in Devoted to the Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Centre of the Northwest. VOL. I. ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1904. NO. 3 ST. JOHNS REVIEW NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS Various Topics of Local and and Tersely Treated. rimely Matters Dealt With and tions on Local Affairs. it u futimntcd tiicrc will be I over two million people attend the 1 . ! mid Clark fair next vcar. and that the visitors will spend while llicre upwards of twelve numon Uol- Ilnrs. What is bt. Johns, the lowcii . ( lm West, frointr to do about a I little exploitation to get its share Icif this vast sum r 1 ne commercial Awociat on should take the matter I, it. rind tn.ikc a start. It is hitth Itmic that plans' should be developed and details arranged. 111c oppor- Ituiiitics wliicn will present tncm w lvrs will be manv. and St. Johns lean be made to reap largely and richly, but wc must get a .move on at once. One bv one new industrial en Itcrpriscs arc being added to St. I Johns. This week it is definitely announced that a brass foundry cm nlovinir some thirty skilled men has bought property and will at once commence the erection of shops. Several other mid equally import ant schemes arc on foot, having for I their object the location and crcc tion of shops, etc. The fact be Iconics more apparent each week Ithat the advantages offered for In- ii ... 1 .... 1 t.:.. mistrial enterprises nciu .111; utmji taken up by men who tnc future importance 01 inns district, rite reasons for this condition arc kibvious. There is no longer op- kiortunity to secure desirable sites In Portland at any figure witliin reasonable bounds, while property licrc can lc purchased at reasonable tares, with every whit as good fa cilities as anywhere in the West. In ten years from this time, wc feci !afe in" predicting, desirable loca tions will be just as hard to find lis they are today in Portland. The alley question is receiving a 'ood deal of attention and nearly eiii 1 lie mailing mat nas iiccu nunc .1 I I I recently has provided for these nec essary thorough fares. Alleys are not only of great utility in a com mercial and domestic way, but arc licneficial from a sanitary point ot lew. i-et tuc a 1 icy sentiment row. building and loan association is 11c of the great needs of St. Johns. Such an organization properly con ducted would be of great benefit to the wage-earner in securing n home n terms that would not embarrass Mm, the payments being small I weekly sums. Can't some of our I enterprising nieu tawe now ot tins matter anil push it to a successful issue, It will not only help the pea- I pie, but benefit the city generally. It does seem stranpii the ("knocker" Is snmi't!mr; found among that class of ople who live in a town where they depend upon the prosperity of the place for their living. However strange it may appear, though, it is true. St. .Johns hasn't got many of this species, yet occasionally one bobs up and uses his "hammer" with a vim worthy of a better cause. Of all neonle who should rise nlwwp such methods, the business man tjit to be the first, and whenever hear one "knocking" the town, 1 can jot it down as a fact that I s here not nermanentlv. but onlv J such time as he can turn to f, -d account the opportunities of f til in his particular line. Such r .1 are a detriment to any com r nity and are a burden the sooner u xuled the better. A man can't d ery much "knocking" before his ic 'Uity is marked, and the wide a akc citizen will drop him like a not potato. If a resident can't find General Interest Briefly Interspersed with Timely Sugcs I anything good to say for his town, l... ! .1..... ... i.t- ..!t.l ne owes 11 us u uiuy iu, ma nciguuur to say nothing. If 111 business, he is tinder still further obligations to the people who supiort him with their patronage to keep his ham nicr" locked up. St. Johns and the entire penin stila has a future before it seldom found, if ever. What wc want is a good, enterprising class of business men, men who believe m the (lis trict, not only temporarily, but men who will identify themselves with its interests. These arc the kind of people who will give confidence and encouragement to other people. Wc know of one instance where a stranger came to St. Johns with the fixed purpose of investing 111 property for a home. In convcrsa tion with a "knocker" he was plainly and without miatlfication ad vised not to invest, but wait a few years and property could be bought cheaper. The man, fortunately for himself, later fell in with a man who had invested and was invest ing more, and was given sound and reasonable advice. lie bought property here, and will locate. The "knocker" hasn't