REVIEW The Circulation of THE REVIEWJn the Penln sula'cxcccds'.that of all other papers combined Advertisers, note this. THE REVIEW Job Print ing Department is one of the very Best not the largest In Oregon. Thoroughly Modern. Devoted to tho Interest! of the PcnlnwU, tho Manufacturing Center of tho Northwest VOL. i ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRlbAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1905. NO.. 13 ST. JOHNS Dr. E. W. ROSSITER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON o lo 12 nml 1:30 to G. Z Scot. 104. Offlt.rhonotlon 4002. Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Office liou. 9 12 "',l5I'' "' RcsMcticc riume Scott 6J5G. Office Miotic fiilo" 699). Ofltfl rpli. l KlllotlUDwitBlorfc T. T. PARKER Attorney - at - Law sr. joiis. : BqoN Inductions oil PIANO nn.l OROAN AMY B. ROWLAND SO CcnU n Lesson Corner Jersey mul l.cnvht Street. GOODRICH & GOODRICH ARCHITECTS IT. JOHNS AND PORTLAND, OtlEOON Lawrence M. tlensel, M. D. Oflia nt Central Hold Out l'mliiUlcc . . OITuc liotiwAII hour ST. JOHN'S OUHCON L C. SLATER SHOEMAKER Just oiciipi1 uliop In rear of Pcddl riinl'i? rent estnto ofllco. Repairing Neatly and Fromptly Done Boulevard Addition To SI. Jolin. IHrIi laud between enr tine oJ rltcr. Lot .MM 00, alley, $200 Diy monthly Pa nicnt. 0. H. VAN'HOUTENj StL Johns Three 14 Acre Lots (or Sale Willi n11e. nil corner. n. Willi.,.. Wolf tlli'L-a ll. l.llll.llll IM'II .MntllclliU, ST. JOHNS, Or FOR SALE TomJ onclialf Acre..? block from itrttl cart, part rasli, balance? oil lima. AlwH- lacrc, partly Improved. Apply lo ROWAN 4. RAILTON, Contractors St. Johm, Ofrton N. A. GEE House Mover and Repairer llwxi nirtml r Ov.l Mi.t n-ilral. UUU.4( I;-ikiihli. Itowii k ' i.-c mul rrauwaM? chat i;r. Ccr Chic(4n4 ll.irM.,Hr. JOIl.Ntt, OKU. THE CENTRAL HOTEL J Mrs; l Tyner, Proprietor l'lrt Class Rooms Cuisine Uxceltcnt ST. JOHNS. ORCQON ST. JOHNS HOTEL MISS ItlCII, VroprUtrM Jy Street St Johns, Ore, Oooi Meli ComfoiUtl Boom! The ilazelwood Is an up-to-date. iuick Lunch, tijfar, Confectionery and News Stand. Tho Celebrated Hazel wood t'ream and flutter kept til SIOCK, cr?er Jersey St. and Broadway . & Johns, Oregon BUcksmithing General Repairing M. L. ROWLAND "wril the niactswltU Shop Horseshoeing a Specialty A" Work Promptly Done and Correct NOTES AND COMMENTS Various Topics of Local and General Interest Briefly and Tersely Commented Upon Numtrom Matters Which Are Before the Public for General Discussion The temporary building erected lo accommodate the present over How in the public school will, it is anticipated, meet the immediate de mands, but in the near future, even before the expiration of the present school year, will prove inadequate. Aiorc room will lie necessary, and the overcrowded condition will prc eut a similar proposition to that which confronted the .district at the last school meeting. What is to tc done about it? lo think of fur ther temporary structures is unbus inesslike and against public policy. It is time right now that this mat ter should he taken tin and consid ered, so that whatever course is de cided upon, whether to complete the p'resent building as a ten-room school house, as was originally in tended, or erect a new molding in another locality. The best school authorities in the country discour age the idea of an nditioual school Holding, holh from the point of expediency autl financial view. It is claimed bv the county superin tendent, and not without cood rea son, (hat it is better for the district to have one good molding,, large enough to meet the' present require ments, man to Have two small build ings. This same authority strongly advises centralization as much as possible, until the school popula tion has reached, a point where a t tn second goon scuooi Duiituog win become a necessity. Now is the time to anticipate the future, how ever, and some move should lie made at once. With I fie stnrlimr ut of lolies' mill an overv-dnv commodity is nrn- tlui'ctl right here nt home. 1'or no other single article of food lias there lieeu a irrealer nmoiiiit of money. etit out of town than Hour. 