St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 20, 1905, Image 2

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rulllitied T.ittj 1'ilda? Krenlcf.
'-CRUMB & CARTfiK, KJHoti nJ Pukllttitn
RuWrlpllin rlf, $1.00 prr er In idrnr,
Airrtlilnir r&toi. SI. 00 Inch tier tnontn.
All ntUtttlilng billi tm'itle flrt ol each
.Inli Prlnllnr rxceiil
llllli for JoU rrlnlinir cs!i on d'Hferr.
Alt fommuntcfllloni tlionld lo ddrciied to
The BctUt, HI. Johtij, Utccoo.
Ofilclt.1 Ncwipapcr of th 0jr of Bt. Jokni,
FRIDAY EVENING, January 20, 1905.
'I'lic new charier before tlic lcir
illnturc thin week tins been the sub
iect of much talk ami bluster
St. Toliim the few dnyp, niul n
inniincr of aMcrliuii have been
made, nud the thinjr w constantly
innila the theme of street corner
talk that ninnv well-IntcudiiiK peo
nle hnve Itcen let! lo believe thai
iwrhnirt oinclhini: tniuht he wrong,
A ureal nmnv thinus have been
fmid whicli arc inversions of facts
and entirely unwarranted. ine
I nilh of the mailer is that every
net of the committers appointed by
the citv council and the Lommcr
clnl AiifoujiiJj. which, by the way,
is a truly tcpredtilntivc body, has
liecn 0trll TuTu aiMivc lK)ard. I heir
me tinirs inve licctt onen to me
nubile and tiltcitded bv inauy rcn
tusrulnlivc ciiirens. In no ttiuule
iimtaure Im there !c n the least
indlcfllion of attempt to cr'ceal
anrthinir done. The committers
went connvmed of thoroughly rep
icneittntlvc citiciu, men whose mo
tives arc nlKivr siistiieion. not only
in this nariiciiltir matter, hut in
their bnslnt relations. To niic
lion lltcir motives or iiciimia in this
charter is nlmiily dicrcditahle to
tlwtsc who do so, ami the (pimtion
uiir shoo Id Ik- relcinitcil lo the
vi. I'Mis ntilsidc their neithlnr ami
fillow-citiceii. The Keview un
ci tt, without reaetve, that the in
hiinmtlons niraluM these men flte
fnlc, jK'rniclotts, and can emanate
fnmn only 1 1 hum? who have no te
Kinl fur I he clumieler nr slnmliiiK
nf Ihvntsrlvc or Iheir nciuhlHirs,
Tliat tlie clwnler may have wmie
defect, Is i Kit a ierfect docuiucnl,
tmy lo KHivr extent lie en i reel. II
i I Mini lo iniflidue that loo ihiuc
' a law full of iicccaaary lentil-
i.hi(M-i.iiQ- mid tct'liuk'al Hiiulk
IhhiI ' . HTfi in nil ili delails.
In tie lu do so would utpiire
vi h hriti-r and wlier men than the or naikm-lui ye I produced.
J t. u the toilHilutmti of the Uniled
.lUtm HOI perfect, niul ul
I" mi
announced al the mass meeting
which annroved the same, lite
council has supreme power in all
cases of appointive officers. In fact
the mayor is shorn of nearly all
power, too much so, perhaps and
as chief executive of the city will
have little to do except as the conn
cil may see fit to sanction and di
A petition was circulated Tues
day by a committee consisting of
i. J. Teterson, W. If. King, A. S.
Douglass and M. I?. Tufls, all busy
and prominent business men, in
whom the public rcjKws the fullest
confidence, praying the legislature
lo adopl the new charier without
dc.Inv. In alwtit two hours nearly
two hundred name were secured,
and if more lime could have been
Kiven lo the work the number
could have been increased by over
one hundred more, Kvcry business
and professional citizen with only
... . 1 . . . ... .... -1.. .! I
IWO exceptions, eiiKvuy pikiiimi.
