THE REVIEW nrtfat. Aa n mntlcr of fnct very Uttlo I of lils llfo hns been spent In America, i lie wna born' In 185(3 In Florence. As n fellow nrtlst ouco wrote, "Ills fnlry Bodmotherrt necni to linvo divined tbnt lie wns to becomo n arent nrtlst nnd ... . 11 n..i 1. 1 AM . i.i . i. -1 ( nuw iu ii kuiib urn uus biiuuiu kul iuvu first cllninso of the world In one of tho . I itinaf. lionllllftll nf Mm nlirlnna nf nrt " . ON. CIUUNCKV M. DnPBW'S rng pnrcnts wcro Ainerlcnns, tracing nrn Mint.' I fit? M Htrfillf? , n.) i i. t n People qf'ffote Who Are In the JVetvj friends nro making Hirong flglit In favor of bis cnndldncy n new tenu In tho United Ktnlc pciinte. Kx-Gnvcruor Prank S. it ick of New York Is his only oppo nent. n,,ior I,r,,cw ici n torsr ",.m,t n cardener on his estnto oil tho ttu.l'on who owes his portion to n I over retort. The man had been cm 1 ployed In n menial portion. Ono day lie approached the enntor and nsked for n recommenda tion. Mr.Uepcwpood nnturedly consenteil, had n nolo prepared nnd Blncd It. Tho man took tlio letter nnd read It without n word. Don't you think It favorable enough?" lil employer. "Oli It couldn't bo better than you maJe'lt," Mid the man. "but"- llut what?" paid Mr Drpew, mir nrlscil at ' wnn'a nudaelty. "Well, sir," paid the man In n ilepre catnip tone. "It nceiim ho good, ulr, that me something neiier io uu u.i ftrondh of n reeommeiidntlon that." their nnccstry back to tho earliest colo- tESATOIt llWLW. lilsts. He wns odticnted In Prance, nnd his studio hns beeri for innny years In linden, Yet there Is nn American nt mosplicro about hl work that Is held to Justify his classification ns nn Aniop lean nrtlst. Snrgcnt Is pnsslountcly f ...A t l- tf l ........ - I.IM ........ t to bis piano, nnd his command of uiu ileal art seems almost equal to bis mastery of Hint of tho painter. Itepresontntlvo John James Jenkins f Wisconsin Is ono of tho llcpubllcnn Members of tho committee from the louse of representatives which Is to Miiduct tho prosecution of Judgo Charles Swayno In tho Impeachment proceedings In tho sennte. Mr. Jen kins was n laborer In tho pine woods jf Wisconsin nbottt thirty years ngo. tlo wus born In Weymouth, England, In IS in, nnd in ills family came bcTng only flvo feet eight Inches. As Sur geon Vcr Mulcn con sidered the mnttor ho remembered that longlctters to tho na vy department wcro not nlwnys given that prompt atten tion ho thought should bo nfforded In the present In w. e. ciiANDi.nn. ntnnce, so he deter mined to approach the nuthorltles In n manner novel enough to Impress them with tho gravity of the situation. So ho addressed his nuperlor ofllccr In this wise: Tlio Ilonorabto tho Secretary of tho Navy! Sir Length of surgeon, six fcot four, height of wardrobe, nvo fort eight, ne glectfully. 13. C, VKll MW.EN, Assistant Burgeon, U. 8. N. Shortly after tho nnvy department dotnebed Ver Mulcn "until bucIi tlmo ns n raoro suitable ship could be found for his assignment." tho like itr.t'iiian.icTATivj: many yenr Jenkins. Getieml lie did not recall tlie The members of tho International comtaMon which has assembled In I'urU to Itnesllgato the Dogger bank affnirnreiill men of eseoptlonnl knowl hltc of maritime law ns well ns naval iffiilM In general. Tho Itiuuliiii mem ber of the coinmllon, Admiral judic ial Kntnnkofr, has held Important com-, niM-us In the naval service of litis- ( flantul l retmixleil in one of tho nblest i offlcert In that branch of thu czar's , Me Is of Judicial torn- , wramcnt and conciliatory nmiiiu-r nnd cousin legislator by n friend. Dillon. "I enw you ouco u good ii Omlral KnxnnkofT Is remembered ttli ploiiMirc In Amrrlcn, to which ho mM a vl'.t at tho tlmo of tho Colum bia Mp'-iHon. I'lirtlctilarly good fctlliig l itwtvn ItutHln nnd tho Cnltcil ulr Mlstwl at that time. Admiral KHiinli.'ir as In command of tho Hilron which was sent to Amcrlcn In liouor or mo o Idiuhlan annlver Mry He mpiltted liltftflf In htKll n laMtur nJ l en Ikiikv the i. 