St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 25, 1905, Image 2

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t'ubllihtd T.iorT YtAtj Krtnlnj.
J. 0. OHO MB ...Editor nd rnblliher
fhiticrlptlon rttei, 11.00 per rcnr In kdranc.
Adrtrtlnlnr rln. $1,00 prr Inch per month.
All tdttrtlilng till! ptyille flrtt of ech
Job 1'rlntlor riecuteil In flnt-cUmi tIo
tlllU for Job I'rlntlns ctih on deliver.
All eommonlcMloni iboutd be addrtntd to
Offleltl Nwippr of the City of Bt. Jokni.
FRIDAY EVENING, February 25, 1905
make the contest, hut us fnr ns the
office of recorder is concerned, con
centrate on the hest man. Say
committees from piI the dosses meet
and select a stiitnhle candidate, no
mutter with what tiurty lie affili
ates m he iscoitijx.leiit.
The Oregon legislature, which
has just ndjou rued, was one that
will jmss into history s a most pro
fligate one. In the matter of clerk
hire tin-, lnxiy of cinhryo statesmen
put all jH-vious records of all legis
Intive Indies in the shade in this re
sj)ect. The senate, with thirty
members, imd on it twv roll sixtv-
The city has the right to build Wt wnployo. or more than two
.i.ia iiiiK.vr.i i i Hit. r..ii i nil i .
iujuk.? uiiii wuiiijrt ii l Liiu iwvjl ii it 1 1 i . i . i ........ i i i nri.
, , 'wi. iiu. iiuy-n-.-vL-iium- hi the nlisciice of llie IWtlcnt, It khai;
streets and such docks or whfs ployes, while there were forty-six he the duty of the Vice President to pre
may extend to the wharf line ad- ",.I,""m,,h1 J?1!11 ,c,1ttl.i"!!e..cI.urI5.i! M
St. Johns, so far as in our power lies,
iiu lor inai jnirjxiit: auopi mc loiiowinjj
Article f. The name of this society
snau i)C trie ht. jonns commercial Asso
Arllrlp 3. lift nfilprtc atiall lw f ttt ml
vaiicement of the industrial and com
mercial ititcrcstsof St. Johns, to cement
together the different business and social
interests of our city; meetlni; together
every first ami third Wednesday night of
rnrn imitiui in I ui mui nrrittiiio mi.
.. . . ..
Kcnerai wcunre 01 our cuy.
Article 4. The ofTicers of the Assocla
tlon shall consist of n 'resident, a Vice
l'rtsiileut, a Secretary, and Treasurer,
U'llO chilli ti. Itlfrl...! ft..flll.(ltlMMfllt(. I...
hallot on the first Wednesday evening
in January and Julv of each year, and
sunn Hum ineir ouice until tneir suc
cessors siinll he elected ami minufieil
Article . H siinll he the duty of the
President to preside nt all meetings of
11111 ikmi' wiieiner punnc or private, nut
in ine nosence in iiiu rrcsuicui, u snail
may extend to the wharf line ad
opted by the U. S. Oovenmeiit.
Private parties owning wnter
front have the same rights. State
ments to the contrary nre not cor-
mflkhiK r total of one hundred mid Article 5. It 1mH he the duty of the
1 ni ihv iiv-v-' wviiniDtiiiu wi 1.1 . . .f'
nintv m(-n.lrs. The t,, lo ' ' l", 'V".nl.l,"c" ' CBU ' I.,rocec."-
I:, .' . - ' - nigs 01 mi- last meeting, 10 conduct tnc
the tBxjmyerN $2j,Hf..o, or more comoiidence and keep the records of
lliMH i.fA-li..lf lliu n.iLl il It.. I (III.
1 titnu ii.v -ft. .. ti. n.Hti t.irni ui MIVI " ..".i.
'i.. .1... .......... . I. 1 .1 i.i.i. r. t 1 . 'r . . 1 . . . 1 . .
..nt '11,.. ..!... ,.f I) I it... I ciiiUB JK-Twiwi. 1 J niv oiiiiiiiiry cil- I 1 1 reasurer uuiy snail
I i.en iniis hi
Hame hut no greater.
STlt A Of I,Y l'ROC. R I'.SSINO.
