St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 03, 1905, Image 1

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    The Circulation of THE
REVIEW In the Penin
sula exceeds that of all
other papers combined
Advertisers, note this.
A.n 111 Civrliran Mock, next lo Dr.
v,m HeusclVs ..nice
Office hours, 9 . i. to 5 ! "'
Telephone Scott 114S
Lawrence M. liensel, M. D.
Office at Central Hotel
Over l'ostolfice . . .
Office hours, 1 to 5 p. 111.
Plume Scott 1148.
oniff Iiohm. 9 to 2 sad lilO .
, Hril.fnf I'lion Scott 1S94.
Ode NioM Union 4002.
Oiliec hours, 9 to'a n 1 SI'- .
Residence rhone Scott 6356.
Office I'lione f'doii
nfu-r t'lnlslr. ntxl Elliott's Pro Store.
Attorney - nt - Law
sr. JOHNS,
liHfrikiluni on PIANO anil ORUAN
50 Cents a Lesson
Corner Jersey and l.cavltt Strce's.
Ji:st opened simp iii rear of Pcddi-
euid's real eslnto office.
Repairing Neatly nud Promptly Done,
Itmiloirnri Aiirlitmn
uuuiwui u (iuuimvii
To it. Julius. High 1.1 u J between car
Hoc and rhcr. Lots 50I00, alleys, $200
Caty monthly Payment.
n 11 v AuimiiTriM c. J
u. 11. wtniiuumn, n. jumia I
Tnree 4 Acre Lo s for saw
With alleys, nil corners.
Dr. William Wolf Hicks
SI. Johns Heights,
Colombia Boulevard and Central Arc,
JMrs, L. Tyner, Proprietor
First Class Rooms
CuUlne Excellent
M1S8 RICH, IToprUtres
Jy Street - .
St Johns, Ore. t
Oood Msili
Csmfortabla Booms
The Hazclwood
iu stock-
Corner Jersey St and Broadwy
8t- Johnj, Oregon
The host m?T?AT r a vt?o
nni uti7o i
u i mo in tlie world
Give us a trial
fkone Scott 3101
Si, Jaku
If an up-to-date quick Lunch, than another, which pays a big div-
t Urar, Confectionery and News idend on the investment, especially
w3 ip. ie Cele1brte.d n?zel; with growing cities, that thing is to
woou Lrearn and Butter Vent . n.i.,o...
VOI,. i
Various Topics of Local and General
Interest Briefly and Tersely
Commented Upon
Numtroui Matters Which Art Btfort the Public
for Central Discussion
Along pull, ti strong, unci nil mill
together, and it Is coufiilenllv believ
ed a free ferry across the Willamette
can be made a reality. Whether it
is possible to get tt ferry is not sure,
but an enterprise carried on by pri
vate parties would fill the bill for
awhile, tit least, until such time as
the city or county could take
over. A large amount of produce.
wood, feed and other .staple com
modules which arc now hauled to
Portland from the productive farms
a couple of miles west of the river,
would come to this market where it
would find n ready sale. Don't let
up.boys, until we land the ferry.
ome tune ago there wis some
talk of foituer residents
of eastern
states, now residents of St. Johns,
forming local associations, I tit the
niilt. r has I een allowed to lag for
l-ioun reason. hitch organizations
would not only be valuable from tt
I .-wild stundtolnt, but could be
HiUlJ useful us mediums In- which
the city could be advertised through
out the various states from which
they hailed. Let some one take
the initiative. Wisconsin is n good
.date to commence with, us we be
lieve the Wolverine state has, pre
haps, more representatives here than
my other,
Por tin exiHMuliturc of not to ex
ceed jix) or $400 n wharf could le
built at the foot of Richmond street
which would meet the present emer
gent,)', and prehaps be adequate for
some time to come. Ouc-hiilf or for
a width of forty feet, pilings are ul
ready driven and cupiicd, extend
iug out to it depth of water, at low
stage, where any ship that floats oil
the Wilhimette could maken sieetly
and safe lauding. All that is re
ircd lfJ t() ,ank thjs tion, and
then drive piles and plank the re
muitiiiu: forty feet. G. W. Cone
offers to contribute the piling mid
necessary plonking mid timbers, ,nud
Ontilol Hrecht offers to contribute
hSso to apply on labor and spikes.
w informed that the
worii necessary couiu e eouipieieu
in three weeks.
