St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 19, 1905, Image 2

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Pnbllit(t Kitrr frldaj Krinlnf.
HubtctlplloD rate, 11.00 per rear In idrtne.
Adrertlelnr ratee, 11.00 ptr. Inch ptr month.
All idmtUIni bllli prll flret of each
Job I'rlntlnr executed In flriteUu itfte.
Uillt for Job I'rlntlnr eaih on deliver.
All comrannlctllnni ihonld be addreeaed to
Tht ReTlew, Ht. Jobnt, Orecon.
OflcUl Hiwipaper of the Oltr of St Joins.
1'KIDAY, MAY 19, 1905.
MANY a weak girl forgets that
helping mother do the washing will
develop her muscles.
Many a kind-hearted man buys
a small axe s that his wife will
not hurt her back when she splits
the wood.
Mnnv n bov is too tired to go on
nu errand for mother but is rested
Centennial Notes.
Hit the Trail at the Lewis and
Clark exposition, opening in Port
land June 1.
Saturday, August 12, bus been
selected as acoronautic day at the
Lewis and Clark exposition.
Missouri day at the Lewis and
Clark exposition has been changed
from August 17 to beptcmber 14
had time to
Many of us forget to say a good
word for a hustling citizen but arc
ready to dump n basket of flowers
on the coffin after the poor fellow
Has cnslied in.
TODAY Tint RKVIKW npj)ears
under new management and it is
hoped that the new firm will merit
nnd receive the same substantial
Miport and encouragement which
has lccn so loyally extended in the
Tin Uitvntw will be mnde a
strictly local paper for Saint Johns life's railway
and the contiguous territory. Mic.rrrrTinM
Whatever will aid the district will DlhAHhCTION.
be advocated with all fairness nnd THKRK is a certnin class of pol-
alt force. iticians that is never satisfied and
Tint Ui'.vmw will mix in no it is composed of those not willing
. . . . f.. !(..( I f - .... ttfl l .
.scrajH. lawn 10 110 individual 10 sianu ny majorities.
will be a paper for (ill those who go from
believe in the community and will tizc them
continually "boost." they come into "our" ranks they
Hoth R. W. McKeon and W. L. ure merely "lovers of liberty." In
1 ... -.
. -. :-- . .ilium nuvju.M 17 iu vJVjnviii.n; ia.
enough to walk a half mile aroundj Qovenor Joseph W. Folk, of the
a milium iuuic iu ja, . ..Show Me" state will attend.
Many a Kood woman will hustle , d,
"?Lt0AKuT A ihc Uvtla and Clark exposition.
m..vm, .u . ., K . ; " ' The structure is now well under
iicr ovcr-woriccu iiciuiiuui h.-mi w
her husband s
way and will be completed by June
1. While small, it is one of the
most attractive of the state build
Fourteen organ recitals will be
held in the auditorium at the Lewis
and Clark exosition between June
We Are Singing
The praises of
The Flour that never degenerated
from its high quality and never dis
appoints., Wheat Hearts, 5 lbs. fori
25' TRY IT I
The Portland Flouring Mills Co.
i ewiHnr n IW rent rnc or io nnd September 30. All recitals
a few kiiid words as we scud along will be given at night, and will be
arranged uy rroiessor w. w.
Goodrich, organist of Saint David's
hpiscopal church. Prominent or
ganists will participate.
Delegates to the convention of I
the Order of Railway Conductors,
When they two thousand strong, with wives
our party we stigma U1U ti'iw m uucuuuuiu uu
as "soreheads;" when lnc Iewis and Clark exposition
'fhorudyke have become taxpayers Portland there seems to be a titim
in Saint Johns, hence their interests ber of republicans not willing to
are the same its the interests of take their medicine and abide by
every citizen. And it is hoped the decision at the polls nt the rec-
Till'. RKVIKW will merit the stipiKirt ent primaries, and they have left
of every render.
