JOHNS REVIEW The Circulation of THE REVIEW In the Penin sula exceeds that of all other papers combined Advertisers, note this. THE REVIEW Job Print ing Department is one of the very Best not the largest In Oregon. Thoroughly Modern. Devoted to tho Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of tho Northwest VOL. 1 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1905. NO. 15 ST Dr. E. W. ROSSITER PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Ofl hoM! 9 lo ta snd l lSO to B. MMtnti Bum. Scott 1S94. UMthM Union 4002. Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Office hours, 9 to 1 t0 '"' Residence I'lioue Scott 6356.. Office l'lione Union 6994. t Ofltsl Upitlr. neit Elliott's Drue Stors Lawrence M. Hensel, M. D. Office at Central Hotel Over Postoflicc . . . Office hours, 1 to 5 p. in. Pliotie Scott H48. ST. JOHN'S, ORKOON T. T. PARKER Attorney - at - Law st. joiins, : 1 ORnno.N Inductions on PIANO and OROAN AMY B. ROWLAND 50 Ccnli a Lesion Corner Jersey and Lcavltt Street. GOODRICH & dOODRICH AHOIIITEOTS IT. JOHNS AND l'OIlTI.AHD, ORCOON L C. SLATER SHOEMAKER Juit openeil uliop in ronr of Poddi- mrd'n real oitnto oflleo. RepstrlnK Neatly and Promptly Douo. Boulevard Addition To St. Johns. High laud between car llseinJ rlxr. Lots 50x100, alleys, $200 City monthly laments. 0. H. VANHOUTEN, St. Johns Three 14 Acre Lots for Sale With alley, nil corner. Dr. Wllllnnt Wolf Hicks St. Johns Hclghls, ST. JOIINS, Or TUB CENTRAL HOTEL i; ;;Mrs. L. Tyncr, Proprietor First Class Rooms Culilno fhcelhint ST. JOHNS, ORP.QON ST. JOHNS HOTH Vlii RICH. ProprUlrMi JiroyStrwt 8t. Johtu, Ore. Owl UtiU Cmfoit4lil Booms The tlazelwood Is au up-to-date quick Lunch, Utfar, Confectionery and News Stand. The Celebrated Hazel wood Cream and Buttor kept in stock. Comer Jersey St. and Broadway St Johns, Oregon W. J. Peddicord REAL ESTATE Irtltli0"26' "wear Hue, close in. ""co. two blocks fromschool house; corner. UOflZi x,0or uear woole" wills. XI?6' 00 car ne. close in. "ifm house lot 50x100, in bus lliftintiscenter' hl',ri0m ,house-,ot 50x100, on the 0, vard, half cash. lv?m .house- ,ot 50x100, over- im1" house' lot ro9x8a, other 5Jw, corner, building two7?,' ltorie. M rooms above. o store rooms below, new, cen! """Lots, both Business and ResldcoM ,NSlNCE. LOANS. RENTALS W. J. PEDDICORD U,oHN8 0WSM)H IVOTFS AND fnMMFNTK Various Topics of Local and General Interest Briefly and Tersely Commented Upon Numerous Matters Which Are Before the Public for General Discussion , 1 he ferrv question should not be lost sigut 01. 1 11c establishment of merry across t ie Willamette at this point would most materially benefit the tradesmen of St. Johns, uuy wuuiii wui ug worm me ci- tort it our merchants would mani fest an interest in the matter! With a continued and a never-nuit agitation, the thing can be accom plished, but it rcmiircs some labor. and the merchant is the man who should take it up. The Commer cial Association will, no doubt. give its aid and influence if those who will be most directly benefitted will show a willingness to push the scheme. Another batch of indictments was returned last week in the laud fraud cases, among which is one against John Hall, ex-United States attorney. Why this man Hull was ever appointed to such u rcs)oiisible position is beyond all knowledge, except of those to whom he de voted his questionable services nsn twlitlcul heeler. He is of most mediocre ability as n lawyer and never stood high as a political worker, because his inllueucc with the better class of his fellow citi zens was nil. But such is the way of politicians. To win they have men in their service who can influ'tiee votes in the lower strata, ami these hirleings must be re warded. The less we have of Hull's kind in public position the letter. The prosecution of the laud frauds is laying oihmi to public gaze the methods and results of tioliti- cians and o!itics. They arc most iiutiseatiug to decent jcople, to In sure, hut the application of these methods and the reaping of some of the results are to the professional politicians una their henchmen us the fragrance and Iwutity of the sweetest flower to the .student of nature. Honor bright, it