THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW I'ulllilicl Ewr FflJur Krtolnt. CROMIt tt McKliON' . iMItom ml 1'uljllsher Babicrtpllon rte, 11.00 per retr In drnee. Advertising rli, tl.00 per Inch ptr month. All dtrlliln bill pt)ill flrit of tcb month. Job Prlntlnr eiccutcl In flrit cl ttfU. Isllli for Job Printing ctih on ddlterr. a reduction of rates. And as the rates are almost prohibitive as they now exist, most certainly no time should be lost in placing ourselves in position to get a reduction if possible. This Ruvikw most certainly , ap proves of the carefulness of his honor, the mayor, and the caution of the council. In this they are All tommnnleitloni ihould b. tddr.iied to I .,c,is.in1ti tflwm tin- nitpti. Thi H.Yl.w. Ht. Johni. Oron. r"-"' "r'""' .- i" ' - I i : . r i . - . . .1 11011 OI II IJUIJU OffleUl Hiwipiptr of lh 01ty of Bt. Joknf. FRIDAY EVENING, April 21, 1905 ANNOUNCKMIiNT. Commencing with this issue of cr proposition Tint KilVlinv, Mr. K. W. McKeon, an exj)ericiiced newspaper man, will be associated with the undersigned in the publication of the paper. He Lj0 jt brings to the. publication strength and ability only attained by long practical exH!rience. Under the new management it is Iiojied Tint issue is at stake The charter confers meat iowcr on the council and the responsibility is manifold, and it will require some pretty careful steering to keep clear of breakers. The nubile dock matter is anoth- nbottt which mere should be no delay. The bare fact is the citv needs a dock, and needs it badly. Let's apply the principle of "doing things." By nil menus let everything be done legally, but nud add much to the material fare of St. Johns. J. C, Chomh. Commercial Association. The regulnr meeting of the Com mercial Association was held last Wednesday evening. Very little I Ik mtftj.t! tit utwttfrtl ttllnrnef tt'nti Kitviitw will continue to pro.sjer transacted wel- The fair utlvertising committee was urged to get to work and do something, and n resolution was passed to that effect. The matter of the council's ac tion in sending a committee instead of the health officer to the woolen mills to see about sanitary condi tions provoked considerable discus sion. It was charged that the cti tiou which was presenfed to the council was the result of txirsoiuil TIMS HON I) ISSUIv. The spirit manifested by the citi zens of St. Johns in reference to bonding the city for the amount necessary to cairy fotwatd needed internal improvements, is certainly most commendable, and sieaks well for the tine St. Johns .spirit. It is true, corporate Indebtedness is fedi , mi(j mtm ,y ny ,c. not the most desirable thing, but sirc t0 ,,,,,,, tlL. cilV( nI1(1 llmt tllB ii.e e are lime miu uim.mMiu.ce lsty action of the council was the which de.iiaii.l and warrant a city C(Ust. of ,r,vIK , Iiro,MotcM f n in Incurring certain obligations arKC wol scouring plant away from within teasonablf bounds. I he ,i. t,.r lm,,,, ....... I HIV ltJWl avftfl MWMMhIIIHVII ken an interest in their school, and have tiiveu financial support which places it at the 'head of the list of nil schools outside of Portland in the line of a systematic presentation of industrial resources. A very interesting album of sam ple work and photographs are to be seen at the school house. conditions coiifioiitiug the coikuii tiou of St. Johns at the present time ceitaiuly wariant the incur ring of bonded indebtedness. To what extent bonds should lc Issued should Ik? governed entiiely by the amount of money actually required to le exix-'iiiled for iinptoveinent.H iiiilly necwjsniy. We believe the c,ls,CInoll , il-iihi: win meei limy vine until ably on the piopositloti If they nie assured that only such amount will be exK.'inled as will meet the pies cut ieiuhemintN, nud In this mat ter we believe the good judgment of the council may be dcK.'iidcd llHMI. Hi ice and Mguctt were present, and disclaimed any intent on the part of the council to harass the woolen mill teople, but took the action they did n tesiionse to the tctitiou which contained the names of jt citizens. Mi. llrallier stated that the question of sewerage had been one of serious that it had nl- A