St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 30, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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1 r '
Mr. Thomas Hortoti has gone to
' California to try and regain his
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dlnckhtirn
are spending New Years with Ka
lama friends.
G. H. I?ox and wife spent Christ
inas with their two sons and
.friends at The Dalles.
Miss Eva llruckman, of Albany,
Or., spent a few days in the city,
the guest of Miss Delia Young,
lingwold fjiinderson, of Puget
Island, is spending the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
. J. Gundcrson.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nelson and
family spent Christmas with their
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Ncgstcd,
nt Peninsula.
Mewrs. Henry and Andrew Hcit
dricson, of Hocky Point, Washing
ton county, spent Christmas with
local relatives.
Dr. C. C. Taggart left Wednes
day for Marshfield, where he has
formed highly satisfactory arrange
ments with a coal company,
Oriu C. Davidson, of Oswego,
, was in the city Ial week, and so
favorably impressed was he that
he invented in some real estate.
Miss Mildred Cleinons, who at
tends school at Dallas College,
spout the holidays with her mother,
Mrs. J, A. Keiishaw, in this city.
Miss Anna Thurlow, one of St.
Johns' fair lady investors, has plat
ted a five-acre tract in North St.
Johns, and has put it on the mar
ket. D. Tallman, of Xcwbcrtf, Or.,
was in the city Monday and pur
chased propel ty with the view of
building and locating here in the
spring. I
Sherman IX-ering, of Anderson,
luil., was in the city .Saturday last,
looking up a location with the in
lention of going into the lumber
S. W. Thompson, of Vancouver,
Wash., was in the city Wednesdav.
Like many other of liis fellow citi
zens, he thinks a great deal of St.
Messrs. P. Itollin and John Wil
son have gone to spend a week on
their timber claims far back among
Washington's high mountains and
tail timbers.
Mrs. Kobinson, of St. Johns,
Mich., has joined her husband in
St. Johns, Or., to reside here per
manently. Mr. Noliinson is a brick
mason by trade.
Miss Nellie Penning! who is
attending school at Providence
t Academy, Vancouver. Wash., is
(ponding' the holidays with her
inolhei, Mrs. Ada Pennington.
Herbert Pennington, nf the I'.
S. navy, on the oruixer Philadel
phia, spent Christmas with his
'mother, Mrs. Ada Pennington. Ill
snip is lying at Mremerton, Wash.,
jlui location nf the navv vard on
Puget Sound.
Moyd Sbeik. a contractor of Pen
dleton, uao visiting A. S Shad
duck, of St. Johns Heights, this
week. Mr. Sheik u verv favoraWv
liimiOMcd with mir city and will
build a home and ime his fautil)
hero for pciumiicnt residence
W. Sutor and familv, of Grand
I'orU, X. ).. have moved to St.
Johns to reside here permanentlv,
and will build a home immediately.
While Mr. Sutor is a man of con
siderable means, he will probablv
enter the employment of (he woolen
mills after becoming settled.
Pascal Hill kimlU remembered
I he Uevicw Christmas bv present
lug a fine lxv of apples. ' Tne fruit cvviiciii anil nigniv appre
ciated. Mr. Hill is one of the pro
groove men of this conunuuitv,
and an anient advocate of every
thing that (ends to the benefit of
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Potter and Mr. and
Mus. Gould and family, of Union,
have moved into the Potter home,
on llnec tieet. This fine new resi
dence is a credit to St. Johns.
It h the liandttuucM residence in
this mrt nf town. Lumber is all
icady on the ground for the Gould
home, to be built mi the adjoining
lot. Work will eiMiunence at once.
C.MI. Hickman, citv manager of
the Pacific State Telephone com
nnv, was in the city Wednesdav
looking up the interests of the com
pany, with a view to innroving
the, service. It is wssible that a
Si tin iMnr n lrx-nl fixchantrc will be!
established on the peninsula, and
arrangements made so that the ser
vice here will ectual that of Port
Mrs. Allen lllackbum spent
Wednesday in Portland with Mr.
and Mrs. II. C. Johnson, of Pcta
luma, Cal., who have been visiting
friends and relatives in different
parts of Oregon for the past six
weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will
leave for their California home
Tuesday next. They will bear with
them many good reports of St.
lohns and the Peninsula country.
'While here they visited all the im
portant points and became greatly
enthused over the promising future
of St. Johns.
The Masquerade Ball.
The masquerade ball given by St.
