St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 13, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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University Park lies central to that
Croat manufacturing district extend
ing along the water front from the
Portland Flouring Mill to St. Johns,
'iwo thousand hands will soon have
oiiployiiiunt within easy walking dis
tance from University Park. Tho bet
tor class cnacd in thin district arc
striving to have their homes at Uni
versity Park because- it is tho desire
of every good man to have his home
in respectable nurroundlngs.
University Park now has tho far
famed Bull Run water at GO cents per
fawect, has morn lino residences un
der construction than any other sub
urb, has employment for moro luon
than any other suburb, has belter
educational facilities than any othor
part of Portland, has a larger payroll
than any other suburb, has tho high
est degreo of morality in Portland. It
oflcrn tho best opportunity on earth
to investors and hotnescckers. Prices
of lots aro advancing. .Call and sec
us about University Park.
University Park, Oregon
Selling Agent
Portland &
Express Co
(0K!tiitiiiK curs over Portland Con-
Mllillllldl Hlll'S)
Rales Rensoiiiihlc
Prompt Service
We have made arrangements to
liuiiHler all frieght in the city and
... i 1. 1 . .
mi joiiim wueu necessary ny
luuui at leiiKouaiiie rates,
Do not move your furniture (of
coiirM? you aie going to St Johns lo
live, Portland is moving that way)
until you gel our prices.
Portland & Suburban
Express Company
W. R. STI-ARNS, Milliliter
Lots $100 Each
$5 Down and $5 a
Title Guarantee
& Trust Co.
6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce
Tlie Hazelwood
Is an np.lo.iluto quick I.nucli,
dgur. Confectionery nml Newa
SIiuhI. Tho Celebrated lliueb
wood Oioani and Hotter kept
iu ktook.
Corner Jersey St. ami Broadway
fit. J0I1111, Oregon
House Mover and Repairer
llimx-t niM-nl n.l Miwltr...
- 0,1,1101.. l M V.hJ
KlkUC (illlltf .
One of the most enterprising In
dustrial establishments that con
tribute to the Mibstotitlal growth
and wealth of St. Johns Is the Port-
laud Manufacturing Company, of
which Mr. 0. II. Carlson is the
busy malinger and Mr. Peter Ant-
zen secretary and treasurer. It is
the pioneer factory of Its kind In
this vicinity, being established over
three years niro. An investment
of nbotit $60,000 completed a plant
of excellent character, abundant
capacity and supplied with the!
most modern machinery.
l lie elnef product of this factory
sts of coffee and spice barrels,
draw bottoms," furniture stock
and veneer, coffee drums and splint
A. Tow Quostiom Pronounded
1-or llio information of many ill
liuil reader of Tho Hovlew, who nro
dotdroim of gelling rolinlilu Inforiiin
linn nliotit (his .llMilcl, Urn following
liiiMtliiim nro niiHWcrcd correctly am
liinii'Klly iih jhikkIIiIo:
CjnoMtioii Whoro is .St. .loliimf
.MiNWor In Multnomah Counlv
uii'Kiui, novum uillos imrlli of Porl
Q. Is it nn iiiroriNimUiI cilvf
. It I", and Iiiih n eovoriuiipnt n
lis own.
Q. Aro laxrs liluhf
A. Ni. llio Inhl lew wn onlv twi
Q.Wluil In tho HiMiliiliiuiT
A.l)vcr 2000 K'opli.
Ih it 011 llio oconnf
A.--.No, it Ih located lietwcn the
( tiliiuihiu ami WillmncUo rivcrx. A
vi'Mln 'iilcriiiL' Portland Imrhor iiiimt
p.'IM M. .1(11111 ilockH,
i.Aii) llio riven! nnvlirnlilot
A.MokI ccrlnliilv lliov nn. frnm
mIiIjiii Hint Html, fnun nil part of tho
world, loud mid unload (heir cnrgoe'i
with wifi'ly nml dinpntcli in our Imr-
Q. Am llicro any rallrondnf
A. Yts tho 0. It. i N a unit of
Inml, and (ho (). It, & N., n jmrt tif
tho .Sontlii'iii Piifilln HViiloni. Irnvt'nto
lim walor mini lir nov-ral iiiilt-H, and
tho .V01 (horn Parillo in on thu opMii(a
mo 01 mo willntuclto rivir. 10.
diilou wo hnvo mi twelli'iil electric lino
Hint 0110 cmi lido to any pari of Port
iiiiiu ior a iiviMYin lure,
Q.What liiitM of hiiiiiucii.1 nn
A. hco tho udterlUing roltimu of
1I1U paper.
? ! bindiio ovenloiiof
A V. . a 1 I .... . ! . n, inurv is room iur muri!
tailiiitaiitial biisiiKViji houses.
