St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 03, 1905, Image 2

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Pablihd Eftrr FrltUj Krnlnf.
CROMB CARTI1R, Hdllon nd PuMUhtrt
if every citizen wlio lias the welfare and shall ever remember with kind-
of this city at heart win mane an 'v -n,.,MTTrr.
and bend tlicir whole efforts in be
half of the citv. more ood can, will
rcr.ult than from divided ciiort. inc s, jei,ns Is Now to Become a City of
Review stands for harmony, unity Expansion and Improvements.
When the 8 o clock car and
Subicrlptlon ratti, $1.00 per retr In Jnnt.
A,t..ll.ln r.t... 11.00 tlr inch DtT IHOnth.
.411 .dMrtiiiDi bin. piriu ant oj eb , t,,..v,..)Ci,iL' of the whole city,
. -t it... i . o. u.i t:.!
r.u n.i.n,. ...... i. ,i in iw.t.oi.n .i.i. intn noi ior em uie. tiiissts ui i ins. iniutr ihiiui iiuu ji. juuin msi i n-
day evening uri lining mc new cnar-
Meet With Kindness Everywhere. tcr, accompanied ny a uig ieiefaiion
and a brass uand, it marked the nc-
The following ooiiiiiiuuientfoti i"in ' a '1 T 'M fe.h,".?I?'
.... I. ,i , t t. I ui our L'viK ciiy. nnu wnen
wns unavoiuaniy tiumn.ii um m ,, - . . -. -,,
. . ... I 1 1 Mil VI Wit II illWl IIIUIIIIll II
111.11 I.-VIIIW.
lllllt (or Job Printing cih on dtllrerr.
All comuDnleatloni ibould b dJrenJ lo
Tin BlTltw, HI. Jobnt, Oregon.
OfflcUl Kwi;pr of th Ollr of BU Jokni.
FRIDAY EVENING, February 3, 1905.
Now Is the time to make a good in
vestment. A t to story house. 7 rooms,
antry and two closets, a 75 barrel cis
tern and a good well, Uie only wen in
the vlclnltv. The location Is the best
that can be had as It lays centcrway be-
twten the Iood In Point view. um on
or addressPWALTKR U'. WOOW,
Dox 58, Jt. Johns, Oregon.
Since Jan. 1st .100 persons have
positively been held up with in a
block of the Court House, and not
one was robbed liecatise they were
aV-Kdltor '"Vr '"T,0,, Tfc ?Sn? I'ortUd's
that a few ,s,cnc lh 8 c,,cs ' ,a.,lc ," most popular Palmist and mind
,, l a.weni l''r iHl.e eve. t they celebrate(l s, , dntcs
charter for St. lolins would lu; Mi
rfeht at this lime. St. "'a- : t.t V'-V"".l I "a of Hits IMUIe. She is located a
foluts on the 7 P. M. car for 1'ort- , ,J" u 'Tf ,, V t Mth al,u Salmon stS( 0,1 t,lc rol,,,(1
jon us 011 uiu 7 1 . i . v.i u ,c unproved, sidewalks laid, sewers floor
I IHIlll. Will If 1 1 1 v. l 11 iiuiniivi "il...:l. .....1 .,11 ;....., 1
A couple of months only remain
until the people of this city will be
caned upon to seieci an enure new
set of citv oflicers, as follows:
. . 1.
.Mayor , two counciiinc.. .ron. eac. f u J(J kc faVoralily
01 l.ic iwo warns, aim uircc .1 )f , clar(t.rall, ;i!M, KnvC lis a
larKci recorder and treasurer l i e , f ,IK,)Ur!1.,cmi,1( personally,
new char cr provides that he city f ,jf ,,,,,, w, vc kimlIy rt..
shall be divided into two wauls, the tm t,);)ks iciht-thirty I'. M.
first and second. I he first ward ein , .)l).m r ,,lc lalc
braces all that portion of the city (u,rc ,f sa. ., ,l!ir le rcprc
yiiiK cast and southeast of the fol- ..,:.., ... fccnnlors fn,in the
St. Johns, (Jr., Jan.