It does seem stramre. indeed, that
so important a matter ns n dock
should be allowed to drag its weary
length along, while many of us are
yelling ourselves hoarse about our
valualile Heritage tlie water iiom
and unemiuled shipping facilities.
We say it is a strange thing, we
have the water front; we have op
portunities of affording the most
economical meuine iur mmuniiK
freight by water of any point on
the two rivers. We have these
things, but good people, honor
bright, now, what good are they
unless we utilize thcin. Plaiutalk,
to be sure, but the circumstances
demand plain.honest talk. Are we
.. . .. .. i .1.?-.,- At.-
tooiisil euougii to iiiuiK wiui we uiii
keep this up everlastingly just for
advertising purposes? We can't de
it; we may fool the people lor uwlitio
but the inevitable will come. Let's
le honest with ourselves, and build
dock, and quit sailing under false
Just as necessary to accomodate
the mills, foundries aim shops al
ready here, is u street graded along
the water front. The very exist
auce of the vital part, the very soul
..ic It u-frv nf this oitv demands that
hesc things be done. Welre not a
pressunist nor an ularnus , by any
... .1.. 4t... ....
means, out we piauny !uy muv un
less action is taken and something
done along these Hues very soon, the
result is hard toforetell. These are
bald facts, fellow-citizens, but delay
is hazardous. There is no reason
why these things should be neg
If there is any one tiling more
be honest in proclaiming the ad van
tnces. resources and iuuucements
held out to investors and locators.
No matter what may be claimed,
the city must be iu position to make
trood: cive optical, practical demon
stration that the claims set forth can
be verified. This is as true tn ceil
eralities as it is true in individual
business relations. The man in
ai-.v business may strut around like
a peacock, lay claim to to this, that
and the other thing, but as sure as
water finds its level so will the man
wlm makes bie pretentions and
when pressed can't back them up
.... .
Tnere is no cuy on una cuuiiucm
that possesses more natural resuour
ces than St. Johns. This fact can
be demonstrated, and quite satisfac
torily, too. It is uo newcoudition.
1 hese things have always existed.
Its only recently there was any move
made to use them and let the
outside world know they were here.
That's the only difference between
the present and a half century ago.
But, are we doing our part in util
izing these God-given advantages?
Are we? Let each and every one
of us have an interview with our
selves and then answer.
The Review agrees with I3ro Mc
Vicker regarding the ttndesirablity
of saloons in St. Johns, and believes
that the city is far better off with
out them, yet we fear our good
brother has made a mistake iu forc
ing the issue. We repeat what we
have said before iu these columns.
we do not believe a council could be
elected, if this issue were left nut.
that would grant a saloon license,
However, if it is to be forced ns nn
sstie, and we don't beleive it would
have entered into local tmlitics if it
were not forced, let the question be
submitted to tt vote of the people, so
that city officers may be chosen
without reference to their views on
i, . ..
flirlll t Hill, tltiWIifllr.a St tttitlt I
" , , ' V . J.tlerary society gave ts week y eu
is easv etiotu! h to sav that von emi i ...,..!..' ;.".
, . . . " ... , ..f. .
select men coinbining ability nud
opposition to saloon liceie, but the
chances arc mi hundred to one that
it wouldn't be done. There are ex
tremists on both sides. They re
gard their "for" or "against" sen
timents as the whole thing. Give
St.Johus a council of this kind,
und the results would m anything
but for the mateial benefit of the
city. St. Johns can't afford to make
mistakes of this kind.
It is claimed that the present city
officials of Portland are endeavoring
to set aside the direct primary nom
inations law and retain their osi
tions iu office until June, 1907. If
they should succeed, no greater ca
lamity could befall our neighbor.
