! UNIVERSITY PARK and PORTSMOUTH The Locai Happenings of These Lively Suburban Points Carefully Compiled Each Week By n Special Reporter, for the Information niid Edification of The Review Readers and tlicUcncrnl Public. K. S. Stewart Is moving into his new hou.se on Ilnver street. Johnny Hnldwln is recovering from n severe nttnek of f;rii. Miss I.nlfi Hurley 1ms recovered from (i severe nttnek of ripc. Wm. 1'reseo is moving into the Hurt projwrty on Dawson street. D. Jv. Webster litis purchased the Chrysler property and is mov lug in. Mr. IIusloii is hiivititf the prop passerby, with a smile that told lie was a joker, that the Civic com mittee ought to do that work for him hut as they did not he had to do it himself It is hojed he will be encouraged, however, to retwat the otwrntiou when necessary, for it showed the thrift, enterprise nnd public spirit of our citizens, makes a pleasing stiect to look iioii and and will surely aid in bringing suc cess in business lines. And the "Con." came up and tools in your fare, And Knvc you a transfer most any old wiicre, Hut you had to walk If you ever get there, Now wouldn't that break your side comln? As a resident of this lcautiful section of the globe for the past two years, the author has many things to Iks thankful for. lint one of these is not that he is compelled to ride for a mile or two, holding like grim death to a squeaky strap, and then, when half way to the center of the city, turn hand-spring and do ether acrobatic stunts in a mad endeavor to connect with a sent on the "No Stop." The Port laud Consolidated lias made many promises. It seems to lw the opin ion that the Peninsula population is easily ap)ensed, and needs nothing but the regular tri-monthly statement 'next month through service will be granted, etc." Now comes the announcement "We do not promise, as we do not wish to disappoint, but by June v June i. we i In the Columbia University gym, think ," and it will be ever thus erty he recently purchased clennwl hn,t .Sunday, the first game of base to the end of time, if we do not, up Mrs. Ilrenier, who has I teen with diphtheria, is able to about again. Mr. A. Kenny is building a laritc two stoiv lesidenceon Will amette lloitlevard. Mr. Kambo of Portland is mov lug into the Johnson projieity on Vnudctbitilt street. Miss Don Nash entertniuei fi tends at her home Wednesday af teruoou with uanies and music. A dainty lunch was served. A. W. Dickson's mother, le eently from New York, paidn visit a few days, In University Park, the guest of her son at Club Hall A. Ii. Cflleltc, of Ohio, lepte- seiiting the Kidgely ,Siek and Acci dent Co. for the I. O. i). v., ts vis lug his aunt, Mis, II. K. Iliues, at Portsmouth. ball of the season was played be- better ourselves, and organize. tween the Lolumbiu and the Park All that Is necessary now, .so the ! tenuis. The Park team won by company announces, is to bendn' rt won. e li r li.tt.ir..u f l ... I.. ..r r..