St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 02, 1905, Image 3

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    A Good Way to !ave
Is to purchase the necessaries of life where you can
quality considered.
'c offer the the rrjrcst and most palatable good. In
our line at price a. low an possible nnd still allow us n
Just Profit. INVESTKlATls nnd Act Accordingly.
mm A m mt m k it
Of all Kinds.
Sole Agent for
Universal Stoves and Ranges
Do not fail to sec the Universal
Steel Range beforp purchasing
1 14J.H3 firtl Street, Odd Felltwt luildinf. Porilmd, Oregon. Phone Main 1382
I l. A. SMITH J. I'. I'Ol'l'
ltmir In
CVI Pttlmcd it rurllinil Print I'lui On lUlf Krlglit CUrca
Prompt lIUfr mi J Correct I'rlcr
I Phone Union 3101 ST. JOHNS, OREGON i
Would like to save
25 per cent
on your Fuel and you
can do it.
He's in Town
Phone East 3035
Lucky Runaway.
S. W. Simmons' horse, attached
to a itgni rig, took fright Wednes
day morning while in front of the
Saint Johns bakery nnd promptly
gave n quick exhibition free of cost.
The horse became friirhtcued nt
a street cur and ntatle a jump. Kav
Simmons. about fourteen venrs old.
grabbed the bits and was dragged 1
icw nunurcti icet wlien his hold
gave way and he droped. The
wheels passed over him but did no
serious damage. The animal wildly
ran towards the schoolhouse but
ill front of lilliott's ctrmr uwu
turned about and took to the side
walk. At first tt was figured ho
was going in but he dodged the
issue and continued down the walk.
In front of the Hnzelwood were ice
cream freezers and a walk sign,
but the horse dragged the vehicle
between these and the building and
"never touched 'em." He then
turned north nnd stopped short ns
he almost started Hickner toothers'
delivery team on the run. The
damage done was slight but the
lad in charge was a plucky one.
Has n Fine Garden.
C. R. Organ yesterdny brought
to Tun Ruvmw office three straw
berries of the Magoou variety the
combined weight of which wjis 2 1-2
ounces. The largest of these ber
ries stood 2 1-2 inches high and
had a girth measurement of 5 1-2
Mr. Organ has a fine garden ujvoii
the procrty he recently disposed
of nnd declares that he will have
an equally valuable spot in his new
home nearby. His promised crop
of I.ogan berries is tt wonderfully
large one.
Our Local Grist
Revival Enthusiasm.
The union evangelistic services
now being held in the big tent
"Glad Tidings" in University Park
arc being largely attended uttd much
interest is Iwing displayed by the
pastors and the jcopie in the meet
ings. J. Leslie McComh, one of
the evangelists who assisted Rev.
Chapman in his "Pacific Coast
Campaign," is in charge. He has
a sweet gosjcl singer Mr. Klliott
who leads a large chorus. Choir
meetings are held every evening at
eight. All arc cordially invited to
the services.
Omitted On Name.
The following name was omitted
from the list of officials of Odd Pel
lows on first ixige:
P. G. Clifford Tltayir.
Uringus $i and we will send the
Review to your friend for n year.
I,. K. Walker is building a five
room addition to his residence on j
the river view. I
Mrs. Mary Meyers and Miss1
Gertrude Keenan, of Irving, were
guests of Mrs. George A. Rice on
Sunday last.
Just in time for dinner every day
our fresh, nice bread. Saittt
Johns Bakery
A. I,. Johnston, of Portland, will
preach Sunday morning at the Hap
list service in the Seventh Day
Adventist church.
J. C. Cromc, founder nnd once
owner of Tint Ruvutw, has re
turned from his fishing trip and
was in town on Tuesday.
J. S. Knudson, office manager
for Meier-Prank Company, is build
ing a nice little $800 cottage at Oak
Park. G. K. Dovereattx has the
Don't go home at noon without
a loaf of our fresh bread. Saint
Johns Uakery.