ii'vu-iv! we i not ui 1 inai a lew 1 1 .1 1
r 1 iiiiiiiir in iiii fivi'in uii'v ii'ii'iir:iii'ii 1 - . .
words I rom tin-coiiiiiiiueeuiai wem . . , . , , . . c. kh .......v.-,,
to Salem in the interest of the new '? ' .' . Y.V " Z ?I,0,S. J U and facts, holds the key o Sol
lowing line: Hejriiinin in the chan
nel of the Willamette River, in di
rect line with HurliiiHtoii street,
thence northeasterly alotitf Hurlinir
ton street to Modoc stieet; n!oii;
Modoc to Charleston street; alotitf
Charleston to the north line of Oak
different toimlies m our fair state,
to delilierale and debate on the ureal
ipieslioiis of stale that came before
lliein, and we want to tell you, Mr,
Kditur, that wilhiu the confines of
these I'niled Stales you cannot find
si 11 ..III l.
more iHinai, wihiic-somcci iki
I'ark Addilion No. 2, to the north ,jf ,nn hl,rc j, wilMn ,IC K)r
boundarv line of the city. The sec
ond ward, all that portion of the city
lyiiiK tint tit and mirllnvc.d of the
above described Hue.
In choosing city officers the fiieat
cst care should be taken to select the
best men we have. They Mhould be
wide-awake, progressive anil full)
iters of the state "where rolls the
( )rej,'oii." There are .some whom
we would like to mention person
ally for many favors extended, but
we will leave Unit for you to do.
Mr. Kditor, as we have fiven you
Iheir names and hope you will uol
foiuel to throw in a full measure
built and all improvements carried
lorward in a manner and style com
mensurate with our growth and ex
pansion. And with these much
needed improvements will come an
uiilux of population such as could
never be expected under the old re-
I Ins- is the dawn of a new era for
St. Johns; an era of f;ood streets,
K'od sidewalks, fjood sewers, jjreat
growth and increasing wealth. Let
everyone rejoice, for now the infant
has cast olf its swaddling clothes
and donned the garments of man
hood, and thus attired is prepared
for the mighty si tides it is destined
to make in its race for .supremacy as
a great manufacturing center.'
I'.veii those who opposed the char
ter, ami tlicte were some who did,
cannot but acknowledge that now
we have the chance to expand that
was before denied us, ami that the
and PIES in the world
Give its a trial
Phone Bcott 3101
St. Jobni
alive to the needs of a rapidly itow- ,,r ...i,r... ifiii,.ii fur n. uiiimni benefits to accrue will so far out
1 II I ...!.. .1 .1 1 ..I I.. I . .. ' .. I .1. !...! ..!..!..! ..I.!.....! .1....
HI 111 mill IIIVI.II OlljCWIIOII 111,11
the latter will soon be forgotten.
lug city. Ilroail-miiided, and able ii.jr ,n.l inii.l.iiicc u uonld
to discern the reipiireinents of the mu. KT :il ht. ,y mvs, and
times, and have the ability to carry fr the Mime we want to thank them
all, ami protuUc llu'in if ever the)
visit our wonderful city we will tn
and pet made the mayor lo give to
them the golden key that will 1111
lock lo them and theirs the freedom
of our fair city. And now, Mr.
iii. p 1
diior. a lew words 111 rcirani to
on in a thoroughly businesslike
manlier the great woik of public im
provemeiit.s. It makes liltle differ
ence who Is chosen if the elect will
carry out the IksI oliey for the ad
vancement of the people as a whole.
The duties demanded of those who
may le chosen for the coming year 1 In- capiial citv and our old-time
will be onerous, ami consume con- fiieniN whom we found there. Tin
slderable time, ami the exercise of first thing that attracted our alien-
good business judgment. Let no tiou was that everyone who had a
mistake be made. I .el good, sound bike was out and used the sidewalk
Judgment prevail in the selection of for their Kilh. Some of ilieui were
candidates to the utter exclusion of tiding 011 the sidewalk and reading
personal likes or dislikes. It's men the papeis. How is that for busi
..... .......I ... -! I . . . f .... t . . H I .. I . I 1 . I
we w.iiii, not menus or partisans 01 ucssr t. ompareu wiiii 01. joiuis.
