Sr. JOHNS REVIEW i.i f 1 I if COMMUNICATED. Pair Deal Wanted. I'll I (in- Ifi.vlnu-! I U'ImIi In miv (lint if (ho merchants of St. Julius want (lie people to deal with tlicin, instead of Ku'mg to Portland, they !ionld set tliu cxnmnlo themselves, for when some of (ho principal business men wnnt work done, (hey take pains (o employ outsiders to come in anil do A I I I t SI 1 i lie woik. mere nro n coiipio 01 not- nliln I'litim nf lliiu Unil in (lin rilv. Till" men who live here mid do their trad- nitf hero Jlnd very little encourago meiil to coiitiniio trading at home, when they nro compelled to stnnd by iiiici sec outsiders come in nnu xui inc work. I hope, .Mr. Kdilor, when you ndvoente trading with the local mcr- oiiant, you will also mivocnto tne homo merchant patronizing homo labor. Wu have just as skilled inecliatiirH in all lines ns can he found outside, mid if our merchants want our trade, they must give us theirs. tours truly, .MECHANIC Note. Mechanic is right, and no mistake. II tile merchant citizen don't patronize homo laborers, me- I'limiii'M unit nrnrpHKltiliM. hit en n liiml ly expect them to patronize him. He- lit ii e. proem iriiuo is necessary in nil ('(immunities, mid no putt of it should he exempt. The metehiiiil etui Ilnd skilled workmen to do any job hu may want done, mid rtlit here at home, mid he should, in all fairness, patronize liim. IMIIor Itoviow." About St. Johns. Hdilor Itoviow: Vou beam fow of the I'liroiiirs who never hnd liny money and mo too lazy to earn n Imp ..f iflii1i linn fnnptirtfl lliia nfflpp .1 (V fV.iinn mi filil frimiil rif nil (tin printers ot Urcgon, tlio unservcr puu- nsiiers iimonir ino numuor, is ni mu heiiil of the Review ns editor and mil) lishcr, and lie is putting out n paper I...1 -t I... I.!. .1.1.. ..! !((.... I,. llllll IJIH31 uu llllll Biliaia.wijt iw its constituency, it is an excellent Journal, both from the literary nnd mechanical point of view. bt. Johns tu n imitrittiF rim! ntnlllf lima (nU'tl 111 MJultnomnh county, near Portland, and in mo lieview, wiiii .nr. uroino at me head, it has seemed n capable ndvo rate. Tim Observer extends conirrnlu lations mid good wishes. Grants I 'ass Observer. A new paper, the St. Johns Review, is in (lie Held, vol. J, a. l, nt t. Johns, the hitstlini; suburb of I'ort- I I t. . I I.l.l ..! t hum!, ii snows rcmnrKnoio viifur nnu (he Held In riiiii lluil Is fertile nnd in need of what it has evidently mciired n live, hustlimr newspaper mnn who knows bow to publish n paper that will make ht. Johns known throituhoiit the state. J. C. (,'rome is editor mid publisher. I.oiil' life to the Kcvien. (.'nltflirc Orovo Lender. ht. .Johns, the nourishing unburn of 1'oitlnnd, down on the pcninstiln lias n new tinner, (lie ht. .loh.m lie. view, presided over by John C. L'rotnc, who has made himself known to every liriuter in the Northwest llmutli many years ronncction with the typo I'olinililiL' business. John Is a miller. mid we wish