The little poem "Memory" in
another column has been trans-,
lated into almost every tongue nnd 1
been printed in almost every coun
try. It is worth preserving. t
A meeting of the stockholders of
the Peninsula Hank is to be held in
Portland this afternoon nt two-thirty
for the purpose of choosing n board j
of directors and transacting other ,
business. J
G. II. Carlson, of the Portland
Manufacturing Company, was at
Scappoose on Wednesday from
which point he went to some lum
ber camps to look tip some hard
wood stock.
The Christian Kndenvor of the
Kvnugclical church will meet at
the home of Mrs. Rose Hartman
this evening for the purtiosc of
holding their regular monthly bus
iness meeting and social gathering.
Have you seen the Eastern made,
White P ne Screen Doors that we
are selling. Also have adjustable
Window Screens in different sizes.
Pottkk & Gooi.D, the hardware
men. I
Work is being hurried on the
new reservoir in order that it may 1
be put to use as quickly as possible
The water company is also in re
ceipt of new mains which will Ik
laid as fust us required.
Saint Johns Camp, No. 75.16,
M. W. A., is to give 11 basket social
and dunce in Its new hall on the
evening of Saturday, June 10.
There will be dancing on the lower
lloor while the sale of baskets will
be upon the upcr lloor. Music is
to be furnished by tt ladies' baud of
Portland. 1
Union (Memorial Services.
The Union Memorial services
wcr held last Sunday at the Meth
odist churclk The was
crowded with an enthusiastic aud
ience. The service was opened with an
organ voluntary and followed by
the good old hymn "My Country
Tisol Thee." Rev. 1?. K. Mc
Vicker of the Kvnngelieal church
made the opening prayer. This
was followed with nn ntithcm
"Praise the I.ord ye Nations," by
the choir. The Old Testament
lesson was read by Rev. Upshaw of
the Congregational church, after
which "Gloria Patri" was sung by
choir and congregation. Rev. J.
Heusou rend the New Testament
lesson, following the reading with
a few remarks. The male quar
tette Messrs. Young, Storrs, llors
man ntut Hcnscl then rendered a
very fine selection.
At this juncture a new feature
was introduced by Rev. Campbell
when an offering was taken, two of
the war veterans waiting on the
congregation. Mrs. P. llorsmatt
rendered the offertory, followed by
an anthem by the choir.
The sermon, which was preached
by Rev. Campbell, seemed to be
well received. A hymn by the
choir and congregation closed the
service, nnd the benediction was
pronounced by Rev. Uecson.
0. M. 1'AUl.K
0. 1'. MRKKU.L ,
Faulk & Merrill
Clairavoyant and Palmist.
Coal, Hny, Grain,
Ground Feed,
Paints, Oils and Building Materials
Phone East 713
University Park, Oregon
After you have visited every
Flour palmist nnd fortune-teller, call at
j Wanda's temple of palmistry;
I readings in astrology, cards, clair
voyance and spiritual, hvn No. t;
1 names given and no writing. Call
and Ik convinced.
211 Fourth st., Portland, Ore.
CLUB HALL Carpenter, Contractor, Builder
2J large niry rooms divided into
Sn lli'.i of two to four room, also
uliinle rooms. Situated one block
from Columliiu University, near
cor. of I'isk St. mid lloulcvard.
furnished or Unfurnished for
Jol) work promptly attended to, Plan
nnd specification furnished
on application.
"l Mease call and leave your order at 1)
t). Wood's tiicyclc store on Tacoma st.
hone Union 4060,
Bon Ton Barber Shop
1'lrst class work and clean hot towels for
tult-iina. tttiir iMlltttlif 11
I specialty.
Phone Soott 1269 jecy slrecl St. Johns
At The Schools.