St. Johns is rapidly forging
ahead, not With it boom but n
steady, heiilthy growth. Hardly n
day passns but some eupUiii of in
dustry is here investigating mid in
search of n site to locate some kind
of manufacturing ludiistiy, The
destiny of this city is fixed, and
It will require n mighty combination
of circumstances to hinder or xc-
IrJI. I If tllv 1JI11IIIIII y V.H rt.t.v.uir 1 IIU I I uaniir CI nillliy anal
ptmirs to be n waste of ""f;1' kccI' ,1,c fu"!u .f llle Asso
.iil.i. .. ill, ,.. elnlloii, to reiKirt quarterly nil money re
V. .1 ii XC V ? colvtwl and dshursed, nmltthc amount or
wini i naiiii ni nan; 01 reirt ami to jwy
ri.K'4. il Ulllutfiru III ill. I IIIOMt'l' flllk' nil llwnritnr r.f llm 1r...l
true light, that of n sjieciestif graft. "Hesleil by the Secretary.
Ill addition to allowing this large Article 7. At the first meeting in
Ivodvof "ilL-rks" full tiniL. friHii "" "d July the president shall npj
ikki) 01 nirks miii lime, ironi t.xt.cnvt. (.oimnitlee of five mi'
General Repairing
I am prepared to do all kinds of work
In the niacksmlthlng line promptly and
In first-class manner. Your trade so
Horseshoeing a Specialty
and Corrcc
Work Promptly Done
Prices assured
Comer Ivanho and Tacoma streets.
St. Johns
Bicycle Repairing
and Machine Shop
Rcnairintr nromt.tly done, Prices
reasonable. I sell the best incan
descent glole on the market; full
line of electrical supplies. Key littmg
and lock work. Gtiusmlthing.
Tacoma Street, Near Jersey.
To the Public
V,.. t. lti (Inif In tnnVp A (rood ill
vestment. A I i-j story house, 7 rooms,
pantry ana two cioseu, a 75 oarrei
J, ...I . ...nil tin. ntilv urll In
tlie vicinity. The location is the hest
that can.hc had as it lays center way lie-tu-L-eii
the Loon In Point. View. Call on
or address WALTKR'W. WOOD,
llox 38, jt. j onus, uregon
Tim finest list of rcsitlcnco nroncrtv
in the district.
U'..l....l 1 )..!. ..lTn.. ,1,u!r.
II llllllli 1 (Hit Uinta fciiu iuuhi
able home sites streets graded, lots
iJOxlOO. Sold at price? the most fav
orable in tliu market.
rtr ?.r w-TT.T.TMfiHwnwTTr
a03 Ohambcr of Oommerco, Portland
Johnson & Dillon
1 1
... . t
',, ,1"" vvviui vuiiiiiiiuue 111 live mid nil
nine to tw nty 'lavs wns allowed eniertnliiiiifiit ami miiiilf-iii. rnnti.iiiir.
fill "ovcrtiin." Kidicitlolis, isn't "f three. The president nnd secretary
it. The people of t)rii(oiinre In no ",'."lli,'L' v-,",i" nicmhers of all com-
lllfHMl to coinpliHX-llllV View Sllell II V ,, 1 u . . Miami iwuis lor ne.xi sixiy oa
leckk-ss wast, of their money, hitt I .:Vir:5i.-M? 'Vi eilSlity-five cents a square.
oked nrlty vote of the meinliers present nt nny aM. rJ LCXE,
Contractors in Gradln- Excavating
and all kinda of team work.
Cnn leave orders nt Slicpnrd & Tufts
.. . . LI ntliiHfmi" Im CI t
h'atronize nuinc muufj wiogar)
We are Selling our Home produced brands of
These brands nre manufactured right here at home, nnd
nre rnpinly growing into popular favor.
General Merchants.
Big Store near old Postofficc. Phone Union 4066
Going! Going! Going! j
Ire nnd water nrnof. is inritilifnet-
ttrcd and used soley by C. T. Moc,
w. O. Moc havinir no interest in
same. Paint and preserve your n ji j
roof. All work guaranteed. Will rOrllallfl CC
paint roofs for next sixty days for
Two room house and lot, 91x109; price $
I;ine home 111 Point View, 5-rooin house and ten
lots, chicken house and fruit trees; price $1,500,
with five lots
Large house and half acre lot, well and picket
4 A. Orchard and good house, fenced
Purnished cottage at Long Heacli, Wash.; snap.
