St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 19, 1905, Image 3

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    Columbia University. LOCAL AND CITY NOTES
W"1" : .... r .furnn
a?ly couple of wteks u,ore ad
"TZ-t T hrarv society tf i vc 1 ?h T t 77,5 n tl VT U,?J
TbM" ""' r.:" nrocrrani list I J". " mrK ra,r r
Tuesday night
A elirrttf frnet .. .
frnm the Academ- " L' w reporteu yes-
The erauuuw - muuiiug, iNo uaniaire w
JJtmcnt are very busy pre- d , this vanity.
lntf or tneaosn'B " Wednesday's fWnnl .....
rumored lh. e a map showing tle pro c
rnd theater win 0f the Northern Pnclfir. r.nirsr
. Lt, to the Lewis and J . ,. , .
ir Sili the compliments of ""a' w vvoou "as opened a
CUtkW'SSii n SniieWt of !,ew and short order
he Uniwrav, r " 1 nouse in the room used bv her In..
advertising. baml as a b, ,e ,
...,tiH meet Pacific Uni- e ... ry
in..a. JtPil Columbia in their
VflSH . .tn! ,,,-pf 1,v the
S. VV. Simmons was the first limn
if (iMHCnnt 1. ...!...... .. ...
w ""i.i uuamcM iu ine new
oaiiK. ne went in this morning -and
quickly transacted n financial
,i rtmiiml
,rlielmiiig score of 8o to 37.
Si 25 practically the only
fnClM" - -. tf I . I I tin Umtnl XT..X..1.1. . I a.
'i.iv firsts. Peterson, racmc s .. 1-'Kuors new a
. X would not allow him to weu-aucnucu dance at Bickncrs
'1 more being deadly afraid .mil last evening, it was a benefit
k'Xv would worst him iu his Martin Maher, who lost his arm
1 I .cnts y acc't'eMt ,ast week,
he conditions of the weather The little-new home of James
' auainst the best sport, but Darragh, on Charleston street, has
nl t me aim uisiaiicc wis muuc -" i pimra, n win be
in tne 11?
It now looks like "the eoad old
summer time."
Mis. George Rich, of the Saint
Johns hot il, is spending a few day
at seiiwood.
The works of the Steel Ship
building Company, near the dry
dock, will doubtless be ready for
business next week.
A water-tank for fire protection
has just been finished in the Cone
It has
According to the owner, the
rooms over Cochran's newest block
are the best ventilated ever in town
A ten-minute car service for two
hours in the morning and two
Hours in the evening would be a
a godsend to Saint Johns.
IJllsrtftce turns nut I T tttnlmt- n
class of job work the good, aliead- a 10,000 gallon capacity.
"i-nlt-millUie KII1H. .! lUrlrxmllr t ry t- o fl... .
next job-and you will be pleased, secured n contract for remodeling
- i' uit u 1111c I w iitviiiv4iah wiiuibii lib will vwinilv
irgc paper-cutter have just been Park and are already at work.
l'uiuuascu lor T1IH KnVfUWnlniit 1M. r t t.- r
and w ill be installed as quickly as daily expecting the arrival of its
I flow liminf Tfa incffittfif Inn tt.lll I..
mi ... ww..... aw mil 111
ine teiepuone connection with crease the capacity of the plant.
tiirVn id 1 il , q ,ccr !V1X" T1,e Colle Lumber Company has
tureof ti e sublime and the rid cti- hnst fi,,ui,i na in,iw.r li,im... t,.
Ku-aV? yU CVCr t,1U,k f HrPhBDa"M for thc raway being
"V . constructed at that point. A total
llie lieW Clrtlir Store to hp nralnl I of nmrr tlmti i nnn ivyi fm.f -j in
nfl,,.,!. 1.1 I.. . . 7 "
"..imiDuiw.iaio nave ouiyiiuc oruer.
"uui Liura 111 w c 1 IO S mw irmvM n r
S Mi 1 1 modcr" of fixturcs Company-or, as some term it, the
Will be bought. vPiinir 1tit U IllimHllir nln,, J.
r t itf!tt! . .. . '"...:"". o "f.v"
. J' wuiiams, 01 tne Inter- exhibit nt t ie fa r trrouiuls. T i n
a,iit illstance were made been prettily painted.
