St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 10, 1905, Image 1

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The Circulation of THE
REVIEW In the Penin
sula exceeds that of all
other papers combined
Advertisers, note this.
ing Department Is one
of the very Bestnot
the largest In Oregon.
Thoroughly Modern.
Devoted to the Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of tho Northwest
NO. 14
Oflce tour.: 0 to 12 and I 130 to 5.
R. jc. Thon. Scott 1204.
Ot t M.OM Union 4002.
Office liouM, to lin. in. t to 5 p. in.
rwMciicc Phone Scott 6356.
Office l'hotie TiiIoii 6994.
I'pilalrii, next Ellloll'a urn more.
Attorney - at - Law
Instructions on PIANO and OROAN
50 Cents a Lesson
Corner Jersey nml Lcavltt Streets.
IT. JOHNS and ronTLAim.OREaoN
Lawrence M. Hcnsel, M. D.
Office nt Ccntnil Hotel
Over I'untoflici! . . .
Office liourvAll bourn ,
Jud oix-iinl cliop in roar o Pcdtli
cnnl'i" real c.ttnto onicc.
Repairing Neatly and Promptly Dono.
Boulevard Addition
To St. John. Illsli laud between car
tlnesnJ rhcr. Lots SOxlOO, alleys, $200
Ciiy monthly laments.
Itiree 14 Acre Lots for Sale
With alleys, all corner.
Dr. William Wolf Hicks
St. Johns Heights, ST. JOHNS, Or
Two in J onclialf Acres, 3 blocks from
street csrt, part cash, balanco on tlmo.
AIm M acre, partly Improved. Apply to
ROWAN A RAILTON, Contractors
SI. Jolmi, Oregon
House Mover and Repairer
llMwtmoxJ, rtfl siid repaired.
Oil UtiotalUliiil.
Prompt m in ami re atoiiaMe chargr.
C CUntosnd ll)t.hl.,rtV, JOHNS, OHIt.
Mrs. L Tyner, Proprietor
rirst Class Rooms
CtiUlne P.tcellent
MISS UtCJI. rroprlttrMi
Jsey Street
St Johns, Ore.
OooJ Mitls
ComforUbU Kooma
The Hazelw
Is an up-to-date quick Luncb,
t JBar, Confectionery nnd News
"m. me uejebrated Hazel
?oo,t Cream and Butter
in stock.
Corner Jersey St. and Broadway
fit Johns, Oregoa
General Repairing
M. L.
corner . , .""1'
"v mm 1 acoina streets.
Horseshoeing a Specialty
Promptly Done aad Correct
rncea assured
St. Johns
Various Topics of Local and General
Interest Briefly and Tersely
Commented Upon
Numerous Hatters Which Are Before the Public
for General Discussion
It is KrntifyniK in n measure to
note that two of the lending gain
uiers nna men wno have tor so
long and so flagrantly delicti nil
manner of law nnd decency, men
who have set at naught the statutes
of the sovereign state of Oregon,
have nt last actually signed n writ
ten agreement to obey the laws in
future, not from a sense of duty.
Not that; because duty and loyalty
to state is and has always been their
least concern. Others and equally
as marked reasons prompt them to
take this step as was the case white
they were operating in bold defi
ance. J. lie fear of punishment y
fines and imprisonment is the
prompting spirit. A man is at the
head of police affairs in Multnomah
county who will not permit n con
tinuance of ox:n infraction of the
laws. Tom Ward has forced the
But really, is it not rather a sad
commentary on the status of a com
munity when it becomes necessary
to get criminals to sign nn agree
ment to o1cy the laws of the laud?
Carry the principle, farther. How
would it be if all men who have
brazenly set law and order at defi
ance should agree to sign sttcli an
agreement. Should they not be im
mune from punishment for their
post deeds? If not, why not?
These enemies to society, the gam
blers, ate not to Ik punished, why
should the tnitty thief, who, tcr-
hnps, to get good food for his fam
ily, stole food, be not entitled to ns
much consideration, if they could
be allowed to sign an "agreement"
to be good, as the big gamblers who
have wrecked and debauched fami
lies by their wholesale system of
nlluge, which they nave oeeu ni
owed to follow for years without
molestation. Indeed, for a long time
actually, under police protectiour
This is a peculiar -condition.
Thecnttse of the apparent dissatis
faction with the new charter may
be traced directly to the fact that
so few people understand the nec
essity of safeguarding the interests of
the city. To tnanyot us me rniuer
elaborate provisions seem useless,
but we are informed uy tuose wno
have had a ereat deal to do with
charter building, thnt with the tie-
elopment of time and practical ap
plication of the charter, the abso
lute necessity of these piovisious
will be found necessary in the in-
teresLsofthe whole people. Am
ok opportunity was afforded every
citizen to carefully examine every
letail of our orgnnlc law wntie 11
was in process of iticulwtion, but
few availed themselves of the privi
leges and even if they had, we
will venture to say that not one
w ent. of them would have been
uble to correctly interpret it. The
charter will be printed in a few
lays, and all who wish can read it,
and if they give time to its diges
tion, we feel safe in saying mat
many, if not all, will change their
opinion in regard to it. Charter
making is easy, penmpa, uui
M,nrter hulldimr retiuires more
study than the average layman is
willing to bestow.
