St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 25, 1905, Image 3

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    infAI. ITEMS
j.r to Insure a change of ad-
ln ofde , hi copy for such change
.-Hitement the copy ..
ryth..nd .ave the printer
;0'i; of "overtime" wr.
.. .....I ...ill rnlltillllC Ills frCC
.rim o clinic Sunday afternoon at
Se in Cochran block
I'" . . -f .1... Inct fmu ilnvs
T',c NU,.a. !! :., L...i.iiur with what
Ins been inure in ktciih.b -
e w bfootvr expects, am need.. A
ZL rMrv" rain is all r.ght.
I,tt St. Johns talent sufficiently
interested to Ret up a dramatic en-
Mintnent? There is some good
Sff all it needs is devel-
PThc schooner Acrid is taking on
, hrec carfio of ties and lumber at
.lays for San Pedro, Cal.
A hospital located in St. Johns is
a nrcislitR "" and wc learn that
nrivate parties contemplate the cs
iablifhing of such an institution.
H is the intention of the proposed
new lodge of Odd Fellows to or
catiuc Monday evening, March 20,
if suitable hall accommodation can
be secured.
The ladies of the United Evan
gelical church arc going to have a
"Merchants' Sale" the latter part of
March. Further particulars will be
given later.
Mrs. Isaac Maker is the mother
of a IxMincing hoy. The event oc
curred last Sunday. Mother and
cbiltl doing well, and Isaac is able
to l at his post in the Peninsula
The new hardware firm of Potter
& Guald arc enjoying a goxl and
iiwrcasiiiK' trade. These gentlemen
arc attentive and courteous, with
whom it is a pleasure to do busi
ness. The jn;tilion for an Odd Fellows'
lokje in this city now contains over
thirty names, and it is expected at
least fifty will be secured. This will
be a large charter list, and assures
the success of the organization.
Congregational services will be
Mil at Ilricktier's ball next Sunday
afternoon. Sunday school at 2:30:
preaching at 3 tfo. There is a grow
ing interest in these services. Every
body will bo made welcome.
llricfs, pamphlets, folders, office
stationery, business cards, dodgers,
programs, invitations and an
nouncements turned out on short
order and at reasonable prices at
Tht tfrtirw office.
The Junior League excursion,
Ixwkcd f r Monday evening, March
(, promises to lc one of the lwst of
the season, Careful arrangements
arc king made, and no detail will
be overlooked to make it a success.
The degree team of Oregon
(irajic camp, Modern Woodmen of
America, visited St. Johns camp
Tuesday evening and initiated three
candidates, which they done up in
good shac A royal good time was
At the United Evangelical church
next Sunday, the morning subject
will be "Circumcision and Uncir
cumcision." In the evening there
will lie a lecture, subject, "The
spring Election Will Determine the
niture of St Johns."
The plans to devise ways and
means to defray the expense of our
school exhibition at the Lewis and
Uark I-air have been delayed be
cause the photographer lias not yet
completed his work. By next week,
however, we hope to lay the plans
Wore our readers.
The ladies of Holy Cross Parish
'11 give a whist party and supper
at Rickner's hall tomorrow (Satur
wy) evening. The Columbia Uni
wsity land will be present to en
liven the occasion. Admission, 10
cents; refreshments, 15 cents. A
good time is anticipated. Everybody
. Miss Lena Parker, of this city,
ls an elocutionist of considerable
mem and gives great promise. Her
rendition at the open session of the
Artisans last Friday evening elicited
much commendation from those
who heard her.
The condition of the streets along
Kfiich the fire water mains were laid
s most decidedly bad. Where the
pipes were laid and the dirt .thrown
rack loose and settled by the rains,
it is really dangerous for teams' and
vehicles passing over. There should
wme remedy for this.
O..N Maltby has commenced the
erection of a
Columbia boukvard. The lower
story will be fitted up for store pur
poses and the upper story for living
apartments. The building will be
"ttttl UD In a t)irrr..,t,l.. ..x.1oot
, steam heated and lighted by
' w. 1. Slatten, a practical
uentist of many years' experience.
rv. ... .
'Z ud to locate in St. Johns,
and will open an office in the Cbdw
se v ' room joining Dr. Hus-
9R fil"-cJ,.on 'Monday, February
nends and customers in this city,
Who sneak in i,:i, t . r'
kssional skill P
Rev. Chase will oreach at Hint.
uer's hall Sunday nfteruoon, at 1
The Oliphant sisters gave their
second entertainment at the M. E.
church Wednesday evening. A
large crowd was in attendance.
