St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 10, 1905, Image 2

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Pubtlihed Krcrr Frldnj Evening.
CRO.Vtn A CARTER, HJIIon and I'ubllilicri
Bubictltlon ralci, 11.00 per yrtr In adrtnot.
Adftrtlilnc ratti, $1.00 per Inch per month,
, All adtttllllng bllti pafalU Oral of each
. Jab Printing ciccultd la flril-rla iWlo.
Bllli for Job l'rintlng cub on Mhtry.
, All eotnmanlralloni iboutd tt tddrtutd to
n BtTliw, HI. Johni, Orecon.
Official Niwipaper of lb City of St. Johni.
FRIDAY EVENING, February 10, 1905
There is a pressing tloniuntl for
the opening of n ihorotiglifnte
along the water front. Tim re
cent location there of the brass
foundry mid the iimcliinc .simp, to
gctlter with other Industries, iimkes
it imperative thnt n street extend
Ing from the woolen mills to the
dry dock .should !c ojiciivri nnd put
in condition for travel ut the ear
nasi practical moment. . lie very
existence of our industries dcumiids
thnt this should be done without
delay. Our business streets are im
portnul, but much moie IiiiHrtfinl
is it thnt the mantifnclmiiig 'H
trict, wlicli is the Imisnwl life of
the business district, without which
there would be but little business,
sliotuu imve cur hrst ninl gieale-st
care. The powers thnt Iw will do
. t .
iirciu ,woik tor uie cny, ti tins
matter is given their prompt mid
particular attention.
' Much hns lieen said recently in
legartl to the matter of vacating
streets, nml diverting the owner
ship of public thoroughfares to pri
vate use. As it inle, the pnictice
is not to k commended as k-lng in
line oi ptinne txiiicy, hut on the
the contrary is reprehensible
i neru are a milliner oi cases in
mis city wneu uus course was
taken in which the ciiciiinstmicin
mill the good ofthecilv deiiiaudei
such vacations be made. We k-
II .. A.,. .. . .
neve uns is irue in nearly every
case, except ittrnaps in the ease
where several streets weiu vacated
for the use of what is known as the
electric mill ptoin-ity. liven in
this Instance, at the time the con
1 . . .
i.-c.viiiiis weie mime, uiiie may
nnvc ikvii apparent good cause for
it, hut later developments have
demoiistrateil that public IntcreMs
have not IkM seiveil by sueli
giving nway of these public thoi
ouglifatcs to private Dai ties. Ilml
the promised cuterprisu' Inx'it it sue
cess, mid the works ojieniUil us
pininiseti, it is probable the stir
rcntleriug of these streets might
nave nceii iK-iieliclal, llatl the
pioer safeginitds bcuu placet
.1... . . .
iiikiiii nit- transaction, utiil souu
consideration for such vnliiablf
concessions exacted, the city would
not touny ie in llie xMtiou of Ik'
lirtl.ll.i.. . ...... .1...! I
""i. i i "i mi'ir vmuanie
iulieritancv liciuii he d foramut
cutly ptiiely r.Kulating puiiss.
I here Is no question but that it
lack of .sound business judgment
was aitseni or lost sight of in sur
rendering city ownetshlii to mi
vate Individuals. No man has any
rtgiit to ik-cuuic owners of any imr
tioit ot laud dedicated to public use
unless ne gives n Mibstnutial Kn,,
niitcv that wmie tangible icUitti !
to be given for all the time, anil
...1. i. ii . .
wneu micii consideration ceases to
Ik: of nenclit to the public his con
trol over micii laud should cease,
mid the same icvcit back tothe
city, i his is a teusonuhle tiling
to do, mid if the patty to whom
micii concessions mo granted me
acting in good faith miiIi condi
tions would wcrk no ImnUhlp.