Lhe track and field events. A used for a kitchen annex when "ational Headquarters, 107 Russell feature will be sure to attract attcn
driuling rain and heavy wind pre- James gets his big house done. J trcct. I?owcr Albina, was transact- tlon to Saint Johns.
railed. Coliiiiiuia was grynuy 1 nc icwis and Clark Fair build- K, s , css 1,1 l0Wn yesterday-
was greatly
while Pacific Imtl a well baluncccl St. Johns river front they presented ,A ceting of thc Commercial and is fast growing into one of the
mL Id iwnrft In itm ....! fi..... 4 .--I. I Mill. I - I t at I. ... . ...
...ini.iiii.1,1 Bjn.tiagic. -! i" "live ueen nciu at i. important institutions ot the town.
We mention elsewhere that tlie ' Vll,P'.,wn 3 .0",cc Wednesday It now employs twelve operators
saint Johns I'harmucv w ill ) ntM.,. - Bi "i owing to small attend- beside the office and outside he n,
m a . w 41. T .. I
on luesday wherea.1 it expects lo "" V"V ucunK was postponed to Work is progressing on the build
uujuiuiii); nit: iuwi) ui V.UUIU
PrcaClliUg at thc Kvnncreliral ft- nttinnnv nml In etv u r.r
church on next Sunday morning at so that firm will have room to
,, mm subject "Faithful- spread. Arches will allow free
ness. 1 he pastor would be glad communication between the two
to addrctS U lame audience linon ilnros tlnm tnnkiitir vlrlitntlv mm
it.i. ...1.1..1 " i zi:.: '
mm auujcii. i store. This is a nroCTcssivc firm.
...... i - w .
Jjuiiding seems to continue with
w. tfi rt i t . i
' ..I l.f Inrlf nf WLMCIlt iiitra worn .tl.ln.n ...111. -i . .. . . I atltl UlliUC n Sririnl mil ntt Tut, U.. I.. . ...
Mna.caw- 7 -:.-, - w""," S,wm? "m vmw. ' u,.e "aKemcnt o jonnson & aw
throwng mi" .'"" - -- -"-". ...vw..y fciiiiK. vieweu irom : . cett is doing a laud omce business
a .1.-1. . tf.n.i n rr
pjfty.yaru hbsii ivciij, - u,
nt: FetcYMti, r u, .scconu; nus
EpUandllliiklc, C U, third;
. . f, .. - .
Shotput niiurooK, - u, nraii
Uffrence, r u, .scconu, yuniuiu,
C U. third: distuticc, G feet.
100 vara unsu ivwub.v, v, u,
,w .... t . 1 9
first; Peterson, I' U, second; Hu
i PtI. third: time, 0:103-5.
Discus-throwing Phllbrook, P
11 Cr.i T imTL'iiee. P U. second:
Qalnn, C U, third; distance 100
M .11 .1 .1 I. ll...l.ft IM I I
fint; Jensen, V U, second; Gates,
P U. third; time, 5:46.
mo yard dash Kelly, C U, first;
Hniton, P U, second; Peterson P
U, third! time, 0:22 -5.
Hammer-throw Phllbrook, P U.
first: Diiuick, P U, second; Iw
.. . .i t. 1. . it
react, l u, imru; iiisiance, 101
be doiug business tomorraiv pvi-h.
ing: Yet the special opening will
oe on iiicstiay as announced.
, .The Review is prepared to do all
jod printing 111 a lirst class and work-
manlike manner. Our nrle,- nr..
1 ... . 1 -.- -
rcabonaoie. we nave uptodute ma
terial and arc prcparW to handle
cveryiiung Jrom a calling curd to a
poster, bee us about your printing.
One of Saint Johns' business men
was figuring 011 carrying a $1000
Insurance policy nt five percent
r 5o lor 111c year. To his disgust
.an. I l.n..... .1... -I .1 . 0 .