The present regime, with its accom
panying system of graft and conni
vance with the criminal class, would
present 11 sorry stiectacle to the
throngs of visitors who will crowd
the city during the fair. Ths citi
zens of Portland may felicitate
themselves, however, that they have
one siiviiiir urnce in the person of
the sheriff of Mttltlinomali county.
A Stroll along the water front of
this city reveals many interesting
things. A rather amusing thing
was n box of fresh country eggs,
which the steamer Ltirliue had
managed to get ashore near Jobes'
1111 the other day. The lmx con
tainiuir the"hen fruit" was all right,
high and dry, until the tide came
11. when it was carried out iu the
eddy, and there rolled to nnd fro for
a doy or two, when it was rescued,
ami a passing team threw it aboard
and delivered it to the firm to which
it was consigned.
In reply to an "enquirer" we will
state that the hare heading 111 a re
cent issue of the Portland Journal,
which read: "Chief of Police Asas-
siuuted.'Mid not refer to Portland's
iir chief. No, no: such n calamity
is not liable to befall him.
, t .
Seedless apples is the latest thing
on the lioards. Next we will hear
of Portland policemen and members
of congress wearing pantaloons
without pockets iu them.
Morality alone never built up a
city, never will. Suppose a preach
er would have to dejxmd on this
single element for a living. He
would make a sorry live of it. Let's
lave morality, certainly, hut there
ore other interests equally iinj)or-
tnnt. The commercial interests are
of equal importance, treatise with
out the success of these interests
there would be no community to he
A simile idea man is of no
use or benefit anywhere on the face
of this gracious footstool that we
know of, unless he should adopt the
life of a hermit and hie himself to
the fastnesses of some mighty
mountains. Hut air is cheap com-
Plir likelihood is that there will be
no straight party tickets in the field
in Portland's approaching city elec
tion. The ne-un will probably De
the Reformers on one side and the
Conservatives on the other. The
campaign is already developing inter
esting features.
ill not be difficult for the peo-
nle of St. lohns to select excellent
material for town officials for the en
suing fiscal year. We have it here in
abundance. Personal prejudice or
political bias should have no influence
in the matter of making the choice.
The public welfare is at stake.
Times and thieves wth whom
Portland seems just now to be over
run appear to have discovered that
St. Johns has no bank. For that
reason tliev naturally assume mat
where so much business is being done
every day there must be considerable
monev lyinu around loose. And there
is, Mr. Burglar. But, until we get
Devoted to tho Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing
n bank, those here who make money
.... 1 . 1 .1 . ...
ami save it nave lascn uic precaution
to provide themselves with means
with which tliev can protect it. Bet
tcr look out, ye prowling outlaws 1
A double-barreled dose of buckshot,
one of these dark niimts, may teach
your worthless ilk that St. Johns is
not a safe place for the knights of
the dark lantern.
Items Gathered By Our University
1 he bi-monthly examinations
were held Monday, nud Tuesday,
and good grades arc,exiected.
Arrangements are now being
made to Hold another meet in March.
j frills have been sent to Vancouver
Y M C. A. and M. A. A. C.
During these fine days Prof. Lotur
und his botany class have been
delving into Nature's secrets on
vegateble life and the youthful sci
entists nre quite cntluiciastic over
their discoveries.
I - - J n Jiw
iviuiumieiu. i ue youiuiui orators
V,. ..bnnlmr to i,r..o,.i ,. J
the near future.
Prof. Morrin, of Columbia, who
received a severe injury last Christ
inns, when getting off of the cur at
Piedmont, has returned to the
school after standing some weeks
iu the hospital. The genial pro
fessor was" most cuthuiastically wel
comed back by the boys. His hojies
of n icrniaucnt euro are not the
During these fine days Columbia's
campus resounds with the merry
leal of laughter from the Juniors
mid the hard swat of the senior's
bat. Both divisions have bright
hoies of putting out good teams.
On Saturday night the boarders
gave the roomers 11 most enjoyable
smoker. Whist was the game of
the evening. Mr. Dooly was the
proud victor of the first prize and
Mr. Ralph Kirk the winner of the
On Friday night the SeniorlLlter
nry society gave its weekly enter
tainment on the moonlit banks of
the Willamette und the melodious
voices of Columbia's seniors and
the happy thoughts of the society's
speaker expressed in dulcet tones
blended admirably with the dreamy
light of the iiiimaiitled night.
