infAL ITEMS t AND CITY NEWS Glc iDed From Various Sources, and uonuu"oou The directory nwit I" ",nki"S house and v from Wisconsin ' mid room In private , ii - Aitilres r. Mac i.aciimi.. fin"V Lllcck. of The Dalles, Or, Sriritlng Mi "Lr WHwit, of . TyKr.lvllle af" .ti,.,t hi oon. A. is. wnson . f ti'lNoti. Hie Jeweler, has a fine rfU,5 W K o Hut.thiuloi, investment. . ti Mnxon. ft former resident of will return with his family Ti Anri USUI. ' rCHi,,c 1,crc- I of .-ties fn.m 1'ortland 111 the CltV till WCCK lOOKHIR U SSnewl merchandise store. M Belcher returned .front her Os .(.it ilic first of the week.accom- Sift Wn,,l0rf'0f ttut J1 M , uiiiintnin tire! P '""' :.: , 'l ' e oo. of 1,nt'o the I'rntcriial Ilwlherhood, of S Anclcs Cnl, Is visiting In H citr this week. Mi Rich, who has been In-'tliorlios Jlu Vahhwl, has rcti.ri.eil Ionic, health, although scv macli .improved m .iuhitMrac yet. bi Blw HrttotcMcrtdnM mninir. the occasion lichtg In honor of jll," jfuflherfs hirthday. . The cherry trees arc picture oi beamy is their clouti oi nuwi". ...". m, one iwsAe them, niitlelpallou comwU him to smack IiIjIiim. k i ti shields was not only elective councilman last Monday, but, us If In i..,nfi!ie cent. his wife presented hint nith alioimrhigldiby girl. Tlicl-1'Hc Civic linpnivemcnt League cnttrtaliuuctit at llickner hull tonight, foniic the ladies, they deserve It. rim. traveling salesman for the Pottlttd Manufacturing Co., left jntcnfoy for nn extended Imsliicss trip (hrouKhvut Wellington and Idaho. Uurtl !Ikc No. lS6, I. O. O. 1'. Htrts every Monday night nt ltlckncr's bill. This will be their meeting place tntil they secure permanent lodge quar tern)! tucir own, The citv Rud M. I., Jlollirook c rSimrnl irij'iL'ks and now evervtlilu till present a more symmetrical npticar met along inc lines oi uumnum nut Jery streets, llr ind Mrs. II. V. Hoi to txpres their thanks and upiitccia lion of the klmhica. iiml tliotighlftilticM o( their tinny friends during the sick r.ntati'1 death of their little daughter, F.rthn Kuc. M. I., Ilollirook has contracted with Mer. IMvMmmi mid SchaufT to clear b tcrrs of land lit the northern part of St. loans, .sir, lutinrooK win piat till hl and put it on the market as soon a It h cleared. - J The l-nllc Aid society of the Hvnu I -I I . ... . I . I . i ... . ft. idi i nun ii, iii turir niciciiniiin nam Mrs. J. II. Crook relumed from Call foriila yesterday. -. . i fThe'M. W. A. band fs T.,n,rovnK rap. Idly. The boys are practicing illllueiilh. nnu.Mve promise of Having a first-class- . t.1 , ,iu,ce11l"'-,rsoii, who 1ms been i f V " "ivc9 nere uie past w titer left for her Dakota While hereMIbs Anderson gained many friends, who sincerely regret her dc- inc om car uarns, which have stood "u "'"K "s eyesores, will soon have disappeared, and lit ihclr stead, hand some business blocks will be erected soon. Fred Kocrner has the contract! n ttf 1 tlll il iI.a . t. ' Work Is bcitic dusIumI Oil fill. im.n.. al business blocks In course of erection. The Cochran building has already been engaged for new business firms. The three buildings being erected by M. I. Holbrook on Park 1'lnr... utit nt... i... occupied as. soon