- i, ...... ii.. .. i, t . i ... w. v . i in lit i' ill inn, iiji ii nniu'iiii:-iiiiiii Moore and Iltock for the Parks: uronosltion soinewhere in the eitv. I mioky Smith for Think of it. ye nionecrs, and I'tcd ('.nines and ine ujiiiiiimhh. i no I'unie was exciting throughout and was matked by some brilliant nlavs. A fair sl.ed crowd was present. I'he Civic Improvement Com- uiittee met with Mrs. II. Tate, Friday aftetnoon. Several dele- gales from the St. Johns Civic League were present. Mrs. Sheo- Herd, Mrs. Robinson and Mr. Tale rcmleieil mrVenil musical selections which were uieatlv enioved. Ui- fifshnii nts wetesvrved and most of the afleinoou was devoted to social cluil. Much i'oik w conn? of this inteichaiigiiig of ideas lietweeii the workers for more lieinttifiil Mir toundings. The Si. Johns' ladies organiul Inst year and weie able groan! Let's oruani.e. Hither another line or a decent, respectable city service we must ami will have. A public meeting of the citizens of this Peninsula is long past due to force this projHwitioii through, and now let's get at it, ami do things. "You're next." bring us fi and we will send the Keview to your friend for a year. The Review can be found on ale at the Portsmouth Pharmacy, he University Park drug store and it the Piedmont station. Mrs. John Mock and Miss Mar guerite Mock left for California to give many helpful suggestions, cany in the week lo visit relative. Their many friends wish them a pleasant trip and a safe letiirn Mrs. McPaddeii is now comfoita niy installed in her new houe, up near the ear line, where she and her mother, Mrs. Hall, me making . . . . .... ... mini's iook iieciiiiiiiy neat ami sum siiae. .More siwcr lo her. The Indie of the Holy Cioss oar ish have decided to give a ptogtcv . . a " . , II.. . .It f , t " --- -. " mil rvv llllirni it, lltllllill ft mini unit A at the ArtiNin Just link of having our thoughts I vUitotH to the Pair. Call them up, I'l'l'llllll.. Ill H I U'IK'HImI III' II lllili'liln.. in ll I , ' ! sive whist parly temple, .Satuidav evening, at K o'clock. A gixwl time and line re fresliineuts. Adinissioii, j.s cents. t t aiiicii cleaning is iieiug done ny resident prniicily owners of the Park. Now if the agents of the non resident owners weie coually energetic the Park would soon Ik in gala druss. 1 he shingle mill is about ready to stint oiMjiations. lis big pliv was raised last week, and fiuishiiig touches arc coming to an end. Most of the four of constructors ,II0MR ,VIK. have gone and now for a new i iew ' of exKjiienciil shingle men. O. O. Ileiiseu was taken to the sanitarium yuMvnluy iiioruiug ing at loin o clock on n sjKrclul car, wheiuau oKialiou was jteifoiuKil for iiitestiii.il double. The patient. at last it'NiilN, is in a very pi cent i oiis condition. The social given by the Hay , ..... .. . ... . wimmi cum in tueii aiiditoiiuui was iiite a success. Theiv will be an other one soon, It is liotx.il this will be well rwitiouiiil. The hall is a credit to the place and should le kept open for Icciuics and mi cials as well as ilnnce. Itiloesn't reiimiu u verv ureal stielch of the iiuai'.iuatioii to see this enliie enlusula blossom like a io.nr. Wcrds uprooted, under lit nth, totteii logs and Minims Mirneii, men our in les r n of inn would lie a garden sHt of kiiiity. Thinking uloiii: these lines one wonilcis how .soon the Inventor will have