St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 16, 1905, Image 1

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bcvifW Inh Print
nc KHl.n
Inii Dtpartmcnt 1$ enc
.1 it.. vrv Rest not
The Circulation or THE
REVIEW in the Penin
sula exceeds that of all
other papers combined
Advertisers, note thts.
pi III "w
tht lariicst In.Oreen.
DcvolcJ to (he IntcrcMi of (he Peninsula. Ihe .MnnufacturliiR Center of (he Northwest
NO. 32
Did You Ever Think
How nice it is to be able to
get any piece of Lumber re
quired for building
Plenty of dry, bone dry, lum
ber right where you can see
it. Have you looked at our
stock? Come and take a
look and get acquainted
with us.
Acme Lumber Co
Dr. Otis F. Akin,
Dr. Alnbel Akin.
Osteopathic Physicians
! 4J-i Macleay lliiildlng, Fourth
i tnj Wellington trccU. l'ortlnml.
limtvrf n tit 4 HI ii.
1 u 14, m J, rilllllCUIIIlC
;CUy77S, Kr.idencc.Muln 1151.
; Lawrence Al. HcnscI
Office at Central lintel i .t !,.t
! office. Olficc houni. 1 to n. m.
nne Scott 1148.
Ph)ldn and Surjcon.
Office hour, 9 to uo. 111. 1 to
; P w KeIiUncc Phone Scott 6356.
1 Office l'hoiie Union 6004. Office:
I otr Rlliotf .lniK tore.
Dr. William Wolf Hicks
Office In the Hick ItuIUttiiK.
JQCC hour., ft In 1 . ...
I NU .. ' w ' " '"I . IU 4 II III
Recoct Saint Jolm llelihts
. Office Rouiiu for rent
Office! Pru-.i.. n II. I
' RtUence; Saint inlm
Office: Cochran
! t rotoffice,
Chicago Rooming Ituute.
Good rooms from fi n week up.
Corner Clilcugomid IviinliocttrccU
Saint John
Houk? Motcr and Repairer
I louse, raUctl anil re
lutlrctl. Odd jolt of nil kind.
Prompt ftcrvicc, reoimliIc charge.
IvuiiIiimj anil Catlln .street.
Saint John Oregon
The best llrcuil, Cake anil Pies
in the world. Give u trial.
Phone Scot 3101
Saint John Oregon
Office in Cochran lllock.
hours, 9 a, in. to 6 p. in.
1 . . . . .0
phone Scott 114S
Saint John
SInt Joli
Clothing cleaned, pressed and
mended with care and promptness.
I .-allies' clothe a eclulty.
Old l'ostoffice Ilullding
Saint John - Oregon
E. L. A1AG00N
Good tables; courteous treat
inent. Choice line of cigars and
Jersey Street, Saint Johns
t Columbia Iloulevar.1 .l r ,
! Goodrich & Goodrich.
I 'nt Johnj and Portland, Oregon
Restaurant and Light Groceries,
Meals by the day or week. Hoard,
per week, fa.50.
Corner Chicago and I van hoe streets
Saint Johns - Oregon
,1'reedmau Block, Saint Johns
covered r, . w l,rey wen
Had Narrow Escape.
J-Hardy has
ndlSS, hen his foot sl,PPed
ruge ?f ,Wa? caught in the car
Gardner wouWhave it Matt
.?ntrollinS ie
fte Pond Ule. m,shaP nd threw
dseff thing out of gear
leg. A.y wold have lost'his
irkLDned-aad only by
could he manage to get
When Both Are Willing.
The Iovelaud (Colorado) Regis
ter, after describing a taffy pull
that occurred iti that town recently,
draws the following conclusion:
Reduced to a diagram the joys of
a taffy pull are thus expressed, the
dotted lines representing a string of
taffy from lip to lip:
She He
She He
She He
She He
She He
She He
- She.. He
Congested Condition of Traffic De
mands Better Service.
There is n crying need for a ten
minute through service on the Port
land Suburban every morning and
evening. That is plain to anyone
whose business forces him to make
the trip to Portland between six
and eight in the morning and be
tween five and seven at night. At
these hours the cars nie terribly
over-burdened: not only are the
aisles crammed but the platform
and the steps as well.
Some of the cars of late have
held as high as 147 eople, and
heaven knows how such a number
can be jammed into and upon one
car meant for a half hundred,
Monday night there were 103 on
one car and it was overstuffed: vet
each person hated to wait twenty
minutes for another car. If the
schedule could be so arranged as to
have a ten-minute sendee for four
hours a day patrons would be much
better served.
It is true it would cost the com
pany a bit more and returns would
be no greater: yet the time is rap
idly coming when such a service
will be installed !ecause of the
increase of traffic. The road might
as well commence now to cater to
the needs of the public. L,et a
stranger come to Saint Johns with
a view of making his home herej
and working elsewhere and if he
should happen to I ward one of these
crowded coaches he'd hike back to
the voods with his desires to locate
crushed out of him,
During the evening hours in
Portland out-bound passengers walk
down Third to meet the in-bound
car and then board it: thus, by the
time the car reaches Yamhill it is
loaded to the gunwales and those
who have patiently waited for
twenty minutes may either stand
for the trip or stand for the next
Efforts should be made to point
out to the management the over
worked service during certain
hours. Surely the steady growth
of Saint Johns deserves a more fre
quent service!
