a 1- 4 ftl fcjh I I? ; if V 1: .1 ! .1 L THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW l'nbtltlied Kferjr frlJtjr Kfanlnf. CP.OMI! A CAKTi'K, Editors and PublUhcra Nnbtfrlptliiti ttlei, $1.00 per rear In adran'. Aitrrrti.lng rate, $1.00 vtr Inch par month. 411 adfartltltiff kills payatla flrt of nch tnonlh, Jab Printing i'icul l In Art elan iljle. Hill) for Job Printing th on lliTery. All rommtinlcatlon) ibould bs addraued la Tha Review, HI. John), Oregon, ODlclAl Kowipiper of tbo City of St. Joknf, fRIDAY EVENING, January 13, 1905. I,ATK THIS WKIiK. Wc bog the indulgence of our pntrons this week. TJie installa tion of a newsletter press has una voidably delayed ns. I Iereaf ter we Iiojk: mid promise to put out our paper promptly on time. ANNOUNCliMliNT. W. N. Carter, formerly editor of the Album Courier, linn associated himself with J. C. Crome in the publication of Tint UitviHW. I'AKIJ AUVKKTISINO. Tlie Lewis and Clark fair is nt tnieting adventurers, exploiters mid "fakirs." They are coming in droves, and not the least con- spiciious ninoiig them is the tidver thiiiig "fakir." He is here ready for the unwary, and with a gift of lejk talk Is picfteiiting all kinds of Wilieiniw in order to gather up the dotlais. In nearly all eases these KohuuiiK ate full of piomise to the victim but without any k'tieficial lutuill whatever. In ninety-nine Mine out of one hundred, the te tut im of Mich advertising are wholly and eutiiely woithleiw. To p.ition ihme fnkits Is wor than wast ing money, it is cnntiihiitiug to a cUmm of K.ople who live by their ullH, and me iu good on earth. Wu win ti the biisiuetw men of St. Johns to look out for these fakirs; doiil k hilkwl. All growing pin Xicftdvc towns me tcgiirded as iiiioii piey for thisclass of "fuk- im", and they generally work them ton finish. Our eopIe are pro Riemdw mid HIk'IiiI adveitiseis, If the milium Is shown to lie legiti mate mid will bring good tustilts, ONCK MOKJv TIIH I'AKK. Tint Uitviuw linsudvooiitcd the puiehiiM- of p.uk gioumlsfor city in; v thought, and Mill think, tlNit Ilk illy on i Id make no mlv lukoby seeming a niiltiiul grove In the hem t of the city on which to elect a city hall ami other buildings which the incii.ing imputation mid iiiitnlauce of the city will at no distant day demand. This Hirw. w believe, fiom an econ omic tmidHiiiit, vidtie as yet not huliiK too high, or not ucmly M high they will k u very few yum hence, as well as fiom mves ally, would in a veiy slant while Iihvo piovcii ti piocr one. In ulioit we Micve it was in the lKt iuteieNt of all the eoptc, ThU view of the mutter, itapH.nrs, in not Hhaiuil by a huge iiiiiiiIkic of mil fellow citiicu-.. It u nigued, mid IMX without itptMieiit good ica w, tlwt the city U not in Hitiou. flimik-iidly, to 4assiime the obligu tioiw Mich a put chase would im "0; that other mid more iinjmrt nut tiwttvin will aUoibour nvuilu lile tuiiMiic. Theie is, of com so, it UeiiMud tiiti our assets for cer tain immiveuienti that should not j Miwl cnHimt Ik; iicKlectwl or set' nMe. The city is youne; yet. ami I nlmuM entiivly without the many uvciwiiiy thiu,s which p,o towaid plHcliig it in the Hsitiou to which u m piiimlly aspire. The discus- ready for the proposition, and, as Tim Uhvikw aims to advocate no measure except for the good of the whole community, it will not fur ther urge the matter. , lint there is an emergency at hand. The city council has decid ed to purchase fire equipment, such as hose, hose carts and hook and ladder truck, and these, to Ik; effective, must Ix: housed and cared for. The block on which the city building now .stands has passed into the hands of paities who in tend building and improving the