St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 24, 1905, Image 2

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l'ublliktd Emit Friday Efnln.
J. 0. CXOMa Editor and PaMltkw
Oubicrlptlon rilti, 11.00 per jttr In dTne.
Adt.rtlilnr rln, tl.00 per inch per month.
All dfttlilo bills P;IU flnt of aeb
Job rrlntlof ettcuUd In flnt eUii it;l.
nllU for Job rrlntlns cih on dellT.rr,
All cotnmanleitlon iboald b ddrMd to
The BeTlew, Ht. Johni, Oregon.
Official Neviptper of the City of It. Jokn.
FRIDAY EVENING, March 24, 1905
If some iconic were to he yiven
tun dollar tfold pieces, fresh from
the mint, they would question their
genuineness, nnd kick because they
were not double eagles. The
Wcyerhati.sor Co. has decided to
locate here, of itself a hlg thing, n
gigantic enterprise, but, of course,
there had to be some kick about it.
The one most prominent is to the
effect that this big addition to our
Industrial enterprises will not be of
much benefit to this city because
the company runs its own stores.
This is incorrect; the Weyerhatiser
Co. do not run "company stores, '
nor deal in any kind of commodities
necessary for living. The company
has nil it can do to run its mam
moth lumber manufacturing busi
ness, and has no time for the mer
cantile business. We nre assured
by men who have been connected
with this company font number ol
years that any fear along this line
is entirely unwarranted nnd ground
less. r
rants shall be issued for any pur
pose, except ajainst special assess
ment funds, unless the money is in
the treasury to pay such warrant.
At the last meeting of the council
a resolution was adopted appropri
ating money! for certain purposes,
for which no special assessment
funds had been provided. War
rants were ordered drawn for $2,
2oo and $1700 respectively.
The objects for which the war
rants were ordered drawn arc com
mendable ones; things the city
needs and must have, but wc must
confine ourselves to the require
ments of the charter and follow it
strictly in letter a well as in spirit.
Tho charter declares that all ac
tion taken by the council, contrary
to its provisions, shall he null and
void. To remedy this action of the
council a special assessment should
be made at once, and the money se
cured for the purposes for which
it was intended. This will obviate
all trouble in the matter, nnd en
able the city to make the desired im
provements nnd still fulfill the let
ter of the law.
C. renrcsentintr M. A. A. C Liv- Deed and Contracts.
ingston, Y. M. C. A., Kelley and The Review Las printed nnd keeps
Walsh. Columbia. From the out- in stock the latest and most perfect
set of the meet it was evident to the forms of deeds and contracts, which
goodly crowd that was present, may bo purchased nt tho office nt
that the struggle would be princi
pally between the Columbia lads
and the wearers of the winged "M"
and the race for the handsome lov
ing cup was nip-aud-tuck. It was
only because Columbia's team was
weaker and less experienced than
prices less than is usually charged for
such blank forms.
Notice of City Election.
Notice is hereby given that an
election will be held on Monday,
Anril tl.Sf.1 mp tnv Mm mlrhncp
her victors, that the boys failed to effecting the following officers to
p ace the cup in their trophy room . xrw f the en,ui vear. the
following have been designated
as polling places: First ward at
the council chamber. Second ward
P.W. Hinman's store, comer
Chidago and Ivanho streets.
1 He pons will be opened at 9
The through ears from St. Johns
stop running at y o'clock. This
has caused a number of persons to
be left in Portland, over night, they
having waited for a through St.
However, no excuses are offered
for the defeat. Dan Kelley, Col
umbia's star track-man was not
himself, owing to recent sickness;
nevertheless he captured two events
of the four in which he was entered,
and in the 220 yard dash, delighted
the audience by winning it in record-breaking
time, and establishing
a new indoor record 23 4-5 sec
onds. Another flash of the cap
tain's real ability was shown when,
in the second heat of 50-yard dash,
he won from Oscar Kerrigan in the
record time of .5 .v seconds, which
feat breaks the Pacific coast indoor
record. In the finals Kelley, los
ing his stride near the finish, was
easily beaten by Smlthson of M. A.
A. C, who is one of the neatest
nnd fastest sprinters in the north
west. Ills distances arc pre-eminently
the 50 and loo-yard dashes,
while Kelley is fast In the 220-yard
mil. lioth arc fine athletes and in
Now Is the time to make a good in
vestment. A 1 1 -a story home, 7 rooms,
pantry and two closets, a 75 barrel cis
tern and a good well, the only well in
the vidnlty. The location is the best
that can'be had as It lays center way be
tween the Loop in Point View. Call on
or address WALTER W. WOOD,
llox S, Jt. Johns, uregon.