got enough in vested here to buy a town lot at the root of Mt. Hood, hut he had breath and tongue just the same as an en tcrprisiug citizen. This talk about prices for real estate being too high in St. Johns is the veriest rot. It is not true, and the facts prove that it is not true. Where else on the coast can you go into n town not one-tenth so favorably located and buy a fine corner lot, one block from the street car line, surrounded by comfortable hrtines, for S150? You can t do it, and yon know it, if you give anv thought whatever to conditions as they exist. Talk is cheap ; in fnct, mechanism has produced speech, but mechanism never produced brains, and it never will. The street corners and other rendezvous of the jaw-worker is prolific with gab, but wc can't say so much for brains. And now it's the bridge swindle in Portland. What next? It only requires that you find some public work done or being done in "the city of roses," prolns it a little, and if you don t find an odor of "grafting," thieving, etc., it is only because you don't probe deep enough. Sfany of the taxpayers of Portland thought that when the "executive board" took charge tilings would go along all right. They did, too, until the reform mania struck the town, and now it looks as though the whole city out fit is painted with the same color, boiled in. (Tie same pot, just like the average restaurant meal. One of the "cafes'' of Portland has introduced the "Tanner creek cocktail." It may prove a good ad vertisement, but the name is rather nauseating to the taste of honest people, Tt may not le generally known, yet it is true, that when Mayor Will iams selected experts to examine the Tanner creek sewer, he came to St. Johns for one member of Ids commission and selected Captain W. W. Goodrich as one of the ex torts. He made a valuable mem ber, too, and received high commen dation for the excellent work per formed. This is a proud distinction for our city, and a high personal compliment to the attainments of Captain Goodrich, one of our most distinguished citizens. The Oregon legislature meets one week from next -Monday. The dominant party hast such an over whelming majority In both houses that a big family row is expected over the division of the spoils. As usual, however, Portland will be on top, and may be expected to have tilings pretty much us own way. Senator Mitchell and Congress man Herrmann have agreed to ap pear before the United States grand jury at Portland and tell all they know about the landfrauds. Herr mann, from his somewhat question able leave-taking of the land office, if he will tell all he knows, is liable In throw some limit. on the subicct which may prove valuable in hclp 1 1 1 t.! ..V. :.. it. l.lllll Mil 1 11: iiik una in inu tcntiary. You know" politics now adavs makes some very stramrc bed fellows', and the dottfchty congress man is a politician bf the profes sional variety. Wc arc not inclined to believe cither of the members of the national branches of the govern ment will say much that will make it very embarrassing for their "heelers." The less sajd is the easiest mended, and if me government keeps on its crusade the number : . .1 ... . sent to 1 11c penitentiary tor roniiiiig the people might go loo far to deci mate the "good workers" at elec tion time. Ilhiford D. Siglcr, a Portland councilman and assessor-elect of Multnomah county, was indicted by .1 1 1 1 1. uie granu jury, nrrcsicu, .11111 is uuw at lartrc under a ball lxnd. The chamc is extorting npnev from a IVirtt.iiwi rnntrnelnrJ Thi Ore- troniau explains thntf.'cycn though the county assc'ssor should be sent to the penitentiary for a term, if he gets out in time he can go ahead with his duties of office. Strange as it may seem, the Orcgonian is authority for the statement, and it may be correct. A pretty mess those Portland officeholders arc making for the people. The taxpayers of our southern nemhbors will foot an interest bill within the next few days of somc- Ihing like $105,000. A pretty snug sum for "the city of roses, and entirely too much for the body of "grafters" to have the handling of. The Story of a Wonderful Town. The Review has been favored with an advance copy of a booklet bearing the above title. It is pro fusely illustrated with scenes in and around St. Johns, while the water front and manufacturing establish ments arc given prominence. The text contains an c1nlorate descrip tion of the city, its industrial, man ufacturing and other interests, and s altogether one of the most inter esting .and valuable looklets of its kind we have ever seen. From an artistic standpoint, it is most credi table to both compiler and printer. To Harry L. Powers, one of the