-hu iiuiiui me viiiuige inai came I'll
was 87.50 -because It was feared
that the bonds would be defeated
ind lire protection abolished.
out abatement
11 llll.l VIUU IV M... .1 .1- 4j t.f.. f..
while painting is coining a close Vy f,' n? T .1 1 "
second! Whatever tends to im" " e, b,ock wil1 ,c c,0,n'
prove mid enlarge the town should P,ce hat he can cotnmence bus-
L. .. .1 h anomu Jncss early III June. The room will
ia. ;i,wwillUKClii I
Mail Schedule
Mnll arrives nt St. T0I1111 at r: is n. m
and 1:15 p. m.
waves nt iojij a. tn ami 4:50 p. m,
In order to Insure a chanac of ad
vertUement the copy for such chanae
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and save the printer
iota 01 -overtime" work.
St. fohtis.
Seventh Day Advcntist Sabbath
cllool at 10 a. 111.: rcuular service at
11 n. 111. every Sabbath: uraver meet-
iiiK Wednesday cvcniiiK. li. D. Hurl-bc-rt,
Couurcoational Services will bo
held at lHckncr's Hall everv Sundav
aficrnoon at 3:no; Sunday school nt
M. H. Church Prcachintr It a. 111.
nml 7 p. in.; Sunday school 10 a. m.;
eln iiii-ctinK 12 111.: prayer incctiiii:
riiurdny evenimr 7:30 n. m.: Knwortli
I.eauuc.. 0:30 p. in. Sundav: luuior
i.enKUc, 2:30 p. 111. Sunday,
United Iivatmclical Church Prcach-
huiiilny nt it n. in. nml 8
Portsmouth Pharmacy !
Great Sale of Hot Water Hottles mid Pountain Syringes.
See our windows.
, , . , t'sitnl I'ricc. Sale Price.
Hot Water Ilottlcs t t, a.
Hot Wntcr Hottles t i -
Comb. Hot Wntcr Dottle nnd vSyriiiRe 1 o i
l'ountnin SyriiiRC .175 t i
l'ountnjn Syringe a 00 1
Pouiitnln Syringe . a jo 1 -
l'ountnin Syringe , - a 25 ,
Drug prices to suit nil. Come nnd sec us nlxiut jour prescriptions.
111; every
1. in. J prayer meeting, Tltursdny nt 8
u,: sutuiny school 10 a. m.: Ir. K. L.,
v.. n., m 3:30 p. m.; tr. k. i.. c. is., 7
ui. w. i. jonnson, class leader;
be occupied its a bowling alley and
t a.a
it uas oec.i uciiuitelv ascertained M.m.n.-.i i.ti m,Ii,mi i. ti. ........ .1... ,-f.. f,.l. tl..I i ... ""V"'" f
. mi int. .in iv. iu. iiiu 1 Clliuauiil UalllK I gf Knigllt
is now I'll route nml will lu l..rl b
III "time for the nneiiimr Ami MIiw Fay Crousc, one of the
now Mr. Wood carries the smile employe of thc West Const Latin-
n.e Pi.rtb.1,,1 f fn,..,.. n.. that won't rub off. d. had the misfortune to severely
of St. Johns lire l)riM):irilltr , iinm. Uev. McCnmh. n noted
Low lumlles Mason, P U, won; ber of udvertisiug novelties for ilU- ,st ,,as bought property in Saint
Brown, V U, second; Roe. C U, trlbutiou nt the fair. It Is to bcM0ll,,s ,UI1 ls already n resident
Ihird.: lime, 0:31. hoped nil local industries will keen ,,ere will commence a series
High jump Kelly, C U, first; pace with the above progressive in- 01 rcitKtoiiH services nt University
riuK un .Moiiiiuy evening next.
t... 1 .. -
1 urLiuiiti u:i!vsi.iiLti?rH mi rnr tnrt
vestenlnv inomliii' went fnrrl Cedar Park on thc evening of Prl
"chnnge cars at Piedmont.'i The day, May 36, at which good music
air-brake played horse with the nntl frcc dancing will be a strong
motorneer nnd the hand brake 'c.ntMrc- Price of admission for
ton; Peterson, P U, second; Walsh, Congregational tabernacle, corner of was too hard work. The car went Ri"li win a5c.: children under
CU, third; time 0:59. Richmond nml Tvunlw, tlmtii into the repair shot). 5 5C ah ore invited.
at a a aa aa m mm ak I a a tt tll I I
III AN tiMtfl lAi! k. al ! 111 Maaatfr a I III I. J I a, . .1 a-. a . . I - a
. . . a V' ... ' i win oc lor tne bciiciit ol the churcht I oixty uays irom now the appear- tne w. M. Harrison, ocean
muuiw-i, v, nvwviiii, -iii.iiwi, i vii are uiviieUi
St. Johns.
