St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 27, 1905, Image 3

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    iftfil ITEMS
an.d Trora Various Sources an
j.i. to Insure a change of ad
ln,cr nt the copy for such change
rt7eh thl. olliee not later than
hould reacn ..,.. m, please
W'd.mb.r this and save the printer
p W. I Unman is putting in n
Kl!,ic tank at the rear of Ins new
"valentine's day will soon be
here. y"rscH ,or n nlcc
little valentine.
The tig rcKc Coll,,,,,),a, w f11"
,viifi in ll.o waterway at the dry
Jock, awaiting pre)arations to en-
,Cr C Soitthmayil has opened a
ciear, confectionery and Grocery
SSc on the corner of IJurhuyton
ami Crawford streets.
Endows of the Portland Ship
ijftiM nil' Com.any are 1ms. y at
of ' which the plant Is mailc tip, in
Tlic'wvcre wind storm of Tttes
,hy nlijlit catiHMl slight damage to
the turnip wn at ,l,c woolen nulls,
In.l broke a window or two in one
of the ImildiiiRS.
A furniture nianufactnriiiR es
tablishment is about to locate here.
Thcv have two sites in view, near
the river, one of which they will
accept iii a few days.
Another Mar has been discovered
I Prof. Liverinore, "lately of St.
Iblin." The star can be seen over
Wirullc's Meat Market. It shines
brightest during the day.
lame (irav lu.s his foundry
hnbliiik' :rtlv enclosed, and is tin
loailinj; several car-loads of inoillils
ami oilier material brought front
his oM plant in Portland.
The subject at the KvniiKclicnl
Church next Sunday morning w
-autitv." Fvenhur. "The Social
Life." tlieyotuiK are especially in
iletl to the evening- fervice.
A Million is hem;: circulated and
imicroiidv signed, ashing the
tlrot raihvav company
(o run
tliruudi car- to Portland. The seed
' . II .. 1.. I...N.IIII.
One of the new business firms
Us provided itself with a new push
cart for delivering goods. The clerk
can I seen exercising himself quite
frequently with it. Does it mean
llie extermination of the ass or the
The matter of wharf facilities is
receiving a ureal ileal of attention,
ami the uecosity of this inqortant
feature to our public utilities is be
comiiitf more apparent every day.
Here is work for the commercial
The St. Johns Lumber Co. lias
just MirclKbcr a I loyt new series
fast feed llooriug and' finishing ma
dime, ThU is the most modern
ami heaviest machine of its class in
Portland or vicinity for flooring and
fine finishing work.
Amlersou & Allen tried the Vim
bramlof Hour now being turned out
by the JoU-s Milling Co., with
mot satisfactory results. Mr. Al
len, who is one of the liest bakers
Ibat ever mised dough, pronounces
the flour first-class, and he knows
ulut he is talking nliout.
Lyman Tondell has been arrested
on complaint of V, C. Kuapp, man
ager of the Peninsula Lumber Co.
The young man is said to be $300
short in his accounts at the mill
tWe, He was afterwards released
cn his own recognizance, and it is
probable that the affair will be set
tled outside c f the courts.
The volunteer fire department
are arranging f,.r an entertainment
to be givn Mnday evening, the
131I1 of February. The character
of the program is not definitely de
eded, but will In? interesting.. Tick
ets will ho on sale in a few days,
nJ the public should show their
si'preciation lr. giving the fire lad
dies a rousing patronage.
Already the school children ami
uher young f. Iks are beginning to
make their annual purchases of val
entines, Th jLjirl unerringly selects
wne pretty flowered design, while
the boy seldom varies from the pen
ny comic, unless he happens to have
touch of love fever, and then a
cupui and a ' sonnet just about
fi" Ins heart's desire.
The Cedar Dramatic Club, an or
Ionization em! -racing some of the
st histrionic local talent, has been
started with the view of giving a SC
UM nf .1 r " .
: . uiaiuaiic penormances uur
mS the winter season. The first
wiormance will be given in about
"rty days, when the beautiful
arce-comly, ' Me and Otis," will
j- merei. Kdicarsals arc being
--. ami me tirst performance
Promises to 1 a success.