In the case of the electric mill
trects vuentcd, it lias kgit very
seriously questioned if, in view of
the almost total lack of eonsidira
tion, the mh holding them emi
do so If the question was raised in
.1... .......... i. i
hiv win in. u tiiHW not apjvai
ivuMjuuuiL- or ugni t nut llicVtfliouM.
As the situation is at present, the
the city is k-ing inttuol. These
streets are king held to the great
detriment of the public welfate.
mid If it Is possible to huve them
returned to the city, it should be
le tlono. Anyway, the matter Is
worth investigating.
Whatever may k the tenth.
iium-vi-i, iKioie any moie mmvu
are vacated for any piu-H? what
ever, care bhould k taken that
every reasonable safegiuud is
placed ubottt the transaction, mi
that ftituie similar complications i
iiiuj- uui mix.
ill be found that the case of Chic
ago after the 1893 fair is the source
of the iws.simi.sUc ideas.. .These
croakers know that real . estate
was flat in Chicago after the 1802
exjmsition and therefore reason it
must consequently have been so nt
Omaha, San Francisco, Charleston
Uuffalo and will be now at St. I.ouis
and later in Portland. The fact is
they have no grounds on which to
base their j)eculiar ideas except as
to Chicago mid that condition we
rill know was occasioned by the
fearful panic of 1K93,
San Francisco, which is the near
est parallel case to Portland, both
king on the Pacific coast, the new
er patt of this country, never be
fore grew ns she has grown since
the midwinter fair. And Portland
is in even ktter jxisition to grow
after our Lewis it Clark exjwsition,
as all know who have kept in touch
with the phctiominal growth of the
country tributary to the city.
Now what are lliefacw about bus
iness conditions at St. I.ouSs immed
iately following the holding of the
greatest world's fair ever held?
Hank dealings are the most reliable
source to reckon from and here me
the figures:
Dee. x, 7.1 UmtsiM.' fiuni
'''Ii 3'-7 IiifffMe over
17, HM, li.i " "
i, i'M I'M " "
tl. irml. ft.l " "
Jtii. 7, if,..i, .r, " "
' It I.V9
' l''5. I S " "
' jh. vim, 1 .6 " "
With exceiition of Dec.
the very clay of the close of the ex
position when things were nil topsy
lurvy, every week after the closing
date shows substantial business
gains over the same week of 11 year
pieviotis, when all business was
thriving under the stimulus of the
exposition to come. Conclusive ev
ideiice that gieitt falrsarc of gtcater
value to i-ommiiiiitiex as upbuilders
lor immediate future mid for all
time than as trade sliiiiulaiitM while
being held.
If St. I.ouls, an old city in mi old
community, can be k-udittisl, how
much more en 11 ui- exited in this
grand northwest, rich with tin-
leveloiKil lesoiuces. "After the
fair" will k- the kiiming of our
increase in wealth, ptosK'iity and
Mi)Ulalioii, mid the iuciisisv will k
It. I
Gangs of men are busy stringing
wires nnd erecting poles through
out the city for the telephone com
pany, without even asking for the
privilege, to say nothing about
complying with the requirements of
tlio charter. The company has no
franchise and has never even
asked for a permit of any kind.
The attention of the city council
is called to this most flagrant abuse
of the city's rights, The service is
bad enough to be tolerated, but per
mit the company to do as they will
with our streets is more than jkio
ple should be usked to stand.
Bicycl Repairing
and Machin Shop
Kenairinir orotnntlv done. Prices
reasonable. I sell the best incan
descent glolxj on the market; full
tine of electrical supplies. Key fitting
and lock work. (Jtinsnmning.
kynud our mosl sanguine Iiocm,
Plie (lUeMlnn of dioslni' n she
for city Iniildiiit's hns caused a
slight commotion 011 I lie Mie.ctH this
week, mid dilleiinces of opinion
exist, of eoiiise. A iiuinkr of
sites have been sKikett of but no
sxt discussed seemed to have mi
many adviK-ates its the tiiiini'tilar tract, bounded 011 the west
side by Hnycs street, mid i mining
loan atKix at the junction of Itui-
uugioii nnd Philadelphia stievt.