Owing to the poor ventilation of
the M. E. church, during the ser
vices Wednesday evening, oue lady
fainted and several others were
nearly overcome with the bent.
The horse owned by Windle &
Windle met with a serious accident
Thursday night, being tied to the
fence with a long rope tried to run,
but unfortunately, came to the end
of his line too soon; dislocating his
neck and otherwise injuring himself.
The Oregon Grape Dramatic
Club of Portland are making ar
rangements to put on the famous
drama, "Hazel Kirke," at liickner's
hall, about the middle of March.
Ihc entertainment will be iriven un
tier the auspices of St. Johns camp
of Modem Woodmen. Dates will
be announced later.
The whist partv at liickner's hall
tomorrow evening, mven under the
direction of the ladies of Holy Cross
pansir, promises to be a most suc
cessful affair. The Columbia Uni
versity band will be present, and tho
boys are capable of rendering ex
cellent music. If you want to spend
a pleasant evening, don't fail to at
tend. All will be welcome.
The city needs a safe and some
ai rangement for properly filing doc
uments. As it now is, the whole
documentary outfit of jthc city is
piled together in one heterogeneous
mass, through which a person has
jol to wade before finding what he
wants. Document files would great
1.. !.
iy simpiuy mailers.
Allen II. Blackburn contemplates
opening a furniture store and un
dertaking establishment in the
Wicks building, 011 Jersey street.
about the first of March. This is a
line that should certainly prove a
success in this citv, and the need of
nicli an establishment has been felt
.or a long time. Mr. Mlackburn
proposes to sell at Port-ami prices,
ml we, bespeak lor him a liberal
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hurlburt.ns-
sisted by their daughter, Miss Elva,
entertained a number of their friends
and relatives last Monday evening,
in Honor ol Mr. Ilurlbert's sixty
fifth birthday. Cards and music
were the features of the evening
and a bountiful repastwas served.
Present were; Mr .and Mrs. E. C.
Ilurlburt, Mr. mid Hurl
urt, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ilurlburt,
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Thompson,
Mr. and Mrs. Hratish, Mrs. S Tufts,
Mrs. H. C. Henderson, mid the
Misses Eva and Huttie Hruiish,
Olive Ilurlburt and Lillian Thomp
son and M. F. Tufs. A pleasant
tunc is reported.
L. F. Chase is quite ill with fever.
Mrs. Helcher was 011 an Oswego
visit on Wednesday.
L. P. went to North
Yamhill, Or., Wednesday.
A. H. Vaver, of Portland has de
cided to locate in St. Johns.
1). D. I.oniis mid Hoy Peugor, of
Portland, were in our city looking
for a place for investment.
W. C. Walker, accompanied by
II. C. Camplwll, was on a business
trip to Goltleudalc, Wash.
Miss Musetta Hamilton, of Van
couver, Wash,, is in the city, the
guest of Mrs. L. V. Chase.
J. S. Shook, representative in the
legislature from Klamath county.
was an interested visitor 111 the city
last Wednesday.
Mr. Kemp, in Oak Park addition,
who has leen ill for a long time,
has taken a turn for the worse, and
is in a serious condition. -
Scott Morris, of Gardner, Or.,
was a visitor in the city Wednesday.
Mr. Morris was an enrolling clerk
in the late session of the legislature.
Mrs. N, Freedman was in St.
Vincent hospital a few days this
week, where she underwent a surgi
cal operation. She returned home
yesterday, much improved.
II. Hevland, of Newberg, Or.,
svas in the city Monday, looking up
a location with the view of estab
lishing an ax and tool handle fac
tory, Mr. Hevland has had exten
sive experience in this industry, and
is anxious to locate here.