R. W. McKkon,
the ranks and will pull for Lane,
the democratic nominee. That is I
really comiut! the baby act. When
RESIDENTS of Saint Johns
hhould gladly welcome every new
industry every new enterprise
nnd even the .solid growth of nuy
business nlicndy Marled. Kvery
resident takes his place like gran
ite blocks In 1111 arch of welcome
and concurs In the assertion that
Your patience rewarded ! Every one visitiiig
our store on
Tuesday Eve., 7 to 10 o'clock
Will be served
Delicious Ice Cream or Soda without
Do Your Saturday Night's Purchgtlng with Ui.
grounds, Sunday, May 14. A sacred
concert occurred during the noon
hour, after which the nsscinblngc
retired to the American Inn, where
they were the irticsts of the exposi
tion. Royal Chinook salmon, fresh
from the streams of Oregon, was
served. The remainder of the
menu consisted of salads, cold
liU'iill. ti:iii(Ki'iVlw rif vnrlnim uni-tu
we go into a fight at the, milk, Ice cream and assorted O'T" ItO UJ Q DUAD IU1 A fT V
mwi ....I i.litiitMHt wi itif.ri.1i i,.m tr cakes. i a I WVaT sie w-
K .....-r . , ,- .
the victor anil extend conyrntuln-
tions. We consider him the better Sharpshoollng.
IKllli I A ',.viiu lmi1mlfr nitt'ttrttciMl fr
m tttlft etttt rial M mulilt lliiirfifM.iai 11
A m.lUal?a LAI I linu Ln mfat-rlfwl iUrw if hi. .si nti1
111. IVVII IWt kill t W kllltT ItllAI
Portland &
Express Co
(Operating cars over Portland Con
solidated lines)
Rates Reasonable
Prompt Service
We have made arrangements ot
transfer all frieght in the city nnd
at St. Johns when, necessary by
team at reasonable rates.
Do not move your lurntture (of
course you are going to St Johns to
live, Portland is moving that way)
until you get our prices.
Portland & Suburban
Express Company
W. R. STEARNS, Manager
The Cozy
North Jersey street,
A newly-furnished and fineIt
conducted house, where boardm
have free use of a convenient bath
and toilet, and where very reason,
ble rates are given.
Nice Lunches Served At All ft,
Regular meals or meals .
with rooms furnished at
pleasing popnlnr prices.
Mrs. Lillie Shield
Saint Johns, Oregon. '
A. lmlsonT
HY a seemingly odd law which .livorrcil iwiii. tlnrlmr tin. t:mt lv
inserts that sentence of a convicted ycnr. hc ovv the proud father
ciillliual Shall be pronoiinccl by of nine children, owns 11 black Imwl
tlilscoiiiiiiiinityaidsniidalietsevery 1 1 1 1 Judge hearing the case, the laud farm, n piano and two jxwdle dogs.
kirltltiiiiiL. L'tiiLTiirisf. fraud cases must all ne re-trictl.
Vfi it villi not Niillito in Hit lillv This Is one of the effects of tin
by after the welcome is extended letli of Judge C. H. Uellinger v!.w
ffr in limes when growth of died Inst week. I he land fraud
cases were ueaiti oeiorc 111111 inn
King Death MstNied the sentence.
It seems odd that when nil evidence
is before him another judge cannot
pass sentence uhii law-bteakers.
Possibly, however, the courts and
attorneys need the money.
It pays to advertise.
(I. T.) Press.
Lew Hendly of the Poncn Cour
ier, in sinking of a certain irate
female wrote it: "Her bosom was
filled with rage," but the fool com
positor got it, "her bosom was
filled with nigs," and now the old
man Jlendly is hididg out in the
bushes on the east side of the river
while a ience commission is trying
to tuitcii mi 11 irnro unit win pimiiii.
rii il it I. . 1 -
1 in. 1. u.i 11. I mm to return to town. Rob NcfT.
IvVICRY little while mutters of The Initanesu advimct? In mlvi.r.
some iiiiKrtance, or new ventures Using as in all else. Here Is 1111
illustration: "Our wrapping pa)er
communities leK.'ii(ls latgely ii)ii
hustle and get-tlieie joliiiism slien
iious elfoils must be exploited, and
110 painsand but little exH.'iise
spared to "show" the methodical
Missouiiau, the caustic Coloradoan,
the nervy Nebrasknii, or the mil-
llonnite Michigaiuler wheteiu lies
the I test for his money,
The growth of Saint Johns and
vicinage is but in an infantile stage.