him abundant success. Corvnllis (Juliette. A hriuht little weekly ramo to liidit the other dnv n( Si. .Idlnm. mut will hereafter be known as (he Si. Jnlnm Review. The paper is edited and pub IMied by J. ('. ('mine, and will he IdVolod to the inli'icxlx of I In- iieiitn. siiln, the lumitil'acltiriiift renter of the llvliw, Mivinit "SI. Job..; Is hnvhiir a ""'"l tn"rn:lrln '!; r '' boom. Wail tiulil a vear from now wc iiPsrnw give evidence of. -Hood Iliver (Jlne-ler. The Review is the name of n weekly Q. Now about the prices of prop cr,y? . . it A l,in,,a nrn mnst reasonable. Uiisincss properly fiom .$10 to $50 per I fnnt. flood residence nroncrlv from 1 to $10 a front foot. ft Anv snlnonsr A. No, and not likely to have soon U. any Oilier lnuusiriui imuiuuo na 111 tfti trnl 7 ill iiyi?jtv A. Yp! Kovnrnl mills nnd factories. ... - 7 ' and a meat packing nousc. Q. To whom can I write for furth cr information? A Unnfilrtpt' Pnmtnnritnl Ancnrnn ill lulULi A V It J VVUlVy Willi w (Inn. nr (tin ndi(or of The Review will - ; - answer nil questions. fJHUROH NOTES. Snt-nnlti Tlnu A it vnnl ipl tilm Hi school nt 10 A. JL; regular scrvico nt 11 A. Si. every Sabbath. I'rayor meetlnir Wednesday cvcninir. h, D. Hurlbcrt, Kldcr. Jf. K. Church. Preaching 11 A. jr. nnd 7 1'. Jl.: Sundny school 10 A. Af. pln tneptlni? 12 M. I'rnvnr mcctiiiK Thursday evening 7:30 P. JL Lpworth league, u:.iu i'. .M. bunuay. junior icaguc i'. m. sunnay. Tim Vint ITniled I'vnnt.nltrnl church of St. Johns. Preaching every Sunday at 7:H0 P. Jf. nnd 11 A. JLt Sundny school nt 10 A, JL; Jr. K. h. u. K., nt 2:30 1 . Jl.; Sr. K. h. U. It., nt fi!.t.ri I. M.t I'rnvnr merline on Thursday nt 7:U0 P. JL, tho first half I . I. I ka o . inur spent in suujcctivo study ot tlio rr i I . i id l . t .'Best Buy in St. Joh Block adjoining Woolen Mills Six-Room house, good barn and fine well, owner P200 WOIU1 VI liuit Hum putc una ytar, Only $2,650 for the next Thirty (hjJ Lots 54x92, with alley, also fine river view, $250 to $275 each, $50 down and $25 a month North St. Johns Lots, 50x100, $25 down $i0 . per month W H. KINO I ST. JOHNS, Oregon at 1 MU ('. JI. All nro invited nm wclcomo lo nttend tho services nn imunced nbovc. K. K. JloVickor, pns tor. West JLJ Coast Laundry Now, Up-to-dnic, with nil tho lntcst nnd most modern improved Lnundry JInchincry FIRST OLASS WORK GUARANTEED Witt call for work and dellrer promptly Deed work curnltfil t prlcri rraiomtlr mil alUfaclory lieu- Teslnmenl. Inst half In devotion. 8 Oivo Us a Trial ...ST. JOHNS, OREG nl servieo. Song servico every l'Vidny acftc'SS X;C.0;0.: ... r.nii t ir tit 1 t il The Year's church watcli ntectititr on New eve at the KvniiKcllcnl will conimciice at 0 t. 111. and il will he dead." Such tot and nonsense only comes from blalher skiles. Think of the advantages (bis liiwn has over any other suburb, in any iliieelion It mi I'orthind. Wo havu the best haihor on the Wilhim- file river, ltok at the tin laeurers . . . " V "n- k mm that nr.. them today ami look nt ' r 'V, .'