Quite n number of the loys took
advantage of the fine day Sunday
to tuke 111 the fair grounds. All
sjK'ak most enthusiastically of the
grounds and the iassibilities of a
great fair. The fair board ought
to issue iuvatitious to all the stud
ents of the various schools in Port-
laud to visit the grounds, and there
by increase the advertising, for the
young are the lest advertisers of
fine things.
Columbia base ball team again
started their third year of base ball,
by defeating the High School 4 to o
in a six inning game, Moore was
iu the box for Columbia and had
HIS upjmucnw tuiuj.ivifci ui "- I
mercy. Goodell of the High School
pitched hue au oui his support
was not the best. The game was
played in the large gymnasium.
Quite an aggregation of supporters
was present and the cheering lor
both sides was good and clean, which
is characteristic of Columbia s ath
letic games. The faculty at Col
umbia will not permit any rowdy
ism in the school's game. The
next game will be on Saturday next,
Changes in Game Law.
For the benefit of our local uimroda
we note the following changes made
iu the game laws at the last session
of the legislature:
Hunters' license of Si a year for
all hunters except farmers, and $10
for non-residents.
Sale of all kinds of wild game ab
solutely prohibited.
Limit 011 ducks cut down to 50 in
a week, and not more than 35 a day.
Pishing for, black bass permitted
at all seasons of the year.
Use of live pigeons as targets in
trap-shooting prohibited.
Center of tho Northwest
3, 1905.
"No Sir, Thank You : I Only Go as
Far as Third and Washington
Streets, To-Day."
All This Itcauc We Are to Have Through Cars
Buaaln Nut Monday.
After patiently waiting, agitntimr
laboring and pressing the St. Johns
citizens arc at lust to realize the
comfort of street car service
Portland, a comfort they have for
so many years been denied whil
other suburban points have lecn
more favored. The Review inattg
urnted this campaign iu behalf o
the Peninsula and the people
tins city, nnd may express a par
.. .
dutiable pride in announcing that
its efforts, so ably seconded by the
the bt. Johns Commercial Associa
tion, have terminated so satisfac
torily. Through service will be
commenced next Moudny.
1 he following communication
scut to the president and secretary
of the Commercial Association, was
received Monday last:
Dear KlrSi-Auswvrlng your resolution
01 i'eu. int. 1905, presented ny your com
tnlttec nt till office nt n much later dale,
Ih.'l! to nn' thnt since that (lute the nml
ter of thruuuh service Itctwecn your city
anil rorunuii Hits received due eomider
A stated to your committee nt that
time, to ocrntc the St. Johns cam at u
tliroiiKliscrvlcc Iu nprocr manner would
require more eiiuiimiciu timti mis com
Miiy lias available for that purosc, mid
also would require
pure tlie construction ot
some loop tracks, together with consider'
able siwclat work Iu Portland. In this
connection wc wish to My that the ndop
tion of a plan, which has been under coir
sldcratlou for several months, for ushu!
first nud Second streets Iu the 1)UIiich
section of the city iu conjunction with
the O. W. A l. Hy. Co., was decided ad
vcrscly by that coiiitmuy Iu a letter yes
terday afternoon. This was one cause of
the delay In giving answer to your com
The matter of throuijh service still
stands unchanged, as far as our ability
to adopt n complete and satisfactory
schedule 011 such line. On account of
the above decision wc have to formuluti!
a new plan under which to Install our
loops at tins run 01 tlie line. We have,
however, decided to ado tit a car
service, 011 uie preMrut tunc tunic, will
asluuleear running through from this
terminus to ht. Johns, picking up a trail
er at ntdmoiit to carry the loenl passcii-
eers, and any excels of throuuh iumii
Kcrs from tills end, who may have to go
to rioimoiu 011 tue regular local car.
