St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 10, 1905, Image 3

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, Tvnm Various Sources
Oleanea -.mMA
j.r la Insure a cnange or an-
B. the copy for such chanjje
rtCh this olfleo not later than
,h0uld reaen m peale
M-n." work.
and save the printer
A carload of brick has just been
revival by Peterson x
r Carlson is installing an
ac2yline light plant at his new
bSfirclmlranls ore nearly nil
InStion, and make n very pre-
Peterson & Smith have just re
eeived a carload of good timothy
haJ A. Gee is now moving the old
Ju on the See property and Mr.
grSlI build more cottages for
"n W. Sober of this city spent
Sunday with friends at the state
apitil. He W",C1 t0 lhU c,ty
Coiicregntional services a 13ick
shallSundnyafternoon. Preach
lag at 3:30. Sunday school at 2:30.
Good music.
Two Jersey Cows for Sale Arc
hut coming in; two and three years
55. Job" Grady, comer John and
Crawford streets.
A.Jacobson, conductor on the
(Portland & Suburban Kxprcss car
dangerously ill at his home, 238
WuhinRt street, Portland.
Mr. Huggcrty is going to move the
house from the Sap property to
mike room for n new house on the
block. Mr. Gee has the job for
moving the house.
D. D. Wood has purchased the
building formerly occupied by Hon
villc, the electrician, and will open
up a machine and bicycle repair
V. L. Hidlis is getting well along
with Ills elegant new residence in
thcDraasch addition. He expects
to have it ready for occupancy in a
few weeks.
0. V. Ovefttreel, a plumber of
experience, j opening a shop inn
new building in the lfrench addi
tion. (r. Overstrect expects to be
ready for business early next week.
Thieves entered the pantry nt the
residence of W. W.Goodrich, on
Burlington street Moudny evening
and stole everything in the way of
edibles therefrom. No clue to the
perpetrators has lcen discovered.
DivLut Suiter are erecting n
lu Uiuir oa teiNiv street near lfcs-
senden, which will le used for n
restaurant. The parties who nre
running the Cozy restaurant over
Frcedman's store, will have charge.
An attractive sign has leeu
tlacd near the ton of the Cochran
building bearing the words ' 'Coch
na Block." The letters are of
good size in gold leaf. It is n good
piece of sign work, and was done
by Carr Bros.
Rev. H. C. Shaffer, of the First
United Brethren church will prench
it 3:30 p. m., Sunday, in the Arti
un's lull, Portsmouth, Subject,
"The Local Church and the Liquor
Traffic" Sunday school nt 2:30
p. m., at the same place.
C. W. PoUerJ-md G. IG. Gould
hive purchased the-stock and good
will of the Muck Hardware Co.,
ad will hereafter conduct the busi-
inese gentlemen nre prac
tlca bnsines.s men, nnd will, no
doubt, carr)- on a successful busi
ness, Dr, Hicks received an official re
port from the state bacterologist in
mch this official Mates that not n
angle case of diptherin has been
lagnosed on the peninsula thissea
A culture was sent from n
wspiciouscasein this city, but it
w pronounced not to be diptherin.
. subscription is being circulated
lor tie purpose of securing n night
watchman. TIip lw ,a wii..
one, and especially so for the
season. The city will have
e uglit lingered gen
- u ,s essential, for public
y that some measures be taken
' protection
bi Portiam! lalies Rot somewhat
H'xea in referrniL' to iir t-t.,cic
Ppoujtment and the resignation of
LR,?8an- . Tle latter only re-
notT, T rs,Uon of health officer,
not marsh nl r -- . '
stmft.ZtT' , ur' ensei was
iPPo mted health oflicer,not marshal.
S-fn!fntsl" the dail' press
decidedly mslenaino- ' 1
vo lr?k, SMggests that t,,e
aioinfi,redePartrnent organize
l Sltha lodge room above,
nt : tehem that such a srl.,.