. "'I'1 f""1"1", n,,vwn" l"nimcntnl and vocal, liv local tal lol nil Mm liimiiiioM iilni-im nf Hi.. .!... 'I't... t .. I mints 111 timer mini 111111 inn vnenni , . . .. .. . iiniii ruff 111111 iik; iiiijnrrui viunes. a in- m; 11; I. in I 111; llllllli; 1 1 11 II I'ril I V I II I V 1 1 ..III iwilllllvlllv Hi If 't III. paper stinted Inst week in St. Johns Ditritio; the first hour there will lie 111. .1 P (V.,. ..I 11.1 ..II.. Il I.. .. In l.'l...n.. ......I .1 f I .v . v.ifmk; ... nun 111,11 Ii in II 111 IIIVI1IIJ ,1117111111 IIIHIVIVII 11 Hilll' luelvi! piiKe, four minimi pner, well iiif,'S. select readings and music, liolli .II.ll.l.l M...I ...... I. .t I Itu I . I I .1 . I ... cut. I he second hour will lie sncnt in n scH'inl manner that (lie residents . . - now, inn iiim lining up. Ion ran not ,. , ' , i ' T. " umi uic resiiiem: in all your travels Ilnd n low., s,. situ- ' Mnt,M 0,,t v, 'r. of St. John, may become Letter ac ii in . i ii.ii.ii i.ii t...,n.,. i. ... ..r u n "'11111111 i.Hiiu iii. ? f I ho river for miles, nil foiein ships pHMdmr IIh door, ami every known cnift that leaches I'nrlhind him to pasd Ht. Johns, liming such ml van liiKits, is not this the ideal place lor .vou Why should people Iniilil their homes in other directions from I'mt- iniiiif iniiiiiil. w lifin tliey have no USEFUL INFORMATION. I'ow Qucitlon Propounded and Answered. Watch Free AT Elliott's Pharmacy With the appearance of this notice the Free Watch offer Is im, nnu competitors must turn in tiieir ticKcts by i-ridny, Dec. 2J Elliott's Pharmacy iiiniiMi, Burin iuey nave mi inr inn itiinrinalioii or ninny dis- commence tne new year with new scenery or view, esiK-einlly when it nlll ri.MI,)rH of TJ0 ,(uvuvv w, pnqHises and under more lii'i'iunes Ih cklv sellleil. anil inilli Iiil'I . . . .. . ' . I ....,lii!,... f... il it...... ..r .1. . . lies rn IIS 01 LTII lit' rul lllllll v" nlll 1 1 IV viivu. ui inc IIvI.ik on the l.aukH of 1. river when, V "' 'y II... pa-sin.: slenmeit. , boats ,,. '' "H Mr"'1" I IIIIIIUIIIIII1 1 1 .1 ... ... W. I. T"n 11 in-ill in .Minimi Answer 111 .Multnomah iltiailltei With each other. Tim l.ict I ...ill I.- t.l .1 limn win nt- v.i.uMC(i wiiii devo tional nml rcliiMous services, a ser mon lieitur preached durinir the lllllll il. win. ...III. V..... "-- I 1 viiiiii 111111 nciv ii.n ni - . - - Krectintr. A hearty welcome is ex- littiliil tn fill Pimm nml .iii!i ilmlX ..... vv.i.w iiiiii viiji 1111; 1 last nonrs ot iyo.j together ami tract our attention, especially iluiimr I In. winter month, mid it does not Ii me luonolonoiiK as il does living tti In in I. Another ndviii.tapi living nt St, Johns, Ii 11 1 nl ct t h of H'ople lire woikiiiK' nt I'oitlnml that lint here, the Mime dlnliiiiro uwny as Mople who live 111 stiliurlis inland Iroiu roithitid, t Iinl wink theie. WIIH:,WAKi:i. .Mr. I'.tlitor: We were dad lo note the marked improvement in our