;5e 1,1,1 storm of Tuesday
hW. while it caused but slicht
Be tn town, was the cause, ditr-
. ..nCl miration, of consid
SJJwnsternation. This was es
peciailv the rat,. ..:i, ..
WS frrv r- Itvwill I.UIH"
iront Lastern prairie states who
contracted the cyclone habit
J.' "inmnK to a dugout whenever a
cu2 Tf' M 0,,e "'c the oc
Pnts flttj to the basement, in lieu
a ifg0UV,a,ul remained there by
comfortable fire until the storm
Tilt M. W. A. band is imnr'nvtnrr
rapidly, the boys attending prac
tice every Monday night with com
mendable regularity.
The Odd Fellows arc arranging
to institute a. lodge in this city
within the next few weeks. There
are about thirty members of this
excellent order residents here.
Ernest Elliott, our enterprising
druggist, has enlarged his store by
taking out partitions, which adds
much to the appearance anj gives
more shelf space, winch he stood
sadly in need of.
A warm contest is being waged
among the street car men, inaugur
ated by the Portland Telegram, sub
scribers to the paper having the
privilege of voting for the most
popular street car employe. Cash
pnzes arc offered, $100 to the one
receiving the most voles, $50 to die
second highest, $25 to the third,
and so on. The friends of J. H.
Rand, the popular and good na
tural inotonnan on the St. Johns
line, have entered him in the lists,
and Wednesday he led the list. Mr.
Rand's friends should rally to his
support, anil all who take the Tele
gram should give him their votes.
The Central hotel is gaining in
popularity and patronage every, day.
Mine hostess, Mrs. Tyner, is con
ducting a first-class hotel, which is
1 credit to St. Johns or any other
k'ity of its size. The table is sup
plied with the best the market af
fords and the cooking is simply par
excellent. The rooms arc large and
well furnished., no better in Port
laud, and all the comforts of home
;treprovided. A large reception room
is open to uticsts. and stationery
nnti oilier writing materials are sup
plied. 1 lie Lentral deserves the
patronage it is receiving. Break
fast, lunch and dinner, the latter
served in the evening, are all good
meals, and the price is oulv 21;
J. Henry Smith has one of the
nuwt comfortable homes in this city,
it is thoroughly modern and has
all the conveniences for comfort,
lie has hist added a irns nlant. a
most eomnnet and useful addition
it is, loo. It is of the Home Gas
Lo. pattern. It has a capacity of
twenty lights, and the light thrown
nit from t lie Umllcy burners is
fully to i'n Si Iwini'
brilliant, yet soft and mellow. An
other feature in this elegant home
is a heating stove using sawdust
for fuel. I he beat thrown out
from this economical fuel is sim
ply a surmise to those who have
(ecu it. it possesses not only the
virtue of economy but is cleanly
ind easily attended to. Mr. anil
Mrs. Smith have reason to be nroud
of their elegant home.
F. S. Liudlcv has sold his home
at Point View.
Charley Marsh, of Skamokawa.
lias Ixren "visiting his sister, Mrs. O.
IS. Learned.
Mrs. Ada Pennington, who Ita
been quite ill for a couple of weeks
is up and around again.
R. P. Douglass has a broad smile
in his face this week. It's a girl
-ind weighs seven pounds.
R. H. Smith, of the firm of Smith
& Donnelly, of the St. Johns Mar
ket, is down witli the grip.
Maud, the (Vvcar-old daughter of
Mrs. L. IS. York, in the Miner addi
tion, lias the whooping cough.
lohn A. Oraheim and V. F.
Mueller, Iwtli Qf Keedsville, wis.,
were St. Johns callers Thursday.
Carl Nelson, brother of hd S.
Stockton, has arrived from Greeley,
Col., and will make his home in St.
Miss Lillian Peterson has ac
cepted a position in a hospital at
Coos Hay, and will leave Saturday
evening to take up her work.
I. Gerstle. of the Gerstle Extract
Comnanv. was calling on our mer
chants Thursday. Mr. Gerstle
thinks the growth ot St. jouns
something wonderful.
M. S. Curtis, of Portland, and
recently from Wisconsin, was a St.
Johns 'visitor Tuesday. Mr. Cur
tis is proprietor ot llie usiikosm
House in Portland.