Pine Resort. A Portland syndicate has secured projxjrty directly across the river from this city and propose to erect n fine hotel and summer resort. Plans are being prepared for build ings to cost in the neighborhood of $25,034. Kverything will be of the most modem and up-to-date style. New York parties will have the management of the place, nud will conduct it in n style equal to some of the famous suburban re sorts of the great metropolis. The management will put 011 n ferry boat to ply between that point nud this city. This enterprise will mean ti great deal for St. Johns in the way of transient trade. A boat will also be run to and from Port land. The location will be on the Springvale townsite, and will be known as the "Willows," so we are informed. Work was commenced on the hotel Wednesdny, and efforts will be made to have the place opened for business about June first. The Season Is now on for PAINTS! All Kinds and Qualities at Elliott's Pharmacy LUMBER GO TO TUB St. Johns . Lumber Company For all kinds Common Lumber, KILN DRIED Flooring, Ceiling and Rustic. Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Columns. Yards and Mill Foot Burlington St. Phone East 594 EDMONDSON CO., t Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. W. It. KINO, President. M. L. H0LBR00K, Vkc-Pretldcnt Phone Scott 4065 ST. JOHNS, Or The Edward Holman Undertaking Company ways been llie intention ot the null authorities to place it III as uearer- feet condition as iMivdhlc, and that 1 i. 1... 11. .1.1. 1 ha've 'Ur'y ,in this ore. " It I '!'. "$J&1 Crescent Making Powder costs 25c a pound. Get it of your grocer.., Subscribe for Tint Kitvntw. One dollar n year. Mnpeline is .sweet and good. Costs little and aves much. Order it of your grocer. The Susan II. Aiilhonv club will meet next Wednesday afternoon at half past two at Mrs. Ilraasch's residence. All interested are In vited to Ik: present. The Congregationalisms al Univer sity Park have orgaui.vd n church. They will meet every Sunday morn ing at 1 0:30 in Artisan's Temple at Poitsiuotitli. There will Ik: siiecial music rendered tit each service. The public is cordially invited to attend. Smith it Poff having purchased the feed store of Peterson & Smith, are pusiiiug Diisiuess, l liey are f f Funeral Directors and Embalmers Modern Ambulance Ttlphon 607 Udy AmUUnt 220-222 Third St., Corner Salmon, PORTLAND, Oregon ST. JOHNS ABSTRACT & TRUST COMPANY Abstracts of Title carefully and accurately prepared. Charges Reasonable. Office! King's Building, Jersey St., St. Johni To the People of St. Johns. Tlllv CIIAKTlilt "HUUOUS." City Attorney (itevu has returned from SiiIuiii, whither he went to examine and compare the minted copy of the new chaiter with that on lite in the societal y of state's office, lie found section 78, para graphs 1 and .1, which in the pi luted copy, iclatilig to the election nun niitleM or city allot uey, omitted fiom the law as passed, lie iiImi found paiagiaph 7 of suc tion (17 in the law as pascd, but omitted fiom (lie pi luted copy, The paiagmph leads as follows; Council to act by Oidiiiaucc style of Oidiiiaiice. 7. The Hwer and authoiity givt'ii to the Council by this Char ter can le exeieisetl only by ordi nance utile heieiu otherwise t.Npiesly piovideil, and 11 iiiajoiity of the Council, i-Mvpt as heieiu ntheiwlsi' espieHsls piovidcd, may pass an onliuaiice or involution niit upuguaut to the luw of the I'nititl Status or of this Stale iietvary or convenient for cuirylng into effect any imneror auihoiity granted in this Chattel. The stvle of evotv ordinance shall Ik "The City of St. Johns iIikh oidaiu as follows:" Aside fiom these two items, the second only of which is of any ma terial luixtitaiK-e. he found no mateiial differeiuv whatever. Pat iigiiiph 7 wan not in tin? copy fur nished tlie printer, lint section 78. liiragniphs 1 and wcic in the copy finnihlicd the pi inter. DANV.KKOl'S DldiAY. P.verylKHly wants the business of the city ttiuism-t-fd legully, and acconling to law. but nobody wauls too much juibbling over legal mat ters to the extent that the vital interests of ti e cit ate sacrificed. We tefer Mttictilaily to the matter of fire apparatus. The city attor ney declares the acceptance by the old council of thiti most ticeesKiry ac(iuisitlon for the pioteetion of the city, was illegal. Pcrltaps it tnight not have In-en strictly accotdiiig to "loxilooi." as tin- iwyers might say, but it was done in the iutetest of self-preservation, the protection against a di ended calamity which is liable to vUit St. Johns at anv iiiwiiiviii. 