I he site Is 11 lovely one. mid fioni
the point of iicceshibility to the nies-
ent biisiueHrt center is only equalled
by the block 011 which the tnesent
city hall stands. It Contains in the
neighborhood of thtcc full lots, or
about I5,txxi feel Mjuate, ample
rKin to meet the nccuKsitluw of the
rtt for many years to come. The
owner olleis thU inoivitv to the
cit at 11 rate ot $i,iKon lot, which
lice apiKitrs finm prieeH rilll
l:nir Notes.
New Hampshire's building at the
Lewis and Clark Centennial will be
it reproduction of the birthplace of
u.'iniei Webster.
The finest collection of tiger
skins ever exhibited will form part
of Slum's display at the Lewis and
Clark Pair.
The .Minnesota educational exhib
it, which won the grand prize at St
I.ouls, will be sent to the Lewis and
Clark exposition.
A model hat factory, showing
low hats are manufactured, will be
one of the attractive exhibits in the
alacc of manufactures, liberal arts
ind varied industries at the Lewis
tud Clark centennial.
Portland, Oregon, where the Lew
is and Llark extHjsitioii is to be held
next summer, now has a population
of IK.fxxi. When lhi minitlntlriti
tlid not exceed 100,000, the citizcnsi
mliscribcd Siio.tKX) to the fair
An unique exhibit which has just
been secured for the Lewis mid
Clark exM)sition, is a silk euibrod
ered reproduction of theSistiuc Ma
donna. The reproduction wasnmde
in tut many, is faithful to the origi
nal and equals it in size.
A model life suvine; station cniilti-
Icd with a crack crew will be one of I
the featuies of the ('.overninent dis
play at the Lewis mid Clark extx.-
UI!.... IV. II.. .I..1II. ...II. .
nmuii. iJiuiy onus Will DC glVCtl I i
showing how Uncle Sam wives the t
ff the
Tacoma Street, Near Jersey.
To the Public
Pire nnd water proof, is manufact
ured and used soley by C. T. Moc,
W. O. Moe having no interest in
same. Paint and preserve your
roof. All work guaranteed. Will
paint roofs for next sixty days for
eighty-Jive cents a square.
M. T. iMOJi,
Contractor and Rof Painter. St. Johns, Ore.
Why Pay Rent?
f will sell you n 6-rootu house,
lot 50x138 i-2, with furniture;
only $,oo cash required; also
half block near the mills mid
railroad track; small payment.
St. Johns,
$275 Lot, 50 x too St.Johns Park
overlooking river.
$325 Lot, 50x100 near, woolen
$750 -too x 100 Pinest 1-4 block in
Sf. Johns.
$2600 Mlock on Ilroadway.
D. C. Rogers
Ready For Business
A. ttrvhic. the nionecr shoemaker
able to he at his shop again, prepared to
V) do nil kinds of work, and asks hi.
old patrons to conic see him.
Clfnlii8, rttliiilint Ktpalrlnit
268 Alder St. Phone Hood 1566
Real Estate is the Best
Asset you can have . .
Portland &
Express Co
(Operating cars over Portland Con
solidated lines)
Rales Reasonable
Prompt Service
We have made arrangements to
transfer all frieght in the city and
at St. Johns when necessary by
team ut reasonable rates.
Do not move your furniture (of
course you are going to St Johns to
live, Portland is moving that way)
until you get our prices.
Portland & Suburban
Express Company
W. R. STEARNS, Manner
11. w. sunn
lives of ttciMms shipwiccked off
The roads iiImiuI the grounds of
me i.ewls mid Clark centennial will
lie paved with crushed red granite,
btottghtfioin South America. The
intnite, when crushed and laid out
on the mad, works together so as to
make 11 Haul, compact toad almost
nee 1 1 out dust.
for adjacent luontitv. to W- ilumhi.