Joe Gould, an employe of G. W.
Cone's sawmills, while "tliam
slinging" Tuesday was struck in the
face bv a chain and sintered me
joss of two teeth.
Mr. Prank Davis, manager of the
St. Johns Grocery, is going to rc-
ciirn hie nrseilt DOsilioi) this WCCK.
He is to accept a .more lucrative
position from Page & son, rori-
Mrc T ti.Klitinrton. of Salem, "is
;,.,! vi(li imr sister. Mrs. L, J. 01m
ninnI Snnil.iv. and ett tlic same
evening for Starbuck, Wash., where
her husliand is employed as car in
Carr Bros., the well-known paint
ers, have just returned trom a nvc
.... ni-c ni.conrf ni Dallas. Or., wliere
HUftJ .jv.. ' m - .
,vr PMfr-KT.'d in natntincr tue
n.vj -to-n .
passenger equipment 01 uic auiuu.
Fa lis Litv western iv.anru.iu.
Mrs. Joe L. Wheeler, who has
been in the hospital in Portland for
some weeks, basso far recovered as
to le able to return home. Mr.
Wheeler has left for Montana,
where he has a contract for erect
inc huildines at a mine.
Rev. J. W. Stockton, of Oak
land, Or., has purchased two lots m
King's subdivision and has con
tracted with Suiter & Davis for an
$800 cottage to be built on one of
them for his sister, Miss Nannie
Stockton. If Mr. Stockton con
cludes to locate in St', folius he will
build a house for himself on the
other lot.
( R. P. Shepard, accompanied by
his daughter, Lou, and his sons,
Oscar and Clarence, arrived last
Friday from Glenwood, la. R. Shep
ard, ot bhepard & lulls, a son, is
entertaining the visitors. They ex
pect to remain ami become perma
nent residents of St. Johns.
William Raymond, of the Mead
ow?, Washington county, Idaho, is
!.. I?. t..l . . 1 ,
in 01. juiins visiting some 0111
friends. Mr. Raymond was one of
the proprietors of the old stave fac
tory down on the river way back
in the '70s. lie went down to sec
the old place but found it was all
gone. He was surprised to see so
much town and could scarcely find
any old landmarks. He thinks we
arc bound to have a big town here
and that very soon.
C. J. Muck, of Lake Ncbagamon,
Wis., has nrrived in the city, ami
will assume control of the Muck
hardware store. Mr. Muck is a
thorough business ninii, and will be
welcomed to the community.
Postofflce Removal.
Carpenters have finished putting
in the fixtures ot the new postofiicc
quarters in the Cochran building.
Saturday evening and Sunday Post
mistress Clark will move 111, and
Monday morning will be ready for
business at the new stand. The
location is in the front part of the
room occupied by Shepard & Tufts,
real estate dealers.
Public InQtallatlon.
St. Johns Cami). No. .71. Womt-
men of the World, held a public
installation Wednesday evening. W.
Reidt, consul commander of Port
land Union deirrcc canm. oDiebted.
assisted by so uniformed members
of the degree camp. The following
officers were installed:
Consul commander. R. C. Clark:
dviser. W. Penny : banker. II. H.
Iliekner: clerk. W. IS. Coon : escort
R. D. Southwell ; watchman, J. M.
.Moore; sentry, K. r. Kea ; manager
IS. J. Turner; physician, Dr. IS. W.
The attendance was lame and n
mol pleasant evening spent. Thi
ii.iiiis..iiiini is growing 111 inciii-
icrsinp ami stiengtli.
Mailer Builders' Allocation.
A meeting of the contractors and
milder was held 'Monday cveuinu
for the purpose of organizing a mas
ter builders' association. A. L.
Hanke was selected as president
ami Fred Koerner secretary.
George W. Cone and Richard Cur
rier were appointed a committee to
solicit lumber dealers to join the
association. An estimating com
mittee, consisting of L. J. Koerner
G. IS. Taylor and D. S. Walton was
appointed. The committee on Ky-
iws. Urm .Maltliv, ll. Severson ami
A. F. Hanke. 'I he following con
tractors participated : A. F. 1 (anke,
l). h. niton, (.1. r-. I aylor, R. Cur
rier. H. Severson, Orin Maltby, F.
