St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 19, 1905, Image 4

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Jost As The Review Stated
St Johns
Lots for Sale
JJetwecn the car line and tlie boulevard
overlooking the river and linrbor, close to
the Drydock and within a few minutes'
walk of all the mills and factories now
located in the liitiiiminjj, thriving and rapidly-growing
city of St. Johns, Portland's
great manufacturing district.
LOTS 50x1 00 FEET
All clear. Hydrant water now on tract
and will lc piped to every lot as required.
Title Guarantee & Trust Co.
6 and 7 Cham!er of Commerce
1'ortlaud, Oregon
kojjotn mill Vim Hoiili'ii, Soiling Agent, nt St.
John. OITicc nt tin; cihI of the enr Hue,
OOO0OOOOOOO00OOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000000000000000000000000
Bickner Brothers
Department Store
Work Now Pushing Alone
Northern Pacific Road.
As if in verification of what this
paper last week stated regarding
railroad work, surveyors are now
planning an extension of the
Northern Pacific.
Practical bridge men are near
Vancouver where the Columbia will
be bridged and from that point
surveys run to Saint Johns. Here
the Willamette will be bridged in
order that trains can get into Port
laud without the trouble and ex
pense of ferry transfer. There is a
possible route for the road near
Woodlawn but in railway circles
it is conceded that the Saint Johns
route is the more feasible of the
wo and allows more independ
ence of action.
l ni KKvutW congratulates itself ,,, ci,ii,l
I lltt.1 .li.0 lima firol ifittnti in I .
mm tin.- ii.7 itm Hint iivwii 1 arrangeu.
me iniuiic mrouKii mcse columns,
even though the later information
apieared in other journals. As wc
have repeatedly asserted there is an
excellent future for Saint Johns.
Say a good word for every enter
prise in town. Don't knock.
It is rumored that a music store
is soon to be opened in town.
Mrs. J. C. Windle, of Portland,
Notice of Special Election
Notice li hereby given that a special
election will be held In the City of
St. Johns, Oregon, on Monday, the Jjnd
day of May, 1905, between the hours of
nine o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P.
M. of said day, at the Council Chamber
was guest of relatives here on Sun- of said city of St. Johns, at which taid
Hv special election there win oe suumiucu
w ... . , w , r the qualified electors of said City of
E. M. Allen left on Tuesday for st. Johns the following propositions, vu:
a voyage of discovery into Wash- First Shall the City of St. Johns pur
intrtnn chase grounds, and erect, construct and
. ,. , . maintain thereon public buildings for
Workmen are grading the county Mj city of St. Johns, and Incur a muni
road between John and Burlington clpal bonded indebtedness therefor in
ctrrvt: the sum of Seven Thousand Two Hun-
' , . . , , dred and ScvcMtytwo Dollars, gold coin
Taxes in Saint Johns arc low of the United States, and bcarlnir Interest
and that is a point of advantage in
040C0O0OC00O O000040400O
locating here.
Mrs. P. T. Smith, of Piedmont,
was in town on Sunday, the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Knight.
The front of the room for the
new drug store is now
is being
at the rate of six per cent, per annum.
interest payable scmi-annuaiiy, ami sain
bonds to run for a period of ten years
from dale: interest councils to bear inter
est at the rate of six per cent, per annum
Alter maiuriiv.
the City of St. Johns
Second Shall the C tv
contract for the construction and main
ill place I tenance of a public dock at the foot of
rr ranidlv Richmond street in said City of St. Johns,
and incur a municipal landed Indebted
ness therefor in the sum of Six Hundred
It may have been noticed that I Dollars, gold coin of the United Statcs.and
bearing interest at tuc rate 01 six percent.
Ml, U !... . ., ,,i..,.!., per annum, interest payable scmi-an-block
is about as fine as plastering Jma,yf am, 'm(, ta n for a
01 ten years irotn tiatc; interest coupons
to bear interest at the rate of six percent.
A Few Thorns.