I'he entire lil of signatures em
braced only citizens and taxpayers,
ami ninnv ol mem me Heaviest un
ravels of the city. I his indicate
the fieling of the rilizens on Ihis
vitally imiiortrmt (inert ion. The
oeonle are three lo one in favor of
a vole of confidence in the gentle
men who took an active part in
framiutr this document, ami are
uillintr to tiuM to them lo see (hat
the interests of the whole people are
iroperlv safe-iiimrded. I he peli-
tion was sent lo balem by special
messenger I ueiday evening.
unity there is strength, and for the
good of all concerned would it not
oe hetter to coneentralc all our
forces and work for one common
end t Tins, it appears, would bt
a logical proiwsilion. If this new
organization has other aims, then
it is different.
i. .j ,,, t, l( ,,,,,
I' till 1 it it4 t.
h- im rli .
If over there wis occasion for
I lie fipirit of Imruimiy and unity of
union in this cil v. now is lite time
hi city enuring hhhi an em of
its existence tlmt will demonstrale
whether il is lo he the ideal city
which we Inlk mid read about, or
whether il it destined lo leliograde
ami become a hack number, or
ii u ) coveted as it was of yore
when the viruin fnrests occupied
te land iikiii which has been laid
le foundation of a great ami thriv
ing citv. it is a M-riou proMMi-
lion. In the imit couple of years
le old drowsy life has been
iron n off ami a new, vigorous and
proj-reivc life lias Ikvii taken on.
Vnien of the older uilmbltanU.
who by iuduMi y had acquired prop-
Hy lien1, which a lew yenr.s ago
was uoilli only a few dollars per
acre, have ikvu tliee lauds hK-iearw
in value lo llie extent of nli-
il...... . ltl,, j u,j, ni
i. ' I it ti !'ipral
nee.' V ' tie Ht Ihm
',. ... 'iU- jm. 'Mm,
raii'.l In !" rtosintrtir Miliply ami piliel)
The New Age, a most creditable
weel.iy paper published in Port
land, with a large circulation
throughout the country, paws the
tcnior of this journals the follow
ing complimcont :
I lie St. 'dims Krvlt-w, rt.ilililicil
Millie wppki nm. In. I (' fv......
t .i . ; -t -v, ......
'il nil1 ui'M Kll'iwll IH'U 'l.niirr inrn 11
till- (Siirlliwi'l. raliiillv itMiiiit. In
...... . v :.
me iffim tin mif ii if (n mif imlili.
rl il i,f Mtllill'imnll ( "linty. Ii in
Mir imiy fine til any r'ni.itniirc fint--iilr
tif I'firiUml. nml i nlinni
ervire fnr Si. Jfihti. nntl iu ittativ In-
iliiilrfiil t'lilrrftrUtv Mm. nfirr all
Ihr tipfiplr tif I fin i ifnn Mil- -iilnirlmti
tfiwn will mil niirr iati it fully Tlierr
ii mi impcr in nny Inwn in the state
with Hie tioinilati'in if Si J..I111, tlmt
MllllMl in tllltrli K,r;i IHl-
irr nf a inrrii'iriiiiM itaiure ns dues the
llrview. "J. (.'." wiirk ami frets niul
wenis tn iimiliire n mht tlmt will
tirnittfitr the lnlrrr! tif llir eritimiil
iiity, puiihiK In frfitn in tn an hnur n
lay; anil yet even lite hiihn- inen
mie tif iluin. at liaol will pcrsil
III rinarillni it a a wi.rk nf ilrMire
anil ainiiemrni tin in i.irl. Ilnw-i-ir.
the New Aae f-init-rely linpei
that Kililnr (Viiiii. will irr-M-ittly In-
alile (ft emivvrt Ihr m-hiIi- nf St. J ihn
iitli, helievhlR that hi. in lite liiutrfsl
iiitiiintliitt in l m 11 iunl, in intfli.
11 1-
Tl all very well t rrn.l tin- nrw.
Ami write the incml Inrneil retiewn,
Ami tin what each mie i haviiiK here.
ACll'lR, IMNtittaMty a ehiir,
Uhi tfHlay I want thin whole affair
Sealtered lirnaileail everywhrre.