'The. iiialily of this-hotneproduer is cx cellent, and compares most favor alily willi any of the brand manu factured elsewhere. II our citizens will use the local product, many ihousaiiils of dollars per nimum would he l;ept right here in onr midst, instead of going into the hands of manufacturers who have no interest in our city. Try the St. Johns Hour and let's all help to fos- ler-tlus home enterprise to such an i.xtent that the local market wilt Itc itn imK)rlanl item to the matin fat- turers. As Mavnr Cook remarked last week in an article published in the Kcvicw, "everything can t he none In n ci'nifli. lnv " Tin' iiinvnr was correct, to be sure; it will 'take a good many days to accomplish all that is necessary to out out city in proper shape, so far as street .nut other imnrovetneuts are con cerned. Hut we should make every' day count until the uesircu resmis are obtained. livery preliminary worked out today is that much less to tlo tomorrow. No time should lie Inst or wasted, but let US get rtnlit ilnu-n tn work witli the view of bringing alwut results, exercising sufficient care to avoid mistaKes. let us m;rd well anil carefully anil ,ee to it our doing will not be our undoing. Mistakes are easily jnaue, Imt very expensive to correct, some times. ' Isn'tit possible for the city couu- 11 in nncc mi ordinance fixing a H- v. 1 " - - - . cense on all non-residents who so licit orders for goods from consum ers? If it can be, it should be with- tlnl-iv. Tt ie nntllillfT sllOft of Will" "-""O . hawking and peddling, and just be cause the goons are tioi wmv" around and delivered when sold, is ' t. ..nrtn.i T. In5rr to Slllipiy ail cvubiuii. j.w-- our local tradesmen all protection possible shonld be afforded. If the outside dealer wants our trade, let him come in and locate, invest Ins l shnrn the burden of tax ation. It isn't right nor just to our 1 ff 5c imnnrtant enough to receive the attentidn of our city legislators. wiii, milfc nf dpen water front along one of the finest navigable :.. ...nrl.t anil vet not a singlq. jvharf facility wnwe ,1 Pin lu linndled. Tills IS not creditable to St. Johns, and this want should be suppueu r.,whr HM.iv. There would lie 1 ... C irnSYtf in IllStll v ine cici- 4ion of a first-class public wharf, With a through car service in- rvonttlClllfl auguratcU, we oeuevc mc :.--district will receive an impetus in iug as well as-' most gratifying. No section contiguous to Portland pre sents so inviting a location, looked at as you will, for home-seckcrs as the peninsula' district. Already a large number of elegant residences are located in the district, and once it becomes less arduous and more accessible by the elimination of that antique transfer system attention will be given it as a desirable sub urban residence locality. Let the campaign for through street car ser vice be pushed vigorously, if we uuiuii nuaiu results. In the effort to have through cars to Portland, the movement inaugu rated in this city should strike a re sponsive chord among our neigh bors of Portsmouth and Univcrsit Park, and, in fact, throughout the entire peninsula. It means equally as much to our neighbors as to this St. Johns, and there should be hear ty co-operation lo modernize our only means of transportation to and from the city of Portland. Civic pride is being rapidly de veloped in the cities ami towns throughout the state. A general tie sire to clean no the streets, alley. yards and lawns in anticipation of toe coming of visitors this year to attend the fair and incidentally to look around, over the state. The people of. many of these places will vie witll each other in their efforts to make things presentable. A wor thy ambition, certainly, and their example might very properly be cin- uiajcil liy those cities and towns which have not vet moved in this direction. St. Johni, which will probably receive a greater number of visitors than almost ntiv oilier city, should get a move on. Cleai A IUO In St. Johns nearly every state in the union is represented, and in a num!cr of cases the are quite large representations from some of the states. Why would it not be a good idea for the. people here, who come from Wisconsin, for instance, to form a Wisconsin ass :ociation r The people from Dakota, Iowa, Il linois autl all other states where suf ficient numbers can be..found, could do the same, and then let all join one central association. This plan s being adopted 111 many places, anil aside, from the splendid social features afforded, a great won could be accomplished during the coming summer for the city. Let an easterner come here and find that former residents of his state have an organization, thp result