Miss Jennie Crocker, of New
York City, recently lost a $25000
pearl necklace while crossing to
hurotic. Geel I hat woman must
have lecn awful sick: but think of
the other things she atel
A California man
must have used ' 'Octajng Whiskey'
Hint's all.
can be done,
Joseph Davis has moved into his
new home on Fillmore street, and
tier annum after maturity.
ti.ii ci. n 1 1... fi.., f m T.1....I
has a very satisfied look on his face contrnctfor the purchascand maintenance
111 consequence
Arthur Spencer is threatened
with blood iKiisouing from the
of fire apparatus for said City of St. Johns,
and Incur n municitxil Ixinilcii imieuicn-
neM .therefor in the sum of Seventeen
Hundred Dollars, gold coin of the united
wound in his hand. He is surely States, and bearing interest at the rate of
playing in hard luck. Pr cent, per annum, interest payable
ft . . . t. I .iiii-
noni 10 mr, aim oirs. r. 1. nar
scmVaunually, and said bonds to run furl
at Sail Diego ""'"''-. "- a jierlml 01 ten years (rom date; interest
tniwlrn- rrniiwl iviili ii,,,,,,. ncy, corner ol Hayes aim Ulicago I couixjus to hear interest nt the rate 01 six
iiontia , crazui III liquor, L,, Thursday Mav II. a I' per annum after maturity,
e a wholesale klllimr. He . . ,,ur!"ayt Mar "t B ' ,, i,Lcih ,i1r.n. r si'ini.,,.
uauguicr. aiiu so wc growl ,,iur mui dwl bbn. 1 I idebte'lness
Although it "never thunders in
Florence Nightingale, the famous Pre?"l' a ul,,e of ttmbles were
- - I II Jin wt 1 l'Mn m t ia iIiHh
t!r liionti tvnr tmro. mm' n 1 mu nn uu"u urauuy iiiui iiinK wmic inc
was 85 years old on Monday. Her P,casa"t --owcr was in progress.
"hushers" arc still in use in this
Several I.ovclaud (Colorado)
people have Ik-cii at Klamath Falls,
Oregon, and now the women have
petitioned the town council to close
the saloons on Sunday.
Mrs. Malinda Prosier and daugh
ter of Fulda, Wash., arrived in the
city Saturday, for an extended visit
with the former's sister, Mrs. Z.
M. Knight.
A large sign between here and
t.i a . t.
roriiatiu advertises "specially pre-
All Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
1 . - . .
MetroiK)litan iiajwrs sccin aghast l"1 mint, it is to be lioncd
Visit the White I 9111111 mc nunc win
for the pnymcut of the debt heretofore
the construction of the present city build-1
lugs, hi the sum of I'our Hundred Twcu- ?
t-eigiu i)iinrs, gom coin 01 inc uiiiicu I
States, and !eiiring interest at the rate of I
six iicr cent, per annum, Interest payable
scml-aiimially, and said Iwnds to run for
11 icriMl 01 ten years irom dale; interest
coupons to bear Interest at the rate of six
per cent, per annum after maturity.
Ily order of the City Council made and
entered .May lit, 1905.
J. V. Hanks
City Recorder.
ICi-op n Inrgn Murk of (liwictnl .Mrrclmiiillw, Including Dry (I001U,
ltootN( mid KlimiM, (lutein lex, llnrdwnn1, Himiho Fiinilsliiiig,
IVcd, l!tr. In fuel ovt'iytliiiig. Their PrlceH mu
right. Don't wiislu your tlmu gning to
I'oilland, hut t'liiuu in ntul mo our
Mock mid prices.
Remember The Big Department Store
(.'nnier Jitrtioy Htioot mul llrondwny
St. Johns, OroKon
00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000
be cairetl for.
Mrs. Gertrude Hammond, of I
Greeley, Colorado, was in town on
the (jiulillcd elector of said City of St.
that "the stork is to
House." There arc others num
erously scattered over the world,
but whose business is it anyway?
Several iwker players in Portland
have been sictidifii! time in iail.
That seems to lie about the limit.
'"i ii'Kie, 111 i iiriiniiii, Htivi.scs " . " (..... .1 '..i t i ...
housekeepers to buy at only clean ""VIKW, lias gone imkiii n r.shiiig " -
...... An.i iu in: iiunciii Second Slin l ie sa e. uiidcr cciuc.
nous, fcrmciitcd or malt
Itted within the said City
I uestlay guest of ;. S. Stockton. "" ,wy vote iy iMllot In a seralc
The two hud not met for near a n?"r!:!,?, f"1! V.l0, 'W?T ' ''''"""'''K
nnr tllC COIIUCll B to tile WitllCS of DlC lleoplc
score of years. U,K, ,hc futwiK ,iro,K),ltloii, vie
J. U. Lroine, lotlllder of Tint I ,rsi nuan siock ie proiiinititi from
markets. Those proprietors who UMh He -,xiJcl to be absent Sccoml-Slinll
are shy 011 soap and water just nlH" ten days, but all depends of spirituous, vl
Tingle to get hold of the cleaning "I t,,c h,ck- Sf'sriohnlT'"
-..v..,. Mra. IT II II.. r... l A.I.I....I t. JOIIIIS.