A friend suggested to us the
other day that it was 'ine uusy
man who does things the idle man
has other motives." lhe more
one thinks of this proposition, me
fnn.lll( is the truth 01 11
fnrrMl unon US. LOOK auoui us,
ol nmrlr the men who accom
ni!li thlncs for St. Johns, war.
the men who have brought about
i,nnditlons in the wav of filling
our water front with mills and fac-
nrW mnkintr it a veritable ntve 01
industry', tiasxt been me uuzy
man, who never lacks for work, or
... "-ra--- : .
has it been the protessiomu juyv-...-i.or GMMiifnclv has naught
uijkv " o-v . ,
An than nick out and crill-
- . , , t
:c elmrf romincs and unpericu
tions of his neighbor. It don't take
a very acufe discernment to answer
vincing extent, if not to the satis
the most ardent fault
Ji.q miKtinn. even 10 iiv w..-
finder or iuactive memDer 01 uw
MVUU w "w -
mmmiin tv. The busy mau lb UlC
one looked to whenever anything
rr i,p well be nc and ueuenuem
of public affairs is concerneu.
w - .
How- many men are there who
endeavor to build up fame and rep
utation oerhaos the correct ver
sion of their ambition is notoriety
by tearing to pieces the reputation
r fiint.mipn. Alone tne
Jl imwii t M I
lines of character, otuui'
iuc they may be nonentities, without
SL lo.uiiitp. ambition enough
to attain auv of the higher plains
never noticed until they bray.
These characters are prolific in re
sources as to how to attract atten
tion to themselves, and become con
spicuous in the public eye. But
we bclieye the most contemptible
method applied by them is to nnd
fault, endeavor to belittle by in
sinuation and otherwise, the char
acter of other people. It don't re
quire much genius for a man to be
come conspicuous. A very ordi
nary man can go into the street and
yell fire and hi n very b,ricf period
become the central figure of a large
crowd, but after the fire is extin
guished he sinks into the old rut.
Same with fame, reputation or no
toriety gained-by decrying charac
ter, let the light be turned 011 and
the real motive discovered oblivion
is his doom, until lie finds some
other feature to attract the atten
tion to himself. But such people
there arc and always will be until
time is no more.
We hope for a reduction of fire
insurance rates when the fire hy
drants shall have been installed and
the new fire-fighting apparatus in
commission, This will be n con
summation much desired, and the
saving in insurance premiums will in
n short time more than pay for all the
expense entailed by the purchase of
equipment. For this reason every
cilfzeu should give our volunteer
fire dapartment the most substan
tial encouragement. Help the
boys along, get them interested, it
won't cost each individual much,
and the outlay will be returned ten
fold in the saving of cash in insur
ance premiums.
While St. Johns is rapidly as
suming its tx)sition among the in
dustrial centers of the great west
and its tin bucket brigade is .grow
ing more porteutious every day,
would it not be wise to attract the
attention of the great library
builder? It is just sucli points as
this citv on which he bestow, his
charity in the way of library build-
' . . m rx I it.
iug. Might Mr. waniegie iiiiiik
well enough ot St. jonus 10 remem
ber us if his attention was only di
rected to the matter? iheMdtes
Civic League might think this mat
ter of sufficient importance to at
least make an effort
The city election will take place
. e lfnnflrtn
seveu weeics irom uci uiiuujr.
The date is Monday, Arpil 2. ine
bees are beginning to buzz in sev
eral bounets, already. But as far
as the coming year is concerneu,
not a siugle officer, other thau ap-
pointive officers, will ue pam auv
,inrv unless there is some way
discovered to get around the cliar-
ter provisions, and tins iaci way
lessen the ardor of some who have
im, mw plmrter nrovides
the salaries of all elective officers of
the city for the next year suau uc
fixed by the old council at the first
meeting in January, This date has
passed and no salaries were fixed.
The charter contains no provis
ion for salaries to be fixed other
wise. Now the questiou is, how
can the elective officers the next
year be paid anything for services?
It is quite clear the new charter
will not permit any salaries to be
paid. TJie recorder, at least ,mt I asked to serve with-
the duties of the office
viii eritail a whole lot of careful
work, and no man should be ex
pected to perforin this labor with
out pay. The only way we see ottt
of the dilemma would be to elect n
recorder, and then appoint a deputy
with a salarv. It would be a case
of the tail wagging the dog, but it
might do in an emergency.