. What (iiipiHuU tho townt
tjA. Tho Inrgo iiiilU uml factories.
Them am thieo bawiuilln, one veneer
raeloiy, 0110 box and lmkl furlorv.
two hliiiilmildiiiL' yunl. one lnreo drv
dock, one Hrrli ami column factory,
one iiour nun, ouo vih en null, and
several other smaller fuctories.
y.-Whnl U tho pay mllf
A. About fJO.000 per month.
Q. How about school nml ehiireh
A, Duo largo school liouso (the
cccond 0110 contemplated) and three
chnrchoA Tho miiversitv is nbout
milo from St. Joluii.
Q. How nbout tho urices of omiw
ertyt '
A,Pricei nro most reasonable.
Husinoss pniHirty from $15 to $50 per
front foot, Oood residence properly
fmm l to $10 a front foot.
Q. Any saloons t
.. o, aim not iiKely to lmvo soon. 1st,
baskets, fruit baskets niid hop-
picking baskets. In the matuifac -
tureof these; neeessarv articles of
I commerce the Portland Mannfact -
tirintr Comtmnv. which emnlovs. on
tin nverage throughout the year, suspend nctivc operations temiornr
n force of fifty iople u duy, excels ily, but it had previously supplied
in the quality of its output. It its warehouses with an abundant
consumes about 2,000,000 feet of (stock of output lcforo It closed
raw material in a year, lysines 1
about 50,000 feet of lumber. The!
tilufit ti'tf ti tin. Mi'iimm fnrft ta I
1 ..m:il,l.. f ti.mimr mo inn tnrr..lil n
j day. It enjoys the possession of I plant is extensive and consists of
1 r,m r....i f uni,.r.rrmii i.v,,rlti.,. i,tnnlilit.rv t,, I,., im.l iu
back to the railroad. In the sinirle
article of hon.nlckimr baskets It
, turns out lctvccn 40 and soo doz-
Jcs a season-niid the number is
ncreaslng rapidly. It makes about
three tons of excelsior a day iu a
Q. Any olhcr Industrial cntcrjris
v in proimectT
A. Vcs; several millii and factories,
ami a meal pnckinir hoiicc.
Q.To whom can I write for furth
or iurnnnntioin
A. Secretary Cmmorcinl Annocin
(Ion, or tho editor of Tho Hoviow wit
miHwer all qucstioni.
onOiton NOTES.
.Seventh Day Advcntlnt. Sabbath
scIuhiI at 10 A, ,M. regular crvico nt
11 A. M. ovcry Sabbath. Prnyor
meeting Weduedny evening, li. V,
lluilberl, hldor.
.M. Cliiirch.-Prencblng II A
M. nml 7 P. M.t Sunday tcliool 10
A. M.; elnMM meeting 11! M. Prayer
ineolliig iliuradny evening 7:30 P. Jr.
I.pworlh U'ogue, 0:30 P. M. Sunday
.Junior Inguo I'lHO P. M. Sumlny.
1 ue siiDicci 01 the morning .ser
vice ut the Mvnugelical church
next .Sunday will Iks HPniyer."
eveiitugservlce, "Tlie I.O!tHj)eep."
i . . .... - .
There will k CotiL'retlonal rt
vices at Hickuer'H hall Suuiluy nf'
teriKHin nt y.xo. Sunday K'hool
at 3:30.
SI. JoIiiih Cnn.p No. 7W, W. 0. W
luiets every wodneMny 1 venintr at
S o'clock p. ai, Illckiier'd hull,
lohiu. Conoil coiamaiider,
C'aik; clerk, We-tJo.v Penny.
if . f . r . T n i 1
i eoar 1 amp ro. iyvvi. icoyni .ncil-m-
or of America, meet every Thiiixlnv
(veiling. Mrn. Kiniiia (lilliim, oracle;
Jim. 1.. r. iiiurcuill, recorder.
Two and onc-luK Acrci.J block from
Ircct car, part Uih. balance on lime.
AIo l.-l acre, partly Improve.!. Apply lo
ROWAN &. RAILTON, Contractors
SI. Johni, Ortfon
General Repairing
llai purchaol the lllacksmlth Shop
corner ivanlia ami Tucoma streets.
Horseshoeing n Specialty
Work Promptly Done
and Correc
meet atturcd
ft. Johns Has
tiree 14 Acre Lots for Sale
With alley and corner.
Dr. William Wolf Hicks
John Heltht, ST. JOHNS, Or
run of ten hours. Its market is
1 practically local, if tip-river joints
are included.
