St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 13, 1905, Image 1

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    ST. Joriivfe Review I
Devoted to tho Interests of the PcnlMjrtfl, the Manufacturing Center of tlio Northwest 1 (
0I , " ST. JOHNS, OREGON, IDAY, JANUARY 13, tQo5- NO. 10 1 1 jj
Various Topics of Local and General
Interest Briefly and Tersely
Commented Upon-
Numerous Matters Which Are Btfort the Public
(or ocnrai bihui
t. ,n..n.u trnmrc to hear n man
w any particular factory or tuniiK
may be established here is not of
1 inilioeitv. However strati eo
it may seem, there are a few people
ltcre who talk that way. Take th c
woolen mill as an examine, ah
old resident was actually heard to
say that Instead of a benefit It was
a'iktritiKtit. Yes, really a detri
ment. Thcllstetier was dumbfound
ed Ik did not think It possible
that the man meant what he said,
and had hint repent it and give his
reasons The reasons were flimsy,
trivial, in fact. The truth Is, the
woolen mills ara accomplishing ns
much for St. Jonhs, and directly,
too, ns anv other concern located
litre. During the month of Dec
ember ver 55 was
in wages, a very large share of this
to nyhients of this city. The policy
is ami has been, und will continue
to be, Superintendent Carter In
form us, to give preference when
ever nt all imsslble to actual resi
dents of St. Johns. That this has
jn Mrictly adhered to all of us
know, who will take time to inves
tigate There have Ikcii hundreds
of applicants from outsiders, but In
(io titugtc cisc have these applica
tions 1coii given favor if St. Johns
icoplc could In? found to fill the ikv
M'tion. Whtit more could be ask
ed? Tntc, the head offices are in
l'ortlntiil. Hut what of that?
Portland capital is Invested, and
the general management have other
interests outside of the woolen mill,
which demand their attention.
The matter of advertising St.
Johns nt the fair Is still nn absorb
ing topic among our live citizens,
but ns yet no conclusion has been
arrived nt. It Is high time that
something tangible .should le done,
ami Mime plan ngrccd upon by
which the desired end may bo at
tained, It is only n few months
until the Influx of visitors will com
mence, nnd we should be prepared.
If It U decided to maintain a
booth at the fair it should lie ar
ranged for now, and not wait until
too late, after the space Is nil occu-
E'ed. We would Impress upon the
ommercial Association the im
portance of prompt action. The
co-operation of even wide awake
cttieti should be enlisted, mid fill
nork together for one common end,
the benefit of our Moved city.
Ut us Iw up nnd doing.
The grand jury adjourned last
ntvk, after n most arduous session
of three months, during which time
more official negligence has leen
brought to light than ever before
In the history of Multnomah coun
ty grand juries. In its final report
the city officials nnd the prosecuting
attorney, John Manning, came in
formoit severe criticism nnd de
nunciation. These criticisms were
not impulsive, but made after n
most thorough' and rigid examina
tion intll nil tlm fntu niwl
tious surrounding the conduct of
'.laiuiiiiiiiii nn; IUIHUIII Ui
these hired servants of the people
In Manning's case the facts dK-
uuseq are simply a disgrace nun a
uefi to Iih employers, the ieople.
His laiiguajie to the crand iurv
dosed ore slmnlv a dis'crace and a
wigiu nt expected from a slum pol
itician, 'ut not from a, man in
whose care is placed the responsi
bilities or prosecuting violators of
the law. The report says:
ri. . , -
ncunmci attorney, Jolin Manning,
nw not Hen without culpability in this
waiter, but Jie having recently evi-
utncc l c
1 v "miicmianie worK in prusecu
fT cambltiie. lias unt lieen liwllrt.
- omci iivnwt wicucvisiuii uy your
Court iin., ........ r i t .t.i.
j mi iiiuiituwui luiwui uy wns
Kn l jury under section 1030, we must
question either the zeal or the capacity
PltheUutrict attorney, for, when said
whether the section Is 'applicable, nnd
- 1 ' - . I I -., A
iiemanueo, in cnect, Hint tnc grand jury
declare itself in a presentment to the
court, to be In doubt ns to whether
tioolroom gambling is injurious to ,pUp
llc nlorals. Upon our statement that' we
would make this a test cose he attempt
ed to bulldor.e us, and grew boisjeroul,
indictment was announced to lilin, he
admitted that he did not know exactly
saying, in substance: '
"I'll tell you right now, if you fel
lows go nhcad and find this indictment
without going up before Judge George
witli a hypothetical case, I'll be damned
if I don't go right up and ask him to
dismiss it; now you can do just as you
damn please,"
Therefore, we recommend that your
honorable court apjioiut a zealous and
competent attorney to assist in the pros
ecution of tile Indictments returned by
this grand jury. '
Where on earth is there n com
munity that would tolerate such
bulldozing except in "graft" ridden
Portland and Multnomah county.