SY, Profitable one, as the
SLtn(romret'K the hall
iretnUIT8 bring in
iUble v,, ,W0UUl Prove a prof
BD source of revenue.
cfyr:?1'' the 3-year-old son
. auu Aire IT-
neousS' teruoon of membra
croup. The little tMnm ,,c
Jga around the da Sore hU
heria Z?" tght to be
and nrouB investiga.
ti uT analysis has been n,nrt,
tluth"ffi5aUy announced
tats h.vT,C u,Pena. The par
aB'M sympathy of the com
Miss Mary A. Chase, of New
Hampshire, has been in the city
this week in the" interest" of the
Equal Suffrage league. She is en
gaged tn organizing sub-leagues,
and has already established one at
University Park. A meeting will
be held at the office of Dr Mnry
Mac Lachlan Saturday afternoon lo
which nil ladies interested nre in
vited. Emil Richter, of Oregon City,
nnd Miss Carrie Pond, daughter 6f
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Pond, of this
city, were united in marriage last
Monday evening, Ieb. 6. Rev.
E. E. Mcvicker, pastor of the
Evangelical church, officiated.
The ceremony took place at the
church. The happy couple left
Tuesday for Oregon City, where
Mr. Richter is engaged as n man
ufacturing jeweler.
The enrollment of the St. Johns
public sciiooi on ret). 3, 1005, was
342. This 'number is distrib
uted among the eight grades ns fol
lows: Eirst grnde, 92 ; second grnde,
42; third grade, 55; fourth grade, I56;
fifth grade, 37! sixth grade, 33;
seventh grnde, 19; eighth grade, 8;
total, 342. During the last three
days eighteen new pupils have
entered. The two new rooms nre
full nud by spring additional facili
ties will be necessary. Eight
teachers nre now employed. There
arc tiitrty-ntnc pupils tu cacn ot
the new rooms recently built.
An Origiim Idea.
C. h. Johnson, even on the alert
to help St. Johns, has suggested nn
iden for the advertising of this city,
that is unique nnd might form a
most desirable scheme. Mr. John
son proposes Hint n tower or reu
sonablc height be built 011 the fair
grounds and n telescotK! installed
nnd trained on St. Johns. This
might be in charge of some one
to distribute such literature us
might be deemed necessary.
While the scheme is somewhat of n
novel one, yet it would be uu effec
tive one, if tried. The cost would
not be excessive.
A Surprise Party.
A most pleasant surprise party
invaded the comfortable home of
Mrs. Pascal Hill, Tuesday evening
it being the occasion of her birth
day. The hostess was taken by
entire surprise, having had not the
cast intimation ot tne tilltilr. A
most pleasant evening wis hpent.
Refreshments, including n large ami
)eautifiilly decorated cake, 11 gift
from the husband, were served.
The following were present: Mr,
and Mrs. Hullis, Mr. nud Mrs. Val
entine, Mr. nud Mrs. Edwards,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hall, Mr. nud Mrs.
Sainuclsou, Mesdaincs Stark, Pciu-
ugton, Gillam, Chance nud Chase;
Misses Effie and lJertha Titus:
Misses Sorlicr, Magoon, Windle,
Uudquist, Moiiahou nud Ciouie.
Ladles Civic Improvement League.
The Ladies' Civic Improvement!
League met nt the residence of
Mnyor Cook Inst Tuesday after
noon. The principal object was
th election of officers. Mrs. UeJl
Smith was elected president; Mrs.
Lime Dlackburn, vice president;
Mrs. Shepard, secretary; Mrs.
Frank Smith, treasurer. Mrs.
Wnlker nnd Mrs. Ulnckburn were
appointed n committee to draft
suitable by-laws for the govern
ment of the league. The ladies are
prepariTig for a lively season's
work nud nre worthy of encourage
ment from everv citizen.
Mrs. Cook served refreshments,
when the meeting adjourned to
meet nt the residence of Mrs. W.
C. Wnlker,, Tuesday afternoon,
February 21, when the by-laws
committee will report.
Ilavine purchased the stock and
goodwill of. the Muck Hardware
Co., we wish to say to the people of
St. Johns that we expect to carry' a
complete line of general hardware,
stoves nnd builders' material, and
sell same nt prices ns low ns can ls
obtained in Portland.
Pottkr & Goui.n,
The Commercial Association Holds
nn Important Alccting
One of the most enthusiastic
meetings yet held by the St.