The Season is now on for
A Huslnesj Change.
G. P. Hurllert has sold his store
and short-order house on Hurling
ton street to Joseph A. Leisure;
consideration $1400. Mr. Leisure
Mrs. W. II. Hums, ol Ashland.
Oregon, has been in town this week
U)oii business relating to her late
husband. She has !ecii the truest
01 Mrs. w. W. Hicks.
Ah those totem Doles at the lximi-
sitioncost a large sum to irnther
mis niso purcliased a lot 011 Ivanho ,,n"K "tre 11 is odd that 011
streel, ii.'ar Mr. Hiiimau's place, newspaper man has declared that it
for 5iooo mul expects to make was cxjcn.sive to tote 'em.
Saint Johns his future home. An ad for the "Cozy Kestauruut"
Ily order of the Cllv Council made ami
cuiereii .nay ist, ij,
J. V. Hanks
City Recorder.
l'lnt Publication May u, oo.
Notice of Improvement of Parts of
Burlington and Philadelphia
Notice Is hereby given that at the meet
ing of the Council of the City of St.
AH Kinds und Qualities nt
Elliott's Pharmacy
Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing
Tin Roofs, (hitters, etc.
Mr. HurllKrtissyetu..declde,l p,ears this week ii, our coluiuns. fceSK
as to what he will do but it isprob- Mrs. Shields is making it success of adopted: "
nine mat lie will imy uuotlicr Dlacc licr venture um has nlrt-ndv kcmiivwI, That the Comic 11 of the
and remain in Saint Johns. secured a pleasing patronage. Ti y. S!' J',n Oregon, deems it expe-
Ifnn.U llrM.lnnM.l .. . ..vw.iv. .hi ii.mii nmilliini street to IVUIIIIO
linilUS UmiUngcd. Vicker. who have been lenehlmr trect; and to imnrove IMiiladelohl.
- . I , ... . I itMHi ? n . I
nmiiir niwuccr. wno wus at scuooi 111 waHiuiitftoii coimiv. rf.l""-..."."'" u jcrxrynucct. I
Is best expressed by our guaranty
of 20 per cent increase in value of
property during the coming year
This guaranty provides that in case the proper
ty you purchase docs not increase in value at
20 per Cent
so er cent during one year from
dute of purchase we will refund your money
with 6 kt cent interest
This same gaurunty we have been offering since
we first undertook to get industries at St.- Johns,
something over three years back and up to date
no one has ever asked for his money back.
Lots and Acreage on Installment
Hartman, Thompson & Powers
3 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.
O. L CHAPEL, Agsnt at St Johns.
00000040O0OOOv OO0400O00OOKC4
work with Fred Kocruer on the turned to their home in Suint Johns HmbiM
Holbrook buildings, has lcn car- on Saturdav last-thelr.scl,lJHn K? ISL V llVt ? l?OOOOCo000.;
..J l.f.t " .. It . ' -"- wi KIWHIIK Y
I ri'lllll II I M IllltlllU (k LllllUf llu ill.lU I lllllHIIIV I irttlll IIIA Bf..- II.. u A.. .1. I '
jii. ti nuimn ill it ill I UK 11C 1VUS I llllt IIIK VII til.
carrying some twodiy-fours from
frtjin the property line to the curb line,
being a tnp twelve feet wide 011 cither
the hllildiiiL' Monduv niornlnLr when I iVi..;...... il 1 . 1. ..?' . . I Mrct, tt.ul laying ,he ki(,e.
. . . .. " 1 nininn in uu 111c iriim aim 1 w.ik. curi. erui.u'nik. mul .
