St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 20, 1905, Image 1

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The Circulation of THE
REVIEW In the Penin
sula exceeds that of all
other papers combined
Advertisers, note this.
ing Department is one
of the very Best-not
the largest In Oregon.
Devoted to tho" Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
n houriSOto 12 Mid 1 !30 lo C.
2?,M. N.o". 8
Oflc rion Union
Office liouw, 9 13 "' ' t05l'-1,1
Residence 1'lionc Scott 6356.
Office l'lioiie t'lilou 699.1
OArtt tlpll",
.nKnnaill M n
(jgUMn a.n.wn'w 1
o(fi hour", a Wit 11. m
NO. it
Various Topics of Local and General
Interest Briefly and Tersely
Commented Upon
Numerous Millers Which Are Before the Public
for General Discussion
nrxl Klltott's Dms for
1(0 5 p. in.
... IT.. I. .11 ...ll.
.Llnr I lllllir 1111"" j-.
orcein Inlvcrflly Pnrk Diiib Hlore.
The "cow question" is nboittdttc
neain, mul .with the timtroach of
Hiring is likely to come up again.
mcii-iiie many ui our cuizcns WHO
believe In beautifying their lawns.
And improve llieir surroundings by
piumiug uowers ana shrubbery;
tliey want to make home environ
ments as t)CttUtiful as attractive as
possible. Nothing could Iks more
laudable, and it is right and procr
mat tuc utmost limit of encourage
mout .should be given to all such of
forts. Hut just here the "cow a tie.
tion bobs up, and it is somewhat
a vexed ntteston too. Many teotl
who ought to know claim that if
the festive cow and other animals
are erinitted to roam at will, the
matter of improvement along the
lines above referred to is simply
out of the range ot possibilities:
that these roving animals destroy
more rapidly than they can plant.
MM...... !.. .... I.... .1.!.. 1.7 1.. ..
iin.iv; in nu uuuui mil nun is m 11
large measure true, In deference
to the class of citizens who want
the animals to run at large, would
it not Ik; a good idea to submit the
matter to u vote of the copic, and
if the majority favor public pastur-
. 1 . . , .. .. .
rouudings, the beautifying of lawns
and yards, let it 1c so. Tint Kit
VI uw suggests this method as a fair
one, and then let the majority rule.
Instructions on PIANO nml OROAO
SO Cents n l.ctson
Corner Jersey mid Lc.nltt Streets.
Olprs, Tobacco and
Confectionery ....
St. Johns, Orogon
Several important transfers have
Ikcii made icceully, nud several hit
tktrtnut deals wivm fcrpi. purlieu-
Marly in the line ( itnriiir
1 1 fMAAitA.i iiiiit 111 run 1 ni I'm in
uri V J iift riiir wat m
cord's real cstiilo office.
. r r tr..ii.. 'n 11.. 1
Boulevard Addition
N. Jolmi. Mich laud between car
deuce property. W
trite market lias i
ly any unusual uem.w wmi
beginning oi the new year,
.something has been doing all the
time. l-.vcryday men of means
and in other respects most desirable
people to have in the community
are here casting nlout with the
. . . . I .... t r....t: .1.. .! 1. 1.. i.i
c ana mcr. i.imi minim, aiivi vu i ... ......i ...
lyrnontlilj I'n) incuts. locations, nun in nearly every in-
I ctmirt Mis f Miitrnutmiu fnrmiwl fir
- " - ' J "'"- UM,H I tl lit III I Mill! 1 1 1 llllth UV
elded Hint ht. Johns is the ideal
Prnf A Xlhhoto lslt. It is true, too, that this city
nun jt ni uiuuuiu iims some of the most iKsntitifii
I vis ll.llisir ftIlw Inlut fMlllil (lllttiitiitt(
...1 ..1 1111(1 while tliev nre numerous vet
Ji iu.a n.. n..ii. ....1 I llwttt nm Iw-imr iwimriil lift rniili! i
is informctl by good authority that
no barrier stands in the way of
through cars now, except the will
of the management.
Another electric line to I'nrtlnml
is certainly one of the most desira
ble things in the way of transporta
tion facilities at the niesent time.