One thing noticeable during the
tale snow storm the roaming cows
did not graze on the ever present
ferns that were very conspicuous
aiMive the snow. I lie muter and
milk during that lime had the snow
The stieet cnnsiiigs recently built
around the suuare on Jersey and
'luladelphia streets are hiebty ap
preciated, and it is hardly under
stood how we got along without
them for so long a time.
W. J. Peddicord
1270 Lot 50x136, ucnrcnr line, cle In,
1275 Lot 60x100, two blocks from school
house; corner.
$J75 Lot 50XIOU, lu-nr woolen mills.
$600 IM 98x126, on ear line, close In.
$l265H-rooiu Iioiim-, lot 50x1m, in bus
iness center.
II ISO 7-room house, lot 50x100, 011 the
boulcvnrd; Imlf inh.
f 1075 5-rooui house, lot soxlon, over
looking rivrr.
f 1500 5-rooiii house, lot rooxlHi, other
SJ500 Lot 50x100, corner, building
14x70, two Miiilc.s, 1.1 rooms above.
two store rooms below, new, ecu
Lots on Installment, SI00, I'lve Dollars
down and I'lvs Dollars per month.
Oilier Lots, both Dullness and Residence
Ready For Business
A. Ervlne, the pioneer shoemaker
announces that he has recovered and Is
able to be at his shop again, prepared to
to do all kinds of work, and asks his
old patrons to come see him.
Cttsnlng, r-rttnlng snd Repairing
268 Alder St. Phone Hood 1566
this or that faction.
$275 -Lot, 50 x 1 00 St. Johns I'ark
overlooking river.
$325 Lot. .so x 100 near woolen
mill. '
J750 - too x too Finest 1-4 block in
Sf. Johns.
S2600- Block on Uroadway.
D. C. Rogers
Portland & .
Express Co
(Oierntlng cars over I'ortluiKl Con
solidated lines)
Rates Reasonable
Prompt Scrylcc
We have made arrangements to
transfer all frieght in the city and
at St. Johns when necessary by
team at reasonable rates.
Do not move your furniture (of
course you arc going to St Johns to
live, I'ortlund is moving that way)
until you cot our prices.
Portland & Suburban
Express Company
W. R. STEARNS, Manager
The Review has been asled if "it
would j;ive us a fair .show," menu
iiiK the organization recently formed
and first liiiown as the "Citizens'
Honest '.ioveiiiinent League," but at
its second meeting dropped the
word "Honest" ami assumed the
word "(iood" instead. Our answer;
Yc, whatever Is good in ii, or in
any organization or individual,
which means the upbuilding and de
velopment of St. Johns. Kinpbali
cally yes. Tint Ititvmw aims to Ik?
a ucw.sp4cr, and prints all the lead
news, eiucuiitiiig I10111 any ami all
MMiicvx, without favor or piejiidiee.
riu first duty of this paper is to
St. Johns ami the iicniusula. lu
uiteiests ate our mtcieM. Its fu
ture is our future. All ol the ele
ments which deiuoustiatc by their
actions that the futtheriuue of the
imhiMrial, commeicial ami social in
terests is the result aimed at, The
Ucview will be found championing
their cause with all the energy and
ability it mssesseii. ami its columns
are open to all who desire In avail
themselves of their use to help such
movement. This paper has no lime
nor energy to waste on the nuns and
Salem is a very ouiel city, so much
mi (hat if a person did uol have bus
iuess to look after time would drag
along very slowly. To be sure we
had almost forgot N'ewill, the male
prima donna, I lie self-made woman,
the Manifolds, whom you find
ever whcic enough, or pcihap
we mav give ourselves away. I low
"I'or Kent, h'or Sale," "Ifooins
lo Keiit,"Hnmnr,cnriN primed and
for sale at 10 cents each, or I lin e
for a ipiaiier at The Ucview olhVe
The Ucview w ill hcrcafu-r, bar
ling accidents, be primed ami cir
ciliated at iwu o'clock every I'ri
day afternoon. We have gotten
things in good running order now.
ami onlv mifoiM'cn accident will
plevenl lilt- jsiper coining nut
pioiuplh 011 time.