One lot nnd 5-room house, wood-shed, water in
house 1,150
IJlock on R. K., line factory site. 4 ,000
w ,
U'l tiriMIIIIIII. II ll'ltl nil l.ii tt.(
i" " ......ii...inwi vi, ii-1,1 tut- iiieiniiers present ninny AVI. J. .lM-WJli.
When the "yellow dog" sjiecies of niteting nnd ttni laying n fee of fifty r.....,,., ,.j .,., .'l., n
Klilicnl i-ai..MiiK.i comefl luoiind. tV"l'-'?vc M . for - ' '
month's dues in mlvnnce, and leiilni
thd-iiiikiiiiiiimi mui iiil.. n.. n.-in
nny ray newr
riotisly liiiK.'(k- its becoming n
Strong, healthy mid proiHjroUsceti- - -7- the constitution mid hy-lnws
terof industry and coninieiciHl iui- L 'ryn puin siius the The Aiclailon shall hnv.. i.
iwrlnnce. Wu have location nil- ;"" lit'riiilly. Ills a well n majority vote to confer honorary nnil
euiialed on the big Mrcaitm Hint article, nwl very nppropt iatc: frt'1' membership on any (rerson whose into the Pacific. No other L " 'I-..m. -uimi h nty luM- y to te asvi
- ... .. niHRr ni'iHi fir ri.tiiitniiiii v inrii'bf in i viuinin.
Mint 011 the big waterway offer
ciini iiiivaiiinges or iiiiiuceiiieitts to
the maiiiifacltirer. Deep water,
made accetisible for shipping pur
jHisert by the siniillest (HitUy for
wlmifiu'e mid docks. The lav of
laud botdering the liver In wittily
drained, ami altogether hiKlthfiil.
All who have come and looked
over the conditions me unstinted
in their ptiiise. 1 he imttiml te
soiiicesiiic nil, mid the bent, that
could lie dcttitcd.
if vilni iliilmiliiiii ami una iifl.... In il...
iniii.ui.i iiu- iiuiikiiiu rltliwn. .Mmiv
Article 'j. Tliedticsof mcmher shall
I... ii... ni... r..... ......1. . ...... .1.1.. 11. ...
iih..b i......... 1.. il... L.nAi ..r .1.: I .1... c. .1 t.. .. ' . ..
" "nn iOTiiic, im- nmi iiii-eiini; in encii miiiuii In me
T?' ;'' Uhn mv secretary who shall receipt for the same
roll. W lllioiii tin. (Ik-it is iki life, and nnd jkiv such iliaw to the treasurer and
of cimrw Milhoiit lifr tin tihs'ti i ileHil. lke Ills refelpt therefor. Provided,
SO til nlN alt lllll llfiw l.i ymiii. u u t. ajtrli .I.i.m. 1. I .11...1 ..
,,, -r.l I"" f ,v llllll-IIIKI i,r iiiiiiiii
. , . '"''I'd ill nny regular meeting, by vote
It Is m in thm Dip jmur mMi...hf of it nmjiiiily of the members present
iNhort-r U i ,KTtcl to ciinte a aflir luillco of one week shall have deen
MV Mil. Ni HUM look ( M. rf,., v I II of Mich chllllge.
"I '"" mill. 1. in DM 11 i,r 111 In 1'IUM. A.II..I.. ... I- . .1
I will sell you n 6-room house,
lot 50x138 i-2, with furniture;
only $400 cash required; also
half block near the milts and
railroad track; small payment.
St. Johns,
j ie- hut lh n 1- the Mlrkliii
ill ililt. I.ImII
Itinkt wv" Mutv Im- iiuroU
Sm II h lti.111 i .iiu Infll-lwiKlrlit in a
llf mui it, u, ,fv ilinrirrt i-ih.uuIi
$275 Lot, 50 x 100 St.Johns Park
niirlrwiLlinr tlti,.r.