The grand jury has done good
work, but we fear, If the comple
tion of their labors is left in the
hands of such defiant officials,
much of their work will have been
in vain.
The indictments against Mayor
Williams nnd Chief Hunt have
been dismissed on motion of prose
cuting Attorney Manning. L,ct us
hope- this course was prompted by
motives pure, and iu the interest of
justice and the icoplc.
fun Ruvimv Is not in politics,
but Portland could go farther and
fare worse, than to elect Tom Word
for mayor, liven the grand state
of Oregon would not make any mis
take should tins same fearless, ef
ficient nnd capable Slier! (T Tom
Word be elected governor. Old
Missouri has already "shown us"
what she does when it crisis has
been reached iu its affairs, mid 'a
man arises to the occasion. With
Word in the capilol at Salem there
Is a ioss!blllty Mat the webfooters
might le astonished at some of the
old dusty, skeletons he might bring
trout me closet, as mayor 01 fori
land he would strike terror to some
have been systematically plunder
ing the treasury and taxpayers.
A man will play billiards half
the night nt 35 Cents n game, and
drink is-cent whisky every 10
minutes without expecting any
iart in the management of the sa
loon. Hut if he pays a cents a day
for a newspaper he thinks he ought
to have something to say as to its
Street Improvements.
As an illustration of the import
ance of street improvements, one
has but to observe the better ap
pearance of the square which has
been spanned by street crossings iu
the business center. these uu
tirovemeuts, which have been made
ut a nominal cost to the city, have
added most materially to the ap
pearance of the streets nnd the con
venience of the public. It Is now
possible for n pedestrian to cross
the street without being compelled
to wnde shoe top deep iu mud and
wnter. The city council deserve
all the praise which Is being show
ered on them for their prompt ac
tion in this instance. ' TJie work
has been prosecuted under the di
rection of Councilman Iieebe, nnd
he has done well. May his shadow
never grow less.
PrnrP nf Oil Well.
made in the prospecting for oil on
the Ogden farm, north of the city.
A depth of about 750 feet has been
reached, and the prospects are
most encouraging. What is known
as "cap rock has been reached, and
when it shall have been gone
through, good results are looked
for. Drilling has been suspended
for a week or more, ou account of
the pressure of water, but appli
ances have been ordered, which
will render this source of annoyance
nil, and without further delay.
This is an important proposition,
and the prospects are such that en
title tlte worn to every possioie en-
A Well Knoyn Banker Is now
CnrtvaMpg the Project
nndTtrospccts arc
Peter Hume, the welt-known
banker of Urbwnsvlllc. was In St.
Johns Thursday looking over the
held with a view of opening a
banking institution in our growing
city. Mr. Hume lias been in the
banking business for the past 15
years. He otmrqled the Douglas
County bank nt Koseburg during
tlte panic of, l3oi, nnd afterward
conducted tlicf Ikownsvillc bank.
Mr. Hume suggests the. opening
of a savings nJd loan institution iu
which some oTTthc business men of
St. Johns would-be Invited to take
stock, say to tjic extent of a' few
thousand dollars.
Mr. Hunie,belicvcs that such nn
Institution wotild succeed in time
in building tipfa fairly good busi
ness. He nlsn suggests, iu this
connection, th'rjt a meeting of the
business niciijof St. Johns be called
for the purpos of discussing the
matter with littn and arriving at
some definite! plan of action. Dur
ing his brief hfierviow with var
ious geiitlemenof our city he has
so far met wlllr every encourage
ment. HcisTulso very favorably
Impressed wl tltJSt. Jolins; and in
the event the hanking; proicct
should fail, which is not likely,
.Mr. inline .win proiminy locate
here In some other Hue of business.
To l-nlai-Rc Plant.