Johns' Commercial Association was
the special session held last Wednes
day evening, The attend
ance was ( large, the room being
filled. Five new members were
admitted, and the interest mani
fested was most encouraging.
in tins connection let it be
known, the Commercial Associa
tion is not.n political organization
in any sense of the word. In fact.
should ,any member be indiscreet
enough to suggest politics, local or
otherwise, he would be iunuedi
ntely scjuelched.' The association
is laboring for the material interests
of this city; the interests of the
people as n whole. Every citizen
who believes ill united action is in
vited to become n member, what
ever be his occupation or callinrr.
1 he "common people" whatever
this means, we don't know, ns well
ns the lnborer, the mechanic, the
tradesman, the real estate dealer, or
anybody else having the material
good of St. Johns at heart.
1 he meeting was called to order
by President Douglas. Minutes
read and approved.
Air. Urecht nnd Mr. Rodtrcrs of
the committee to confer with the
Portland Steel Shipbuilding Co. re
ported that several conferences had
been held, but no conclusions ar
rived at. The company will sub
mit n proposition to the nssocintion
nt its next meeting. Committee
The advertising committee re
ported progress,
Committee on through cars re-
ported substantially as reported in
uqolhcr column. Committee con
The dock committee rctrartcd
Hint Mr. Cone proposes to furnish
un necessary plunking nud piling to
build n dock 011 Richmond street.
the city to build the dock. A
lengthy discussion followed, in
which it develoited that n differ
ence of opinion prevailed us to lo
cation of the dock. Some wanted
it nt foot of Philadelphia street,
while others strongly advocated
Richmond street. The majority,
however, wanted a dock built re
gardless of location, which they
thought a secondary consideration.
hirst gel the authority to agree to
build 11 dock, then let some amica
ble means be adopted by which
the greatest number will be bene
fitted ns to where it shall le lo
cated. Tiie committee was in
structed to press the matter upon
the council, and get that body to
take some action.
The committee on the James
John bequest was continued.
The treasurer reported 20 on
hand and deposited in the bank.
Mr. Emrich, publisher of the
Pacific Searchlight submitted n
proposition to make St. Johns the
publishing office, and devote one
column in each issue to the indus
trial and commercial interests of St.
Johns, if sufficient encouragement
was received. The proposition
was received with favor, nnd n
committee consisting of Moiiahau,
Hall and J. Henry famith was ap
pointed to canvass the matter.
The following meinuers were
enrolled: ll. T. Leggett, P. J, Peter
sou, J. V. Jolxss, N, I. Bailey nud
I). D. Wocd.
The question of the validity of
the vacation of the streets through
the electric mill property came up
and Hill, Smith and King were
named to investigate aud report.
At a late hour a most interesting
session adjourned to meet next
Wednesday evening at Shepherd &
Tufts' office.
Good Neighbors.
The Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica, Camp No. 75461 gave their
Royal Neighbor sisters a surprise
last night (Thursday). It was
about 10 o'clock the ladies ad
journed their camp, when their
ueighbors unexpectedly appeared at
the hall laden Willi oysters, couee,
cake and. sandwiches. The surprise
was complete, as well as pleasant
After the edibles had been disposed
of an hour was devoted to dancing.
It was a pleasant evening.
Louis Brandt and Edgar Daum at
, the Empire.
Much interest is beincr manifested
in the forthcoming engagement of
the Baum-Braudt company at tne
Empire. Both these players ore
well and favorably known to theatre
goers of Portland, and will be sup
oorted bv a capable and carefully
selected New York company. The
ooeniuc olav will be Lovers' Lane,
which will run the entire week,
with a popular priced matinee Sat
urday. NOTICE !
Now is the time to make a good in
vi&ttnnt. A t 1.3 storv house. 7 toohis.
pantry and twQ cjoscts, a 75 barrel cis
tern anil a good well, the only well in
the vicinity. The location is the best
tliat can'be had as, it lays center'way be-
tween tne Loon in roim view. - "
or address i WALTER W, WOOD,
Box 38, Jt. Johus, Oregout
Rev. McVickcr lws relatives visiting
him this week.
G. II. Carlson returned Saturday from
a trip to I'liRct Sound.
Milton Maxwell of lone, Ore. was in
thtfeity visiting friends.
J. K. Tufts and George Warren of Ore
gon City, were in the city' Tuesday, the
guests of M. Tufts.