Quick Changes.
Colorado has three governors in
the space of 24 hours and Saint I
Johns lias tliree clilets 01 ponce
within a week. I,ast week C. R.
Organ resigned the office and Ivd
ward Bloonigren was appointed as
his successor, but didn't care
enough about it to furnish bonds
and qualify. So he quit it. Then
Merritt Hanks was given the posi
tion. And so we change.
Realty Transfer.
John Wilson sold his home on
Fillmore street the first of the week
to John R. Weimer. Auother case
where the Johns predominate.
City Council Closes The Adjourned
Meeting Monday Night.
The second adjourned meeting of
the city council was held on Mon
day evening -and had a lively ses
sion till after ten o'clock. All
members were present when Mayor
king gavelled the table and were
ready for business.
Committee on securing signatures
of property owners along Jersey
street rcjorted that all but three
owners had signed the waiver of
rights, and those three would sign
as quickly ns the document reached
them. The council adopted the
The matter of the bill presented
by C. R. Organ, through his attor
ney, wns brought up. The bill
was for $240 for services as mar
shal of the town for four months
and n desire to stop legal proceed
ings has been expressed by both
sides. The matter was referred to
the ways and means committee
with directions to investigate the
work done and report at an early
A ivetition was presented by Sam
Cochran asking the council, in view
of the strained financial condition
of the town until the next levy
shall have Ikcii collected, to grant
license for the sale of liquors under
restrictions and nt a price which
that body might consider most
advisable. There were two hun
dred names of taxpayers upon the
iietiUon and these names were
read to the board.
Mr. Aaronsou at once addressed
the board. lie stated that the
Claimed Tlint Hours Arc Not Long
HiioiirIi For Public.
lfor several weeks Titii Rkviijw
office has heard lots of kicks regard
ing the hour nt which the Saint
Johns jwstoflice closed nt night. It
is jwssiblc this kick has been heard
before this yet it seems to have
now taken on new life.
''This closing at six o'clock is a
nuisance," said one laboring man.
"I get through my work at six and
then have to walk some distance
home. It Is n cotmle blocks out of 1
my way to go to the office but I'd S
gladly do it if the office was onen. I
Sometimes I have a neighbor get )
my tnnil but I hate to bother nny- $
one: and I do wish my mail every
St. Johns Park !
No. 2,
In Portland the postoflice is
open for mail delivery till eiirht
o'clock," said another, "and
through the holiday season nine
o'clock is the hour. I believe the
working man should be shown some
consideration and I'm ready to
register n kick on this six o'clock
closing. In any event,. seven o'clock
is early enough to close and the
folks in the ollice will soon find it
out to."
A call itimii Mrs. Clark, who is
postmaster in Saint Johns, presented
another side to the matter. Win. 11
told of the kicks regarding the office jjl
closing at six o'clock each night
Mrs. Clark said:
"Tliis office does not close at six
but is ojen till six-fifteen and
workmen employed as far up the
river as the veneer factory come
here when they quit work at six
Lois 50x1 06ft.
With a 1 6-foot Alley back
of each lot.
$200 and Upwards
board was pledged to carry out the 1 mid get their mail. We are trying
wishes of the icoplc: that the vote
last month showed 147 against the
granting of license ami 101 for it:
that there were names on the tieti
tiou that legally had 110 right to
sign it:' that those who wanted
liquor could get it elsewhere with
out the bother of having saloons
here. He thought there were
other ways to raise money.
A Mr. lllnck considered the
bringing of the matter befote the
board a direct insult to that body.
riiese two sieakers were not mem
bers of the council.
Mr. lid wards said he was not a
temiKTauce crank: he would have
granted license if the vote had been
to give the tieoplu what they wish.
However, if the closing hour should
be placed at nine o'clock there
would still be some patrons who
would delay their call beyond that
"Again, the greater portion of
patrons of this ollice have children
who call here as frequently as four
or five times it day and when this
office is closed at night very little
mail remains in it. There are some
who live several miles away who
come for their mail only once n
"Some time since it was desired
that the office remain open for 11
time each Sunday. Why this is I
that way: ns it was, however, even ; cannot ten, hecause no mail is re-
f President Roosevelt or Governor .ceiveti inter one-tnirty haturtlay
$5 Down and $5 per month I
Chamberlain had signed the eti
tiou he would not vote to grant
Councilman I.eggett wns of the
same opinion. Councilman llrice
did not dispute the list of signers,
ut wondered why the ieople Had
changed their minds so soon follow
ing election. He had not changed
us views and wanted to issue
ieeuse only as the people wanted
Councilman Thompson said he
md never changed his views: yet
le reulized that just now the reve
nues of the city were in bad shajie
and he saw uo way out of it except
to issue the license nsked for. ha-
oons will soon be across the river
and north of town: there certainly
could be uo harm in helping the
citv treasury by granting license
lere for a year.