J. C. Scott, fe St. Johns Wa
ter C'limlitllH'; ,VcmtrriiifV I tin
comiKiny will greatly enlarge tlte
plant curly iu the .Spring, mid lay
many thousands of feet of new
mains. The mains will be laid dur
ing the Winter and the other Im
provements will Ik undertaken In
the enily Spring. The improve
ments will include new and larger
pumps mid another elevated water
tank. Last year U10 company more
than doubled Its mileage of water
mains, mid still did not reach all the
districts that wished for water.
There is alsondemaud for fire pro
tection iu St. Johns nnd more iiow-
orful pumps arc needed. Six fire
hydrants are to be Placed in a short
time by contract with the city. Iu
order to meet nny emergency the
mains have been connected with
the pumping station of the Portland
woolen mills. Iu case of accident
or heavy draw on the water supply
for lire punioses the present supply
can be reinforced from the mill
'Back Again.
I. J. Peterson, of the firm of
Peterson & Smith has returned from
a three weeks visit to his old home
at Volga, S. D. Mr. Peterson re
iwrts the weather as being cold
back there, but not much more
disagreeable than the present cold
snap here. While absent, Mr.
Peterson talked bt. Johns and nil
Ri'.viHW all the time, and as n tan
gible result brought into this office
a big bunch of subscribers, all of
whom are planning to come to the
Coast next Summer and locate at
St. Johns. Mr. Peterson is looking
decidedly well nfter his trip,
and as he is a hustler, is gladly
welcomed back by his many
Union county's new industry, the
only one of its kind iu the United
btates, the pine needle huer factory
located near Sunnnerville, was put
iu operation last week. It has 30
tons of pine needles on hand. Ten
people are employed in the factory,
and 30 iu gathering the raw mate
' Blackberries still refuse to take a
back seat for Jack Prost, and are
still ripening in gardens abouj The
Dalles, says the Chronicle.
About People who are Coming nnd
Going to St. Johns
W. E. Town, of Indiana, was
looking over our city this week
with n view of locating here.
W. II. Sec and wife of Portland
were In town this week, looking
after their extensive property in
terests. J. Osbom and wife, of Cecil,
Oregon, were In the city this week
the guests of T. J. Monhnatt and
Cling. A. Ulcnrd. fornicrlv In the
butcher business here, lmt nowliv-
imr at Ontario. Oregon, was in the
city Monday.
C. O. llydeof Portland paid Ttn
Rnviitw n visit Thursdnv. Mr.
Hyde Is very favorably Impressed
wtth our little city.
Clmi-lort Tulller. of Dufur. Ore
gon, was visiting friends ill town
this week. Mr.. Tnbler thinks St.
Johns has a great future.
W. C. Wnlker nnd fninllv will
move back to St. Johns very soon
and occupy their comfortable home
iu the north cud.
Mr. Kills mid Alva Shaddttck 11 re
staying nt the home of A. S. Shad
duck. Their parents are going to
move to ht, joints.
Uiolmnl C. Thurmtiii. the well
known painter, has Ik-cii ill of
iitiftnnmiin for ho vet ill weeks, btlt
is now able to be out.
If. C. Cnse. of Kouoka. Albertn.
Canadu, paid St. Johns n visit this
week. Mr. Case is looking for 11
business location mid has about
concluded that our lu.stljtigJltt!c',
city is ihe one ho is looking Tor?
II. II. Dickinson, of Moutavilln.
u-rw In the eilv Mondav cveilillir to
attend the charter meeting. Mr.
Dickinson states that .Montnvnia is
now wrestling with the iptestion of
incoqionition us well ns city char
ter, mill be ciiine to St. lohllS to
learn something about charter
building. It is needless to say iiiat
he learned something.
If M. Allen received 11 fine fruit
enke last week from his mother at
Iloldeuvillc, Indian Territory. It
u-iiH trimmed nil ill clcirilltt htvlc
with the figure "50" on top. lid
was fifty years old the nisi nay 01
mm. He bus been here over n
year and will dlsioe of his prop-
... T?..... .....1 ..... tilt !.
ciiy j.usi mm nmj Mim iip.
Perry Miller, Miss Hester nnd
Kvnlimi Hull nnd Mr. Ralnh Akers
of lone, Oregon, Mr. Johnnie Heel
er of Ilejipner, and Miss Kduii
Berkley 01 Pendleton, nre visiting
nt the home of A. S. Shndduck nt
St. Johns Heights, this week.
Ralph Akers and Perry Miller
have brought jirojiorty here.
Special Pirc Meeting
A Koeeinl meetillL' of the St.