staunches! and best friends this city ever had, is largely due the publica tion, and he has certainly earned the good will and commendation of every citizen. Copies of the booklet will be mailed free to any address in this mmediatc neichlwrhood, or may be obtained by calling at the office of Hartman. Ihompson & rowers in St. Johns. It will be ready for mailing, and those contributing to the work may obtain their share of copies Saturday. The street railway company is extending its tracks east along Kilhncrsworth avenue from rieu- mont Junction to Union avenue, with the view, it is said, or tunning the St. Tohns cars through to Port- and. This route is taken because of the llurnside street bridge being ess used for team traffic than the steel bridge, and better adapted for running the large cars. If this is the intention, and is carried out, it will prove a great convenience to the peninsula public, but it is only rumor. HOW SHALL Everybody Favors Some 1905 The Different Views of Some of Our Prominent Citizens ns to Methods. The question of advertising St. Johns and the peninsula district at and during the Lewis and Clark fair next year, is receiving some at tention. The question as to the best method is being discussed. That something should be done is the opinion of every one with whom The Review has talked. A number of prominent citizens have ex pressed themselves, and wc give be low some of the various ideas in regard to the matter : W. H, King, president of the Com mercial Association, says: "I nm In fnvor of advertising our resources nnd attracting t lie attention of visitors tills way. I think the proper way would be to maintain n booth on the Fair grounds, in charge of n competent per son, Mid prepare descriptive and Illus trated literature, maps, etc., setting forth the natural advantages, and sup ply copies of same to every inquirer. I nm most decidedly iu favor of the scheme, and wilt support nuy reason able plan." Henry Hlckncr nays; "lly all means let the people of St. Johns do sonic thliiR to bring our advantages before the thousands of eastern people who visit the Fair. I think wc should have n booth and keep it supplied with printed matter setting forth the facts In rcitnrd to this district. Much koI would result from inch a scheme." Shcpard tt Tufts say: "Fix up a booth on the Fair urounds to distrib ute a booklet' and other literature. Have a raised map sIiowIuk the nar row strip of ground on the peninsula and the high raagc of hills on the west side of the river, to bring out the fact that the City of Portland must build down on the peninsula; also showing our fine water front 011 the Willamette nnd also 011 the Co lumbia Slough, showing the ndvan Inge of being below the drawbridges, giving to the manufacturer the best shipping facilities that can be ob tained. Wc believe that this would do a vast amount of good for St. Johns." W. A. Kdgcrton: "Certainly. If wc want our city to attain the prominence it deserves, wc must not 'hide our light under a bushel,' but adopt some plan to bring before the Fair visitors the vatt resources 01 111c peninsula and St. Johns. The Fair will present an excellent opportunity, and we should avail ourselves 01 It. I.. II. Chinman says; "The onnor tuities for advertising the district, which the l'air will offer, should not be lost sight of for a moment. 1 favor the maintenance of a booth on the grounds in charge of a capable person; keep on hand fresh and up-to-date literature, and supply all visitors with facts regarding the city. I think if we could secure special Illustrated editions of our local paper from time . .J ...! ti I .11. ..II. in nine miring 111c rnir, nun umriu uie them. It would be better than to depend entirely on booklets and cir culars. I am in favor of doing the most effective thing possible." O. L, Chapel says: "My idea of advertising St. Johns at the 1003 Fair is to place the location and facts be fore the people in such a way as to cave no doubt as to our superiority over all other Northwestern manufac turing cities. First, I would propose a large relief may to occupy about 12x25 feet Poor space, winch would show the elevation and general to pography of the peninsula from the steel bridge to the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette Rivers, thereby proving wc have sufficient water front to support a population on the lower peninsula of 100.000 peo ple. Up to the present, the Columbia Slough has practically been lost sight of, but right there wc have four miles of fine water front. On this map should be located all our industries, principal streets, buildings, car lines, railroads, etc. It would also be neces sary to have a man well posted to