St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 02, 1905, Image 2

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rjl nl, tl ft ! Ik tt
lift t.t.fc. liM rff tfc.k M. Mfe.fclk
it 4itlil( MMi Mll ttl t ttri.
irtffi rr m mtU( mi Kti
T turn, 11. Jftkkt, Or.f.a.
onto) Kr'r-tr otiy f u
I'KIDAV. JUJCK i, t95-
1)11) yiu ever notice how n mho-
TMItKJl veenu to be in ordinance
fitW(Wtli)C tlie Mle of vegetable
atnl milk within the city limit by)
oulir twrtlc -ami the enforce,
went of tin? ordinance U liable to
work a hanhhip upon alt con
ecttmi We y "jifohiliit" lccatiw: the
llcrtte fw I. high ( f l kt day
that mi Kilcr can affonl to rim a
wwpMt itor can a milk deliverer i
carry hi route. Wc believe that .
thu wHmciiki? aimuM Ik? iciwalwl
or mi iwiMil an to make a cruiiv
mImc rate.
Our Local Grist
New restaurants ate being opened
every week in Saint John.
Anyway, it wa a fine afternoon
ycMcrday for the ojxrnliiK f
The woolen mills were silent on
Ttin-lay and on Thursday of thi.
Hvery town within fifteen miles
of Portland win n "deserted vil
lage" yesterday.
Local parties arc now talking of
Til- uiivuru- iimi .1.1 ninniiii: a ferry acrov the river to
ilmriMock or bankrupt stock should I Ulc ww T0 ,10,lsc 011,1 to I.inntoii.
korklmtmJ frmtt the nocktltm be brought her and unloadeil ujxhi It is a good thing for nil lines of
of tiptnMe two! Thwe itiuat r woHe to the detriment of our onsuicss tnat every wceie tiocsti i
l something wnMignlKHit the hnbit. li'ntK mcrclmnLn who pay taxes, contain three Sundays us hus this
anil keep up the town. Midi woric wk.
iik tlMt would lc destructive com- Thursday not being n holiday
twlitfiMi. Nor does this pajwr iid- ucctirdiiig to the United States nil
vocalc the mi It of garden products ings the K)stofncc remniucd ojkiii
or of milk, evi-n, which would harm ! nil day.
those cilmim of the town whoj Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Throndson
were well-MiiiiiIviiiL' tlie town iict-ds. I t ..r t..,.i i
... ........ ... . .. itiiiiui f in iu. mum, iwiu
At the drv dock the lover of It I"" these iiuestions I lilt KltVll'W ifinKit vixiii-nlnv nt Mr. nn.l Mm.
tobacco facek the miiiiv projHdition Mnnds solidlj Hut in the cases jt j, pcteMoit.
'No Smoking." When one goes now nt issue there is no comiHitltion u,.s,,.llN ,.t o..!... iolllw ...i..,
1 1 tliL once i nil 1 IminKlI ilutit )iic i inav entertain tmesis nt nnv time
t nc local supply is uoi sumcicui ior ;,.,, u .i. ,'nu i.
thehK-alcoiiiumption. Those who I , 'V' I'JZ.
t.rotH.s, to enter the business and I Imm,w, ,hls n,CU-
li.ic uln. nn. ntnxwtv in ii iniiMwl Several blocks of Jersey street
If on Koes to the Miwmill of the
DtHiflktan CoNtimny a hte Mgtt
wflm him "No Smoking." At
the Cone mill a plnmtd ordera "No
Smoking." Tnk n walk to tin
woolun mill- "No Smoking" stales
liitn in the face
sign untches his eye "No Smok
lug." During the coustMictloii of
the fair buildings at I'oitlauil .scat
tered all over the vast grounds stood
those prohibitive signs: "No Smok
Columbia University.
UnUmlty Park and Portimouth.
Mrt. Ilufton I. m to out hvr
little tlore on 1'itk tttrct
.Mf. Starr li itu-le i;rol lm
prorrnirnt on Iter rnmr. nl l In line
to catrli tome rr vtttton.
A new tore i '-mt t otwriMl
on the ear line tnreii the I'ark ami
I'ortimoutli, nlmh will deal In feed.
alnt and oil.
Mr. Ilackett and family will move
Into the Park fnm Alcnlren next eek.
where tlier intend ttayinu mint of the
ummcr. Mr. Ilackrtt'a daughter l an
accoitiplltheil tnukliti.