thai little muchlm. fectul for uvoidlni! IK.T- thoughts. The University apartment house better known as old Club Hall, has uudeii'oue a woiideiful change in the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Dick sou have been winking on it almost continuously and now have it in tood sIiiiik.' for all comer's. Suites of tluee well furnished housckec liii: looms. Sio k.t mouth: theie are also unfurnished apartments am single rooms. One block fiom the Columbia University and in view of the fair j: rot it ids. Next summer will sec this old laiidmaik filled with I OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOQ m tiff Vr I i n c Portsmouth Pharmacy We are always RIGHT IN PRICES, and always Improving. Call and get one of our beautiful Calendars. S. F. FOUTS. Proo. R. W. PRITMAKU, manager ----- w a ooooooo 4 MONEY SAVING PRICES On Everything that Men and Boys Wear. THE LION STORE 166-168 Third sStroet. Near Morrison I. GEVURTZ & SONS FURNITURE CARPETS . Stoves, Ranges, Qranitcwarc, Crockery, p Jewelry and Silverware j 173-175 First St., and 219-227 Yamhill,! PORTLAND, Or I Great Removal Sale ! University Drug Drugs, Confectionery, Cigars Stationery nnd School Books PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMES, ETC. PBBSOIttrTIONS CAKErULtY COMPOUNDED Post Office Conior UNIVERSITY PAP.K ; W. II. KINO, PreilJcnl. At. I.. IIOI.HROOK, Vlcc.rcjMcn ! ST. JOHNS ABSTRACT & TRUST COMPANY Abstracts of Title carefully and accurately prepared. Charges Reasonable. Office! King's Building, Jersey St., St. Johns 040Q00004D0000000000000040004Ch HENERY C. SCHROEDER Furniture, Carpets and Stoves AGENT FOR "QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES JANUARY CLUARANCI SAt.II. N0TIUNU RIISERVtil). PRICES IN PI.OOR COVI-RINOS OK -.vn.ii hi I, iiiumini' in I ill i l'ws- MlllHlK, Villi MVOIIU WDlltil lli'ViT kllllW Wild IlIIH (IMC in his imk-L-i.I. mill lo liavt'iill our tliouj-lit, jjivun hi mi? ihiiiiic ii i,i M-t hi lo wiirk uectlliii' out mill Iw. t-nvv. Imtiiil Jwilousy iiml nil tlnit which is not rHxl. We would Ik' ol ill tut I to mh; one ami nil ns Cod's little llowmiii IIIH IMllll lilllilili mill tlual inn. mi. oilier iieconlhij.lv, WImt n iii. iiih' we wotiiii Uien vc In. lust kuiitifiil vcKeluhles, fniit mid llower umdeiiM mul Ixniiiirnl Scott laii. CHURCH NOTICCO. Stiinlav iiTtin'n l liiifi li, I'liiliiiimilli lit lloly Criiml Stntinii- H:.iil n. I it i Hi. .in ii. in.: .1;J(I p. ni. Hvrrylioiiy Ailiiinio. Ir;iilur Tiiilliiiati, C. S. C, I n lor. I'., tiivri 'veiy Stilitnl.iy cvciiIiik nil MciiioliH'k Hull I'iii.lall, N. C.i NOHII!l TRUST. .Max .Sinn ii, yoiiiiuent sou of Mm. I 1 .1 e i . . . . I'icKMJii, oi 1'iuveiMiy rnik, wax hit on the lieiul with mi tix tut Sat unlay, I'littiiii mi awful muli. Dr. Welcter was calliil .did iiiekMd the wound. The little fellow was jtut ulilc walk home and when lie ar livetl his clotheM weie Mitiiialetl with Mood. Little Min. JeniMin lia Ukcii on a new line. The l.udiw.' Home Join mil is now the no, and if nu like to mx mid limr an encifji tie little liody, who Is hy dint of luud work MiijK)HiiiK her little oneii. have her will on you, luu U uiulv to Mitinlie for the JoiimihI. Hnink Dickson who U wtxkiiiK with Rev. Dr. Chapman. w'u hu. hroiher. A. V. Diek.son, u vuit. He will letuin uImhii the flint of .March, for a ti.