is dis gusting to honorable jeople to know how great statesmen arc made, how the hitherto quiet, un obtrusive and perhaps honest citi zen is brought out by hU fellow- citizens and offered as a .sacrifice, in order to serve the "dear people" Willi "Illicitly Mid Honor, mil lias his left hand close to the same dear ... ,.m . ... ... ? . i IK-oples' strong box nil the time. Disgusting is u mild term. It's worse; it's hypocrosy of the most venlie tyte. But such is politics in all parties and factious of par ties. Due is no better man 111c other. The only difference is one is "in," the other "out." We wonder if the good citizen will ever take a tumble to himself, and realize that his efforts in "working" for this or that party or faction, he is simply what the gamblers call boosters. It is doubtful. I The people of this city are fully aroused on the dock question, and unless they get into a senseless squab ble as to where a structure of this kind is to be located, it is quite probable wharf facilities will soon be provided. Location cuts little figure with the main issue, nnd time wasted in this direction only means delay in securing this much needed improvement. Iet's drop this-location part of the controversy and first get the machinery in operatiou for a dock. After this is done, then apply reasouable bus iness judgment to the considera tion of location, and locate it where it will benefit the city. Of course, iu determining location, the matter of economy must not be lost sight of. This, at this time is a most important factor. But certainly, some plan can be devised to decide this matter intelligently and in a businesslike way, free from acri monious insinuations or inuendoes. Let's have a dock, Should the seuior seuator of Ore gon go into retirement, either forced or voluntary, what an un seemly scramble there would be to don the senatorial toga. In fact, already the political vultures imag ine they scent prey, and are trim tniug their sails accordingly. It's funny, genuinely so, if it is costly to the poor devil of a taxpayer, to hear people talk and rant about the "choice of the people" when it comes to electing senators, or al most any other officers for that mat ter. It has got so nowadays that public offices, where the emolu ments are of any consideration, are retarded as legitimate articles of barter, But such is politics. Oregon presents a pitiable spec tacle at the national capital. The or senator and both represent uv.a UMUWl HlMIWkllli;ill, Ullll Ulll awaiting their return home to enter the dock and be tried as common criminals. We doubt if the annuls of American twlitical history can furnish a similar case. To be sure, these men are presumed to be in nocent until proven guilty, and let us hotH that they may be able to show that they arc truly and en ureiy innocent, and the govern tucnt officials who are prosecuting are in the wrong. This for the good of Oregon. It looks bad. however, and it will take a long 'tim nrc guilty let each and every one of tlieiu suffer the extreme oenn tv. ihcir lugli positions should initi gate against them, if guilty, rather than for them. It would seem that the time has about arrived when the city should be willing to pay the marshal n "sal ary, even if not a large one. Petty thicvuig is becoming altogether too frequent hereabout, and it is high time some one should be on the lookout, and perhaps be able to catch some of the nimble-fingered gentry. Certain it is, from now on mid during the fair this section will be overrun with thieves of nil degrees, and every community should take steps to minimize their depredations. Perhaps no big salary should be paid, but at least enough to make it an incen tive for au officer to do something. r-4 . l lie signs ot the times ure more promising for St. Johns st the prcs cut moment than at any previous period of its historv. Several bitr industries are negotiating with the view of locating here, prosiiect of a Mtccessful and the tcrmiua-1 tion of these deals are full of prom tieaiSIire IIIIIOI prom- ise. At this time we are not ier- milled to give any details, but the probabilities arc within a few weeks developments and will he made public which will be of the greatest importance. It is a little dull now. but the time is near at Hand for a great season of re vivnl. This is no idle dream, a reality. The Vancouver Columbian the following pretty things to but ltns say about St. Johns; The flourishing suburb of St. Johns, across on the peninsula, is an example of what push can do. A little while ago it was comtwscd of a million .stumps, acres of brush and puddles of deep mud.