would be to arouse a special interest. Who will be.the first to take up this sug gestion? TTasn't St. Tohns orettv nearly outgrown the custom of calling out stations within its limits by street car men, and substituting therefor the names of streets f Jt would seem so. Tn the nrimitive davs of the city's growth, the stations wore all right, but in a city ooasiiiig over omn nonttlation it strikes iis that the time has arrived to consign this custom to the huge pile ot things forgotten and modernize a lime uu. Tl. 1.lcMnrc n ?ntlnl wllO I I1C ivjjiaiai". t have been favoring a constitutional convention are deaf, linked, If they . l.U. iL?.J ..n.i. .iimlfT till do notTijne Mjiiuii.....t,.; I. rrrMt rrmftlllL' people Hrnv - r- " -i 11. . n.An cnl ic imrn of nni:,.'nt rrrnftinrr outfit. Slid IS IlOt mtenueu ior uie k000 Ul "l 1- TC , 1. n ciimt 1c mil . . .1-- I f .1. ...I. -.! CCOpte. i OW..W...V J-- through tlie -political graveyard will nl-irtTH Those who fa' lldVC 1U uvii""'!)- vor it will go to their enraged con stituents marked men. It is said the last of the big gamb in Portland has thrown up the sponge and agreed to ob- serve the laws of the state in which they arc permitted to live. We pre sume these gentlemen will be given immunity from punishment for the years they have openly and brazenly defied the law and outraged the de cency of tlic sovereign people. Tom Word has done the trick, and to this old ex-veteran Knight of tlic grip belongs a wholcjlot of praise for do ing ins wnoie iiiuy. SKILLED BURGLARS. Blow the Safe o(,the Acme Lumber company. Sometime during Wednesday night, safe blowers entered the of fices of the Acme Lumber company, on Willamette boulevard, at the foot of Wcslanna street, and did a pro fessional job that elicited the ad miration of thcioritccr scut from the Portland police office to investi gate the afiair.v I be offices were evidently entered throttuh the back door, and'nftdr finishing their work the marauders ictt ny tue iront way. Nitroglycerine was the explosive. atitl it evidently required two charges to complete the work. The outer doors wcrdi first forced by a good-sized charge, autl then a sec ond explosion blew off both of the inside doors, throwing them across the room with sufficient force to demolish some of, the furniture.. It so happened .that the company bad paitt off- its j force of men in oin the tlay before, and there was only k'tweco $26 and $30 in the safe. The safe-blowers probably had knowledge that quite a stun would be used op pay day, and it was this moneyx they were after. However, they were a day behind in their calculations. Besides the small amount of 'money, a check was also taken, anil all of the private papers of T. II. Cochran, the St. .SHIP IN TIIU DRV DOCK AT Joluts capitalist, who used the safe as a depository. Among Mr. Coch ran s papers were a number of deeds and insurance contracts, life loss of which will be of serious annoyance to him. The roller-top desk of W. S. Har ccr, manager of the company, was also broken open, ami the contents of all of the pigeonholes were dumped upon the floor. Many of Mr.- Uarkcrs private papers are missing. I lot h telephones in the offices were broken, and burned scraps of paper were scattered around over the floor. A brace ami bit, a chisel, a small steel bar and a coat, all of which were stolen from a building in pro- ress of erection in bt. Johns, were eft behind by the burglars. The cash lox of the safe was car ried out into the middle of the r-treet, broken open and left there. Papers scattered along the boule vard indicated that the midnight isitors departed in the direction of St. Johns. Detective Joe Day, of the Port land police force, who conducted the investigation, pronounces it u clever piece of work, and executed bv professional safe-crackers, who . . . . . ... ... 