I. Koerner ; hunb?r dealers, George
W. Cone, A. I. Douglass.
Ihe meeting adjourned to meet
next Tuesday evening, when by
laws, rules and regulations will be
A Most 8uecenful Affair Largely At-
lenaeo. uooa rrogram,
The Iadie of the ISvaiiL'clic.'i!
('Lurch Aid Society have reason
1.1 feel nroud of the success of lb.'
hard times social given in Hickucr's
hall Monday evening, llie large
hall was crowded with a merry and
1 1:1 1 11 iv iliroiiL' who not only cuiove.l
a siiiemlid feast of baked beans,
pumpkin pic and all the accompa
niments, but a feast of entertain
menl. all of which was most cied
liable. An amusing feature wa? the
fining system. For wearing a white
collar, having shoes sinned or anv
jewelry on or alwut your person, if
discovered, cost from "won sent to
ten scuts," and the matronly lady
who acted as judge was inexorable
and you had to shell out if you were
guilty and no excuses went, tne
literary program was excellent. 1 lie
sinrrinir was pood and the "snokc
pieces," many of them, were of high
merit. .Miss nciia nrauicy, ot nr
lior Lodge, was especially good and
ilUnlnvcil talent as an elocutionist
of more than ordinary merit. Miss
Josephine- Uracil, ot Arbor Lodge,
was also most entertaining, as well
as Miss Shepard, of this city. Mrs.
r: M. Tlnll made a decided hit and
created much amusement In her
character sketches, which were ex
cellent. In fact the entire program
was well rendered and all who par
nrntilttcd themselves most
satisfactorily, ine m. w. a. uanu,
dressed in haymaker costumes, was
present and enlivened the event
i . rrt m 111 A I I
with some ot tneir cnoicesi scul
lions. The committee in charge of
tltn u-rrc ns follows '.
Refreshments Mrs. Rensliaw,
Mrs. Hartman. Mrs. Monalian,
lili Mrs. Stockton.
i , .
UninrMmnipnt Mrs. Hall. Mrs.
Johnson, Mrs. Thayer. Mrs. Ogden,
Miss Douglass, Mrs. iianna.
AttemDted Burolary.
Tuesday night some person" of
. 1 .lttnritinn tnrwlr ru'ft
...(c trw rnnsnrk- the OltlCC Ot tllC
W. H. King Land Company. The
front door is secured by a double
lock. Mr. King, in closing for the
day is positive he shot both bolts.
On returning to the office in the
evcihng the door was unlocked
Mr. King thought this was rather
strange, but attributed it. to the
carelessness of some other member
or employe of the firm, who might
have been there after he had left
After remaining awhile in the office
he left for the night, again making
sure that the door was double
When Ed. S. Stockton, of the
firm opened up the next morning he
found Ihe key bolt f hot back, but
the spring lock was secure. It was
evident that the burglar, having
gained access to the oltice, was
ready to begin operations on the
safe when Mr. King's approach
frightened him away. In the sec
ond attempt he was seemingly:
scared off before getting the door!
Nothing in the place was dis-
turbed and there were no indica-j
lions of any attempt to crack tho
safe. I he marauder was evidently
nrovided with skeleton kevs. and
other visits of a similar character
may be expected by our business
men, ns there is no night watchman
to afford protection from such as
saults. Getting Ready for Dullness.
Now that the new charter is in
fleet, the men who believe in doing
things have already got up a peti
tion to improve Jersey street. It
is proposed to macadamize that
portion of the street from lialti-
more to Richmond street, and
gravel the remainder from llalti-
inorc to Washington street. Side
walks are asked for the entire
length of the improvement. Steps
are being taken now in order to
have all the preliminary work done
y the tune. spring opens and oper
ations can commence. Every prop
erty owner along the street signed
the petition.
A Brand New Addition to St. Johns.
The to acres known as the U razee
Tract is being surveyed and will he
platted into lots 50x100, and placed
m the market within a very few
lavs .
This property is peculiarly well
located being bounded 011 one side
for 1500 feci bv the Llectnc canine
'iml on the opK)jite side next to
the river by the too fool Willamette
lioulevanl for a distance of about
1 too feet.