OuHuk a number of hours in the middle
01 tlie day, tills will lie h satisfactory ser
vice, hut we do not cxicct 1.1 the rush
hours in the evening that It will prove
altogether satisfactory. It is, however,
the Usl that we can do at this time, and
we do it as much to show that It buthe
intention of this company to establish
a through service as 011 s-count of the
luiprovmeiit which would ensue.
we hoe that the clticmt of St, Johns
will aid us by taking a local car to Pied
mont whenever uuiblc, and thus re
lieve the couuestiou which Is llkclv to
occur on the through car until such time
as we have provided further cmilymeut
in facilities at this end of the Hue
to enable us to run trains in a satisfactory
manner, which we now exnect will be
about luld'summer.
We have not coumletcd all arauue.
menU for this service witha tliroueh car.
and it is possible that iu the latter purt
of the evening, when few people are
moviog, a transfer will still be made at
,irounh ,1',,
We plan to start Hum:
ecars a week from next
Monday morning,
Vours very respectfully,
Portland Consoi.idatki) Kv. Co,,
V. I. 1',
Gen. Mjjr,
Loggers Patronize St. Johns,
St. Johns people have long known
that their city was in every way suit
ed to do work of all kinds with dis
patch and accurateness, and to the
entire satisfaction of everyone, but
outsiders have not known of the su
perior work turned out here, and the
ideal location of our factories and
machine shops. Hence it is with a
great deal of satisfaction that we are
able to record the fact that loggers,
both from Oregon and our neighbor
ing State of Washington, have de
cided to patronize tlie local machine
shops and hardware stores in prefer
ence to those in Portland.
J. M. Bramhall, of the Wood
land Logging Co., of Woodland,
Wash., is one of the latest to under
stand and appreciate these facts, he
having just had a new donkey engine
NO. 17
sledded and overhauled in St. Johns,
in preference to Portland, the class
of work done being as high a grade
as that in the city, and the faculty
fur handling it, superior in every
Mr. Bramhall predicts the bright
est outlook for our city. He says al
the logging camps will eventually
conic to bt. Johns for their work and
supplies. With the foundry iu con
ncctiou with the machine shops there
is no class of work that cannot b
turned out.
Of course St. Johns people under
stand and appreciate tlie fact that
Portland may some day take our
name instead of her own, and the en
tire peninsula and city as well be
termed St. Johns, but as the out
side world begins to take cognizance
r our superior situation and facil
tics, 1 he Review takes pride in re
cording the facts.
The ladies of the Holy Cross Par
ish at rortstuutith gave a most sue
. . . tt a a
1.1.V11111 ciiicrinmmciit at licckncrs
Hall, St. Johns, on last Saturday.
A goodly crowd wns present, and a
neat sum was realized by the ladies
in charm. A marked feature of the
evenings entertainment was the mil
iial numbers furnished hy the Co
'unibia University orchestra, under
the leadership of Prof. Kdwin Smith
Tlie piograiu consisted of the fol
lowing numbers:
. ..Columbia University Orchestra
Harllnne miI(i"A Dream".. f!. f IJ
Violin solo-"Cavntina"..f. A. Weber
Miy Kan
...Columbia Unlvrrnitv Orrlu-tlrn
VI. lit f.olo "llencusc" ....I., Kcllcy
Comet solo "Thy Sentinel Am
. 1 v. Weber
iiariiouc snn"Aathorc"...C. C. Koc
uicky IMiicc
...Columbia U11 vers tv Orchestra
Prof, iing, of Columbia Univer
sity, was called upon for a recita
tion, nud kindly contributed "Th
Dcath-hcd Scene of Benedict Arnold."
hillowmg the musical numbers,
supper was served, which was im
mediately succenieii ny whist, in
1 . I a s
which pretty prizes were offerei
Miss Foreman nnd C. C. Roc were
the successful winners of the fjrst
prizes. .Miss hchwah and Mr. fore
man were winner of the "booby
Holy Cross Entertainment.
J. IC. Tiuich, clerk of school dis
trier No. 2, has just completed the
census of the district, with the fol
owing result:
Males under 'il 3'JH
Females under 'it
Males over 'J I
Females over '.'I
Males under tit
Females under
Males over til 71
Females over lit at
I otal of district ih-jj
Miinbcr between t years and U0
years, ol school nue. lulls ssu
Last year, I 'JO I :my
Increase over 1001
It will be observed from the almv
that the increase of school population
tiring the year has been 250.