Memorial programs were given
in the schools of Saint Johns last
Monday the primary grades meet
ing in one of the lower rooms
while the others entertained in the
eighth grade room. Much audience
was addressed by a war veteran
and each program given was excel
lently rendered.
The visiting seakers made elo
quent addresses and held their
audiences well hi hand. Many
adults were present at these exer
cisesand all concluded that the
schools of Saint Johns were not vis
ited with enough frequency nor
valued us they should be by those
New Machinery.
A. S. Douglass has just added to
his mill industry in the way of a
machine for the manufacturing of
door and window frames. The
machine mortises the fruuies to fit
the pulley wheels which are in
serted here: and the frames are to
Ihs shipped complete. Mr. Doug
lass declares that there will be a
large demand and regrets that he
did not install .such 11 machine be
fore this.
Office hours, 9 to II n. 111., 1 to 5 , tu
Office I'lionr. Scott H04,
Urslilcnrc I'lionr, Union 3941,
Oflicr In UnUrrsltv I'ntk Dntir Store.
Notice li Hereby (liven That At (lie Meet
Ing of The Council of the City of
Saint Johns, Oregon, held on the 21st
day of April, A. I). I05. the Follow
ing Resolution was adopted t
Subscribe for The Review.
Hlt.soi.vnn: That the Council of the
City of Saint Johns, Oregon, deems it
vxpciiicui nail prooc 10 improve Kien
tuoiid street from southerly line of Port
land lloitlevnrd to southerly Hue of
. Willis lloulevard.
I The improvement of Richmond street
shall consist of grading full width of
street mid to establish the sidewalk
grade. S.iid improvement to he made in
accordance with the Charter and ordi
nances of the City of Saint Johns and
the plans, (.peciticutious nnd estimates of
the City Hnglncer filed ill the ollicc of
the Recorder of the City of Saint Johns,
I The cost of wild Impioveiueul to he
iivsesed as provided by the city Charter
upon the proiwrty specially mid jh-cuI-lurly
hcnclUted therehv, nnd which is
hereby declared to bo alt the lots, pails
thereof and parcels of land within a line
100 feet from the outside line of each
side of said Richmond slice t.
I The Hiiglnccr's esllmatei of the prob
able total cost for the improvement of
said street is fyifi. The plans, spccllicu
lloiis and estimates of the City Hugiiiccr
for the imiirovcmcul of said Richmond
street are hereby adopted.
! Khsoi.vhii; That the City Recoider of
rv c O-l ff the Cltv of Saint Johns be, and Is herebv
UaVldSOn & bCliail, directed to jvc notice of the pioposcl
imnrovemeut of said Richmond stieet
as provided by the city Chatter.
Remonstrances against the nlsivc im
provement may lie tiled in writing with
the undersigned within Ijdiiysftom the
date of the first publication of this
lly outer of the Council,
City Recorder.
I'irst Insertion, May 1(1, ioy
Last insertion, Juuco, nij.
We are selling the best wood to be
found in this district.
Second growth Hr nnd maple, good
quality, delivered for
4-foot, green, jkt cord $3 00
.foot, dry, er cord 3 25
15-iuch, dry, jiercord 3 50
7-foot Cellar Pence Posts, on
the ground, each 5 cts
Drop a card in iKistofficc, or leave
orders nt Raser's store.
St. Johns, Ore.
Clothing Cleaned
Have your clothing cleaned, pressed
anil mended by
Mrs. iMcCnnn
hi the old jkisI ollicc building, St. Johns
l.udles clothes a specialty.
Extends Greetings to the
Citizens of Saint Johns and Surrounding Districts
and solicits their business.
Has A Paidln Capital of $25,000.
-if c
WiU Open for Business Monday, June 5, 1905
Doing A
Special Attention will be paid to our Savings Department, in which Deposits
as low as $1.00 will be carefully handled: interest computed semi-annually
C. A. WOODS, Cashier.
Cochran Block, Corner Jersey and
Philadelphia Streets, Saint Johns.