' Repairs to the boilers of the
ttlatit have recently caused It to
down for tnese repairs, it is now
running on full time- The Port-
Irmrl f niiitftirtiiriiitr Pnnitififii lu n
! liifi.( ttrnimwuivi. rimrorn. T 1 4
! oroducts are noted for their excel-
lence mid imntilnr wherever Intro-
duced. Its field is constantly
j Necessarily its equipment for
protection against fire is most coin-
Fire Protection.
Protect your business properly
or residence by placing in it
"Koynl Uicmicn! nre hxluiguisli
it." .Many have been sold In St
Johns. They nrc "up to date." Cal
up I). 1,. Hutlcr & Co., 'Phone Main
2237, and order one.
WANTliD. Good, live ngent
for tan selling article. Call
St. Johns Hotel.
Miss Lena Parker will take
small class iu elocution. For par
ticulars, call or address her rest
deuce on Kdisou St., StTjohns, Or.
Dccdi and Contracts.
Tho Iteview has printed and kcei
in stock tho latest and moid jwrfect
loniiH 01 need ami eoiilrncls, which
may bo iiurchnsed at llio ofllco nt
priced less than is ustinlly ehiinfed for
sueli lilnuk forms.
Attention, Ilomeaeekenl
Wo lmvo n few eoivl lioineslead
ready for tho olow. clow to rnllrond
mid tiinrk(tt alto a few good timber
einim. rnrty lenvliur aoon. loom
Vi, CMIiem' iiauk. I'orllanJ. Or. Ho
jsn k Tiik'i:art.
Offlrrhouii. 9tan, in.. iloji m.
ODUx I'liwir. iih
XrUlciitx I'ltiMir. Union yi.
Office In I'ulm.ity Iark Orujc Store.
Offlro liourit 0 to 13 nj 1:30 to 3,
lit.lJtnc l'boot Bcolt 1:9 .
Ofllc. Vbom Union 4003.
Oftice liouw, 9 to ii a, m, i to j p, m,
Residence Phone Scott 6jj6.
Oftice Phone Union 6991,
Offlt.i Uptltlri, But Elliott' Dnis Blor.
Prof, J, A, Sibbets
HrtlJtut Imtructor o( IntlruutnUt Uuilf.
I touruuia .uu iriCIICl IDIlniCIIOS OB
Molln, runo, Ut& Ortin, Oullir inj ttnj
InitrunirBtt. Ttrtsi ate rtnomVU. Uftio
ur. will rtctlr cartful kllcntloa. C.ll or
le.Te orJfr at KUott Pu Blor.
Now is the time to make a good in
vestment. A I I-J story house, 7 room,
pantry and two closet, a 75 barrel cis
tern and a good well, the only well in
the vicinity. The location I the bet
Cut can be had as it lays center way be
iween the l,oot iu Point View, Cull on
or adilros WAI.THR W. WOOD,
not jS, Jt. Johns, Oregon.
plctc. The large stock it carries,
both of the finished product and
raw materials, fully warrant the
outlay made iu preparation against
invasion by the fire fiend.
Manager G. II. Carlson looks for
a large increase In the demand for
the product of his factory during
the present year. He has put the
company on n footing of safety in
this respect everything being in
readiness to supply any Increased
order that may come iu from any
epiurter, domestic or foreign.
The Portland Manufacturing
Company is one of the institutions
of which the tx-ople of St. Iolms
are proud. It has been n home
builder ever since it Iwguu opera
lions; and many there arc who arc
anxiously watching it grow.
I Short, Dry Fir Slab Wood i
$3.00 per Load t
Short, Dry Fir Cord Wood :
$5.00 per Cord
Cfll.l.. 11,1,1 nt U '... I. W'l.nltj
1111, ui iruiu, MHUL0 4,
the difference? Why ne Is
M , I... - 1 1. . ...I ...lit.
Mini ov a me outer wnii
nn nx, that's nil.
Short (1RI;I:N WOOD,
f3iS0 per l.ond t
See D, A, SMITH, Cone's M
Or Phone I2a( J0J5
W. J. Peddicord
0l Ui taclm; 120 feet on car
lino and running back 03 feet.
300 -ny& Acres on Willamette
. Houlevnid near reulnmilnr
, Lumber Co.'s lnr)0 plant.
Tonus: $1100 cnh, and flOO
next November and $.'00 each
succeeding.' year till paid. In
(crest, 0.
300 Ixt 00x100, two blocks from
. fclicwil house. A ilno cornor.
2i0-b)t .10x12(1, cloo in mid near
car lino.
Other Iota at other oriecs. Also In.
suranco and loan. Corrco)ndenco
MI8S.niCH. TroprUlr!
Jersey Street
St Johns, Ore.
Good Mull
C.mfotUlU Boom
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