.... ....... 11 n I.IUV1 111 llllltri (j
Hip Hininlrtril if iMrlhntMilnryp325-I,ot( 50.x 100 near woolen
uUHtlty kovitiiIiiu nil ilclihcrntloMH of mill
in. UjUoi,.ii..a. 1
tin. 1 s r iiitK'll
la. .... ...1
Nolwitl,la..di..g nil this, how in -iiv ,V:. Uiwlll 'ZZ 11"' i" ' SL 1 obu m
le t hi- if. miiiiwiii-i Im .111 v mini wr of urottle "V ' r Kii') 01 eon-1 ,,, ,
I ,r ,i, 1 "'' KiliT vu.: :''!:'. .. M,M ;-b,ti..,, t,iis. $2600 -mock
over, in older to facilitate
velotmieut and aniilicitl ion of them
liatllinl lesotiices to the linen foi
which they uie so pie eminently fit
ted, theic is one oiiit that ttiiuiot
Ire too deeply impiehMil upon the
owneis of the ptojKTty heienboiiU,
mid that is the iicuily of keeping
pi Ices nt the pioier level. It in
often, and very humanlike too, the
case that ounris of desirable icitl
estate, us soon as theie Is mi up
pnicnt ilemiiutl for pioH.ity, to iu-
Ihite values I semi them sky ward.
This is had imiIIcv. and n mom un
wise thing to do, evei v elToit should
lie uiadu to steer clear of this evil,
Ah yet, we do not believe ten. enlate
is held at higher figuic thuii the
iiiileiitly hore this hapiiy inn, itioti rn " HvImk Ti dulit ...... 11...... 1 1. inn mi nn in.. .1,1,. ,,i iiu i.., .....
will unilllllll. I 1. . "rt .1 1 ml
What St. Johns us...I.l i.ou i. liTT.A' rrL1"" " '." I"-
s.iirit ,,f i.,, .. '...i.i. ..r ." 1 ui :: ;v.": ?. ".'rv
I '--" '""Jl " r..n,, i.i riinn, I 1 i.mi 111-11 iif ptMtf
uiicoiiingciiu-iii 10 nil who conn
nmoiig iin if coiidilioii. nie mtt
just to our liking, tiy hih! impiove
I H tmlnlnn n lint i.n iimiirr Inislurt- in
wiiii-ii ti. iinn!. . Miwi iNiimlihr the
rtHiiliry, 11. prmlurtu, imI liitMlllllliity
U'M lllliU,
"II0ik di l. riiiiiuil nil ilil., m- iM-tl
uKiHMii. iui,,!, I.. Hi,. irnii-r uf hU ft l
lw 111.11. Ili r. hi- lu-arl nMy fall ,m,
lr il nut, will "pal,..iil. hMl.
liKliiKtrt" tlir iMimv maiiiirrtrtmeil
11r1n1.m11 n- mviiiikI U1 a (rw tent.
-im- iirr.
I hi. M.r I nt thliiK UwIihIIs titanl
ItiK Kflh OrrHi,, .H a U,r
kiimM town, (.'mvalU amttiiM the rest.
Ami tlk imhiI tv u I4w. Nvr 11
tirrk iMMtM. ilia 1 .1.. .0.1 .... 1
thinritv lo.inr oilui pMV .,r .HH
thln tlwl ..iil.l Im Lyh wmml r,..
Ill Hlri lw.lllK ,il Ihmik- yiHI uMy wy nut
Im rU III. hi fur a ulvril tlihiu. Iml
ytmr iiHinrt i Ik-rr. Its ittvwtirt- U m.
wirv t.ltll.- ll t- ,a. M H 1,1,1,
rim ri'.IIK'. Ai.ii linik l wuir I....U..
ile inny be Mtsf uMiittil orextielleil from
.n..t.i.....i.i.. 1.. .... . . .1
nitiiiii. ii.iuf in i, jH.-iaiiiu nsn tiwtl
nrlty of the meinliers present may deter
mine, but 110 member shall hcin.K.-udcil
. . ' "l"-""' """I iiesnau iiavelieeu not
II111I In wilting that charges have been
nwde iiKalust him sKfifylnjj such
charges, mui 1111 opmrtunlty shall have
m.i kivii nun ii njim-nr 111 ins own iiv
Aitlele 11. Teis roustltullon may lie
iiueitii or nmmemli-il 11 1 any regular
nu otlug idler j weeks written iiotlce shall
un'iH-eii kivcii staling the alteration or
iMnenduieiil jiniNed, by 11 majority of
IWO-IIIIIIU III lilt- Vllli-r. uf III..