same for business purposes, and the city is forced to seek another location. What will le done? That land must Ixs secured some where is a stern fact. The present council will have to make the move in this matter. To rentier he fire apparatus of benefit, a site must be .selected in close proximity to thi. present business center. No matter in what direction from the corner of Jersey and Philadelphia streets, it should lc close ill. It would be wise, we think, to secure an entire block, if tiossihlc, with the view of providing for the re quirements of the near future. The cost, of course, would be ma terially less than either of the park sites, but public opinion, witli few exceptions, is in favor of sufficient ground both for present and future demands, mid we believe the coun cil will be fully justified in making the purchase at once, k'toie values luetease, as they are bound to do. A few weeks delay will most prob ably mean it matter of several bun- died dollars to the city. 'BUYING RUBIES IN BURMA. (rlp nnil Klarna t'anl In llnrunlnlna Vor I'rrrliiim Stoiira. 'J'Jio peculiar ImiMiic nu'tlioiU of orl nihil iiii'rcliitiiM iirv llliwtrntitl liy tli miunicr of buying rtililes In llunnn, miys tint Jrwi'lent (IlrciilnrWiTkly. In tin) einiiilimtlon of rulilt nrtlllclnl llxlit Im not umiiI, (tit) ini'ivliiiiit liolil Inif tlmt fall Miiillu'it iiloiii' can tirliiK nut Itio color ami lirlllliiney of tlio Ki'iiiH. Hull niiixt tlierrfun take plnca iii'twreii t) m. ni. nnil !l . in., mill tlm ky iiiiml Im elenr. 'I'Im iitireluiHiT, ilnil nenr n win ilnvc, littx ln'forc lilin n lnrKi' mpMr pliitt1. Tlio Ni'llont tuiiip Id t i 1 it) olio liy one, unit rni'li eniptles upon tlilx pin In his Utile Inn; of rallies, 't he purcluiBer priK-iN to ftrronun IIipiii for vnlim- Una In it munlier of hiiiiiII Iimiph. Tim llntt tllvUloii Is Into limit KrituY, lie conlliiK to slri'. ICncli tif tliew uriiupn I RKtitn tllvlitctl Into Hint) piles, ne contlni; to color, ninl ench or tliino piles Is iticitlaillvlill Into llini- Kroupn, nceortlliiK to slmpr. Tin lirlulit copper pinto hits n carlotiM tine. Tlio HiitillKtit rvlltvleil fntni It tlimuuli tlio Mono. hrtiiKs out with true nililen it color of-1 fret illlTerent rmia tlmt with nil pl iit'ls ninl tiiuriniillnin, which nr thus rually sepnrutttl. Ttio tinier unit seller then K' throutsh it very peetilliir mettiml of linrutilnliii; ly sIkh, or, mthrr, t&i, In iKTfect lleiu'o. Artor njcrtH-htR upon tho fnlr-j Henri of Hit iliidKlileiilloii they Join i ttielr rlulit liumls, eoverttt with a hnntl- lervhlef or (ho Hup of n uiirinent, nnil hy erlps ninl prem's inutunlly an- iltTtftixxl iiiiioiik nil tlitiit ileulem tin liutki. inixllfy ninl ntx-ejit pripnM of purvlntKo mill fule. 17 for tlie finest looxioo feet In Point View. , Several Inside lots at J8o to fS$ each rt Point View. The finest 50x100 feet business corner in St. Johns, iaoo. , Pine Klve. view lot in St. Johns Park for D, C. Rogers THE REAL ESTATE MAN ST. JOHNS, OIUttiON Boulevard Addition To St. Johns. High laud between car line and river. Lots 50x100, alleys $200 Kasy monthly Payment!. Q. II. VANHOUTEN, St. Johns Paper Hanging ORNAMENTAL PAINTING AND GRAINING A BrtCIALTY ALL WORIC GUARANTEED D. S. SOUTHMAYD A Fino and Oomploto Lino of Wall Paper Carried in Stock. Latest Patterns. ST. JOHNS HEAR VCHXER TA0T0RY OUR FAITH For Choicest Cuts or rncsH meats, Bner, fork OB IfUTTOH KINDLE & WINDLE CAN ritEASE TOU lUtn, lliton, I.ari, Klf., lwi;i th b.tt Olta ui trlil jcnsnr STAR MARKET VTREBT. Nr flehool HOtlf F. J. Kocrncr 4... CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER I'lnns ntul siHcil1cntloiis promptly fnruixlieil 011 application. All work lonu