'ml ItsMwc-n the two Mtlon. When tho ItuoUn warnhlps were niulwriil In tlx lltMiuiii river at ,Vw York tlo Par raeut Aki.iUoii of Navnl elerani of l( port of New York The nininrlrsn One. Mrs. Colhtirn removed her outer gar ments and seated herself with a thud In her rocking chair In the front win- i dow. "I declare, I never saw such a , , i I Tvi wililcr ns that young woman tho mlu- to tho Unl 1 States and settled n ttls-1 ,8(cr ,uarrItnl , , . llfo,., 8(ll(t ronsln lis educational opportunities , Jor,, 0 rflll ,1CP Aamlng ba,i tvoro I nil eil, but ho studied law nnd Jowu'llo tho licc, or JIr Colburn's hns ndmlttixl to tho bnr, was elected stocking to tho Wisconsin legislature, served as ; j ,t 0 ,0 Mls, cncou j county Judgo nnd also ns United GrnvCf), of nu nficrnooI1 or down t0 Stntcs ntlomey In Wyoming, then a Ul0 Btoro , tho mlm mt t ,,on.t territory. Ilo is now t in1B ,i ,,nrn n -,, i,w nmninf serving his fifth or Kol))K( thre0 (tllcs mil . nvo! term as rvpresentn-1 ,.ai,.u ,..i .(. inn mhiik. yo of the MnentlJ ued Mn Colbuni( nl knoi In her darning cotton till It 1 1 roue and her Wisconsin district In congress. Repre sentative Jenkins served In thu Uulou nriny In the civil war nnd uiiulo n tlno record. When Gen eral Pilxhiigh Leo was at the capltol one day not long , hI:ico ho was Intro duced to the Wis- elbow flew back against tho sharp edge of tho table. "I enn't look over at her front window but what she turns her eyes this wny Inside o flvo minutes, Don't sit there looking so utiinh, Wil liam! Can't you see I've half killed myself 7 Ketch me the liniment, quick I" Youth's Companion. AIIMIUAI. It A. KAKOrr. (uM Aihalral Kaiinkott a vUlt on hi Cjs.h.p, Hie Dlmllil Doimkol, nnd mulo him a iiu'iiiIrt of tho society, rrtMiilliig him with tho hniidsoiuo gold ttilnl of tho nuiioclntloi). Itear Ail ago," mid Mr. renin rked that event. i "It wns near llmudy Hlntlon," con-, t Intuit Mr. JenkliM. "You wore riding nt tho head of n column of men, mount-. eil on ii gray homo nnd wearing n black pliitno In your hat. , "You didn't seo tin," nddiHl Mr. Jen kins. "You didn't oven know tho Ynn-1 keos were near. We wuro pouted out ( In thu wood, and nn I wiw you riding , by I nlmcd my musket ns carefully ns , I could nnd fired. I wns much chagrin-1 itl then to noto Hint you rode on, your black plume Htlll waving, hut I nut vciy glad now that the bullet misled IU mark." General I.ce, too, expresned his grntlll ait Ion that Jenkins on Hint occnvlou provfil n poor marksman, and tho two adjourned to tho senate rontaurniit, where tho buttle of llmudy Station wns fought over ngnlii. Henry II. Itogcrs, the Ktundnrd Oil magnate who has been dletiKed no much since ThomnH W. UtWhou "wrote Kill lluiiillllr ii f Piilrll. A young preacher In nu uptown church was much struck one Sunday by tho seeming effect his sermon wns having upon one of his congrexntlon, n shabby genteel innn with white hnlr who throughout the entire dlxcourno Knt with bend bowed In deeply reverent attitude. After tho service tho min ister pushed his wny to tho innn nnd proudly nnld: "I inn glad to noto that my sermon nffected you. Did It innko you nee the error of your way?" "Oh, It wasn't that," said tho man sheepishly. "Yoii'hoo. my Is too short, and I had to bond over to lildo my shlrt'-Clcvelnnd tender. A Trnmji'K I'rotilnn. A tramp having found n lion's f cith er In his travels nbout the city kept It until night, when ho carefully placed It on tho pavement In a' back alley and Hlept upon It. Awaking next morning nnd looking ncornfiilly upon