Since the above was put in type
Trnt RKVIKW has consulted comive
teut authority and finds that it is
the duty of the present council to
fix salaries for the new council- If
the council falls to do so the maxi
mum salaries provided in the new
charter will prevail.
The question of compelling local
organizations to pay n license for
holding dances is creating some
useless comment. Recorder Clark,
who is the interpreting judge re
garding the ordinance, declares
most emphatically that no such
thing is contemplated. Home tal
ent may furnish any kind of social
entertainment they wish, and no
license can be collected. The or
dinance is only intended to pre
vent outsiders coming in nnd giv
ing public entertainments where
admission fees are charged.
It was a conte'mptiblo piece of
business, worthy of only the
cheapest kind of ward politicians,
the attempt to thwart the laud
frauds investigation by trying to
bring about entanglements which
would compromise the reputation
of J. A. Heney, the able prosecutor
in these notorious frauds, The ef
fort failed but not without adding
more discredit to the dirty gang
who were implicated.
An Important l:nterprise.
Of all the business enter
prises of St. John, none are more
important than the West Const
Laundry. This concern is equipped
with modern .machinery, and is cap-
able of turning out just ns good
work as any like establishment in
Portland and the charges are just
as reasonable. What more can you
ask? The company gives employ
ment to ten or fifteen St. Johns' res
idents, whose earnings are spent
right here at home. We urge our
people to patronize this' enterprise,
and thus benefit home trade. The
Hahna Bros., who have charge
of the laundry, are St. Johns' citi
zens, and are striving to please the
public. Let's all turn in and give
them a boast.
Election and Installation.
Willumbia Assembly, No. 300,
Uuited Artisans, held an interest-
inir session last irmay uvciuwb.
Graud Secretary McKenna, accom
panied by about thirty of the mem
bers of Portsmouth assembly was
present. The following officers
were elected and installed: J. v..
Crowe, master artisan; w. U
Bullis, superintendent; Mrs. W. l.
Bullis, iuspector; Mrs. I,. D. Jack-
. t a n ; .
son, secretary; wrs. ua i-euiug
ton, treasurer; A. Is,. Wilson, mas
ter of ceremonies; Miss Georgia
Rich, junior conductor. K. A.
Magoon became past master Arti-
san. Mrs. M. u. rauin omciaivu
as installing officer. After the
ceremonies refreshmeuts were
served, and an hour spent in social
chat. The assembly meets at
Bickner's hall touight where several
initiations will take place.
The Peninsula Lumber Company, a Big
InduttJy Wish a Oetput and Hun
dreds of Employees.
Proceedings of the Cll,( City Council
Pioneer Other Local Matters.
An Old
One of the most enterprising and
productive industrial concerns,
practically a St. Johns institution,
is the Peninsula I,utnlcr Ccmpany,
which owns half a mile of river
frontage and practically the same
on the Willamette boulevard, con
taining in all n out 105 acres of
mill site in one of the best loca
tions in the northwest. This thrif
ty company tho projerty
which it now controls about one
and a half years ago, and since
that time it has increased the out
put of the mill from 35,000 ppr tiny
to 150,000. During the present
year it expects to mauafactitrc 100,
000,000 feet of lumber, and its or
ders thus early in the season give
abttudeut promise that it may have
more than that to do. It saws
nothing but fir timber and its bus
iness is exclusively wholesale. It
retails nothing.
At present the Peninsula Lum
ber Company's trade is wholly
local; that is including points
reached by the O. R. it N. railroad
company tlnoughoiit western and
iiiidille-woilern states, business
with which districts has develop!
rapidly during the past year. The
company has driven piling from
its railroad docks to the harbor line,
with the intention of building ex
txHt docks for doing coastwise bus
iness in connection with its railroad
traffic, the latter having been its
principal item of output during the
past year. It enjoys extensive con- J
tracts with the railroad companies
for construction timbers and him
ler. The Peninsula Lumber company
is a large nnd progressive enter
prise and will expand nieasurcably
during the present year, both in its
plant and force and the volume of
its output. The quality of the
'goods delivered" and the prompt
ness with which all orders are
filled have made it popular with all
of its patrons.
A considerable part of the com
pany's boulevard property is now
leased to the Acme Lumber com
pany, an extensive concern that
conducts only a retail business.
Along with the development of
St. Johns and its numerous indus
trial enterprises more will le heard
of the Peninsula Lumber company
during the next few months,
The City Solons Transact a Qood
Hunch of Business.
Mayor Cook, Councilmeu Bccbe,
Hurllert, Hughes, Hamilton and
Monahan were present at the reg
nlnr iilM-tilll' of the citv council
Moudav evening. Minutes of last
meeting were read and approved.
