St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 20, 1905, Image 4

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University Drug Co '
ooooooo oooooo
Drugs, Confectionery, Cigars
stationery and Bchool Hooks
We are'always RIGHT IN PRICES, and alwaXs Improving
Call and get one of our beautiful Calendars.
8 5. F. F0UT5, Prop. R. W. PRITCHARD, Manager
Now is the time to make n Kd in
vestment. A I l'l story house, 7 rooms,
pantry and two closets, a 75 barrel cis
tern and n j;ood tne on'.v wt"
the vicinity. The location is the liest
that can be had as it lays center way be
tween the Ioop in Point View. Call on
or address WAIfHR V. WOOD,
Hox 38, Jt. Johns, Oregon
Pout Offlco Corner
Johnson & Dillon
1 1
Contractors In Oradln," Excavating
and all kinds of loam work.
Can leave orders nt Hhejmrd & Tufta
General Repairing $
Patronize Home Industry
Send your Laundry to the
West Coast Lau n d ry
New Management New Help New Methods
Has jitHrhftM-d the llliH-ksmilh Shop , 8
corner Ivmilio and Vat -rutin ulitets. ; fi
I lorscslioclnj; n Specially
All Work I'omplly Done ami Corrccl
I'lccs nssnrcd j
ft. .lollllS 1
y Owl wnrl p.mranlrtil at .rliM rrsionstle and Mtltfmturjr
& li. IJ. MANNA, Mnnajccr
W. II. KINO, President.
M. I.. IIOI.IIROOK, VIco-PcsMcnl
lUtlfrt In
Oual HrlltMf.1 at I'orll.n.l I'rlrfi I'lu On.. II.U l'fflM ('liri
I'rooipl lllrjr ami Onntrt Vilttt
Tliono Union 3101 HT. JOHNS, OREGON
Ahslnicls of Title carefully mid nccurntely prepared.
Charges Reasonable.
Office' King's Building, Jersey St., St. Johns
" iiifi
Fire Protection.
Protect your business property
or residence lv niacins in it a
"Royal Chemical Fire Extinguish
er. Many have heeit sold m bt
lohns. They arc "tip to date. Cai
up I). L. Ilutler & Co.. 'Phone Main
2237, and order one.
Deeds and Contracts.
TI10 Review has printed nnd keeps
111 Murk 1 1 1 c latest nnd most polled
fuiins of deeds riml conlm'to, which
mnv ho DtiiclinMsl nl 1 lit oillet' al
prices leM I tin ti i usually clniivd Tot
Niteli liliink form.
Attention, HomoseekcrsI
Wo liavo n few jjnud lmifieMwb,
rendy Tor Ilia plow, close to rnllronds
mid markets; nlno n few jjcm.l lltnlir
claim. Pnrly Imvinir soon. Itootn
12, Citlr.oiis' Hank, Portland, Or. Ho
Imn k Tauuurt.
M.O. r.Mil.K
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, Hay, Grain, Plotir
(iron ml Peed,
Painlt, Oils 2nd Building Materials
Phone Hast 71,1
University Park, Orogon
University Meat Market
Fhlvcndly Pntk
Find eInM nfsorlmenl
Full UVfolil
Quality tho best
!'i iron low iin In any And claw market
in Iho city.
University Park
Occupies the central portion of the
hlfih plateau between the Willamette
and Columbia Hlverr,, It Is u .1 1
lour imli's ( iic w i (. i
dock, mill uikI , r j . i r (
inu up ns ii ny mi;u i h, r
Happenings of the Week in
and Around these Enter
prising Suburbs
tion with Cccilian Assembly at
the iatter's hall, corner of Mjs.
sissippi avenue and Shaver street
Multnomah adition. The follow
ing officers of the Park Assembly
were installed : Mrs. Hoyt, M. A .
Mr. Stanley, Stipt.; Mrs. S. a!
Clark', Secy.; G. H. Hemstock
The Wanna dairy farm, V. C.
Silence, manager, has been making
many improvements lately. A new-
Mr. Lewis Kenncy has located
here and expects to work at the
' Mr C. II. Lnughcad and family, larm cottage has recently been com
of Ports . , i it J have movel to St. V ' fari. "w has it,
ill I 01 iMiiuiun, . untir evslniii. tnelnlln.l nt -
f otitis.
a I f . .. "'
ke urn heck is iiuihihik . i..... ..,i ..t . .