That a more direct line, and one
by wlncli the transfer svstein will
be obvinted, will be built there can
be no doubt, and that before long,
lly whom or just when is yet an
unsettled fact. The growing vol
ume of traffic to and from the
peninsula warrants the beliet that
it will be done, howqyer. Of all
the lines running out of Portland,
certainly none is more iitiortant,
and we doubt If any so, profitable
to the company, as the Hue tapping
the peninsula, yet it is the only
line on which the transfer system
prevails. Another line would re
ceive good support from the long
suffering public in the ieninsula
Trotitdale is lo have a bin sausnuc
plant located tliere soon in conse
ejuence of which dog and cat
ranches in that nciuhborhood are
not improbable. The people up
mere believe in Home enterprise.
Tint Kitvntw believes that every
thing of a legitimate business char
acter in St. Johns is worthy of the
support and encouragement of our
citizens. We believe it is the only
correct way lo build up a city.
Among all of our business enter
prises none comes nearer to belnirof
a legitimate public character than
our iKWtofliee. This is one institu
tion in which all of us nieor should
Ik; directly interested, and feel a
deep personal interest in its attain
ing the prominence it deserves, both
u tKslal circles and for the benefit
of the city itself. With this idea
in view 1l rtlintiM vr the aim of
t'u- wl 1W4J every one of us to tntrouic it and
titarkciVi u,i ..v.t Mlor lliniiicli It. IK-
doing 'Ills it would not Itc lung ui.
til it would be nlnced in the third
class and facilities commciiMiialc
with the imixHtancc of the cltv
piovided by and at the cxcusc of
Uncle bam. Manip cancellation
will do this, and nothing else will us all ieiuemler this, friends.
Why has St. Johns been without
warehouse facilities on the water
front all this time? There is sufli
cieut business to warrant the build
lug of one. Can it Ik: there is
combination working ngniust water
competition ?
business men arc urged to make the
In the matter of the produce
supply a ferry across the Willam
ette would be a good thing. As it
is now the shortage1 in the local
supply is drought here from Port
land, and wc arc compelled to pay
fVtMttitidGtrifi mrttl tile iirnfit in
addition to the frcignt, whereas if
the city was accessible for the pro
dttccrs on the west side wc believe
they would come here. This woul
mean a considerable savintr am
give us fresher and more health fu
garden "truck. I
The district hereabouts is widdv
mown as the banner; "cherry belt
of the Pacific coast. -Vl'he soil and
climate is necuharly Tilted for th
raisiutr of this delicious fruit iu its
most luscious ami per feci state. A
large number of our people have
sunaii clicrry orchards winch yield
them a handsome income each year.
Mr. A. L. Miner informs the writer
that some years aco, fit the reouesl
of the agricultural e epartnicnt at
Washington, lie forwirded samples
of cherries raised heijc, and so fa
vorably impressed was the depart
ment that the report was most llat-
ivinig. 1 ncrc is 101s 01 avauamc
laud on (he Peninsula which could
be turned lo profitable account in
tins industry, and could supply a
good sized canning -factory witli
cherries. This is n . iihase of our
resources worth exploiting. The
Peninsula is also splendidly adapt
ed to tlic production of .strawberr es.
It is claimed that the fruit of tiiis
character raiseil here compares most
favorably with the famous Hood
Uivcr Iterry.
ikk 14 Acre Lois inr Nam
Willi alley, nil corner.
Dr. William Wolf Hicks
Jolmi Heights,
Some men are born in discontent,
and their lives nre iu full nccon
with the unfortunate conditions 0
nfnucy. When they have reuchei
an aire when it should !o not only
. . . . . . . . 1
their pleasure but n duty which
one fellow creature owesto another,
to make life better nnd more endur
able, it wems to lw the whole aim
of their existence to sow seeds of
discord and mistrust: they spend
I II Al. iT... I.- 4 I 1.. ....1 .n
OlnJ nnclulf k,,... t r llll lllCir lime 111 iryillK w 111111 uimii
. . " ' - - - - f . I . T 41... -.11.
-fi vmiiivv uii iiiiisft 1 '
i tre, (vru improved. Apply lo of others, and never n moment 111
OWAN i, RAILTON, Contraotora trying to build up nnd improve
their fellowmnn or their surrouiiu
inns. We have often tried to con
ceive of the propelling force iu
such characters, but our conception
fails to act, and we can only believe
that they were loni under an un
lucky star. They can't help them-
hm.i .. . 1 mul iin nnimiiit ni ooervn-
Clii.o.ri.1 . ' '"xiii'i'iccnarKf. 1 - ... .
vKu4 UltWs. BT. IOIINS. Oklf. Iti. n.. llitr ort lin! nnv offt-ot.