United Artisans. Wilhmibia Assam-
lily -Nn, 300, meet at Hickncr Hall
every 1-riday cvcniim. A. Ii. Wilson.'
Sec; h. O. Magooti, Master Artisan.
Royal Neighbors. Cedar Camn No.
n.t 1 4. meets every Thursday cvcniim
t Hickncr Ilnll. Mrs. 1-. L. Churchill.
Recorder: Mrs, Ada Pennington, O ra
Modern Woodmen of America. St.
JoliiH Camp 7240, meet at Hickncr
Hall every Iticsdnv cvciiinu. II. I-..
Kuiulit. Consul: U. 1. Tlinmnson.
Woodmen of the World. St. Johns
Camp 77.1, meets every Wcdnciday
e.euiim nt Hickncr llnll. W. K, Coon,
Clerk; It. C. Clark, Consul.
Oregon Importing Co.,
The Big Wholesale and
and Retail Family
Liquor Store
Pbfltirook, PU, second; Roe, C U. stltulloti iu attracting the attention
third: cmtance, 5 feel 7 3-4 inclie.s. 11011 01 vi.iitors to our city.
Broad jumiH-Kelly, C U, first; Miss L. I. I .eilL-lt. nrv-rKliiri- nf
Pctfrwii, P U, second; Roe, C. U, the Ladies' Aid society, announces
inini;uwiaucv, irci a inciici. T strawberry festival hr dav even
iMt'in ilnkll I lliiitnii . 1 TT II.... l.... -. t. tit i . . .. ...
: " . r 11 win ueneiu nil ne
bum her hnnd Thursduy. nnd will
be out of the running for n few
dnys. Miss Crousc is 11 new arriv
al in Saint Johns, and is at the home
of Mayor King.
The Catholic ladles of Saint Johns
will have an ice cream social nt
tUnh entity Park
Sunday services
1 nurcn. rnrismoutn aiation H:no a
111.: IO::io n. 111.; n::io p. m. Everybody
welcome. Father Thitlmaii, C. S. C
and Portsmouth.)
at Holy Cross
PU, third; time 0:17.
One-half mile Peterson, P U.
nn; Gates, P U, second; Walsh,
CU, third; time 2:13. ,
Ust Saturday the Columbia Jun
iors defeated the fourth team of
PortUnd Academy by the score of Johns Need a Snbv.n ?
. ii i 1 "
.y.j. iiieKniiie was very mucin wi,,,,. ,i,.i 1 i,.... .1.1
lance of Jersey street will be sol steamer, was in dry dock last week
Next Sunday morning services of changed that it will need a sign on for a day.
tile Hantlsts win in. i,.i . 1,, tt. every corner 10 uc sure 01 recount- Meamcw
MiiK.ay two local river
the Republic nnd thc church. Mrs P I tlon. And every iiroperty owner America were In the dock a few
I r . .1. .... I ., I I. . I Tirl. ! 1. I .... 1
s even
Adams, former state evnmr..lU nf along the street should be congrat- hours only. Work in each instance
the New York W. P. T. 11 vr lit ulated on the coming improvement, was light. It Is very rarely that
speak on the topic "Docs Saint Thomas JJarncs, who has been work ,s donc ftUhe "ock 0,1 S',-0-M-''A," I
connected with an ice-plant iu I'ort- luy
and tor some time, is contemplat- Lumber for the big Wcyerhatie
lnriiig gotten
Yaeolt, Washington, and
ffiu'-W re W1' speakers who will discuss the ad- thta writing he has not positively be under way very quickly. Presl
I1L1 UlflJUIaCIIl.! IIMU'll If! ... lniM a naa lai. AimIIaii I ... . m- t a
" " vantage 01 voting against license p"-'" uent ivnapp, 01 tne rcninsuiar
1 ...! . . 1 . . .. . I ... . . IT 1 r - l-.l.l
Potilsiwl am,Ih..,., ......i .1.- "cxi .moiKiay. 11 is expected that One of the butchers has a trained n""'" V"mPy. wu looking
.... . ..,.,.,,,, u.nui IMV hvm mil In tn ... ....... Ii i i ...i .. Immr IIim nlniia nml nrnivnultiniiii r...