1 .... thoroughly understand tneir ousi ness. The safe and office desks were ransacked with a thoroughness that indicated no apparent hurry on the part of die thieves. The cane seat bottom of an office chair was burned through, where they had evidently built, a bonfire to assist them in their work. The damage to the safe and fur niture is less than $100, but the annoyance caused by the loss of valuable papers cannot be estimated Mr. Cochran is especially perturbed, as all of Ins private papers are gone There is absolutely 'no'cluc to the perpetrators. A company of marines from the United States Navy will give daily drill atid maintain a model camp at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. ST. JOHNS DRY DOCK One of thelMost Useful 'Accessories to the Merchant Marine interests on the Pacific Coast. A Full Description 0? the Dry Dock'aml Its Usefulness (0 Shipping. In a discussion of the big things in, around autl about St. Johns the drydock cannot be overlooked. It is not only one f the lai osl insti tutions ever esta lishetl at litis pro gressive point, hut it is one of the greatest of its U-m on the Pacific coast. It will lift the largest ships afloat more inexpensively than can be done at the average drydock anywhere. It is a marvel of com pleteness, median! 'ally, and under the supervision of Superintendent Kobcrt Mcln'.osh in work is done with a precision tha,t has called for special commendation from those who conceived the plans of the great project autl ttrgetl their early execution. St. Johns (autl incident ally Portland) is, by the comple tion of this great work, placed in a position to compete with all other ports of the Pacific coast for the, docking and repair of ships of any 1 size which are likely to lie found in litis port for mativ vears. Ships 50 feet long anil weighing 10.000 tons deatl weight can he lifted by this dock which is lite utmost tha'l will be required bv the commerce of the Pacific coast utilil that re- mote time when the port will be easily able either lo enlarge the' present dock or build a new one of larger dimensions. The readiness' with which ships liavc already come to use It is good evidence that it will pay for its operation and ST. JOHNS IJKINO OVKKUAl'MU). maintenance and, as the commerce of Portland autl St. Johns grows, will increase its earnings sttflicieutly to create a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds, in the amount of $400,000, issued for its construction. Hut, even if its entire cost and maintenance had to be paid by taxa tion, the drydock would he a good investment for the people of the Port of Portland. It will cause ships to lie sent here for repairs with the intention of obtaining charters from this port, which would other wise be sent to San I'rancisco or to Puget Sound, and thus charter rates will be directly affected, It will furnish business for the shipyards autl help to develop the shipbuilding industry, which has built up some of the greatest cities of the Atlantic coast and Great liritain, It will increase the volume of business done by the machinery bouses, with which Portland is well eqqtiippcd, included among litem being the only steel-casting hou.,e on the Pacific coast, which supplies all other ports of this coast. It has already materially increased the volume of business done by slupchaiitllers and other merchants who supply the many needs of ocean vvessels. The economy to ship owners in having here a dock where their ships can be repaired can be seen from one il lustration, suggested by the Ore gonlan at the time of the incident When the ship Pembrokeshire ran on a rock in the Columbia river, she was tenqwrarily patched up and towed to Astoria, where the dam age to her hull was repaired by di vers at a cost of aloitt $12,000, whereas, if she could havve gone on a drydock, the cost would have have been only ?3oo to $4000, and the time lost would have been only one-third. This great work was done by the body created by the legislature of 1891, which also established a spe cial., taxing district comprising all of Multnomah county except about one-tenth of its area in tho ex treme eastern part. Ity an act pass ed in 1891 tlic commission was cm powered to issue bonds to the proceeds in the construction of a amount of $.joo,ooo and use the drydock in or near the city of Port laud. Of course, in the natural ortler of the growth of things, St. Johns was the place selected for the big drydock. The river bed and the currents were found to be most suitable. A strip of water front 1. co feel long was bought forSu.txx) from I larlinau, Thomp son & Powers on May 20, 1903, autl to this was afterward atltled 500 feet more for si 5,000, while the costs of surveys atltled Ijofj to the price, the site now has 1000 icet of water front ami, owing to the tend of the river and irregularities of the deep channel is of uncer tain width, ranging from 3.1.1 feet at the extreme lower end to 70.J feet from the harbor line