' I U I
Such men are really not to be ues
pised, but pitied. Of course, they
nre not lonir in any community.
They are too miserable with their
own existence to become pennnnem.
When you run up against such
characters, the least nttentton paid
thein. the better you're oil. Water
nlwnxs finds its level, so does character.
It is actually announced iu the
t,aily papers that the gambling
horde which made up the notorious
Portland club have acreed with the
authorities to give up their fight
and be good; discontinue their
ojen violntion of the law, not
withstanding they were permitted
to pursue their nefarious business
by conuivance with the officers of
the Portland city government, It
Is quite refreshing to know that
this band of criminals has at last
ceased to be a constant source of
trouble to the officers who elre do
tkeir whale duty, and, Wff ex
ptue to the county and sUtu
it. JiJini,
louse mover and Repairer
Mrs. L. Tj ncr, Proprietor I
Hrl Class Rooms
Cuisine Hvccllcnt
""I 1 IU 11 II 11
uiss a -
St. Johns, Ofe.
ta'oiUkU Kocibi
i UIt(H3sl nnt-U T.
Z inS 'e el.rated Haad-
Tlwre are no indications that, the
talk about through street cars to
Perthmd was anythtuo wore than
rumor, The Hceity of traits
ferring at Pidiuout Junction lias
ben mwkrAl an huiulred fekl
mofe iMcouvenicBt and 'disagree:
bk." during Uc recent cold and
stormy. fMwp. It does seem that,
owing to the very large traftc ac-
corded th people 0 the peaiit-r
swim Mm gwef car company would
he amamt to wiiMWiiUn to- tlie
AftnftftmkaW toAMLtLir ftf
Through publicity wrongs are
sometimes righted and evils elimi
tinted. St. Johns has been strong
because of its uusuriassel water
transiKHtation facilities. The O.
K. ix in. k, k. was m n sense
forced to build to St. Johns be
cause of its deep wnter frontage;
individuals may have, mid undoubt
edly did, iullueucc the K. K, Co.
to build a little iu ndvauce of the
time it would have of its own voli
tion. Manufacturing industries
have located nt St. Johns uixpics-
tiouably because ot both water and
rail transportation. Some, perhaps
one, possibly two, industries would
have come with only rail trauspor-
tetion, if we could have secured the
K. K. without first having the deep
water, a very doubtful possibility.
ht. Johns bears the proud ilistinc
tion of being the lest point within
the!ouudarie.; of the Portland bar
or to locate any manufacturing
ndustry. That prestage will be
wrested from her if we do not at
once see to it that water transporta
tion facilities nre made available
for public passenger and freight
service. A Portland foundrymau
ms located among us, he hopes for
all tune, ;his products are shipped
mainly by boat, to California , As
toria, Port Canby, Port Stevens,
Rainier, etc, Should he have a
shlptueut ready for today or next
week it would needs go to Portland
by rail and from thence reshipped
jy boat. A sau commentary on
St. Johns unequalled water trans
portation facilities. St. Johns is
supposed to have a vharf for the
use of tlfe public, but it might al
most as well have been built on the
topof Jobes' mill as far as getting
to it is concerned.
K lartre and valuable acquisition
to thlrade of Su Johns might be
acomVeK if the Willamette was
spajwMietyy ferryi AH live trade
oh :lh west side of the river now
t4JortlMid. wheiLk rightfully
belofsJbk-tity, mh wouW
come Iierrfia free ferr' was put In
operation- Tliis slKMihl be mmc at
tlte expenseAof the county. 33w
district contribulos ii large sum' ht
taxes to tlie iwty. w xmy
iiHfortant as that f&tmn, l)Hg to
the south of Vpr'Aifai, awl k.r
tamly entkleel M M. miim MiWer-
atton. If the iatter wsa wuen up
and PftMwrly 1K1 bae the
county aitiorktes we leHy
soineiMstg couW be eomiismA,
k m trmg, anyway,' and our
Mrs. Augustn Ilnnseu, wife of K.