Miss Georgia Rich, proprietoress
of the St, Johns hotel, was taken
sertouslly ill Tuesday with nervous
prostration, i uesday and Wednes
day nights being uncouncious for
eight hours. She is now gradually
improving, however, and tier many
friends hope she will soon recover.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover, of
Detroit, Ore. were guests at the St
Johns Cafe Thursday. Mr. Hoover
is a wealthy lumberman and has
traveled over the entire state, but
he thinks St. Johns is the best bus
iness location and the most promis
ing place he has found so far,
The United Africans
The onen session of Wiflumbia
Assembly of United Artisans, held
in Uickner s hall last j'rtuay even
ing, was an unqualified success. The
nrocram was most admirably ar
ranged, and carried out without a
break of anv kind. The attend
ance was nuite larre. and all pres
ent expressed themselves as having
spent a most pleasant evening, re
freshments were served, alter which
dancing was participated in by ai
who desired. The "oncn session"
is a monthly feature of the Artisans,
ami incy never tan to please. The
regular meeting will be held this
evening, when a number of ladies
and gentlemen will be initiated. The
team from Portsmouth will be pres
ent and have charge of the cere
monies. The outlook for this or
ganization in St. Johns is very
Will Make Bricks.
The St. Johns Brick Co. an
nounce that they expect to com
mence the manu factum nf linVk in
a few; weeks, just as soon as their
macninery arrives. Mr. Loughed
will have charge of the work, and
expects to be able to turn out about
Uventv thousand I irick fr itnv. T1i!c
,is certainly a much needed enter
prise, and has every indication of
proving a good investment for the
promoters. It will no doubt stimu
late the erection of brick buildings
111 the city.
The Oil Prospect.
Good progress is again being
made at the oil well. The drillers
are now through the "cap rock"
and into the "oil smut . A fti-niii
of 756 feet has been attained, and
ute prospects are most flattering.
The nromoters. Iii-nd.-d llV lllf. tK.r.
severing und never-quit S. I. Ogden,
feel greatly encouraged, and have
abiding faith in the final results.
If oil in paying quantities is found,
it will not Olllv he n l)riimii7n fnr
the owners, but a hiir tlilmr fur i1ii
!. 1 .1. i 0 :
tu mm me enure uregon country.
House Builders and Contractors.
We tire prepared to furnish von
Sash Doors, Sash Weights, Locks,
and all trimmings for Doors nud
Windows, at ns low nrices ns enn lu.
obtained in Portland.
Potter & Goold.
Ill Hi" Mind.
A retiorter of the evening Tele
gram was in St. Johns the other
day, and somebody gave him n
"hot air" story about the "issue"
in the coming city election. Ac
cording to the story of this reiwrt
er as printed in the Telegram Tue
duy evening, the hone of contention
in the coming elecliou will be the
"liquor question." This is the first
intimation the public has hud of tiny
such thing, nud from the lest in
formation obtainable no such "is
sue" is contemplated, and if there
are those who have any desire to
make this question n direct "issue,"
they will make 11 serious mistake.
The present council is onnoscd to
saloons, nud it hs questionable if
any council could le elected which
would favor liquor license, but the
question should be eliminated from
the local political arena. It will
prove detrimental to the the city.
Let our !est men be chosen, men
whose first care shall Ik for the
good of the entire community, men
in whom the iicoplc have confi
dence, then trust to them.
With lots people on both sides of
the saloon proposition, all other
considerations are lost sight of
save the one. The remainder does
not believe the Telegram had any
such information, based on fact, as
it claims, but some seeker after no
toriety gave the writer a great fill
of "hot air."
cramped Again.
Alrendv the increased attendance
at the public school is causing a
croftded condition to prevail.
Every available seat and desk is
neon iiicd. and the board has or
dered all tlie additional seats for
which room can be found. The
"temporary" building has proven a
decidedly "temporary" arrange
ment, so far as relieving the con
gested condition of the school is
ronrernetl. If the iiresent ratio of
school population continues to in
crease, next mil, prooauiy oeiorc,
will find the condition which con
fronted the district earlv in the
wiuter more serious than ever.
It does seem that ordinary pni
lionet u-nultl imnel some immedi
ate action to be taken to meet the
itnnenditie crisis. If the school
board would submit some kind of
proposition to the district it would
very materially aid in the solution
of the problem.
Amusing, Very.
A slight commotion was caused
by the jaw-workers on the streets
Wednesday. To a stranger this
tempest in a teapot would have
suggested that our citizens were
excited because some big factory or
important enterprise was being lo
cated here, or that they were aban
doning their daily avocations and
workiug to get a bank established,
or were busv promoting and en-
rnnrni'iiiL' MJiiiciuiui: mm ivuum
.. ti. ...... 1.1
help build up the material interests
r. 1
of St. Johns. We say strangers,
nennle unacouainted. might nave
thought so. In fact, the ardor
and bustle was worthy of a better
cause, nut the stranger wouiu
have guessed wrong. It was more
imnnrtant. more interesting and
mnre t'to the Iikincr of the i. w.'s
than the locating of auy factory,
however large or important, w nai
was the cause? We are almost
octinmeil to tell it. It will make
the cold type blush, and perhaps
refuse to impriut the story on the
plain white paper. But the people
must be amused as wen as lmonneu.
