St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 13, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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    "I v
c.riihl. IWI. k T. C McClr . ... tf
LtTTrrr" ll''l-l"'ii Hil"l'll'l'im''l"
Thl! Institution was too new to Scar-
jti . . ...lilt mirflif nnrn
i1 - .mi. imt tlicro was rnoro
Slfcnc wl'" trea Bt.Kseat that Da
5 iwcott Im.l erred in ranking hla
M . . . i..ri,.n uw nnvinir toller. Not
Kriuil "not milted to tbo
lui 11,1,1 i
Siwonimi teller wns unuaunl.
rammcnt did not worry Proacott
XloWW I" ' tank amounted to
(wi n..r cent of tho capital
Snrifll. ninl at tho directors' meeting
pvtsi".. ,l. ni.nliui
' .. . i..,t miircest Any ono bet-
' ... iin. .i iiirmiifli nrdiinlntnnco or
Lrtnw.'f nt figures. Tlmt settled tho
titter oiiiuiiNjt
....... timt- niilrn oncned It was Ma-
pretty blond licnd which was
wa turougn me ihhiu ium mjuum
rvi i t'iif Inc Toller."
B(rt Howard was tlio receiving tell-
f mil tins was runner cnusc iur uum-
miiiu, iiavi: ti oivi: You homk ooliv
to for Ilcrt lind been n willing olavo
u Marlon ever slneo tho days when
Wcvxl to drng her to nchool on bU
Utey roiniuvnU hnd been mndo In
at postoillco and nround tbo atovo In
Tu font's grocery, but after Ned Da.
till J been Noundly thraHhcd by I low.
ltd for suggesting (hot If tho pnlr of
Kurt livid their ponltlotm long enough
bj would bnvo no troublu starting
nrroiterly tlicro wna nn abrupt eta
k&o of thla sort of gonlp, and tho
fast otlk-um were accepted without
ctbrr cotntuvnt.
hi It wnri not plcnsunt aalllng for
krtiad Marlon. Ho had been given
ka position not becnuso Prvacott ap
plied of hi Ntilt for Murlon'a hand,
Wttwnue, llko Marlon, ho hnd been
at cost available person for tho po
fica l'rcseott. In hla hard, dttn
JS&M volco, bad assured tho young
tu that If ho over caught a gllinpse
ikt making In bualuce hour there
V1 bo un Imported teller In the
tot wltuln twenty-four hours.
h It woa that man and maid were
Kforce content with audi satisfaction
hiouM como from tho kuowlodgo of
fcrtber's propinquity, aud even Tony
tTtctit, who would Imvo been ulad to
w bU rival disposed of, could find
we for talc bearing.
Dlut, with Prcscott, Bert and Ma
constituted tho clerical force of
Flnt National, and, oddly enough,
nwcott, UBually nn excellent Judge of
"wner, ravorcd Tony's aspiration
w Uartou'a hand. Tho ono unpleas
at ffaturo of her position waa the fact
t ibo had frequently to conault
ikj ti bookkeeper, and ho nover let
Niu opportunity to proas hla suit
Ia tho agfnt of the Choator Dank
Kit COnipanv camo to BnrmMt una
hoar, driving over from the near
t railroad town boblnd a pair of
jutlng bays. Curtis was the name
wrncr of tho cord he presented
PmCOtt OS hl Htmltnil nnannniltiuX
? the president's ofllce.
COt eelllnc bnnlc vnnltn nram nnt ha
Jpil business, for after awhile
tt catno out of his office. "Here
check for which Mr. Curtis wants
cub," ho Bajdi thrusting the slip
Mper tlirOriL'll in wlntnnr n tm.
" iou havo a package of tboa-
dollar bills In the comer of toe
7 ,a. There are twenty-flve of
QIle will tako the other half la
Virion lrviiiwi
hce, white and drawn.
j jqu sure U all rlgntr
iJ"1 Pushed lightly.
ion aro not going to dishonor your
rrr own check, are your he sai4
fashion. "Mr. Prescott wUl
you that it Is all right"
m movul closer to the bank pre
w, and Prescott. with the ornate et
l?Tc4verpros . m rm0. coole)
only nod fits aseenC Curtis had as
sured him that at the first sign of at
tempted communication with any of
tha two clerks all would be shot and
he would be safe la tho country before
tho crime waa discovered. Prescott
waa a brave man, but he agreed with
Curtis' argument that the money would.
ao mm uttio gooa u no were to De snot
for refusing It
Marlon gave one more curious glance
at the pair and turned toward the.
vault. In a motnentshe reappeared.
' Oh, BerC'nnieTuinSi; "ivTiry&il please
,.orr j hero and help mo to move this
Howard went to her nld, whllo Cur
tis fldgoted about, urging Prescott to
make haste. There was small danger
of Interruption from a customer or
from Tony, who lunched at that hour;
but, being n skilled workman, he liked
to Bco n Job dono expeditiously.
