 a
will raise $1650: this will pay off (ny at tilc iaftist service
i - - ...1 .111.... m. r 11. . 1 .. 1 . 1 1 . - . -
Our Local Grist
I. W.Suittcr has been badly
the weather for the past
Sip your soda at the Saint Johns
Mrs. Jonc Sccley of Mount Scott
has been the guest of her brothcrin
law J, 11. Crook.
N. O. Isaacson is securing esti
mates for a new story and a half
cottage he is about to build.
It. A. Shcpard has just returned
from a Wick's trip to "catch some
fish." No startling report us yet j work.
All Next Week.
A very deep interest is being
manifested in the revival meetings
in the Congregational tabernacle
under the leadership of F.vangelist
McComb. At the first meeting
Sunday evening the tabernacle was
filled to overflowing and many rc
mainml nrnttllfl the outside unable
to gain admission. All through
the week the attendance has liecn
good. The singing by Mr. Klliott
l vrrv much cniovcd bv everyone.
Wc arc pleased to note the spirit of
unity among all tlie cnurcnes. mi
take an active part in the meetings
both in the singing and personal
AT the recent meeting of the city
council when the proposition to
publish all ordinances in Tint Kit
vtitw was brought up, Councilman
Peterson simkc a good word for
this patter. He said:
Tint Ritvmw is
paiier to publish such
everyone can see the notices and
the ordinances the council enacts
It's a good patter, too; It's worth
more than the dollar that is asked
for it. Ifu fellow can't afford to
take it for that price he doesn't need
to know about the otdiiiaucesr
Amen and Ahnieiil
and pay all interest. A levy of
that size will not be felt: it means
that the man who pays tiou a
projierty assessed nt $1000 will
merely pay $3 as his share. And
the man able to pay on that assess
ment will not feel the small extra
The voting on Itonds will le held
on Monday next between the hours
of 3:30 and 7:30 p. m. The mat
ter should be caretully considered
n,wl niNirtf iril..r In vlr,tlr
the protier etinllt,i iu. r,.,..,i it u ,mt ri.ri,t
things and (o r,.mn., nwav and then criticize
the board unjustly for what could
have been altered, It should le
has been made public.
The dog poisoner is getting iu
some work. Tin. pet animal 01 w.
h. Hullis was poisoned on Tuesday,
but hard work brought him again
on his feet,
Remember our cream puffs and
pies on Saturday. They are fine
eating for Sunday. Saint Johns
Hakery, Jersey street.
W. J. Tucker, 011c of the tele
graph experts of the Southern Pa
cific railway, on the east side, was
iu Saint Johns 011 Wednesday
guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. T.
"What and Where Is Heaven ?"
is the question on which Rev. John
m. Sun
held in
the Seventh Day Advcntist church,
St. John.
If it's good, we have it: if we
have it it's good. Our goods arc
fresh, clean and nice. Saint Johns
Hakery, Jersey street.
C. 15. Hailcy, with the St. John
Lund Co., is a lucky lad. He step
jied out the side door of Tint Rh
vi kw office yesterday afternoon, and
landed five four-leaf clovers in as
many moments.
Hest ice cream and service in
town at Hoffman & Jackson's up-to-date
drug store.
A number have signed cards and
taken a definite stand for Christ.
The meetings will continue all next
Get the Habit of Using Olympic Flour
It never degenerates from its high
quality. Day in and day out it is al
ways the same pure, honest, reliable,
satisfactory Flour no nisttcr when or
where you buy it. It is "made in
The Portland Flouring Mills Ce.
Two or three girls to learn weav
ing. Apply at Portland Woolen
Mills, St. Johns.
After J. Henry Smith has had all
sorts of trouble in getting his name
fixed to suit him so there were no
duplicates here in the town, along
comes another J. Henry Smith, from
Iowa. At once J. W. Pedtliconl
sells him a lot near Paschal Hills
home and a new house will at once
go up. We are anxious to see J.