tho bit of down, ho exclaimed! "Ceo whlzl If ono feather l ns hnrd to sleep on ns that, what nitist n whole bodftil bo?" WliMl'a In n Nnnir. ivfnvlm I linvn nil lll-lv color, ns TOll mlral II. H, Ditboruo was mtutor of ccr-1. hliu up" In n mngnxliie, Is a man who .. gn(l t)l0 c'flrrot to tho beet, "but moMM for thu Americans, nnu in re-1 mien otner nnniicini uintr wuu ense. , ...,,., i , ... - .. . .!. n ...I.I..... . " 1 ifoixlliiB to his n uuyrks Aduilrnl :Kn uilo.T win much itfTccli-d. ilo cm kawl Adaiiml Onhnrne nnd kliued Mttt, arcortbng lo the Itiimlnn cuxtoin, M both cluvks nnd on tho forehead. "I nnnot kl you nil," ho f aid. "hut I do Mia filling" llo touchetl hi hand to U rap ami gnvo nu order. A buii won thotiah ho bo by triil, tl.e lliiluii llsg llultered from tho ellto of nil (liian ilt Dtritt, the American vvterou tin rorvml tlnlr hnud mid tho Ituilan ultort iliirred. Tho ceremonle over. ttoAtucrlcniu wero royally entertnlnetl la tie culiln of tho tlnghlp. Speaking of hi hub' It nt meeting of corporntlom with which ho Is con nectitl, Mr. LnwNon write: "8 ii r r o it it d o J tun gono I hnpo noiiiu ono limy any a good wow ror me. u sccum io mo u dead carrot ha n better chance for respect than n dead beet." And the beet turned even redder In the fnco nnd had nothing moro to say. Aiucr- ' A man Is never happy until ho 1ms censed to enro whether bo la or not Chlcngo Tribune. It. II. IIOOttlM. ArtUls nro proverbially poor, but Un nud then I nu nrtlst whoo pro friloaal uaw ha made him very rich. Ono of theo fortuimto fow I John 8. Sargent, upon whom tho world' fair nt St. touts recently be itownt high honor. Some of tho great Ht nrtUu have llveil nnd died por t B. PrnucolH Millet, for In- itADce, could paint great picture, hut childou). tho tlowor of tho tie brains of lea, you will utircly hear hi Hhani, In cbilve, kteel clicking Oentlemeih nro wo ready for tho vote? Por I tvsret to say that I hnvo another Important and uimvoldnblo nuvtlng nt -.' "Vim look ut vour wntch. Tho tlmo ho mentions I twelve or nt tho moat I llfteon minute nwny. Thero I no j , t , d , ,k , KCIU.raiiy on chnnco for dUcunslon. Cut iind dr led , "f1 onT Wlfo-Well, you reKoiutloiis aro prompuy put iu i ,t , )k g0 ,,,, vote, nud off goes tho master to hi , nwa" other engagement, wuicii win yo uw lluw JIfii Die. Moro men dlo from worry than from overwork; tnoro uttitT themselves to death thnn dlo of starvntlon; moro btvnk their necks railing down tho col lar Btnlm than climbing iiiountnliw. 0. II torlmer. lie Hiilintitril, Iliubnnd-DId you ever notli-e, my I'm not deaf. Snvnt U Mid to make from' tho sale of hl jMtlutlngH nbout twlco ns Inrgo nn lu-oino n that of the president of tho United Ft.ites, Yet ho I not tnerco- Wjr He eiaild innko moro than 100, The Curliin tlBiiynu Tree, Itotanlats long ngo voted tho banyan trco of India n phico In tho catalogue of wonderful vegctublo production. In Us Infancy It resembles other tree lit hnvlug u eluglo ntetn or trunk nud a denso head of foliage. As tho trco In creases In site, however, tho branches (spread out horizontally to such n won drous extent thnt they would ho unable b hnda't tho capacity for gettlng'rich. !Htl ot In tho nmo peremptory fash- ( ion." ' Serious bustnen innn though ho la, Mr, ltoger now and then Indulge In a Joke. The Now York Times relates thnt Homo tlmo ago ho was visited by I OOO a year If ho would tako moro com- i ono ot his friends, who had been uudcr oUsIoih, Hut thero comes n time overy ho weather for months, Mr. llogers , Tear Whi n lio r.-fn Innulml after tho health of his caller. 