- Its loca tion was not oeautilul to look at. But thanks to the men who live in the place it has gone forward and now factories are arising on every I it !f I t l... .11.. uaim imu me merry jnigicoi uieum-1 nor pail is good music. Men who. wanted to build were given encour agement. A bonus was offered if 1 asked for. Sites were donated. In-' vesters iu real estate were given fair' terms. They stayed. Hverybody ' prospered. Now the stumps and ' brush tire gone and the mud holes 1 are being made into boulevards. UverylKKly has the fever of push' and enterprise. As a result the place will very rapidlj add to its ulready 3500 population. It takes a good pay roll to make n town prosper. ! That is what St. Johns has. It is ! what Vancouver ueeds. But will our people use the kind of tactics to get it that St. Johns' friends have? We again urge our citizens to get u move on; clean up and devise plans to beautify your home sur roundings. It will pay, not only for your own pleasure, bnt in the good opinions that will be formed by strangers. A FALSE ALARM. A Yoiing Alarried Couple Thought Burglars Were Around. A rather funny but chilly inci dent occurred at the home of a cer taiu married couple iu St. Johns Heights, Sunday night, about the hour when spooks, hob-gobblins and burglars are supposed to stalk. The couple in question were aroused from their slumbers by an unseemly noise at the door. The husband was urged by the young wife to get up and investigate, but as the noise continued, fright be came master of the situation. The wife jumped up, rushed fpr the window, raised it, got astride of the window sill and commenced yelling lustily for help, while the husband and the sister, who had also been aroused, sought safety lxmeath the bed. The continued yells of the wife, who held her position astride the sill, brought out the neighbors, among them a young bachelor. Usculaplan disciple, who bethought himself of deeds chivalric. and rushed to the rescue where a fair woman was in distress. The bride of a few mouths told our would-be hero in hysterical sentences ot her for frinlit. and he, brave .bachelor, commenced investigation On going to the back door, ne found a bold. bad. armed-to-the- hilt burglar! no, not.-so bad as that it was the house-cat, the pet of the heroine of this story. scratching at the door for admit tance where it could comfortably He 'ncath the stove. The hero, af ter discovering the harmless cause of the trouble, rushed to explain to the shivering heroine, still sticking to her chilly seat astride the sill, explained gently, assisted her to dismount, closed the window and departed. It was a chilly ex perience, as all parties concerned were in their nightrobes. The wife assured the husband and sis ter that all was safe when they emerged from their hiding places, built up a fire, let the cat in uud gave it u cuffing, then all returned to bed, chilly and chagrined, be cause of the burglar alarm. Moral Keep the cats in the house these cold tlights. Smith-Perry Wedding. A very pretty wedding occurred 1 ucsday, at 1 1 a. in., at the resi dence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Riley, comer Tacoma and Ivauho streets, the contracting parties be ing Philip Smith and Miss Valla Pern. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. I. M. Boozer, of Piedmont Presbyterian church. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was (served. The bride was becomingly dressed in blue broadcloth traveling suit trimmed with white. The groom in con ventional black. The happy cou ple boarded an afternoon car, amid showers of rice, for Portland, thence to Seattle, where a week will be stHMit. when thev will re turn to their comfortably furnished home at the corner of Burliueton and Modoc htreets, this city. The manv friends of this nonutar voum? lunitih-ovtimi ntmtrittti tut nnn. t : r Those present were Mr. mid Mrs. Sullivan, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Boozer, of Piedmont; Mrs. P. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Outh, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Poff and Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Smith. The rush to get seats in cars at the Piedmont transfer station i getting to be something fierce. Hoys nnd men in their haste jump off before the cars stop, and lints nnd dinner pails arc spjlled promiscu ously. One young fellow jumped out of a oar window the other morn ing, nt the peril of his own limbs and to the consternation of the 1 of the pas-1 lie alighted. I 1 sengers, among whom If. 1 J ST. JOHNS PUBLIC Series of Accidents. Jamie Allan, the baker, while splitting kindling wood, made a mlsslip and stnick his index finger, nearly severing that member. Dr. Heusel was called and dressed the wound. Jamie was lucky to save the finger. A mau by the name of Hunter, an employe at the woolen mill, fell from a ladder to the cement floor. He was so badly stunned that he had to be carried to his home at St. Johns Heights. Be yond a severe shaking up, and a few slight bruises, he was not seri ously injured: E. W. Gorlick, also a woolen mill employe, had the misfortune to have his hand badly lacerated by being caught in a loom. The injury will incapaciate Mr. Gorlick for work for a few days. An exhibit showing the method and extent of flax growing iu Marion County, Oregon, will form a part of that county's exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Centennial. Work on the Oregon building for the Lewis and Clark Exposition has been begun and the building will be completed by March 1 5. The struc ture will be of handsome appearance 45 x 90 feet, and will cost $9275, Au infernal machine, intended for the commander of the Spanish war ship Viasa, which visited New York just after the destruction of the Maine, will be displayed at dead-letter office exhibit at Lewis and Clark Centenuiai. the the Bring us $1 and we will send the Review to your friend for a year. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL Wants to Make a Creditable Showing at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Ways and Means Kill be Devised to Carry Out the Plan Successfully St. Johns' public school must be well represented at the coming ' Lewis and Cl.trk expo; ition. St. ' Johns has just us bright boys and , girls as other to vns, just as goo.l ' teachers, and so:te of the ma- teriaiior tiescr , uve ami a repro - uuciivc worn, v. ; iiui nerous inu s - riestm good sen. o. nouse. ine!llle Coile r,limiK.r company, and idea that nice 1 tic compositions tllcir rcSp0n9ibilitics will be con alone can attract t te eye of the or- Bt.i...i.i.. .....i oi ,i... ..t..i. uinnry visitor imisi 1101 ne emer- .1 ft. taiticd for a moment.. Photographs, the very best photi graphs, tiro nec essary, litis is true of everything that is worth showing. Let any man try to describe in words only the different processes at the wool- Wll Millies tMIWtllVI IIIIIII III.", ill-j I ttt itltrvlli.tM limn ' " " ''"VE "" Will not the second surpass the first? Al'Illll. St. lollllS !l!l4 K(lllll (if till. best, school rooms in the whole suae 111 urcuun. oeais, ucsk.s. ........ --r . .... .. . lighting, heating, ventilating, all arc modern. A good photograph will show many of these desirable features. The managers of different manu facturing establishments have shown marked courtesy in making arrangements for photographing, and for the numerous visits by pu pils and teachers in the near fu ture. Only one thing is yet neces sary money todefray the necessary excuses. The school board has not refused assistance, neither liaS it definitely promised any. ,ti.,.,..f..,,r..l,U,...J ...ui..,i .. school entertainment. Money can be raised that way, but it is mot exiiensive of all ways. ,fn. Imt li lit td.. MI , Dill II IS UIL 1. 