Henry Smith and J. Henry smiin
scrap over the J. Henry Smith ques
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing be
tween R. U. Smith and h. Don
nelly, and doing business under the
firm name of The Saint Johns Mar
ket. Smith & Donnelly, at Saint
Johns, Multnomah county, Oregon,
is herewith dissolved by mutual
consent. All accounts due the firm
are payable to K. Donnelly, who is
authorized to receipt for same, and
all liabilities arc assumed by the
t Your property with Shepard & Tufts. Wc have
t the largest and strongest companies
in the world,
J Royal Insurance Company,
I London Assurance Corporation,
J Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company,
J St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,
J Niagara Insurance Company of New York.
Ukai. Hstatk Notakv 1'irnt.ic
We limUlt Mithtlng nml Power 1'lnnU ami teplr Mototinnil Djrmmoi
Tloue mill licit wlrlnu pecUlly
I'hniim: Oilier I.Mt MJ
It.C. WHK1IIT, Mutineer
Keililence, rWott Jtoj tit Kutttl HttH
of th! Onll.
I Hurlbcrt is home from same 15. Donnelly, who will
Anniti 1 Kinr K1f k e n provided in ncctlon a
UKUINAlwD IWi tIO I nance, ncll such ntilttinl 10 taken up
iiiinjuuuiw in iuuiic uuicry o me Inch-
Fort Siiclliug, Minnesota and,
borne in mind that each year as the with his mother, will- remain here
Pcdee ami the Pelican. The Mar
mot paused Halfway towaids Ftce
water under his Ganleii Home: he
was 11 Gititiger, and, although his
ProsK-et was not in the Vale of
Suiinyslde, it was above Tidewater
in the Valley.
And now the Vesper of the Holly
seemed to take the dieuuicr to the
Fmpiie of PalcMiuc to the Orient
wheie the King
Makes Affidavit.
"Dick" Shcpard, with a brand
new 1 j fish xlc, left a week ago
for the home of the elusive trout.
II is companions yesteidny forwarded
the following allnlavit to The Rc'
view, which proves Richard is hold
ing his own with the rest of the
ciovvd :
Whereas, One Richard Shcpard
of the city of St. Johns, State of
Oregon, has iu his itosscsslou one
fish, said to be of the trout Secies,
ami weighing three pounds, and
wncreas, 'i ne said Kiciiard liei-
ard claims to have caught the same
iu the Washougal river, State of
Washington, and
Wheieas, The river is thronged
witli with fishermen, "pot" mid
otherwise ; and
Whereas, While deiMiueiits did
not actually sec said fish hooked
we did see, 01 might have seen, had
we lievn theie, the said lish securely
fastened 011 the hook with which
said ,SicMid was angling iu 11 (lis
nun nun Mviuiieti p.nt 01 tne river,
ami the circumstantial evidence
stieiigtheus sud Shepaid's claim of
having actually caught the fish, and
values increase the levy will de
crease: will Ik nunc divided: will
Im less felt.
This patwr favors the bond issue
because it is the only way out
mid will be divided between more
tieople each year who will derive
benefits from the extieudittire.
At the close of the voting tor
bonds, at eight o'clock, the annual
school meeting will be held. There
.seems to be no one who cares to act
as director to succeed Mr. Poff,
and, although he thinks he has had
enough in his, it is very likely that
it will be forced iixn him.
some time. He arrived home too
late to attend the funeral service
over the remains of his father.
Get your Sunday pastry wc
bake it on Saturday so as to have
it fresh save your wife n lot of
work. Saint Johns Hakery.
The Civic Improvement club will
meet next Tuesday (June jo) after
noon at the home of Mrs. J. Henry
Smith. A complete attendance is
urged and visitors will lie gladly
welcomed. Call to order nt 3:30.
Have you seen the Eastern made.
lift.!.. rf - e .
vhiic rinc screen uoors mat we
Dated: Saint Johns, Oregon, June
ct bidder for ciuli. mul ilmll,i.