little city. List Sunday Hie litiNini'ss k'iiip; closed, there seemed to he that quiet, peaceful air pre vailhiK which was mi lidittiiiK for the dav. Auv one eomini' inin St Johns last Sunday could not help (Tmiti I v. ()ieon, seven miles north of Port land. 0. Is it an incoiiNirnted riivt A. It Is. uild hits 11 eovernnipiit nf t.. ' " is own. O Am Inv.iu I.I..I.I -I. ...a. n llllll , I.1IIIIV.IV1II V. I III I V. 1 1 llllll lllvll A. No, (ho hint levy whs only two annual church election of officers for HJ05 on Wednesdav. This . What is the MipiilntloiiT church is dilTerent than anv other A M.... iiiuiii .1 . . ...-,,, . , in us lorm 01 novermnent. While v. is it mi nm ocean 7 u is Melhodistic in doctrine it is ' lorateil betwen the ( oiiKrei'ational in its -oveniment. Uev. II. A. Deck, of Corvallis, will preach the sermon at the watch .. 1. .. ... ..1 lv.i i . . I HiiiiHK 111 1 1 i. 111, .Mi.ii ji, muijit.1 .Sunday morning, "The Ilroken Vow": evening, "What I Have I-ailed lo Do in iyo.j that I May Accompiisn 111 1905. The ISvntiKelienl church held their X W. II. KINO, Prcildcut. Al. I.. IIOI.IlkOOK, VIcc-l'rcihlMl ST. JOHNS ABSTRACT & TRUST C0MPAN1 Abstractsj;of.TMe carefully nnd accurnlcly prcpar Charges Reasonable. Office. King's Building, Jersey St., St. Johi ,,W4 (.oliiinbia nnd Willnmetto rivers. All vessel enleriiiK' rorllmid liaibor 111 imt pan St. .lonh docks. Q. Am tho river imvlirnhlnt A. .Most cciliiinlv thev SOCIETY NOTICES. Vl'ICKI 1 VIIIIIIIIIDII 1 i clerk, Wosloy Penny. at Ht. C. R. Jo!m Cnnm No. 77J. V. 0. "W iKieis evrrv weunii-mv ivpiiIiv ...... ..i.ii, in., nviiii . . ii..,. ...1.. 1.. .1 . 1 ... - r iKiinn impressed with the nrcvailiiiu rn .. .' "i V"n . ,,re; rnun s o'clock p. a., HIckiicrM hnll, condition, and I am sure our Inisl. 1 1. .1 . . - ' ,are.t John, annul .omumi.der, U. ms nun could not ..... ,u,,,i ,,v" '" 'r tt.o CiniU; lovhiL' the lilionv nm fr . " """ ,,M,,," 'Br n:oc S'.li'n,,1!,',1' nir'M 's'Ml'm1a,ul Q'-Aro thoro nny rnilrondsT . . uj opened heir hus.nes Mon; A.- Yes; the 0, t. & X., pni t of day did so with new v.Kor and land, mid . O. It, & N., , , Miiurw-, more than they haw es.eri- II,.. Kouthen, Pneillo te. ... tr ivers " lllll'l'll 111 IIIMlll, n .In., All I....M .1... .1.. ... . . . .. ' I ""Ul" mil. on 11,111 nil-111111 water imm t.n-k !.,. 1 ...n.. 1 l.i. . 1. , . " 1 mi? Miruii'rn I'ti.iin.i ic ,,. . ----....-...,, ....n.,, ACIMZKN. side if tlio Willnmetto iiiuiii in iii.ii 1 - ,1 ;t new order of things. side wo luivo nn oxrelloiil elrctrio line nnu niio mn rnto tu any part of Port luud.for 11 livi'-eeiit fnre. Q. What Hue of business nro llierof A, Seo tho ndvcrtikini; column of Cedar Cami) N'n. .Till, hor nf Ainorit-n, meet every Thursdiiy eveiiinjf. .itr. r.iniiin (i.iluin, urncle; .ui. 1.. . Churchill, recorder. rnini nf'ill.i 7c i it'iiii iiinen, llllll 1 , , " miv iiiv, i.t in on thu ooiHiiiito I viMiiii); ins sister, .Mrs. Tower, at netto river, U. I ntversity. Mr. Cone is on the 11 iir.i.