as completed. Frank Mvcrmorc, who hasspent about twelve years on the St. intnm r,r tt., In various capacities, Is now collecting lares on me u nper Alliina 1 tie. Frank conductors is one of the most tKimtlar it'll.. l . . on inc line, ami ills elieerful cotinlc. nance will he missed at this end of the line, A rumor of a case where n fnttnr wn supposed to have attempted to kidnap i s two children, who are living with his divorced wife at St. Johns Heights, Wednesday nluht. was in i-lrriilnil fill Thursday. A gun play Is said to have figured 111 the case. Otir rrtinrtnr u - niinnie to trace tue rumor to any reliable The officers of St. tnlnm CHI llrothcrhood of Atllcrli-h. nrn n. lit Of 1T0(k1 fL'1lmvlll1l flllmt t,n nir f..1l....... I lll-l ,t '."'.-" "" ....V.IfI. J. JIltKIIUr. Iiri'HIIll.tlt ' 1.. f. II fll llnnnln. T MnM . ,1-1. iui. i.iijiMtm, n, v.(Min. ciiiid-I r....r:.i..... e lain; Mrs. L. F. Chase, .secretary' .MiV . . . ,tlur THE CIIY. ELECTION I n jpirncd conttjt Narked by a Rchjn of Ah- soiuit rtace and Good Fttllnj. Monday was a busy day in St joiins. wiien the tiiatin sour of tne blue birds were heard men be gan to stir, restlessly, in their sleep, and when the first sun' beams shot over the snowy peaks of the Cas cades, men were tumbling pell-mell lino llie Streets, ttl of r ntnrtttinn. Hon to leave no stone unturned to secure the election of thoir rrltictl. date. On everv street corner, in pvir business house, iirouns of men could be seen talking excitedly, and the burden of their conversation was the election. No other theme presented itself for discussion, or if it did, it was side-tracked as being unworthy ol attention on the dnv of all days. When the twlls oncned nt o o clock, the various tickets were represented by men to look after their interests. The flow of persi flage flowed along in rippling cur- itiiia man me iiuc was tun. Nothing occurred to nnuoy the voters. Discussions often grew animated but never nngry. A spir- Illeklicr. treasurer: Dr. Xtnn. M.. Lnchlan, physlclon. Regular meeting will be held at Illckner mll i.... ' uiiiiiy uveiiiMg. Some otic In St. lolms In In tin. tmt.ti oi laKingtiown tne receiver and listen. ng to conversations not meant for him. fills I as had a a "tieenintf Tmn. mi, I . ,,i .. .... i --i.---o---.-Vi wiiireiiiii in inc retnoviil or Ills tele phone If rvortcd. There Is nothing iiiiii: iiiiHuiiiiHiiiie man nil neilon llk'i being As the hours passed rslowly by people came from Portland to wit ness th 2 struggle. Artists and reporters from the great dailies of the metropolis were in evidence. The plastic pencil of iuurpny ot me uregonian produced life-like sketches of the various candiddtes. The li storian. Mc Groceries at "Very Best Prices 8 Pounds Baking' Rice 6 Pounds Extra Fancy Hiee.. ., I Bar Fels Nnptho Soap 1 Bunch Best White Knvclopcs. . 25c . 35c . 05c 05c I Wire Broiler , ioc t Mouse Trap 05c 1 Rat Trap 05c t Pair Stap Hinges , . .05c a Doz. Clothes Pins ! .05c 3 Bars Toilet Soap 35c t Ugg Beater, best 15c 1 Bar Pear Glycerine Soap 20c 5 Isaglc Pencils and IJrascrs 05c 6 Hxport Cigars ie 10 cent package Union Seals,. 