Who will con- . . . r..-t.. tay the proceed of uc1imIc to ihrii.
tlnuetlie business at the old stand. " ";."' ' TriWr, taking duplicate recti
R. II. SMITH. Miliums iroill Kllllllllig l huk- "icreior, one 01 which limn he lilctl will
mid Providing lor the Impound. - ; "V .V
lllg mill Sale of the Same, nitd loi of till Ordinance shall nt nny time
lite AnnolnlniLMit of n Pound. wV,n" ,c c"r '"?' " l?tc of wch
master, and Fixing His Com
Close hunting fails to find n man "re .'Hlnfr. Also have adjustable
who cares to run for the office. It Window hcreciis iu different sizef
is almost imM)ssilile to find Mr.
Poff, and while it is ossihle he
might be induced to succeed him
self it is 11 fact that he is not after
The office is 11 thankless one
and he who takes it must be acare
ful, prudent, unbiased man. The duce valuable articles of merit.
Potthk & G001.I), the hardware
Help make Tun Ritvn.w the
"best" paix-r. Hand iu bits of
information regarding any matters
of public interest. Little items
may lead to investigation ond pro
matter should lie discussed and
the question carefully considered.
Parents Should Prevent Children
Playing in Willamette.
Last Sunday little Inez, daughter
while he may have been unfortunate of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Cnples,
iu Iviug 011 a liver wheie fish are wns playing, near the Cone mill, in
sold, ami he had some coin of the the Willamette. She is about ten
With her were 11
aio UK-liued to give evidence to his mote little boys and girls mid the
statements that he actually captured lot of them were floating about
uie iisii. upon ooarus ami logs ami itimpiui!
To the truth of the above state-1 from one to another: while beneath
iiients the deponents ever succor. them was an eight-foot depth of
O. A. I. a Harre. water.
Home Furnishers.
St. Johns.
sale make satisfactory proof ol hit or
their ownership to tlic Council, he or
they shall be entitled to receive the
amount, If ntiytlilug, remaining out of
the proceeds of such sale after tnyingtll
The City of .St. John doc ordiiln ns l,,ll ml.wl.i,... ....1
IOIIOWS. Inillninl or If mirli nutirr nr .iu.n.M .
Suction i. No horses, uitilcs, cattle,
sheep, swine, Koiits, chickens, geese or iwsscmIoii of nuy such ntilmal shall dilm
ducks shall he nllowcd to run at large or , ,c same before the ulc thereof, id1
to lie herded In nny of the streets, alleys, Um ,Kly to tlc Poundumster the feet
111' 1 , 1 .. 1 . c P c Ul". , or C0,l,J 1,11,1 churges of taking, imtonad:
public place hi the City of .St. Johns ,,K., keeping nud ndvcrtUIng the use.
during nuy of the hours of the day or lc or they il.nll thcreuiwa be tntltlei
nlelil except when helm.' driven throtieh o. .w,.-i,.m ,1.-
for shipment or other imrtxtic.
No horses, mules, cuttle, sheep, swine
or goats man in; nuowcu 10 siaiiu in nuy
place mentioned nlxive without being
The Hazelwood
inv, iiiiu I 1 . . . .11
wheie the C1a.1t the Acme of " ' "! e fIH "'" s y", V
I'jiterpiise would Heny a I'ish
hawk till its PiiwihnI IvehoTeumiU-
and the dooMheuy its llox iu
the lllue River and then Shake with
Mitth till he could Scllwood at any
"(ireat Moiiuuieiit!" he ejaculat
ed 11s he awoke, "I know I mn
Needy; that I have neither Pent I.
(Jul net or Ruby: yet my life, full of
lloheuua, is all Riddles. I have 110
Talent to be au Humorist and I'm
going now to my Sweet Home; but
I would like to know what make.s
that Rooster Rook!"
- - -
your share towards helping
"Children's Day" prouram will
lie rendered at the Kvangelical
church on the last Sunday of June
at 1 1 a. 111, It has leeii necessary
to change the hour from the even
ing to the morning on account of
the evangelistic service nt the tab- Notice
vi imwv.