11 mi i-wii soiiiemonitis since Mayor King citcnlatel a'jK-ti tiou asking the council to .secure just what wc piestiiued we have, but to come in now and say its putclmse wu illegal, and deprive the city of the secutity it is sup IKvseil to give us, Ls carrying the matter ttn far. The people from whom it was putvluual haveniisetl no such jHiint, then w hy should the city? If the auiiKil will get in and assist in nutkiu its use avail able in case of nevvftftity they will have perfoniKsl nu act for 'which every citieil woiikl giethetuctel it. Hut the npmiatus is lieu , and if more attention was given to has teuitig its nvailnjiht mease of lue than legal quibbling, some teason able good will le done lkla In this matter is ceitaiuly dangerous Another iuixiitaut fratuie aUntt this fire matter is the question of insurance rules. I'ntil the matter is sellcd, and the fire fighting ap jxiratus put in commission, the underwriters- will not even consider seemed to lie the opinion of many that the commotion originated fiom motives antagonistic to this big en terprise. After considerable talk the matter was dtopcd, and the meeting adjourned. DltVKI.or.MICNT I.KAOt'lt IHII.ItOATItS The delegates np'ioiutcd by the Coiuiiieicial Association to repre sent St. Johns at the meeting of the Oiegoii Develoiimeut League, April aft nud 37, and the committees to which they have Ihxii assigned, are as follows: O. II. Carlson, II. T. I.lngctt, A. S. Douglass and S. K. llrallier, iimnufacturiug ; W. II. isiug aim iMiuei iitecut, goint lomts; , Ml ,,c ,acs f ,jltf j. iieuiy Miniii Mini K. hHi'lMiU, river, ciMiiprlshiK about .tiv iiiiimim illll-lll , 1. v.. s, I (Mile. couuneree; J. C. Scott, dairying; O. M. Hall, fiuits. The following were iipioliitcd alteriiates : II. W. Ilrice, I.. II. Chipmaii, I). C. Kog- ers. 0. I,. ChaH'l. W. V. Jabes, M. J. Ilalle. V. S. Thompson, C. W. Potter, Dr. W. Hicks, P. J. Peter son. It is uudciktnod that the al ternates will have the same privi-h-gi-s in the convention as the regit lur delegates, and all are urged to attend. business in this city, Their adver tisement will iip'HNir In next Issue. James II. Gee from Stevens Point, Wis., arrived here last Tues day morning, with the intention of I Incoming iermaiieut residents. Mr. Oee left the Iladger state last Saturday in a blinding snow storm, arriving here to find a brisk shower nu. He welcomed the change, however. The March shipments of the O. w. Cone Iuiiiier Co. exceed those of any mouth in its history. The company has completed its contract for bridge timbers for the )ortage Columbia .1.001.000 leet. I lie company will install an other boiler this mouth. SOUTH St Johns Lots for Safe Detwecn the car line nud the boulevnrd overlooking the river nud harbor, close to the Drydock nud within a few minutes' wnlk of nil the mills nud factories now located in the humming, thriving nud rapidly-growing city of St. Johns, Portland's great manufacturing district. LOTS 50x1 00 FEET All clear. Hydrant water now on tract nud will be p!ed to every lot ns required. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. WE'RE HERE! And ready for business. The delayed material has arrived and is being put in place as rapidly as our workmen can do it, and the current will be turned ou without further delay. Persons desiring to use electric light or power should make application at the offices of the Company, corner T SEVENTH and ALDER Streets, PORTLAND. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 6 nud 7 Chainlerof Commerce Portland, Oregon Public &huul Inhibit. The Si. John public school exh DO YOU KNOW There l 11 Furniture Store! lit has uached the ollice of the county suiieriiileudent, Thete iti In St. John where 11 fall line of llmii Imlil C.Hhlk mid Wall I'.ijkt me carried ut Portland Prices? H. BLACKBURN, I. A. Hick IIIiIk., Jerey M KiKcr nud Vim Hoiiten. Selling AgcaU, ut St. Joliiu. Office ut the end of the cur line. St. Johns Sash and Door Co. HOLBRQOK BLOCK, ST. JOHNS Sash, Doors and Millwork Interior Finish PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS BRUSHES BUILDING PAPER AND CEMENT KlNs;SI(i Cream and Confectionery ! . 1 w 1 a. mah count) outside of Portland. I he leading feature of the St. Johns exhibit islanguage work, con sisting of coinMMtions describing i the following industries, each sup-1 piementist tv a lirst.class plioto gniph : Woolen Mills: Wool sortiun. washing, mixing, carding, .spinning, wwtving, diying cloth, finished cloth. Dry Dock : Plane and suriouud ings, submerging dock, vessel on dock. Veneer Factory : l.og ready for machine, log in machine, sheets or joinets. jirolucts fccvenil kinds. Plour MilN : Roller mills, sifting machine, tucking Hour, kinds of Hour. Laundry . Washer and wringer, mangier, sorting and marking. St. Johns I,uiuler Co.: l.atheaud piodttcts,. engine, v-one 1, iiiiiuoi lo. : liatut saw, team and load of lumlier. Visitois at the l.ewis nud Clark fair will find all these in Inxiks and cabinets marked "Language, Mult- uomjih county, outside Portland." ii... . 1 .1.1- ' 1 1 iv mm, Mvtuiumiii wiitu g nines ate well represeutisl in uuuiIh.t work and geography, and their papers can Ih found under these titles and looks. The whole exhibit is one of qual ity rather than quantity. It shows St. Johns Land Co. 9 We want 25 men at once to clear our new St. Johns Park Addition Apply at once at our office. FRUITS IN SEASON lies! line of TOHACCOSnudCKlARS A good cup of Coffee nud Sandwich ten cents, l:crWhlug sold nt Portland prices. W. W. RASER Tncoiiu and Jcrcy streets N. F. N O R E N Real Estate 1, ol in AiiiU)ii'u.lilitiou, North M. joliiu, overliKiklnj; the river, hlKli and )j;htly $JJO Pine corner lot joniut two liUnrkii fiom the eenter of city cw New h-rHni houc well finl.luit, lot 50x71, near our line Choice! corner lot on lloiitcvard . j-rooin hoa.e ami one j-room .null houe,tml one ucre of uroiunl, in St. Jolun. Height, with fruit tree ttiui otner improvement l.ot jomcm mid inal houe over KyikiiiK the river, high unit lj;ht iy, tins u a IMp C. AL ROBBINS, Manager. We expect to place in about tvo weeks, this new tract on-the market site. It is situated near the great Weyerliauser Mill SEE W. H. KING For best bargains in St. Johns and Vicinity. Fine site for Sash Door Factory, n much needed industry Sole agents for Title Guarantee & Co.s Point View lots House and $ acres an Northern Hill, n bargain at 2,500 River View lots at reasonable prices ou installments Houses to rent new and clean, fine river view llusiuess and residence property in desirable locations We also write Fire Insurance at reasonable rates. loco IS" I 450 4- rtxim hoiue well fuiUhed, lot 40 lj n.l Wiley, fruit tree uml gttrden, thi t u iool ttargain IhutneMt lot 50x90 in the tm.iness center . . 5- room houe. lot 5oxu, thikhoue is new, up to date unit i a fine houe ... Jvile ageut for Title Ouarautee & Trust 900 800 1 1500 I AV. IT. TC12STG LAsT33 COMPAJSTY. Bickner Brothers Department Store The lots will be 50x106 with toft, alleys. In the meantime we are rapidly closing out the few remaiuing lots in St. Johns Park No. 1 . About 20 are still left, which we will sell ior a short time louger at present prices. On May 1 all lots will be advanced $50. I It Al. L HOLBROOK L. B. CHIPMAN that the jvple of St John have ta- l.ot in Point per month. View st,l f$ tlown $i All Goods Sold at Portland Prices! Would you Ilk to savl 25 per cent Keep a larye kUn-k of General Merchandise, iucludinir Drv fiia Hoot ami Shoes: (JiXKeriet Hanlvvaiv, House Kurnisliiuw. heel, hte. In fact evervtuini:. Their Prices am right. Don't waste your time going to Portland, but come in and tee our stock aud prices. y Remember The Big Department Store Corner Jersey Street aud Uroadway St. Jo am, Ofxaa on your Fuel and can do it. you D. A. SMITH H's in Town Phon East 3035 St. Johns Land Go The Pioneer Real Estate Company J St. Johns Phone Union 3104 OregOfl n...i H . K5IKSS (0 RMt llSITUM HMSSS HI RMt Lmm IWtMMIMIIIMI'