Councilman Shields had reiK-at-
edly heard that the council should
do as the jeople ordered -and they
by vote had said uo license: tliey
iad voted to shut up the cows mid,
although he was opposed to it, he
voted to have it done. He thought
the revenues from the license would
be used by extra jiolice and excuses.
Right here things began to get a
lit personal and it looked to a man
up a telephone ole as if one had
better take to the tan ttniDcr: out.
the thing lasted only a couple
minutes. The matter was very
hilly discussed. Finally, Mayor
King said he saw no other way to
secure adequate revenue for the
fiscal year than to grant license:
he would be pleased to have some
suggest a plan: he called for an
opinion from W. V. Jobes.
. ft . . 7 r. f
iiiicriioou or sent out niter live
o'clock the same day until Monday
mornintr. Hut the office is onen
each Sunday from ten to eleven Z
although on some days there are J
not n half dozen who step inside
the doors. Hut I try to please the
patrons of the office.
"If it can be shown that patrons
cannot get their mail after they quit
work within the fifteen minutes the
office is held ocu I am sure ar
rangements can be made to hold
ohmi n bit longer: but, as I say,
there are some who would put off
calling for mail even if the office
wns held ocu till nine o'clock I
have to open nt seven in the morn
ing to accommodate the early mail
and it seems as if fifteen minutes
over eleven hours should form a
day's work for anyone."
Tint Ritvii'.w will gladly print
any brief communications pertinent
to this topic. The articles must be
Hurt Ills I land.
Don, only sou of Mrs. Nora Mc
Caiiu, badly injured his hand last
Friday while at his work in the
Docnhcchcr furniture factory on
the east side at Portland. He was
at work at the sanding wheel when
the wood he was handling broke
and his hand went on the wheel,
... n . , . . . r
rir'Aii wie iiesn was torn iroin me
lllMOCoi ins ngiu ilium uim in some
Mrs. McCauu was at once called
.1... r... I I ....I.. .1... I '?
in l in. luciuiy mm muiim 1111: uuy .
home. He is getting along now
very nicely if uo complications set
These lots arc located on Jersey street, tliree blocks
from car Hue and
Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site.
Don't pay $350 and $400 for building lots only 100 $
feet deep, and without alleys, when you can get extra
sized lots with 16-foot alleys, all high and level, and in j
the best locality in St. Johns for $200 and upwards. Z
Let us show you this property. We can sell only V
the first fifty lots at these prices. This is done to ad- ! the property. When these are sold prices will
advance 25 per cent. Z
Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill j
is in operation, these lots will be worth double the pres- ,
cut prices, !
St. Johns Land Co I
St. Johns mono union 3io4 Oregon I
Brauch Office and Agency on (he Ground.
A Good Way to Save
Is to purchase the necessaries of life where you can
quality considered.
We offerjhe the purest and most palatable goods In
our llue'atjprlces as low as possible and still allow us a
Just Profit. INVl-STIOATI; and Act Accordingly.
III although it may le necessary
to graft skin from his arm upon the
Mr. Jobes knew the city needed 1 "arc hlKns'
money but he considered that the '
voters had given their desires at the Peterson and Thompson voted aye.
polls. However, if license should Motion was lost,
be granted, he favored a high rate; It was voted that in order to
and the allowing of only responsible legalize all ordinances the same
men to conduct the same. If the should be published tor one time m
law should le broken he favored Thk Ri'.viitw.
rescinding the license aiid a forfeit-1 A petition was read praying that
tire of money paid. . the pile of old telephone poles at
Attorney Greene felt that he had ! corner of Ilradford and Pittsburg
no right to talk upon the matter as j streets be removed. As they have
he was an employe of the council, been an unsightly object for three
As Mr. Shields had said there were years the council ordered the re
Mr. Maher, who recently lost an
arm in a sawmill, asked permission
to erect and conduct a small booth
the street at some convenient
Of all Kinds.
Sole Agent for
ways to provide for revenue lie
would suggest that Mr. Shields be
chairman of a committee of three
appointed by the mayor to forum
Int.. enmr filmis. Later on the
mayor appointed Messrs. Shields, I point. This will be allowed per
Ieggett and Hrice as such commit- mission first to be obtained of abut
tee. ting projerty owners, and the loca-
Upon motion to accept the pcti- tiou not to interfere with business,
tion for future action Messrs. Hrice, The resignation of City Attorney
Kdwards, Leggett and Shields Greene was not accepted and he
voted nay; and Messss. Undquist, must continue to hold his position.
(.Continued In next column.) Adjourned.
Universal Stoves and Ranges
Do not fail to see the Universal
Steel Range before purchasing
141-143 First Strut, 04d Fillwt lulMiiif, Pirlliri, OrtM. Pbtni Miin 1382
Zeller Byrnes & Blackburn Co.
Calls Pr miptly Attended to Lady Assistant
Day or Night ST. JOHNS, OREGON