If we haven't what you want,
who has? If our prices are not
right, whose are? That's what we
want to know. Saint Johns Phar
Mrs. Frank A. Smith is antici
pating the arrival of her sister, Miss
Lillian Peterson, the latter part of
tins week. Miss Peterson comes
from Marshfield, Oregon where
sue has Ikxmi engaged as nurse iu
Is an tip'tiMlnte quick l.mirh,
Cignr, Confectionery nml News
Htiind. Tho Celebrated Hard
wood Cream und Hatter kept
in atock.
SUCTION 6. The owner or m-non for.
Ills! clutrec or control of anv snlm.l
named In section 1 of this Onllntare
who shall Dcnnlt or allow anv of uLI
nnimals to act contrary to tlio terms of
this Ordinance shall, on cottvklfcm
thereof ticforc the Recorder of the M
City of St. Johns, mv n fine of not ta T. .lntl,. it .w f... ...L
eys. iMrkMinlnclolp'rivatc grounds offem. '
or imbl c place. In the Uty of M. johm, SitCTio.v 7. The public pound sbsll
except by ntH.mMicuMbIe of controlling ,uch convenient place within tbt
limits of the City of St. Johns as shall U
attended by n vnoii ciiutble of control
ling such, or such nnhiial being
securely fastened with n rot.
No hur-eii, males, cattle, sheep, swine.
lor goats shall le led nlong the streets,
such nniiuals.
.ioi"'" Umi" i,,"c,n" iM "cc.l,0,11 designated by the Counell by resolution
.. .. Jt rVt ti KT.n !".r if,,!,, t regular meeting thereof, and all sal.
11 xii any sidewalk or park in , the City mals Ukcu up under the provUloni of
u, o . j, ,,,.;,,,,,,, Miaii ie siaKcti 1 this Onlhiancc, shall be humunJed
Corner Jersey St. and Broadway
St. Johns, Orogon
To The Public
of St. Johns; no animal shall be staked
or fastened oil uuluclotcd grounds in
sucli a manner tliat such animal can
reach the sidewalks bordering such
Suction 1, Any of the anlmats tie
crilicd In section 1 of this Ordinance
found acting contrary to the terms of
nut uniiiiancc may De taken up by
this Ordinance.
Suction 8. The bulldine or enclos
ure within w'lilch nuy animal namcdor
described in this Ordinance Is confiwJ
or kept shall bo kept projxrrly clcsaeJ
and free from stench by the Vnt
thereof, under a penalty of not less thu
five nor more Hum fifty dollars for each
offense, upon conviction before the City
J. C. Crouie. Suddenly Inez last her footing
I,. M. Mills, nud was iirccipitnted into the water, the hospital conducted by the Ileav
Peiudale Ranch, Skamania conn- Hurl Caples, uu uncle of the child, er Hill Coal Comnanv.
ty, Wash., June 1905.
, , . 1
itearu tue screams 01 ner compaii- ..
ions and hurried to the spot-but .. .... V",K.."",C J' ? ,,ie
.ost I lis Thumb. the child was nt the bottom of the " : i ' " v"'
On Weslnesilay List listiee Hill, n nvcr ,or ,l,tf "t time. Mr. Caples ' p '7"" , :;" , ' T'C
pupil ... the St. Johns scIuh.Is, UM uZrl
uuiiii) wnile " r"V at&i nt lohns Phn
..n . i.'
imi,v v tjiiiver ur nv anv iieruin unu uiii'
:. 1 ... .1.- ,. 1.... : . . iwiihb, u
4 CI nC n ;x it "V" "r ' u""''erauii uiijMiuniiet Recorder.-
IUISUL UUI rilllll" ' "i.'T'VV', JTm. lV.,,UC,, m,ma KCTio.vo. ThePoundmastcr.brtUrt
I-'ire and water nroof. Is nmm.r.rt. ami wale'r w l ie , f ,u Zl' ,MUM ",,i,c.0" " nl
, , , . ' ZL . . 1 kiiiiiu utii annuals ukcu up unucriac
J"11 ,swI .S0,e.y h' C'. 1 Moe. n .iinJ1 I?U f.LV'8 I'r?vllou. of this Ordinance,' sh.ll ur,
u. .Moe Having no interest iu sc'ri be T,, ' nf 7 f. , '"S c,mie?x ana ,y into the city treasury..