The tract will be thoroughly
eared of stumps and brush, tfie
streets will be graded and there
will be a building restriction. I his
s considered one of the finest ad
ditions to St. Johns, and the prop
erty would have been platted and
on the market long ago but for the
fact of the large amount of money
required to handle it and that all
The Guarantee Title and Trust
Company are the owners and we
understand that Rogers and Van
Ilouten are to be the M. Johns sell
ing agents.
The Artisan Open Meeting.
Williimbia Assembly, No. 100,
lrniled Artisans, held an open ses
sion in llickner's ball last Friday
evening. The following program
was carried out: Piano duet,
Misses Rowland and Rich; select
reading, Mrs. J. M. Hall; piano
solo, Miss Rowland; vocal solo.
Miss White; piano solo, Miss Rich;
.'omical song, D. IS. Staples, of
Portland: duet, Misses Rich and
White. I he numbers were all well
executed. The comical songs of
Mr. Staples were the hit of the
evening, and he was recalled sev
eral times. At the close of the
program, D. E. Staples, past Su
preme Master Artisan, gave an in
tretiug talk on the objects, aims
anil advantages of the order, which
were listened to with marked atten
tion, His remarks were not only
interesting hut instructive. Wil
liimbia Assembly will hold an open
session once each mouth to which
the public is invited,
The Noble Stock Company, a
high class organization of players,
will present for the first part of the
week, starting Sunday matinee, Jan
uary 29, and for the first time in
Portland, the 'Wloonshmers, a
story of the Tennessee mountains,
brimful of heart interest and ro
mance. For the remainder of the
week, lieginning Thursday night, an
elaborate production of. ''Carmen,"
a play that will live forever and is
familiar to all classes ol theater
goers, as it is one of the master
pieces of literature and the drama.
There will be a popular price mat
inee Saturday.
Honest Government League.
This organization met at city
hall Tuesday evening. The report
of the committee on charter was
made bv Mr. Organ, who stated
that the charter bad not only been
"railroaded" through here at home,
but this style of locomotion had
also lcen nracticed at Salem, and
that the charter had passed before
the committee had an opportunity
to act.
The chairman, Judge Green, de
clared Ins osition m connection
with the organization. He believed
the present city council was scrup
ulously honest, but criticised the
freedom with which franchises
were granted to corKrations with
out the citv netting anv direct ben
efits. He also criticised the failure
to secure proper docking facilities,
street vacations, etc., but empha
sized the fact that he was in favor
of any and all things which tended
to help St. Johns. lie claimed the
Honest Government League was
not a political organization.
Mr. Organ criticised the same
things, and added that the street
car freight line was exceeding its
authority by unloading freight on
the street, and wanted docking fa
Mr. Organ, in reply to Mr. Hill,
said that the reason he did not act
to suppress nuisances and do
other things which he, as marshal,
is supposed to do, was because
the citv had cut off his salary since
last November, ami that he didn't
propose to take the chances of law
suits, etc., unless backed by the citv
Mr. Organ said that another am
larger hall was desirable. Chair
man Green again assented that the
organization was for the purpose of
furthering the interests of St.
Johns, and when the time came to
select city officers, the league woult
select the best men and support
Mr. Shi "Ids n ved thai tin- na no
be changed from "Citizens Honest
Government Lon -tic" to "Citizens
Good Govornuiciu League." Car
ried. C. IS. Royer, W. R. Pittigrew.
A. II. Blackburn M. 1. Crook,
Martin Nelson an I C. R. Organ
were added to the executive com
mittee luakin that ImxIv consist of
eleven members,
A committee was appointed to se
cure hall.
Adiourncd to meet next Tues
day evening, at the city hall. y
Brick Yard. Y
Still they come, and St. Johns
will soon manufacture everything
required to supply the wants of our
people. The latest proposed addi
lion to our industries is a brickyard.
Some of our most enterprisinj; citi
reus have interested themselves in
the matter, and propose to equip a
yard with modern, up-to-date ma
chinery, and furnish brick here at
home at a price very much lower
than they now cost. An excellent
article of clay can be procured in
unlimited quantity in the northern
part of the city. The work of mak
ng brick will commence ns soon as
the season will .permit.