Bt by mat iil' one scort. AH1 ..r"""-'"-" ".- uog who khows now. wueti tne "V ,"", ri'--
or, the first limit un was walked Pastora of Methodist nnd the butcher sells n fine sirloin the dog Wednesday, and prououncctl it n
Peninsular I.ihIiic No. Via, I. O. O.
. mcels every halurday eveninu at
llcmslock Half. J. I.. Tindall. N, G.:
M. II. Carter, V. G.; G. II. Hcinstock.
ace.; Dr. Oscar Ijc Vnul, Ireas.
Itcl.ckah I.odKC, I. O. O. P., No. 72.
incc-s second and fourth I ucsdays at
Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs. Harriet
fthieer. N. G.; llelle Nash, V. G.; Rm-
inn t . llcmslock, bee.
PortMiiou.h Tent No. 8a. K. O. T.
M . mens in Odd Fellow llnll, first
nml Iitrsdnys.
University Park Assembly, No. .1,
united Artisans, meets every Wednes
day uiuht nt Artiaus' Temple. Mrs.
Iloyl, M. A.; Mr. Stanley. Sunt.: Mrs,
S. A. Clark, .Sec.; G. II. (llcmstock.
1 reas.
. .1 a .. ... T II
m:.11 "'" MnBcvcrybwlyshould'tuniout and P"iB i" niull plant here In Ucr saw mill Is now
&0M..l,? S lf to the spenkimr Kverv Saint Johns. He has lxen figuring out at Yacolt, Wa
Columbia "ttend and listen to a sltfor ' t0 P-bj,t at work of grading for the plant will
Faulk & Merrill
UI, 1UC JirSl I lUll III) WHS WUlklSl mwiuwiioi uiiu IIIC Kiiwin iw iiuw allium tiii. huk ,
Ddadvanccd to tlilrS on outs by Pt churches at University Park watches the delivery, traces the great enterprise.
Howe and Snow and scored on uii will exchange pulpits next Sunday meat, then, If possible, grabs it and Inquiry at the dry
mor. Wilkinson then settled down evcnlnif. This is a preparatory step hikes away. In this way the butch- ing the George II. Iv
a4 rttiied the side. to' the union evangelical meetings to er saves feeding the dog and In-
In id. T.. i.i ,.i .1 cointmence Sinulnv' Xfav tfl in tvn creases his sales. One of the Intnl.
we scoretl nfif-r ...... tonducted by Rev. J. L. McComb. ladles iu town will make affidavit
1. .t ' . r n :. ,i..... .!.:
"iciircu. u iirien got to first " wiuijiiimii t-vuni;ciisi.i. i
a balls, stole second, went to third Reautlfvino n tnwn U n Ia, ti, There will be a union rally serv-
i 10 f-a"d scored on a hit by yet every tree or shrub planted ic, "ext s"ny evening at 8
wy. Wilkinson got a safe bitigle. and every flower and plant ctiltivat- clock, at the Rvangelical church.
Both leavy and Wilkinson crossed ed Is an aid to a fine result. Every Dr G 1 ufts, of Portland, state
ttc home plate on Kinney's safe bit of gradiiig-every particle of superintendent of the Anti-Saloon
22 ' "Kl't Karden. In the parking-is anVt that bears fmit. LeaSue' w11 have charge of the
ond, p. A. went out in one, two The more beautiful a town can be exercises and will address the peo-
uw, wiuie Hie C, U. boys made the larger aud better it will P'e- opecwi muwc wm oe raiaereji.
MOea four more tallies to their become. Uven'one Is itivitei especially the
IwMrJ n . .... . . ..
a tbethlrd. w i ? ine aa.nt joiins riiarmacy ex
lm . r ... JM,,'"a 1 pects to dc hi its new location in
voters of the city.