. Paint and preserve vour utve nolle. Iti Vt 1.1 7 . V .v.! """'or lading up tlic same, oeiore m
All work UMiarantml. Will "using a notice irt cularlv ,le SblS "JS L" S
roofs for next sixtv davs for animal or animals, o be publish? ,Z " Z r3Z
-five cents a square. iKn'Zt S. n..'iw!:?5' !,IC ?" goats, and twentyfive ccnts'e'ach for
?.f.rrM,,MV'r:nyitt there. SitCTio.v 10. The Poundmaster Hull
Ctntricttr tad Roof Palatcr. St. Mai, Ore
in shall claim ,s,eon of tile' a m be thVc Viic of itjfce of .
pay al co.ts and clurKes of the keeping Johns It shall b? th
Kdinaitefto1 nSen
said City of St.
the duty of tbt
nil ctrii-tfv tfl the
Notice of Uond Ifale. anfiXnSinZ .M' P-vUlous' of thi.
Notice I. hereby glveu that aWd bid. c,lon to, y such fees and cl,: con 'o7 1" taSSS S
VISITORS to the Poith.nd fair
me coiisideitibly astonished at the
low rates chaigetl by all legitimate
h tels and reotauiants. Theie
seems to W no place wheie a hold
up figu.v is chaigetl hutches and
meals fiom ten cents to as high
us one chics to pay but only as
high as they weie befoie the fail
started, while. 001ns can Ik obtained
us low ns 50c and good looms,
too, Theie will be .some money
last tins summer liy inaiiy who had
hguicd that
a poitiou of his right tliuiul
at the Portland f.. r. It was Chil.
dieu's day and there was a rush ut
the gates. Just us. the lad was en
teiiiiga workman with a piece of
IiiiiiIkt made a move and hacked
the sipiaie edge of tliestick against
the thumb of young Hill, clipping
the end as neatly as 11 saw could
nave done I he boy was at once
taken to the hospital 01. the grounds,
whe.e uoer medical attendance
was immediately given free of As at. additional balm he
citute her and the next day the
child was none the worse for her
Narrow eseuies from drowning
ure matters of almost daily occur
rence among the children who plav
beside the .stream. Hardly a mouth
at Saint Johns Pharmacy. Chas.
V. Johnson,
The subject next Sunday
lug at the Tniied Rvongehci
City of Si Joi ns, i t. StatV' of 0 lce and time of i'uc.t ,e7 w&u I Ka Z
at liU iu s.iid City, until Monday be more titan one day after the date klUlZ Z JTtn suchSot"r
l!:?. Ju'y.'W. -V4oVlock, of the final publica,io,r of ,h. notlcl duUe..aV
' iiiv i'uivii4K! ui ail or uni tvirt n 1 ivih iiiuvitiru inr. iiniH&a cth m
has jussetl since a young child of T""6 will lie no preaching in the
i. . nuttier cume near tteatu in
about the same manner as ubove
It is the frequent practice of chil
dren to float into the stream uiwii
I rail ftet of eharue. Indeed, he
had soeiHvl a tmu ilmt ln uik u-!II.
any old puce went lui! to let the other ilimnli i. nt tt...
und who weie too lavish iu littinu same Heme Tin. inlnrv .li.. nt
up leuipoia.y ie.M)rts: nut tlie vis
itors, as ti genenil thing, will bo
pleasitl with the treatment they
was shown all the attractions on the mvM ,0ss u,u llIlkss oi of the Saint Johns Pharmacy.
pievent his' to take ex-
animations ut .school the next day.
more veutuiesome
river on n plank
WH1.1., Wlil.I.I
IN Colorado the Sunday .schools
have u.getl that no railways tun
truius on Sunday so that mails and
tverishable height would Ik iniiued
and ople iu huge cities would k
without milk on Monday till ulniut
noon I This plan is urged because
no work should be done ou OihI's
iluy: yet the bible distinctly coiu
matids "Set not one day ubove
another, for all days ate equal in
the .sight of God."