11 25c 5 " " " " 25c a Cans Best Tomatoes ajc t Pound Mocha and Java Coffee ac i Cans Hglc Milk 50c Cans Pioneer Cream . . , , 35c Pounds Best White Beans..... .. 35c Package 5 Minute Mush . . 35c St. Johns Grocery Co. General Merchants St. Johns, Oregon N. A. GEE Mouse Aovcr and Repair r Houses moved, raised and repaired Odd iobs of all kinds. Prompt service, rcsonahle charges Ivouho nnd Catlin sis., ST. JOHN'S CITY RESTAURANT On Burlington St. one block from car, Meals and Lunches at all hours Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery 0. F. HURLHfiRT, Prop. M. dob ns, Oregon Dr. William Wolf Micks Office In the Hicks Building Office Rooms for rent Office hours 9 to 1 1 a in, 1 to , p tu Phone t'tiiou 2H2 Residence SI. Johns Height LOTS FOR SALE CHEAP In Braasch's Addition to St. Johns, t.ots 40x131 i-a ft. and alleys, large hearing trees. In loop; heart of city. Look for sign three block from St. Johns station. C. DRAASCII. Owner, on premises. I .1. . . . .. I I .... I . . . A mi!., nun 1 ne man wild i imiiiiv nr it 1.11 ev. iK.'rsnirt'(i tricK nn iu r should be run out of town. corded the disenvorv of St. Tn1... mi.... t . : r I icr rcc in ills Amy II. Rowland, uvdrted by Mr. McCulley is entitled to great critforhidiscovery; but fc i Ki April aa. Some eop ent vnrnl """" u 'u'e iniisc tor iiiciiiai v ta eiu irom roriiatiii lias lieen secured, sinteiueni Hint, while he hnd just Mis Rowland's class has mude r.mlil MittvivKt-,) Tnln.u 1,.. 1....1 i .11.. progress, and promise a most pleasant co..erwl the Tfntiin. H.m tl,.d l,rr. and entertaining recital. AdntUsloii ten f. .f.i .1. , K 1 . , sale at u win uc in f f f f f f f f f f f f . . MILLINERY . . HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE When trimmings arc PURCHASED HERE Children's Sailors and Leghorns 25 c. and up. Ladies' trimmed hats $1.00 and up. Pattern hats and special designs to order chcncr than Portland prices. SHEPARD & TUFTS NOTARY PUliUC MRS. L. D. JACKSON Jersey Slrcct St. .lolms to i A Good Way to Save Is to purchase (he necessaries of life where you can GET THEM the CHEAPEST qualify considered. we oiler (lie (he purest mid most pnlntnnle .goods lit our Hue nt prices ns low ns possihle nnd still nllow us a Just Profit. INVHSTIUATl: nnd Act Accordingly. i ...1 ... 1. 1 "1" . . : it j . . .. .... .. .,.1., . 1 iu u un living n rcc- u. i. traue, 70 iainet lJrech.t, 70; iai r NARIinA MW N-wvcrio k. itsknd Ward, II. W. Ilricc. IM COUCH & COM PAN Y vi. .M. uni , 04. ix ni.. itt.. aiaa hRMimAi )iii:riiANiTc IndetK'IKlent Afnvnr W IT 1 num. uihuii iuuu vji-mu.ivhw iiii.iwiiwwo King, 138: Recorder, J. V. Hanks, 269; Treasurer, W. Valentine. The Old City Council Meets for the JV Council.inen nt large, C. S. LastTime.- Ihbmpson, 183; P. J. Peterson, cents. Tickets me now Itlllott'M pharmacy. i..-i. ... . .. . . nacK 111 i-eniisviva 11a 11 111 noun o luu-i . .. . - . . j ocen iiying 1 runt ileal. Tills Is (1 stir- insing reconl for March In that stale, lical usually living conspicuous by lu itlisencc miring that month. We know how tu sympathize with ihooo nwinli.. l,.lst Monday was the hottest day ever cxpcricnci-u in m, joiins. .lany. cr sous were entirely overcome, some if tlicni liclng yet prostrated from the ex. ccssivu caloric of that day. The "oldest TIIHIR LAST ROLL CALL. that not distant, future. I he total vote cast at the election was 37.. iMillowiug is the full vote: Citizens' ticket Mnvor. T. T. Monahan, 118; Recorder, M. K. 1 lifts, 02; Treasurer, II. II. Uick- ner, 84; Councilmen nt large, A. S. wcHigiuss, 1.10; u. J. Johnson. 