Here goes: The printer of the city a moment of charity, per
mitted a set of advanced sheets of
that document to pass into the
hands of a city omccr. lhe docu
closelv scrutinized and
out of nearly 500 sections and about
two hundred sub-divisions one sec
tion, of but minor importance at
best, was iotinci to comnci 111 a siigin
way with another section. That's
all, nothing more. It takes small
things to excite some people, how
ever. Maybe, the j. w.'s were
getting short of "todder," which
may account for it.
A Suicide Prevented.
Too proud to work and too hon
orable to beg planned a fatal plunge
in the Willamette river -he paused
in front of a window at 211 4U1
street ami was attracted by a sign
which read "Hands Un Reading
toe" with only 11 dime in his
possession he decided to get his
palm read. The palmist soon
filled his mind with thoughts ot ttl
ture success and sent him away a
wiser und happier man. He bowed
Ins way out with many a "uod-bless-you
Wauda you saved my
Street Improvement.
By request we print the following
extracts from the cnarter pertain
ing to street Improvement:
2. Tho council, whenovor It mny
dcom It expedient, la hereby nuthorlz
ed jind empowered to ordor tho whole
or any part of tho atrools ot.lUo city
to bo Improved, to determine tho char
nclnr, kind nnd oxtont of such Improve
ment, to levy and collect an nsBOss-
mcnt iijion nil lota and pnrcola of land
specially benefited by Ruch Improves
iicnltj. to dofray tho wholo or nny por
tion of tho cohI and oxpctiBo thereof,
nnd to determine whaLlnnda nro spe
cially benontod by aucit Improvement
nnd tho nmount to which each pnrcol
or tract of land Is benefited.
City Engineer to Make Pinna and Spec
Kicationa Districta; Astetf
3. Whenovor the council nlmll doom
It expedient or necessary to Improve
nay street or nny part thereof, It shall
romilro from tho city cnitlnour pinna
nnd specifications for nn npproprlnto
Improvement nnd ostlmntcH or tho
work to bu dono nnd tho probnblo
cost thereof, nnd thu city engineer
rhnll fllo audi plans, specifications and
estimates lu tho omce or tno re
corder. Tho Improvement of onch
street, or pnrl thereof, nlmll bo mndo
undor n uepnrnlo proceeding, ir tho
council shall Unit such plana, specifi
cations nnd cstlniatoa to bo satisfac
tory, It slinll approvo tho anino, nnd
shall dotormlno tho boundaries of tho
district benefited nnd to bo assessed
for Mich Improvement, nnd thu ac
tion of tho council In tho creation
of such assessment district shall bo
flnnl nnd conclusive Tho council
shidl by resolution declare lis purpose
of innldiiK said Improvement, dcscrlb-
Iur tho snmo, nnd includltiK tho city
cuidneor'a cstlmato of tho probnblo
totnl cost thereof nnd nlso donning
tho boundaries of tho assessment dis
trict to bo bonofltod nnd asuossod
therefor. Tho action of tho council In
declaring Its Intontlou to hnprovo a
atroct, dtrocllnR publication of notlco
thoreof, npprovlni: and adopting the
plans, MppclllcatlonH nnd oatlmntoa of
tho city enulncer nnd dotormlnltiR tho
district bonollted nnd to bo assessed
thereby mny nil bo dono In 0110 nnd
tho snmo ncL
Publication of Notices.
4. Tho resolution of tho council do-
daring Its purpose to Improvo tho
street Khali bo kept or record In tho
office of tho recordor, nnd tho recordor
shall rIvo notlco by publication nt
leant ouco In tho city official paper of
tho passnKQ of said resolution and
atatliiK (ho boundary of tho Improve
ment nud thu district to bo nssossod
and tho estimated cost thoreof. Tho
city engineer within flvu dayn from tho
first publication of said resolution shall
can so to bo conspicuously posted at each
end of tho lino or tho contemplated Im
provement a notlco headod "Notlco of
Street work" In letters or not loss
than ono Inch In length, and said no
tlco shall contain In Icglblo characters
n ropy of tho resolution ot the coun
cil and tho date or its adoption, ana
Department Store
All Goods Sold at
Keep a largo stock of Oeneral Merchandise, includim; Drv Goodn,
Hoots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, House Furnishings,
Feed, Ktc. In fact everything. Their I'riccs are
right. Don't wuste your time going to
Portland, but como in and see our
stock and prices.