A I hftif for ibr trade uinU lo Mow,
1 ne warm nun. dial the farmer may
I hr tiirfee-wiilhiK soil in eorrt ami
That the irfftftlr may haw to eat.
That alt may know e Mill l.. mir
Por ihr seas will onr roinmrrie liear
The icirl was wont lo rifle
A th-ry siiefl 'err a brhlr
In hiiek'kin smi, ami oft ntoo-ain-In
luhal rarrn hr wmilil win.
Where now UHtU Hi. John tmr fair
l lie l.riile Mni a l"vlnii iliiir.
When wild Itowrrs hloomrii on the
'Ihr aofl iMile of ihe whitfr Mills
VfHiiii itnnntl sin ill mhhi ihr niiflniitlu I
walouiin nrlKallrs from thrir laii
I inlr Ly tNoiiiht IhiilM-annfiil nl-
W.mlfl ..,.,
I Iwat oxprowad by.onf gnamni
of to m cent iucrcna in vam fls
property iluritig the coniini- yrar
guaranty provide tlmt in cat UiafDp
t-.5Yoii iHircltnw dow tint bioi-aw iu tliii ai;
20 per Cent
20 per cunt during one year frj
datii of latrehnw wu will tofutal yotir im
Willi' 0 per cent inlorost
I his name gnurauty wo have lrecit nffarhj
wu nrsi itiMiertook to tct Imluatrku at 5t
winiuthing over three yir. Iwck ami iifi lo (la It
no ouu I1.1. tvernshetl for his hioik-v Imalc,
Lois and Acreage on installment
Real Estate is the Best
Asset you can have . .
Those of you who invested ill Sc. Jolins n'
year or two ago have doublet and in sonic
cases trebled your money. The opportunity
to do tli is is still here. The town is still
young and real estate is still cheap.
St. Johns is with its new charter just en
tering on an era of development hitherto un
known. Within another year you will sec a city of
paved streets, broad sidewalks, and permanent
business blocks. Then 3011 will realize when'
it is loo late that your opportunity for getting
cheap properly is jmsl.
s the most desirable residence district in St.
Johns. We still have some fine lols iu this
tract which we can sell you
$5.00 Down and $5.00 a Month
These lots are high and sightly, overlooking
the river and iu full view of the mountain
peaks conviunent tn car line and factories on
the water front.
Let us show you this property.
Call on us or write us for full particulars.
Houses built on the installment plan,
1 mi.
1 1
( hit
wo. Iiv emwiienci. Imi'luv I llie !ippclkMi ol eneilO' and
ttf akillctl fa
ami (lie i'lairtgiK iiirnle wetu lo mill
Vii,-w Hit lfM.,,11 I ,-i-,.
"fll wall il. lo r ft."
) .i .i i.urrn kutM.
uTOta llNM C lln- kerli'oine
ne waa dark, a very ileepMi
1 row 1 1
aiiieiice, uiiB'iie- " .ir,.....r.n, ... ,m,w """I, wu
tliiT line of wnth. .'I'IUI '' il of men who anw, In her Mini.- an.l frown.
Tnnih- weto In auiff faiial lielhwed tltat a fuluie mld be l,rr l'r,..,,",w " "' UUtlr
Ilrr venrirr awifo-i than her sluht.
Showina there in rath imUinu
Natural Rlory wiikout slain.
Iliii- uerf they nto thrsr bill ami
UImi.- ii'-w tant oiir rUrlrie main-.
I Iu-
1 1..
the itMlilhlout now esUlimr iu n "ifieil out for St. Joliui by the
timlly amwinir c iv: wete mat e m-vcm hih-ih 01 iu ikuiiwui ie-
i" inert tlie tenii rt tmuls of 1 eve "nek. Aim Willi hraln ami can-
I a . .