This Is not 11 mere piesuinptiou Lf weight, are promised 11 town
UKntliep.ittol a newcoiucr-liut The ineiimtuie publication of the Is n stmnir u. i,l,i,."f ,, .1...
matter might cause n failure of the phaut. Goods forwarded with the
wuoie piojeci. oomeuuies 11 news
pajKT is fotccd to rely Umii these
iiiuiors in order not to be liehiud
hand with Its news. The only
way to prevent such prcmatute
Some Very Special Prices!
Coto Fruit.
We Iiavc lut iiurclmwilB few rar ttt thrte
gtxxU, unit while llirvlxt Ihty wllliiad the
Thl. U m fmllr to Malta Vino or
vtn you mm id he m u.iolrll ttirm -rt.
Jut the thhif lor llitht lifrkl.t, Wc hive
tlwy 10M I Tick (owl nt 1 cent t r clc
meor two tck(tf lor ij unit, (hir price
now ! loctnta er iwcWKe or J lor 13 cent.
Our IO-Cent Counter. Our IS-Ccnt
Counter. Our 20-Ccnt Counter.
ThtMre nrw lint. ut idtlrd lo our !
ctnicoumrr tou mm a ixauiuui a
aortmtnt ol OUtware. audi a Olat Olalira.
On the lj-cnt counter will le lounJ acorn
tilttrllnrol Ixaulllul ;Ua Iiahe. Cupa mtil
Haucera, I'lalea.elc.
On our j-ciiI counter a allll better line ol
the aame a ahove,
Lcmom I Lcmont !
The rty flncat lemur yoti ever aaw at 10
renU er doien. Hume eilia large ontt at 10
tenta ter doien.
lint WanteJ.
We will allow tou iscenta perdoitti lor all
your drill tga in Irade. Or wr will pay you
lacenia cam inr uur ckk.
Paper Hanger
and Decorator
Order can be left at Cuuch't store
Prompt Attention Given to All, '
Th Jeweler
Jacoma Street, St. Johns, Ortrsa.
W. J.
Yua an alwayi diptnj on 1st (boloatl
f 250 2 t-2 acres at jicr acre. Knit
for ttmt. '
SJOO IJt 50x1 j6. Cloac in; near cm
line; cultivated; 5 per cent off
nil cnkli.
UJ5 Lot 1 00x100, A Hue cornrrta
urnilcil street. Level.
$JS0 Lot 50x100. Central ; f. 15 etih tnj
jtio per 111011II1.
$500 Two-room lioutc. lot uu!)
Younu trees.
SISOO 5-room Iioikc, lot 100x181. I
$1700 1 1. room house; new, omloosi
the result of nuitiiie delilierittiou
tiKn the put of those who have
studied like conditions elsewhere,
(iveii fine -.nll, excellent climatic
conditions, bluhnrmle terminal fa
cilities both by I11111I and water, the
natural sciiuence must be ait exten
sive Kinwlli. Anil a ciowtli (level
ojK-d under such conditions must C1, isy j(KC as , tK xm wlc
111 iiiv; 11 iiu.suiiiiie eiuss,
Kpeeil of a cannon ball. Our silks
and satins are its soft as the cheeks
of u pretty woman, as beautiful as
the ntinliow. Our parcels arc
II.'IcWhI ivlill IIS nilinli (nn uu n
pillilicatlous IS 10 tell llie rcKrter vollllif marr tit uoimm liitria nf li..r
"11 1 ... .1 1.1 . w ....
nil aiHiiu i ne proHisuioii anil no I liiisliatitl.