A very nice fixture was added to east of SaInt Johns nml wiu make
for it 'sluroccry company iai wcck in me
Hay, Grain.
Ground Feed,
Pilnlt, Oils and Building Materials
Phone East 713
Unlvarslty Park, - Oregon
rurnUhrd or UnfurnUhfd, for
Ilct. I'cuiusuluI.umWrCo. mill Hie new
ShhiKle Mill. One liluck from Coluinblii I
Will Imnrove Panrh university. I'lve iii.uute from car. A
out iii.iutv ivanvu. 'iK-autiful location. It
w mmw r .w . a'.... ... . . - 1
Mcnry w. Miitin nas purcuaseili a. w. uick&ou, 704 iiurvanl-. Scott uyi.
from Jacob Kaiiun n joo-acre ranch
dock regard-
Ider, elicited
from Mr. Mcintosh the fact that
another effort was to be at once
made to raise her. Many efforts
have been made to put her iu shape
for dry docking yet the visitor to
Goble still views her well-buried.
Mr. Mcintosh lielieves this present
effort will be successful. The Klder
carried 140,000 insurance and is
one of the finest boats.
$250.00 .,
Gold China Cabinet
Silver Tea (Set
(One coupon with each jo-ccut purchase..)
! i .' 1
Prohibition Does Not Prohibit
Us from delivering your order. And we
can deliver the goods at your home.
It will pay you to come over to 195
Third street and see the handsomest
present ever given away by any Port
land business house.
Our Table Wines are direct from the
Chula Vinery, .and can't be surpassed.
Oregon Importing Co.,
195 Third sd, Portland, Ore. Tel. Alain .180.
. " "l 'lVlrU.1,
CDl Sffiritli n. .I.- T aa m . " ... .v.. .! iwhmum !.. , t r f 1 1 w. . jw....... ... m.i niM.
r .UI1MI at ll,f.ip ti..ll rfflt. I .... . Itlt aiii!rmniil riff ffliM fiitiff IaIihc I .. . . . .
ttam hai ,,( . , T "c M-ociiran s block on Tuesday. Iu ",v- i'"i""v" w-,"t" tne place a dairy larm ot much Itn
ind U rut ': . '1 . uwwm, ,act u wm
n VIMIUIIIII III Alinmmi Ik I a .a a
form of a cheese cutter. This Ls an
indis rlntmi.. ' .i.. . . . . . ' I aci u win nave 10 be:
-MiMiiui; tilt rnnmniAttciiitti ...
f .L .. " MtMiuuiiiiiu 1 an iwnic nff a ffrM. trA fir.ani nr n
VIIOCCIIV. IV -f, - .vw v.v... " I ,.., l,o .imn1.. ., IT
The snr 1... ti , . tree soda to every visitor on that "ttyKY"V" -r
loin; 1 '" 15 V"' evening. This company believes ",c ua B",OH".1 ' "" 1B?CU
Colmih In doiug things right, and invites for-saving the tirao- of weighing
portauce. As a starter lie has
bought from Pascal Hill a small
bunch of dairy cows to which he
will add as rapidly as possible.
Office licutt, tun a, in,, a to j ji. in.
Office I'honr, Bc(l t 1104,
Hoklc ncc I'honc. Union yu,
Office In Uulircitlty I'aik DiufSluir.
Nickol;' "."s: r tay-notliliiE more mid nothlns
itlUck t I MMuauii ji ..v W WU luniud nnv I less
u..... .Ut by Nichnlrwrin a- I... I Dure ltnunrs for medicinal mirnntittsl
Ukinson3. Double nlavs? vviiir. are referred to the new ad of the One would hardly accuse the horse
gto O'Brien; Wilkinson to Mc- Oregon Importing Co. to be found attached to the delivery wagon of
Vmrs ,IW0jase hits, O'Brien, in this issue. They are located at tne saint jonns uroccry company
u"Pre J. Mangold, 195" Third street, Portland,. where having crazy apells yet it seems
T1 Columbia hah.ti o; they do an extea-lve wholesale and hk dow. Tuesday morning he took
"wnttfaed its undefeated record I v retail business. On each 50 CMt irignt at tne vnis ue o, an eicciric
defeating the eSb 3w3,5 purchase they give a ticket oa a car aud went straight up. Vlien
?!fclcam,8 i handsome 50 gold cabinet and a Hcame down he tried to butt oyer
VV iiiterestiiu' mm ni 'k W china tea set, which the holder of an eiecmc ugiu poic uui sureecoea
hftheunlver3tv in 12 ,he ,ucky tfcket win awarded on.V in smashing a wheel and
entheH 1 1 a I Ya July'i. throwing his haniess out of gear.