I'Micnt ami iti!rrv It mailers m apH-.-irni iiimhi lln- M.vne, they
luile H m niiimr nfllcera aie lo Ik- invest n 111 it, iimIih-ii! o4lnr cniHlnl
iillnl by ntftsiiniiiMiil bv the iii.hh. I i"1'' '" di llie Mttne; milU and fac
l-v ami with llie crainetit of the I'Hies have Uftt Iniili, fim Ikhih'S
Miiwil, or elKtetl, Wlwl is wnnleil eml.d ami eui)tliiiio made ioai
iunl wltal U ntnal neivsarv i m ' fr ui old fiiemls. die pioneer
l-ii'viaioii In wlikli imiIiIic iiniMMve '"'ri-, i tins ihm true.' o hnow
imnla can lie carrk-il .11. The 11 N" ll ll
MM-ial itrmiakiM are oniallv im-1 '' done, wlwl U the plain. Ikiii-
-'fiart. In liim niiecU ami4e 'ahle ami sonarr limit: In do. Hie
Iniiuile It allowed, ilu wlioh aafe- oilijiiial oHiier hae had iheir frit
i:1!.' riled in audi inaiiiw-i tliat tin. Hfcui. b ilk aid uf litrn. wide awulie
working f tbnn eaniHM lie iiiImII- I1"!'1' haw hud ntMuliuiily given
re. 1 (Hi of iliverliil fuan tmir tr.H "H'" K rtcu. Mmll we now
11 illlHtkrna. eiHiHiiai;e iHiteflH Hint III le. or
. ...
Ihr new cnailer in a itmul i-mio. I '' I ""i plain ilut lo mill louether.
nil. it u me CiMMlMfcmt al MTeirt inmHiie mir ililleniiceti, cusl
. I II I! I'l . .
iMirur, ami we Have yel In flml a ? un ""!. l worn in
01 hi who lias leen aide In nrjie HIIV 'j"i lor Ihr mN of IhU 4uj-
di. or luuhl i4tjet.-ii.4i. On te ' ' KWW inmble It with all
nnitf iniruM Miinu iihii differ, and "f u ' h" l i lahe lltene
where llH'se illfferrtwra of (Hiinkm ,etiiu .is a nuttrt of iimrac. f0r
i re laml mi uurit unoit iu4liirtl K'Uhig tin- lalair involved and the
.iii'iKMH-nl, they aie mill lei I lo the eiieiv spent Ul Iiiiui;iiig aUoul
i ikcI of all reasiMiklilf men If Nlicse waim ami iileasmir com it one
tlu pruceM by uhUli lite tlnciutieHt N lM lillie ului filU IliU
Ims k-rn fraimd i not rtitiih.l in ""c. u iIm v atv unod cil
llie conmkik-c ami hsjkM uf nil "' hIki will in phiclng Si
win im-aniH jicijiir. I hen. in lumv
Ill's IIUIMe. will MMIIe ,,iu- tell II luu
" w " 1 ... .... . . - 11 lit- Hill. mill inn
a... I ..1. k . I . 4 a .s IB.. 1 .r.l. . a. a I -
"ml Zgr . rH,vr W , V i . ViV.'' i'verv cil ami Inwu AahLit.d
Tnirnve llmi tlu urue iiiaim-itv iwi. mitt ttuu iireuic which ciMiiioli.. p. tltl-attjl mill rtn.l llitil ikt.kjl
r.ii . . 7 rl.. ill . 1 . . . I 'Hw 1 m nun Mti 1 .
ui iw -.;.ie . n. jullii are In w" "'"' urwiyr Uror tUHu liuve allrva. and it ir. nmv
.....r or me new etiartrr. we uUy ami pr.wiiiy m llila M,,.. wvc ,m , liy ,nm
3 Chamber of Commerce, 'Portland, Or.
O. L. CHAPEL, Aijent at St. John.
The Pioneer Real l:sta(e Company
SI. JollIlS ''hone Union 31 tM QrCgOll
nouses 10 Rem Business nooms to 1lc.1l Insurance
MiilriM iiMl ul the many rln I
(iiiiirr uill hiiuM liy thfir i""l
Mtill HillillH feel thai lis f l
lllilitfi liT I Si JIiii' glory fur lie u iml
1 iiii un. iir rnjr may ibri urxi im.
III I'arirtr. fxiliiirreial laer,
sit ml li 1 in akoiilifc-r ami liark ! f)
Laek. 7
"sitiniy rturuy hpi nn lain.