Johnson & Dillon
o'clock A. M. and close at 7 o'clock ornblo in tho mar!
First Mayor.
Second Three councilmen for
the city at large.
Third Two councilmen for the
first ward.
Fourth Two councilmen for the
second ward.
Fifth One Recorder.
Sixth One Treasurer.
Ily order of the council,
L. F. Clakk
The finest list of residence property
m the C strict.
Wnlntil Park offers tho most desir-
nhlo homo sites streets graded, lots
oOxlOO. Sold nt prices Iio most lav-
Your next door neighbor is using "VIM
and MAQIC" FLOUR. Why don't you?
We carry a full line of LADIES', MISSES'
. . COUCH & COMPANY . . .
Phone Union 4066.
U03 Chamber of Commerce, Portland
l l l
Johns car, which never came.
All the SI. Johns cars running a Mine coming meet will nlford consul
ter ij l M. are without .1 label and ""able speculation among their ad
mirers, mere are nowhere in the
northwest two more promising ath
letes than Kelley and Smlthson.
The distance events, the mile nnd
Notice of Improvement of Jersey
Notice Is hereby given that at the
Contractors In Gradin- Excaratlng
and all kinds of team work.
Cnn lenvo orders nt Shcpard & Tufts
The Edward Holman Undertaking Company
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Modern Ambulances Tlphon 607 Lady Assistant
220-222 Third St Corner Salmon,
may thus be overlooked. In tins
connection it is suggested that sonic
method be adopted by which pass
engers may be enabled to reach
their destinations and not be delay
ed in Portland over night.
meeting of the Council of the city of St.
Johns, held on the sixth day of March,
1905, the following resolution was
Resolved, That the Council of the City
of St. Johns, Oregon, deems It expedient
nnd proposes to Improve Jersey street
1 mm uie souui stile 01 cnuni street In
Kvciits of the past fortnight will
have a greater lulllience in shaping
the destiny of St. Johns than any
other single element that has mi far
entered into the miestiou. While
the progress already made ill secur
ing the various industrial institu
tions which line the shores of the
river front should not be underesti
mated. All of them have proven
valuable acfiulsilloustn the city and
have formed 11 nucleus for an Indus
trial center that will and has proven
a most iniH)ttant factor in the pro
gress already made. The pay-roll
nhendy established Is of such pro
Millions that must of necessity
prove 11 solid and substantial basis
for thefutuie nroincritv nndinowth
of St. J s. However, the decl- COI.UAUHA UNIVERSITY ITI-AIS
slmi of the Weyerhaiiser company
to locate their big IuiiiIkt nminifiic
turiug plant at this jxiint places the
question of our futuie destiny be
yond nil jHissible ue.stinu of doubt.
Were it even the desire of those
most heavily interested in our pres
ent manufacturing Industries to
shut down ojeratious, mid leave
the town to nIiiihj Its own fate
without them, the present condi
tions are a guarantee of stability
and jterietiiity of our growth and
development. deptessiou come,
let a stagnancy in nit cniniiU'rriul
lines become general, Mill the fact
that a concern hacked by Mich
unlimited capital as is the case of ,llltcr ,i,c .,,,CcS f ,lc A, 0,
located here, and will continue op- l, r . was declared n holiday
erutioiis ilntiiiL' dull ilm.w il... I11111' the boys enjoyed it immensely.
as though the wave of prosperity KV1'.0" vas ,,,c prevalent tone-color
was at its maximum height, is ,I,C ,ln
Milhcleut guaranty for all time to
come. With this t-oucerii it is
Portland &
half-iuilc, brought out some very Chlpmati'f addition, to the south side of PvnfACC Cfk
promising runners In Mays of the 'J. trcc, 1,1 l,,c rowhiK ' CrAprCM VU
M. A. A. C. , who captured the I'lrst-Ily KradliiK the street full width.
Fire Chief Tufts tested our hose
carl ami 500 feet of hose during the
week. lie did not have a sufficient
number of men to secure a fair test,
but he found the pressure insuffi
cient for throwing a stream to any
great height. I he nozzles nre too
large for the amount of pressure.
The department Is handicapped bv
lack of facilities for drying hose ni
ter use.
A meeting is to be called for the
purpose of electing an assistant
t hief in the near future.
