ST. JOHNS REVIEW ortICW tnh Print TBt KCfH.n - u Department 1$ one of the very Best-net the largest In Ore$n. Thoroughly Modern. Tk Clrtalillon of THE RLVILW In the Ptnln wla utccth Itat (vf all other rrxrt comhintJ Advertisers, note (hit. Devoted to the Interest ot the Pcnlntuta, til Manuticturlnt. Center of the Northmen VOL. i ST. JOHNS, ORKGON, FRIDAY, JUNK i, 1905. NO. io 1st. Johns Park! No. 2. Lots 50x1 06 ft With a 1 6-foot Alley back of each lot. Prices : $200 and Upwards SLURS THE TOWN. Terms '. $5 Down and $5 per month These lots arc located on Jersey street, three blocks from car line and Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site. Dott't pay 350 and $400 for building lots only 100 feet deep, and without alleys, when you can get extra sized lots with i6-foot alleys, all high and level, and in tie best locality in St. Joints for $200 and upwards. T ct im slum' vnn this nroucrtv. We can sell onlv the first fiftv lots nt these nriees. This is done to ad- 5 vertisc the property. When these arc sold prices will advance 25 per cent. I Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill f is in operation, these lots will be worth double the pres- cut prices. 1 Co St. Johns Phone union 3104 Oregon Brauch Office and Agency on the Ground. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER FOR ST. JOHNS. Electric Light in the Home, the Store, or the office is UP-TO-DATE, ECONOMICAL, CONVENIENT, CLEAN AND SAFE. Applications for the installation of Electric Light or Power should be made at the of fices of the company, or, on request by mail or telephone, a representative of the company will call. Tel phone Exchange 13. Mland General Electric Co., Svntli and Alder Street. LUMBER GO TO THK st Johns Lumber Company For ajl kinds Common Lumber, KILN DRIED Mooring, Ceiling and Rustic. Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Columns. Hd MHI Fmi iuu&u. w MMcEMtSM Portland Paper Persists In Placing Our Pcopl Peculiarly. The Journal seems to take sport in slamming it Into the residents of Saint Johns at intervals of so short duration that it looks like one per petual jab. Our citizens are not averse to being skinned once in a while by some metropolitan paper but when it comes to rubbing salt and jeppcr into the slots where they have been skun an objection is bound to arise. Facts are always beyond dispute. They arc the real thing -and are, if they pertain to public acts or con ditions, public property. lint as the terfect shape of the brilliant rainbow can be distorted by view ing it through an imperfect glass so can the most conservative and lawful acts be burlesqued by one evilly-inclined. Under the flnriiur nnniimi "Saint Johns Chases Nimble Dollar" the Journal headlines "City Officers Strictly Kn force all Local and State Laws to Secure Funds." When It comes to the city of Portland the Journal is particularly ihigcr that all laws and ordinances shall be enforced: when il handles Saint Johns the Journal is as equally insistent that to act in a like man ner is u deep, dire, bloodthirsty wrong. The Journal slums at the uucstiou of urrcstimr and finlnir ordinance breakers: dlirtf nt the "fines" mid by Cedar Park; slurs at the fact of hucksters navlmi a license: and declares that City Recorder Hanks is now subbing for Marshal Organ wiiile mat omctai "raises prize strawlcrries." To read much of tin K.nlut Inhtu mutter im tMihllshcd in Portland p.icrs is but to smile at the absurdities of the correspon dent who, either willfully or unconsciously, fearfully distorts facts for the purose of creating damaging fiction. While Saint Johns is bound for a while, us have lecn all newly constructed cities, to have some absurd rulings and to have some conditions not at all favorable for progress, it is not requisite that matters be criticized in n caustic manner at the start. Some little time must nerforcc be allowed for the righting of wrongs: and incon gruities will, as time passes on, be regulated. The journal should temiwr its talk to the tone of the town: help build rather than raze: thrown rose now and then instead of a decayed vegetable. Ami Saint Johns ieople will like that paper the better tor it. Tried to Oct Lost. Saturday night lust Miss Jessie