....... ti.'.. . l Mil i.uuw.n .iiiii utai. s:iiiiiiiiic(I in
addition to his house, 804 1 nu.e- Muhl)omaIl collnt).( excepting only
ton street. tl. La.ld farm of East Port
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ii. Temple have ,n(L h
returned after a visit ... Hersey, ,,cnjnsM,ar Lo(If;c No Q
Mcliipiii. o : installed the following offi.
ur. coiurr ims nee.i m u Ccrs nst Saturday evening: I. t
lUlKIL't Hill
rindall, N. 0.; M. II. Carter, V.
iniui a sprained
lucli Hotter. ii . g. II. Hemstock. Sec.: 1.
J. J. Schumacher and family, (jscar i)e Vaul, Trcas.; Orvillc
formerly of Minneapolis, are new Merrill, War.; O. 11. Carpenter,
rcMdcuts here. Con.; Geo. Gibbs, R. S. N. G.; L.
Mr. J. M. Lensure is now living G. Reynolds, L. S. N. G.; O. 0.
in his new house on Itowiloin, near Iteiisott, R. S. N'. G.; Odell Ryder,
Portsmouth avenue. L S. N'. G.; II. Simmon, L. S. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilenrv Sterner, of District Deputy Hastings of Har-
Onuiha, Neb., are visiting C. L. moiiy Lodge wan installing officer.
McKcnna nnd fan.ilv. I'aul I'-. Angersltm and Ante-
Miss Clelland, the young girl "'a HIo'lerg were married Stiit-
wl.-i was mifiifr a few days ago, day at the hon.e of the brides par-
has returned to her home. ,Ja,,w" slrect- 1 cni,,su-
Mrs. (J. T. ullisler has been
quite sick for several weeks, suf
fering from liver complaint.
Miss Nelly White has returned
;o Philomath, Oregon, to resume
her studies in voice culture.
Miss Julia Field, one of Salem s
fair daughters, has been visiting
her Vister, Mrs. A. W. Ilagley.
Oliver Apple and family have
mouth avenue.
The I'niversily Park and Ports
mouth merchants are all doing a
1 tolling business, which speaks well
for the communiiy.
' he Narcissus Club will give a
;nee at Artisan's hall next Tues
f evening, liverest's orchestra
I furnish ilie iiinsli.
nt Hi" t'olumtx Umvcnity. hwcu i. i',,,.,.,, .. ,.f ,1.
rvi us-h3 ,v,,:er iv!.iuMuai: ;:.rKs 0 1
TiLSS: ;" Hi.aud, Wis., nrdml here this
. I . -I 1 1 r I " '"
iwuiciiiuiii, miiiic 11111 a iinyruu 01
Civic Improvement Club Meets
'I he Civic Improvement Club of
University Park held its first meet
ing at the home of the chairman,
Mrs. Athey, January 5.
It is the intention of the ladies
of the club to further all improve
ments, and to use its influence for
the clcanimr tin nnd hcautifvimr of
lakcn up their residence with Mrs. ibis section of our city, and it car
pples father, C. Games, 002 Yale ,K.Mly solicits the co-operation of
Heel. everv member of this communitv.
A. W. Ikiylcy. the real estate A committee was apiMiinted to pre-
hustler of Portsmouth, is doing a sent a petition to the Hoard of Park
lively business in his particular Commissioners January 6 for the
line. improvement of Columbia Park.
Mr. Cameron is desiring his lots I The club will meet with Mrs.
m the corner of McKcnna avc-M"-Kcr jnmmry 'y"5-
1 he second meeting of the Civic
buildini' soon.r Improvement Club was held at the
Mrs. Iliskirk is havinir plans "'mt'. cr jn.marv I2.
. . "-11 in I'rtn 1 aitiiiiiinif rjtvsriwi iiiti
.awn tor a line residence on her vr . K X" "
newlv acmiired oronorlv on Pons- 1 " "oani iian npira nicu uominii-
. - - - -
doners Flliott and Ilarkins to look
into the needs of Columbia Park.
The other committees had favora
ble reports as to the progress of
work on baud. There were ten
new names added to the club. The
club adjourned to meet Friday,
Innuary 20, at 2 p. 111. at the hour
of Mrs. Fowler.
W. C. BARKER, Manager.
If you nro going to build a homo, noo us for our ostimato
on complete building-, iuRpcct our stotilc, nnd soo for yourolf,
that wo have tho best nnd ohcapcHt.
ir you nro going: to build to rout bnd tht thought oc
currcd to you that tho "Lowis nnd Clark Fair" is noar at
hand, and that this wholo peninsula, w.pocially botwoon Ports,
mouth and SU Johns, is tho most desirable suburb of Port
land for "World's Fair" visitors, owing to tho rapid and
convenient transportation wo nro hound to havo by water; that
if you build now, your housa will bo in shapo to runt by
May 1st?