.i.t.. 1. . . .. .
.iitiv- 1111111K11. auuv inai 11 ts a
Pt.lfrt In
C...I l'llffif.l t I'.uiIum.I I'rlrrt I'liu Oiix IM( frflgla UUttt f
I'rumpl llrlUrrjr n.l Coriftl 1'ilet .
Phono Union 3101 ST. JOHNS, OREGON t
Thosc of you who invested in St. Johns a
year or two ago have doubled and in sonic
cases trebled your money. The opportunity
to do this is still here. The town is still
young and real estate is still cheap.
St. Johns is with its new charter just en
tering on an era of development hitherto un
known. Within another year you will see a city of
paved streets, broad sidewalks, and permanent
business blocks. Then you will realize when
it is too late that your opportunity for getting
cheap property is past.
St Johns Park
is the most desirable residence district in St.
Johns. We still have some fine lols in this
tract which we can sell you
$5.00 Down and $5.00 a Month
These lots are high and sightly, overlooking
the river and in full view of the mountain
peaks convieuent to ear line and factories on
the water front.
Let us show you this property.
Call on us or write us for full particulars.
Houses built on the installment plan,
Hl.ul . . .1 . ... .. I F f .
tii.M ii:uin iini. mill lew ll lll Oil.
jeetinu to the pi ice. As the cilv
llilploveH values will increase, mul
it I... I i i- ... .
ii i v i nn in uiv iiiiiiiouues in move
mine matter of scenting n site at
once, not only for this tvasou alone,
but Mime place intiht Ik? provided at
once to accommodate the fire iipna-
"AFT1M 'I'llK FAIR,"
tf..ii ) i i
uiuuiuKiug am miredMuiiiiir
people have been mid are jvihi.steut
in piming lorwaru tlieUiottght that
""ii v.Njunion.s are (tcttiuiviit'
al to commtiiitittti In which
ure held; thut after ouch extvokiticms
uic uvci, iue cuies in witlcli tluy
were held alwas iro Imck VVlllil.
The na.tlopal exposition which waf.
licW ut Chicago in iSy? was follow
l by n distressing pviial of m
r... t.. .......... i . . .
iuivv.1 in vsuiic uiki lerrinie
business ileprcsslon in that city.
Hut wltat about Portland, Scuttle,
Tacoma, I,os Angeles, San Piau
cisco and every city in the United
States In the same jwriod. With
out exception real estate wasnlmoit
valuelttm all over the country. Tiace
tlw ''after the fair" minors to
tlielr source and in every iiistuua' it
i coiiiinlttev from llu Ml. J.ilnw'
Ooinmeicial Aviatinu, a delega
tion fioin Univetsity mid n
coniiuitti-e from the
HhMKlntimi callisl on StiiKTintend
cut Puller, of tin- Ponlmul ('.....
solulntcd Sheet niilwtiy, Tttesilay
moiuing, for the imiiiwim. of w.l-.
lug iclief fiom the transfer itlHiml-
uatioii, and uil thiotteh cms to
lottland. The loininitlces weie
.mou UCiltlllg. Jt was
iiotii UK gfiu;il MiH!rttitendeiit
aitptiviittwl the fact that the tvople
ii,. it. ....... . ... .i. .i
v ... muwvt iii nils matter. x-
. r 10,l KiJtlni' this
"""ut Ks.tiou weie pio
Imc; and we urmtitiif. fiom 1 1...