Hanks, who works in Portland, came out on a late car alout elev en o'clock. The conductor was a new man and called "Point View" as the car neared Smith's crossing whereat Miss Hanks left the car. She saw her error in a moment but the car had left her. The only remedy was to wait for the next car or walk home: and the misguided passenger chose the latter. Several of those who came into Saint Tohns on that car informed relatives of where Miss Hanks had been left and they immediately went to meet her, as the night was very dark. During her walk she heard several groups of men near the road ana wlien one 01 mose who went to meet her blew Jus police whistle there were ejaculations and some lively getting away. Lodge Elects Officers. Laurel Lodge No. 186, 1. O. O. if., held Its election of officers on Monday evening with the follow ing result: N. G. Paschal Mill. V. G. George M. Hall. Secretary K. F. Monohan. Treasurer W. W. Hicks. Trustees T. J. Monohan, O. Chapel. H. E. Hewitt. Although the lodge has been in stituted less than three months it has a nleasme membership and is steadily growing in strength. The uewly-elected officers will not be installed till some date in July. For Mutual Qood. Tub RKViaw is doiug all it can to advertise Saint Johns in an hon est manner. It is paying money to call attention to this paper and the more Tub RBVibw is circulat ed the better this town will be known and sought. Kvery resi gn hoiitd heln circulate this paper because it is for the good of the whole community. 11 you iwvc an rastern acquaintance who might be induced to locate here send him the paper for a year: it is cheaper and better tlian writing letters, and much more complete. Come in and talk it over. BIG iNDuby, 1 ?rOrOrOr5DrOOrOr0? n MEMORY, ? SURE TO GOME, f DR. W. E. HARTEL, Wtt.t.iAM Wohiwwortii Oooimicii. Few People Realize The Va$tncss Of The "Basket Factory." A visit to the plant of the Port-!.. . . .... , 1 1 w ... 1 Sweet zephyrs, floating listlessly, and Manufacturing Company, here oh, Kcntle wave from cvt ty here in Saint Johns, can jbe made pro- Willi pure symphonies, here I look ductivc of much 'Information to My iul thrills with their mcuM nlr lhni tint nlrenlv txWtl n4 to its 'True ns the word of childhood dear, tliosL not a rcauy jwsieii as 10 us W ,lrvnmlnll(, amtwt ,My m.op, scoi! and its products. I he title , ciwrmlnuly lisps tlmt evening prnver of the concern is misleading in so "Now, ns 1 lay me down to deep ! far as it would lend) one. to infer . .. . . , . , . ,. n..i.. t . 1 The pvnlitie chime riiie Mitt nml low that It was n Portland institution; ; ,,, rvtl,tnic wave through vaulted frame yet as it has been under that title 1 Whfte from the nave 1 love to hear, that its immense tfnde has been I Sweet miiik nml praise to Hi immc. built tin it will doubtless iro abend 1 ie organ wiics cress nu.i kiss just the same. Through the courtesy of G. H. Carlson, who is president as well ns manager ot the plant, the writer recently enjoyed a hurried trip over larger ponton ot met piaui enough to open the eyes I Sneak Thieves Will Surely bo i Here this Summer. Seen The gothlc nrch'it majestic sweep , Trysliiig, 1 hear my mother's prayer "1 pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep t " lie) oinl the fain, on tttnrry worlds, O'er ImumUcM was, my spirit llies ; tltt-mtitli tin lilitltt 1 ttli.Illi Itftriir. t. !. I 11... Hli.r.ll. ulrrtt' lilflllll nrli.u I V.. ..t It... I..... . Ol tile f I'lliw .1. Iini IWI , i ller tireless wings must ceaseless make: l uroiiKiioiii me siorm mere comes inai prayer "When Cod desires my soul to take I " " O I - w nwwt ttnbultueiiitr to Hole how hand ily and how deftly tlic baskets nre fashioned to suit the; needs of the various products for which these goods are used. 1 Here one sees a lad weaving nud Interweaving strips oif tlexible wood into a long strip some inree teet ttiln Ifn In. in llirmtirli with It i the breadth may be a half mile The meiu'ryof tiwcclchlMhiMMps prnye 1 at OIICC I - iiisiirms i ii miKv i 1 watch her flight across the sea ; 1 see the Hulitiiliiu's awful Hash ; I hear the thunder's deafening roar ; I listen to the teiiivcMtM crash I Hut oft there comes that lonninn hoc As combing waves