S.i ilui llie eoming vai multiiiiilr
Will llml us niiiea n( nraiilmle.
ml Mill rirr ilvr here and ra)
! rMiuialue wild I heir alar.
William WwrUiHrih (in-Hlruli.
Kiiiiciic, ( Jr., inn.
lo lite I'llilm Kevtev
w :
Will mi Kindly Kiatit a little
iMce in iHir valnaWe imikt to an
l.unimV aulMicnuer, ami sinull iikhi
erty owner of your little cil ?
I wr qnile a utile 111 wmr col
mints of late ctHkvriiiui' ullevs. ami
it i. ii subject of much iiniiiiice
I I J I I , . " I ' ! I'SS I ! Mllll II llllIMI IflllVC
lMiiv.Uua ulure the Hwrly bekmya ai hium K aiteiuU-d to riulu
lwvvU.ii ! ,,1rMk,,,f 1 CT.1 ktnrt. I Imvc viailcd ueftrl,
me.) I., u fcf t fo, mt j J, ciamiiumiy,
lew Hour la.l ItieaiUy nenrly two
hundred liliiens, iiwliidiii); evcrv
laViiiesa man and tlie lieavteit lax
p:iers nf (lie cily, ij-ncl ti poll
li 11 askinu I he leeialaliire to ifive
il i iM.itttr fcHels aiiil favoiaWonc-
tl " I here i:. HO :iliw ivi.iir lliu
Itrnders wIki I mve visiunl uiiKeue
ihitl it ia the U-st laid iMtt city lhe
hnve seen in (ho mate; one of the
main reaaou it, however, tlmt the
I mailt ttatn a all laid unl by one
man nud so there are no auilinc
lreetk, and the whole Imsiiuss imit
'Vm i thf lume if a new otimti-
kmiioii uiim-iiri into exigence
.Mmuwv eveiiiiie. lmt whnl the ..t ,i i-i.i :.. i ' ..i
-"-.... me . . i t, ...v ui me en) 1 iaii out 111 larue comii
1. a ury LuKl. itiajorily of (hp of uunliwi is we ,i,K.u. and m n center nllev
eauetu want the cliarter to become )m " niik. It would seem, ruiininir each way ihitMikdi theni
a..ftlMruttlVu,,,U.Mfidc Ce J; ' ha never been the Imck of iheir nninorty and inn.n
OCSMcv'-ICvOlcvW.MtaM.. . .
10 I'll I . 4
wrm- i
I I BFr m
W lusltt IlltisJI ' i
kl.ll Ml i.'Uil, j
U ii ... ar li ii. II
l-rftl I Hfiri
tV I I. X U-IHK. ,,M T..wia
A. SCOTT, l'rldcnl
I!. W. CU(rilV, Secretary
I'llONi; IH.ACK 22
MOnnUN DI-NTISTRY Cor. 31,1 m l Wiwhhujtun Sis.
Portland Jobbing Co.
GU'ITIIRS l:TC. . . .
At Kciuuiiablo Kate. Slo, riirnncw mi I nntvnrc Repaired. Quirk
Sen let. All Work tliuirantcftit.
No. 7 Fifth SI., Cor. Anhcny P0RTUNI), 0lI;(K)N
... ... luuiiMv. imeciiiv ami in. 1 mm iiwms tuis nail mimr n.u. .. ..i ..... ...m. i.
UllievHCe of the . wK ri.T.j . llWII iKUlest L.uwr....a..,i 1. ..IT " '"""m, ' "m " S"' '"SU
llle,la.i,.,l. ; l"V. Y luive I,". . " ' " V". w "m ,S lmWil S
teiiiiivii t framing w iwrKvting "' of K"verinueut. in the nse
tins doiuiucnt. n"l jjuvermiK'titk do ihiniji, Mow-
i...r ,i i... .1 .