Again, if you intend to build to sell, now is tho time,
There tiro all tho reasons in tho world for us to bollovo that
houses for sulo in St. Johns, nnd vicinity, will go liko hot
cakes to tho thousands of homeseoUers that will visit this city
during tho Fair,
Other good roasons why you should build now, nro ob.
vious to all, and are too many to onnmorate and pay for on
this sheot, Tho lumber market is sure to advnnco; 20 pur cent
advances arc practically guaranteed on your real ostato in
tho coming year; stiff competition tbat exists between build
ing contractors and tho low figures that wo give to thoso gen
tlemen, will nssuro you of a good, cheap, prolltable bavgain.
Wo extend tho compliments or tho Now Year to all, AND
REMEMBER, wo only desire you to give us a chanco to show
what wo can do for yon when you build.
Acme Lumber Company
Offlco and Yards Foot of Hestanna St. on Willamotto Boulo
vard. Phono East 1810. Call us up. Offlco hours, 7 to 0.
Henutlfylng University Park
Since the appointment by the
L'nlversitv Park Hoard of Trade
e I Dp. I f r'ivli. IiiiiirnveiiiLMil f 'ominitlef
ii i l? , . - : v per month, if you hnvc only .. '"I pyr ior u. v. nan was some time since, rumor lias 'been
a little Intelligence you know what ,l,slM'r,,ll.' himself m a brand new t-oing the rounds that the residents:
iiich n payroll mean to surrounding Vv,ti" "' J"tf J"w Period of of this beautiful suburb are to
property. University Park property Is 1 mx't' Am' ,K'Hs too. make a garden Kt of their homes
advanclnR In value nnd must continue .Mix J. P.. i liurston and daugh- inil thoroughfares. Hack yanls
to advance at long at the population wrs ',aVl' returned frHii a three are to lie cleaned with thoroughness
of Portland, OrcRon, Increases. Unl- ,,"luu vim! lu .Missouri and are "iitl the boy with the oyster can and
verslty Paik has the far-famed Hull waited m remain in Oregon. Miiiuiey club must duly inter those
Run water, Portland public schools, 0H-ar f. MiCimnii mi.t iilt instruments ot torture when the
electric street llchu, buildliik restrlc Kilna F. Mender u. r.. ,mt,i,,.i c. referees mother calls time and re-
X Hon, liquor restriction and U the cen- urdav evening at (be home of the 'lmu ,l,at nc carr' "'c wood.
T 1 cr of about cooo population. It Is Untie arenl, iij8 Fiskv street ,llis ,X1,S K(XM' 10 he casual
iiutde the city llmti of Portland and i p cjii,.- It( n ... , . ' observer, mid while there is great
o ha. street ear communcatlon with all mire'liiue.l il i, :!i 1. V ,,a -atinfaclloii to the Park residents in
; 3 1 the cl.y for a 5-cent fare. Lots ranBe Z X e ut tFS' ln kmwhl l,ls own a,uI l,is "K1"
; I In price from $co to $300, according .r" Z , ufJ !" J1 k homes are to I iinprovetl,
I t to slc and location. Terms, onctentl, 1"!', l'c wb' what about the ..on-resident and Ilk
:: cash, balance $5.C0 per month without ,,. ,; .'i:. 'jr"' w,,w "or.ks al "e vacant lot? In this grand climate
f interest. If you arc seeking a home , r u- , mi 'ri'd the Iwnds yl.ere rolls the Oregon" the
f 3 1 site or an investment It will pay you li o. cht hTs brid . .T'r? n",,.i,,?S f fo,a!e ls ,H,,h ,,C,,SC a,,,,
; to InvMtlRate University Park. K'" ' l)r,M,,oml1 rapiil. some of which is good to look
I'ranci I. McKenna . Sai Arm .'. uiMiii, fu the corporate limits of a
. i I 1 wrw "UMII W t I
hiwh I
verslty Park Station, Portland, Or.
Thase who nre interested in
PiauoN should not fail to ex
amine the large nnd niuguifi-
i cvnt hue of Pianos handled by
August W. Meyer
If you want the Ikist the
at price ami terms that
not K duplicated by other
dealers, scv him. And there
is one thing you .should k-ar
in miml, he w ill not dtop you
like a hot potato after you have
flight, W will try and please
you as much thenjis Ik-fore,
74 Sixth Street
ll. 1 1, hibrnv. ihi Him r..ii ..ctn... I .Mtv nt ti... c!-... -I... i nt
, ,viry rarK, is suf- roruami, nut much I not. A va
ivrtHH evervl from an alTeeiio.i of L-ant lot allowed m nmw thUtl,.
iu v. winch alnxtet iuoipacitates nid hazel brush, along with its
nun fr iHismess. ..rowth of young fir and cedar trees,
Mr. and Mr. Link, of Wiscon- is "vilher increasing in value itself
"'II. Who are si. mum ir talllilnai -!!.. I llOr asislillir lt n,.vl ilnnp iiMlnll.