1 1 lliil costs more than $20 11 day to our school. Two days prepara tions would be very little, and would le inadequate, yet that would mean n lovs of sLo to the district. Moutavilln school board has set 11 good example. It promptly in forme,! Prlmdmil Ilinvhiiwl llml ll,.l,lla, cil'' "le traveler Haw his fellow should make proper preparations, and that S100 would beset aside, 'sflTH 4J JtIBbbbb SCHOOL BUILDING. if necessary, to pay excuses for a good school exhibit. Our teachers are receiving smaller salaries than Portland teachers. This burden cannot In.- justly thrown ution them V,.b,.r .Miuikr i can it be exacted that the mills and factories should pay the bills, but they should help. Plans are under consideration by which the necessary funds can be raised justly, and St. Johns can ap pear in the front rank with lis school exhibit. The next issue of Tim Kitvutw will tell about these plans. A LIVELY INDUSTRY The George W. Cone Lumber Company-Busy Place. The Geo. W Cone Lumber com pany, employing an average force of fifty men and turning out 65,000 feet of lumlK-r every day, is one of the enterprising industrial institu tions of St. Johns. Geo. W. Cone is owner and manager of the enter prise and one of the most thorough mill men on the Pacific coast. He has been identified with the in terests of St, Johns since last Feb ruary and has, during that time developed an immense business, a business that has tested the capacity of his mill in a ten hours' run and now makes it necessary to put on a night shift in order to sup ply the demand for the output of the enterprise. This is largely due to the unprecedented growth of St. Johns during the past few months and the assurance of au increase iu the volume of building contracts until the peninsula shall have been j covered with business houses and , the homes of one hundred thousand people. Even at the present rate of growth, the reader can easily figure it out that Mr. Cone has not a life contract, by any means. This mill has au immense local trade and n constantly increasing business of a foreign character, large sihpuicuts being frequently made both by rail and water. It makes a siecialty of railroad am! mining timbers, in which it enjoys a large trade, Manager Cone formerly owned the Peninsula mill protcrty. He is most favorably known to lumber men and lumber consumers throughout the northwest. 11.W.M ir c n ni.;.. ,iii,i , t.orcinaii ik.l01, Yost are two , i)Usy ,, Verv Kciiiul employes of iiiuv.iuun tsiiivv. 1111111 j iiistallotl. A SOWER OP BEAUTY. Franklin Wiley, In l.aclic' Home Journal for April, 1U0U. i. ... , ... l ...,. - a railroad train, a few year, ago was a iiwcct-faccd woman who cx , cited the curiosity of a fcltow-truvclur , 1 1)' frequently rc:iclilnn out of the win low liolilc her nntl Kcutly shaking . 1. 1.... .I..., .1.- 1.. 1. 1 i.. 1.... 1.. ...1 n - 1... , ., ...... i'tiparciilly no other pannciiKcr noticed it linked, the one who did happen ilo see it iiiIkIh not have done no had there lircu anything in the view from I the car to direct the iniiid from the wearisome monotony of the journey 1 inn 1 lie landscape showed only a dreary .-amcncM of contour and color, urn! the traveler, forbidden to read 011 the train, wax KaxliiR about him when he chanced to olxcrve what III iichjli- ,,,rl wnH "rc,w l'id in '; inn Miij- 'lie tun 11 Mi object in her hand seemed to be a" or i'cicr casinr, I ' l" ' ' v ' a " "" viiicmiy wen Moreil Willi mle ,(,,,1 (lf ..uni-M. nniolof n, (In,.. .---.-- " - 1 tiratncil ccd. Hut the rcaiiuii for her 1 ...,.,.. i,.., ..... .1 HIIW, .TM". Wlll VIII , illlU when the left the train, mime time later, the matter mill remained ns much of a mystery as ever. Several months later, while out walking in Atlanta with a rcsid"ciu of j Peiiicr drlvinir by and asked his Vau 11wl, ,,c wa5 "Sll ' Mr. Connally, the wife of Dr. IJ..L. Con- jnnlly, one of our wcaliliiot citizens, jniid the daiiKhtcr of Gi-nrKiu' ureal war Governor anil United State Senator, Joseph Iv. Brown." When the traveler mid what he had ecu her do on the train, hi friend iiiilcd. "Where were your wits," he ex ainiel. "ilwit you coulifnt make out ' hat On- wu iloiiiK? She wa sow i ll'.wcr-Hceils. of oyirnc. Beauty, he licliovt's. uiakfk life brighter ami l.rttrr So she uw the hiKhwayi. mid byway nnd barren' place with l 111 llit shape of llowcrs. By the w'hv, a you're K"i"K over that name n 'He np,ain today, you keep your eye pen. am! I haven't a iloubl you'll sec "iiicihiiiK worth kecing." Hut when the traveler started on Ins trip, hi friend's word bad been J.