their white crests nrcak ; r Saint Johns, Ouito.o.v, May jo, 1905, Clinrmliigly l:iiter(alned. The Portland Women's nuxlllary lomr or it inuy be needed at once to be cut by n baud saw into procr lengths for 11 measuring basket for hops. Here we sec girls bending thin veneers nud clamping them with metal bauds to make fruit1 baskets. The quick 'eye in tin t instant for parti as. n!ilc! I were present. nen mere s uic au w 10 uci as, R(),, ca WJ( rcslK)mlwl to ,,y and fastens the steamed lengths , .. , ' fr(1M1 illliw 1 Uiissell I.owell. After the usual following skets. Ihe (jti ck eye in an 'l0 tjlc unlway Mnt Service met at limit discerns 11 bit of wood unfit 1 le ,1()mc ()f Mr8i cllirIcs W,it,uer, use: a knotty Section or one ()f j,oinl v, ,usl TlmrM,,iy, rtially split is nt once thrown out 1 1?,8,ltccll nlcmi)crs and two visitors waste. were nreseiit. into boons for the barrels, the has kets, iindthe like. A couple oft rapid motions, 11 few taps of the hammer, and the (loop is tossed over tion a spindle till it may be reouired. It is ititcrcstimr to watch the construction of tt hop-pickers' basket where upon that center wood base is laid the thin, iectil- iarlv-shaocd hits of oak veneer. and the basket then tacked ami shaiKxl and rimmed: nud it is ull 1...1H. 1 .... ,..i..t.. nunc iiii.umy inn nw iiiviiimih i where (iC as to be very lntMwittnw to ui,,tt,t,y .i. iKMIIWlIlT. .1. . Then there Is the excelsior "hint where wood is whittled down to 11 size as small as a politician's con science and curled like a singed hair. There are wood-baskets, shaped like an old-fashioned sun- the routine of business nrni'ritm was triveti! Sketeli of Lowell's life and home Mrs. A. II. Kidder. Review of "SlrLutiiifnr.s Vision" Mrs. James .chrting. Reading Mrs. Abrahams. Piano Solo Miss llcssie Whit uier. After adjournment the guests were invited to the dining room where delicious refreshments were After n social hour the guests left for their homes votiuir Mrs. Whitmeruiul daughter ideal entertainers. A Few 1 horns. Down near Mist is a nlace called bonnet with the end bitten out. Khu M n ,lcar cU.,BfM Kjrj strong and durable anil not unhand- , nlsn wine. Itur li!isk'Lts. little baskeu. Iividently the wliticttl parties of some. Hig baskets, little liasKets, 1 market baskets: lean baskets mid baskets as robust as 11 Portland Portland think it is "a long Lane brewer: lunch baskets and baskets .that has 110 turn." that never will hold a lunch. ' o,,..... :(,lrimi. ... .,.,1... 1. 'M vr Al.tifiiiiv.i null I'tmrij nift ... . .. . ", 'V . 1 wins." utners ussert this factory has built up a business , u h w, )C wr,Mc Well, let 'er roll I of which the officials may well feel proud. The exhibit at the Port land fair will be a great attraction to thousands who may be interested in this line of work find will bring consiiternble notoriety to the city of Saint Johns. 1 lie plant is prov ing some of the iosstbllitics of Ore iron wood and every citizen of this community should say good words for it. that after Pants." Enjoyed a Picnic. 5vvfii little i' iris and two little boys enjoyed n picnic down by the Columbia slough on Saturday. They carried their lunches and gathered wild strawberries to their hearts' content. 1 ney reported a day of much pleasure. Their names are as follows: Maim, ina and Philip Peterson, Jennie and Palmer McVicker, Gladys Hreder- son, Gertrude .MCLarty, ustner Leberman and Wylena Thomdyke. Fished With Forks. Messrs. Adams. Titus and Wheel erall of the Point View district- went fishing last Saturday "just like a lot o' kids." They had a good time and told no fish stories upon their return. It is a fact, however, that sdme of the fish caught were lauded by the uid of pitchforks because they were too unwieldy to pull in with hook and line. At least a dozen of the catch weighed about five pounds each. Doing Sonic Hustling. The W. H. King Land Company is certainly trying to secure new here, and helping push along. Thursday of last week this company sold for Mrs. Uatlln hlocic 24 in James Johns second addition. I J. Peterson and F, A. Smith were the purchasers and the consid eration was $2500. Change of Firm. The meat market heretofori con ducted under the firm uame of Smith & Donelly has changed hands and now Iv. Donelly is the . . 