un naiiH n;i uie IIUO llllg,
and it U to Ik- IikiI tlmt its work
may W iu llie interest of St. Jolin
dcekianent ami uogtek. Any
There U kerinu. ,ab,M. Z2T"..T 'W' ' A
wi-i-v it I ua Ifcllliri 11 ItaT
sum ihi the nail of m.i n( ..r ,i.R .1 : ... ,'"""- 'ii u
, . .- i im. iiHAiuiii m wiirtnv ui i hi. I'll
in ii'iiji in r.L'aril In ilu. KIUI. Jft.l..t I .1.. .... . . , "
, , " "l"l"""'K Miuiaviin iil itlltl illlHKkfl ,f iwrr
i , . , -
jHnMr. of the mayor under the new
cn.iuer lhc nuvir CN.oT
a i ri u. i m i4h.t.r,
nf his imuor i
ixeu whi
OOliiWil Citv at lii-arl i.......:..
i'lie limit tlmt this U'tu aim nf ilu. n
t iiomiiiatu and (ioxeriinu-iii I . .
council eUvts nr wiecu audi lu, u. l ('r ; . TT'u ." 'H. "
vi'ime ,i that ImhI ileems Iki. I (In- iu.....r..i,i a.. ...i.: WM,,
renllinl..,i . I .. I .
...vv. .Micniiy in CMaleiue
Imvelers here have neatlv all of
.a . ...
twill sKikeu of this j;rcnt tulvnu-
tace. ami all aerve that it is a
Kiaud nniiroveiiient as even nror
en owmit can time a wagon on to
the hack of his ihxmuiiv. Wm.
HHe the blocks are o small in St.
Johns, 1 would not advise allexs
' Uli ways, hut 1 do hoo the sound
Iklll I.... . ... il . .a
Come and see us for your Clirlstnms SjxscfaKios
Cochran Block, Jerscv St.. St. Jnhnc
lj a I ' v 1 1 iiw
Family Groceries and
General Merchandise
ickner Brothers
Department Store
All Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
Koon n largo sluek uf Omieral Merehandife, iiuhulin- Drv Ooods
U.u i ' sot 0VO-lb"t. . Tlmir Prices aro '
rtKht. Don t ato your time j-oing (u
t nrllmul, hut eomo in niul h'o our
slook ntul prices.
Remember The Big Department Store
Corner Jory Shoot ami Druadway
St. Johns, Oregon
iil Grocers and General Merchants ? I
m m tn the
i..... .i. . . i
" oie wellatv tf .u,. i... :.. . ....... ...... . .
.... . i llliitiiiru I1U11 Will nf iUIi-i. InL.i III..
..... .. ,.,i.v lliv
Hruier atejw lo lwve alleys put
through every Ukvk (a twv. and
tin- sootier It is done the "iKtter
it ill he fur all rties concerned.
I HiuUrsiand lluit there is onlv to
KS in St. IfJnu llml In.... ....
,;rf,-.,.e guy urcu until tho iiibniciii- in iu ineiitbiralmi m K iV l? J?,lls ,Mve an
M ' -I'arterMwidcdotlmr- nil v. in additim. tj mm'of . TV V , . 1 h,,m M"s M,WIici1
XCxtiS aU1,ndfiU ai,J S ' b ,,Wr XValk5 " "" to i'!ta.V,A. DYSON'
Dry Goods, Hoots ami Shoes and (
Alerclmudise, Choice Family (Iruccri
r 1 ' ""V, ( ra n htc. (iolden fiate bra. d Tens5
Coliees, .spices and Uxtracts. The UiJ Moie on firoad
way near the Postofflce. v atI
11 J
rgains in Dirt !
Phone Union 4066,
I'ucvsTojs!" iU f,"C ChCrr" 0rCh;ml Cach whh fmc riwr view.
I.ot 91x204 with fme two story lmildinu
i me locauou tor mismcss of any kiiul.
I.ots m north St. Johns $25 down nud $10 per month.
ng opposite Cellar Park,
n ine. J I J h ! h g.'b -"vision 54x92 each $3oo with alleys.
JUIIIIS ; Lotsinl omt View ?5 down and $5 ,x.r month ooch Sioo.
4 t IO room. ho,,M; with lot 50x100 price Si Jco.
1 rcvmi I1.M.0. I-,,.- i 1 1 .v" ."J1"
f ...... inu raui 111 h"01 location price 750.
ST. JOHNS, Oregon