I.enrn IxHikkeciihi! home evening by
ll... ...xtliiul. ('iiiiiiilHi 1-iiiiri.t. 47.
iiilcrmeilliitc, f t.50; ek-ini'Utnry,
hicliiilluu nil InkiUmiiI iMcm minimi.
fS- M'i nutl f.V reiHTiiveiy. niiiiiuoniii
... !.,. .I,!.... 1i..1,Iiii, mill i-iirroi'tdli
IUI ,lin..V.."l., .i,.n,n hum
of work, l'or full Informiitlou write 01
iec. N. O. iMincitoii, hi. joiuiH,
Ready For Business
A. ltrliiL-. the uloniTl hliociiiaki-i
iiiiiioiiiiei'K that lie lin recovered nml ix
nlile It) lie nt liU 1iop npiln, ni'weil to
III llll Mil kllllINO! MOtK. mill llhKK III
M itniiH to come cc I1I111.
Now U the time to make n eootl In-
votmi'iit. A I M Mory Iioiim;, 7 rooms,
(Miitry nml two cIom.-Is, 11 75 Uirrel cis
tern nml 11 Kxl "ell, the only well hi
the vicinity. The locution U llie la-M
that can lie hail ns it lay center way he
tween the Ioon In Point View. Cull on
or mhlri-M WAl.THU W. WOOD,
llox JS, Jt, Jolius, OrcKon.
Since Jan. 1st 500 ixrsous have
Dositivelv been held up with in 11
block of the Court House, and not
one was roblicd U-eause they were
forewarned by Wimdn, rortiaud ii
ninst ooniilnr Palmist and mind
reader. She gives names, dates
and facts, holds the key to hoi
omens Wisdom and Spit it Phenom
ena of the Ilible, She, is located nt
.jtlt mid .Salmon Sts. 011 the ground
Cigars, Tobacco and
Confectionery ....
St. JohnB, Oregon
$275 -Lot, 50 x 100 St.Johus Park
overlooking river.
$325 Lot, 50 x too near woolen
$750-ioo x 100 Finest I-.J block in
Sf. Johns.
$2600- Hlock 011 Broadway.
D. C. Rogers
drilling, rrculuv (nil Ktairjng
268 Alder St. Phone Hood 1566
The Bakers
Phono Scott 3101 St Johns
Will ii yon Lots in
Shepard's Addition J
For 65 Dollars, 5 dollars down and 5 dollars per month t
Lots in Point View at 70 dollurs each. t
Lots in North St. Johns,
dollars, 10 down
Wo Wrllo
Phone Scolt 4046 Office In
The Season is now on for
All Varieties, Serious and Comic, at
J Elliott's
Hardware, Stoves,
OlvoUsa Trlal
To the People
And icnity for business. The delayed nmteriul has
arrived and is being put in plnco as rapidly as our
workmen can do it, and the eiinviU will be ttfrued ntt
without further delay. , .
Persons desiring to use electric light or Hivcr should
make application at the ofliees of lite Company, corner
j jmL
TliiHiiili r linvr
I hr ir-tiliilMi til
iIoIiik I ll r In l
himI. In I'l.illitinl
ui I liil imiUiIiik
iinr our i
our 1IK
Iml Ihr
fiai.i u
;iiiii I'
liiMlimlMI I K1 I
(IK W A WISH, lK T V Wll!
J. J.
Universal Stoves and Ranges
Do not fail to sec the Universal
Steel Range before purchasing
141-143 First Street, Odd Fellows Building, Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 1382
iiuiiiii ffii
W W W W 1 1
: Grocers and General Merchants I
Dry (loods, Boots and Sliocs and General
Merchandise. Choice Family Groceries,
Feed. Hay, Grain Etc. Golden Gate brand Teas t
. ww F "
f way near tne rosioincc.
: Phone Union 4066,
A V A !
& Tufts j
overlooking the river, 250 t
and 10 per month.
At tho
Lowest Rales
Cochran Block, SI, Johns, Or.
Pharmacy j
Tinware, Plumbing I
seotl KMS
of St. Johns.
!) I"V
i. I1UI1
to iall.
ik r
i.r ihIiiiik
limy nil r
'li I
Cor. .vd and Y.is1iluKtoii SK
Of all Kinds.
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