Mi i ortMikJiiih, havo dividetl to dis- ,or- " ' the elimination of some
xe of tlair eaMcrn interests .unl 'f die undesirable weeds, etc.. and
liieale here ihiiihiiicihIv Lhe Iriiniiiimr mi nf rli vnmur irwi
reniamiug, mucli may be gamed m
moneiary way am trreat satis-
...'''''J'.'r'"'"""!!! Pharmacy, R. r'
. Pllle Ian . lllnnn,...r s.. . !
unl prettv a drug store as there i 'ac,ion Kamci1 l)oth by the owner
ni Prntland. ami fidlv hd the residents of the suburb.
.ir :.. , : r ..i- . ... . . . ...
..KK' Muninos and up-to-dat
unlet articles. '
man who holds a piece of property
I I A Itr.urr..M.. k ..l.f.
wiiisi nartv
IlLMVin In- tl... ', .'""I Willi i nc exoectalinn nf rvili7ini'
r" -v 'murium ui lllelr Inll . ...-..-
last Wednesdnv eveniiiir The a ,)rom ,,,erc0. Istbly, lias the
,,e ls ileman's priic'was taken bv II " PIornmitv at hand if lie will but
' nobis, ami the lady's prize 1. !"CC 11 ,,alf w?'' 11 !s to ,,0Pet,
..... .1. tl'lli. ...n.-. ... 7 ."v ..V... 111.' III. II. ra-
II . . n.i-. llKIVlll.r nc I
4 lady. ' ft "
The St
-in. I it..: "
II GiriMian Kn.h.a .or le:.a,,,c t0 rcco ne thing like
n,l the Fpnortl, LeglIC of t' , ? ' .'Mr
versil v Park u ill lu.i.i .V . . .'Vf-
iiiff at tire Lri ii-.-rl. .' iwi w I . ms
church s,.;u N -V' 11 ' ree
......., vtiriiuiL' i-iiiii. I i...i... ..
lent nronertv owner will p-itrh tlif
Park fever anil that tli
rv jti.
F. Merrill lias limm!, n.-
I .. .. . '" u"1 H'v
Lookabeadsky yesterdav
two vocant lots cleared and
trimmed no to conform
'itll the anne.irnnrp nf flip
balaiKV of the block,"
AIIU tile tOl OWllirr we-lr it micrlit
"Ill ll-bl OI 1. 11 llrl.... .,f .1.. I I. .
d Faulk & Hr!r- -f ., ! "nu A ums' un,ler the head of "Real
tin. ISri . m dea,ers- at Es,a,e Transfers":
v cnJii, ti . , Cm," V'as (on r "f K- Lootahcadsky to I. M.
and T u r m0' 8cr 1ort- Jfnforahome. lots 5, 6, block G.
cl It rr!f !-, rk; consideration,
" was i L-iuanneexiected
. a .V
ill. v. . . I . .
."m ,u ivnye lor Alaska was with-
mil UHnuiation.
ex oec
uci us nope so.
On yillamette Iwulevaid, near tsmouth Tent No. 82, K. 0. T.
ESTATE DEALER OF aut. are the two large green 3nl TueMlays. D. S. Walton, com-
THE PENINSULA . . . ,,0, Cone Pros. They are ,nanlw, Q. II. Hemstoek, R. K.
The tluost lit of ivsideneo i.nitierty I?0 Ux 'm sizo ad steam , ' ? P.-lVninsular I-odgo No,
ui the district. 1 lKrt hl; , Here the proprietors raise l2 meeU m "owa nail, over
, Walnut Park offer tho most desir- flowers for the H,?,oni fT0nier, every Saturday ev-
Mt ; koiuo sites-twls graded, lots urt,amI n:arl l '"'d they are do- C "n," Rger, N. 0., 0, IL Heai-
MxlOO. Sold at i,rir.n ,i.t ..;...' r. uit; a n ce liitl.. 1...;...., c stock, smetarv.
orahltf in the market.
M dumber of Coaiuerce, PorUiad tisans, held
O ..1. .1. 1 -r i
Alonibv evenimr Universitv Pirt- . B? 1ou'e' - - F-t No, 72,
AeMni.i.. v.' niVrMt lark mwts 2nd and 4th ru.l
'"'. J united Ar- Fellows l,all xn. "aX,. X " . 1
installa-lN. Mw. q. iriTeSVr:
if V