7a: u. n. uirison, i8: V rst Ward. iMoiidav even inr was the lust wunl. c 11. lMn-nniu mp a ttr tlltt rctir- Linquist, 89: Second Ward, II. W. to.lllensl,let ,ctutoterfonn . ..uxM",B owing to the JJrlce, 125; W. C. Walker, 61. jowl dcttls during the coming year. . -'t election matterri. Were the Good Government-Mayor, W. V. VtdiinK' the morning cars unload controlling features of the day, a Johe.s, 1 18; Recorder, J. W. Hanks, unrpuKiiKcistiiiriiigiueeiiriy morn-normal meeting was, new, unci with- 270: Treasurer. V. W 1 iii.uiiiibi InJiSXK1 ?Mt trnnsactiiiK any business, ad- 274; Couiicilmeu at large, Ii. C. .tofinZft.'uvSK ournnient was taken till the follow- Thurston, 115; H.T. Leggett, 161; wlJalMlcitii.rised with the need 'B evening. C. S, Tliompsoii, 181; Pirst Ward, efmoiclUM:furreut. Tttestlay evening there were C. D. Hdwards, I08; C. A. Un- su.mmak'. iMinioiKcv.h.i Councilmen qulst, 94! Second Wnrd, J. II. KtV "iutiu Z Z - , 1 rUert' WMKlw. IlamHtoii, Mou- Shields, 65; II. W. Uricc, 125; City Ttrr Hill k no Krvlcvs held hi tlie nnn" n,m -,,! tounciimau im- Attorney, s. ii. Ureene, 234. mmoci u i iioireil to give nil wanis nuscm. chanrt to Mtcjul the rcvlyal services in A iK'tltion was presented asking v the council (o straighten out the .ChCunr fir1.' or Pc at Htirlington street matter by vacat- wtrslliluriug the week. Rev. llenu ,,,B lwrt of ,ot C' '',0ck 4 0,1(1 re litaliloolhii. ahrr tti.. 1.. 1. i 1.1. I retvMiiir In return frnm M T. TTnt , - ihv iiiiiv.ii. in inai - ........ - - - Cairtll. UOelV. Olllt fmin III.. r.u.nn.l.l. Iirnnt. n lnn.u. llw,.u.l..l ..r. i.. , ihiwihwiv 1 ...wm. i,wa uiiuvi uiwiniiiui'ig id&Uifhis l,,e wri,erhe Hating Into the head of Uurlington AWJlSWr.rel rri" The ietition was grautetl and an wmjTlie Review that his business is ordinance passed legalizing the uZ 7 1 " an!,,," ow habit exchange. Mr. Holbrook then de f&STl&i& Hv?red to the council a dmbforthe pot in w Urge a stock. parcel of laud dedicated to the city . Th Win of st loiini wn. . au. for street purposes. S iu ,h,J cIdon Monday ns the Tjie cjty engineer presentetl plans Ute to Frnr. .1 " UI1U OUttllU HUUin lOf IIIU 1MI.IIIIIUIIII "Ston r mlT "i Cvftry street dock- T nctlo was take future, tiny ma be allowed vote aud the matter was tabled, and the Ii.tteiBuy "Pw-'t n warmer day that! Oltestton left for the incoming conn- ,"on,1VI , cil to wrestle with. offl.M!!n u,.W'"K.f,,k',3 with the The recorder was instructed4 to The, following were elected: Mayor W. II. King. Recorder J. W. Hunks. Treasurer P. W. Valentine. City Attorney S. H. Greene. Councilmen rtt I.nrge P, J. Pet erson, c. b. 'iiiompson, ii. T. I.eggett. .Councilmen First Ward C. D. Kdwards, C. A. Liwiuist. Couuclliueu becoud Ward II. W. Uriee, J. II. Shields. JJUCCTION NOTJtS. The good government ticket was elected throughout, with the excep tion ot mayor ami one councilman at large. .Mr. kings pluraltty was 20, Monahan and Jobcs being tietl JfShldl for Long !