In a couple of minutes the pair re
turned. Marlon carried n packago of
bills, while Howard awwig a bag cov
ered with wax seals.
"I shall havo to give you eomo gold,"
said Marlon awcetly as sho tumbled
tho bills on tho shelf beneath tho win
dow of her cago and prepared to count
"You see, wo keep most of our reserve
on deposit in town, and for local uao
wo havo mostly small bills."
"Gold will do," responded Curtis ami
nbly. "I am not particular, though, of
course, tho largo bills are easier to ban
Howard came around tho corner
with tbo gold, but before Curtis could
grasp the bog of coins It descended up
on hla head with force sufficient to
knock his heavy hat over hla eyes and
stun him before tho ready pistol In hla
coat pocket could bo fired.
Ten minutes later, under tbo revlv
Ing Influence of lco water applied ex
ternally and brandy In Internal appll
cations, Curtis woke up. Howard stood
over him, completing tho work of se
curing htm with rope.
"You will pardon mo, Mr. Curtis," ho
Raid blandly, "for not recognising you
more quickly; but you see, the slip
sent out by the Dank of Tacoma gave
your namo as Peters, aline Mauvel and
other names. In fact Miss Prescott
was tho first ono to ace your game. No,
I wouldn't bang Miss Prescott" ho con
tlnued as ho caught tho muttered ex
clamation. "You know the proverb
about curses and chickens roosting
homo. Tlicro Is that llttlo matter of
killing tho president and cashier of the
First National of Caswell"- He turn
cd to greet tho solo pcaco officer of
which tbo town boasted.
"That's hi in I" shouted Tony from the
rear. "X aaw htm walk up and hit
him over tho bead."
Conatablo Post looked about awk
wardly. "I'm afraid there's some mis
take," ho growled. "You didn't tell
mo It waa Mr. Howard you wanted
"Arrest Howardt" ahouted Prescott
"Why, bo's Just knocked out ono of the
slickest bank thlovee In tho country
and saved aay life as well. Dwlght
you get out of here, you mlterablo lit
tle sneak. Bert, I'll doublo the reward
the Dank of Tacoma offers, and If you
and Marlon can't worry along on that
and your salary you don't deserve to
get married. Post you take this fel
low over to tke lockup and give him a
headache powder. I gueea he needs It
after that clip nert gave him.. I'm go
ing to the telegraph oalce. Drt you
and Marios stay here and fix things
From Ida glance one could not tell
whether be meant the disordered office
or more Important matters, but Ikrt
and Marlon knew or at least thsy used
their own Judgment
Tk Mat AscUat Stelaa.
The oldest architectural ruins In the
world are believed to bo the rock cut
temples at IpaambooL on tlio left bank
of the Nile, la Nubia. The largest of
these sBdeat temples contains fourteen
anartaaents hewa out of solid atose.
The largest single stone used la this
work Is one which forms a veranda-llke
projection sloag one aids of the mala
teeaple. It to Ifty-sevea feet long, if-ty-twe
broad aad sereateea (one ac
count says ataeteea) feet thick. This
colossal stone to supported by two
rows of massive sasare pillars, four la
each row aad each thirty feet sigh.
To each of these pillars to attached a
colossal igare of a huama bUg, rsaca
big from loor ta reef. Ia frost of tke
mala teeaple are seated still ether co
lossi, fear la cumber, the two largest
being each sUty-Ivs Jeet high.
The oar Mat we save u M tu
actual sge of these areMtsetaral rel
ies to frees ScaUk, the British sTptel
ogtot, was says, "The colaaal attaeasd
to the celaaaas walea support the large)
stees meatjpaod are each palatsd la
gaudy colors la a klad of etvees, appar
atly as arllasat aovr after a tapes of
over s000 years as wheat arst 114 os,"
A story to teM si a speech recently
mads by aa Irish barrister la a eewt
ef law. Ke was far the plalatis;, whose
r aad beea kasehai aewa im kWe4
by a traht, aa4 this was the eeataa-
'"If the traia had beea rua aa tt
aboBld have beea raa, or if the beM bad
beea raag as M should have 0eea raag,
or If the whistle had beea blows as K
aheald have beea blew, both of which
they sad aeittisr, the sew would set
have beea aajwed waea she was kiiv
,. I'
f i
If youhaveiVt f ully madc up your
mind and are considering cost,
come to us, and let us make you
an estimate on cost of lumber,
good dry lumber too. We have an
immense stock, all grades.
Its a whole lot cheaper to own
your own home than it is to pay
rent, and we can prove it to your
satisfaction if you give us a chance
We want to furnish you Lumber
because its our business.
Foot Westanna St.
. . Phone East 1846 I
- 1 '