A merchant had scuc hand
t.iii.. r,
it ilia 1 v
line 111.11111 in inn.-. minium 111c 1 ...1... . 1 1 1 1 j
Tb.oi.Kh llliauimity and a deter- f,,n coi.foiii.dii.Lr : facts cannot be " "T1 ' m K',vc. ,M.' " M"""cr fl
nihedelfort to step,, head" Saint fl(Iw, H kmnv the news: H
Ki!eSfeeSK,K KU,,,S i o the public when it (Kca
Inst watch it! . dress pattern for J4.9H. Ten years S
Wc arc conducting an exclusive Hardware bus
iness, and ask the people of St. Johns to look
through our stock and learn, the prices at which
we arc selling goods, before going to Portland or
elsewhere to buy. 41
prompt ilflWery and courteous treatment
wbea uu order from the old reliable
StJohns Meat Market njTTT
lv Wl uni, in, JUI1II1 ilCIKIIU, DM
locntioti; 75cnn, iMiaiicclnlniun-incuts.
fj,200 A block -clone to liiiliittrleiaoj
U. R. 8c N. K. R. V.mj terms.
Hlraneen eomlne Inln fit. Jahna will tnA
llielr trade will be apprerlatod, and Ibelr
mil aupplied lu their lalliraellon. or
iJeiiej street
Johns Market
To the Public
Roal Ettat
UU In Arvldson's oiMltlon. North
hi. loiins, overlooking the river,
hliffi and slehtlv ......
rmc corner 101 50x1m two iiiocus
irom me center ol city , , , gs
Fire and water nroof is maiuifnct. Choicest corner lot 011 Iloulcvsnl ,lt 4j
? ".l V.",UVT 1 5-room house ami one j-room .mill w
tired and used soley by C. I . Moe, house, nu.l one acre of Krouml, In
-muc Having no interest in
'Tla raay In klio'k: 'll nuy In lilix'k
Or u kmIiiiU IuIh';
Hut tin" la till' will); who "nilu-
irosli, la Hit' nun fut ini'l
WHAT lias Saint Johns done
towanl making miiiic showing at
ine roiiiiimi nut f is it liclieved
that its ptoxiiuitv to Poilliind will
be 11 siilheicut ;uaiautee of proiui
Hence to tliuw the visitor? Would
it not Ik? a clever idea foi'ourH.'ople
the lealtv dealeis. if otheis tefiiM-d
to eo-ojieiate to issue 11 mut little
folder stating the vital Niiuts of
stiorlority pwwnmi by this IikmI-
la l...t ..a I
uy, mm see unit me same In? prop,
crly distributed at the fair KroumN
and at all hotels?
At least 5),(hhi of those little
four luee foldeis should lie mil
t .1 .I. . ....
WIllML' Illl'V II till UlUkl I'll..
. 4 .... n. , (lv
IMMIU ' is
later an old ludv who was tukitiir I
IIOUSin illl-VIISANI) CYCLONUS. tip her carpet s;iw the ad and wrote
Pkom a iKtusal of the "Search- ,wr "e Pattern, ciicIosIiik the moii
IlKht," an Oklahoma publication ' KcttiK to sin her name
ilevoliil to the ussimilutiou of horse- "ddress. Which ud jmIi! the
thieves, it is no wonder that 1.1000 Meiterr j.atlirop QMo.J Henilil.
cyclone cellars arc beiiiK tluc in I
that country. The towns and vil
laees now employ a watchman who.
at the slightest suspicion of a com
liitf cyclone warn itcople of the
dauber and the way they hunt
their holes is most aliitiniiiK. As
there seems to be fully 14000 horse
Adding (0 Stock.
The Saint Johns Lumber com.
pauy, liuviiiK bought the stock of
the Columbia Coliimn cnmiMuy.
has a Iiiikc pile of porch nnd stuir
newels lieued lnrside its Jersey
street store. Mr. Douelass nroudlv
thieves it is pieMiuiwl that each has stands tit his .store door, siiys noth-
1 i r ' V K 11 mcre'y l40'" thestwk.
"illlV'll ll'l I IIU IIUIIl'Sl lllllll.
Hulldlni: i ndiomc Home.