Johns Camp 773, W. O. W.,
Wednesday evening, was a most
successful affair. About 40 couple
were en masque, and some of the
characters represented !werc very,
good. Prizes were awarded as fol
lows: llest costumes, Mrs. South
well, and C. Mailcy; most comical
costumes, Mrs. I.iiin and Charles
Palmer; cake walk, Miss Gussic
Rich and Ralph Roy ; best waltzcrs,
Ci. G. Turner and Anna Rich. The
prizes were appropriate and elegant.
"The Store that Saves You Honey"
The Handsomest and Best Low
Priced Steel Range in America
$ 1 .00 a Week Buys This Range
Great Fuel Saver. Burns Hard Coal
Soft Coal, Coke or Wood.
Important Meeting
Next Wednesday evening a most
important meeting of the Commer
cial association will Ik.- held. It will
be the occasion for the election of
officers and the selection of com
mittees to serve for the next six
mouths. There should be a good
attendance. The work which will
fall to this organization during the
next few months will lc of great
importance to every citizen of St.
Johns, and it is specially urged that
the-proper interest should be mani
fested. Don t leave the work for a
few, but get in and help cultivate a
spirit of helping along all efforts
to better our surroundings, and
work on the principle that what
benefits one inures to the good of
the whole community. Don't be .1
drone, Mr. Merchant, but get in
and drill and show by your actions
that you arc willing to do your
share to help the city of St. Johns
prosper and build up.
Good or $1.00 payment on nny
linage in the HoiiBC.
The Queen of the Kitchen
l'ut up ready for operating in your house on
payment of Ji.oo n week. Ve do as we adver
tise, if wc lose money by it. Our word Is our
bond. We guarantee this stove or refund the
190-192 First Street
Pottofflce to Open Sunday,
Appreciating I lie convenience it
would be to the public, the h.1
nuister has decided to keep the Hsl
oflice open for the delivery of mail
between the hours of 10 and 11
the public and patrons of the office.
This action is entirely voluntary on
the part of the postmaster, and the
public should show their apprecia
tion in return bv giving the office
all their patronage.
The postal authorities have given
permission for the postofficc to be
removed from its present cramped
quarters to a room in the Cochran
block, and the change will he made
short Is. Postmistress Clark is ne
gotiating for 150 additional lock
boxes which will be installed in the
new quarters. This number will
not be more than adequate, but will
relieve matters for the present.
Any knowledge, nny talent, or
wealth wu iwjmjks, and U not slmro
wllh other is wonc I tin 11 Inst.
Ko matter how Imnl your lot in,
you will mnko untliim; by uivintr up
mid clirrUhinp a despondent xpltil.
If you Imve n tilrk Member in your
miv, (tlvc li 1 111 tlif inoxt enreful at
tention, Von mo not only iloiuir your
o'clock every Sunday, commencing duty toward the brother, but Urn out
with next Sunday, Januarvy 1, This l'le world will h'i there is merit in
...III . . Illl.l I.V.II 1.!..
prove a great convenience jo'""" ,iwmiii.
Bickner Brothers!
Department Store
Al! Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
Keep a lnrK stork of (Jenernl Merchandise, inchiiliuic Dry Good.
H00U and Shoes, Orocorie, Hardware, Hoimo Furnishing.
Feed, Ktc. In fact nverytliinj;. Their Prices are
ri;lit. Don't wnsto your time t;oinr to
Portland, but eomo in and nee our
1 loci: and prices.
Remember The Big Department Store
Corner Jersey Street and Hroadway
g St, Johns, Oregon
Family Groceries and
General Merchandise
Come and sec us for your Christmas Specialties
I Cochran Block, Jersey St., St. Johns
' "' adfealaatl iSXMJ'L-.-. .X Ki.-;.IWML.,f.
Sim Johns Land
Successors to
Oldest Real Estate Company in St. Johns.
We have for sale the largest and
choicest list of property in St Johns
We still have about 30 fine lots in St. Johns
Park, convenient to car line and factories, which we
can sell you $5.00 down and $5.00 a month. When
these are gone your opportunity will he lost.
We also have 3 new Houses left which we can
sell you on very easy monthly payments. If these
don't suit you we will build one that will and let you
pay ior it as you can.
Lot urn show you this weak a Una 9
acra tract domain. We recom
mend it as a big monmy maker.
We also have one of thm ffnmat
blocks in thm city. Prlcm S2500.
it speaks for Hsm.f whan you amm It
If you want a business location we can furnlsk
it for you. Will build you a store or office room to
suit and rent it to you right.
We have unexcelled water frontage factory sites
which we can sell on very easy terms.
If you want anything call on us. We loan
money on real estate security, write fire insurance,
rent houses; in fact wc do everything in the line of a
general real estate and insurance business.
Call on us. Make'our officejyour headquarters.
St. Johns Land Co.
The Pioneer Land Company
Portland Office, 728 Cham. Com.