Remember The Big Department Store
Corner Jersey Street and llroadway
St. Johns, Oregon
tho engineer shall tllo with tho re
corder an affidavit of tho posting of
said notices, stating therein tho dato
when, and places where tho same
have been posted,
Fow Questions Propounded and
For the information of many dis
hint renders of Tho Review, who nro
desirous ot? getting reliable in form a
tioii about this district, thu following
questions nro nnswered correctly and
honestly as possible:
Question Whore is St. Johns f
Answer In Multnomah County,
Oregon, seven miles north of Port
Q. Is it an IticoriHiratcd city?
A. It is, and has a government of
its own.
Q. Are taxes bight
A. No, tho Inst levy was only two
Q. What is the population 1
A. Over 12000 people.
Q. Is it on tho ocean f
A. No, it is located hotwen tho
Columbia ami Willamette rivers. All
vessels entering Portland harbor must
pass bt. Jonhs docks.
Q. A10 tho rivers navigable t
A. Most certainly they are, from
liips that lloat, from all parts of tho
world, load and unload their enrgoos
with sufety and dispatch in our har
Q. Are there nny railroads!
A. Yes; the 0. It. & N., a part of
land, and tho 0. It. & N., a part of
tho Southern 1'aciflo system, traverses
tho water front for suvernl miles, and
the Northern l'acille is on tho opposite
sido of tho Willnmctto river, be
sides wo liavo nn excellent olcctiic lino
that one enn rido to nny part of Port
land for n live-cent fare.
Q. What lines of business are
A. Scu tho advertising columns of
this paper.
Q. Is business overdone?
A. No; there in room for more
Nuhstuutial business houses.
Q. What supports tho town?
A. The largo mills and factories,
t'liero are throe sawmills, onu veneer
factory, one box nnd basket factory,
two shipbuilding yards 0110 largo dry
dock, ono porch and column factory,
olio Hour mill, one woolen mill, and
several other smaller fnctorics.
Q.-Whnt is tho pay roll? .
A. About $20,000 jcr month.
Q. How nhoul school nud church
A. Ono largo school limine (tho
second ono contemplated) nud thrco
rhnrchrs. The university is about a
milo from St. Johns.
Q. How about tho prices of prop
el Iy
A. Prices nro most reasonable.
Ilusiucss property from $15 to $.10 per
front foot. Good residenco property
from $1 to $10 a front foot.
Q. Any saloons?
A. No, and not likely to have soon.
Q. Any other industrial enterpris
es in prospect?
A. Yes; Kovernl mills nnd factories,
nud 11 meat packing house.
Q. To whom can I write for furth
er information?
A. Secrelnry Commercial Associa
tion, or tho editor of Tho Koviow will
answer nil questions.
Paper Hanger
and Decorator
Order ran lc left ut Couch' More
Prompt Attention Glrtn to All.
Portland Prices I
To the People
And ready for business. The delayed material has
arrived and is being put in place as rapidly as our
workmen can do it, and the current will be turned on
without further delay.
Persons desiring to use electric light or power .should
make application at the offices of the Company, corner
Patronize Home Industry
Scnd your Lmuulry (0 the
West Coast Laundry
New Management New Help New Methods
flood work Ktiirantrnl t prim remounMr ami inllifiictnrjr
11. 13. MANNA, Manager
: The Edward Holman
Funeral Directors
Modern AmtmtanccN
220-222 Third St Corner Salmon,
In best expressed by our ,;tiiirntity
of jo Kr cent increase in value of
property during tlie coming year
This Rttnranty provides Unit in case the projier
ty you purchase docs not increase in value at
20 per Cent
30 per cent during one year from
date of purchase we will refund your money
with 6 per cent interest
This same Kutirauty we have heeu offering since
we first undertook to get industries at St, Johns,
something over three years back and up to date
no one has ever asked for his money back.
Lots and Acreage on Installment
Hartman, Thompson & Powers
3 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.
O. L. CHAPEL, Agent at St. Johns.
of St. Johns.
Undertaking Company :
and Embalmers
Talophona 007 I.ndy AmIMuiiI