0 O4000004Oo000OCi
his fcKit .slipiKtl and he fell. One In l.t.t n Hi,. .1 i:.". "mi iiidiciin.: Vi.r.T:.::' V.A'
I (I ltd tl'HC lull II tf f llllr.ul I.11 it... I I I .m m . I r(Hr .... 1.1. - 1 1 '
tii tt.i HMtiii iniMiti kiiu ll'll I finiimt I Itnt rtf fii.rt .w.. IIP.. I ihi hi II v IIImV 11 1 riTCE.
etratlon ol a spike-while the other ite,14l , ilrive it vUlr T T " . ..'!?!" .'W1-'" .!. vnho.trcet
was mashed to some extent. No fa,ti J , , rV V ' ... ' vc.' cni, "na, co' Kr?d-
krl,..u ,..h. i ' ' I'Vi " uircc nu III lay Hi;
.iiuiia iv.-iiitn hiw VAIIkini. I - - In. I filler
I'hone Scott (065
We are ugents for one of the
largest tent und awning factories
in l'ortlwid. Will save you nionev
on that tent you 11 re going to buy.
I'ottkk S: OtM)i.i), next dtnir to
It Isudinicult task to Lt . ' "?.!ra,k !"'
... . : " " - .'""""mi i 111c in 1 n me cllv
4 Funeral Directors
. . . .
. Mixlrrn AmlitiUiicri. Taltphon SOT
The Edward Holmaii Undertaking Company
and Embalmers
l.udy Aui.tant
220-222 Third SI., Cornir Salmon,
i St. Johns Sash and Door Co.
Sash. Doors and Mill work I
f W W W T T 1.
Interior finish
t liusine.vs mail iletermiiied to
sjK'nd all he made during the year
III advertising. He soon found
that it was imiH.s.sible. for the rea
son that the more he advertised the
more he made, and after a stren
uous effort to net rid of his nionev
In advertising, he gave tip the idea. P" tliere were many
ou 1 irom I'ortmtui. Tlie
readable mwr under the conditions dneer. or a lie mav iirrc
existing in Tint Rkvihw ofilce tliU The improvement of l'liila,,lil. I
.. . . I ttr..., In.... . ... .
wcck. u reciuires some t ine to I It.Vii ; .. V . 7 "' wjereyreet
beco me ac, .ualntcHl- and preseit frffi? Sfc-Ji"
It will Pica the new manage- SWarilSSi
tiiii uu IIIIAI li
copy of Tlllt KnviltW to his neigh-1 S7i,, hiinrovtment to 1 made in ac-
nor ami urge Him
Hverv Uii, nf tliM
lJ.ii .; . Ti ""V V w MHiwuoiwaim ettimatci of the city
llCttCr than tlmt nf t)- nn... m.c tin. iir AUI I. .1 tr.-',.. v!v
.InS'ttlTft "reE 1.. d Improvement to .
f. " i'icihs urei proviuea uy the c tv c ur.
.....II nil...) .1... . . Ilrr...w.. H.J. ... .'...
uvii .iiivii .C emu
All old criminal was once asked
what was the first step that led hliu
!to ruin and he said: "The first
that led to my downfall was cheat-
ing an editor out of two years' suIh
.scriptiou. When I had done that
the devil hud
that I could not sh
mi, ami :, r i,,"ij icciaiiy ami pecu-
parties ,Br,f ,,c,,, thereby, and which U
iMrues itercbv dec ami in l li .. " .!
...ii.i I r. . -r " .. iwri.
hasa flavor which many of its ta U.V mndmi', " M&iJ.
brethren would do well to emulate. h"?,,,1,,,e of Hurllnjjton and I'hlla-
ti, M . . uci mu tuceu.
. .Moxon nas sold one of The , ...
his residences-the one eomer toWetouT'c inf '1 T, ! " LV?.
John und Leonard streets to Mrs, 'W
V, A. I,oy kR, A, Shenard Is imW L V." Vn' ClfiUoiu and estimate
. 'I t .. . . I "I HIC IIIV ClU'lllrrr l.r lh I... ....... ..
such u grin on me sP "K e nouse but. as Mrs. of Mid 'iiurfl , iV "F
ake him off." Loy desires to move in, it means a recti are hereby adoptd.
nice tent life for Richard -unless ,.tw,;u Th "c reconler of the
ne can tmd a new home. , f T. , 10 , J"'1 u 'wrebv di
. . . reUed to ijive notice of the nmi i...