IT is asserted that conditions
are so healthy iu Saint Johns that
if it wasn't for prohibition theic'd
be no need of drugstores.
often crass the
ixiddlitnr with
shingles or bus of board. Tliete is
going to Ih; a killing down there if
more cure is not given by parents.
The children do not realize the risk
tun and the parents should ex
plain the matter to then, more fully.
tne .Miinicliwii iiouils of said citv Ivsm.i snail tan on bumlav or ....;... ui'i
by virtue of Ordinance N'n. j& nf 1 1 day. in which case al,l s.,! ci, .n
The said
lw "H li, Privil.vt.rt nf f,liriclli..c I u.i.i I.,:.. i.. Ti . r i-..... I ......i . " " cai
inn... , w... .....ii.. .M.I1. iiiiiia uic ii.itni iuiih i irvw i .iiivv Luii.iiii.uuuk map nnH r.r
t- T n n . . .. i.-.l ........ - ---- . -HI T-Ji . . l.-7-"l " "l
rv. v.. iv. ui seven ... me even- "'"" cu iiui years irom titcir iiate. oe
!nir fcc ri,m nitr M,I.. drawlne intervt at the rate of six I
m mkm iiaic, interesi -n .v,.n. i mC uuiiee provuietl for in
payable semi-annually: both priuciiul this section.
and Interest juyable hi United State , SKCTlo.v 4. If no jierviu appears with-
gold coin at the Virst National IUnk of la the time specified in the notice I'ro-
h".'1' Oregon. Vdctl for in scctioa 3 of this Ordinance
Said bonds arc one huudrrd (too) In to c,aim lssion and lay the fees'
number, and of the denomination of one 'l charges for taking and kecDintl
show cause
told, the
exempt ou"i'U3ier shall sell such impounded
evening. All are invited to take
part iu the evangelistic meeting In
the taWruacle.
City prices in Saiut Johns is what
we oiler Hoffman & Jackson
Population Increasing.
There ure some people in our
town who ate encrwetic iu the wav
of getting new ieople into Saint
Johns. '1 hey lielievc that the way ' Satunlay night by the Mtxlern
.s to increase. Among 1 ootlinen of A.nericu
Made Money.
The dunce and basket social giv
K. V. I.tHMitis, senior memlK'r of
a prominent gTocery firm at Ash
laud, Oregon, and V. Y. Crowson.
of D. W. Crowson, plumbers and
hardwaremeu of the same town,
were iu Saint Johns on Wednesday
looking over the place. There is
a possibility that at least one of
them may locate here.
hundred dollars Hiou.oo) each, and ure suc'1 unponnded animals, or h
' issued for jaiblic utilities, as provided by why the same should uot lie
the charter of said city, and are exempt '"""'huaster shall sell such in
Skction 11. Auy person or person
who shall resist, hinder, molest or Inter
fere with the Pouudmaster, hi deputia
or other person who may be engaged w
seUing or taking up, in conformity iul
this Ordinance, any animals or fowl
scribed In section 1 of this Ordinance,
who shall attempt to take from the po
session or control of the Poumliuattr,
his deputies or other person, any auimi
or fowls seized or taken by such Pound-
waster, his deputies, or other person
conformity with the provisions of tw
Ordluance, or who shall by any mt
wliatcver aid or assist auy person to tw
from the possession or control of tlx
I'OUtidmaster. hit ilenutlea or other PS
, on, nny such animals or fowl seiied w
Irom taxation cither bv the state nf ni. animal or animals ..i.t-.i . ":.,: '
K011 or oy uny county or municipal cor- 5 01 tuts Orainance, provided, tlwt In 1 ii..7.S 1 77 1 , i 1.