... ...v niviiiirin
prwnt nt such meeting.
Article 1.1. I'ienieuirem shall roustl
tulr 11 ipiurum.
Which pionmble ami coiutiiutlou we
nibipt nnd sign.
$750--ioo x 100 Finest t-.i block in
at. Johns.
011 Hroadwuy.
Express Co
(0rcrating cars over Portland Con-
ii. 1 n. .
soiuiaicti lines;
Rates Reasonable
Prompt Service
Wu have made nrniiHrrviwnN in
.. .. , , . . . :. n v .
trnusier an irieum in tlie c tv and
at St. Johns when necessary by
team nt reasonable rates.
Do not move vonr liirnliim. fn(
course you ure going to St Johns to
nve, roruaiiti is moving that way;
until you get our prices.
Portland & Suburban
Express Company
W. R. STEARNS, Nonager
1 rv vii 4X . imiwi 7si.i.tta.(Saaiaa - (yyy
Lots in Point View from 585 to Sioo; $5 down and $5 jr tnoiitli,
Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing
Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc.
Phone Scott l(M5
Man Who Invests
Ilium, not by decrying other, IhiI . O....I.I ., .. .
work for unity. St. johiw i.jiiow A 1'kv,mI AU w" Alleml
inn. i.i.ivii...i.i. 1 1...? 1 nnd IticruiisdiH'.
Ing, piOMKiiug, not iMH.ining. himI
is riipiuiy iiskuuung tlie Kt)iid k
hitiou ttmoiig the citie that il de
serves to occupy.
mnl Iticrwisili.g.
A MHVilll llltvlinir .if Hi. I' i till
- - m -r. M VrHI
im-ninl Aw.K-i.iti.,11 HWs hebl W.
iknUy ev.iiiiig. A uuiiiliei of
cumuiitttv n-iiorii wvr imfo. rllt
miihi;mI uN.rt u in tlk form of
'- ii. i-ii nw 111 1 lie 101 111 U
Only a few ucU will clio In,- W "I"!""" '"ly T. 'P. Park-
foie 11 new set of city iMIkvi. will w u" 01 "K MiiH in-
IkjcIccIwI. It U of gifttt imiNiit- v',,uU" r of tlw vneat-
amtj that lhebtt umtetiul MvaisliI ,Mf ",,;,,,,t,', m ,,Mf unuwil rltvlii-
.1 Ill 1 . , . " .. ... , ,,, .. 1. ......
miihiiii ie seia:icti lor tin vmiotio
tillicvs. hut theie UtMie eUvtiv.J
IHI mill Punnrtv Tlu. .u.i..i,...
. I"'-.-. " r,..,,lF,
'" ' t that white tlw vu-
lice which is of the vi-iv IiIuIim.1 . ,OM !""lingi. svrv Ktuuvwlmt
1. ""Humr. ami tin- utrwrU U illlett im
wnght In nu itul ui the city, vol
S-nih I).iy Aihenliii-Sabbatli
i niMH ai 10 a. in.; regular .crvicc at
i.', ,iVr i"aili; prayer meet-
iiriHii'iimj- l-eillllK. 1;. U. Hurl'
n-rl. elder.
iMirigMiiiiiml-J)ervKi will be
bHd l Uu knerV 1 1 nil every .Sunday
"""""" ai a.-d, iuiiiuay kcnooi at
M. I!. C'litirch PreachiitK tl a. in.
Mil 7 p. in.: jMllitlay nchool 111 a. in.:
i-Iii metioiK is ,.; pmycr niccliiiK'
nun uay evriiinj; p. m.j ;pvvortll
..aBiM, i. ,, aiHiuay; Jor
anur, 411 l. III. .Tllllll.iy.
I'niud HvanKihcal Church Preach
iiik vxvtv Sunday II a. 111. and 7:30 p.
111 ; hiiuilay nchiml. 10 a. m.j Jr. K. I..
I I.. .ao 0. in Sr K I. r 1:
prayer iiireiiiiK, Tliumilay 7:311
. i. jiuiiiMiii. cla leader!