Mr. It miukIv liutalteil
In a comlortalile tent, which it In
the middle of hi tirotK-rty. ticnr the 1
Catholic churrh Other tent are
upritiKiag up cery day in the vicinity.
Odd I'cIIohh herealiouU arc ciithuv.
Imlic over the IiIk eonventiun to lc
held In Portland conimvnclnK next
week, ami maiiv of the three-link men
are tirc'mrinn to entertain the brethren
in tlicir Home.
Mr. limrich ha heen nway on n huv
ne trip thUwcck. Ill jwiier, "The
.Senrchllulit," Is growing to Inrc pro
trtlon. ilcm.tndum nil hU time, f'ro-
lilliltlonlnU fnim nil over the country
arc tnklng It a nil authority.
There l money to be. made this
ummcr alone the wntcr front if
tome enterprising crMiii will run n
Itoat let it lie n gnoouiic launch or
other from the I'ark or Portsmouth
to itome tKilnt near the Pnlr ground.
Want n Utli .Mill.
A. S. Douglass is hesitating as
to whether he will add a lath plant
to his wcll-coulptwd lumber mill
Parties have been urging him to
cither do that nnd leas: the plant
or cIm: jcrmit someone clc to put
up the plant, buy the slabs from
the mill, rent the mill jwwer, and
handle what is almost n waste prod
tict in n way to make some money
The party who is pushing the plan
of putting up his own mill would
have enough bu'incss to keep sev
eral hands at work, nnd .stuff which
now goes largely to waste or is
dlsjxjscd of for fuel cent Id le made
to return a profit. It Is highly
probable thut the lath plant will le
n go.
to crowd out no dealer of the town: "" ,)CF" l)Ul. in ,,Icc..!,BI bul fe.V1" .w,"' .."cn:w'1r.!,""'L-.!',"
Ing." At the Acme lumlcr yards exject to cut no prices: calculate to
above each entrance hangs a large
placard: "No Smoking" like the
inscription above Diiute's Inferno,
"Abandon smoke all ye who enter
On hoatd the pleasure .steamers
one notes "No Smoking In this
Cabin." The street cars leserve a
section of each vehicle for the smo
ker where he is heided oil by him
self like a comhuttntivc goat in a
strawberry patch while Menui
roaus piace tue smoKcr on in tlie
emigrant department. (io
council meeting or to a court
or a church or a school or a theatie
or a restaurant in every one of the smoker would be iinceie
moiiiotisly ejected.
Yet eople will continue the
insane Idea of smoking. Compara
tively the smoker is shunned as is
a Chinese leper. It is a foolish
method of srp.mitlng from one's
money: oftentimes a means of le-
stioying cabbage without boiling It.
All the talking and the wilting anil
the panelling against it seems but
to hptead the practice save in cer
tain loculitieH' wheie danger may
he fcatctl and in ceitaln seml-prlv-ate
place wheie u financial loss
may follow.
Why do eople smoke, anyway?
IIKAUTII'VINC it town has Its
disadvantages to those milking the
impiovcuicut because of thefts by
the younger tieople. In one vaid
in Saint Johns is a magnificent col
lection of loses: thcic aic muiiy
viuielies and many imIoih: and about
the ptcmiscH is a wlie fence to par
tlally prevent thefts. When the
owner has IuImiic to cut (lowers no
uxiMinalile icipiest for a rose is
Yut fieipieutlv passeisby not only
iimeh thioiigh or over the fence
and steal blossouiK. but tear off ante
chiktuis and sometimes steal a small
bush of some uncommon sort. Such
acts tiiv wholly uncalled for: aiv
unjust, vaudalish and dishonest.
One has the miiiiv right to uss a
stoie and steal a pair ol shoes as to
pass u home and destiny ptoiieilv.
Mich acts tit c not thoughtlcssl)
committal: Ihxhunv one having
ability to lob lKautiful gtouuds has
iiiiiiuseuoiigli to ivniie that the
go from house to house and supply
the needs of the housewife with
fresh goods.
Diligent inquiry falls to learn of
a local dealer who would be hnrmc
liy this work: lieucu this pacr
figures that a 55 a mouth rate would
better serve all ends than the prcs
cut rate of $2 er day.