1 In. a ' ..m . . . i .... I ... . .Ia.,.. rt t- T nl'iL. In c-iirtrt- rlinnik-nlriij liml ittt mi liifik miew rrom perrions who wnnt their 1 navo oeeii ninjmi, uuhh j.j.v i......v,,. ..... PortralU pslnti-d, tlees from his ndmlr- wood. N. J., for six months." wns tho , como to tho rescuo with a rcmarknblq n and tviunlns nwny from his studio , reply, "nnd I'vo been protty low-In provision. To supply tho necessary for mouths. Ho doe not push himself. I fact, I never wns In so bad n stato be- support tho brauches of tho parent In fact, bo I mod- Tore." ' " "" "Ul ""u est to tho point of Tho big fluancler, thinking of his ; fibrous shoots,, which Immediately be bnshfulness Somo travels In copper mlno districts, smiled glB growing downwnnl toward tho tlmo ngo the papers nnd asked quietly, "You've never been earth. In n surprisingly short tlmo iHibllsbod nn item to ' lii Montana, hnvo you?" ( they reach tho ground nud take root tho effect that Sar gent's "Uttlo son" was to bo pago .to theiueennt tho cor onntlon ceremonies. Tlila nn.ien.l l.l.. MbuEMi much embnrruss pent, ns be has no son nnd Is n bache- nnd gradually Incrcaso they sometimes rival trunk Itself. This now trunk, with In slzo until tho original Tho Hon. William E. Chnndler, sco retnrv of tho navy under President Ar- i.,.. ii,iiif nf Assistant i tuu now trunu, witu its numerous Surgeon Ver Mulen. Tho story, as 'flbwu. roots, .renews ho whole life of prlnteil In Harper's Weekly, run ns ,tho tree Other now llmba nnd shoo s .11T...I. ' nro rapidly thrown out until finally '. ci, tct tn,. inniioa what was originally n slnglo trco trunk. .. .'u.i ,a UHIUIT l I III I UIIlLUi Uiia PI 'VVl wm . ..... . wr ana, though much ndmlred by tho In height, a fact that occasioned tiling becomes a consiuerauio rorest,. cacti Mir sex, Is too bashful, his friend say. much discomfort when ho was serving , Umb and shoot of which nro curiously vw to mnko a proposal of marriage on the old Penobscot, the height of tho connected, oargeut Is spoken ofns an American vessel between decks I , I 4i s 4 4i 1 ii 4S 4) ! 4 4 4 ' 4 4 t 4S t 4) 4 4 4S 4 4 4S I ' 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 55 4 4 l 4 41 4 4 4 t 41 I 41 i i 4 4 4 4 4 41 41 4 4 4) 4 41 4 41 4.' ST. JOHNS Real Estate is the Best Asset you can have . . 'liosc of you who invested in St. Johns n year or two ago have doubled and in some cases trebled your money. The opportunity to do this is still here. The town is still young and real estate is still cheap. St. Johns is with its new charter just en tering on an era of development hitherto un known. Within another year you will see a city of paved streets, broad sidewalks, and permanent business blocks. Then you wi'l rci.'V.c win it it is too late that your opportunity U : getting cheap property is past. St Johns Park s the most desirable residence district in St. Johns. We still have some fine lots in this tract which we can sell you $5.00 Down and $5.00 a Month These lots arc high and sightly, overlooking the river and iu full view of the mountain peaks conviejieut to car line and Factories on the water front. Let us show you this property. Call on us or write us for full particulars. Houses built on the installment plan, I I I 1 I ft i i 1 8 A. I.. IIOl.l'.ROOK I.. It.CIIIPiMAN St. Johns Land Co The Pioneer Real Estate Company St. Johns Phone Union 3104 Oregon Houses th Rent Business Rooms to Rent Insurance ! l I t 1 t ! $ It i i ! 1 ! 1 i t f i i ! 1 1 1 t l 1 . l h t 4 41 41 , 4 Loans j! 4' 41 THE REVIEW Job Printing Office Is one of the Best Equipped in the State of Oregon. Moore & Anderson BILLIARD PARLOR Cigars, Tobacco and Confectionery .... St. Johns, Oregon L C. SLATER SHOEMAKER Just opened shop in rear of Peddi cord's real cstnto office. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Bono. PAINTING, PAPER II ANQ ING, GRAINING AND SIQN WRITING SOCKS rAINTINO & BPECIALTY St. Jolins Park ST. JOHNS, OREGON