Mc ukrr. taiur.
m ;
. -
iinM)Hance. that of uvonlei. M i
iniHirlaitl iKcmtse of the iiuiltitiid
inotis diitn-s which the urw cliHrlvi
iliiHiMiou thtsotlicial; lleijtuJ
of the muiiinMl couit. cletk of the
council, city auditor and city hook
kiviur. To fit itl u miiii ..i..i.... .i
with ipiulilkatioiu to till nil tlichv
vaiious iKitioiu i. not an eiiay nut
ter. Many men can be fimud to
fill any one of the iciulieiiH'HU,
hut is 11 imc iitntancc wlwi otu
lKttN)u till, the euttie hill.
Without dujwniging icfereuce to
uny one of thfhc jHisilioiia, the mot
vital one i. that of city UokkceiK.-r.
ibis M,itiou entails the duty of
ki-vpiug all the city Hevounu. im
provement uss.efcMmioiUii, n ueonl
of liens for such ahm!ssuR.Htii. h
nvoul of all mutters and (hiiuj. ui
couitoctlou therewith. 'I'o i n.i.
nrojH'tly mid coruvtly.nud tmW, it
no none 11 lew yeais heme the
CUV dud IIm'H in 11 1 1 ui...... .
incNtricable inmldle, it will reiuit
1 "loo'K 01 h set 01 iHHiks full
of detail uud iutriencias.
Notlouht there will be two or
more sets of candidates in the fWM,
but if it is possible the ollice of u
coider should 1h. leniovwhtuiiutMi
test, uud all putt its ahwihl come
together mui went- nn a it,,i.-.
oughly competent man. eutlowwl at
10 ilo mi umihl iik-uii iiiii,.li Mti...
timt. Tllv HVS.K I.HMHI Ml nut (Jty,
il expwlunt at Him t utr to Minnii-.
Mich !, -m the uwtlur
ropHM ami Uh. vMttlllltH tlis-
St. John Park
nearly as jHixsible with all the (null
ifications uecvSMitv. This imi cy
would Iw in the inteivt of tlw
whole city, Imth for the peotu
uud future, no man lv jit.
ctl just Uvauso he has more friemU
thuu the other fellow, but nwkeubilty
the test of eligibility. Thete ua
breakers ahead, fellow-citueus. un.
less some conciliatory course of this
kind is pumued, and don't make a
misiajce. j,et all mUot, slct
irood men and true for tlu ,iiu.r
jxwitioiis, ami in a friendly wwyluie
Lulled Artisans Wilhuubia Awain
lily Nn simi, nucl at Ilickner Hall
prr 'rulay evcnin. A. H. Wil.on.
51 ' 1 . !? -N,a,M,. Mauler Arliian.
K-.yil .Seiuhbori. Cedar Camp No.
, , . IV ( imo .Mrs. ti. i Liuirciull,
.. terry aero thu atr. .ua rcnuiiiKton, Ora-
WHImtietn rKrrixlhniwiNl.auil fl . ... . , , .
the cxnntiv. iiiiiiiuitw iiwtnieiiMl 1 r,"tU',.,l ""lmcn of America. St.
to l,M.k into ihe mttti"r ' hn' 1 '"'l',. "'I5' a l"kntr
h-.i-.. 1 .... .1 w w 1 v,,,,,,"i J- inonijiMin,
louke.1 int.. the cvtwtery proiHWtton 1
mkl ItMllltl un . -II- I... Witeidlllfll of llic World Si Inluw
liuttiHt faun. Xaiti.iM l'"mP 773. incel every Wednesday
Tin. "thruiul, , :r, :. T",?'Wfr'- v B-Coon,
l...wirll .7 ...... .. iv V ViarK. LOHkUl
, i-""' ' itpiy. us uroMitHSl
RJr2lZr'' mvivixl. .Mail Schedule
I MV WIIIIIIIIII.V Uilk IIL.vr.u..1 ..... I ... I
-Hd instructs , . r-TLy. . I . ..!' " at Jwh, 7US . m "r
IlUtlt Ullll'I lHMuU tui th 1.1.1..... 1. I I. raves ut lo.ic a m itn.l ...
uibv auii'iu-t call mi Air P11I- r n 1, , . 7.
u. tih- ArlZi E, M, Calkins' Poultry Yard f i u-
i. . ------ kJ,
D. C. Rogers
Flooring Ccllinj;, Rustic,
And All Kind, of Building
t'rutui l)llry (lurulJ.