Tin- .'ihiiiMl 1. J it ,11
of the uusighil) inhiI ubich uiaiked I roly laying tho foundation of
leiM-v stun near the car bams is f,..,
iTelcpliono Union 40b')
Real Estate is the Best
Asset you can have . .
Those of you who invested in St. Johns a
year or two ago have doubled and in some
cases trebled your money. The opportunity
to do this is still here. The town is still
young and real estate is still cheap.
St. Johns is with its new charter just en
tering on an era of development hitherto un
known. Within another year you will sec a city of
paved streets, broad sidewalks, and permanent
business blocks. Then you will realize when
it is too late that your opportunity for getting
cheap property is past.
St. Johns Park
is the most desirable residence district in St.
Johns. We still have some fine lols in this
tract which we can sell you
$5.00 Down and $5.00 a Month
"These lots arc high and sightly, overlooking
the river and in full view of the mountain
peaks couvieueul to car line and Factories on
the, water front.
Let us show you thii; property.
Call on us or write us for full particulars.
Houses built on the installment plan,
M.L. 1 1 01. It ROOK
St. Johns Land Co
Man Who Invests I ST. JOHNS
The Pioneer Real Estate Company
St. Johns
Phone Union 3104
Houses lo Rent
Business Rooms to Rent
j. rfw.iinu.-i
In St. Johns Real EaUito, is
It is not oxtrava-
(runt to say that every foot of
St. Johns Real Estnto will
quadruplo in valuo within flvo
years. You ask, Why?
St. Johns and look
over tho
a teoiih long lhiK-d for mid much
deiied. It icmiircd aliout one
Iumii Vtune to do the business. It
deinoiiMiates uhal a small amount
if li mil ile and espeiiH' it freipienl
ly leipuies to accomplish gieat
hist Sunday was a line day, ami
uiiiiiIkts u -.n4v uere in the city
'""I, im Pllia mill f i - . . .
schisms, the promulgation of ikm "m cjiim d.un lo U.k at prop self. You will find that St.
mal ani.nositie and Uukbiling.; nh .he xk of purchasing.
imi Hi u- Mum-wnai MI out at llilil " "uoj jiiatw, mill, uw
featuie of the closing propoMtion air, and you will also find that
is not a gixxl one. Men who coin' , ,
i.i link up pioH-rt .hi Sunday are 11,1 0RQ iudustries are NEW!
the week, and Sunday is really the It is destined to bo Portland's
.-..m ihiiiuiiii iik' nave to look
ai.Hjnd for a lum iiio. 0- real Kroa lunnufacturhjff district
e:a.e hhtu slkl consider this mat whero t housnml3 of opomUvea we imne lu Uiug run down will bo omployed and Utat is
m-wuI time lv HheeU. of course. ,
I'hc first trio to the state house was why wo say that Real Estate
ir U v If i illy i I I
MStf-i VSryiSiSil "Hue ,U SU Johns win ,,!.
conceiilrnled mid .7 01.1 me Honors ot riipio WltJUU IVO Vears. Wn
U .L.V.i ... V'. ... . . I - V '
........... .,v.m ui- mi'i im mil
huh friend and eli.k, teacher, f).
M i' Cjiilt. f..imerlv of Millsboro.