Hansen, iu Point View addition,
dtol SHtutiuy nficinoon at 3:30
of lix-kjnw. The family retcntlv
mo. A b-rv (win Olympla. Wash.,
where her iNnrnts rvnl- -There-
mains ncocuiiianicel bjijli'nttlk-r
aim misimiui, were taken to Ulyiu
fa Sunday fcr Intemeut- The
deccnscil leaves no ' (innily except
her Husband, having Ikx-ii tuarriei
only nliout eight mouths. The
community extend sympr.thv to the
berenvcsl husband. I
About The Review
As previously stated, The Re
view printing plant is one of the
best and most complete in the
northwest. It is now in full run
ning order, after a week or two of
the most arduous labor. To attain
this, the publishers have been at
great expense, and we don't like
to do it, but we take the liberty of
asKiiiK as a special tavor mat those
of our friends who have not paid
their subscriptions would, if tliev
can make it convenient, call and see
our new plant, and incidentally get
a receipt for tl.i'r st iscripti n. If
all who c. -I, wi. -d d so, it woult
help ui out ma. M-ially. Don't be
backward, I'ricnd.t, but please favor
us while we real. a- have need for it.
Both Senate and House Consider the New
Charter and Pass It Without a
Dissenting Vote.
The Enrolling nnd Engrossing Clirks Pre
paring It for tho (lovcrnor
He Was Right
A Salem eorre.M ondent savs that
"When the St. Ji.hns charier bill
was on its final pi3saic, Killiiu:s-
worm, in Mullnoii-th, us Fpoiiaor,
rose to give St. Johns a boom and
a boost. He succeeded admirably
!.. J... ! I.!- .H . .1.'
111 iiiiiiessiiij; un 111s colleagues me
grand possibilities in store for the
municipality as a thrifty suburb of
Portland. Mr. Killincsworth owns
considerable real estate at St.
Johns, but the house members
thought only of the bright future
toward which it is growing." Good
for Killingsworlh, but you will al
ways find him count to any occasion
when the interests of St. Johns or
the Peninsula are at stake.
Kd I Stockton received 11 letter
a shorj while ago from a family -to
whom he had sent 11 copy of Tint
Kitvntw. lite first paragraph
reads as follows:
"Patw received a paper sometime
' . . . .....
ngo, which we Inferred you sent, ns
it came from bt. Johns Uie. we
have Iteen thinking for several
years of going out west somewhere
and since receiving that pajwr have
tliouuht of it more strongly than
As to the further enquiry alotit
Kroceries. dry goods, etc,, nil the
necessaries can be bought here as
cheat) as anywhere else on the
coast, Come out, and you will
find the most delightful country,
finest scenery and most progressive
city on the continent.
Our Public School at the Pair
Principal John Tettscher, of the
St. Johns public school, is making
arrangements for an educational
xhihit of this district al the Uewis
and Clark fair next summer. 1 he
St. Johns district is the only one
in the county which contains large
industries, and it is Professor
reuscher s intention to cover the
industries by submitting stories by
the pupils descriptive ot them. Ac
companying these stories win oe
photographs showing the various
processes of the woolen mills, ship
buildinc plant, foundry, machine
shops, etc. Jt is estimated that at.
cast ISO photographs win uc-tc-
quired to cover these various pro
One certain pupil, or committee
of pupils, will be selected to write
up the woolen nulls, Accompany
ing this paper will lc photographs
to show the wool on its way
through the mills up to the time it
becomes a mushed tauric.
Another pupil, or committee, will
prepare an article on tlie veneer
tactory, which will be accompanied
by pictures showing the different
processes tot .operation irorn me
rough timber to the completed
product. Andjoon will be handled
the dry dock, ship building plant,
planing mill, foundry, machine
hoes and other industries,
Owintr to us location the St.
dhus school will have an import-
art mass of detail woik to do in
tlie preparation of this industrial
xlubit. it will cost quite a muu
sum to get the pictures, and it is
expected our good citizsns will be
called upon to assist the scliool in
carrying out its )roject.
ReutetMher thelate-r8ox Social
The Acme Lumber Company .
One of the most active business
institutions of St. Johns Is the
Acme Lumber Company, estab-
ished about seven mouths ago,
tud which does a strictly retail
ittsiucss and that only. Mr. W.