HOUSES TO RENT 7 o infl Roal E8tat0' is S
oiuuj mynig mo iounaanon or j;
lui.iiuu, a v ia iiub oxirava.
fjaitt to say that overy foot of
St. Johns Real Estato will
quadruple in valuo within five you ask, Why? Visit
St. Johns and look over the
ground, investigate for your-
self. You will And that St.
Johns is a husy place, that the J
hum of many industries fills the
air, and you will also And that
The Season is now on for
All Kinds and Qualities at
Elliott's Pharmacy
mm m m
Real Estate is the Best
Asset you can have . .
J. M. Moore
0 It lv 0 0 N nil th
...wuw IUUUJUIM WU nfiWI
For Choicest Cuts
lUfon. Ur. Ktt, ilw.yi thi but
Qli ni a UUI
ITBEBT. Ntar School Uoni
Phon Union 3105
Thv Aoviiitioi
itH Civic lNtaiUI 111 r.,...l ... ..
tltioM to tbe dty WKiocfl to Mth
tuit the uuvktitiu uf
t Urr to vutc o tlw jkmjiIc at
" vvhuihk v'NVIItMl.
1'vMM ami O. 11. w-.iti., ....:..n . i
lute I.cuhonis atul U'hitt. iWin.
(lottcs, 51.50 ikt .scttitiL'. lucuba.
IMtOr lOtS 6 1T IOO. ll.rr.vl
RiK'ks 5a for i stmlnlit. in..i.
tor siiie.
Phone Union 1305
Point View Addition, St. John
One Price Clothing Store '
Plan nml specification!
luriusnou on application.
none wiiii neatiiivss ami
All work
St. Johns is just starting up. J
lit is destined to bo Porthnri's
great manufacturing district
where thousands of operatives
will be employed and that isj
why we say that Real Estato I
values at St. Johns will quad-
a . m a
rupie within five years. We
are now selling lots at St, Johns
for $100 each, $5 down and $5
a month.
Title Guarantee
Those of you who invested in St. Johns a
year or two ago have doubled and in some
cases trebled your money. The opportunity
to do this is still here. Tl lo town ic uttll
young and real estate is still cheap.
St.Johns is with its new charter just en
tering on an era of development hitherto un
known. Within another year you will see a city of
paved streets, broad sidewalks, and permanent
business blocks. Then you will realize when
it is too.late that your opportunity for getting
cheap property is past.
St Johns Park
is the most desirable residence district in St.
Johns. We still have some fine lols in this
tract which we can sell you
$5.00 Down and $5.00 a Month
These lots are high and sightly, overlooking
the nver and in full view of the mountain
peaks couvienent to car Hue and Factories on
the water front.
Let us show you this property.
Call on us or write us for full particulars.
Houses built on the installment plan,
M. L. H0LBR00K
a. umnlxi. vihv.w . ..ww w.wniiii viviu - j?
fs.A, tm a m. jonns Land Co
. . v.3 VVIIllV'll
iwim thv- hs UWa vf the Asviutkm.
Wbvi.a ilir iMnuiut uf 14 a.,
laaiiou ,i il. .i . i. ... ..
nw t,vi ,.,i. " "T"", r
il,. .... ...... .
I - " - m ... ij
Ot lur i. Mi.l.-l , !,
I UIIBIII 4l 'lli
1 1 !i
'X i
XlVnciL Mv wife Eilvth hav.
K left my Ul and Uvtrd without
, . It a
iuh ait eoncernevl take notice
lnt I will not e responsihle for
n.v dolus eontraeietl hv her afier
tliu date,
St. Johns, Or., Keh, 24, 1905.
I'lumblnr. Uttflttlac
StMiuflttlag, Rood
Oultcrt Etc
At KcdM)nble Rate. Stovw, 1'uniacv.
and Tinwarv Rquiml. QucV
Senicc. All Work Ouaran.
No 7 N Fifths CorAnkeny
6 and 7 Chamkr of Commerce
The Pioneer Real Estate Company
St. Johns Phone Union 3io4 Oregon
UaaCtt ta Dul n..- . .
orSonPORTLAND, oregonII
iv Su, DB5,neSS fiMBS ,0 Raj SmM