-iiiontli.s' amy mid will woik with the Rev. Dr. Clwji man. under the aiupice, of the Home Hoanl of 1'ni.liyteiian tiitn t.ions. whose heailiiuarteri. aiv in New Yoik. Cows ruiiuiiiKtit liiijieare a Ktiwt I annoyance to many leoideuti. of the, Park at inekent: a numliei nf ..nr. i dens have Ux-u hrokeu into, mid in one instance a nuinler of ounj fniit trees have hcuu miuwl. One lofcident has vowwl he will not nll up the jHiuiid master hut will administer law in his fund or backyard as the ocettiioii de inaiids, J. R. Rand, the jMpular motor man still heads the lint in The r.veimiK i eieKram votini; ciuitw,t. ! Kcslilcnls of (he PctiTiisiila Atk-lil Organize lo (loud Advance. llv liu UVIifimt.) SK-akiun of ti lists one womli.rs if we do not dust to others to mi f.Meut iuiiiiious to our iiioinl mul flimncliil welfaie. Kor instmuv. each tekideut of this elm ions tH'ttltl- muais attiie piesent moment trust jiiK his ueij-hhor to either insist on U'ttn slieet ear K'tvicc troin the pieH-nt k-iiii once iii-a-while-eais or oijaiue another company and put in a Kood line. This soil of tuist iu! i Isid hiihliKs, We leave the woik In Ius..n1nw Hill Joint., mid when J. It. docWt ai me with the merchandise, we xiy tilings. M'l s Ik.' ililfeient. Lets M fn.l. diU. The fad nov-,idays is to or KHiiie. KveiylMkly mid every thine, ii. oieaui.iui:. H. 1. n.w, owns. i cldet mill and U. apkMHv. They,s;iy, I.ef.s ore.au u ami et a coiner on vinegar," vvheu. puto! the thiuj; Is luvoiu-(Hislnil. If the l'oitl.iiul Oieen Ci.U P, and the Aktotiu Oold Urick Con' ceiu utenot satisfie! with pieut ".iHiiuiMu.. i o tney trust their iicij-IiImis. to help them out? Kli! t'ht They don't. They organize, iinincnK- the Mock in the cistern until it is piovily float wl, and live Jmpjiilyaud coiiteuUtl ever after waul. lWihly you have lu-.m! ilu. tnithfiil saxiiiv., "i union then. Is stuiiKth." mid "Unite,! we .stand, divided, we full," You have piov cn their Until, in any event, hy falhiiK fiom the lucked platforms of the I'oitland cinsolidate cats so jnauy times the just year while walking to town on their St, Johns' flyer two trains every sixty iniu utw. that you ate teady to do id must anything. You uii.it even Ih? i.ixel to consolidate and follow the fad. If you ate not yet biifliciently dis orKanial ly the rw.teaniation of I.... .i.....i t . ""'" N-onsoiuiaicti. Ki L0D0E N0TICC8. (Uiiivrrmlv I'.uk ami l'trtmoiiili.) IViiintiilfir I.hIh .No. I.h. I. (. (. Sail J I M. II. Carter, V. ('.; (',. II. HeniMock. Mt.; Dr. ()var Do vniil. I rca. Itrhiknli Loiluc. I. O O. If., No. 72, 'iiri'ln vn.iiil mill I'Mirlli I uriitlnyn at Md IVII-.w Hull Mm. Harriet SiuHr. N. C.; Ilrlle Na.li, Y. (1.; Km- ni.i i llfiiiiitiK'k, bee 1'orMiu.ulli Trill Ni. H. K. O. T M, mri in Oihl I'ellowH 1 Intl. lirM .inn mini i iiriif(yi t'nixrr.ii) Park AviHlily. No. , I init'il ArliMiu, iiiretk 1'Vf.ry Wciliirt- Uv iiitiiu at Atiisiou lemplt'. Mr. Il'.yl. M. A.; Mr. .Stanley. Sunt : Mm. S A Clark. Sc. : (V II I lenistoeU. I