Frank T. Johnson of Junction City
Cal. is visltilig his brother W. V. John
son aud may locate here permanently.
Mrs. H. R. Hurst, of Tolucnt, 111., Is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. K. I,.
Stockton, and sister, Mrs. N. O.
Isaacson. '
. U. G. Solby, of Vancouver Wash., was
ill the city Wednesday, ami purchased
property in St. Johns Park addition. He
will pufld at.opcc, t
Miss I.cnorc nines who U attending
St. Mary's academy at Vancouver Wash,
was in the city last Sunday, the guest of
Mrs. W. C. Valkcr.
Capl. C. O. llrauson, National Kvangc
list of the M. 15. Church spent l'rlday
and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, W. 1'.
Johnson. The captain is one of the most
prominent religious workers on the coast.
Councilman W. II. Hamilton and his
good wife arc practical Roosevcltiaus. He
has cluht children married .and has forty-
seven grand children and two great grand
children. Mr. aud Mrs. Hamilton arc
not so very old yet, either,
Dr. h. M. llcnscl has located in this
city, and opened an office in a suite of
rooms In the Control hotel. Dr. llcnscl
Is an old practicing phyelclau aud comes
highly recommended, l'or some yearn
lie was attached to the medical stall oj
the U. S. Army.
At (lie Columbia Theater
The loveliest play A. W. Pinero
ever wrote, "Sweet Ln vender," is
running this week at the Columbia
theatre. It introduces the dainty
little new ingenue Miss Fay Wal
lace, in the title roll; and Howard
Gould, the famous leading man,
plays the splendid patt of Dick
Phenyl. Cathrinc Countiss, Miss
Allen, Mr. Bowles, Mr. Blooinqtiest
nnd Mr. Dills nud the full strength
of the Columbia Stock company
appears in the cast to great advan
An Old Pioneer
Dr. C. A. Raffety, of East Port.
laud, comes to St. Johus often. He
tells entertainingly of the times,
years ago, when he used to drive
from hi3 home to St. Johns through
an nlmost impenetrable wilderness;
those were the days when doctors
earned their money nnd their visits
could truly be called errands of
The genial doctor was ior many
pars one of the enthusiastic sports
man of the northwest, hunting and
fiutmie lifinf his greatest pleasures
mid he has not thrown off on those
grand sports even now f r the la
tpt advices tell of his preparations
for the coming fishing season.
There are few living residents or
Portland who can claim priority to
Dr. Raffety. He came to the city
in 1852 by the ox cart route and
after it vears of continuous resi
dence in Portland looks like he
might be good for 53 years more.
Tf U nnw servinc on the Portland
water commission board, a position
oi uibuutiiuu. ,.
nmptlv. our doctor is interested
in St. Johns, he has contributed to
the Odgeu oil prospect, a very wor
thy cause that is entitled to much
ncsUtnnce from St. lohns people.
And still better, he is endeavoriug
to open up an iron mine ngnt ai our
door: if he succeeds in manufactur
ing nitr iron for the use of our
foundries and other industries he
will have proved himself a pnblic
And more than all the rest, he
has advised a younger brother, who
is at present on a HJllsboro' farm
to buy a piece of land in St. Johns
oh tn build his future home.
They selected one of the Willamette
boulevard acre tracts.
The bill for next week, opening
Sunday, Feb. 12th, will be the most
magnificent production of the great
historical and religious play, Sienk
eluryez "Quo Vndis." The scenic
efTects prepared by Frank King will
be most magnificent, ' equaling if
not exceeding "Ben Httr" and the
beautiful "Holy City" produced a
few weeks ago at the Columbia.
The Columbia Stock company
largely increased speciully for this
production, will appear to pnrticu
larly good advantage, and the
week's run of "Quo Vndis" will be
the sensation of the year, theatri
cally, 111 Portland, rso one should
miss it for such a beautiful aud in
teresting dramatic performance has
never been seen on this coast here
tofore at the low price of seats
charged nt the Columbia, namely
50 cents gets the best seat in the
house nt the evening performance,
and 25 cents the best seat at the
matinee. Gallery at matinees is 10
cents and evening 15.