Protect home eople in every
way: build up every local enter
prise say a good word always for
the town and its tieople: that s the
to a business way the manly way the
loom only way. If each nnd every one
of us will do this not occasionally
but continually Saint Johns will
forge rapidly to the front
SINCIi the number of emigrant
to this country has increased from
a quarter million In 1H95 to an esti
mated million in this year the mat
ter is tccciviug its annual discussion
with much consternation. b.ach
year the steamer Hues make u won
del fully low rate to our own shores
theieby picking up any old thing
that hapciis to have 11 few dollars.
ICach year the subject is discussed
and soiiie steps taken to keep out
the rngshng of foreign countries:
yet it seems to have no effect Uxin
the steamer lines. The majority of
those brought here in the past five
yea is have landed heic with less
than five dollars in the jtockct and
most of them have remained here.
Ameiica does not need and docs not
ilesiiv that class of icoplc.
INDICATIONS now tHiint to
winds bloodshed in uewspatie
11111KS eie tue municipal campaign
in Poitlaud shall he ended. The
Journal and the Oregoulaii arc
slightly jabbing it Into each other
at everv Hiiut and the modest
incisions will In? festering sores
k-foie the voles nie counted. Ser
iously siieakiiiL! there is 110 doubt
.1 . i . ..
mat 1 mm tue nominees tor mayor
are excellent men and that the
citv will not suffer whoever may Ik?
the victor in the race. Neither
candidate seems to be promised
walkaway, iiuil now looks like a
neck and neck.
Scv'inl Siiuda Dinner.
would not he willing to pay 35 cent
for the convenience nnd luxury of n
will nrtiuud the Inland and up the
river? Thia 1 something that must
come ftooucr or Inter, nnd this Is lurcly
the time.
A wutcr tank I to he constructed on
the bluff nlovc the shingle mill on the
rounds In the near future,
the work on the most difficult por
tion has not yet lx?en commenced.
lluilding n house in a satisfactory
maimer Is more difficult than get
ting married. There's no divorce
from a house when once It is built I
This has Ik'ii tiriiptteidlv 11 wii-lt University era
nr l.,,niii.., r..r l... .!.,.!.. MM... The mill will pump the wnter up the
sleep hill nnd thereby avoid the incon
real thing will continence next Moil- vcncnce of carrying!! from the rcsldcn
day with 110 more holidays during cc above. The mill has been running
the term. 'l this week under n new regime. Many
, , , , of the old hands have been "let out"
Mr. and Mrs. Otto I.ehmaii have and new ones liutnllcd, and with the
moved to Oakland to handle the new addition on the north side It Is
sawmill purchased there by Mr. i" ""t-clnss running order. Mr. Vnn
r ..1. ....... 'ii... ...,.t..r Nct "o hit to foremen to look after
.t.. 1 . ... 1. 1.. ... . octalis.
iioueo last wceK 111 columns.
Multnomah lllock, 390 1-3 Mor
rison street, Portland, under charge
of Miss A. Auder.M)ii, Is one of the
finest rooming houses in Portland.
There are no overcharges at that
Mrs. Addle Osborne, who went
Would Hurry Mntlcrs.
If all the proerty owners along
lerscv street would but agar to
waive the trifiinir technicality ove
the size of the district to In? Im
tiroved it would be a vast saving I
time and quite a bit of excuse,
.. a at ..
Tlie Review nciieves tiiese signu
tures would le secured if the ntnt
ter was carefully stated to each one
Healthy City.
Saint Johns Is the first town in
which wc have ever lived where It
wns so healthy thnt there was no
George Packlughnm
open with n stock of groceries
the Hailey building (next door to
Blackburn s furniture store) about
Tuesday, June 6. Line will be
new and fresh. She will also do
home cooking to order. Patronage
Is solicited.
Tent Wns Filled.
The Union I'.vnugcllstic meetings
tinned last Miiiuny under lirilllnul nus
pices. The large tent wns Tilled, nnd
all the meetings huve been well attend
cd. Mr. McComb has wou the reiiutii
tlou of being nn Interesting nnd
instructive sK-akcr. The singing has
to Hood Uiver to pick strawlicrrles, tlwt old.thiic enthusiasm that makes
returned rather disheartened with r,"i.i?,iV
er uip. mini saiuy
Rain sadly Intel fered
with the profits of the nickers in
that district.
i'lie new millinery ad of Mrs.
Allen Rogers contains Intcrcstine:
uformatlou for our hidv rentiers.
Mrs, Allen may be found in her new
will nccrue from these services, nnd
mm me (iinvreiii iicuomiimtious rc
resented will be drawn closer together
wiui --me tie unit minis our Heart In
Christina love.'
The Wlllnrd Memorial.