Rev. I?, I'. Murphy, first presi
dent of Columbia University, now
rector of St. Patrick's church,
Portland, was 11 recent visitor at
the University, but, unfortunately,
the much beloved former president
was unable to make 11 lengthened
visit. Other visitors were the Revs.
Daly, Hughes, Curley and J. I).
Murphy, nil of the city. J. O'Hara.
editor of the Catholic Sentinel and
Joseph Jackson of Unite, Montana.
Rev. P. J. Hennessey, professor
of Huglish, delivered a most elo
quent eulogy 011 St. Patrick nt
services held in St. Patrick'schurch
mile event with ease, and in Walsh
of Columbia, who took both the
quarter nnd half-mile without any
effort. Hotli give promise of de
veloping into fine distance runners.
The running high jump and pole
vault were captured by Hurt Ker
rigan, the veteran track-man and
holder of Pacific coast championship
lor tne nigh jump at 6 feet 2 inches.
The shot put was taken by James
of M. A. A. C, defeating Hailcy,
the Y. M. C. A., by putting the
io-ii) hiioi 37 leel 4 Indies. IJalley's
best effort fell n foot shy of this
murk. The relay race was cap
tured by the soldiers from Fort
Some of the teams were weak
ened and not in condition, Colum
bia had three good men out in
Hinkle, Wilkinson and C. Moore,
all prevented from participating on
account of sickness. The Y. M.
C. A. team was haiidlcapied by
the absence of I.lghty and Mcrritt,
two of their lcst men, and the
high school, while they struggled
manfully against odds, demonstrat
ed that they have ability which
lacks but good coaching to make
Itself of uuy ticcount in the coming
Following arc the (mints scored
by the contesting teams:
Multnomah Amateur Athletic
association 40.
Columbia University a8.
Young Men's Christian associa
tion 18.
Artillerymen of Fort Stevens 7.
Portland High school 6.
ScCOfld-Ilv COIUtrtlCtltli wooden utile.
ThlrdHy constructing wooden cross,
fourth - Ily constructing suitable
l'lftli Ily graveling the aired from
I'cMcudcu to Richmond itrcct.
The above liniiraveiiifiit ulinll iM-rlm.
ci 1 as n inn improvement Ixtwecn Cntlln
street nnd l'cMcmlnii street, nnd a grnvel
Improvement between 1'cmciiiIou and
Richmond street.
Said Improvement to lo made accord
ing to the charter and ordinances of the
Lily or hi. Joliim, and the plan and
Mclficntton of the City Kugiuccr on
fdc In the office of the City Recorder.
The cost of said lllllirovrinriit In tin
assessed ns provided by the charter
upon the propcry fronting on said Jcrncy
The IttiKlnccr's estimate of the probn
blc total cott for the Improvement of
said Jersey street is f t.8?i.8o.
The plans, specification and estimates
01 tne city engineer for the Improve
(Oj)ernting cars over Portland Con
solidated Hues)
Rates Reasonable
Urompt Service
We have made arrangements to
transfer all frieght in the city mid
nt St. Johns when necessary by
team at reasonable rates.
Do not move your furniture (of
course you nre going to St Johns to
live, l'ortlanu Is moving that way)
until you get our prices.
Portland & Suburban
Express Company
incut uf said Jcrey ulrcct arc hereby V. K. STEARNS, Aiaiiaecr
l'l'IVI I
Remonstrance Sk'nlimt the n!oie tin.
provcmcni may be filed In writing with
me uiiucriiKiicii wiiinii 10 nay from the
date of the first publication of thi no
tice. Ily order of (he Council
... CLARK,
Recorder of the City of St, John,
ht. John, Oregon, March 10, 1905.
To the People of St. Johns.
And ready for business. The delayed material has
arrived and is being put iu place as rapidly as our
workmen can do it, and the current will be turncdjm
without further delay.
Persons desiring to use electric light or powcrshould
make application at the offices of the Company, corner
John Bqttomfieid Man Who Invests I
only a question of getting tlmher to
eouveit into metcliaiitahle stuff, not
n ipiestiou of the condition of the
linnher uiaiket. If their product
is not in demand today, their policy
N to keep at woik pioducing to
their full capacity so that when the
demand does come they will he 011
hand ready to supply it.