1 . ...1.,. ..mi Lni nnrt nnlv nwner. R Ii. Smith lust wnai you ucvu iu uia.. ? 1 w.. -j -- - - better: some of that fine pastry at disposed of his interest and intends " . ... .-i I n,.r niviM ntluT lmm.utu. veil- A Hlllsboro man secured his wife through "Heart and Hand." After a trial assay he lost her through "Liver nud Lights." The matter of abbreviation is curried entirely too fur 'when 11 breeder of Wyandotte chickens writes his advertisement "V & ." When a man hos too many wives he's a bigamist. We know one man who has only one wife and he thinks that's too many. Still, he's not a bigamist. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" may be correct but to us it seems that arose by any other name would be "got up." Possibly we may be in error. It is reoorted that a noiseless tvocwriter has been invented. We suppose tliat is one of the kind who will look up into your eyes us sue puckers up her lips and when she lets go. does it sort o' soft like. They're ull right too. At Murceliue. Missouri, a man who received $3000 for the loss of a leg admitted that he purjwsely thrust it under the wheels of a mov ing locomotive. It's a pity he didn't chuck his head under and get twenty-seven cents for its loss. If your scalp is itchy; or if you have a tired feeling; or if your mother-in-law abuses you; or if your corns ure ripening; or if you are dizzv: if lothercd with any of these, one year's subscription to Tin? Rbvm'.w will help you. We make a rate of one dollar a year to anyone suffering as above. Maud Muller gazed with gaze Intense Aetthe rubbered over thelwck-yard fence, To where some men, by fiw ami juuii, Were blowing the waddiu' from old fir stumjiH. When a judge came along: he wu uleek and good: He sauntered to whtre the maiden stood, He forgot all about the dynamite As he looked at theKirl: oh, lovely sijjhtl There came a Ikmmii a dusty air And chunks of stump went 011 a tear. A fragment struck and struck him gooil lietween his back and where Maud stood When he came to he said, "Oh, I.ordl I never knew tliat'hernamewasMaudl' " Tuokjc Residents of Saint Johns will cer tainly have to be a bit careful from , this time 011 regarding their prop erty lecatise of the fact that some I of the thieves brought to Portland by the fair will try to "pick up an easy dollar" in suburban jwints. ' We do not lielieve that this locality I will lie "over-run" with the critters J but we do assert that evidence J now points to the fact that the bus , iuess will be overdone In Portland j and some of the mavericks will hie I over to this point. ' Some of this class have already I been seen and heard here although ! no deputations have yet been reported to the authorities One class of these fellows sends out ns scouts .someone who is either an agent for some small cheap article or one who may be taking orders for some household necessity. If lie can gel into u home and it "looks good to hint" hesotejM)rts and that home will be marked as easy prey. Sunday last there were a couple suspieIous-upieuring men closely studying the exterior of several houses and noting the adjoining grounds. It is possible, of course, that these men were upon 11 legiti mate investigating tour yet they seemed 11 bit too impiisltive. They spoke to no one and avoided con versation and finally disappeared us dtiietlv us they hud it few hours before made their appearance. It will be just as well to run 110 risks by keeping any large sums of cash about the homes or in insecure safes. The class of men who will annoy is not 11 class who will go beyond grabbing whatever may lie loose ulnnit the premises. They would commit 110 serious crime. The ojieuing of 11 bunk here places a sine dcository tor cash within reach of ull: heretofore other means have been taken to protect large sums of money, nud, 110 doubt, this has Ihx'ii well known by the "fra ternity." It will remove the source of temp tation if our citireiiti rely Ickh upon their own ability to protect cash, and retain only small sums about them. And it will aid all if every case of attempt to force an entrance and every sign of any suspicious upicuriug individuals Ih retMirted to the police department. It is simply imH)ssible for a limited police force to cover a town so widely spread ns is this one but if all due uid le given the authorities no doubt iKisslble loss wilt be uvcitcd. Dentist. Frecdman Block. ! 