with ncrtlitCKM ninl tllnpatcli. HYPOCRITE AND VILLAIN. PIANOS Thoe who nre interested in Pianos should not fail to ex amine the liire and iniiniilfi cent line of Pinuos hnudletl hy August W. Meyer rim Ornllr Trruta I'I)mut Oar Aillril tu rursral. A ntnnlMT of profewtloiml men werti ichniikiuir ri'iuliiUceniH or Kilwln! Torrent, tin reat trni:elliiii. O110 of them tolil the Htorv of I'orrint's eiiMTl-l eiieo In the went, which wim not only WATCHMAKER of Inwrent In llelr, btit nlao u tribute JEWELER to tin urt of the actor, The play Man "Vlrtilnlun," mul 1'or rvot wiw itt hi In tin mvne whrro hu HkiyH hla iluuthler the iuiJI' eiiett wh tiluioat Jtrickeit with uwe. ntul not a houikI wim liettnl utttll th hvuo wtu eoucliiiloil, nfter which the ttrtUt wiu Krwtnl with overio erluj; npplauao, In the following net Vlruln liu eunert on ttio nuiko looklnK wom ntul ttUtrnctl. Tlio reaction bun mt la, he U frentltHl over the I0&1 of hli tlutiKhter, unit ho walks tip mid down, eryltn; outs "Vlrslnla, VlrKlnlul Wher In my rttiur If you want the He.t there is at prices and terms that can not Ik: diiplieated liy other dealers, nets him. Ami there is one tiling you should lenr in mind, he will not diop you like n hot jkituto after you have lMU)ht, hut will try ami please you as much then'as hefon. 74 Sixth Street PORTLAND, Or. OPTICIAN ami practical at that. Anvlhiiur in the liuu of repairing, watch 1 eleanimr, or proiwly lltting you' inn hi.iv;, nun cvrrytiiiuj; Hil ly miarantreil or no pay, o to A. E. WILSON, The Jeweler II nt prices nre rilit and lie will iutihtv you. Call ami make bin nciiuiiiiitttuce. ST. JOHNS, onrnnv An old miner, who occupied a frout ! " -- - - - row lu the orchestra aud who had Ihvu ' U. At. LALKINb terribly wroudit i by the murder X f j tjei'iu. eoulil hlutid thla no longer niul. r OUItrU Y UPti Sioil of the junk tpiuMiou has arUInt: In hU plaw, houtd out lu Ptrus for imtclilnvr fmm llinx mT. brought o, the fae, that, while a ,n""bU - ottitSSivT latae iHiijonty would like to havei "Wtty. you old villain, you kllim her IJanvd mouth Rocks, per set- uiiK. White W'yandoltes nnd S. C. Leg horns, 1.50 per siting. Innilutor lota ti ptr too. Atw aorae 6ae atock lir Ml. ViJtuia alttaya wtlcouif. Uiiy yjthe two tkv.imhle sjkUs stH)k-1 ,H the mnrket houae In the last act ;?Buf.U,e ,?ple w.u, .hould m uio mio juileo in umttets uher.. fiuyh a ctMisidemhle sum of their "JOMHy, IS U In. expended, are not Tbo laughter and applause that uret .l thhi uueipected turu lu the per fortuaixv mmto It neoosnary to Hug down Uio curtulu. Harder' WciXJy, Photic Union 1305 Point View Addition, St. Johns -IN- ST. JOHNS Is' best expressed by our guaranty of 20 per cent increase in value of property during the coming year Tills guaranty provides that in case tlie proper ty you purchase does not increase in value at least 20 per Cent 30 per cent during one year from date of purchase we will refund your money with 6 cr cent interest This same gaurunty we have been offering .since we first undertook to get industries nt St. Johns, something over three years back nnd up to date no one has ever asked for his money back. Lots and Acreage on Installment Payments Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. O. L. CHAPEL, Agent at St. Johns. OOOO 0b40O4O00C00O; Bickner Brothers Department Store All Goods Sold at Portland Prices ! Keen a large ateck of General Merchandise, includim? Dry Ooodg Feed J Pc0CSinGerie3' SiffilSr1 r!j n n 1 eTfrJtb,ne- fuelr Price are " v .1 5 WMte your time B!nS 1 ortland, but come in and see our tock and priced. Remember The Big Department Store Corner Jersey Street and Broadway St. Jokaa, Ortfoa rmiiirgiifiii -,:..-,.. -" . . a