rean. PIANOS Ilcitt Ten Wire Tiipctry Carpet, , . Anlcc TatH-'Jlry Cartct . . A Kxxl Trtitry Cnrct . . Ilcat extra iivcr liiKmin, nil miki! . IIckI cttru suiter CO.. . . Union Ingrain . . Linoleum .... I.IiiuIciiiii .... l'UICIt iNCI.irilllS SlIWINO, I.AVIM MatlliiK linen warp . , Mnttlne linen wnrn . Mnttlnjj linen warp . Miming linen warji . f 1.15 value Side price, fi.eo vnltie Snlc price Hjc vnliie Sale pi Ice ! value Sale price 8i value Sale price 50c nine Sale price 65c vuluc Sale price yoe value Sale jirlce AM) I.IM.VO, . 20c value Sale price . 3&c Millie Snle.prlce . Joe value Sale price . Jsoo value Sale price z?c Hie 7 45c Sic 1 8c an-tt nuult ildltctrJ lif bl clitf. 2M-248 KUSSHI.I. ST., If yon want to SAVE MONEY (his is the time to buy Pinnos. In order to get ono 0f (ho best locations in the city, I have to xacrificce upscc, and the Inre and magnificent stock on hand now must be greatly reduced Antony (lie Pianos handled are suck standard names as Kroeger, Laffargue, McPhail, and Kohlcr & Campbell At Prices that wllljaurpriscyoti. Terms from 10 down Jnnd 6 er month up. A. W. MEYER 74 Sixth Street. PORTLAND, Oregon W M'l.'l'l(l(lrrl nt I" IUIiiu l)M4 POR TLAND, OKUOON MM J. J. KADDERLY Hardware Of all Kinds. Sole Agent for Universal Stoves and Ranges Do not fail to see the Universal Steel Range before purchasing 4- HlllVAKII IIOI.UAN I'rrklilrut Deeds and Contractu. The Iteviiuv liu printed mul kcopHl III hlllt'k till' Illliwt llllll 11101 IHTfCfl liu 11 w id' deed mid cniitrQi'ts, which may ho piiicuiikod n 1 ho oHico nt piirtM htkM Hum usually cluiiv'd for Midi iiimik torinii. WAI.TKK J. IllHUAM, Tlphon 607 Secrctury The Edward Holman Undertaking Company Funeral Dlrecters and OSCAR DoVAUL, M. D. oiIuvIkxh. vl' h m Jlxjp m Ollit-e I'liiitir IxmII ii Krlotc in I'liuiif I'iiIihi V'l OHhTliI t'HHtlvtlf tik OiHMuie. The flucct rttaliUkiiment of ttie kind In America Lady AkkUtaut Embalmers ilixtrru Ainbulaurcs ; 220-222 Tllrd St Ctrner Siliu, POATLANI, Brttofl VI. O. I'M IK O. I'. MIIKKII I. Faulk tS: Akrrill Coal, University Meat Market University lrk Firxt da ttorttiirnt 14M Flfl Strtcl, OM Fellows Building, Poillind, Oregon. Pim Hi'n 13(2 S JT J'r.e.!,ient . I'llONHIIUCKJJ ;... v-iwjiu, occrciary Portland Jobbing Co. PLUMBING, GASP1TTING STOAAIFITTING, ROOPS GUTTERS ETC. . . . At Reswnabl Rate. S(oei, Purnacci nJ Tlnwnro Repaired. Qukk Service. All Work- i j No. 7 Fifth St., Cor. Ankcny POUTUND, OkUdON 20 per ct. Discount May, Grain, Flour Ground Peed, Flints, Oilt md Building Materials Phone East 713 Unlvrlty Park, . Orgon W. J. Peddicord REAL ESTATE mU8H AND SALT If EATS Full Weight Qully (lie tit I'lifcn lnw Hd ill miy Hint cUmi market in ( Ito i-ity. W. M. KILLINGSWORTH the and if his tuany fiiiiuU will nilly to 1 lm"1 lllul Coiistmctwl l'l.it Car Co.. ins Mipjwii iic win come out of the " om 111:11 reminds one Duttlc ol li.ulots with two huudutl dollars. the coupon tonight any of the St. I11111. Mine out of the UK" oi niat reminds one 111 the covete! Wt"f ) 1,11 iu llie Uiul of "l'jv.i.1 Jtut cut out ' . ,Vu,li" and hand it !L Ml;X UM our ,w Joints' cur men for One of the Park's mast prasjerous business men was seen cleaning the street in front of his place of Inisi iictM this week. He lemarketl to a WUeie oiut? wcio lut and inaytva J70- l.ot sou6. mariMr lluo.clmc in. J7S -l.ot (kiu, two MtH-Vk from m-IiooI iuhiu', coiucr. $J75 l.ot 50x100, mnr woolen milU. $600-l.ot 9!iu6, on car line. oIom? in. 11365 -h riHm lunik?, lot yux, in tuu- ine.