It is doulitful if the magnitude of
this enterprise is icaliml hy many
jvople of this city, uud all In-causc
we me yet unaccustomed to really
"Idg" things. In nit institution of
this chaiacter the hy-pioducts nie
of very gieat imiortaiKV, Not 11
single lurticlv of waste is permitted,
lively stick of lumber Is titilUetl,
If not for one thing then for anoth
er. What with many mills Is abso
lute waste, iu this instance, is con
verted into some iiieichautable
article, .something for which there
is a demand and will bring returns,
if not with 11 imugiit of ptoflt, yet
Mifliclcnt to reduce the cost of pio
ductiou to a minimum. Then, too,
other factories uie attracted by such
concerns. The idea that if St.
Johns is so desirable for the big
concerns UKettie Weyerliauser com
The college choir sang Uosewlg's
mass in (, at the ehael exercises
on Sunday morning. They have
ken training faithfully under the
sujK'rvisiou of llro. Jerome, and
their success eieatlv exceeded their
exKvtatioii, Rev. J. I Tlillliuaii
had them to sing at the 10:30 ser
vices in the Holy Cross chapel nt
Portsmouth, The members of the
choir ore Tenuis, J. I.eRov Wood.
V. Ciilleu, Martin, Prof.;
nasM-s 1. Hrogan, C. Roe, C. Al
bright, Piof. J.onerguii.
The teeent inclement weather
has put n cheek to baseball, nnd us
the boys me eomielled to resort to
the use of the gymnasium, they
will lose some of their accuracy in
throwing and lielding, Indoor
practice can never equal outdoor
At n recent meeting of the whole
student liody, bred Martin was
unanimously chosen student maim,
gei of athletics, and Dan Kelley
captain of the Hack team for 1005,
On April 15 there will lie the
second annual Indoor Weld uud
Track Meet oik-u to all colleges.
athletic teams and clubs iu the
Pacific Northwest. Already the
All kinds of repair work neat
ly and promptly done. Best
stock in tlte market used on
all work.
Mr. Kctchuui has returned home
after his long sojourn iu Idaho nnd
Nevada, wheie he is Interested iu
mining. I le delights to be back iu
Uregou again.
J. O. Colfer left Thursday morn
ing for the Pottlaud open nlr sanl
toriuui between here nnd Oregon
City. Mr. Colfer Is suffering with
lung trouble, and will be there about
thiee or four mouths.
S. C. Davis, from Centralla,
Wash,, is visiting around the Park.
Prices reasonable, - a, T . , 4 A , 3
I rvntnl In Cnn-ta ., ...I I 'I'
Vn--'-4 111 wlMlbl 0 Villi OI41IIU. I 1 f m 11
near Pcddicord's real CsUte 8lu"oly layhlff tho foundation of 5
Clairvoyant and Palmist.
After you hove visited every
palmist and fortune-teller, call at
Wanda's temple of palmistry;
readings iu astrology, cards, clair
voynuce and spiritual, by a No. i;
names given uud no writiinr. Call
und be convinced. 211 Fourth
Two little tots of St. Johns, a boy street, Portland, Oregon.
.urn a gin, ageu 3 years, were at
play in their ard one day this week
when the little girl hurt herself and
began to crv.
nt. a aj a a a
Attorney nt Law.
Room 9 Hc(fJn HU'f .
Coriwr hi, u4 Wit. Sit.
1...... ...1... J . I. - a I ..... 1 . . t t
lNiiiy, wuy is u not a gooii place 1 """MgemeiH mis leoeiveu n immoer
smaller industries. This result entries for
the cominir nieot.l
.... .. . " i 1
wiiicii is tne largest athletic event
in Portland during the year, I.ast
year's mat was a grand suctvs
from every iviint of view, ami this
for sii
Is themoM natural one in the world.
It is safe and reasonable to predict
that k'fore many cycles .shall have,
passed St. Johns will be the lamest!
inaiiufactuiiug center on the Pacific year's meet piouuscs to outshine
coast, liven let the ratio of iu- year's. A marked feature of
crease that has prevailed during the meet will be races for the gram
the last eighteen mouths Ik; main- "mr schools of Poitland, and it is
tamed, figure up the result at the desired that all schools in Portland
ciulof the next eighteen months, semi four boys to win n relay nice.
1 will Sell Slv Cowi and a
Milk Route, good for $300
n mouth, at a reasonable
St. John
Oifara, Tobacco and
OonfccUoswry ....
St Jo&aa, Ortfoa
E, M, dllRS' PoMttry Yard
Kggs for sale from prize winninur
stock. Three strains. S. C.