C. Marker is the popular mnnnger
of this popular enterprise. It Is
nn independent company, so far as
i. t.-k 5 concerned, for it linn-.'-
stub a Mail I . mul has
librral !....;. tila'.i-nu will.
l.iri'OsKuills nnd fm'tnrii'M n '.- "
tagcoutd) available. Thettc .ir-j
rangemenls have been peiu-ctcd iu
the interest of patrons. Its prt
mary aim is to please the people
I hat having been done so far iu
most creditable degree, its success
is assure
The stock- of the Acme Lumber
Company consists of all kinds 0
lumber, laths, shingles, sash am
doors, mouldings, lime, hair am
cement, building paper and build'
ers' hardware. All of its llooring,
ceiling, rustic and finishing lumber
is thoroughly kiln-dried by those
who understand the business. lis
direct connect ions with the big
mills and factories enables it to
miote the lowest prices 011 all
building materials and its slock is
A later dispatch says the gov
ernos has attached his signature
and St. Johns now has n charter
ample in its provisions lo meet, til
present requirements.
A delegation accompanied by the
M. W. A. band will go by spec! a
car lo the junction to receive the
delegates, Messrs. 'Chfptnati am
Mouahau, who bring, the charter
with them by "railroad."
patty will leave here nt 7:15.
friends of charter iuoiled.
.Special to The Review.
Sai.ism, .Or., Jan. 18. The new
city charter of St. Johns hns liven
passed both houses without optosl
tion, and is now iu the hands of the
enrloHng nnd engrossing clerks. It
will go to the governor for his np
proval Thursday evening.
The charter received much com
mendation from tnemlwrs of both
brunches of the legislature.
Ye Olden Time Ducns.
ttt. i t.
i ue lauies tint society 01 me
hvangelical church will give 11
unique entertainment at Uickner's
ion Monday evening. Jnuunrva.t.
the admission will be 5 scuts an'
witti tertater." Refreshments will
also be served at "15 sents ex t ray."
oiiowing is the program:
SONOIt 11V Tlllt OMl'l'OI.KH.
Spoke piece Pewit! Huultc
Mimic le trs llntiil
Itciiithii! Mr. TiiliiiMin
Spoke piece Joc llcncli
fqxike piece
IIhvwihmI Oiiiirlct
; .-.tsl ..K
always adequate to meet the demand
of nil contractors and prospective
mildcrs. Its facilities for handling
stock, being sufliciently equipped
with teams, enables the company to
insure prompt delivery. It will be
leased nt any tune to furnish esti
mates 011 any material that may be
needed by contractors ami pros-
pecttve builders.
This comoauv has an immense
woodshed, iu which it carries from
7SO to 1000 cords of dry wood al
all times, which it has already ac-
inired a reputation for delivering
promptly on order. In this line it
docs a remarKabie business,
Tlie Acme Ltimlier Company has
an "incline railway" 250 feet in
length, extending from the blttlT.
on which the offices anil yards are
ocated. to the (). K. iV N, track and
lo the mills on the bank of the river
Hflow, for the purmse of convey
ing stock to the yards and for gen
end use, as well. This miniature,
tit important, railway line is oper
ated by steam in the yards at the
company's offices, It has proved a
"track of usefulness," as Haywood
puts it, for all use it who want to
or the purpose of conveying
Vvigl.t of any kind from Ihc mill
;elow to the verge of the bluff, or
from the bluff to the railroad below.
The Acme Lumber Company is a
progressive concern in every sense
of the word. Its trade is local ; but
St, Johns is building up and ex
panding so rapidly that its vast
stock iu every line in which it deals
is consumed "at home." its busi
ness is entirely satisfactory to those
who have dealt with it, its manager
is popular with all who have met
11111 and the promise for futurct
prosperity is abundant- Knlarge
mcnt of the yards and the force
necessary lo take .rare of tlf in
creasing business, is abundant.
M. L. Noble, of Forest Grove,
was in St. Johns Monday inspect
ing our city with a view to locating
lcrc 111 business. Like all who
come itcrc, Mr. Noble is greatly im
prosccd with St. Johns and its fu
ture prox.-cts, aiid thinks no other
town on tlie coat compares wild it.
. . -. iftUMJjn ,
win unMUJjNiU' I
rimr 1
Business Room For Rent
Good Business Room on Jer
sey street, 25x50 feci.
Rent Reasonable.
St. Johns Land Co.