- center, f U$0 7-riKui lioue, lot joxioo, 011 the oouievuw, lull iin. $1075- s-iHm lu.ue, lot jox loo, o--r looking rner. jl0O --5-uMnilioue, lot rvMSj, other iiiuoeiiieuu. juo-l.ot sovnx,. vxiruer, tmlldiuj; i. lwoUineii. i rwmsaUixe, two torv luniu U'lotv, new, ceih lldl. i.ou on iniiallment, $00. The DolUr uon and roc Hollar per mcmlh. umer lou, toth lluiJncu and ReUJence TUB riONKft KSAL UBTAT1 DKALHK OP THK PENINSULA . . . The ttnent likt of lVdiJeucd nroiriv ... .1.- 11 iiiu uixnci. Wivlimt Park of era tka iui Jir. idde home ititea atreeU ifraJrJ. It oriiiue 111 the market. W. 1L KILUNQ8W04TM J03 ObaaW f Ooiuuerce. Parti anal University Park or every TRUNK in Entire Stock Occuple the central nortlon of h. fcltu plataau between the Wlllamtt,. au4 Columbia Rivera, It U central to four milaa of dees waterfront wk dock. milU and factorira ir. "i" w ay magic. It ia the 5&? PICTURE FRAMES Miit to Order Nutbrown & Son Naw and Second Hand STOVES, FURNITURE, CARPETS Mattings, Bedding, Lace Curtains and Pillows, Shades, Dishes, Lamps, Enamel Gran ite and Tin Enamel Ware. 119 to 121 1-2 RUSSELL STREET Johnson L Dillon 1 1 Weie ou not m li.umv mc. - "wo. lrUKAijt LOANS. RIISTALS lffr nuui' " ,,wh Wul ,U k',Uc" W- J" PEDDIOORD 8Uoe the Keut next to you clean out on the Hoof; - Contracton in Gradia- xoaTitin and all kind of taaaa vorV OAK PA11K I Telephone Union 4069 ST. JOUNtl, OREQON Can leave order, at Sh.rd Tufta ST, JOHNS, OBK. EXTRA SPECIAL! Walking Skirts BUck Dress Skirts, all this . u,uon ol ike Colombia Uatr.ralt,. R, a 77 4 educaUoaal Inatltutiona he in .vl I at.. " w I pwm, aunt i.rga citlea. The Fenln. tola Lumbar Co., oa UrUveralty park watcfiroat, aloaa haa a navmii $M.oa moaik If you bave only - ...w. wrcuigaBct you know what uch a (.ayroll ataa to aurroaruHn Property. UaJveralty Park property U advaclBf u valua aad aunt continue to advaaca aa loaf as tba population of Portland, Oregon, Incrtam. Unl. vrlty Park ka. tka far-famed Boll Run water, Portland nuMlo .-.w.i eWcwic atrct likta, buikKa reatxk con, kVjuor reatrictlon and ia iW tcr of about MM population. It fa inaid- tk city linitt of Por.uj - communcauoii with all be city for a $-tnt tr t in price from too to fttto JaZ- caah. baUaca ta.00 nr nAB.k intereaa. If you w ,ng , a0fBe ilta or a lu.. 1. . !.. - will pay you Fnuuia J. McKenaa. SoU Am;. IT-I vcraity Park Station, PonUnd, Or. $7.50 In Mannish Mixtures and Covert cloth. Also Fine seasoti's nmkfv rfium'tio- in f n,m mi.oo to 6.00, will be Cleared out to make room for Spring arrival, at y,,w uuwn ana $1.00 a week. All our ,6.oo to po.00 Jackets will be ctawl out at S1 1.00 a' vaiulgt.ooa week. This Special Sale Ends February I4th EASTERN OUTFITTING Co! The Store Where Your Credit is Good, 390-9 WasUirtM Stmt. "TttMMaai 1 " MMaMaaaaMaMaMaW 1 in."'."i '. . j.