Tl... Uf f.t. .!..!... n
ocatlon nearly ophite Hlackburn's Union wii'.." ,Uy ucTwcck E n
memorial sen ice ut the rortsmouth
KCliool and present to the school n be.111
OWIIlr Vllllliui v.iri.'ll.lliir ll.nt I.......
tifias the pieuiiKi. Tllc S,,il,t J0,ms " will serve
Those who me in tlu. ..f 1111 wpwially fine chicken dinner
appiopriatiug lloweiKaud finit his
itate iKifoiv doing so again. Aside
fioni the theft it lenders those who
me lobbed carelets of their piem
isvs: it galls one to see the work of
months mthlessly destroyed and
the .symmetry of surrounding
giounds sHtileI. Theie aiv loses
anil unit enough nnd to suie, if In n vaieful manner: but
wholvsalv destruction ami jwtty
.stuiliug and vaudalism are acts
wjiich harms Hiom? liiectly inter-
......i 1 ... . . . ...
wmi jum mi? wuoie town 111 geii'
eta I.
SOMU agitation is boing made in I
Poitlaud aiieiit placing gates on I
Mi cot cars. This w ould U all 1 ight
11 nn isittous were under seven years
of age but as adulU arc e.Kvting
to use the cars to some extent such
a plan would place the tailwav and
the city of Poitlaud in the fieak
class. Thete haw 1kv(i, in cities
mat Have long discarded the gates,
mote deaths and accidents when
gutus woie umhI than Moie or aftet
such safe-guard." To talk of
gutus 011 cms is but to laugh.
THOSIi church oiganiatious
winch get ull tlmr juid-for nnuting
tn Poitlaud uud then tackle Tint
Ritvtitw for the five stuff evidently
eheve in statttng chanty out at
....... v-Mivu iiogueing uer so
sue can't get out of theconal.
M A V .. 1. . .... .
........ u nu.uHa diokv oecause
he endeavors to do u brusseLs busi
ness on u stntw matting income.
MAY cime in like a jewel and
went out like Noah's urkl
next .Sunday fitnn 12 to two. Take
you 1 family theiv, save wotk at
home, and enjoy a pleasing meal:
5ov The menu:
C.HiMtuime llnllaii Paste
"Uil" Shrimp
.-wiiiuMi 11 1.1 iioiiniiiiaike
Chicken it In Maryland
Cenn in Pot Hoal
Stutfisl llaked Heart
Curry of Chicken t'.llik t.
.I.iJksI IVIiUihm .String lleaus
.UlMiiigtisuud Mayoiiualkc
StruwUuiy Short Cake nnd Croon
Miaulicrry Ice Cieam
Colfee Wine
furniture store,
As nmy Ih noted by Its large nil
irluted in this issue the Peninsula
Hank is to conduct a savings de-
lartmcut. Pass books will le
ssucd and deiwsits as low its one
lollar will Ik? cared for.
Pleaching at the Kvanirelienl P'K1 of among the children
church next Suinliiv mnrnlnir nn.l V" w.u' ,'vr where is there 11 more
h ..1. , 1 l,'ll,,,r,l,n llttlng place for the strait of such a
eye ling. At 1 1 o clock subject ; than in our mil.Ilc school!
tiful portrait of its founder, I'ruuces
Wlllanl. Parents of the pupils will be
Invited to attend.
It I to be hnjicil thnt this littlcrciuiii
tier of n great woman will be heralded
far mid wide, and that other unions in
uud around Portland will spread the
Now. everybody turn In and pull apparently through the center of
tor the gins! of Saint Johns. two roses and Iwrc a third.
"Living Sacrifice" mid ut eight
p. in. "The Sword of the.Spirlt."
Appropriate music rendered nt each
service. All are Invited to attend.
The city council is devlslnn or
endeavoring to devise some means
to promptly relieve the str nvencv
of the city's treasury. It is verv
difficult to do this In any way uud
will Ih? absolutely imos.slh!c to do
It In u manner satisfactory to every
'Tickle your wife bv carrvlmr
uoiue every noon a loal of our line
bread. Fresh every day. Saint
Johns llukcry.
So many have asked William
Wordsworth Grxidrlch for a conv
of his "Memory" that he has re-
written the beautiful oem for Tun
khvikw uuil it npiears in this
issue. Mr. Goodrich is a writer of
note a traveler of much fame
an cxert in various lines and Is
now a citizen of Saint Johns.