You can ultra) depend on tho cholcc.l
Hl.e.. m otdir toX ill, 'old mm. '
St. Johns Meat Market
wnnts autinlled la iiW..nnn li
St, Johns Markot
Jriy ntrtet cr. joiimb. onromi
Paper Hanging
A Fhio and Oomploto Lino of Wall
v&im Carried In, Block. Lateat
nIV aM,--JJUll.:
SiioVo piece. MIm) SliciMnl
Soiige... .....Vnt. Ileldlti
SKike nlcco Clyilo Tluyt-r
nxiKf 11 ice .tint, nun
boiiKC 1 lome hwect Homo
About People who arc Coming nnd
doing to St. Johns
Dr. C. S. Setitnnii, of Oregon
Lily, was lit hi, Johns .Sunday, a
uuesioi Air. runs.
Mr. 11 oven and wife, of. Coble.
Oregon, were in hi. Johns, t it
guests of Frank Smith the popular
street car mail.
W. H. Knight has moved back
to his old home near the Hour
mill. Old neighbors tire glnd to wel
come them back.
A. Frviue is now able to to Iks
oraimd again after nu illuww of kcv-
end weeks. He may now Iks found
nt his bench ns of yore. '
Miss HlnuchcL. Hanson ha gone
011 a short visit nt.bkainokuwa.
Washington. She is the truest of
Mrs. Jessie Hggmau.
Uev.O. W. Stockton is in the city
from Oakland, Oregon, looking up
projK-rty for iu vestment. He ex
jcct.s to put up one or more house
to rent. .
Jxs llickuer, of Hicknernrothers
was (inietlv married iii'.l'ortlniul
yesterday afternoon, to Mntf'Mi C.
Wells, of this city. Judge Webster
officiated. -
Andy Tower, of Oregon City, wt
the guest of Mr. nnd Mrn. P, T
I fausoii 011 Tuesday. He wan look
ing after the projierty nlerets of
his brother, the late A, ITower.
Daniel Ilrecht returned Sunday
moruuig Irom a trip along the
Sound, Visiting Shellon, Taroma
and Olympia as well as oilier, towns,
and reports that St. Johns is the
m-iie&t place He bar, bw.t 011 the
P. M. Shadduck, a brother of A. S,
Shaddiick, is stopping with hi wife
and family at the Central Hotel. 'Mr,
Shaddiick is from Fort' Jones, Cal.,
and bar cone to St, Johns to reside
criuaucntly. He has bought four
ots in St. Johns, and will build a
tome for himself in the near future.
Claude Williams, who for sev
ral years has Iwen chief clerk for
the K, M. Wade Hardware Co., of
MeMmnvilIe, accompanied by his
wife, has been visiting his parents.
Mr. and Mrs.-H. P. WHianw, and
us cousin, W, F, Johnson. They
eft Wednesday for tJjcx, where
Mr. Williams will take charge of
a branch house tjicre (or the sapie
J. M. Moore..
fATNUtia. PAl'llR nANQ-
WKl'l'lNO .A .If; :
A mWru-u;
Rt. Johns Pnrk
For Choicest Cuts
Of f RRIUf MHA-rfl, RRCr, VOKlC
Urn, Ilaran, TdirJ. Hit., aUara lb. bad
0l u it trial
0TH11KT. K.r Hchbol
F. J. Koerner
All work
Uriiitr us p and we will seikl the
Keview to your frkand for. it year.
I'linm nml niH-clflcnlioiiH
Airiii.slit'il on upplicutioii,
10110 Willi noatiiesa una
watohmaMr "
nail practical nt that. Aii)1wis
in tho Una of rxfirinir, watcli
clcnnint,', or properly fitting you
with sjlaisiiw, nml evurytliing ful
ly tpmriuitccd or no pay, f;o to
The Jwlur
Ilia pricoj are riiflit and lio will
uutisfv you. Call and ninko Ida
R M Al L'lWCi
W. III. Wf).)li
Poultry Yard
Hrks for haf chlnu from three strains
o thorotKhbrel Poultry.
Ilarrul Plyiiiouih Rocks, $2 per setN
WliHe.Wyandottcs and S. C. l
horns, $ 1.50 per siting.
IncuUtor IU. 14 pt-r 100. Alu oiu fine tlock
lormly VI4tvfiftlwa)MtUomc.
Phone Union 1305
Point View Addition, St. Johns
Flooring, Ceiling, Rustic,
Aa4 All KUda of BaiUiu&
OfiUfial ,
tMM..ft T..y. rt z k
MOJ. At TOOT linHtntMir
9 O ,1V1
ifmliiii i 1 1 illiTT