'Hip iiifitter of electing a council-
m:iti tr nil the nosition of council
man made vacant by the death of
A. M. Culp was taken up and
D. Edwards waa elected and sworn
in by the recorder to fill the va
A petition was presented to im
prove Jersey street from Richmond
to Catlin street. The improve
ment to consist in grading the
same, sidewalk on each side, gravel
from Richmond to Fcsscndcn
streets and to grade from Fcsscn
dcn to Catlin street, The petition
was granted and n resolution
passed directing the city engineer
to draft plans, establish grade and
estimate cost of work.
A communication was received
from the county clerk notifying the
council that the correct valuation
of city property was &,i7i5
which at three mills would bring
into the city treasury' ?95i3i less
rebates and delinquencies.
The following bills were pre
sented and ordered paid:
City KiiKiuecr, nervlcc f, $ 00
J. H. Kcoliec, wiring citv linll,,,, B.Jo
YV. A. lMortou, nnlfs 1.05
M. 1'. Clark, desk for city linll, ...13,50
ltlckiicr ilros. hull rent a. 50
Geo. W. Cone, lumhcr, 14,70
N, A.Occ, laborer, two days ,5.00
" furiilshiiif; poles 1. 00
Geo, Utliriiluc, one and one-half days 8.75
The vacation of Philadelphia
street as proposed by M. L. Hoi
brook, he to dedicate a portion of
laud in return, and to pay at the
rate of twenty cents per square foot
for amount of laud dedicated by the
city in excess of the area he re
linquishes, was ordered.
Street committee reported hav
ing had crossings built and the
streets near woolen mill repaired.
Report accepted.
The question of numlcriug and
renaming the streets was dis
cussed. Mr. Cmuc offered to
make and submit to council.
Marshal Organ made report of
stagnant pool near woolen mill.
Mr. Organ tendered his resigna
tion ns health officer. He reported
general health good, with two
cases of whut the physicians termed
membraneous croup. The places
were quarantined so as to Ixj on the
safe side. Mr. Organ tendered his
resignation as health officer and
Dr. Iv, M. Heusell was apiKrinted
to the position.
Committee 011 parks and public
protK-rty reported against purchase
of park.
Two licenses were issued? oue to
John Davis and oue to Wood Bros,
City Treasurer Livermore pre
sented his report, showing a bal
ance iu treasury to be $238.00.
John Hughes was appointed to
look after the two arc lights, at a
salary of $- per month.
The question ot purchasing com
mittee was continued and instructed
to report at a later meeting.
The council ordered that two
hundred and fifty copies of the new
charter and the necessary blanks
for city purposes be printed. Ad
journed, Regular Garbage Plant.
Quite a numler were attracted
this week by a big stove in front
of the St. Johns' Grocery Co., that
had just arrived on the morning
freight. It was of a new pattern
and seemed large enougn 10 near
an opera house or a very large hall.
The stove is to be used by the
store for heating and also as a gar
bage plant for disposing ot reiusc
which generally accumulates about
a place of this kind. All refuse
now goes into the stove to be car
ried away in ashes instead of being
dumned into the back vard as
Business Room For Rent
4 ! t
Qood Business Room on Jet1 -
scy street, 25x50 feet.
Rent Reasonable,
St. Johns Land Co,
and PIES iu the world
Give us a trial
Phone Bcott 9101
It. Jekm
Th Jwlr
All Kinds of Work Done Promptly
At Reasonable pi Ice. Give site call
Jersey Street, St. Johns, Oregon
You eu twuys dtptud U ehoteid
prompt lUIWtrjr and courUoui Imtnfal
whta rou orJir ham Iht old rtlliblt
St. Johns Meat Market
fllrnirt coming Into flU Johns will And
Mr IrsiW will t npprftUtsd, nnd Ikdr
widIi lappllod to blr tlUuctloD, br
St. Jokna Market
Olfm, Tobacco aal
OoBfectleaery ....
St. Jokxut, Oreion
J. M. Moore
aoura taintinc a araoiAX.Tr
St. Johns Park
For Choicest Cuts
or raiiK iuayi, uir, toik
oak ruuua TOO
IU, Dacon, Ltrd. Etc., !jri h bMt
OIto us trlsl
jaaair tket. xmi aeki
Prion Union 31 oo
F. J. Koerner
Plane and specifications promptly
furninhed on application. All work
done with ueatnesa and dUpateb.
Om Price Clothine Store
Large stock of Spring Cloth
ing; Men's Ladies' nud
Children's Shoes
N. FREEDMAN, Jersey St.
Flooring, Ceiling, Rustic,
Aad All Kinds of Building
rrompt Dillwjr OoraUd.
itnx at toot BtnuxxaYox sraui
T. JOHMi, oueox ,
of life. They are similar to an ass