(1001) THINO. if u, chiDiuaii on Wetluestlav
PORTI.AN'D has done one uood coiiunencetl the erection of a hand-
a . . . . I
tlui'Kproviiktl it stays done. It some residence in block nine, cor-
mis levowiM tlie lliiuor license of ner lMllmore and Tiiimbul streets.
nil the Orpheuin. the touuhest fotttt in lit will bo jjxjj. three iloors fin. I
1 . i! 1 . 1 . .1.1 . . ..i.. . :
a KjueiiiiHi iiiniK 111 its tne wnoie imiiiwick. where jMlntetl tsiietl, with cellar under all, and
....... T .
) I'm us sue anil wie exjtense
of issiilnj; would pievent the circu
lation of a lurue number. The vis-
itor fioiu iMsteru iMiints, anxious to twelve-to-ouc shot that the place
re-locate, will lie jjivcii many ain- will net luck its jiermit at a very
phlets. he will lie laden with them early date.
(email's witli eat meiits abbreviated the urchitccts nlaus show a hand.
at ootii extremes aid in the drunk some building. X. II. Suitter has
una iiiiwiKicrly brigade. Hut it's a the contract.
CHXKO00OO00XCHXO00CH;i"XHa ockoooooooooxkxkckooooooo
Your property with Shepard cS: Tufts. Wc have
the largest and strongest companies
in the world ,
Koyul Insurance Company,
London Assurance Corjxjrution,
Springfield Fire and Murine. Insurance Company,
St. Paul Fire nnd Marine Insurance Company,
Niagara Insurance Company of New York.
W. 0.
same, rami ami preserve vour
a aa . . "
root, ah work Kiiarunteetl. Will
paint roofs for next sixtv davs for
Its. "
I cigmy-nve cents a siuarc.
3.f. T. NIOK,
CMiricttr i4 RmI Psloler. St. Johm. Ore
Noorlng, Ceiling, Rustic,
And All Kinds of Building
Prompt Pellier) OiureoUed.
Notice to Legal Voters.
As there has U-eu so much
to 1111 extent thut he will wusu
iiiuiiy. A inettily printiil folder, teisely
. . ' r' ' '"h IIK' luiuic num.. In ll... I.. ..f IT I
ses of tlio,e who would answer ult V V Vi i. .
lue.stions, would be of Kieal ah .e fX lT ' UvA UfV M!0,u,u,'we
lolhU i-ouiniuuity. itted u Z makc ,l,e fo,,owl,, Mu,e'
hotel tables ami in the nioin'rnlaivs
ut the fair grounds theie would be
but slinht exiK'tiNe if all would
niere.e their iuteiests.
I he city can puichnse a
ami nuilil 11 citv hull
A nice, eeuteel lady to ussist in
cooking. Must have extrieucc.
Imjuire hustcrn Home, Saint Johns,
Two or three girls to learn weav
ing. Apply ut Portland Woolen
Mills, St. Johns.
Of all Kinds.
Sole Agent for
Let's git bus and hustle
site lor
now than at uuy time in the future.
and ulstt secure a better location as
jiropeuy win incri'ase in value rup
idly and mote than off-set the in-
teiet on the Imiiii14 Ii.iim1 Th..
SOMKTIMK, iH)ssibly trw late, piesent city hall is inadeiiuate to our
uewsiupeis now advivutiug the ueetls and is u disgruce to any city.
paicels iKvst bill" will see their U is imperative that we have a pub
error. 1 he bill as it has lieen fie- He dock and fire uppurutus; ulso
queutly pioHKseil is simply u capper that the note due A. L. Miner be
for tllC mail order bnusr uml , luiil. V Iiiiittrsliim1 tlml tti.M ic
knocker for home industry. Any a rejwrt telug circulatetl to the effect Wt S(1DDIv tht ReKt
country iviivr thut will udvoeatc that u portion of the utnottnt reul. "v FF'J WJ
the ulxilitioii of its own home mer- Mcd by the Usuuiiee of lwnds will
Never Mind Details I
Just send the child to our
store if you feel too tired to
conic yourself, und your bill
will le illicit as carefully and
cheaply us if you came in
Universal Stoves and Ranges
A. bLOXT, I'res. J'hone III.ACK 11
K. W. SROSIIV, .Sec'y.
Portland Jobbing Co.