White Leghorns and White Wyan
dottes, 1.50 per setting. Iuctiba-
oator lots 6 per joo. Barred
Rocks $2 for 15 straight. Stock
for sale.
Phone Union I JOS
Point View AddMien, St. Johns
a fortuno. It is not oxtrava-
gant to say that every foot of
St. Jolius Real Estate will
quadruplo in valuo within five
years. You ask, Why? Visit
St. Johns and look over tho
ground, investigate for your
self. You will find that St.
Johns is a busy place, that the
hum of many industries fills the
air, and you will also find that
all these industries are NEW1
St. Johns is just starting up.
It is destined to be Portland's
great manufacturing district-
where thousands of operatives
Real Estate is the Best
Asset you can have . .
Those of you who invested in St. Johns a
year or two ago have doubled and iu some
cases trebled your money. The opportunity
to do this is still here. Tlte town is still
young and real estate is still cheap.
St. Johns is with its new charter just en
tering on an era of development hitherto un
known. Within auotherjyear you will see a 'city of
paved strects,'roadjsidewalks,randJpermanent
business blocks. Then you will realize when
it is too late that your opportunity for getting
cheap property is past.
will be employed and that is
fllM PriM niitMlff Stnra wh? we 8y that Real Estate
wmw 1 1 vw wrvimn WIUIO
Large stock of Spring Cloth. I
lug; Men's Shoes
N. FREEDMAN, Jersey St.
F. J. Koerner
values at St. Johns will quad-
ruplo within five years. We J
are now selling lots at St. Johns I
for $100 each, $5 down and $5
I a month.
( it I. r.. i - ... .1. ..
1. it it 1.1 i,ui ui i(i-Miuie mai me
increase will Ixj ga-ater for the ue.t
couple of years than it has Ik-cii iu
the same ierukl in the past, Aj
any rate, the futuie of St, Johns is
fixed, full of hope and cneouruge
iiieut, and those who have interests
here may feel an assurance in tlte
wisdom of their investments that Is
vouchsafed to but few,
I here has never wen a city char
ter deviled that did not contain
angles against which the unwary
did not run. The city charter of
St. Johns is 110 exception to this
rule, nnd the members of the council
have found themselves striking the
The charter provides that no war-
lliese relay races lctveeti the
youngsters proved very Interesting
last year, uud it is hoped that the
enthusiasm among the small hoys
will be as great, if not greater, this
year. University Park, Couch and
Harrison have already siuuified
their intention of entering.
The meet held last Saturday was
pre-eminently u success, and those
who witnessed saw u very fine dem
onstration of uthletlc ability. The
nteei wns participated in hy M. A.
A. C Y. M. C. A., Portland high
.school, soldiers of lort Stevens uud
Columbia. The men from Van-
couver barracks could not attend
owing to their preparations for their
derture to the Philippines, liach
team hud its stars, but by fur the
brightest were Siuithsou of O. A,
South St. Johns
Brz Tract
South St. John, (notice Trmct.)
Uioltrcit, property on the PetihuuU.
Lot joxlcvifor J 100, iiwullmcnt.
lluilncvj corner, tuixico, heart of
town, tor $7co.
Without exception the fiuet rwi.ltuce
lot in the town, 30x100, overlooking the
nver. View cu never be obstructed,
Price till wccV, f J50,
Rogers it Vanliouten
0no4ite Poitofflcc
Phqite Scott 3184
Plana and speeileation
fumitbed on aooliMtion.
Idoue with neatna and
All work
Title Guarantee
St Johns Park
is the most desirable residence district in St.
Johns. We still have some fine lols in this
tract which we can sell you?
$5.00 Down and $5.00 a Month
These lots are high and sightly, overlooking
the river and iu full view of the mountain
peaks couvienent to car line and Factories on
the water'front.
Let us show you"this'property.
Call ou us or'write us for'full particulars.
Houses.built ou the installmentTplan,
A. SCOTT, lVea. 1'hone 11LACK JJ
K. W. CROSUV, Scc'y.
Portland Jobbing Co. & I IUSI LO.
St. Johns Land Co
Phi Mat. QaHlf
Qrton Etc
At Reasonable Rate. Stove, Pureacc I
anilTinware Repaired. Quick
Sen-ice. All Work Guaran-teed.
Nj7N FtfthSl.CwAakwiy
4 m4 7 dumkr CMMtcrce
The Pioneer.Real EsUte Company
St. JoImS Phone Union 3104 Oregon
HMSKtofiMl lite Rmm n m mam Lmm