&. Co. that- the fire f-ecouu piace. i 1. 1. reterson received uie nign act ......iliAr gf i.t..c rf ntti. rf tlm IlliI 1 IIC UllCIlllUII Ul llll lllllllin.! w .W.V...W. m... w. imt nave so many. iipsJ called to the fact that the Ltoo note, candidates for councilmeti, A1ULTN0AUH I3LKCTRICAU CO. Inc. DIlAI.ltUH IN I-LCTUICAL and OAS SUPIM.II-S We IntUII l.lglitlnit Slut IHmcr I'UiiUniul irpnlr Mutotsnml lljimiim. Iloiuesml Ikll wlilni; inrvlally I'lioiiri J Office, Pcott oi , Hrnlitrncc, Hcolt Jitj Xl Kii-wl Nirct It. C WK10IIT, XUnoccr . I'mtUii WE ARE COMING THE NEW DRUG STORE We will Open THE ST. JOHNS PHARMACY In the new Cochran building within 30 days WANTED Cottages with River View We have Buyers for a number Of them I'KOMJ SCOTT 4MI SHEPARD & TUFTS. Wo arc conducting nn exclusive Hardware bus iness, and ask the people of St. Johns to look through our stock and learn the prices at which we arc selling goods, before going tt Portland or elsewhere to buy. POTTER & GOOLD THE HARDWARE .Al EN NEXT DOOR TO POST OPPICI: 1 5 ; JV1. 10 die appevance of the street 5 apparatus had been accepted. theit?flef.r le,;,rlaii. while crossing The attention of the council was ,i , "n nave EjnuMtlie ..nan wlin liml mi " ws liiciiei shorter thai due with interest added, will be nnd navnble Tunc 16. tt:!th;.4t ot x!'Iay t-et tl.ecow-olves The following bills were allowed a?" a traner. wltncusliiL' and ordered paid; MBVforVvi,ia. ,wl"i,, w were I.. IN Clark, hervlces ns recorder. t,,l,r cJOIlIaciiuleetetsIiatk-8. from Tan. 16 to Anr. 1. 10 per tk..V:"M:,,.l0.,ea" the cause lav in I month 100.00 ki Uim", ' wcr? ocateil in their I J. I.ivennore, .enices astreas . n aiiivt rrntn tin. ... It was nip-and-tttck between Shields aud Hall in the second ward, the former winning out by one vote. Judge Greene, for city ntromey, had a walkover no opposition. The Judge has announced his inten -. t in nil . t . r 1 1 I 11. I tSWJ$& V'S:: W.oo "'"yor free to make his own selec Joseph Hoffman R. D. Jackson Joint Ilughts, lamp tender 4.00 th.coH.i, having toa, . 1 ' iy Lr -s riinrot. it.... ".. . of n love feast, as it were. '"aodouMf ''"''"ofthePenhisuIi Cook made a feeling sixrech, thank- enthusiastic ovation after the votes "rfi. -i'-iuiiv ailPflll fli en I AA...nil frx- tliannr in Clfrt. I llfirl 1ff1 fni 1 11 Tfl nilfl Illf rfSllII .7-wniW. anil hrinr. l.l' . "V1" "" WWV . ... ..emu ami nen-hbo 7n i,;r.i portciveii nini uunug inc rar. uiihuuhwu. j""-' y. r""Kutsnel nnir .. . f"-"1 "cl ui.u n rrittmtr tlmt tlif rp. turned out and serenaded tne new . - ..i v . 1 I . nrnnMm MT Hilv iiui . " I " ' Miujion u'iu 1... ' . . 1 r tTz ! -1 i:r 1 nt, uiiuunceu BCJtt I o WWSJU1MIICO ui uuiviui mw ntit 1 tinv. vavhihiv, Tie tu... -.1 r, . . soon to be removed, yet felt a par- There were many disappointed tatv m!ni '-" are ctvinu a doimhlc sadness that tlie associa- nonilii1nt. nf rnnrse. and nerhans Muii-r trie ... 1 iiiuie iiiaiif' w 1 'i ini; 1 in nv L'r-xrt L'inrc ioit iiiit itii ik ii i mi . V LldlllH h 1 1 11.. A - - Am. l,n . 