Since Jan. ist 500 persons have
positively been held up with in a
block of the Court House, and not
one was robbed because they were
forewarned by Wundii, Portland's
most popular Palmist nud mind
reader. She names, dates
ond facts, holds' the key to Sol
omens Wisdom nn 1 Spirit Phenom
ena of the Bible. She is located nt
4th nnd Salmon St.s. on the ground
E. M, Calkins' Poultry Yard
Eggs for sale from prize winning
stock. Three strains. S. C.
White Leghorns and White Wynn-
dottes, Si. 50 per setting. Inctiba
bator lots 6 jier too. Barred
Rocks $2 for 15 straight. Stock
for sale.
Phone Union 1.105
Point View Addition, St. Johns
bhepard & lutes
Will sell xon Lots In
Shcpard's Addition
For 65 Dollars, 5 dollars down and 5 dollars per month
Lots in Point View at 70 dollurs each.
Lots in North St. Johns, overlooking the river, 250 t
dollars, 10 down and 10 per month. t
Wo Wrlto
Phone Scott 404G Office In Cochran Block, SI, Johns, Or,
The Season is now on for
St. Johns Lumber Company
For all kinds Common Lumber, KILN DRIED
Flooring, Ceiling and Rustic. Sash, Doors,
Alouldiugs aud Columns.
Yards and Mill Toot Burlington St. Phone East 594
To the People of St. Johns.
will cive a vocal music entertainment at the M. E. church next Monday
evening. These ladies have toured the world, nnd nre now singing to
crowded houses at the White Temple in Portland. Admission will be
... ft I A A . . .
Iree. Doors open at 7:00, ami tne program win start hi o;w p.irji.
Everybody luyited.
Some Specials in Cookies!
We have nn exceptionally fine line of the finest
line of cookies that can be purchased auywhere. In
fact they are so very nice the price is more than people
generally cared to nay for goods before they were ac
quainted with the line. To let one and all of our cus
tomers have the privilege of trying these goods at a
price that is in the reach of all we have put them on the
special price list, to clean up the lot. They are actually
1i.t n( crnnAa t1lt nut ill tllf5r flflS"?. TTore JlTC
prices. Don't they take your eye? f
Unecda Ginger Wafer, regular 25c; now - 13c
Graham Crackers, regular 25c; now 13c
Oatmeal Crackers, regular 25c; now - - 13c
Social Tea, regular 25c; now - - - 13c
Cheese Sandwich, regular 25c; now - - 13c
Festino, awful nice, regular 35c; now - 25c
Nabisco, nothing better, regular 35c; now - 25c
We have a few boxes of special crackers at 10
cents per pound to close out. Call for "Washboiler
Assorted Cakes."
St. Johns Grocery Co.,
Grocers and General Merchants, St Johns, Oregon
Will have Something to Say About
lo this Space Next Week. s
All Varieties, Serious and Comic, at
Elliott's Pharmacy
And ready for business. The delayed material has
arrived aud is being put in place as rapidly as our
workmen can do it, aud the current will be turned on
without further delay.
Persons desiring to use electric light or power should
make application at the offices of the Company, corner
t H OK
Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc.
Pliunu Seal I .1065 ST. JOHNS, Or
Going! Going! Going! !
Two room house aud lot, 91x109; price .. 525
Pine home in Point View, .s-rooin house and ten
lots, chicken house nnd fruit trees; price 1.500,
with five lots 1,000
Largo house nud half acre lot, well nud picket
fence I 00
4 A. Orchard and good house, fenced 6,500
Purnishcd cottage nt Long Bench. Wash.; snap 6,00
One lot aud 5-room house, wood-shed, water in
house.......... 1,150
Block on R. R.. fine factory site 4 ,000
Lots in Point View from 85 to $100; 5 down and 5 r month.
' f
Though we have
the reputation ol
'IoIiik the hot
work In rortlanil
wechtruc nothing
f (or our reputation,
our iiUeore low,
uui nicy arc rujfii
enough to inture
Wxl work. W c .
invite In vcillgatloi)
no tore or acmiitf
gum. follow our.
extractloui. It a J
'mutilation l'Kl'.lt. '1
rm. w. a. wish.
DR. T I'. WISh
t MODUKN DUN 1 15 IKY Cor. 3m anu wasniugioii nis.