If there is anv one in St. Inline proyement of uid Ilurlineton tr.. ....i
who wishes employment in doing Crrf, phU trwt' " Provi,," y city i
i "
Henry C. Schroeder
Funeral Director and Undertaker
Received GOLD MEDAL at the St. Louis Exposition
Eclipse all for Baking. Guaranteed
for 20 years. ?
CooJ. d,ltfJ tt 0, ch,r!tf Wt Hll rm ,,urChf lWIni Ur4
iiLVlSr0"" nJ l,r,,de work ""bout pln'
Ourirar' riucricnce in nl.t.
Come Home Father.
father, dear father, come home with me
For mother in out to the club:
You k-ddyou were coming riKht home
irom viir work
To KCt the ilcar children koine urut:
Plate work cn
;ith. . hauwivanisr;
t,i OJ'T . I "It
uq vxUiif
Pllr or CrUeti are ord,ri
. W A. WSK.
(old filling and crown
Kitractlog Irrc when
k fi uiurrru.
wist: HROS. DerrtHs,.
T. I'. WW
odd jobs, we believe he can pick up .gainst the abov im
many an easy dollar. There are pruvrmcnt may be aled in urftnX t
Iiunv ainoiur nur iir-u-m.c the reconler within fiff
11 1 V, ThcciMk lu K"e out; her club alt.) want wood split, grass cut, grading ,h'.tU,eof the rt publication of this
S, .Manager. Kone on a aprce. flZv'TV thl"8S U,at J. W. Hanks,
And iHHir brother llcnuie Iia awalhmrtl U,c wouW Willingly pay a man Recorder of the City of St. John
i, good wages. 1 J '
Cliirtvoyiit ud Palmist.
And no one to help him but me.
For best bargains in St. Johns and Vicinity.
Fine nite for .Sash IKwr Factory, a much needed hulunto'
Sole aKvitt.1 for Title ntiarantev - Co.s Point View lots
House and 3 acres an Northern Hill, a luniuiit at 1,500
Kivcr lew lots at reasonable prices on iiistullnients
Houses to tent new and clean, line river view
Humiicss and residence property in desirable locations
We also write l'irv Insurance at reasonable rates.
A petitiott has been cirrulntMi
father, dear father, come home with me cn(l generously signed urginfr the
HOW! I n:ir1iii tn n..i. n .
Thete'a wrubbiui: and aweepiui! todo; ntul Pit.cyr. -io i.i ,J .
While mother i. ofvlnK the problem of ,.1 t f V lS C,?,mcd
laic I -.uw r.... ui lltuVil ao
I Afi. 1
The chiUlrcti are cniiiL' for vuu. I COUimodation to a tan mimU. r . . . 'V1 ,,Je
The Mtckauiuat t darned, the tch people aud it will be a sinmle (S .. fortuueteller,
A11.I i.lir.l.l.i.u.t 1 ' 1 1 (IltllUail has hen rirrnlitin.r . " " J"'"l,J 1 cams,
, " 7, : ' " "c voyance and s
Or the M ill have nothing to wear.
Father, dear father, cme home with me
H'a louclv without anv uian:
And mother will grieve when the cornea
from the club
If thiiiK re uot ficl apick and atvan.
,vi,.,t ?Tfir' ,,r? r H Uu,t lx)",e!
nv viiiiuivii 111 ur u 11 mieiit ix:
visitexl everv
call at
pirttual. by a No. 1.
uames gtyi and no writiug. Call
W T-T. in"Njn TAWn rv T , q So let buii,e ZT ..!... ML"'8" I
" ' vviriux. oknow. -There Is some talk anoniMhe nl
tijntDrtin;oieicwfrteudtotea. way iioys ol loreiing a league a
Uuucaa M. Smith, team from uch car ltae.
Mrs. F. W. Valentiuo was atten- and be convincetl
dant Tuesday at the Kill .mJ
between thq Upper Albiuas ml 211 Fourth st, Portland. Ore.
Washington Streeters. As the
!.inetVam.s K?theiied by r. ... t
V.1UU1111K Cleaned
Have j-our clothing eleanel, pressed
uKimm uy
lo the old pot oce buildlojc, St. John
Udiea cloUjea apeculty.
some Saiut Johns blood of course
the Washinctou Streeters
defeatetl by a score of n to o.
Spring Suits
$1 a Week !
The Store Where Your Crat ii Qeoi,
390-92 WukiKto strut, fetM,!