Hi I low n ri'Mili'iil mil I i.i i. .-,(
Salim Siicce.v old friend. Then
theie w Suir Suk rinleudeiit of
Iiisliiu liiHi A.-keruiiiii. the uiaii who
stood up for Si Johns when she
had lust put on her su.i.l.lliin.
lothes as a sduxd district. Then
no time whatever. It has a dilTeient
object. Ul those who can find
nothing U tter to do attend to these
things. The jaw-worker, the
knocker and the iiUMslmck. Out
luty to the public is plain, and we
dare perforin that duty willmut feat
rr rewatd. There is our uigauiut
tion here already, the St. Johns
Commercial Association, the iiwiu
hciship roll of which is ml luu al
ways been open, ami everv vitiwn
ot bt. Jislms has time ami again
ban urged to attend the meetings
ami become auiely interested in
the single aim it has More it : the
building up and
our glowing wiung
gtuiuation secure concentrated and
united effort to Ining aliout these
icsults. IJvcry citiznt luu a right
(line, ami all ipiestioos are open to
the fullest and widest discussion.
No Kilitics, no isms, no schuins, no
jobbing, no personal axes ate to lie
ground there, hvery act of this as
sociation is performed open and
aiiove Uurd, and its members
aro now selling- lots at St. Joints
for $100 each, $5 down and $5
la month,
:.ll nnininl.-.l -i.i.l I...I......I .1... I ' (l"
IMUI lllll'llt II 11 llll iiir I il. . a
St. Johns Idea. Kow. if as claimed. I? va , i '"i"" ,ro.,M 'Tr l TUi f A.
I-cague. wot.1,1 it not Ik reasonable. ,1,1 o" 'L"1 X " " "
loval and imlili1-.k.1.r;i.u ; .1 ..r V "".u''"i Ma e prison Hut.
iiU. ii7. 7 IV : ' "'. has made some chains
...... i.. .K uiu., an mine .inn con i i.i till nf i?,,,!,,,, i.- . r ,
centrnt,. one ffnrl? U'm.l.l.'. .l.iJ . . V. ) l 1 deal
I. the-commonIse vie v o , 2 a": a w
nutter? In all camlor, fellow-citi S" n.l (Z , TWt tl
nc vn.. L-..n. 1.1. J.. Tl M fwl ' Waniltll of tllC
r: zrur '"r ' " as or .yore. Ami ..ow
& Trust Co.
: .. .1? i
enoiiPh to withitaiid a divtsU, nf . V . ,,,v, ?. ,,nt "R
tctiliiiieiit and As to men everyone we had anything, to !o methods, we may differ, but wiib. from i,i v....ii........ .k . .....
base that (liffcrcnce on a broad, emor. down to our old friend, ihe
iiwgnao inows uiw ness Msis, iree nanilor. tlip utmost ennsi,l..'Mt!,...
frnni Biiimnltv or leirk-.lntiniT llnr. I-....I l....i. ....... i . I
,W u .,. b ,s. cc.iSi,-i.uiiif",ir wrrSVSSIPORTLAND, OREGON I
6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce
' Is liest expre.vsel by our guaranty
of 30 er cent increase in value of
.pioperty during the coming year
This guaranty provides that in case the proiier
ty you purchase diHrs not increase in value ut
20 per Cent
30 jvsr cent during one year from
date of purchase we will refund your money
with 6 per cent interest
This suite gauranty we have been offering since
we first undertook to get industries ut St. Johns,
something oy er three years Iwick and up to date
no one has ever usked for his money back.
Lots and Acreage on Installment
Hartman, Thompson & Powers
3 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.
O. U CHAPEL, Ag.nt at St Jhn.
Pftlrrt III
0l l.llmJ tt IVrlUcJ l'rlfn t'lui On 11.11 Krlhl Cbirfi
I'roioi't lldlitr uj Cril 1'ilctt i
Phone Union 3101 ST. JOHNS, OEIQON
Family Groceries and
General Merchandise
Come and see us for your Staple and Fancy Groceries
Cochran Block, Jersey St., St Johns
Patronize Home Industry
Send yotir Laundry to the
WestCoast Laundry
New Management New Help New Methods
OooJ work r..rtea it prlc., tnj
U. U. HANNA. Mam
"Patronize Home Industry
is the Slosjan
We are Selling our Home produced brands of X
ii i . .. -
These brands are manufactured right here at home, and
are rapmly growing into popular favor.
General Merchants.
Big Store near old Postofflce. Phone Union 4a