5.A,.n- .. . case aumbe notbida1. such Tle lM
i r riL'iu u rewrvtMl to rtit anv ..n.i cieni t
all biiU. nml to rtutlvcrtiiu for huU talcini
1 t
II1C Mlllir. intlltfiil nw nsi.'. tt. . 11.. 1 '
utiiLiiiis. inr I'Mitfiiitiin't..- ' . . : . . .
one iiuuareu uoiun. orsiiaii oe imp"'
Dated at the Citv of St. loh tit. Onxmn
this itth day of lunc. icot.
J. W. Hanks
City Keconler,
Published In Tlie Review June 6, 1905,
at his discretion adjouru such sale froth
v iur oi wore man three days.
Anv person having an interest in anv
such imtiounded
- - wk aillliluiK
to increase may bo mentioned Mr, aiuiCVs i "II
was u suo
ways ulthouel. more
Mis. liooige Pord to whom a son j cash wuld have been realized hud
and a daughter were born on'the sale of baskets beet, hastened
day June 0 and both tho parents j n hour. The music was pleasing
and the infunts ure retorted as doing and nil present enjoyed the even
nicely. These are tlu first twins ; The net receipts were nearly
Inirn in Saint Johns so far as we can J 25 which will bo applied to the
lea. 11, And so we grow. new hall.
W. It. KINU. PreslJeat.
the first day of August, .905.
Tasked the Council June 7,
M. L. HOLBKOOK. Vice-President
O. H. Carlson, of the Portland
Manufacturing Company. Is one of
the committee to make arrange
ments to cuteituin the Nebraska
I.uinliennen's Association. He
was at the grounds yesterday to
complete the arrangements.
In our report of the citv council
the name of one of the speakers
appears as .-urousou. Tins was
noticed too late to change before
printing. The name should have
been N. O. Isaacson. The blunder
is almost inexcusable.
Abstracts of Title carefully and accurately prepared.
Charges Reasonable.
Office: Kim's BuiNini, J.rt.y St., St. Johns
ciaimim. to 1- ..:'tt: . ""
, . . -- " -hfci'nm i me action or
in VT .7 .u,uiaster, may, with-
appeal to the Pn.,nn .. T Approvetl. June 7. loos.
ment of 1,U . ii """K..B ,sla e' W. H. KlXC,
office of the Citv Re.r lae AKST: m
the Recorder s'hal n,Vfl- .,c77"?,n J W. IUsks, RecorOer.
master of such appeal, and the sale of I, 1ublished in the St, Johns RetKW
.-iu oninm or animals shall ... 'J
K.lA"7ltaPlVs.. h'eard
oned not less than ten nor more thw
thirty days, or both, at the discretion 0!
the court. u. Tlila nnlinance SMll
take effect and be in force on and hrf
lunc 16,
and determined by said Council
mv 1 vuuuuiiUii'r enn 1
the deof Their riCnUa,
and manner of th-i, .1.7,1 5?.
fee a"nd charges 'STJ'a
cj nimals. which few and cluuves he I t,cavc orde, at Bl-ckbura'a FurelW
Dray and Bagf U
Piano Moving Specialty.
. I ... lite V.IIV I rVtllN.. . ,
Z month." He shall ' al kp conlpien
I ously posted at the entrance & The it J
pound a descri,tton of all animals other
J than dogs deu'netl therein.
&J1? hH t
store and they will receive prompt
... I,
Subscriptions for The Revi
will he rrMvA I'rvstnUSW :
1 . .. v - -MuuuuuLrr im a, - .. - -
xne lime nametl in . . . I n.. n 11 . 1. Tr..:...i
1 to whirh t. J 1 or lime uvv,b' it-HIIl.lJtK. UI Uim" '
to h,ch such sale shall be postponed, Park. One dollar a year.