Johns volunteer fire company was
held at Shepard ft Tufts' office,
Tuesday evening, for the purpose,
of enrolling new members and de
vising ways and means 10 create a
fund. The attendance
was quite large, and the interest j
displayed was mobt encouraging.
Fourteen new memuers sigueu me
roll. A committee, consisting of
a M. Hull. I. Ilenrv Smith. Geo.
Chaffee nnd Joe Bickuer, was np-
. e a a ! . .
pointed to arrange ior an emerium
inent or ball in the near future, and
given full power to act. The regu
lar meetings of the company will be
held hereafter the second Wednes
day evening of each month.
r. .liwM.f.lirvnl llif. rnt.lnn trill.
.... n ll.rllu,ul nr.. (nrlliml tfl llOlll
their potatoes for Jl a sack, in spite of
. . . I ............ .Innt.ra , tllll
tlte argUineiHS oi Jiuiavuv uvmvin ,u ..v
effect that the potatoes are worth only
5c. jiuyers are um 1 wmin
1 he time, but they find very few growers
willing to let go, although there are said
to be n good many lwiawcs in m -."
No shipniug lias been done Trom
'ortland yet this season, on accouui 01
lower prices prevailing at ban Francisco
and other points south.
An Enthusiastic Mass Meeting Endorses
the Proposed Organic Law as It
Came From the Committee
But Not Without Some Opposition, the Volt Bcltuj
33 For to 25 Against Resolutions
Tlte mass meeting of citizens to
consider tho proposed new charter
nt IJickner s hall, Monday evening
was attended by about one hundred
and fifty citizens. In the absence
of the mayor, Councilman Monn
hati, chairman of the council com
mittee on chatter, called the meet
ing to order, nnd Dr. W. W. Hicks
was chosen secretary.
Councilman Mouahait explained '
thcvobjcct of the meeting, nftcr
which Mr. Devlin explained the
changes made in the charter by n
committees of the council and of
the Commercial Association.
After Mr. Devlin had explained .
the changes, n motion was made to
adopt the charter ns a wlmlo. Mr.
Organ wanted the charter referred
to an ttttorney. The question wns
put nnd thirty-three voted In favor
of adoption and twenty-five against
adoption. The ehartor was declar
ed adopted.
On motion a rising vote ot
thanks was tendered Mr. Devlin
for the arduous task of framing the
city charter, to which ho has devot
ed so much care mid time.
M r. Devlin wns culled on, nnd
Hindu some Interesting reinurks.
Ho states that if ho had been mak
ing n charter for a village, he could
have written it in ten pages, but
the wants of large and great city
were anticipated, hence tho provis
ions, which mlghtseotii voluminous,
und not necessary at this time. Mr.
Devlin said . that tin charter was
jwrfect, and that It would lo lin
possible to dmw up a document of
this.klud which would suit every
body; somebody could anil would
find Haws, but such l laws should
not condemn the entire charter.
1 lis reuuirks were of a character to
heal all wounds, and had 11 very
pronounced effect.
Tint nitviitw bus taken occasion '
to ascertain tlio views of all classes
of business interests hero, ami iu
nearly even' instance the greatest
satisfaction has been expressed.
Those who opposed the adoption
disclaimed any desire to defeat the
charter, but thought a little more
consideration should have leeii giv
en. We lielievetlie gentlemen who
have given so much of their time
to a careful consideration of tho
matter did so with tlte sole view of
doing what was best iu the interest
of the city and the people as a
Now that the people have given
their approval, It only remains for
the legislature to pass uton It, and
the city will then have for Its guid
ance a basic law which will prove
the wisdom of its frnutors.
D. R. Railton moved, seconded
bv Mr. Jobes, that thethnnksof the
citizens bo tendered to the com
mittee for performing their duties
in so satisfactory a utaniier.
With the utmost good feeling
prevailing, tlte meeting adjourned.
He Did Not Advertise,
Kiuht months nuo there came to
Oreiron City a merchant who -pur
chased a stock of goods. An ad
vertisement wns solicited ot tnc
nJSv merchant who informed the
newspaper man that ho did not
believe In ndvertlsing, since he
seriously questioned the efficacy of
reaching the public iu that way.
I.ast week the same uusiuess man
packed up his goods and departed
for other pastures. The merchant
who severs partnership with
printers' ink will sooner or later
find Jiiinselt divorced lrom 1110
trading public Knterprise.
If you haven't subscribed for the
RUVJUW why. haven't you? It is
only one dollur a year.