1 1 T t 1 1l 2 fil aIi "r.'V tUe Wnicc Will belVn. H Hmini's renifirk-S wereL.cWiW o;i 511 UKntr cTiniilrl linvi -wiiiUiIl lti-tt i tiniPli ntul nnnrniin.ilP. . I lie I cintvxinv nnn pupiv ?ni(r rf w oatt11 ell,lllnate all UKsUfnitUaK ou'ci,ule ?Pcsct all expjessed solved to give loyal support to the uWafsJ4!10' Q tiiQiwcelves inhe srwc sXrw, and Wen elected. tbirr. Vt command- flMWrnitiwl -rw;f HiftVretiiVs to be mt.. t.. fMi n?!Mfrequi,ti, r.imyi foffotten, and lupta .yu.1. tney met at the city i,ai Wednesday, ooJv Z f of rortUnd Sni; naMfht continue i to liveasfighbors for ti,e discussion of matters in gh curi2... "'"nvutUngSt. Jofini aa inenus, auu see i. joniis uc- ueral. and with the view of get vet ni.. '"""l vw"'v '"'6'- i'."-!"-.-"" "jf itinc Dciier acquatmcu uciuic ciuci- n . .. . - . .viiitr riatc raniA i..di . I - . . tme.d S, KTT , ing upon their dunes next wonuay V 1 Unfit C . . - T" 1 ' i r ' H HBB ITK H unna ' I T .ii Jon"-tt Pleased ' ' evening. ,.:". "i Peonle tn vtd.l uie rorisniouiu i imriuuty, ui tion. The' reason for, this is the ..8 Holy week, the renmvni -J C, R. Oruan. marbluil . . . Jo.oo misunderstanding of the charter cfc ffiffiSlk i"g took,thenn Provisions. I f I. I All i ALLEN H. BLACKBURN ! This is What Wc Will Do f We will furnish your house complete on Kasy Monthly Payments. We will sell you the luunous "Jewel" Range for $i.oo down and Si.oo per week. J We will sell you a Sewing Machine on Easy 1 erms. We make a specialty of Wall Paper. We Sell Everything at Portland Prices. I Hicks Block, St. Johns, Oregon. Zeller Byrnes & Blackburn Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Calls Pr mptly Attendsd to Lady Assistant Day or Night ST. JOHNS, OREGON till i,.-M10i.e Who come to n,rr mnmW str VI Itran.. " ami tbatl. .. , . ? t "Kiln . T""' vmiin, I.; e iifli I 1CIIM "I . XUJ BHirl. . . niUIC ' . . ... iM. iAa fKrrfre iirilt tti has one of the . ' Vr.t,. .,.,,;.',. .v1.mi.iVv stocks ot nsiung ..... ' ' ' : ,i nKcflm i will be, sworu We tlo crown And brldue ork without ualu ') Our iS)tr' ci(irtlciice In llalc work tu able u io m your moui coiuiurtaiJiy. l)r W. A. Wiu liai louml a alc way to ci tract Utth, atwolurcly wltliout lain l)r T 1" WUe It auciixrit at colj filling ami ciovtu and Lrldiit work. iTitractiuv frtc when platci or vtWut are ordered. WISE BROS. Dentists, falling OutlillaK. cor Third and Wath. 6i; 0KU r.tuluji till 9 . m. tunday (rout 9 to la. Or Main jy. OUR FAITH ! IN- ST. JOHNS Is best expressed by onr gniirnnty of 30 jkt cent increase in value of iroK'rty during the coming yenr This guaranty provides that in case the proper ty you purchase does not increase in value at least 20 per Cent 20 per cent during one year from date of purchase wc will refund your money with 6 per cent interest This same guuranty we have been offering since wc first undertook to get industries nt St. Johns, something over three years back and up to date no one has ever asked for his money back. Lots and Acreage on Installment Payments Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. O. L CHAPEL, Agent at St. Johns. ' r Tke prices are right, too. Subscribe for The Rbvikw. 1 c0&d&moa0M IMU W.A.WWK. UK. T, l. WIW.