-rn aieu mill he koitled back iu his at, ri-.-'.lved lo doc away as much f iht tircixinie journey as possible, before Ions;, however, he wa roucd by deliKlitcil exclamations, which soon became mi rapturous that lie sat up ami looked nbout for the cause of the coniinoiion uvcry one was siaziuit ut of till' car window anil nointiim here and there; ami when he Rlanced (nut himself, he, too, exclaimed in dr , licht ami stared with all his eyes For the blank miles were iransfnrmrrl ,,e ",lec iiiiUitcrcMiiiK landscape had i,i.t ,.,,, :, 1,. m. ' "i"" "I nil", iiiuuiy. 1 ne lllldll bntiful of seeds, sown by the wayside and wafted far ami wide by the wind, had hpruiiK up into a radiant sister hood of hcnrlet popplci., thousands up on thousands of them, to gladden Hrrd eyes and revive ilrooniiiL- snlrits It wai ainazinir to sec over what an (immense area they had spread. They iriiiKcu ine 1 racw with flame for miles and miles. They flared from the sides of the cuts, and blazed aloiiu' the top strains! the pale blue sky. They swept in fiery torrents down the em bankments and hrolec into crimson iiray at the bottom. Here and there they iverspread out into the green meadows in blood-red pools, or rolled like cascades of rubies down the near hillslopcs. At one point in a woodland they had partly encircled In their brilliant embrace a Iiurc gray rock, down which a beardlike streamer of moss bunt; from an omstretched limb and had even crept up a crevice in its front, as if to clasp it closer, remind ing one, as a lover of Tennyson re marked, of Virin trying to beguile Merlin in the wild woods of nrocc liande. ' So mind and eve were alike bene fited by the sight of these myriads of floral apostles "that with voiceless lips preached the creed of the helpful ness of beauty." To sow them was a simple act. Yet how immeasurable was the harvest of joy and cheer they vicldcd! Most of us arc willing to I eautify the spots that we ourselves can enjoy; hut few of us think of brightening the places which we may never see again, yet which a handful f seed may transform into sources of beauty and joy to the multitudes coming after. The lesson taught by the way-Ide poppies was one that might well convert all who saw them into sowers of beauty. Business Room For Rent I Good Business Room 011 Jer sey street, 25x50 feet. Rent Reasonable. St. Johns Laud Co. ANDERSON & ALLAN THE BAKERS The best BREAD, CAKES and PIES iu the world -Give us a trial Phono Scott 3101 St. Johns A. E. WILSON, The Jeweler WATCHMAKER OPTICIAN .111..,.. in ,. . . .. . ... .... n minis 01 orii none itoiuihiv At UonMin.ible prices. Give ine 11 cull Jcisey Street, St. Johns, Orciori Vuu ran lwi itttxmt on Ik rliolcvil FRESH MEATS lmiliilit tlftllirrrv Ati.l f(iurloiia IrttaliutttL when you urder (runt lit ult itlUbU St. Johns Meat Market Hlrsncrr coining Into HI. Johm will flint Ihrlr riU will to iri(lstfil, Slot lliilr Maul upllnt In thtlr lalliftcllon, If SMITH & DONNELLY St, Joluio Market Jsnty fittest OT. JOItNfl, OKttaoit DANIEL BREGHT . , HOUSES TO RENT II YOU WAST A IIOUHK CAM, O.V UK ST. JOHNS, OREGON "Sluard parlor" OlRars, Tobacco and Confectionery , , , . St, Jolinn, Orogon J. M. Moore PAINTING, PArER HANG ING, ORAININO AND SIGN WRITING HOKNU I'AINTINU A H1T.OIAI.TV SI. Johns Park S T. JOHNS, O It li Q 0 N For Choicest Cuts or rnriHit meats, bum-, tork Oil MUTTON WINDLE & WINDLE UAH I'LIMHC YOU Huh. IU'uu. I.tnl, HI', klwijri Hit ltd Out u IrUI STAR MARKET JEKSUV HTiilil'T. Msr Hliol Jlotut' Phone Union 3100 F. J. Koerner CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 'bins nml Hiiucincntions promptly furiiibhcd 011 implication. All woilc lono witti neat nusH and dispatch. One Price Clothing Store L,arge stock of Spring Cloth. nig; Men's ladies' and Children's Shoes N. FREEDMAN, Jersey St. GEO. W. CONE LUMBER CO. Flooring, Ceiling, Rustic, And All Kinds of Building Material Prompt Dtliwjr OuarintMil, MILL AT TOOT UUBLirCITON 8TKEU1 ST. JOHHS, OBSQOH