I'lumblnj, Osiflltlnt
Sleamflltinf, Roots
Qullers Etc,
At Kessoitablc Rates. Stove, l'urnaees
mi Tinware HejMlrel, Quick
Service. All Work Ouaran.
N 7 N Fifth St CorAnkene
I rT f 1 a am
St. Johns Heights, with fruit trees
nun oilier Improvements iw
1M 50x100 anil small house over
lookiui! the river, hleh anil slvht.
ly; this Is a snap, .. .. j
New 7-room house, nicely finished,
uigii ami sigiiiiy,c4oaetocrune,i
lot 7ixtoo. tirlce not
I'ine S-rooui houac, lot 7jxloo,on
Kruneti street, close 111, well on
Isheil, fndt trees, lawn, good out
bullilines, a burKaln.
Ij-room house, lot 50x93, this house
is new, up 10 uaie .ami is a ant
house...,., y Ijst
Sole oeent for Title (lUarantce&Tntst
I Co. Iot in Point View sold Ij don
$5 pr month.
- -a
The finest lint of residenco proimtj
111 the district. ,
Walnut Purk uBTtira tha most desk'
nble home sites streets eraded, Ut
30x100. Sold at prlcen be most W
nrablo in tliu'rnnrket. '
J03 OkiujibMr ef Owmwce, PerUfcWJ
F. J. Koerncr
There is a
f Furniture Store!
2 In St. Johns where a full line of Houa.
t hold Gocls and Wall Paper arc
1 mmcti at
I Portland Prices?
llicks BUg., Jersey st.
Do uot fail to see the Universal
Steel Rauge before purchasing
4 1 t)J r I at a a a a .. ....
T,TTT,TTtWettttttwft. prospective business lot
50x100 in the hear! cJ
I - -
l town, for
Plans and peeifleatins
I'lirnislicd on application.
110110 w.'tii neatnex and
FOR sale;
cimni!. is either muxslv linumnit
nr .i-ilfull., .l... ...!...'.!. . .
... ..i.iuii, j "'lUtiiuilNlMUOMS.
ir theie ye utie'
iMAKINU mun-s.
AT, in Malheur county,
the is ui;inj; the Uvution
o' n "Miuar iK-et fucton-.' Hdw
lonjr will it rctutire to teach an cdU
lie tiseil to pay salaries and wish to
state mat tlie city charter forliids
the use of money so rulscil for uuy
otiicr purpose uiuu tlie ones ttameil
in the call for said lHnd election.
II. Kino, Mayor.
And our trencrul stock is very
complete. Goods delivered
at your door at the very low
est pricus und selected from
fresh stock. We always
pieusc. une ouler makes
you a constant customer.
Washing and Ironing.
I atn tirctvirp.1 lit tin -ti.lii.iv
tor thut sugar Ux'ts grow und are iruuitt and housework of any kittd!
.Ill ......I.I ..:i.i.. . I ... r ... .
i.wi ...v.... , himucj i uaaiuij ycu, isiiw nave lurntsutM room for rent.
more, (juue rnieiy- tue J'rojjress ifilmore stieet, third house from St,
1111111 nieuiis it -ieei suar luctory," joints uveutic,
W. A. Edgerton
Cochran Block St. Joan.
W. II. kino, PnsUMt.
M. U HOLBROOK, Vlcsrdt
Abstracts of Tkle carefully and .accurately prepared.
cuarges Keasonable.
Offlea: Klua'a fiulNin., J.ry st,, St. Jahna
V ,-,
I New four-room cottage,
concrete foundatioa,
plastered, and lot 40x
100, for
Half acre betwn
line and boulevard, for
00i easy terms
Rogers & VanBouten
0oate Postolfice
Pkoae; Scot 1&43
I will sell Six Caws ami
Milk Route, good for $3t
month, at a reasonable fifM
r. JohHS, Of
Job work promptly attended to. W
aud kpertficaittaiu fswaislmt
' OB applioatioa. (
Please call aad leave year order
p. Wood's bicycle on Tacoass
boae Duioa 40(0, ' ' " " t