Tlie number of males over 21 vrars
ot age does not represent the entire
ulult male iiopulatioii, but only heads
ami members ot families. 1 here are
probably 2x more, which indues the
bachelor elrmrnt or mill hands, and
mechanics who live in hotels and
toardiiig houses. It is safe to say
our population is over 2000 bona fide
residents. 1 he Increase is remark-
ile, when it is considered that less
than thrct years ugo there were less
than 200 population in St. Johns
More than thirty national con
ventions are scheduled to con-
cue iu Portland during the Lewis
and Clark exjo.sitioii.
Electricity iu its every coucelv-
able application, representiotig the
most marvelous achetvemeiita iu
modem science may be seen at the
,ewis nud Clark exposition.
flic Government fisheries exhib
it at the Lewis and Clark exnosi-
011 will show the evolutitloii of a
royal Chinook salmon, from the
embryo to a well matured fish.
Some idea of the privations en
ured by Lewis and Clark in their
expedition to the great Northwest,
may be gleaned by a careful exami
nation of the exhibits characteris
tic of the earlier history of Oregon
The caressing melody of the
chimes iu the towers of the main
Government building will recall
mental pictures of the missions
founded by Juuipero Serra and his
intrepid followers iu the seven
teenth century.
But seldom are some of us afford
ed an opportunity to hear the
world's famous bands. Many of
them have been engaged to play at
the fair, among them being, limes',
De Cecapris's, Hllery's and the
Hawaiian Imperial baud.
ing Department is one
of the very Best not
the larges-Mii Oregon.
Thoroughly Modern.
Business Room For Rent
Good Business Room on Jer
sey street, 25x50 feet.
Rent Reasonable.
St. Johns Land Co.
The Jeweler
Alt Kinds of Work Done Promptly
At Reasonable prices. Give me a call
Jtrty Street, St Johns, Oregon
Yuu ctn tlwiti d.p.nd on ths chsletal
liromtil J.lit.rr aid toaritoui
whan jun ord.r iron Ikt old rsllsbls
St. Johns Meat Market rowing Into Bl. John, will toi
tlnlr IriJ will t spprtrlaUd, Mid IS.Ir
want! lUL'till.d 10 Ibatr aiiurailloll. It
St Johns Marktt
Jsnsr aun
t. Johns. oasaoM
Oigars, Tobacco ant
Confectionery ....
St. Johns, Orsgoa
General Repairing
I am nrciMucd to do all kinds of work
In the lllackstullhluK line promptly and
iu Ural-class manner. Your trade so-
Horseshoeing a Specialty
AH Work Promptly Doat and Corrsc
Prlcss assured
Corner Ivanho and Tacoma streets.
St. Johns
Bicycle Repairing
and Machine Shop
Repairing promptly done, Prices
reasonable. I sell the best incan
descent glolie 011 the market: full
iue of electrical supplies. Key fitting
and lock work. Gtiiismithiiig.
Tacoma Street Near Jersey.
To the Public
'ire and water proof, is manufact
ured and used soley by C. T. Moo,
W. O. Moe having no interest hi
sa me. I'nint unci preserve your
roof, All work guaranteed. Will
mint roofs for next sixty days for
ighty-iive cents a squure.
CsBtrsttor lsd tof Pilattr. Jt. Jtluu, Ore.
Why Pay Rent?
. r
I will sell you a 6-rooin house,
lot 50x138 t-3, with furniture;
only $400 cash required; ulso
half block near the mills und
railroad track; small payment.
St. Johns,
275 Lot, 50 x 100 St.Johus Park
overlooking river.
1325 Lot, 50 x 100 near woolen
$750100 x 100 Finest 1-4 block in
bt. Johns.
12400 Block Vjh Broadway.
D. C. Rogers
Flooring. Ceiling, Rustic,
And All Kinia of BuUdiaf
Prompt Dsllisry Ouartatd.
J. M. Moore
St. Johns Park
8 T.