-.mi : I z e .1. HENRY C. SCHROEDE DKAI.KH IN rnniTTmttnn ilLDDINO, OAUPETB, MATTINO, LAC UUKTAIN8, P0RTIERS, WINDOW SHADES, STOVES, TIN AND GRANITE WARE Plcturt rrimloi and ruroltun Ripalrlnj A(ot QUICK WEAL StMl Rnju Aa Others Soe Ua. Tho brethren nf tlio pencil mid MtisHir Imvo Kiid some rather inm plimelaiy limits about Tho Itoviow, nmuiitf nl.iel. mo tho following: ollllllO 1, N'o. 1. (if till! Si .liilmu lllitu Itoviow, published in Portland ' lliriv- (J.-l liiuiuen overdonof ir iiiiiiiiiiiiviiiiiuK Mini. 10, nn lencli d our Initio. It i neat well edited, liaudMiiiioIy tuimj.'inplied, and ovidont ly liberally patronized. Wo don't know whether it "illl a long feh want," hut Iioihi it will i.nil.nii.l. ili liiinmo of our old t'liend: nod II1U present trial Slates court. jury of the United UNDGRTAKEK OjoJi d1UrrJ Ut ot clurir lift bjrouJ ririimool Junt.lon. Oooil rirnU.J o U ii rfprritoKJ. AND I-UNERAL DIRE0TOR W will rtwlt i.rtil tr (r lo purcbiun tUll 24210 and 218 RUSSELL STREET Station B i T. PARKER 00000000400oooo000 more A. No: thero i liuim f,ir biilistanl al Inisinosn limn.. Q. What SlIIUHirl the townt "''l'0 l,,rKo mill and faotorie. I niero niv iiuvo sawiuilU, 0110 veneer inctory, 0110 wx mid banket factory. ...... . 1.1. 1: . . . ST. JOHNS Attornev-nt-Law Notary Publics OREGON L. C. SLATER 1 FRANK H. IRELAND PIEDMONT JUNCTION Lunch Room, Confectionery, Ci k'ars. Ieo Cream. Kl.. rhoo Union SHOEMAKER nnnios i .,t , old friends mid thU two shipbuildin,; vanl one Iniw Urv i - .Atist. The inilii.l number of tho St. John Itoviow, a livo newsy weekly publiea lion, devoted to tho and limn ufuDturin intorosit of St. Johns, Multnomah county, bus heeit received. J. C Croiuo is the editor and pub. IJkIjou Oivkoii City KiiteiprUiv Tho St, John Itoviow is (lie title of n now weekly paper, tho ecoud num. 0110 Hour mill, ono wool 11 mill .iiitl bovernl other smaller factories. What i tho nav ndlf A. About f.'O.OOO iwr month. Q.--llov about school nii.l ..imp..., privilege f A. Duo Imvo sehool limw. ni, second ono contemplated) and three Tho univcitiity i nbont a milo from St. John. cord's real cstnto oftlce. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done, I tou ran tlwiri d.Dn,l it. .v.i.... . ,UUIf. TRESH MEATS 1 . .... 1 uromni iu.i. 1 . . , ,u. u, IIIIUII loitniclor of InitrumrnU) Mutle. ,a rr.ciicai in.tniftlan. n VWin. l'Uiw, K,ti Q,ta, 0ulUr ,n4 k4Bj ..irunifnu. Trm r rnb llrin. nut iii rrctlT frfut atUnlion. Call or nwii tt Kllou Uu Stort. SMITH & DONNELLY St. Johns Market J"I7 S.HU ST. JOllVS niirnnu DR. E, W. ROSSITI PHYSICIAN AND SUKQ OMf hOUrit 9 In 9 t .n Ilf.ldfnci) I'hon. Rrnll tnai OStt Thou Union 03. omcrrhonVun'iorioa.0 C C. TAGGART, M. Beildancil 81. JohiuHlt OtilCtl St Jntin. A.. Omtt Hours 1 U to 13 A. II. I to 1 1 1 m v i . ai. Dr MARY MacLACHU Office houra. a In t. m Ke.lJcncc Phone Kraii (ui ' Office rbone Union 6494. OiHcu Upilalri, mil KUJolf Vnt i