Wnlaid. and at,w TSe polling place for the special Whei the driver came down to the
5 , the'vXy toJS iono teheM'nxt Monday jrrmd and woke up he asked If
ngo!dandl,,S . w"s ut will at the council chamlr. The e dynamite did much damage
ootrojed their hones of oloS polls will be open between the hoars around town' 0f tue of a a. m. and 7 p. m. The propo- Many .of our readers have useful
with ,nuitlK was Coksibia'aantl I a?Qoi f?06 'ted upon include the articles of furniture, stoves, musical
uts and bases full Man" I Purchase' of grounds for and the instruments, live stock, etc., they
PaaUrt Iu
Cud P.llnr.4 at I'urlUnd Prtcti I'lui On lUlf rrilfht ChirfM
Froapt Iltlittrjr ind Currtct I'rtcaa
Pkoae Union 3101 8T. JOHNS, OREGON t
Has purchased the millinery business of
Mrs, Jackson, nml lias an en
tire new stock of
Which she sells at less than Portland
prices. Give her a call
A Good Way to Save
a buyer. And there are always a
and "
mtS .ra "3f won tlie
ia li
. Vii,
WMtKvmi '... m 'a- ' - . 1 i
rj. vj . "ning on, both ttaiia I wc Vf cmse 01 lire apparatus ior dc nau. inewayioAcu anyiuing
r) gilt-edged ball. The 'nltck' I the ty, aad whether Mk city shall Is to let the bargain seeker know
7 I Mailfnlil . . r" I n fnr ll. .,n. l,,,,. annuttiinar In cll That
- lilL A l
L.y.r, Columbia wnc a KMif-'aaT ioo and maintttuacc of a public lot of people looking for bargains,
mic ursi
hut do not know where they are 10
The way to sell anything
Slh k K'dwas too much for incura sma11 bonded debt for the you have something to sell. TI
Ha . 501,001 ys. while that ol pufP0!5 wiping out a debt the cook stove, folding bed, bicycle,
Would like to save
25 per cent
on your Fuel and you
can do IL
He's in Town
Phone East 3035
Is to purchase (lie necessaries of life where you can
quality considered. '
We offer the the purest and most palatable goods In
our line at prices us low as possible aud still allow us a
Just Profit. INVfiSTIflATI: and Act Accordingly.
(vu.. . i ail troublesome to l' UYVC3' ni uic asurc umc uu wi ui vivi.ii h.,1.
c2- Scopes by iaaiues- P1?' in a separate ballot box pro- would find a ready- purchaser and
Estwe 4 o i o oji q' xi4 hUi for the. purpose, the Voter may net you a tidy sura If the fact were
ooioaori ni I raw a ha I In I far the
auoser nl!
kill I
or The
oarrjose ot en- known, a smaii aa at a smaii pnee
lierhtenincr the council as to whether ia The Review will dispose of your
Review I h dawires the liccaeed sale of li-1 surplus stock. There are all kinds of I
tfrSH Heme, i y ,;95tma8t"' quors ia the city, and whether orjio people looking for any old kind of a
Plrk. OatS k' ot,Univcrsiry the family ww .shall be, allowed to bargain. Suppose you try a small
dollar a year. 4 her wa awt wUl. adia The Revkw.
a Wc loiUll Llghtln aod Power flanU aod rtpair MUori nd Dynimo.
S Houtc anil Bell wiring a iccially
B K. C. WKIOIIT, Maoaatr roilUnd
letter Byrnes & Blackburn Co.
Calls Pr )inptly Attended to Lady Assistant
Day or Night ST. JOHNS, OREdON