give information and distribute literature. A boat should be and of course will be operated between St. Johns and Portland, so visitors may come by boat and return by rail, and if we give them the elad hand the population of St. Johns will double in 1005." Dr. W. W. Hicks says: "I think cards or circulars with full informa tion concerning St, Johns, to be dis tributed under the auspices of the Commercial Association, by persons whom that body may designate, would meet the desired end. I also think that special editions of our home paper WE ADVERTISE? Form of Publicity at the Fair. containing information about St. Johns might be used to great advantage in this connection." Ci. H. Carlson saM "I think the resources of St. Johns should be set forth in proper manner at and dur- 1 ing the Fair, and steps to that cud should commence i: once, and the thing to be done right." Councilman Mouohau says: "What Is the best way to ndvertise St. Johns? I believe thnt the Review and the Commercial Club arc the best me diums to advertise St. Johns. The Review, because it gives the reader a chance to sec what is being done in and around our citv each week; the Commercial Club, for the reason that it is composed of the business men of the town who arc awake to the fact that wc have one of the best locations on the Pacific Coast for anyone to Invest in. Then the De velopment League is still another great advertising medium, one we don't want to overlook. Then I would suggest that diving the coming Fair wc devise some means whereby we can attract the attention of some of the great multitude of people who will llock to the Fair from the cast and show them what wc believe to be one of the moVt beautiful towns on the Pacific coast to locate In from a sanitary as well as a commercial point of view." Mayor Charles A. Cook: "There arc many ways pf accomplishing the desired object, Ipit on the spur of the moment It is hard to say what scheme or method Is the best. One is pub licity through the medium of a news paper. The St. Johns Review, dis tributed among the visitors on the Fair grounds and nt the hotels, con stantly mid continually would serve an excellent purpose. Especially would ' this be the case if issued daily iu a bright nnd attractive form, and set ting forth the advantages of our city in n pleasing manner. Of course there nrc many other methods of pub licity, but the newspaper scheme, it seems to me, at first glance to be the most feasible and satisfactory; nnd while it could be supplemented by other means, I think it should not be left out iu any scheme that may be adopted." J. C. Scott, superintendent of the water works, says: "Of course. St. Johns mutt take sonic steps to ndver- use nt tne i-air grounds. I believe a large relief map, showing the to nography of the peninsula, and -special editions of our home paper dis tributed, together with other descrip tive and statistical matter. To main tain a booth and n competent attend ant might entail too much expense, but by all means let us do something." Van Houtcn tic Rogers; "We be- llcvc n good way to advertise St. Johns at the coming Fair would be to have n man constantly on the ground to distribute attractive print ed advertising matter, setting forth the many advantages of our city. A map similar to one issued by the O. R. eV N, Co. showing St. Johns' gco graphical position and advantages rcl alive to the two rivers, its harbor and wharf facilities ahd inducements to mauufacluriiu plants, should form the basis of such advertising matter." J. Henry Smith; "The best way to advertise St. Johns during the 1003 Fair is for everyone to throw onen their houses to the visitors not free of course, but at a cheap rental for rooms, tnem come here nnd breath the pure Columbia breezes and see our fruit, our magnificent cherries. Nothing convinces people Ukt per sonal contact. I intend to throw open my home and to give my auests free access to the fine cherry orchard on me piacc. some 01 my trees yield a ton of cherries apiece. F-astern pco pic would not believe that unless they saw it with their own eyes, And then they will tell others and bring them down here to prove their statements And those in town will tell still otlt ers, and St. Johns will get advertis ing that will bring in substantial re turns, .Of course printed matter Is a good medium of advertising and should be used alto; but the scheme I speak of should be the main one." Mrs. Williamson, of Similiter. Or., is visitine Mr. and Mrs. Rog ers, on the Boulevard. Mrs. Will iamson is interested in some valu able mining property at Sumpter. She cxnects to reside in St. Trdim if she can purchase desirable prop erty. I 5 1 1 tt HI warn BSSSSSStBffte! mm