1 f mi.: 1: a it.i Dr. Mnbcl Akin. Osteopathic Physicians Miu-liMy lllilg., l'oii ttli ninl Wiuli ItiKlnu sis,, Portland. Hours 9 to U, 2 105, I'honeOlliceCl.i.v 77H, Itestilem-e Main JI51 Lawrence M. Hcnscl, M. D. Ollirent Central Hotel t)er I'ostolhVo . . Dili co hours, I 105 p. 111. Phone Scott I I tH. ST. JOHNS, - - ORHOUN Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Ollicc hours, 9 to 12 a. in. I to J p. in. Residence Phone Scott 6.156. Office l'hone Union 6991. Offlc! ttp.tilr.. nml Klllntl's Prug- Star. Dr. William Wolf Hicks Ollicc hi the Hicks llulldlng Office UiMims for rent Ollicc houiH 9 to 1 1 a 111, 1 to I p m Photic Union 2S1 Opening Next Sunday. The formal oieuiiig of the big Congregational Tulieruacle of Saint Johns will take place next Sunday, June .). At ten o'clock there will be u grand Sunday school rally for old and young, and a large chil dren's chorus will furnish music. It will be conducted by State Sup erintendent II. N. Smith. At eleven Rev. Cephas F. Clupp, state Micriuteudeiit of missions, will conduct preaching service. The mule quartette will sing at the "song and praise .service" nt two thirty iu the afternoon which will be conducted by Arthur Johnson. At three o'clock Kev. ulwiu 1 House, I). I)., iwstor of First Con gregational church of Portland, will preach. At six-thirty John A. Rockwood, state president of Y. P. S. C. K., will conduct a young eople's meet ing. A gosjK-1 service will Ik: held at seven-fortyfive, which will le conducted by Rev. W. L. Upshaw, of Oklahoma. The plan is to make this the beginning of 11 rousing gos 11 campaign iu Saint Johns. A Foreign Shipment. The Jobes flouring mill has fin ished its shipment, of flour to China and Japan. There was a little bunch of more than 20,000 sacks of Saint Johns flour embraced iu the deal and it made the sweat start on the mill-hands to get the load ojf. There is no doubt of duplicate ord ers from the same source iu the near future. RcilJcncc St. Johns Height W. T. SLATTEN DENTIST Office In Cochran lllock, next to II.. Hciim'I'n olfice Ollicc hours, 9 11. ill. to H p. m. Telephone Scott 1 1,H Dr. C. W. nOBBITCn PHYB1GIAN AND 8UHUKJN OflW limit.; 0 Iu 13 sml 1:30 la A, llr.Urnrr I'linn Htall 1301. omr I'linn Union 4003. S. II. (1RUI3N Attorney nt Utw. Kuom ltrrJn IIM'c. Cornir JrJ. and Wsih. Sit. 1'OIUI.AM) OKI'.UON. T. T. PARKIER Attorney - nt - Law ST. JOHNS, : i ORIKION GOODRICH & (lOODRlCII AltOHITKOTS HT, JOHNS AND I'OHTMNO, OIIUOON Chicago Rooming House P. W. IIINMAN, Prop. Koomi from lino n cck up. Cor. Chicago nud Ivaiiho streets PLUMBING (1. W. OVURSTRGI-T Columbia Boulevard and Central Ave. BILLIARD PARLOR Cigars, Tobacco and Confectionery .... at, Johns, Oregon Anderson & Allen Till; BAKERS. The hen! llrtad, Cake ami I'Icn In the vsorlil . (ilve us u trial. IMione Hcott 3101 St. Johns THE EASTERN HOME C, M, McKiuuie, Prop. Restaurant uml l.iKhl (iriK-eries, Me-aU hy the iluy or week. Hoard, , lM,r week. Corner of Chicago and Iviiuho slreoU, N. A. GEE House Aover and Repairer Houses moved, riiiM'diiud reKilred. Odd jobs of ull kinds. Prompt serv ice, rcfcoualilechnrK1"'. Ivuuho ami Cutlin sis,, ST. JOHNS THE CENTRAL HOTEL i ; Ars. L. Tyner, Proprietor Did Well Financially. The Catholic ladies of Saint Johns are pleased with their success at their picnic and dance last J'ruiay evening. The affair took place at Cedar Park and a goodly crowd was present. Alwut $40 is given as the net receipts, for which Mrs. Grady, who managed the affair, is grateful. TKNTS. We are agents for one of the largest tent and awning factories in Portland. Will save you money on that tent you are going to buy. Pottrk & Goou), next door to postofficc. Subscribe for The Review. ; V O o Plrst Clam Rooms Cuisine Hxccllcnt ST. JOHNS, ORP.0ON The Hazelwood Ik an up-to-duto quick Luncli, Cignr, Coiifuctionory and News Stand. Tho Celobratcd Hazel wood Cream ami Ilutter kojit iu stock. Corner Jersey St. and Broadway St Johua, Oregon the Review ofice. ilic. IWIUI J"" I tures.