to the shore boundary, which adjoins the O. R. & N. riglrt of way. While the contractor was com pleting the pontoons, the commis sion, witli one of its own dredges, excavated the berth to a depth of .15 feel below low water and followed this by giving Mr. Wakefield the contract for the construction of the berth. On each side are four rows of piling and on the tipper end ten rows, all driven to a depth of at least 2( feel and standing 30 feel above low water, the whole struc ture being strongly braced together. The water way leading to the berth lias 770 feet of wharf on one side and 35J feet on the other, while on the outer side of the wharf, which fronts on the channel, there is a space of 000 feet. There is alto gether jow feet of wharf frontage, not including that outside of the up per cud of the bet (b or the inner side of the wharf near the shore, where there is eight feet of water at low water ; so that at almost all stages of the river small vessels could lie there. Altogether there is room for at least ten essels to lie, at the wharves at one time, while await ing their turn to go on the dock. The contract required the dock to handle vessels drawing 25 feet of water, but It actually draws 2H feet to. allow a margin for the curves hi a ship's bottom, A description of the process of "lifting" vessels will be given in another issue of 1 he Re view. The commission has established rates of dockage which are consid erably below tliose charged at oilier docks on the coast. Credit is due for the execution of this work lo the Port of Portland commission, which serves without salary autl is content with the com pliments of those concerned on the able and faithful performance of an important public trust. The coin mission is composed of C. l Swi-vice-president ; John Driscoll, scc gert, president; G. II. Thomas, retary; C, 1 Adams, treasurer; R. W. Spencer, P. I,. Willis and Archie Pease. D. f, Maher, as clerk of the commission, keeps the accounts and records. The Good Government League met at the city hall Tuesday evening The only business transacted was changing the meeting from weekly to twice a mouth on Tuesday even ings. Until President Green and Secretary Kailton were unavoidably absent. The time and place of the next meeting will be announced in the Rkvij'AV. Under the management of C. J. Muck, the business of the Muck Hardware Company is already showing marked improvement, and very much of the trade in this line that was going out of town is twing done here at home. The slock of this firm is a most complete one, ami the selling prices are correct. We urge our citizens to give this firm a trial. Business Room For Rent 1 Good Business Room on Jer sey street, 25x50 feet. Rent Reasonable. St. Joints Land Co. Nice Apples! Ititvc it few nice HhIIiik Apples just fine for ntee outer rlelit now nice Ikvnrvd and good looker, loo; packed in lam-i hold it u,ooil titifthcl, itl only $1.00 A BOX Apple nre getting scarcer every tiny, mid now tlieuliolciuter arc nuking mote for IIicm! good tlyin we got nt rctnll. St. Johns Grocery Go. General Merchants. A. E. WILSON, The Jeweler WATCHMAKER OPTICIAN All Kinds of Work Done Promptly At IteiiviimliU' price. Give unfit cull Jmcy Street, St. Joint, Octkii You mn ftlwiys 1t'n,l on (lit cliolrfit ritEBH MEATS frumpl iltllvrry and rourlrnu trr!mnl wlirn you order from Ilia oM rIUtil St. Johns Meat Market HlMngrr mining Into HI. Jnlin will flii'l Ihrlr lrJn Milt lm iiirvrliilil, nl llii-lr wnt tuiIUi 10 tlifir lltuclloii, ly SMITH & DONNELLY St. Jolinn Markot Jny Btittt UT. JOHN!), OnilllOH DANIEL BREGHT . . HOUSES TO RENT II' YOU WANT A IIOUHK OAI.I, ON UK ST. JOHNS, OltEdON "billiard PARLOR Cigars, Tobacco and Confectiouory St. Johns, Orogou J. M. Moore PAINTING, PAPER IIANfl INO, ORAININO AND 8I0N WRITING SOCHI TAINTlNO A 8PK0IAI.TY Bt. Johns Pink S T. JOHN B, O It HQ ON For Choicest Cuts or ntuHii MiiATs, bum', vomc OH MUTTON WINDLE & WINDLE CAM VMJA8U YOU lUm, Iltcon, Url, Ktc, tlwijri tb Utt Uif ui 11 UUI STAR MARKET JEUSEY UTBEET. Kr School Houi Phono Union 3loo F. J. Kocrncr CONTRACTOR AND , BUILDER Plans and specifications promptly fiirniHlicd on ntndtcation. All work ilono with neatness and dispatch, GEO. W. CONE LUMBER CO. Flooring, Ceiling, Rustic, And All Kinds of Building Material Prompt Dellrerjr OumnlJ. VLXUU AT TOOT BUUUirOTOH 8TBEB1 BT. JOHNS, OBEQON U.John home.buikling mat win uc uii