I he Dalles City was towed to
'nrtiuud Wcduesduv tnorniinr bv
the Sarah Dixon. A collision lie
tween that loat and the CJmrles R,
Saucer resulted in knocking the
Dalles City out of service for a
couple of weeks. Kaeh boat claims
to be guiltless and, us they are
opjHvsition touts, each can prove it.
Mrs. W. L.Thorndykeeurly this
week found a ml rose in her ear-
den fioui the center of which grew
a stem. Alwut three inches from
the first blossom was a second: and
from the center of this second rose
grew a stem and that. too. Iwre u
UIM.VMH11. 1 mis 11 e stem crew
Two or three ulrls to learn weuv.
IK. Apply ut Portland Woolen
Mills, St. Johns.
Two first-class hand iroucrs ; tot
wages and steady work. Apply nt
once to the West Coast I.ntindry
St. Johtis.
Furnished House for Rent.
Nice, well-furnished house, three
large rooms, piano, etc.. for rent
lor three mouths. Conveniently
located. See Willis Moxou, I.eon
ard street, Saint Johns.
Purse Found
on Wednesday, May 31. It coir
tallied some money. Owner may
have same bv paying cost of thb
notice and seeing Miss I.ettle Ilcebc,
Saint Johns.
Any printing office having 11 tinir
01 seveii'Cniumu chases for sale can
find a purchaser by mailing a postal
a I . T. 1 a a
10 nus oiiice. .Must not ne over
36 I-JX35 Inches, outside measure
Rngs Wanted.
Tint Ritvimv needs rags of nhnost
any son uiicy must he clean) to
lietised about the presses. Will
nllow 5c a pound for a limited
amount of them to Ih: paid lu sub
scrlptions to this patK-r. If your
neighbor doesn't subscribe to this
paer tell her about this offer.
Low Prices for Millinery!
We have a limited number of Fine Hats that we offer
at the following tempting prices:
35-ccnt School Sailors ut
65-cent School Sailors nt
200 Misses Short Hacked Sailors nt
25 cents
50 cents
?t 40
We show here n cut of this
us bmrirl n
- at
sure your bag bears these marks. Tjj
stand for purity and excellence of quality
and insure light, white bread. Fifty pot,'
of Olympic Flour will make more loaves 0
broad than alike quantity of any other fl0Ur
The Portland Flouring Mills Co.
Oregon Importing Co,
The Big Wholesale and
and Retail Family
Liquor Store
Gold China Cabinet
Silver Tea Set
(One coiiM)ii with each 5o-ccut putchase.)
Prohibition Does Not Prohibit
Us from delivering your order. And we
can deliver the goods at your home.
It will pay you to come over to 195
Third street and see the handsomest
present ever given away by any Port
land Dusmess house.
Our Table Wines are direct from the
Chula Vinery, and can't be surpassed.
Oregon Importing Co.,
195 Third St., Portland, Ore. Tel. Main 380.
Next week all Hats at reduced prices.
Builders' Hardware
and Paints !
Come in ami inspect
New Drug Store!
You Don't Have to Purchase.
Wait for the Cars in Our Store.
Th Ladlas' Store.
Just now the qnestion of Hardware
for your new house is a matter of study.
Possibly you do not know precisely what
you wish, and a hint or two from us
mlRht aid you. Sometimes a mere trifle
added to what you had in view will make
you the more pleased. At any rate come
in. We know We can save vnn mn,.,,,,
even if you do wish but little.
Our Paints are reasonable, too, and
our prices convenient for you.
Next Door to Postoffke.
Zellcr Byrnes & Blackburn Co.
Calls Promptly Attended to Udy AssJstant
uy or iNignt st.johv nDmn.,
. ..
Your property with Shepard & Tufts. We have
tlie largest and strongest companies
in the world ,
Koyal Insurance Company,
Loudon Assurance Corporation,
SpriiiRfield Fire and .Marine Insurance Company,
Jt. I aul Kins and Marine Insurance Company,
Niagara Insurance Company of New York.
AAA a . .
W. H. KINO, Prjsnt. M. L. H0L8H00K. W-Ptt
Abstracts of Title carefully and accurately prep
Charges Reasonable.
wce. King', Bulldln., J.raay St., St. JM!
"f na l'owcr PU.i. , i. .
Phon: oe nd Bell irt;. :ZX.??"'"UU
K. C. WHlCirr: V,.?S. """knee. Scott 6"j ' uul SUfH
- ' . th-.kJi