COIIMy stHIHljH,it, W0Uf vc.
urotiudtsl mul niili.-.....i
shoitaKf of traces, the 'luck of
Ics.ji.iu tiu. Cit, IU, ,cr ,jkv
Uloitf wne askik'ii.J ir i...ii...
ai kuowlcilgxsl thut he was not con
yeiKiuit wttli londittons on the pen
MMtlu, kit prvmiiHtl to Bet the ucc
iuy inforiimtion uiul give some
Uehuite muwer within u couple of
In lew of the fact the increased
tttithc. mid the labor mul money Ihv
iug exjK.itdisl to still further in
custse the iKipnhuloii, which of
ik-cvMity tiiciwiM-ei the pas-senger
ttalhc. it divii si-eiii that the com.
jMtiy would Ui prompts to ijnuirtf
uite action froin a purely solnMi
motive, if not to make tinvel as
coinfoitnble and couwniem ror
t ll(. w .... t ...
i tH""' l JHJM.IOIC.
I llln IS till lUllKllt.lllt limtt..r It
t ivitutnlv dikcotir-.ii'iii.' .......
WHO me lnVCvStllH' t lt-ir nuuim. i..
llMt-llbilv .....I . t . .
i- nun iKiput.ue uus bivt on
to iiud so little uv.Dttiisiv. ni.
mice ri-iidettsl hv a i-nnnvinv
rtuanctal iiitemsu
lIKXscutAllV (tthpr Jiwl t,..l,. I
Uie matter shmii.i k. ..i
owed to ibop, ijt el t)lu n Ua.
tion continue until r,.n..f t. r
lorUtM. Mr. Ifiillor'K r,-nlv
anxiously uwaitvxl.
Man Who Invests
III St. Johna Real Estate ia
nuroly layinf the foundation of
a fortuno. It is not oxtrava-
linnt. to say that ovcry foot of
St. Joluifi Heal EsUtto will
quadruple; in valuo within flvo
years. You tisk, Why? Visit
St. Johns and look over tliol
gi'omttl, investipato for your-
sen. you will nnd that St.
Johns Is a busy placo, that tho
hum of many industries fills tho
air, mul you will also find that
nJl theso industries aro NEWI
St. Johns is just starting up.
It. is destined to bo Portland's
gront manufacturing district
A'hwo thousands of operatives
will bo omployed and that is
why wo say that Real Estate
valuoa at St. Johns will quad-
vuplo withiu nvo years. Wo
aro now selling lots nt St, Johns
for $100 each, $5 down and $5
a month.
1 itle duarantee
& Trust Co.
Is best expressed by our guaranty
. of so jkt cent iucreise in vulue of
projK'rty during the coming year
This guaranty provides that in case the prope
ty you purchase does not increase in value at
20 per Cent
so kt cent during one yuir from
date of we will refund your money
with 6 per cent interest
This same gttttninty we have lecn offering since
we first undertook to get Industries at St. Johns,
something over three years Kick mid up to date
no one has ever usked for his money Kick.
Lots and Acreage on installment
Nartmait, Thompson & Powers
St. Johns Land Co
The Pioneer Real I:stn(e Company
St. Johns
Phone Union 3104
Houses to Rent
Business Rooms to Rent
Bickner Brothers
Department Store
All Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
Keep a Iniyo utock of fleuoral Muichandiso, including Dry floods,
6. and 7 Clumber of Commerce
3 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.
O. U CHAPEL, Agent at St. Johns.
nooiu uiki himi'H, Uroceiics. J nnhvare. Hoiuu Knml
reeil, htc. In fact everything. Their I'ricp aro
nglit. Don't woste your lime going to
I'oitlnm), hut coino in and co our
stock nnd prices.
Remember The Big Department Store
Cor nor Junsoy Street nnd Dromlwny
Bt. Johns, Oregon
b Patronize Home Industry
. Send your Laundry to the
West Coast Laundry
New Management New Help New Methods
0oJ work su.raotJ at pt, nonil .0J .tlfctory
G. U. HAN.N'A, Manager
un.i .
raironize norne Industry" is the Slogan
We are Selling our Home produced brands of
These brands are manufactured right here at home, arid
are rapinly growing into popular favor.
General Merchants.
Big Store near old Postof f ice. Phone Union 4066